Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 29, 1925, p. 5

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lye artmt atofflregfl tiiuksnav july jo 105 unfinished so mini thiiik i m o jovolloi unllnlhhol a nlunjlti tuiviiik adolescent moon il t lut t mo hill immaculate with el iwniitk tju- poikuiit wlip of tuno a loao whoio pitalu htlll tu c lotlcent ami foldeil ciohc a a fulet haiultt that lntiy ti eci irtut holds iciivph it a lumlnuua unci mlnty art halos ovei muy n ahulo fact nn uidiitnt as u candle a gften ontlclncr path u gallant uucpt and love thats iimi tlculutr and is breathless and hushed and unconfeased sanno liluekwell payne twenty years ago from tho issuo of tho froo proas of thursday august 3 1905 fh emeus excursion to tho vulla to il a buimi fa di oppinii in pi ico inateud of the usual advance iluilng tho pre- tu lng time the inaeudum sti eett have been com pleted and the council ut u specjal met ting on monday evening pusuoit two bylaws for the protection of the stieots and hidewalka bioychnth aro prohibited fiom iavemerttn waggons and currlnges must rcmpcct boulevard 3 it is huggeated thtt cement pave ments bo now laid on mill stret fronting the wairen block and west ward past herfgeraon cos and mr sopers new store along this im portant business section thoy should bo of good width joe flora who has just jatoly como to town acted as drummajor for tho jjand on friday evening when tho acton fire brigade wua escorted by them about town before going to tho paik he attracted much attention by tho way in which ho handled the baton tho disciples sunday school and friends to tho number of fifty pic nicked in mcdougalds grove on mon day mrs t c clark has purchased from d henderson a lot on bower avenue next his residence and has let the con tract for a fine brick house to bo erect ed thereon contractor cameron will do the carpenter work and v i an derson the stone brick and plaster ing born matthews- at williamsburg col on saturday july 26- 1905 to mr and mrs j chester matthews a son arnold at johnstown n y on monday july 24 1905 to mr and mrs frank arnold a son died craine at sprucedale on wednes day july 261905 robert craino of toronto formerly or acton aged 53 years la1ng at gait on wednesday july 20 1905 tho widow of the late adam lalnff formerly of acton aged gil years the sundayschool lesson for sunday august 2 gems of thought if your state bo good searching into it will give you that comfort of it if yqur state bo bad searching into it cannot make it worse nay it is tho only way to make lt better for con version begins with conversion tho ifftifln ffpo tiik uvistias of jamijs jn i 1j7 reud jamoi 1 118 j b20 pldun tt t ut e dooi 1 of itlio woid and not lumiieisohly jamon 1 time a d 00 r- plate jet usulcin tho loaaon explained 1 uc swift to heai alow to speak lu jo j almoat all men piofeafred hi istlann included talk too much and thorcfoi c say many thlngs that ought nei to have been said consequcntljtevei j man should be swift to liflu but slow to speak what wo should bo especially swift to litiui ia the woi l vetaos 21 22 if we listen a gi ooj deal to that then when wo speak we hhull have something to say that t-wptit- listening to the hpecch that is pi ompted by the wot d tiuly sanctllled apceoli tlie speech that aiisos mettly fiom oui own musings and i easonings is of littlo n oflt to elthet us ot to those to whom we apeak wo must be slow not only to speak but to wrath tho man who is quick mad will bo long sad suddon ungef is the souiee of untold and immeasurable mihoty and mischief in tho home state chutch and international affairs it nevei woiketh the i lehiteuuhiiesa of god but it constantly wojjtcth tho wickedness of the devil this charge is laid upon biethrjdn professed bu- uevcts angci has sent many a chutch to tho devil and many a professed churchmember to hell 2 tho power of tho word of god 2126 veiso 21 eoto forth the wonderful power of the word of god its power to save the soulo and also how to study it putting away all mthino3s of tho flesh nothing hinders profit able study of the wotd so much so much as sin and an unsurrendered will cf john 7 17 how the word saves us we ate told in vet so 18 ie by regenerating uo the word of tho gospel lias the power to save everyone that believes it it is tho implanted word that is able to save the