Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 29, 1925, p. 6

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v i births marruces and deaths are now charged for a the followlnff rates blrthl marriages 50 death ards 50c roc- per line extra 50c for p born mcqilli in aooreotownon saturday july 1j 1926 to mr and mr u k mcglll a aon nelson at acton on saturday july 25 1025 to dr und mrs b j nel son u daughter marjory helon married sthepmixlbb at soupi bartfn- vlllo hamilton on monday july 0- 192g liy itov judoottjtruax manol gertrude only daughter of mr and mrs ii t miller qoortrotown to norman w stoop son of mr rand i mrs james stoop of ouolph 1 died scott in huntovlllo on wednoaday july 32 102e isabella scott wife of ffm scott of huntsvllle formerly of braioosa mcgilil inijgcorgotown on saturday july 181b6 vtolot mcguigan wlto of ernobt boy mcdlll aged 22 years and 8 months ferguson at nls lato residence lot 22 con 10 erin township on tues day july 21 192etnoll forguson in his both year deacon at toronto on sunday july 26 1925 john scott deacon son of tho lato rev william deacon m a and ann scott deacon form erly public school inbpoctor county of halton in ms oightyrfourth year policecourt news ln actatt 3te na thursday july 30 1025 brief local items tho now harvest moon comos in tomorrow berrying parties are much in vogue just now 1 camping parties havo needed v waterproof tents this holiday beoson milton band will provide tho band concert in acton oirbaturday evening mr- n- tomorrow and saturday are do ing observed aa dollar days in walk- erton acres of dais lesbutter cups be- tweoifcyand oyer them tho sunny sum mer eky civic holiday nextmonay the roevo requests citizens generally to observe it guelph chamber of commerce hold a successful plcnlc at stanley park erin last wednesday walter itentrier ii i having a now and improved type of gasoline pump installed at hhr garage rov t h bates a former pastor of the disciples church guelph died in brantford on tuesday there are abundant yields of both oultivatod and wild raspberries tno crop is at its best this week it is reported that it wilt require 66000 or 60006 outside harvesters to handle the biff crop in tho west j orautsteln toronto was charged by truffle ofllcer lemon on monday with speeding on the highway at crowaana cornors mr qrautfltoln plotod guilty and was fined 1000 and oostsby v m mooro traffic ofilcor lomon for tho provln- oal highway had seven motorist up for speeding during thevcok they oaoh contributed 1000 and costs for their excessive speed which was ro- cordbd at 35 to 50 miles per hour citizens of fergus are ovinclng groat interest in a caso which comes up be fore magistrate hpllyer in that vlllago in which n number of young follows are charged ovuh haying disturbed a camp mooting in progress there lost wook chief mcpherson has had quite a number of persons on the carpot for violation of tho highway traffic act during the week thoy wero persona hailing from tilbury to scarboro junc tion and points botween thooftoncos are speeding reckless driving and no lights provincial licenso inspector grant ofquelph drovo to- toronto- monday with an automobile ordered conilscatoa from john garden of mourtt foroat who was taken into custody whon ap prehended with a quantity of liquor in his car tho inspector on his arrival in toronto delivered tho machine and tho whiskey to tho provincial license department on tuosday last david goorgb hydo who said ho didnt know whether ho lived in toronto or grimsby and who also didnt know whether hewas 49 or 59 years old was greeted by qhlof kerr and charged with vagrancy on wednesday morning p m shlolds sen tenced him to thirty days in the county jail whllo on route tho chief found that tho manwas an escaped inmate of toronto asylum finos totalling 2142 togothor terms of imprisonment aggregating nine months wero imposed on prod rutka by magistrate morale last wed hosday at port colborne tho sentences totuirtjotihoctjtivbry i3bondbutler neighborhood news- town and coumtry dannockburn r monthly mooting of tho insti tute was hold at tho homo of miss croo 6th line on wednesday juy 22 with seventeen- ladiea preuent aftor tho usual business arrangements wore made for a community picnic to be held at eldorado on saturday auguht lwith cars loaving tho corner of