Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 29, 1925, p. 2

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i v ghjg ikrtnn jfcgg ferri thursdajv july 30 1926 sing a song of milkpailg sing a song of milkpalls shining in the nun sing aaong of tinkling bolls when the day is done tinltlo tinkle- all along down tho grassy lane cropping hero and browsing there bossy boll and jano limpid oych of soft volvotbrawn horns of ivory light tassolod talis and glossy flanks muzzles soft and whito soo tholr wideeyed elmplb gaze tasto tholr breath and know all tho livelong day theyve fed where the grasses grow sing a song of clover jpinktts- any rose j bessoy bell and jenny know where- lj sweetest shows como along then nioolcows rvhcro aro dick and ned waiting with your newmown hay in tho mllklmjshcd nora archibald smith tfr mmmmmt in vw ph0 8ifavt tunj the water tank by willum henvhy woods tp the other fellow ell is it all right now the manager mr bonson asked as the plumber with his it- tie bundle of tools stood in tho office door yes bir was tho plumbers reply you wont have any more trouble with that leak sir i turned tho water too sir before i came down ah did you just make out your bill then and tho cashier will give you your money goodbyo mr bowes mr benson hdded putting r when andrew baker died he left to his daughter sarah a few hundred dollars and a parting charge lifes u battle sarah it hog boon for mo and its going to bo for you but youve got to stand fast yquvo -gottoxor- youtwnbttkban4for ihj sake of tho other follow and after a moment ho added remomber tho other fellow they wcro his laat words sarah alone in tho world found her fathers statement which was alsqa prophecy true life was a battlo sho had none of tho great gifts humor imagination tho genius for humanity which make it a joy the other girls in the shop where she was employed after a few overatiires left her alohd she was no fun they said so fpr years sarah plodded on doing her work honestly and faithfully living her dull monotonous serious life sometimes some of the other girls troubled her there was pretty gay i llttlo olssio husted for instance no working girls can jive very long in her world without knowing thetrago- dles that lurk about it one day sarah spoke awkwardly to cissle i wish you wouldnt sho said wouldnt what asked oisale wouldnt let men like that give you presents m cisslo laughed and tossed her head sarah did not laugh i sarah baker clssio exclaimed dont seo how you live without any fun theres things bettor than fun sarah said id like to know what doing whats right sarah replied sturdily you can lot other things igobut youve got to stick to that oh if youre going to preach ciaslo retorted sarah went homo heavy jicuf ted sho wondered after all if it was worth while tho other girls who were not i particular seemed to have all tho good times then the memory of her dead fathers words camo back to her and she set her lips resolutely sho had got to stand fast it was not for tho soldier to question tho command hq had only to be faithfulin his place sllohqd clpfl whftt h fnthfrnnjnlnna her to do sho had remembered the other fellow as time passed there were changes in tho store some of tho girls clssio husted among them left and new ones took their places but sarah went her solitary way among thorn notof them then ono night threo years after her talk with cissle sho had a callei cissle herself sho was prettier than ever but different sarah felt it al though sho could not tell what- tho dif ference was cissle asked her about the store and the girls tind then blushing told her news im married sarah its ben daloy hes all right youd say so if you knew him and i wanted to tell you that i owe it all to you what you said i made me mad but when i thought of all you gave up to dp what you thought was right somehow i couldnt hold out i left tho store and feot away from tho other there i must run now but i had to come and tell you tho door closed and sho was gone butjjarahsat inthe btillnebsofaffrilt -vjby- at last she understood her legacy til soo you tomorrow but i can hardly shuko hands with you then i suppose i vi wish you a happy trip sir said the cashier and so does every otljer man in the house goodbye sir good bye ao rt ht if thn y mnn in to wn tho -grfiy-httfred- cashier continued its his employer loft tho office who would have come down here this morning looking round after everything just as if nothing was going to happen to him whats goln to happen to him7 asked the plumber looking up from his writing t hes going to bo married tomorrow morrluiff at ten oclock was tho re ply so now tes- sir and if ho had tlmo hed como down again tomorrow six- fifty is it mr benson was at