written word implanted in our hearts by the living spirit of god if we only have tho word of god outside of printed in a book that will only bring condemna tion and death but tho word of god implanted in our hearts jy tho holy spirit that brings life and salvation for tho word to save us must bo united by faith to the wotd that god speaks the word must bo received with meokness with a humblo teachable mind that 4oea not exalt its own reas oning but submits like a child to the infinitely superior wisdom of god it must bo received as the word of god 1 thesa 2 13 out understanding of tho word is conditioned upon our re ceiving it with meekness pa 6 9 this is why tho bible is a aealod book to many even though they nro very intelligent students of qther books thoy do not receive tho word with meekness and that book cannot be understood in any othor way wo should also study tho word obediently study it not merely to satisfy our cur iosity but to learn how to live and then live that way bo doers of tho word and not hearers only one verso of scripture obeyed 711 open up a hun dred others ono varse q scripture disobeyed whl oiose- iyhoe boqf pnjoy tho blessings of the day if qort sends them and tho evu of 1 bear patiently and sweeny for this day is pnly ours we are dead tg yes- torday and wo are not yo prn to he morrow joremy taylor the jay and happiness and pfttlsfac- tpn and aucposs pf rr uyes dopend vpfy much moro upon ourselves and tho kind of people wo aro than upon th kind of things that happen to us r r williams took life ovor from what point you will and you ww find that it han been sin that 1ms tripped men up and held them back and spoiled health ajd hap piness and hope washington glad den always remember that slncetity is the very soul of religion a single in tention to pleaao god and to approve ourselves to him must animate and govern all that wo do philip dod- dridjpo if we practise goodness not for the aako of its own intrinsic excellence but for the sake of gaining some ad vantages by it we may bo cunning but wo are not good cicero there are few mistakes that arc fatal if wo hnndlo them properly after wo have mado them and learn the lessons that thoy ought to teach us w b crelghtop iot the current of your being set toward god then yourmife will bo filled und calmed by one masterpaaslq that unites and btllls tho soul alexander maclaren liot overy man ask himself vflth which of his faculties he can and w spmehow infiuenco hs ago goethe tho martyrs to vice far exceed tho martyrs to vlrtuo both in onduranco und in number what kind 13 worst many a nervous woman has occasion to consider what kind of a noise is immt likely to banish sleep it is not strange that the crusado against un necessary noise should be led by a wo man and that she should find thous ands of eager supporters amonffher box the country and the city present dif ferent problems to the seeker of quiet the steady roar of tho city street is often loss trying than the persistent crow of the earlyrising rooster or tho clang of tho cowholi tho neigh- bor who sifts coal ashev before light belongs to tho same class with the one who narrates his famjly uffalt s at dawn under the window in a loud und cheerful voice th shriek of the whist re tho cnh of tho nowsboy tho rattle of the milk- cart are all trlalaome as a certain old lady userpto say of her children but perhaps tho most unforgivable onu noise which recurs at slightly irregular intervals and for a long period tuo drip of a watcrplpo tho whine of a dg the slam of a blind these are tho nntaefl which doatroy temper and sleep even tor well women when one has struggled through a night tortured by such objectionable clamors ono real ises tho full meaning of tho joeta dream of peace where silence like a poultice comes to eax the blows of sound i modern heroes emulate oldtime indian braves st j i jjjilltfflill h x v n ihbhhhhthbilttiidllllllltfhi mtb mitmttttc- a man qf peace at inst biown hod foupd a fiat it l only ft simple statement but what a world ot worry battle and woi nout shoe it bcnind up in it- the landlord was asking him a few questions of coin so yu have no children said tho potentate none at all answored tho pros pective tenant dogn or cnts f no piano pianola or phonograph no but ill tell you what ive got jt fountain pen that saucak rather bfldiy qyory