th gth lino and acton crossroad at x p m an excellent papcrwas given dur ing the aftornacuipn tho ideal kitch en by mrs robert kerr and a duett and recitatlon tho prograrov mo tho next mooting will to hold at tho homo of mrs d a rubbou oh august 1 ntftfjvuraing claaa under tho auspices ortho institute will be hold in the cchool houso nnd will com- monco on monday afternoon mcltss habklrk of toronto will- be thj-ln- otructreas crewson8 corners limehou8e iianover jroadylerlan- cougreffa- tlon has extended a call 40 rev g c iilttloof guelph to become paatar tho number of motor cars passing through acton on the highway is mani festly increasing from week to week ac tort htlxonfl bond la planning to hold a band plcnlc at huttonvllle park dn saturday afternoon augubt 22 nearly everybody in town must havo been enjoying plcnlcs ths jiea- son they have been numerous and fail to pay any of tho fines- ho will serve twelve months in jail and upon completion of the term may be extra dited for steps are already being taken with that object in view the sentences being passed on tho basis of tho re cent amendments to tho ot-a- license inspector reevely in the per formance of his dutlos ran into quite a jamboree at terra gotta last wed nesday shortly after a toronto boot- leggor had vlalted tho locality aa a result thero waa quite a docket at magistrate moores police court aea slon at brampton ldat saturday morn ing montague logan john mcdonald patrick mcallister andwllliam pear- eon wero convicted of being intoxi cated and flnod 1000 each and costs mcdonald mcallister and pearson wore also charged with obstructing a police officer whllo in thd discharge of ills duties the obstructing was mani festly a reality but the evldencd was weak respecting the personality of the obstructionists charges wore also laid against hugjilkiffan for having liquor in an improper placo anil for hjiia int theonhct woro-re- ropalrs aro in progress in the union church a now pulpit platform has keen construe ted ami a pxilpit has been presented by tho united church of acton which will bo in placo for the service next sunday evening rev mr caldwell proachod a flna sermon last sunduy evening rev jd dlckio will bo the preacher next sun day ovening the service commences at bjht oclock a number of our citizens will attend the special sjervico in tho united church in acton next sunday wrion tho membership rolls of tho unltod churches will bo dodlcated and tho first union communion sorvlcp will be held a noto from douglas gowdy from swanwlckt derby england written op tho 16th inst says wo spent lost friday and saturday inbolfast ire land and on the- antrim cooat up to port rush wo are attending the brit ish students conference horo over goo are in attondancb and wo are the only canadians wo leave for valea and london on saturda guelph morcury reports tho plo nic of tho cannda ingot iron co aa bolng most onjoyablo and sdyn mr murray the propriotor of bluo spring park is to bo commondod on tho na tural parlc which in now one of- the beet in tho dlstrlot v bluo springs park continues to at tract numerous plcrnlco sodom pres byterian church had a patty of 200 thoro the canadian iron workers of guelph camo down in three spoclnl cars on tho electric railway a week ngo motor parties aro there- dally tho sunday school hero and numer ous friends accompanlod tho united sunday school of acton to eldorado park last wednesday haying is about over and the wheat harvost is on with most of our farmorb now na89aqaweya quarterly communion and sacra mental service will bo held next sun7 day morning at 11 oclock in tho eb- onezer church rev a finnos marsh b d the pastor will conduot tho service a union sunday school plcnlc will bo held at edon mills this thursday afternoon a good programmo of sports will bo run off the recent showenr will help the oot crops and pastures tho threshing machlnos will soon bo heard humming again mr elwood wilson has purchased a new steam onglne for his outfit mr e l norrlsh formerly of this township who has been in toronto jtor a dumber of years is now superinten dent of tho orchard and garden at the armenian boys farm at georgetown remembers his canadian fhhjnds sir harry brittain m p of acton england travels through ianndn for australia 03pringe our farmers aro busy with harvest operationsin full