that vory moment unconsciously j lis tidying his employees i account of his business habits he wjqlked down the hall toward tho oleva- tor but instead of ringing the bell after a moments hesitation ho turned into a door bpenlng into a narrow stairway that led to the roof tho big water tank that stood on its iron stilts on the roof has just been repaired and he wanted to take a look at it before ho started away on his three wooks va cation with his usual carefulness ho closed the trapdoor behind him as ho camo out on the roof and walking over to the ladder climbed to tho top of tho tnnlt tho plumber must have turned on the water some time before ho loft tho jog as there was now at lcast a foot of wafer jn tho tank as mr benson stood on tho top of the ladder a sudden puff of wind took off his hat and as ho clutched at it the ladder slipped backwards in spite of his frantic efforts to save himself he pitched forward into tho tank with a migrtity splash fortunately ho fell with arms and legs outspread and this together with tho water on the bottom broke his fall but it was a sorely bruised and shaken man who presenxljr stood up dripping and lifted his voice shouted for help hla voico rang echoing about the b tank w a that tho wall throw ij upward with all hih might only to hear it spat on th roof near the tank ho had tried to throw it sons to fall into the street bolow he searched his pockets for some thing olso to throw money he had in plenty but all in bills ho took out his watch and weighed it in his hand and- looked up at the rim of tho tank above him even as ho did so ho thought of his shoo took it off- put another bit of paper imiido frlohund into the cashiers windowl again threw with air his force the little patriot wellnigh deafened him but ho knew before he opened his lips that his shouts were useless the tank was tho- roof of one of the highest of tho new buildings in baltimore and a building that stood in the very mid dle of the citys noise nevertheless ho shouted until his throat grew raw and his voice grown weak and then when he could shout no more he be gan to examine the walls of his prison thoy had been made of broad staves of seasoned oak two inches thick set so as to slope inward toward the top arid were now covered iwlth a thick coat of slime ho took outhls pen knife and began to carve away at the thick boards but he had hardly cut through thojrijraobxoro a new thought stayed his hand and set him to shout ing once more the water was rising in thetank slowly indeed but surely he had nover swam a stroko in his life and long before ho could make im pression on tho6 stout boards he wouhd bo drowned like a rat in trap again to hear it drop on tho roof noarj by in tho dusk that afternoon as the shadows were deepening in tho narrow street two chinamen stood talking at the corner of tho narrow alloy in the rear of tho continental building when th e fcsitwioni t htaffvriitotilaalilu uwn- ward pas tthom u nd f al 1 intoa era te of straw ono of the chinamen stopped acrons and picked up tho bundlo something wrapped in a piece of damp linen i tho lower part of a shirt slcovo us afterward appeared the man oponod the bundle and stood staring at what he saw until ho folt a handonhls shoulder and looked up into the fdeo of a policeman at that ho dropped tho pleco of linon thrust his hands into his blouse and began to jabor enestly but all in vain no use john ill havo to run ye both in bald thtttjfncer people dont find purty things liko that in the street that night mr bensons mother was called from tho suppertable and was shown her sons gold watch and an hour later some of the keenest officers of tho pollco force were in eager search i for the missing man and two frighten ed chinamen were locked fn jail nigh j came down over the town and the electriclights began i to flash tholr bluo blades deop into the night but for tho man on tho housetop there was no light in tho dim circle over head until a single star climbed high into the sky and looked down on him in the darkness that was fast growing into despair- the man found little comfort as ho watched tho star- ho thought it seem- j ed to linger across the circle as if loath to leave hlnrrbut- at last it slip ped across the rim und its going was to benson liko the setting of his lust hope benson now began to feci acutely the bruises ho had got in hib fall and to provont thorn jfrom stiffening kept moving round tho tank stopping now and again to rest and sometimes nod dling a little in his weariness once at such a tlmo his foot slipped and ho fell on his face in the water and when ho got up and looked again need and vauie of a vacation take a rest and enjoy the zone of green fields woodland paths and lake