time i use it but ill get rid ofthat 4f you like and leave- pie soul 1n uer darkness and take awy ftu relish fpr tho wqf- many try to moke he dpep study of the word tftke tho pipco of tho dally careful practlep of the word pod saya all such nio doludinb thejr own splves verse 22 r y tijoy soldpni deceive aiyqnp plsp thp whp knowlpdgo of truth that jfl not raptfoort merely brings condemnation it ifl aln ch 4 17 but ho who bfltti hears the word and doea it shall bo richly bless ed in vorsos 23 and 21 wo aro told of something else the word has power to do it revcalu us to ourselves it is a looking glass thoj shows us not only our faces but our inmost hearts jufdt as they arc and just as they look fo god it thereby convicts of sin it is tno sword the holy spirit uses in piercing tho heart but some look into gods looking glaijs the word of god see just whut sort of mon thoy are sinners rebels against the word but instead of repenting they straight way i o auickly or immediately for get what manner of mon thoy have seenthemsolvesto bo7tnoio aretthe people who merely fioar or- study the word but dont do as tho word bids them to do there are many bible stqdenta of that kind and for all their bible study they aro headed for hell but the one who not only nee what kind of man he ought to bo by being born again verso 18 tho one who not only hears tho word but obeys it he la blessed in his doing not merely saying ho is again gets life and lib erty verse 18 aro you a mere hear er thnfforgottefh or a dp6r that work- eth the word of god la tho per fect law tho law of llbprty thq law that sets free 3 pure religion and undented 26 27 the word translated religion ip verse 27 the noun from vhfch ho nd- joctivo transiatedv verse 26 is deriyod does not mean roliglon in tho sense in which wo so often uso tho word today as meaning true in ward heart religion it means the out ward performance of religious dutlei these verses theroforc aro not in tended to teach the way of salvation as some careless and auporficlal in terpreters aver but simply act forth what is a true performance of religious duties pure religion i e pei farm- ance of lcllglous duties and undefined the right sort in gods sight docs not consist in going through prescribed forms of ccceslustlcal performances the going through with genuflections ahd rites and ceremonies lut in chrlsthke ministrations to tho most needy vlflltlng the fatherless and tho widows in their affliction and in keeping onoa self without a spot from contact with the woi id in its selfish ness and greed and senauallty and pleasure seeking wo are not saved by doing these things but we aro saved to doing hem they are not the ground on which wo ato saved but the icflult of our having been saved if we really have been saved by simple faith in jesus chi 1st wetwilldp these thlnga and the doing of thorn out wardly is proof that we aro inwardly saved on the othor liund if a man thlnku ho is religious because he through the various religious perform ances but does not control his tongue but lets it go unbridled with bitter words and unkind word and falsely critically words and harsh word and angry wprds nhd contontloua words that mans religion is empty futile worthless therto is n- better test f whatti man reajly is at heart than tho way he talks at an ordinary conversa tion dally readings for nxt waek monday august 3 temptation jaa 1 1218 tuesday august a pure itellgloii jns 1 1027 wednesday august doere of tho word james 2 1320 thursday august 6 careful speech james 3 112 friday august 7 humblo living jas 4 110 saturday august 8 patience jas 5 711 sunday august flxvthq power nf prayer james 1 1318 cleans like china when you use 8mp enameled ware juteiuuia you never need to scrape scour and scrub the way some wart a ijnmnd hot water soap a loth thats ojl you need to clean them it washes like ehffla hits the clcanlhic s and sur face of chlnn but wears liko steel dont be tho slave of jui cooking ware equip with clean pure sani tary lostlnff enameled ware rook loos now yorker one of tho few wkito mon to shoot tho rapids tn a bircfi canoa c s l rapids prince shooting lochine rapids it in the lachine rapid most apec- taculur and deadly of all the shallows in tho long courao of tho st lawiencc itlvei tho river in beaten into a mane of croas currents and undercut i ents whirlpools