awing and many of our progreasivo neighbors havo their wheat and barley in stook which are an average crop for this locality the fine rain on tuesday mornidff will groatlybenefit tho root crops and fast ripening flolda f oats which will bo ready fo7 tho btndor by tho end of theweekv a lottergram from sir harry brit- tain member of the brit loh house cf commons for acton england whllo en roulo through canada last week sont the following message tfctho fnttis pjuasa winnipeg man july 22 1925 ii p moore fnin pfuss acton passing through your wonderful dominion to take rm saorangl at vancouver b c on routo to tho third imperial press confer ence in australia would that tlmo pormitted mo to visit you but i send my warmest greetings together with sincere wishoa for all good luck and prosperity to acton ontariot harry brittain a year ago sir harry and lady brit tain wero most cordial host and hotess to tho editor of tho fncu press and mrs moore at acton england at their own home in l london and in numerous other ways during our monthbslay 1n london and in eng land very pleasant memories remain of the30 events it was our ardont hope- to havo tho opportunity to return tho compliment in some measure whon sir harry visited canada jl lfl tried in the fire ballinafad ms enjoyable thft boy scouts wepre expected to brook camp at huttonvllle estorday afternoon they have hada very en jfoyablo time the united church of acton will 4 an important epoch in local hla- tory in its consummation service next sunday morninjjr rrthoro has been no lack of rain the present summer with ftmplo bright dry woatherbetweon showers to permit of harvesting the crop in this district some of our amateur gardeners have now ceased worrying ahput whether their collar space could pro vide storage for their garden products miss rose mcevoy of toronto has been successful in obtaining nor normal teaching certificate miss mc evoy has secured a position in tor onto njandod forhearing until next satur day the charge against gordon gallagh er for the olloged theft of phil forbes car on tuesday morning oflast week came up for hearing before police magistrate moore at milton last fri day mrs forbes regretted that she had jald the charge inasmuch- as she got the car back and tho offender was her brother gallagher had been driv ing the car by permission from phil forbes previously but was never trust ed with it alone several witnesses were hoard the magistrate reserved judgment for a wook t d hutchin son acting crown attorney for tho prosecution leroy dale of george- towrj for gallagher the charges against matthew hlison jr robert corgill and james hamil ton jr for alleged theft of a car wore dismissed the evidence pointing to fred hlison as tho guilty party hll- aon failed to obey the sunfmons to appear and a warrant- is in tho hands atjhb owcrforbls approhonsion tho wpmens missionary society held their monthly meeting lii knox church on wednesday afternoon 22hd inst a number of the ladles rbn melville church caledon attended and took part miss nellie english of toronto la holidaying with her undo m camp bell mr and mrs p ferguson and mrs duncan ferguson attended tho funcrul of their aunt the lato mrs chaa wob- ater at georgetown on thursday a goodly number attended tho dance in the hall on wednesday ovening and report nr good time mr and mrs arohie kentnor of georgetown were sunday visitors at mr a kentnere mr nnd mrs wm hilts and younk daughter of toronto spent tho week end with the- formers mother mra ira hilts taking his text from john 4 44 a prophet hath no honor in hla own country roy dr spon preached- very- impressive sermon on sunday the motor trafllc on the seventh line is very heavy this summer ono would think this was tho provincial high way oakville many of our citizens took advantage of tho ideal weather last sunday to enjoy a motor trip a monator garden party is being held in everton this wednesday evening from reports it will bo real good many of our citizens will doubtless attend the races and flojd sports at stanley park erin next monday after- noon mr and mrs thomas mack of tho townline visited with- mr and mrs delaneylast sunday mrs a spohco returned to toronto after onjoying a delightful visit with her parents mr and mrs h r mc- cutcheon riverside farm miss pashley of toronto spent the