pleasures kov d itogors of st thiminh haul contributed tho following interesting reaumo of tho need and valuo o a va cation it is now tho soason whon many people think of vacation 3yeu that have porod for months over ledgers mid manuscripts need to bo stretched across mountain valleys ocean wastes or wavlag holds of grain- lungs wear ied of the moll and dust of town or city will bo renewed invuhd zone of green fields or woodland paths that is a significant fablo of tho ancients concerning tho dcmlged who in battle got all his falling strength back when thrown to the earth sho was his mother a mothers touch has a virtue not found elsewhere and earth mi- i turo jtto all of us if wo will allow it a physician for our sickness and our wounds a man said ho was looking for a place to spend the summer where ho wouldnt have to spond anything else so undoubtedly the expense is u consideration wltlv many if we and ono ho circumstanced that he can not join the procession of suitcases td2ba jlltxjijrcsh h 1 3 rogrcon a tone as aa as nigh of slxtythroo years ago has inoreasod to five dwellings of my own kindred my bonsti not that i deduce my birth i from loins enthroned- and- ruler of tho eurth hut higher- far my proud preten sions rise the son of parents parsed into tho skies str thomas july 7 1925 twilight of tho wind along a lonoly road thgs who are- going havo been thinking of the sum total of thoii saving account will it hold out oct ono has put it thus a little bank roll ere we part- let mo hug you to my heart am the year ive clung to you ive been faithful jfouvo been true little bank roll on a day you and- i will start away to a gay and festive spot ill como back but you will not but passing from this womay well consider the wisdom of seeking to re- move tho monotony of life put rtjvav our- burdens for a while and flnu re- nowed health and strength in wise re laxation there are many men of bust- j ness who spend so ttpany hours in un i office whoro tho surfrnever shines that themselves forget now to shine tho objects therein arc printed on their minds like a hideous riightmoro and ledgers chairs and desks know tholr thoughts better than anything else on earth this too isfthestatobf very many excellent women whoso mother hood commands so much of their at tention that they forget how- thoir hfo onco did und might again proyo warmth and benediction to everything thoy touch if possible then jet us go vhcre breezes murmur and brooks gurgle and waves dash and birds sing and listen to tho great anthem of fne worlds un written music and bathe in undiluted and undeflled sunshine the question of grading with reforencb to the setting up of a uniform standard of grading dairy products for the dominion a question which hiih agitated the mlndfi of mom bpih of the house of commons it must bo remembered that a uniform system of grading- has been in forco where- ovoi tho grading is done provinclally it is only recently that grading huu been tlono federally then in regard to a system of grad ing dairy products for homo consump tion as woll as for export wo ilrid that the public havo ubout-all- tho grading thoy care to stand for now these reforms havo to bo carried out raoro or less gradually wo havo adopted an entirely now idea in the matter of grading of cliccso and butter for ex port completely reversing the practico that had previously provuiled for thirty years thus tho department has done fairly well in oven udoptlng a grading system for export alpne isliyys- bas goneupjihft x of a taste acquired by th pub- a wee shanty batiks in the netting sun in a rough little field from tho foredt won and pumplcliih ifo thick with the trail ing vino as wo sat in the dunk of dear lang syne and tho night iilmdett deepen and ull is still save woods that reecho the whip- poorwill or tho lonely owl that dorimugll keei away in the swamp mong the cedars deep thomas laldlaw 3 a bargain tho railway coiiduclot huhkikiii1 hhi work of taking tip the tlcketn u- pumrlly n the tviiin plungod intu blacknvhs of a long tunnel when it finally ennmgfil lin found hlinmslf- opposite a young cuupje both hoomhig- ly much fiiiktercil and the young wo man nervously reitdjuhllng her hair thinking to put them- at their earn tho conductor ivrnmicod plounaiitly dm yoii know that tunnol wo jus came through voht twelvn million dol lars f did it replied tho girl then sho lulricfl uf tor a paiihi iwoll it wih worth it mimwfty7 kills maamaotm nib latd uluuo uce and vermin fa- when giuseppe rossi came from his home in italy he and his father and mother went to live in a part of now york- called the street of all nations people who live there come from every part of tho world washingtons blrth- day means nothing to most of