Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 29, 1925, p. 4

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v wep arftm mxtt gfgflfl tiiuftspayjuiy 30 1025 as- face the sunshine 1 aco tho sunshine let tho shadows ho behind you face the sunshine from mvs dawnintj to its night face tho sunshine though at first its brightness blind you face tho sunshine keci the shadows out of bight face tho sunshine lot lta bourae suf- fuhe yout soul face tho sunshine lot ha warmth your plcasuio heighten fuc tho aunshlno und bo quit of grlof and dole faco tho sunshine lot us uwct cni eaa remind you of tho mlghtneas wo bhoulct scauer through tho years race tho sunshine let tho shadows fail behind you and tho sunshine will put rainbows in your tears real skilled labor it has boon well said thut the pro ducts of tho canadian farm ore us much tho result of skilled labor an the output of our factories jxnd work shops tho point 1b frequently over looltod when tho trade and commerce of tho dominion are being imscusaed either in tho house or out ot it but the qovernment does not ovorloor tho fact although tho average city worker imagines that all the farmer has to do is to let nature do his work for hlmr while ho pockets tho increase tho farmora work is novor done and he of all men in tho world enrao his broad on tho principle of the edonic law last year our total exports were valued at 1045010010 and moro thou half of these- exports originated on the canadian forms thus from east to west more than half the workers in tho dominion are employed in the cul tivation of the land and kindred activi ties tho government is doing its share to promote and foster this great source of our national wealth and prosperity in the department of agriculture ther are some 1290 employees lmcludinrf civil government permanent ana tem porary in fourteen branches whose salaries amount in aggregate to almost 200000 a year these staffs are en gaged in- general dairy- workv extent slon of markets dealing with insects and other posts production und sale of tobacco tho fruit industry animal contagious diseases meat and canned foods tlie live stock industry avntt seed control the heaviest item next to civil government is the meat and can ned foods branch which engages 244 employees at it costs of 38211 a year or thereabouts ah this money is expended 1 an ef fort to make farming moro and more a scientific undertaking and occupa tion a great deal of good is fcteine ac complished and jrauutaare likely to bo much better as time goes on karnicrd like other people do not welcome too much paternalism too much in tho way of prohibitory enactments too many rules and regulations -but- they do live up to tho spirit and letter of leeiolatliri t is really beneficial to agricultural old man downing to succeed in any branch of farm ing needs application skill uninter rupted energy and the use of the latest information and knowledge that is available wo hope tho tlmo la not far distant when tho canadian farmer will find his occupation payln him in a more generous basis xho men who built up tho country since tho pioneering doysldobcrvo wcu at tho bands of every bcctlonof tho public their oncourabcment and ultimata prosperity is tho sure foundation of permanent wellbeing bo far an can ada is concerned caution many people who should advertise and dont remind ono of tho georgian cracker barefooted he sat on tho stops of his tumble down ahaek and smoked a corncog pipe a stranger stopped for a drink of water wishing to be agreeable be said thow is your cotton coming m crffcker didnt you plant any askcd the stranger nope said tho cracker irold o boll woovlla well said tho stranger how la yout corn pjdnt plant none aid the brack- erfrald there want goln to be no rain the stranger was abashed nut he was still cheerful well how ore your potatoes her asked aint gornonesaid the cracker scalrt o potato bugs well what did you plant eald the stranger nolhlnv said the cracker i peat played safe the recorder old dan downing forever is gone past pillar and post and door and the clocks he tinkered go ticking on though old dan conies no more hla queer little cart with its jsllck and clack has trundled its hist highway and old dan downing will not come back to sing ns he tinkers aw uy when i got rich oh by and by ill build mo a mill both wide and hlgn ill grind youi wheat and ill grind your rye hi diddle dumpling by and by all through his life he would build a mill on a alto by his native stream and he tinkered and saved at his trade until ho could add a stringer or beam ho mepded his