weckond visiting in this vicinity mr and mrs smith mccutchoon of brantford visited frlonds during tho weekend in this vicinity mr locker of eyertoh unloaded fine now modorn threshing separator at erin last saturday rockwood las t r james pell trafalgar killed peculiar aoeirjent oceurred unloading hay while tho oakvlllo business mens asoo- ciatlon have obtainod permlssloh from tho council of tliat town to place flag staff sockots in tho pavement ottcol- borno street i ioalcvillo town council will pay tho expenses of twenty membcro of tho citieons band to accompany uio flro brlerado to tho demonstration ut torold next wcelr rev h g l baugh m a will take tho aervloos at st albans church on sunday the pulpit has been sup plied by students from toronto during hla dbsenco on holidays tho tax rate for halton county was lbrcd nthoyon and twoflfths mills with ono mill added for roads at the rogulor tojooting at halton county courlcll last wodneaday byton way- why should men driving motors forgot their gallantry on foot tho rule is ladles firstin a car they simplyj toot tho horn and smile to soe thorn leap for their life mr junes k gardiner of iun dalk an export watchmaker and jewel ler hair opened a shop in j a hills nromlses he lb an expert and ox- porloncod mlan and hopes to build uu a good trade in acton not always business before pleas ure the milton reformer says on acoount of tho bowling tournament tho town council meeting that was o 5tbis9bi ifvt tuesday- night was- pdstponod until tonight i have tho fiunt fiubm holiday with you its line whon on your vocation or at your summer cottage to keep in touoh with tho happenings at home every week it will bo bent to you postage- paid for 20o a month is anybody happlor because you passed this way does anybody re- oiembor that you spoke to hm to- ay this day is almost over and its tolling time is jhrough is uiero ariy- ono to vrttor now a kindly word of you a copy of the souvenir order of sorvlce of tho consummation of the united church of canada will be nro- sontcd to oacli pors6n attending the morning service ebttra copies may bo had for-ton- conu oaoh from tho tnrbcr a fatal accident occurred in trofalr gar township on saturday afternoon when james pojl 87 years of ago was instantly- klllod in his barn on his homestead on tho fourth line mr lulls farm hands wore drawing hay into tho barn and unloading it by means or a hay xork and trip rope in order to makospcod they attached a bag of wheat to tfis jodo wiicu- wduld automatically bring tho large fork back to the wagon under its own weight a forkload of hay was sent into the mow and when mrpoll pulled the trip ropo to release tho hay from tho fork tho bag of wheat dropped on his head tho impact of this wolght fractured his neck and caused instant death mr pell was a wollknown farmer and had lived in tho district for more than soventyflvo years ho was born in yorkshire kngland and came to canada with his parents in 1848 they settled in trafalgar and mr- pell as sisted in clearing the farmt he waa a member of the methodist churoh a etatthch conservative ani a personal friend of the lato hon d henderson his wife was miss cath erine mow of trafalgar she pre deceased hlml nine years ago si jons suuvlvo william henry and george of milton walter of oakvlllo thomas e of palermo anji fvedand jtufue at home anna may the only daughter died 21 years ago mr konneth marlatt has purchasoa the homo of tho late j c morgin oi bond street oakvlllo morchanta dollar day will bo held on friday and saturday reovo charles h cross wns present at monday eyenlngs council moetlnr after a longabaonco occasioned by ill ness and was heartily welcomed uy tho council miss elisabeth campbell of winni peg daughter of mrs hon colin campbell is visiting with tho illssos byers for a few days tho resignation of jh hodgo xrom tlio board of education was acoopted and tho clerk was instructed to wrte to mr hodge expressing tho regret ef tho councll nihbalth was glvon as therestsonjrprhlqoptlon a large number havo failed to pay their poir tax no further warnlriff will be given and next weok a num ber of summonses will -bo- sent out- onb of oakvlllos progressive busi ness paonf w grlriham has embark ed upon a very ambitious enterprise mr grlnham has recently purchased a business in kingston known aa the collegobook