Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 29, 1925, p. 3

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hi the home ofy mcjflbcr canadian weekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies of ontario tiib acton riifie press is publiihcd every tliuridjy morninp at the tree tress building mill street acton ontario jtlic subscription price is zoo per year in advance postdffe is cuarged additional to offices in the united states the date to winch subscriptions are paid 11 indicated on the address label advertising ratestranmcnt advertise raents 10 cents per line agate measure for first insertion and 5 cents per hat for ench lubse qucnt insertion contract dipping advertise stents for 50 inches or more pr annum 18 cents per melt oach insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly it p moore president and editor g a dills manager and assistant editor telephones- editorial and business office nw ltosdcnce of president iij residence of manager 131 woollen industry bad in england it seems thatrthc woollen industry in england is in just as unsatisfactory condition as it is in canada a dispatch during the week says the yorkshire wool trade is in the throes of a crisis such as has not been known for nearly a century the employers threaten to lock out 02000 employees unless they agree to a reduction in wages and the employees are threatening to strime on july 29 unless the employ ers proposals for the reduction are withdrawn in the meantime this rather discounts the political capital endeavored to be made in certain quarters because of the unsatisfactory conditions existing in canada acton england poinqs now of interest from tho acton gsr- otto of july 10th thursday morning july 30 1925 editorial new zealand exhibition j canadas participation in the new zealand and south seas exhibition which is to be held at dunedin new zealand on november 1 1925 to april 30 1926 will show to advantage the productions of this coun trys resources and industries the canadian gov ernment exhibition commission has contracted to take 24800 square feet of space in the best location on the exhibition ground and will erect a very repre scintative exhibit showing the natural resources and products of the dominion and the attractivenessflf this country as a place for tourists righteousness and the law one hundred and fifty years ago burke pointed out that the people of the north american continent were smatterers m law that in no other country in the world was the law so general a study today for good and for ill the people of america without legal training have great confidence in their ability to decide legal questions their confidence has been largely justified there are many true stories of country justices who by combining thejr good sense with a reasonable knowledge of the law were able to render just and reasonable decisions on the other hand many canadians show a too easy assurance i deefding whether a judge or magistrate has given a good legal decision or whether a prosecuting officer is remiss in not prosecuting every one whom the public pronounces a raspal courts and crown attor neys get an aboundaoce of instruction from the newspapers and the public which the law would not allow them to follow in the same way the people at home told the generals in thegreat war how to con duct their campaigns while the generals themselves were busy with problems of which their civilian friends never dreamed because the public officers do not fling into jail every one who has offended against moral laws it doeanot follow that the officers are not doing their duty or that justice is fettered by legal technicalities in the long run the pro cesses of court justice are parallel to the processes of the best moral justice the records of court pro ceedings form a history of intelligent interpretation of the law only by faith in the courts can legislr- jtures determine how to make statutes effective and harmonious with existing laws and through the courts a lawabiding people finds surest human pro tection against those who break the laws that men have made good roads effect on farms w the effect of the good roads on the adjoining farm property is distinctly noticeable on the line from here q sutton farm life is made more comfortable und it has given the farmer pride and inspiration to foster neatness about the home surroundings and thoroughness in farm work the homes and out- editorial notes canadian money is now at a premium in the financial centres of the itnitedstates canada with her great natural resources occupies a very desirable positionin the finances of the world buildings are becoming more and more imposing and the farms have a prosperous appearance newmar ket era this is quite true generally the writer was out driving the other evening with a valued citi zen who owns a farm out on the