them butjgluseppq poes toschppj jtjll dffferent with him thfrwmanwhocleansthohalialtrj the house where giuseppe lives is a i german sh was using a wornout tattered flag on washingtons birth day- to clean and dust with as she rubbed the doorknob vigorously tho stars und stripes waved grotesquely across the dirty front of the house but suddenly she was violently attack- ed by the small italian boy who begun beating her about the body with his strong little fists then he lowered his head and running at her like agoat ho butted her off the sidewalk the commotion caused by the flgjht at last attracted a policeman into whoso custody- tho indignant woman gavo tho bay who was too angry to speak coherently or tefl his reason for the attack ayheji arxalffncdbeforoaniagitrate the boy explained pointing to the wo man who appeared against him ho said she clcanu wld de flag she wipe do mud a wld it da flag what oyer day in schbola we mnka him so and giuseppe reverently raised his hand in salute thoughts for others youth p lands toctay foctiig what looks like tho grandest era in human history it is the greatest tlmo the world has over known to mnkoan in- veatmont ooiuman life in the interest of home farreaching enterprise for human bet torment the world is call ing for tho young manhood and wo manhood of the ago to throw them selves into the listft in favor of certain great crusaders that just now scorn to be waking into life it would bo it fitting time for some youth with the stewardship of million to translate his millions into spiritual and morn value it would bo a great timo for some youth- to dedicate himself to tho field of scientific reseachwfth tho avowed aim of bringing religion and sclenco closer together it is a great tlmo for youth to line itself on the side of purity apd decgncy to denounco with scorn doth by precept and example tho salacious tendencies that are try ing to debauch our drama and our- lit erature it is a great time for youth throughout tho whole world to throw tho weight of its influence against whr und ho hanten tho time when we nations will make war no more ex wise harold 7 now haiold said the teaqher if there were eleven sheepf in a field and hlxjumped tho fence hpw many would there be left none replied harold why there would bald she no maam there wouldnt peraul- ed- lie you may know arithmetic but you dont know sheep tvhy not stop the inlet then hap pily for hie purpose the inlet pipe was jb the bottom of tho tank and at that great elevation of course tho water flowed with much less forco than iff did at the level of the street to thrust his handkerohlef into the mouth of the pipe was but a moments work but the handkerchief- was not thick enough he took off one of his stockings amj wadding that and tho handkerchief together worked them lntoth6plpg with the hahdro of tho 4cnknlfeand -finding- the inflow almost if not altogether stopped began to fool borne thrill pfhopo that doneha set to ipork again with the penknife it was slow wprk cutting into those tough boards with a tool so slight his hands unused to such service were soon bllbterod and bleeding and at last in spite of all his care the thing he feared came to pass and an unhappy twist aiiapped the slender blade in two at tlmt strong man as he was ben son wenl to pieces it was topjpalnful now oven to shout and he knew well enough that hla falling huaky voice had hardly the power o climb above thosllpliery walls round hjm but ho wulkcd nlowly round beating the walls with hia bare hands and trying to shout until his voice became merely a whistling shriek vlth an effort ho puh6attflm8oiftdgetfier ngaiivand iio tried to look tho situation in tho face again there wcrcnome things in his favor ho was a strong man athletic and wellnourished and since he had stop ped tho water there was no immediate danger ttio time was june and the water in the tank was not unpleasantly cool there was no renaon why ho should not be able to remain in hln prcnont flight for hours or indeed for days without serious harm there was tho wedding it was true and as ho thought of himself tho groom elect bottled up in that curious fashion a sudden crazy caokle that was meant for laughter halfstartled him weil tho weddfng would havttone good ef fect at any rate they wquld look him up l but would ihoy ever dream of look ing for hint up there in tho tank thit was out of tho question the cashier was iiuro that ho had seen his employ er go down the elevator bonson him self had shut the trap door behind him even if any one should como to the roof thero was nothing to show that henna n had ever been thero tho thought that his frlendsmlght como after him and miss him after all wnp maddening and again he cried aloud and