store which ho will opoc ate in addition to his oakvlllo store lavatory accommodation for goorgoa square was urgod by councillor moat who considered it necessary in view of tho many plcnlcs which wero- balng hold thoro by people from out of town daglstrato j h shields wrote ask ing or a rebate of 2500 the amount of taxes whtch he paid in 1023 and 1024 on tho church street pavement he claimed that this amount was charged against him by mistako aa his property did not touch church street record milton first iron bridge fi- aiocaj barber got into a- peek of trouble tho other day says tho har bor shop oracle he was kind of absentmlndod when a strange flapper to trousers got into the chair and says he shave sir shelburno bcono mlst v rev a wf tebbs rsotor of st lukes church met with n unfortun- r accident at qt pauls mission pic- nlov ho was running in a race anj liad llnlehed flret when heatumblea the jlrst iron bridge in the world was iranbrldgc in shropshire which spans tho river severn the 1 work yras bui inhhnandtho various parts cast in 17j8 at the coalbrookdalo ironworks the proprietor of which mr abraham darby was the- designer of the struc ture approximately flyo hundred tons of iron were used in the construction of the bridge a remnrftablo feature of tho undertaking is that atl the eastings are keyed together no welding or screws having been used the- road way which is twentyfour feet wldic has an iron foundation- upon which is laid a few inohes of clay which in its turu is covered by tho usual road metalling forming the surface tli 6 main arch bus a span of 100 feet already 30 bands have entered the band competition at the canadian na tional exhibition while last year there were only 10 that took port in fjilg impressive musical event that inter est in this ovont is widespread la prov- ed by the entry of the vetorans band from winnipeg said to be the finest in the west 1 me harry metcalfe of st thonyuv nephew of mrs p rb mc- cleary church- streot won tlio hand some golf trophy tho buncombe cup which was- up for competition tor the past four weeks mr metcalfe is one of the junior players helng onljt17 u rflt and mil jjlslbcatlrtg his shoul- years of age and bis exploit has won dr qaiette uor wm very gnrousnatultttion f v cherries aro such a low price in this district ttaat many aro not picking them for marketln-tf- john davidson and ernest fay havo bought the doublo cement dwelling in jejouoflclda flxiryoy north of tho c p h station judffe and mrs elliot and family of milton are r occupying their eumnrtet cottose on the lake shore at bronte dr and mrs r- l stewart and son of wintfhnm spent the week- end here with his brother mk w h stewart court street a i chambers andi w xott will represent tho local briuado at the fro vlnclal firemens associations conven tion atshorold on auffust 3 4 and 5 thefoiaa -been- a little diphthorla of a mild type in milton during lu last few weeks some sufferers havte recoyerod and several houses aro btlil placarded- while in the barnyard one day last week helen the twoyear old dau-jli- ter of qeoxge harper of trafalgar township was attacked by a clueklnsr hen andrecclved painful injuries to her head and eyen- i on no streot in milton has gronter improvement boon mado during tho past three years than on tho north ida of woodward avenue on the west end of the street a number of hand some- modern brick rosldencoa now adorn ytuit aide of the aroat the latent now berng erected by mr qh dnvv- aon on saturday georse ng the chin- ese proprietor of the emplro cafo pp- poorod before h j campbell j p chaxffedby chief constable chapman with kebplns his restaurant ppep after 1230 a nxt in violation of a town by law ins was convicted and aa it was his second ofronce he was fined fl6 arid cos ta the maglatrate warnoa him that a third offence would mean a fine of 20 according to the chief tho chinamans aftermidnight customorn disturb the town by dlaorderly con- duct champion one of the hbavlest thunder and electrical storms of the year played havoc with business on tuesday night of laetweek when about soveriociacv the llydrft power was nut out of cam- malohnnd the town w loft in dark- neff the spinning- mllli were forced ontibnday cvehtnl the former congregation of the rev j uro stewart tnet at his- homo for a pleasant boclal evening before