dam anew each fall with brush and gravel and blocks then wandered away when hla funds grew small and sang thlle he tinkered the clocks whon i get rich oh by and by ill build mo a mill both wldo and high rngiln6ryoarv7i5ittandln grindyoor rye hi diddle dumpling by and by dishonesty though it win or fall was tt tiling dan downing spurned in his mill no boai d nor bolt nor nail would he use that ho had not earned his back was bent and his hair was thin and his coat was ragged and mean but he took no heed of jest oi grin if youd give him a clock to clean awf- he hummed us ho worked oh by and by ill build me a mill both wide and high til grind your wheat and 1 11 grind your rye hi diddle dumpling by and by the mill framo stands by tho swirling stream and its timbers loosen and crack gray lichens gather on board and beam th b c n back put perhaps up there in tho clearer light where motlvo la moro than deed thoro will bo a harp thut 1b tuned aright for old dandownlngs need and hou sing his song of uy artd by ill build me a mansion wide and high beyond the wheat and beyond tho rye in the beautiful land of by and by i iiii that ho joved wan too painful it com plotcjy took away his appetite and pushing away tils pic ho rojo und took hii way to tho barn o mothel dont koop pa fiom going to the circus pleaded johnny theres no senile in hla being audi a baby id bo ashamed a man of his ago that is just iv jio is old and ho lias been to shows all his life and thats why hed so attached to om urged johnny f mr m said no mote about the mat ter he went about with a resigned expression upon htw usually cheerful luddy countenanco the morning of the eventful day came and mrs m l way of compensation possibly pre- jmrcd an unusually tempting bi ejiu- fast youre going down to see the par- ado aint you ann eliza jho ven tured well i dont know v need som calico and 1 suppose i may us well get it today an any time johnny nudged his fathei its amazing so it is how many women need a spool of thread oi a yard of calico on circus day ho said thev dont care a jstiaw about hoeing tho paradov butporijchow they dont go homo till aftey it passes i wontgyx the calico today then mrs m looked roirroachfully at the men who tried not to laugh oh yes you will jrfrm said see ing her hurt look dont mind johnny the parade passed en route to guelph and mrs m went home with her calico but with no signs of weak ening and mr mrwandered round tho sfcetio of the departed glory a discon solate wobegone expression upon his face hello uncle jerry what is tho matter you lookflorfofdswn go ing to tho circus this afternoon i guess not reub mis m allows that its foolish for us old folks to bo spending money that way well maybo it is i always go anyhpw v7hy dont you go to johnny mckeea and buy something hes giving a ticket for the show with every six dollar purchase today la that so a rainbow of hope lighted up the gloom on mr ms face ill go up and seoahout it there it was in the window the an nouncement together with a tempting display of dressgoods ribbons an 1 laces whllo in another window a var iety of linens wore displayed ann ehza wouldnt caro foi an other now dress mif salctto him self as he studied the placard sne hasnt made jup tho ono ibought her for christmas yet he stopped inside and ieaning over tho counlor beckoned to the brisk proprietor johnnie what have you got now that would just about como to six dollars that mrs m would be likely to fancy to tell tho honest truth johnnie i want tb go to thut shov the worst way but somehow ann eliza hj bound that i shanl got her ideas so firm i cant move em i told her i wouldnt buy a ticket but she cant sayanything if i have ono given to me tho goodnatured proprietor com- prehended the situation at once how would she like a now shawl ive got some handsome ones mr m shook his head hie wifo did not like shawls most ladles aro always pleased with weekly fashion hint in gray kasha gray is exceedingly popular jn tana eo is kasha and all of the fabnrs of cashmere tescture this onepiece dr in gray kasha is tnmmej with s v color bilk braid tho front of the c- j is slashed up from the lower edges an j plaited sections inserted above tlilsc sections patch pockets are applied- a braidtrimmed collar finishes the v- ahaped neck medium size requires 3 yards 54inch material and 2yi yards of braid i the missionarys overfjtjat 192s a banner year for the western fair jtheinfejiqv emplqvee there ore stories that aro truo ami sforlob tlfat ought not to be anaona tho latter surely is the tale or tho wo politicians who drew pay in phlla