and founvhiced rocks peer ing with jagged teoth just flush with tho avoop of the stream which hero attaint a speed of as high as twenty mile an hour looked at from the docks of tho canadian steamship llnen vessels that run theao rapid j dally it bcema as though no shin could live for a minute in those tor- mon ted waters yo subtle indian pilots- huve long known thorn to bo us anfe na any placid stretch of the lake st houis into which the st lawronco broaclona and thtough which the ship has just passed indian and fionch- canndlan pilots know the paaougepf tho rapids is safe but woe to the man who should attempt to run them with out full knowledge of tho treacherous depthn and shallows but the oldtime spirit of tho voyngeurs and dlacoverera is not dead today for in tho past two months though the river was swollen by hprlng fiesheta two canoelata havo actually dared the danger oua passag iiiul have succocdod ono of them wa a man from new york suite tho father waa a native monti ealor both were of couise expo ts and neither would probably try it again for any amount of money yot tho piercing eyes it pangei at o perhaps half the at- ttac fo nasaengerapn thp q q t boats tlioy lopk nvor the side oftha ship and ahudder at the veritable in- fermo that even tho mind df a dante could not event as the steamer plunges urionfir the bjcasero tho head long current cirnes hci on towards the insidious rocks sometimes hidden sometimes exposed to vlow with the dark suggestion of others unseen below the wateia deftly tho ship passes them y within a few feet of their treachciousedgea through clouds of spray ascending from the churning abyss a moment more nnd the de scent is completed and soon the big steamer glides into the placid waters beneath vlctoilu bri into mq f- thom hi ion- tourist a who will visit monti eal thla summer it is safe to say that ninety por cent will look for ward to the passage of the lachine itupids oa one of the major events of their stay in thla city for 8ale by james symon mill st acton sfenyourmoney in your owntown you can now get partridge quality tires in your own town cheaper than other makes by mail they are the best tire value you can find anywhere buy them here at this low price you can reap the benefi of poison ivy yeai after year as folks tni c forth to cam or summer cottage interest in poison ivy revives many havo ec to learn to recognize these low bushy slightly woody stemmed plants rising ftom longrootstocks at oi just below giound level and beniing tho char- actotfalic loaves of ttjple smoothish pointed leaflets and ficcfuently the old cluuteis of lound whitish fruits beneath thorn tailing to tecognizo and avoid tho plants many people susceptible to poisoning and themselves presently lpjoteatod in remedies few seem to bo aware that contact with ho w or even with shoos tools etc that havo been in contact thoy alipuld promptly remove all traces of its vlr- uloncllby fuwolat hert n g htawtr wlth bttong soap and rinsing undo hot rnnnff i constantly changed water inflammation maul ting from unnuspoctcd exposui o or neglect qf tho above precautions may he relloyol by applying hfdutlons of baking sqdii or dpsqm salts one qr tyo teaqpoon fula to ii cup of wafer and bandaging vailoua elaboiato ueatnients na offei- ed which aro seldom moro helpful op ao readily available it i nurpiising how few effortw aro mntlo to iean up ivy from cotmtnnti freauentctl public jmd private grounds though ei adlcation ih bound to bo la borious irtere nro plenty of people who could safely woi k at it in hard or roclty ground wherever injuiy to the soil does not matter dry halt ot ationg brine ynlffht be applied before growth becomes too dense or after mowing it with a scythe caustic soda and othe polaonoua chemicals aro also tccom- mondedt as a rule however direct removal of tho motatoek from tho soil bymoann of grubbing hoe potato hook digging- or ploughing when possible is nreicraiuc somotlmos -when- growing in loaf h uch soil astonishingly jong strnnds of tootstocks can be dragged out intact thla is most safely and easily dono before spring growth com mences small patches havo thus been cleared ui at one operation which would hnvo icciuired lepeatcd spray ing herbert gtoh botanical dlvisio- cantral hxpci imental farm uao miller worm powders and uio biittle against worms is won theso