his de parture to hla now charge at aberfoyte mr george aordon was chairman for the occasion and called upon ben hooking to divulge the reason of the gathering in on address to rev mr and mrs stewart which showed the esteem of the many friends thoy were lea vine bchlndr-anu- yatajdhd resardis for them before thoirdepatfurorfor their now field of labor at tho pro per momemv gladys kanna presented mr stewart with a purso containing over fifty dollars mr stewart mado a fitting- reply and thanked tho people for thelr kindness and wished them success in their church work a short and excollent programme was given by tho following solos by misses mao watson gladys hanha frank mooro guitar solo by mlsamao weatherstone reading by miss madeline taylor speeches by rov a donaldson george bay no and the chairman and somo community singing t the clpse- of uifipragraniniedellcloubrefreahhiiihta wore florved and a bleasant socialhour onjoyedby all among tho visitors hero on sunday wero mr and mrs a ij squires of georgetown mr and mra ililngworth croft of guelph mr and- mrs will hosklng of guolph and fred croft of kitchener measles arc still on the move in tho country tho latest to bb quarantine are mr and mra archie mcnabb and family those in tlio village will soon bo given their freedom tho union sunday school plcnlc whtch was postponed last saturday on account of wet weather took place on monday afternoon to blue sprint park between threo and four hundred wore preeont mr wm burns w6nttotor6nu on sunday in company with mr john it watson who camo up for the week end the highway leading from tho village to guelph has k been undergoing re pairs tho past week or two and lain a greatly improved state also tlio ditch in front of tho softlei momorlal dug out and ateol culverja put in and filled in which will give more room for motorists to turn at tho corner mr and mra r b richardson mo tored to oshawa las wednesday to attend -the- funeral of tho lato william clough i tho words of wisdom which mra hall from time to tlmo lot fall for tho enlightenment of nor children wero al ways treasured and often repeated you dont want to got tho wrong notion about what makes a room homelike to a man she said to her oldost daughter who waa soon to bo married somebody once gave mo a story to read whon your father and- i were just engaged that told how a young woman that married an old bachelor kept leaving a glove or a little piece of sowing or a handkerchief on his desk so that when he- came home at night and saw it there ho had a sudden glow in his heart thinking that his ion elynaayir war o rcrevergoher i thought it waa a lovely idea and i trlod it id leave my crocheting on your fathers writing table or drop my gloves careloaalyon his particular book- shelf and all such things ho always brought them to mo and never said anything but ho wasnt a groat talker and i felt a uro hla heart was glowing just ukc tho mans in tho story c i thought so for as much as threo monthst then ono dayho camo bring ing home that groat brassbound box than utanda on top of my old bureau you know tho ono x moan well he came bringing that and he collected a glove from hla shelf- and a handker chief from in among his pipes and my crochot pattern from tho writing tabl and he brought them all to mo now heros a box ho said that ought to boblg enough to keep all your little extras inhe said it pleasantly but rcai firm and you seo if having ono placo for all of them wont holp you to remember where thoy aro all tho tlmo i thought his heart was glowing ho was just bearing witb mq that waa all edgewood park edn mills presentfj- rush yates kountry klub orchestra sovori iilocos- pinal appear- anco prior to year and half 6n- gagemenl london eng cmc holiday aug 3 danoinp 9 to 1 admission 1 wodnbsilay evening august bth pavilion clobod st 6 7 and 8 it will pay- you to study carefully our august clearing lines used tractors for sale cheap we are overstocked with steam and oil tractors of nearly all sizes and makes and must unload ntonco regardless of price 1 25hp white steam like now anyone buying a btcam cnglno can easily save 1000oo on this pne x 1530 international oil tractor only ran a fow days llko how guaranteed 1 1630 msssey- harris tractor run part of threo seasons f47goo othbr engines and separators at 20000 and up special