beat his naked hands against tho solid staves of oak it had been early afternoon when his accident had happened he took out his watchi now but the fail into the water had stopped it still he could see for himself by tho lessening light in tift circle bvcrheadthhtthtri summer afternoon was drawing toward a close the slrht or rather the weight of the watch in hi hand gave him an- jotheriaeav arid alphce ho began to gtopo with his feet for the broken knife he had ftunar away he found it at lastarid tfieri search jn hui pookeu took out a letter limp ahd soft v with water and with the pencil on his watch chain scribbled a meaffe n the blank half ah cot thon he cartfulry wrapped the paper begun to dawn in the inaccessible win dow overhead he felt better and his mind grew clearer ho did not know why but presently it dawned upon him thatlt must have been his bath he took another on at once tills time deliberately and as tho day grew bright overhead and he heard tho hum of tho great city begin far below in the streets something of life and courage came to him again ho looked upward toward the rim i once more and as he looked ono last dim project came into his mind ho sat down in the water his hands trem bling and his breath coming in thick gasps waslt possible he mastered his excitement at last and with eager fingers began to take off his clothing he stripped to the skin but put his coat and trousers on again and then ho set to work to tear his underclothes into strips these he knotted together into a rope trying its strength now and again and still lengthening it out uitil with hla suspenders and all it was at lease twentyflvofeetlong the law of a real valuable recreation would seem to be forgetfulness if a man is going to carry his business and anxieties with him lie might as well stay at home if tho pastor is determined to study sermons visit tho sick and carry tho lond of his prayer mooting and other services on ills heart he had bettsr remain in his parsonage if a woman t tak w h hrfuu 11c over u long scries of years and the people are not demanding a grading system for home consumption that of course would mean an increased number 6f inspectors and a much groater cost it will probably bo a fow years before grading for export is fully accepted by tho british importer so that there is time enough to talk about homo grad- lujr there lsj howevor voluntary grading and the same pnincjplo is udoptcd in regard to inspection and grading and tho same principle is adopted in regard to inspection and grading of oggs it is not a now prin ciple but tho- government may not thlfik it advisable to go beyond this at present and probably not contem plate und new rulings it is but honest to admit that in the matter of grading wo aro somewhat behind the times just how many years is for experts to say there is tho risk that neglect to grade for homo consumption may mean that second or third grade cheese may be left for our canadian consumers but it is largely a question of cost of operation and also- tho advisability 6f goirig ahead rapidly or otherwise the department takes prldo in hav ing made such progress we started out late in tho day but wo aro going ahead upduo haste however is to bo deprecated and wo bellovo tho farmer will agree in this opinion activities that have to do with production are left to tho province and mattorsjro- specting mnrkotlng and grading aro loft to tho federal- authorities tho department has to do term no tho lino of moderation between provincial jind federal activities atid all these details take time and demand patience jb s ttani iz cai2 no 6 t j nswer uestions what is mclaughlin- buicks sealed chassis and what are its advantages hold cares she might as well not call her holiday of- vacation the valuo of vacation does not- wholly dopend upon its cost nor upon the distance we got from our homo it dopends rather upon our success along tho lino already indicated in leaving bohlnd us the daily burden by arousing an interest in some other kind of service or employment if there is nothing that has j power to interest us thon relaxation is largely out of the ques tion whether it be 50 or 1000 miles from home if you can see tho moun tains or he sea you will experience a delight perhaps never to bo syrpas- he stopped his paper an acquaintance met horaco greoley d qi l stopped your paper havo you said tho editor well thats too bad and he went his way the next morning mr greeley met his subscriber again and said i thought you said you had stopped tho tribune vso i did then there must be somo mistako said mr greeley for i just came from tho ofllco and tho presses were run ning tho clerks were as busy as over the compos tors were hard- at work and the business