puwilos correct he mqrbid cqndjltlona of tlio dtumach which nourish wqrma and thoso dcntructlve painaitcs cannot oxlst after hey como in contact with this medicine tho wot ma nro apooduy cvaddated with pther refujje fiom tho bowols squndness la imparted o tho organo and ho health at the child steadily improves wothing unu8ual i two rielglibors were confiding their troubles to each other ovat tho hack- yard fcneo that separated their promlr- cb you lenow sujld mia hlgglna my huaband ib a carpenter yes woll i give you my word that s an our upslaira upams aro unflnlahod nnd the loof leaks whenever it rains and i cant gel henry to do a thing to em youre not any woi ho off than i am nnid mm cllngham you see my husband ued to bo a fireman on a locomotive yea well just as truo as i stnnd here i always have to get up in tho morn ing nnd make the fire tho frlond of- all 8uffererdr thomas llcleclrlc oil ih a valuable remedy to all those who suffer pain it holds out hope to ovetyone and realises 1 1 by stilling suffering every where it ib a liniment that has tho blessliiff of half a continent it la ofi sale cveiywrhoio and can bo found wherever on quired for a pleasant mpdlclne for children 1 mother oravos worm fixterrnlnatpr und it is excellent foi diivfng worms from the system her condition say that you will ha mine t dearest auofilhin i will upon one condition name it my mlored nnd if it woro to got you the moon it is cflwler than that in brlor simply thla that you will invito mo to spend a month in your fathers house hioviouh to ourmairlage of courflccmtniiily but why make such a fltrimpo rcquoat well i wlh to learn to cook like your motricr etiquette proper things to do while travelling dresa inconspicuously and bo mod- eat in manner one abroad in tho world bliould not attract attention do notpuah ahead out ofyour turn nt tho ticket wicket or tho car steps and do not take up moie room wlch your baggage than you are entitled to do not speak to strangers unless it comes in perfectly natural but do not be cold when thrown in close contact with fellow travellers of your own sejt bo fiiendly if it soerns cceptphle hut do not forcc pur pompuny on thona who piefer to be let alone dq not talk loudly so that others must hem and do not tell private matters olher about youtaelf or yqur f be courteous to everyone lnolqdlntf the railway emplnyepa do not nak unusual services unless you expect to pay for them tipping is expecfcd hut t women dooa not tip as genepoualy aa a mtvn nnd she reoelwa poorep aervjoe on a dining cap one tlf after each meal on shipboard wljere ono nan tho aumo sent fr each meal at tho end of the journey though fellow travellers may be fi lendly on a journey they will not continue the friendship whon the jomnoy in ended they will net as strangers in the hotel lobby unless mutual friends are about relieves asthma at qnce if you could read the thousands of unsolicited lettcra received by tho makers from grateful oners you too would realise the remai kablo powers of dr j x kelloggs asthma remedy all cases incipient and chronic are benefitted by this gi ea famll nv orexpbriment with warthloes prepara tions when the genuine kelloggs can bo purchased everywhere living as if you were poor recently an old man died in n new yoik hospital largely tho doctors said from malnutrition when received as a pntlent he waa clpthcd in raga jlp had been taken frqm wrctchodj base ment room withou a single cotnfori nor even sunahlqe yet when is tattered clothes wero removed it wis found to bo lined with valuablo securi ties this man ffho lived ip such ah joct poverty was replly pjoh eyory comfoit mjgh h uoen hlu this old mnnts suggestive osomo of you young people you roally aro ilch you have youth strength abil ity opportunity and tho present hour each day is nn 321 dorado each can be mined so us to ylold you something worth having yot you nro living as if you were poor pitting yourself and inviting others to pity you tho miser who rtoes hungry with fifty thousand dollars sowed in his tattorod coat is the symbol of young amerfca who with his hands in his pockets and his eyes downcast tolls hlmnclf he has had ni chance try this robert burdette in a talk to younr men said get away from the crowd for a while and stand and think stand on one side and let tho world run by while you get acquainted with