tormo write today for particulars hannabros distributors for rumely oil pull tractors 9698 macdonnell street guelph phone 1120 bed sheets hemmed ready for use cood value value at 175 for each teddy bear blankets 30 x 40j regular 135 for 98c 36 x 48- regular 200 for 149 25 dozen towels pure linen huck arid fancy stripe towels 18x34 regular 50c for 119 29c a real house dress bargain at less than you would pay for material 50 house dresses regular 125 89c ladies handkerchiefs 10 x 10 inches white with colored cord stitching border 3 for 10c 8 for 25c a big saving for men 10 doz overalls good heavy weight standard quality cloth all sizes for mens work shirts good vjtlue at 125 for soar at half price this soap is good f- value at 10c sale price o 13 89c for 2jc if you want to give a tcntinlno homelike touch to edunde-btong- ihffa you lay out his clean clothes and put in his cuff links ifyburo auro youve got tho right ones and waroi hla slippers if he wearsallppora but if i wero in your place i shouldnt leave so much as a spool of thread around with tho idea of putting his heart in a glow a thoughts of others looking backward fa a wholesome and nocessar habit it may not bo worth while to cry over spilt milk but if wo pay no attentlon to tho mat ter we may go on spilling milk to the end of time penitence over the past will lead to new and deeper purposes for tho future an aged minister wroto to a friend ninety years old on tho way a life could be mado to pay ho said it must boaihcore it muat havo a worthy pur pose it munt bo characterized by un selfishness it must hove a glonco baclyord and a broad onlook it must havo-atrathful-oniook- of course tho christian novcr comen to tho ond pf th road it always stretches ahead death la not a blind alley but a thoroughfare wo move out of one realm of experience into an- othor twdinggilu when soiectlns woddtner bifts or birthday presents our stock will bo found to comprise an assortment that will malco the chooslngr easy and tho selection suitable our stook of silverware and- fancy china and jeweller is most complete repairing our repairing service of export wprkmanshij and years 6f ex- porienco are at your disposal for ropairs to clocks watches jewel- lery and optical repairs tho prices aro reasonable consistent with good workmanship wo solicit a trial h whinton jeweller watch and clookmaker acton and georoctowtri remember the date august 6 7 8 mclean co mill street store closes wednesday at 120 acton ont announcement mr james k gardiner formerly of dundalk desires to announce the opening of a firstclass jewellery watch- and- clock repair shop in the hill block mill street acton prompt attention to orders and careful- arid experienced workmanship will characterize our serviceto patrons entrustihg i worktotrurcare riddles whon aro dressmakers very clever- acrobats tvhen thoy run up a seam tofarmersandothers shall you be needing ferts lizer this fall i shall bo glad to tako your order for any of tho widely- known national brands for form or garden use at close prices in largo or small quanti ties also tankago for hogs ani various other cattlefeeds try carbola the now disinfecting whito paint in powder form instead of whitewash for your poultry houses etc dries puro whlto and do os not flake or pool off and is arealdlelnfectanti oncer- you use carbola you will hover go back to whitewash pull par tloulars from fuankscriven agent for national fertilizers ltd wost toronto box 150 acton ont jas k garpiner mill street acton ont bake biscuits for the boy or girl as well as bread thoy aro just aa nourishing and make a welcome change but be auro tho flour is kings choice flour no othor la just aa good in palatabllity and atrength- givlng qualities for growing children and grown upa ton kings choice flour ia one of theyarbhjefo5d make o earth norval flouk mills w b- provmb cq props norral ont 124143470 of dairy products what thing a potnto has eyea yot cannot see whon does h tree resemble a horse when its abay a tart reply ho was admiring the bowers and birds in the show window of tho now flower shop ho was a tall thin fol low who loved birds and flowers aa ho started on hla way his at tention waa attracted to a parrot out sido on a porch fastened to the awning oyer tho window of courso he had to try to tempt polly to say polly wanta