delphla for work which was supposed to keep them la work at desks in tho city hall one day as they rambled alone u brook in the country fishing one of them picked up a atone and tlirewu at agraslnirhorsbft disreputable wornout old horse ihold on billy sulci urn other dont shy atones at tho poor chsp he has as much right to bo fcfro as you havo that is tho commissioners fathers horso hes on the payroll or that desk hotweon yours and mini wishing r there are certain spineless mamby pamby younn people who do not seem able to wish for anything very hard their feeble efforts makes us think of the little stream that crawls- ajonb in the meadows antl finally turns into a mud hole when it should rosembla tho mountain torrent that sweops every thing before it r 7ou do not roally wish for a thing unless you aro roady to work and to sacrifice to attain 1l you do notrcally wish for a thing if you want it to day and tomorrow havo forgotten all about u thcro is tremondous poten tial enoi gy in tho right sort of wibhlnit hut not in tho sort some oil you are do ing not the mare the colt i srri- nci tlf- benny won a lively threo year old whoso mother found it nocoiwiry to warn him frequently agalnat iiuylniv around the horses dno day bennys frantic screams brought her running to him stretched on tho ground with a hrokfcri leg while the bay laofa and hey colt scampered away f tr tjvp doctors had reduced tho fracture and bennys screams had sub sided his mother who had paced the floor wringing nor hands and wplng during the process of dotting tho leg exclaimed oh bonny benny i ho many times have i told you to keep away from that mare well sobbed bonny you nvl said a word about that darned llttly oh succinct cisco chines ruekman in san fran- bco sent the following bin 9 a grocer tcft dellvednr rdra 10 goes otd 0 comes at 60 cents vynt bu0ajthrbyi jputfliter- going tothb circus with thd childrttf tho other day when i was walking up mill street to havo a look at that flno vcgetablo and flower garden of fxejl holmff near tho canadian na tional railway tracks i noticed on tho board fence and tho end of tho weigh scales and coal sheds attractive colored posters announcing a barnum bailey and rlngling circus to be held at kitchener tho date was a couple ot weeks ago my but those posters showing the animals and tho circus rings and riders looked fine these posters brought to my memory a well- known citizen of acton half a- century afthc waatrotrt-lovoroftho-cir- cus but theres nothing unusual about that most people if they aro honest about it have at least a sneaking re gard for a circus and there are ex tremely few but wish to go to them- for tho childrens sake weu one spring a circus was an nounced and at once mr m got the circus fever and began to devise ways and means for getting to sco this at tractive perambulating show which was of the class he loved so much to see id like to insert this good cltl sens name but i darent do it because or son and daughter still live in town and theres quito a grist of grand children and they might not like it for me in cold print to show up his weak ness but the story is ix good ono without tho old citizens name away back in 1872 van ambergs menagerie and clrcuitwjfo ollled for guelph in tho old fair ground where the armories now stand the biir boards of tho coming circus were un usually showy and aggressive it was small wonder that mr m a lifelong ftevoteeef the circus fell before the glaring temptation i expect that is just tho way jacob itfoked in old times when he went on a journoy he said his eyes wandering off and lighting on a pictured train of camels much you caco how jacob looked sniffed his wife resentfully pretty flno old gentleman just the same with family enough to lost him whon ho wantod tp take them any where obsorvod mr m with mourn ful llumbr h6 had patronized every travelling snow which had come jo our vulago and tho circuses and menageries which camo to guelph in the pqst fifteen years under the ready plea that the children wanted to go children wont bo chlldi on but unce ho had said only last year not realising that tho children were chil dren no longer but thin season the lapt shadow of an excuse was removed for jennie was married and johnny was engaged and mrs m jftat- her foot dqwn with alarming vigor and insistence it is perfect nonsense jerry m spending money and time every year to go and sec the same old perform ance and hear tho eamo siuff weve jicard for ycarsi the children are grown now and can go by themselves if they want to butwear too old i never saw a girafte and