was going on as yes terday and tho day before oh ejaculated the subscriber i every mclaughlitibuick driving part is enclosed in an iron or steel housing to keep dirt and water out and lubrication in the fanhub the mqtoythe startergenerator the flywheel the clutch the transmission the universal joint the pro peller shaft and the rear axle- all are completely protected the mclaughlinbuick sealed chassis is ne of tfcfi r why mcj cars lost longer m are mpre trustworthy s v king ill representative fpb thigeqtiofj duj0 georgetown ontario c ed but it is woll to remomber that don mean that j had topped the tho sunsets from our windows are w l ot oniy copy sometimes as full- of beauty as any because i did not liko your odl one endof tkeope7he ifc6 his left arm but considered a moment and then tied it around his body instead ho wanted b arms free ttioothor end he tied to tho remaining shoe he stooped and filled the shoo with water and then groping about with his feet until he found just tho spot he wanted he made ready to throw the rim eighteen feet above him was as smooth as tho edge of a barret there was nothing whatever on which the ropecould catch and if it had caught it would scarcely have sustain ed a dozen pounds and bonson weigh ed that a dozen times nevertheless it was with shining face that he made his first attempt to throw the shoe over the edge of the tank it was not easy to do if it had of been he would haio had no shoe to throw since it was the evident im possibility of much more than clearing wo are apt to see a hundred miles distant and the birds song too in our own gardon is as sweet as wo will be apt- to hear a thousand miles dway heavens own beauty shines all about us if wo have but eyes to see it to eyes that can soo and to oars thit can hear iiaturoh3arwayswillingtq pnyenhei3eautleaand reveal hor secrets such can look up through j torials pshaw retorted mr greeley it wasnt worth whllo taking up my tlmq to tell me such a trifle as that my dear sir if you expect to control the utterances of tho tribune by tho put- chase of one copy a week or if you thlnkto and j9wpjrrjrauta zinooruireftdlngthat3vlllnavcrex press convictions at right angles with polntment sharks nature and see andworahip natures your own y aro doomed to dlaap god one thing should never be forgotten by the christian man or woman on vacation and that is to recognize tho fact that our master calls for fidelity we must let our light shine oven amid our pleasures and while deprived for tho time being of our homo re ligious privileges if wo do this we will notmiss the religious profit jjuflhop hayipdod of tho methodist church south was onco reproved by matter-of-fact- brother shaded waters of a georgian stream i go aflshlng as a means of grace the wise and good bishop said that is tho philosophy of it no doubt many iho lank that hnaicwthimtmsma i look at natu i bi1 oyo rh inc tho shoe after its follow with a j o wondcra hear no voice but from the head of tho shark wo ob tain material for gluo the fins aro prized by tho chinese and realize aboul twolyo shillings a pound the body makes a good flph meal and the oil from the liver commando a good brlce it la the hide however which is most valuable as it s almost inde who did otrucubje the leather in excellent for not see how a busy servant ot the ahoeo finer grados of tanned leather church could afford to spend a whole ttro uaefl upholstering day whisking a fishingrod above the tno ou ol shagreen must message to the street he threw threo times and fauod- the fourth the shoe struck the rim of the tank but finally bounded over and hung fin the outside benson lot it slip down until the slack of tho line was taken up and then pulled it up a time or two as if trying it it seemed to work to hhj i satis factlonpahd nientittslboped down and pulling tho handkerchief out of the pipe and lot the water ilow into the tank after that there was nothing to do but wait the water crept up inch by inch it came at hist to his arm pits to his shoulders his chin and then for the first time he dared to j put his device to the test ho lifted his fet from the bnttom and gently oh so gontly lot his weight come on tho rope and h held the water that alone would have drowned him and the ropo that alono would scarcely have lifted a tenth- of his own weight together lifted him to safety later that morning a bareheaded barefooted scarecrow clad only in his coat and trousers sat on tho ladder outside the tank in tho sweot sun shine as he looked around him pant ing u clock on a neighboring building began to strike and the scarecrow smiling counted the strokes nine salt ho then mr benson wed better bo making tracks for hat wedding v- a very good reason giles was befnv