provincial highway in passing this farm the citizen remarked i must- get out here one of these days and brighten things up about the place it doesnt look quite as tjdy and spicand span as when i left it to go to town and theres so many more people driving past here now spending money for scenery nat long ago a wan of national importance char acterized an attempt to more generally beautify the city of ottawa as spending money for scenery the phrase may be taken as a sneer as it was intend ed to be taken or with approval as expressing a truth and a wise policy spending money for scenery is ojte gfjhejuost0peful3igns6t a-renwsefjiiig- to pgtural possibilities it is not confined to any one region cities and towns everywhere are talking about plans for beautifying various places niagara falls the white mountains the appalachians and the palisades are eastern scenery as are banff and jas per park and stanley park western scenery but they are also national possessions and it is with a sort of wonder that commercial interests have discovered how atrongtle eijligg is flgflint ever destroying them or encroaching seriously upon them old church buildings here and there in canada are more local examples of the same quality of public interest which lies in sentiment they arescenery of a j sort which appeals to a pride as stubborn as the power of money and more creditable the man who cares for his fathers grave and is anxious for per petual cate in fairview cemetery and preserves the old family home is paying money for scepery too but more persons understand that kind of sentiment the ptjier kind the larger more communal and j fraternal kind is just as surely coming into its own revised scale of grants for roads twentytwo counties in ontario have accepted the revised scale of government subsidies for road pur poses the new scale replaces the 40 per cent and 60 per cent grants which have prevailed for a number of years and gives a uniform 50 per cent rate when the new plan was being embodied in legislation at the last session of the ontario legislature tto govern ment took tie power of proclaiming it in any part or parts of ontario to which it might be deemed suit able and the proclamation of it in the twentytwo counties follows these counties acceptance of it at the june meetings of their councils prior to this plan of subsidy two classes of roads existed namely county provincial roads and county roads which were given grants of 60 and 40 per cent respectively these two subsidies workedwt to an average one of 4vz per cent so that in merging thetwo classes j roads into one and giving a subsidy if so per cent the government is facing increased ptrymenuan sub sidy accounting the aimpf the consolidation of the county provincial roads and county roads is the deve- opmeijt of a system of connecting county roads which wiu coyer the province the advisory highway com mittee of the ontario legislature has made a careful survey of the province with this end in view and has submitted tangible designations to the various coun ties concerned whereby a network of connecting and useful highways will be linked up the twentytwo counties which have considered the 50 per cent sub sidy plan and agreed to it by resolutions are essex ltseds and grenville prescotr russell lanark vic toria ontarjo york peel halton dufferin grey -bvuce- perth norfolk waterloo wentwortliwei- iand elginffrince edward oxford and fronvenac the ontario department of education has in- cictirl trinr trip r nnp nf thf ahnlrrfnt snhnnl act be enforced meaning that working children up to 16 years of age have to attend school nt least 400 hours a year tho rector or acton tho itov j h nowahnmtuylor will preach in 3t pauls cathedral on sundaymorning after tho next town council meeting thdmayor aw mian s m smoo will leave for her summer holidays which will bo chiefly snont geneva anil district membeiu of the 2nuv acton troop jiud an onjoyablo weekend camp last week near horsham the time was fully oo- cuplcd in good work and outdoor recro- atlon success on a scale suggostlva of a great popular festival attended the tote hold in acton park on saturday in celebration of international co oper ators day miss nora hustings has consented to give a performance at 4ho acton baths in aid of the bublcs new home which is being erected by tho church of england wulfa and struys so cloty over eighteen hundred members of tho girls friendly society were ac commodated at tho hostel in wllcsden- lanp ntrt th acton lust week a great source of interest ut th public inspection und pound day of the south acton day nursory on mon day afternoon was the guessing of the weight of a remarkably fine 6-months- old baby girl fair ntu i y lind udy brlttaln attend ed a reception given by brigadiergen eral sir henry puge and tho hon lady cioft on friday evening at 16 south wellgardens for