they say this is the last living specimen ssld mr m imploringly but his wife only shook herheadr well live if the last specimen doesnt she haiti conclusively i caught ma looking at ono pf the circus bills obsorved johnny next day at dinner mrs m colored gnltiy she had opened ono just hefoie consigning it to the kitchen stove and it 1m il ptoved so interesting that she had ungorxd ever the description of thogrand dis play- of oriental splondor which was to dazzle the eyos of town andcountry then johnny had cqme in and she had hastily stuffed tho whole array of ele phants tigers lions and acrobats into the hottest or the fire i guess wed better- go hadnt we ma mr m 1 poked u hopefully you havent been anywhere this summer dteadful concerned you aro about me jerry said mm m- grimly well go on that excursion week after next since im pining so to go somewhere mr mi groaned tho thought of substituting the excursion which he hatsd for tho glittering glided circus now dress no well hows tho linen department just in and tho finest assortment of tablo linen ever uhown in this town ho unfolded beautiful cloth fine and glossy one of tho most expenslvo cloths ive got and seeing its you undo jerry ill mako it an oven eight dollars its marked eightfifty you sec half an hour latci mr m marched lntohis alttlhffroom a satisnod smile upon his faco ho had not looked so happy in a week- and his wife noticed it at once what is it jerry7 whats in that bundle open it ho said affably throwing it into her lap its foi you and if you dont say its tho prettiest thing you ever saw why jeremiah benijah m what under tho sun have you bought mo an other tablecloth for mrs m ex claimed as she unfolded the beautiful linen ive u now one now that ive never usod and this is xduid sokes alive jerry m did you buy this to get anbhowtlcket w itrtihonadread theplacard wnert ano went in to pur chase her calico and a suspicion of tho truth flashed over her yes i did replied mr m stoutly and you cant say a word against my going if i go on a free ticket a free ticket repeated mrs m expressively then she leaned back in her chair and laughed till the tears came well jerry if you want trf go to that show as bad as all that she said as she wiped away a tear perhaps not all due to the laughtor its a mighty pretty tablecloth now isnt it oaked mr m anxiously yes too pretty and too fine for plain people like us jerry not a bit of it nothing is too good for you ann el ira youu come along to tho show wont you 7 ho added cqaxlpgly things doici seojiajf po pleasant whon you aint along to share em with me when the performance began mr and mrs m were on tho top row of tho middle seats as usual and one would never have gathered from mrs ms faco that she had objectod t as exhibition tlmo draws near th woster fair grounds at london arc taking on increased activity and are rapidly being put in shape for what pro ml sos to be tho biggest year in tho history of the exhibition many improvements havo been mad the most important being theremodel- ling of the cattle sheds and barns which will greatly jacilltato the show ing of live stock this year tho 1925 western fair is being looked forward to with interest by everybody there lias been an un precedented demand by manufacturers merchants and dealers for space in tho various buildings to display their t ducts the new manufacturers building which is the finest of its kind jn the country will bo filled to capacity with excellent exhibits featuring canadas industrial achievements exhlbltois aio busily engaged erect ing booths painting and dcooratlng sparing no cupcls to mako their ex hibits the most attrflctiyft and artistic of lta kind entries have hoen jecely cd from all parts of canada and the united spates a certain indication that tho westorn fairs generous prize hut 1h being received with enthusiasm everything points to a lecord yoar and tho fair board is now making many youutt peoplu l 1 jju pi ovisions to caro for exceptlonoly largo crowds great caro hns been taken to engage tho very best unuirjomonts and the mldwuy will be tho largest oven seen hoie highclass vaudevlllo acts have been engaged for tho in-front-of-the- grandstand performances and special arrangements are being made to mako tho popular fireworks display unexcell ed the secrctnrj mi w d jackson is giving caieful attention to all en tries and inquiries and will supply prize litsta and information on re quest on tho whole the western fair promises to bo an outstanding success and win be the one big outing of tho year for all the people of western on tario z iand