questioned in th court by a barrister who considered himself great guns at crossexamina tion do you on your oath swear tnat thin w not your handwriting he asked sternly of the witness- l reckon- not answered giles does it roptmible your writing then no i dont think so well do you swear that it does not resemble your handwriting idp indeed what thunderod tho bullying counsel you tako your oath that that writing doesnt resemble yours in a single jettor ryob porflistfid giles somewhat nervously how do you know it doesnt asked the lawyer with a cunning smile r we replied giles with a smile tound tha knjfo and baokhijf atojnstrvi expect tt la because i cant write y- a sensitive soul in tohah with god can hear as a hymn of praise the sigh ing of the pines and- tho deop- voiced billows tho tlpild flower lifting its blushing yet confident face to the surf opens his eyes to see god theso things flush his vexed and weary spirit like a lullaby indeed ho is nsono whom his mother comforted turnlnrfronrthl io tlromoroireri sonal aspect of the subjeat i might say that my vacations havo been iulre limited as to duration and extent i think modesty is the word which would doscrlbe them modest in number cost and achievement i have not visited large cities broad or prominent places save those included in a trip to van couver in 1908 i have looked mostly into spaces and up to tho masses of clouds where i thought i saw wonder ful things from an automobile driven ity santa claus to a castle on the rhino an occasional visit to theisccnes and associations of my early homo has nover failed to cheer and bless amid all the emotions tho human heart can feel there is not ono sweeter not one finer not ono more salutary and morn needed in its influence than the senti ment which connects one with tho spot of his nativity and which parents with brothers and sisters nnd with all that 1 sweet and holy in tho memories of ma youth this is where memory lingers tho spot on which stood the old frnmo sohoolhouse 18891870 where i was started pn the path of learnngtho images nf hoys arid girls met there- corns vividly back tp me the hardy manly tads jinft he pinkchocked brighteyed lassies in thelp gingham or homespun dresses they wcro jusj ns frosh and ns sweet tho honey suckles they planed in their hair on tho way to school a rush of old memorlos make a mist beforo my eyes shutting them for a moment the sixtyfive intervening yenrs vanish and i am a boy again my father came from the old land hi 1832 and set tled near bowman vllle on a farm on which he resided for over sixty years tho brick house built there still holds over the front door the large brisk on which was inscribed the date of its erection as fresh as whon it was placed thero 1849 hut what of tho people who resided i there at that data nearly all gone including j my parents the first of- whom was laid to rest in oods acre in 1862 and now the solitary mound como off in the first place ajd a pro cess has been developed which takes this way it has tho exact properties of sandpaper of the rough variety for very fine work on wood polishing tho shagreen of the baby shark can not be excelled had hi8 u8e8 an englishman who was out west fn early days foil in with a long train of pralrlo schooners the leader of which announced that ho and his fellowim migrants were going to form a town having everything that was needful and nothing that wus unnecessary wo wont havo any wasto ho said there isnt a person in our party who wont do somo important part in tho new town the kngllshman po in toil to an old aid feeble man with a bent buck and a long thin whito beard but that very old man there ho said ho cunt possibly be of any use to you cun ho oh yes said tho louder well open our new cemetery with him a birds eye view the following incident ocourrcd dur ing a terrific thimderstorm at tho home of a contractor who lives in tho vicinity of tampa florida the con tractor and his family were sitting on the veranda watching tho storm when a bolt of lightning struck a trco not fifteen foot from where thoy were si- ting the shock was terrific but no ono was injilned although thoy wcro all badly frightoned tho young sonj with great excitement was telling that ho jumped two foot high how do you know you jumped two foot high 7 said tho father why said johnny i looked dowif whllo i was pp 1 steps summer odors tb heavy smell which warm weather brings to many peo ple tt largely prevented by regular bathing with a free lather of babyi own soap the delicate aroma dlpelsal unpleafaiitneasniid the akin feel88orefreahedcoolbweett babys owns belle nt 10a s cake at dealers everywhere but tor you and baby too immmiimm

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