overseas visitors on friday night the acton conserve uvea and unionists association in augurated a scries of opcnalr meet ings specially arranged tor friday and saturday nights during tho sum mer season on tuesday last week mr edward rogers of avenueroad acton re tired from the service of messrs carter fatorson and co after flfty- ono years in their onlco five south acfon resident were summoned at brentford on tuesday for not having had their children vac cinated two wore fined but tho other three cases wore adjourned on friday tho acton swimming cluba first team defeated marclans i by 30 the goal scorers were w g middleton e chauncey and l stam mers acton ii met marclans ii and drew after a hard game the score be ing 11 the acton labor party hud a highly successful and enjoyable outing on sunday thanks to tho organizing gifts of mr j welch president mr j pay secretary and councillor sponcer financial secretary if you touch me my dog will have you was alleged to have been said to a policeman by a man who was fined 10s at acton pollco court on monday for being arunk and disorder ly on sunday tho acton brotherhood which was founded thirty yoars ago has reached a crisis in its affairs this is said to bo chiefly due to apathy as shown in- smullcr attendances at the com mittee meetings and sunday after noon public meotlnga only ono person who was present sixty yeurs ago at tho wedding of mr green la known tojmrvivc that sur- vlver is a sister aged 80 years of tho bridegroom the now borough band which has given pleasure to many actoniana on mimmpr eyenlnirn owes about 2na neighborhood news- town and country erin blahou owen tho new anglican blahop of tho dloceso of niagara was a visitor in town on thursday miss killer 1ms roturncd to bostom muss after spending several weeks with air and mra mack luckcnuf belfountaln mr shropshire of atlantu georgia mr and airs h a stephens and mrs nlcol of toronto were recent visitors at t a stophens the- oardon party undor tho junlo- womens institute was u hugo success the total rccoipts being around j3jg on tridny evening tho northern rubber co softball team of guelph who linn the reputation of playing tho game among tho best of them got tne burprfao of their lite when tho locals defeated ithom bv a score of 1812 in ttio deuth of noll ferguson at his home lot 32 con 10 erin on july 21 another of tho early pioneer settlers of the township passed from this lifo in ills 85ttl year beginning august 2nd tho unite church congregation wiu hold service in the village hallhilfiburb at tho invitation of tho pastor and board of the disciplob church a farewell union scrylcoof both congregations will bo held sunday july 6th at 730 in tho disciples church advocate too easy nothing is much easier than tlu wish to do right many of tho worst pooplo in tho wod have little spasms of desire to bo dlfteient intention is not much more than wishing which somehow lucks the vital spark wishing and intending are eayy hut doing which after all pi most im portant is hard your wishes that novel matci inline youi intentions tljit never get boyond intending leave your natuiq iinalteicd l is flesh o crystal lizing in purpose tjmt cunics you into action that shapes from tho rough store of human nature tio heroic flgute of manhood bonds stocks and grain private wires to new york chicago winnipeg and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j phone 574 hannigan ouelph georqetown magistrate cohen of toronto has decided that games on public property on sundays are illegal this is the outcome of a test case brought before him in the police court by inspector mckinley to stop baseball tennis and other game in the public parks during the last two months there have been 40 convictions against the quebec liquor act in hull alone which is another evidence of how government control fails to control there is evidently no possi- bility of controlling the liquor traffic it tyranizes over all laws if permitted any license whatever uljuciiictinndttgjeterretdin europe at thepreseht time was the statement made by m p fennell director of trade and transportation for the harbor of montreal who arrived home this week end after sixteten months in the- united kingdom and on the continent any observant visitor to the old land is bound to come to o similar conclusion the pres of ontario has been showering compli ments on theactort free press on its fiftietrl ttnni- versary and congratulating its editor h p moom on the excellent manner in which the free press is edited and printed there is certainly none better and it has but few equals congratulations brer moore oakville star field marshall km haig a nerhaps the best- loved imperial army officer who has ever visited canada his brief addresses during his visit to tor onto were apt and- timely he was very hearty in his references to canada arid said canada