above all hs wifo reminded him that overcoat i suppose it must be tho mission ary answcicd with a sigh of course it must be she return ed remember that it what you aro to bring me goodbye deai enjoy every mlnuto and then the train rolled in and tho missionary was upon ills way to g tho meat conference it was a wonderful time he had not realised in hlk busy yens on tho da- koti pi allies how statved ho wan for contact with tho woild of mon and of books it seemed as if ho was drink ing in life through every neryo and flbi e then the last day tho most wondei ful thing happened ho had boon spending tho night with ono of the city ministers- and the next moi ning hla hostess called him she was holding a beautiful furtrim med overcoat 1 wondered she said if you could possibly malep uwc of this upon youi winter rides mr armstrong had it mado tor bim but found it heavlei than he liked and it is really useless for him to uce it if you could use it it would be relieving us of a white elephant you will foi give my asking you will you not forgive it tho missionary erleo you cannot know what this means to me mrs armstrong 1 am so delighted she answered cordially you will not want to bo burdened with it now it is- terribly heavy hut i will send it to you the first thing in the fall tho missionary did not go to the onnferonco that morning although a great bishop was to speak ho had something on hund more important than bishops for once jean splendid patient heroic jean was to havo the brown dress sho had longed for for so many years tho missionary looked aa if he had taken off ton years since tho night beforo he carried homo the brown dress and his wonderful storyu jean i00r- ed a little troubled even though her hands dwelt loving on tho cloth you aro sure sho wont forgot she faltered sure ho answered he was so confldont that bho put aside her fears aud sang aa sho mado the brown dross sho wore it tho first cool day in the fall if you only had your overcoat too- sho said wistfully but i couldnt wear it today if i had it he answered you dont realize the aroticproof thing it is joan you never saw suol an over coat i expert it any dny but the days passed and it did not come winter camo on jean hen lips set to keep back the tears mende1 and rometided the old coat tho new dress was put away it tore her heart to think- of it the missionary had an attack of pneumonia they both knew tho leason although neither said it in may tho coat came with a pretty letter of apology the missionary tried 1t on his faco shining isnt it a beauty lie cried his wife tried to smile but there was the winter to forget first champlain memorial marks advent of white race keeping up to dat he was it coming tho valor of tho individual docs not depend on tho size the scrap of humanity mentioned in tho newspaper waa n to bo jud by a s of jnohes the small boy was dressed in a foot ball costume and with jaunty air he walked into tho oulco of a country nowspapor and handed to the editor a dirty scrap of paper on it was a brjef account of a juvenllo football match which had taken place that afternoon glancing at the report the editorial eye caught the words manning ton kicked a magnificent goal the finest ever seen on tho ground who is mannlngton asked the odltor the human atom turned tho thumo of his rijght blind proudly to his breast i ajri mannjnffton ho said calmly prejudice dgainst wearing nld-fashfon- ed clothes they would actually lathe go without tho food thpy nood thn woar a coat that would impress an observer as out of date some of thorn however do not realize tho importance of keeping up with tho times mentally whllo tho aro paftloular to havo tho latest mllllnety or tailoring their own stock of ideas is shabby and out of date to keep up to ditto on the outside is an exaellent idea making u good appearance is no small factor in suc cess after all any day that you have tho cabh you can buy u suit and an overcoat of the latest cut and a hat the prince of wales prefers at the moment if you do not keep up to doto inside the matter is not so easily remedied it cannot bo set right in a day or in a week do not got stale po not gpt behind the tlmei do not stop growing whatever may bo true in regard to your clothes bo euro that you yourself arc kee u to d thut yo ideas aro fresh thatyour purposes are new ap your enthusiasm is as young as the day april 24 1615 was a great day in the lives of the townsfolk of the little seaport of honflour in northern franco for on that day slour samuel do champlaln whose earlier voyages and discoveries in tho now world had stirred