your- sclf sec what kind of a fellow you aio ask jouraolf hard questions about yourself ahcertaln from original sources if you are really tho manner of man you say you ate nnd if you on alwaya honest if you alwaja toll thi hquio truth perfect tiuth in huslnebs detiitla if youi life la as good as it ia nt noon if you are na good whan jnti go to tho city ns you arc nt home if in hhort jou aie ically the aort of a man your father hopew you aro and your sweetheait believes you at a get on intimate terms with yourself my boy and believe mi every time you come out of ono of these private intei views you will bo a atronger bet ter purer man- dont forget this and it will do you good the pare of cream on the farm grading cream and paying fov it on a graded basis will be introduced in tho creameries of this province early jn 1926 it is therefore important that cream producera become familiar with the standards for tho different grades and plan how they can produce oream that will bilng the hlghoat price grad ing the cream and paying for it on a graded basis provides at once three marketn for cream one for thespeclal etcdo one for tho first grado and ono for aeeond giado cream it la the farm era privilege to produce cream to suit any of these marketa if ho ifcoddcos special grade cream he will be awarded by receiving jlio msiifiatpobsibleprlce ifho produces first grade cream he will receive a slightly lower pi ice if a second grade cream ia produced a still lower price will have to be accepted off grade croum is of little value and should be returned the care given tho cream will decide which market it will sell in therefore the cream pi oducer who makes proper nrrangementa for taking care of his cream will bo rewarded by receiving a better price than tho man who will not go to any expense in taking cat o of his cream the grade standards and the differences in price are aa follows special grade this grade shall in clude any lot of butter which is clean in flavor- of uniform consistency and suitable for making butter of thla grade its acidity shall not be more than thirtyono hundredths 60 of one per cent at tho time of being grad ed nt the creamery where it is to be made into butter first gradee this- grade shall in clude any lot of cream which is reason ably clean in flavor tho uniform consla- tonoyitndeultnblo for making fcuiter of this grade lis acidity shall not be more than sixtyone hundredths 60 of one per cent at the time of being graded at the creamery wlrare it la to be made into butter second grado this grade shall in- clubo cream that does not meet th requirements specjfled for first grade cream such us cream that is bitter etalft musty pietnjho or otherwise un clean in flavor or has an acidity of ovar sixynnp hundredths jo of on pep cent off qradepthla grftdo shall include any crpam with u strong objectionable odor or flavor such an gasoline leekj atablft or such other flavors that may render the cream unfit for making second brade butter spread in price a piemlum of 1 one cent per pound butterfat shall be paid for special grado cream over flrat giade cream and a premium of 3 threo centa por pound butterfat ahall be paid for first grado cream over second grado cream special grade cream will bo produced whon the cows are provided with pure water and clean wholesome food when the cream is cooled immediately after separating and kept cool until it is delivered to tho creamery tho same car la necessary to produce first grade cream excopt that it may not bffnecea- snry to cool it ao much or deliver t ao often it la impossible to produce either special oi flrat grade cream un less it is properly cooled in summer nn abundant aupply of cold water will do thhj but we believe it will pay tho cream producers of ontario to provide a supply of ico for this purpose and uso it in nn insulated tank second grade cream will bo duo to the cows eating leeks or exposing tho cream or milk to odors from tho stablo or a gaaollno engine wholesale feed and pure water for the cowa clean sopnmtora and uton alls and cooling tho cream quickly to under fifty degrees will cllmlnuto any dnnjrei of second grade ct earn the colder cieum in kept tho longer it will keop sweet warm cream ahould never be mixed with cream already cooled cream ori en may uecuro a supply of a circular describing i these facta by