is the keystone which unites the british empire we look forward to the day when canada will be the main portion of the empire peace the jdeal of soldier and citizen alike is the task to which field marshal earl haig commander of the british armie in france and flanders has set his hand- peecettachievcd by a closer unity between the nations of the british empire was the message he brougkt to toronto last week this is surely a fine objective for a man who has proven himself a soldier of the highest type canada is in a fair way to profit largely through her splendid showing at wembley exhibition with commendiblc enterprise the opportunities for publi city have been taken advantage of with wisdom and foresight from the canadian pavilion nearly two tons of literature with regard to canada were dis tributed one day last week when 10000 pupils of the schools of london and contiguous territory were guests of the corporation of london at the british empire exhibition and practically none of this was thrown away hythe youthful visitors when j s deacon lato public school inspector for this county died at the home of his son col f h deacon toronto on sunday halton county lost one of its most loyal friends for thirty years he traversed tho county from school to school making real friends everywhere and using his ripe experience as an educationist for the betterment ot educational privileges and environment everywhere he enjoyed the esteem and confidence of everybody and when ho retired to enjoy a wcllelirned rest there was gen eral regret throughoiu jhe jounty at th loss sustain ed hewns a man of sterling character and out standing ability for its instruments and it hopes to wipe off the debt during tho season tho mayor has started the subscription list with 10 10s owing to the apathy of the public after recent flag days the local collec tion for tho waifs and strays so ciety wus only 22 2s 3d which was considerably less than the amount col lected laat year mrs blount ono of the acton guar dlanti was present at the nrst ffonoral meeting of tho national association of assessment of rating authorities england and waleb hold at tho klngsway hall london on thursday the hospital collection at st mar tins west acton amounted to 16 and has been made up to 50 a scries of more or less serious rhls- hups in acton vulo culminated an saturday in- a somewhat compllcatoj accident in which twd motor cars were involved resulting in tho death of a woman and serlouillnjury to a younc cyclist at tho inquest which was held at tho acton fire station on monday morning both tho motorcar drivers were exanertad from blame- all tho witnesses agrcclngniat unfortunr ate affair was a puro accident fjr which the pedestrian herself was to blame if any blame is attached o anybody two wellkn6wn south acton faml- lies were united by a marrlago which took place in all saints last week tho bridegroom mr william hunt is the only son of mr and mrs h hunt old local tradespeople of 104 bollo bridgeroad and tho brldo was miss phyllis prince only daughter of mr and mrs prince crown hotol os- borneroad a w w watts of suchcsterroad notting hill was lined 15s at acton pollco court on wednesday tor sell ing toecream on sunday from a trl- cyole belonging to messrs wall anj sons ltd thoso who bentfrred themselves to wards the realization of tho somewhat forlorn hopo of getting tho employ ment exchange removed from the hlghstroot acton hill to a position where its proualc fron and queues of applicants would bo jss of a public oyesoro and loss of an impediment o business are to be congratulated on having received a sympathetic reply from tho minister of labor this they seem to owe in great measure to sir hariy brlttaln whojs againthobusy friend nt court mr j r waldio has boon appoint ed principal or georgetown schools at a salary of 1500 tho requisition of the public school board for tho current expenditures of tho year is for flo000 gooorfietown girls made it their 9th straight victory by defeating rockwood 164 on friday evening last in rock- wood mlnsjoanle muir of glasgow scot land is visiting hcrslbter mrs r b foullb miss doiothy thurston accompanied mr and mrs arthur brummond to their homo in owosso mich and will spend her vacation there on tuesday morning tho resldenco owned and occupied by mr georgo mckenzie just outside tho corporation limits wati totally destroyed by are tho cauae of tho fire la unkrfown dr and mrs mcallister and famly and mrs elliott left last week for ot tawa and othor eastern points they expect to bo away until august 7th mra c d junklns left for her home in kenora or saturday her sister miss adams accompanying her miss adams was given a jovely parasol and words of appreciation by tho united church choir prior to hor leaving at tho masonic grand lodgo held at hamilton on wednesday laat mr william panton of tho milton