tho imagination of tho french court and of the merchants of th- noiman and breton seaports set sail in the jittlo ship the st eticnne with a party of four recollet bi others to christianize tho indians after 1 iy stormy voyage the little smp sailed up tho st lawrence to that natuial cita del now tho clrty of quebec later champlaln went on to montreal where ho found a large band of indians as sembled to meet him reminding him of his promise to assist them in their wars realizing that this would lead to exploration and eventu illy to col onization he set off to quebec to mako arrangements tho indians sending out their scouts before ho returned from quebec tho indian growing impatient set out with father le caron and 13 frenchmen into what la now known is tbp province of ontario champlaln and ta frenchmen and ten indians ftfnrtpd np fhf 0tnwn tn homftttawttr f and joined wth the hurons in a wai expedltlqn against the flercp iroquois by means of which champlaln who was as enthusiastic an explore us a soldier discovered lake onnrlq re turning frpm flie rars champlun spent christmas 1615 with his friend chief dirontai at cahlague nea where- nawmandfl the town of orlula on lake slmeoo the gallant gentle man loturnod tp monti cal in juno 101c where he found his friends tho rpool- letb had given up hope of seeing mm again chumpialns work aa an ex plore was now douo but hla voyages into ontario opened up tho path 10 the west to the mlssionjuy and the tradei it lp a far ciy from the little ship st 5tlenne which set sail ht day so long beforo from france up the st lawrence to quebec to the giant canadian pacific steamship mout- rojal which one hundred and ten years later sailed from cherbourg by tho sumo route to tho canadian gibral tar on board the montroyol was vernon maich tho famous english sculptor who designed and executed tho monument recently erected atqr- illia to the memory of the gallant sol- uler missionary and explorer samuel de chnmplain neai tho site of cahiaguo from which little settlement champlaln staitcd out with his indian addition to ihis main figure are two gioups ono clu iatlanlty represent ing p recollect father holding ajqfj tho crucifix to the savages no i tho other la commerce and ahcava the voyngevr with a sjmuur pair of indians np 3 the total weirht of tho biqnip ir more than nine tons- it is mounted on a pedeatnl of bpnedlat stone 30 feet unuaro and 18 feet high glylpg the monument a total height pf 30 fept co 2 mi veinonmarfih no 4th6 ftfiulp tor is tin interesting flgurp ho ii one of a family of seven brothers and ono hhtoi nil of whom are artists a ml sculptoi at their studio and woikshop in ruinborough kent which foimerly wuh 111 old post home they do their own eaiting a3 well ashelr own designing mr vernon marchs woik particularly that of war mem orials has won the highest recognition in all parts of the empire and the memorial at orillla in both conception and execution la ono of the finest ex amples of hla art mr sydney march oungcr brother crossed on the monuoyal and assisted his brother against tho iioquols and wheiehe re turned with his discouraged allies thj bronzes for tho monument aro cqlossal in size tho figure of cham plaln hlmsplf being twelve feet high rhtn- tl qmf hnn nt thi ttrnngpq the lato lord strathcona was on of the original promoters of tho mon ument and mado the initial contribu tion to tho fund while the canadfyq pacific railway also cqntrlbutell tho of astounding action fmd vigor in i erection of thq monument true selfesteem tn fpllqw said a mun whom tho boston qloho known as ho pointed tp a passing youth ls tho most egotis tical yqung map j ovop mot why so asked his companion why yesterday was his birthday and he sent a collect message congrati ulutlng his mother internal and external k ve promptly reliever by oe thomas eclectric oi u subjection of weeps play fair because your opponent cheats in a game you are not justified in resorting to dishonesty because your rival in school stoops to unfair methods you are not excused ifjou adopt tho same txictlcs you are under ds much obli gation to play fair as though cverymiu- man being in tho world were absolutely square and aboveboard it is absolutely fatal to make the acts of other people the standards of your own conduct whatevei tricks others aro guilty of whatever dis honesty and doablecrossing dealings you may encounter do not allow such things to alter your own attitude a1t ways and ovcrywhpro llay fair in a statement on cffsotlvo matft ods of controlling weeds mr s3 ti hopkins dominion field husband man brings