writing to the dairy ihanch purlla ment building toi onto lasuod by tho authority of a tho hon orable j s jimtin minister of agri culture for the province of ontario iocalservice and inspect your tires before you pay your money let us show you these wonderful tire values sold by ih partridge quality liresftqp railway time tables jmmv m7 at acton qolno will j ko 29 1 a 80om 10 15 am mo 33 2 29 pm no 35 6 09 p m no 39- 8 39 pm no 25 sunday 10lliro qolno east no 2g t7 21a m no 30 11 27 a in no 34 3 35 pan no 30 6 17pm no 38 8 13 pm 708 pm canadian national electric bailway8 westbound dally excopt sunday 743 am dally 943 om dally 1143 am dally 143 pm dally 343 pm dally g 43 p m dally 743 pm dally 1232 am eastbound dally 743 am 9 48 am dally 1143 am dally s 143 pm dally j 343 p m dally 643 pm daily 743 pra dttuly dally 1140 pm freight delivered by special expreoa freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto j a smith insurance and real estate h agent for confederation life as sociation london lancashire fire insurance london lancashire guarantee and accident dominion j or uairaflounarantbg and accident insurance company farm and town property for uato prompt careful and courteous at tention given ii your bu8ine88 solicited residence mill and wallaco sts telephone 105 r 2 j a coxes garage internal and external are promptly relieved by dbthomas eclectric thxt it hasdeen sold for nearly fifty years and is today a greater seller than ever before 18 a testimonial that opeaks for its numerous curative qualities oil jigadesky of toronto eyesight specialist will be at a t browns druq store acton monday august 3 anyono suffering from eye strain dofectivo vision or headache should not mios the opportunity of consulting tins eyesight specialist appoint- merits may bo mado with mr a t brown druggist consultation free office hour 9 m m till 4 p m qllldren cry for might have sawed him off a innn notnil tliroufrtinut n wldo blrotchl of countl y hh 1iilnn tlknt- wun hnvlns losl x only mother went to town to put u notice in fho paper aint no charge is there bald he oh yew our rates nio a dollar nn lncll rcpllnl the newnpnperman- wheuioii the othor ejaculated heok hill wua alx- foot- two when using wilsons x fly pads sca0 dihfctions v caotl ul 1y and utlfiw ihfm z beat of nil ply kmdra 10 per packet at afldrugrirjflts grocers and genetel stores frash supplioi in demand whore- ever di thomas eclootrio oil ha boon introduced increased supplier hnvo been ordered showing that where- over jt goes this excollent oh impress es its powers upon the poofilo kq mat ter in what latltudo it may ba fquncl lis potency is never impnlrdri it in put up in most pqrtuhla shupe in bot tles und can be carried without fear of breakage he wa8 riqht mother johnny dont reach for thlngn havent you go a tonguo johnny yon mother but my arm la longer coins cause much suffering but hol- loways corj iteqovor offers a speedy yet auo und satisfactory relief castoria mothery fletchers castorle ia a harmless substitute for pastor ojl paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children aljlagcs oi constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting clieerf illness rest and natural sleep withomt opiates to avoid imitations always look for the signature of cyyccai jrovcn directions on ench pnkngc physicians everywhere recommend it ladies blue bird beauty parlor upstairs ovir mr daiss office marcelling curling cutting singeing massaging etc orders taken for dwlrchcs and combings inado up miss francis phone 2d1 main 8trst georgetown i admidimsi ms bbriciusohosrwbr mronto ginaoa ttet gibbons- expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons main street acton advertisers th free pres8 is anxious to ssrva you ahd ssrve you wall w aah giv your advsrtisa- mant battar attantlon and there for maka it mora attractive if tha copy la auppltsd to us on monday or tuesday if oopy tails to reach us until wednesday forenoon thara ia a rush to sat it up before the forma oloss and the result ia likely to ba issa satisfactory 8eno in your ad8 tfarly- 1 free press job printing is always neatly done does your watch keep time try our repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results and we knqw we can please you savage co jewellers gublph ontario

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