chapter was amoiiff tboso present who were presented with long service medals for- having ben a member of tho craft for over fifty years herald a tea your grocer recommends is usually good tea red rose tteais good tea and most grocers recommend it c2 business directory medical dr j- a mcniven phyalolan and burgeon omco and residence cornor bomr avonuo and elgin street phone ss dr e j nelson frederick street aoton ontario legal phono no 22 p o box til harold nash farmer m a bairiatar solicitor notary pgallot convayanoer ete aspuxdlbmitiivfuur balwnafad rov dr- spenco of claud preached a vory interesting uormon in tho unit ed church here on sunday a week aero mr and mrs peter ferguson visited friends in tnronto laat week tiytttl pfrgi and ro dowjwfli some gems from the mail bag no doubt nil mailorder houaea re ceive home astonishing lottora but here are two that are almost tdb good to b true a nursery in lowa that adver tises to sell blizardbelt nursery stock received this letter dear sir i received pio package of plants in good condition but there wus no blizzard belt inclosed yours truly john blank a few days ago tho following letter came to them oentlerponc i notico by your advertisement that your promise to replace all bulbs that do not grow i lenclosa six cents in stamps please send me a do ten clahlla bulbs to replace those i bought last year froma chicago mailorder house and that did not grow yours gratefully annie dob the manager was bo struck with tho assurance of this person that ho very promptly dispatched tho bulbs re quested if thr truth insults you somebody has said that nothing is more innjjhlng than the truth nobody gets ungrled aver being callod a liar than the mun who has just been cautjht in a falsehood a great many young people tose their heads and their tem pers when unpleasant things are said ubout them they enn never stop to see how much truth there may be in thu statements to which they are so very strongly opposed if a criticism stings before you be- com o ti ft vy nnh yourself hawmu3h tiuth thertf is in it if the truth in sults you it is time you were making a c nan go pupils of 3 s no 14 wore successful at the entrance examinations luch credit is duo our cmlcient t oach or miss a glen mrs r english of toronto spent a few days with her sister mrs bert rogers miss etale freeman of guelph is holidaying with her parents pn tho flf th line a number of tho farmers of this vicinity havo finished haying most of them reiiort a fair crop llmehoubc and rocks i do boys played a friendly gamo of baseball in mr r- c shoruh0 field on saturday evening 18th inal the score was 82 in favor of llmehouho nurso m h young of toronto has been spending a few days with her mother mrs jos young mr und filrs wm kirk and family of toronto ylelted with mr upd mm john mckochnlo last week mr und wrs a e farnell and son graham visited w a gardner of bol ton last week fr and mrs rlckettd and daughter of markdale visited with mrs rick- ewf mojhor rmretw j shortill last week master cecil mceachern of guelph is spending ills vacation with his uncle mr geo thompson is a hearty theres plentyof hearty happiness in pure food so order excelsior flour acton flour and feed mills d h lindsay proprietor mill street acton ont perryman block acton ont money lent on mortgages hours 930 oto to 6 pm saturdays 1200 oclock ffl oental dr j m bell d d s l d oantlrt honor graduate of toronto unlrar- sity the latest anesthetic used if desired office at residence corner of mill and frederick streets dr f g gollop dds ldj3 dental suroeon office over bonk of nova sootl hours 980 to 680 evenings by appointment miscellaneous burlington mr and mrs harry c mortimer returned to philadelphia on tues day evening after spending a couplo of weeks with his mother tiere rev p dyson is holidaying hi mus- koka the burlington horticultural society- flower show will bo hold in tho gym nasium of trinity united church on tuesday aaguat 2g assessor ivicarthur has common cod his rounds and is receiving a hearty welcome by the citizens ho expects it will take the required time to com pleted tho job tho homo of mr and mrs charles thompson kilbride onu was the scene of a very happy event when thoy celebratod-thteir- 60th wedding anniver sary on wednesday july 15 on sunday morning a largo bam on tho farm of mr w t gloveri of brant street about two miles north of the town was completely destroyed by fire together with tho contents jdrand mrs a h speers and mar- jorlo are spending a couple of wooky at d wight lakeofbays mr and mrn ed parsons have taken a cottage nt turkey ppint on xaku erie for a couplo of weeks mrs hughcfl cleaver and family are spending a law weeks at their cot- tago at boju park muskoka mr cueawr accompanied the family to the cottage on friday returning to business on monday mr a o green who has been tho principal of the