out three salient and im portant facts tho first is that the moat fiffpctlve method of controlling weeds 1b thorough and frequent cul tivation of the land flip sepond is thit tho basic principle in 1111110 repds which have underground rpotstauffi if ito prevent their sending up top or aboveground growth and the third jbo longer the delay in eradicating the weeds the greater the amount of wok that will eventually be necessitated one other point made by mr hopkins in giving doflnlto advice aa to the sub jection of couch grass mustard and othor weeds that cannot bo too much omphoslzed is that it is important use at all times seed grain clover and grass seed tough luck portrait and slipper a touching anecdote associated with a picture in tho national gallery in edinburgh is told by an english lady in her book potpourrl from a sur rey garden sho writes several pictures stand out with po cullar interest especially the llfestxod gainsborough of- young mrs qrahame 0ho sat for tho picture as a brlds but before it came home she was dead and her husband had gone to the wars when he came back he never had tho coui age to open the caso which contained his young wifes picture on his death may- longyears after itwas painted it wns opened by his heirs ipff ipsjdp tho case was a little white ejljmec dip had left with tho painter to help him to finsh his nlpurc the portrait was given to tlp efllp- bui gh gallery und the slipper was kept by the family personality in print 8un 8p0ts it is unusual to find a man stand ing on a public highway hoi din a goat bythe horns and the passerby was interested will you kindly hold on to this her beast while i climb tho fenco and open the gatef asked the man politely certainly said the stranger and did 30 thapk faja the man frpm the other slsn of th fen go tho brute at tacked me n hour tgd snd wove been struggling evor since j3jt no long as yru hold his horns he cant hurt you- and i wish you the same luck in getting away as ive had wo hear a lot or talk about sun spots yet if it were not for tho astron omers few of us would know they ex ist all tho impression wo get from using our own eyes is of bewildering blinding dazzling light this talk cf sun spots reminds us how often a good womans weaknesses aro discussed by her acquaintances instead of her shin ing vlrtuos how often a great mans shortcomings receive nil the emphasis wmla fho qualities which put him in the front fank ofo lost sight of sun spots aro interesting because of tho light they throw tin human najiup tofarmersandother shall yon be neealnjcr ferti lizer this fall t shall bo glad to take your order for tny of the irlaly- known national brandt for farm or garden use at oloff prices lit largo or small quanti ties also tunkagn for hogs nnl various otlior cattlo foods try parbola the new disinfecting white paint in powder form instead of whitewash for your poultry houses otc dries puro whito and does not flake or peel off and is 0 real disinfectant once you uso carbola you will nover go back to whitewash full par ticulara from irank scriven aflent for national fsrtilizttrs ltd wast toronto box 150 acton ont real f ear moru is ono of winston churchills atest stories a lecturer was holding forth on the subject of fear orfly those who havo been roused from tholr sleep on boaid ship by tho torrlblo cry of man overboard i can fully realise its meaning said the lec turer thats not right interposed a httlo man in the audience i heard it once when i wns not aboard a ship and i realised 4t moro than anybody you couldnt objected tho locturer oh yes i could slsted thellttlo man i was tho rnan who was over- 1 board i harvesting tools the farmers are pigfit irjtq thehaxvesting operations rld tey will and all the neoessary ipiplefnents tools and supplies at talbots hardware fjo rmitter whatisnecded you will find full supplies at our hardware otint d the rfrlce are al ways the lowest hay forks ropes pulleys etc w d talbot phone 76 main street acton people prefer to buy known goods ffom merchants whom they kfcow ad vertising maizes you acquainted with the buying public this personality in print is he greatest builder of confidence there is it teaches the whole community to a relieve in you and your goods to think they have a need for your good and to buy at your store moreover people expect to be asked to shop at your store a message in the acton free press carries conviction right into the home let us show you what happens when an advertisement is an invitation rv l 5 jttir v tjtv i j 1 w x is i

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