a cracker not a sound did polly uttor for mfnute qrihqro arid then to the dis may of my friend and tho amusement of the pafwerbby polly odld shrilly jjfovo along you big gawk and ho did the largest years production in the history of the dominion the cfuantlty of creamery- butter made in canada in 924 was 184200908 pounds valued at 63449100 ths production is thojargeat for ny year in tho history of the industry and ox- coods tho production of 1923 by over 21 million pounds the value of the production shows n lncrcaso over that of the preceding yoar of six million dollar and- almost equals the valub for the record year of 1920 the greater valuo in that yoar beng due to the high average prlco per pound 57 cents compared with 34 contj in 1924 the production of cheese totalled 151673880 pounds valued at 24 518- 734 compared with the preoodlng year an increase of 49804 pounds ia shown in tho quantity but a decrease of over four million dollars in tho valpqj the average price per pound wan 16 cents in 1924 and 19 cents in 1928 tho total yaluo 6f nil oondensyd milk products of dairy factories in 1924 wns 3710017 a decroaso from tho preceding year of s3o com- jmrjbons with 1923 for tho- various itemn show increases in the production of condensed milk niilk powdor an4 rkim milk powder and deorcaeos in txa liroductlon of condensed nkim milk gvaporntod milk and caaoln the miscellaneous products of dairy factories comprise whey butter and i6o cream and cream whole milk whiy ream and buttermilk sold tho tolx1 value of those produpts in 1924 wah 126465550 an increase of nearly two million dollars compared with tho pre ceding year the total number of dairy factories in oeraton in canada n 1924 was 2s9k and the total value of productloit tas f 1241434701 this is a decrease of a host of friends many young people belittle frlendr ship by making tin indiscriminate use of the word friend tlio acquaintance of an hour is referred to by that tltlo somo speak of neighbors for whom thoy havo no liking of schoolmates they do not rcspoct as frlendavthey have no better word to describe those who aro netirest and dearest to their hearts when your hear it said that somo- boily has lost a host of jtrterids you may- be sure thot tho words is used loosely one wlo has half a dozen loyal frionflh is rich and one with a acore of such is a milllonalreof friend ship her doctrine a little girl who waa greatly dis turbed by tho discovery that hor brothers had set traps to catch birds was questioned as to what she hud dono iit the nultyr- and sho replied i prayed that the birda might notr bo caught in the traps anything else yes ahe continued i then pray ed that god would prevent the btrja from getting into tho traps and ah if to illustrate the doctrirto of faith and works then i wont out and 4ciok ed the jnnpa all to piocea he wa8 yveary a iecruif for tho army wrote home to hla mother in distressing termor they to6k away my ahoes and put me in bopts thoy took away my clothes and put meinkhaifl they- took away mynome and gave me n number 57a and then o top it all thoy mado me llnten to an o1dpnroonb sermon for twenty mlnutea at tho end of which ho said number 57fi art thou woury nine in the number of factories and hn art hnu lanquld and- 1 got a oven that tocloso down tlio- heavy downppiir of rain was badly needctl an clsterna had become dry and lawna had beon increnso of 4023080 in thj vaiuo of 1 dayytn thf guardroom for saying burned brown by tho sun produat com par od with 183 v i waaj l limehouse uniteovchurch will holdtheir garden party on thursday evening august 6th 1925 at the home of mr wm cowdy limehouse the brunswick trio harmony boys the balmoral kilties 5 members of london will furnish the programme for the evening specials for this week shortening and lard o lt pail of lard o 5 lard at per oo 14c 1 lb brick of dnvies shortening 3 lb pail of shorten ing brisket boil at per 8c cjibicerib roast p thick rib roast per ib 45c hbepcuts beetm locfo 12c rip bojl at per he round shoulder per ibf thick shoulder per ib stewing- veaj lb 17c 18c 16c loctollc 2 sausage lbs homemade sausage for 35c special in lake trout by the fish for friday only 15c per ib sliced 18c to 20c w j patterson corner lfflll and main streets acton ont iajrfiyjjgjpfeto m

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