public school ut georgetown for the imat thirteen years has resigned to accept the principal- ship of tho east end school hero o succeed w w south miss hazel cleaver has been suc cessful in paufltiig her normal school examinations at toronto she has also been granted interim certificates as specialist in household science and elementary arfc gazette lauqh this off passing the blue lion- tho priest caught pat coming out with a jug pat what is it you have in that jug asked tho t revorend gentleman looking very stern whlsko rorr replied pat to whom does u belong asked the good mar to me and my brother jnhn sorr well put pour your share out and be a sober mean i cant sorr answered pat mint la at tho bottom appropriate a coitatn town had bought it new are engine and the superintendent after gathering all his men together suggested thd an appropriate motto should be tlncj over the station then several tiuffgetflions were made final ly one man arose and suld i movo tmronawlng tnotromdy this flro en gine bo jlko tho ojd maids in our vil lage always ready but never callod tor ownership changes saturday we have disposed of our bakery business in acton and on saturday august 1 mr thomas watson will assume charge and ownership of fhe hnines in acfnn we wish to thank the people of acton and vicinity for their patronage during our three years stay in acton and be speak for mr watson acontinuance of this loyal support arfm patronage phone 116 fairbanks bakery mill st acton francis nunan bookblndar acpount books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound jlullnar neatly and promptly done vfyndham street over wlulama r guelph ont store r j kerr auctioneer and real estate co years experlenco list took property with me acton ontario ftocwiofl saet 03 richmond 3tw3t tforomro canati 1 lil montreal debenture corporation limited 6 per cent- twenty year bonds denominations 100 500 and 1000 a safe and desirable type of investment h r mimms georgetown ontario phone 114 civic holiday sports stanley park erin on monday august 3rd baseball tournament 10000 in prizes for a baseball tougiament between guelph rockwood georgetown and hillsburg first game to be called at 130 sharp horse races a matinee of two horse races as follows class a one mile heata 20 15 10 5 class b one mfle heats 20 15 10 5 first race called at two oclock sharp entries to be made with h c austin stanley park not later than 12 oclock noon day of races right is reserved to call off races if weather is not favorable w hull starter free stabling t hay and straw at globe hotel dance a dance will be held in the pavilion in the evening music by bud souter and his melody kings gentlemen 95c tax 5c v i admission to sports adults 35c children 25c chfldren under 10 years of age free cars admitted free also free parking 8pace the proprietor will not be responsible for accidonth h c austin proprietor a e nicklin insurance agent life fire auto accidont health insurance guarantee bonds burglary and plate gfass insurance trustee for estates collections business entrusted to my core will bo carefully looked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm property favorable rates and tcrma for re payment box 444 gower ave acton enrol at guelph business college gummcr bide guelph ont for your thorough training because 1 it la adequately equipped 2 it has efficient business ox- 3 it keeps up with the lapid progress of business pcrlonccd instructors 4 its courses are practical c individual instruction 6 its graduates are in demand a number now attending 1 have position waiting them fall term from august 31st make your arrangements now guelph business college a l bouck x principal and proprietor am patrons of this establishment please notice during july and august examinations for glasses on thursday friday and saturday only of each weok lens grinding and quick ro- palr dopnrtmont operating ks usual vhto or phono 1091w fur appointment a d savage opcomtrlat and mfa optician jught at the poet office savage building guelph the old and reliable granite and marble works wo nro manufacturers and dlreot importers of all kinds of monumontal and hoadatono work wo 30u dlroet to our customora at wholosalo price thu saving our ouatoroor 40 per cent wo have tho best appliances and tho only mechanics in fho dominion who can oporate pneumatic tools proporly w can glvo reforoncos from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other places where others havo to havo law suits in ordor to colloct wo havo tho largest and bast stock of granite in tho dominion or moro than any three doalors in tho wost wo are legiti mate dealers and employ no q agents and do not annoy or post customers by sending out ignorant agents solicit ing orders we employ only mochanlcs and defy competition hamilton sons 1uelph ont

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