Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1925, p. 1

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t ttmt fiftyfirst year no b thursday morning august 6 1925 acton ontaklb canada thursday morning august 0 1025 single copies five cents the acton united church oh canada minister rev r e zinimorman b a parflountorwlllow stroot 1000 u m aubbntli school 1100 a m the minister subject vision kntliuhiasm fersevcrflnce 700 p jntho minliiter subjoct tho power of isln presbttefilan knox church acton minister rev a- c siowsrt m a majiao willow street 1000 a m sunday scliool 1000 a m bible class 1100 u m uov w m kunnawih d d qt st johns churcli hamilton 700 m rev w lir kannawln dd btrahbers leaving address with the ushers will be called upon by tho pastor the baptist church acton james w boyd pastor mt a m sunday school 1100 a ni mr mii goodman of toronto subject thou snalt call his i name jesus 700 p m mr goodman subject christ tho fountain of eternal llf- riont fail td hear mr goodman monday- 8 p m youner pooploui and prayer mcetlnp all welcome vacationing in august take an extra dress along fifty are marked for immediate special notices advertisements in this column 2 cents per word minimum charge jasper insertion roomer wanted front furnished room central loca tion all conveniences to let apply 52 box35pftee press private sale of dishes mrs jullft a mcarthur church st will hold a private sale of cut glaw handpainted china a bluebird tsa set fruit jars and many other use ful things on friday ovenlng wanted 10 men to qualify for work paying j100 to j200 monthly aa motor and ignition oxnorta cbauffours wolit- ors battery and tiro work also bricklaylne bartering and me chanical dentistry we pay money port time while learning theso trades call or wrlto for informa tion hemphills ltd 163 king st- w toronto used tractors for sale cheap we are overstocked vrllh steam and oil tractors of nearly all sites and makes and mast unload at onco regardless of price 1 26bp white steora like now anyqne buying a steam onglno eon- easily savo iioodoo oh this one 1 1530 internntlonsl oil trietor only ran a f ow days like now guaranteed 1 1530 misssy- hsrris tractorrun part dl threo seasons 47500 ottisr engines anil saparators at 120000 and up sinolol terms write today for- particulars hannabros distributors for rumely oil pull tractors 0 mircdonnslh6tt phone 112b- acton lift shoppe mill st near main just arrived and on trio way ilno bronzo electric light table lamps vases jardinieres smokers standb kut bowl picks and crackem 6 flower ba8ket8 200 to 730 spcll- also french china on tho way clocks watches jewellery sta tionery toys optics and re pairs special boys watthos 160 call and select your gifts h w hiiitoir jewollr watch snd clockmsker apton nd qephqeiqwn h wonderland friday- auaugt- baree son of kazan by jnmcl oliver curwooi sbarring anita slcwart con- ndy seeing tlilncs fei cartoon 8aturday auqu8t 7 the roughneck story by robert w service starring aenrgo obrien bllllo dove and ifetrry t moroy com- ody dynamite dogeie cir- toon bobby bumps a co pox news t tuesday august 11 maytime a prercrrcrt picture chapter i of- tho kiddio hldcr com edy itching for revenge ii n m m- coming charleys aunt with syd chaplin j- r ii gregory son clearance at half price voiles crepes linons broadcloths womens and- misses ahss regular 600 to 1500 clearing prices 3x0 o 750 wonderful choosing 15 young mens youths first long and boys collegiate suits regular 2250 and 2475 wellmade good fitting models in fine tweeds and horn spuns allyearround shades fifty suits in this gatheruj savings of 750 or 975 according to choice worth while planning for fall needs on an opportunity like that wallpaper clearances include bedroom papers up to 25c single roll r for idc kitchen papers regular 25c single roll -7- for iic tapestry patterns reg up to 50c single roll or for vc midsummer reductions help solve many problems in economizing every department in this big store has its quota of special sayings d e macuonalu bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store sjtoax battim ibtttlt if you and she have bcn day dreamlnp about your trip to the alpn and you have jubt about decided that you cant afford th trip until they malco you the president of tho com pany or something bring her here youll both en- joy the- trip our candy makes good be cause its mado good tm gandies rjvjoxvea 65 saturday treat fig caramel 29c lb a real treat- for all a rich smooth caramel chuck full of fjgs reg 40o jb saturday treat 29c week-end- chocolates just a real good assort ment of chocolates reg g0c arid g0ob l saturday treat 32c tb bars 2 for 5c big fresh tasty peanut bars get your supply 2 for 5c or 11 for 25c maple bads evcryono lovos maple buds take a pound with you at this price 39o lb ice croamin brick or bulk always in 8tock 94rten jont v look and listen real bargains on friday saturday wander around our windows and see the bright new goods we have at prices that arc bound to make them move out womens satin shoes at 245 350 375 high and lowheelsr r womens patent oifords low heels- at 335 womens kid one strap vow rubber heels for 150 all kinds of shoes for men and boys for the people who bave yet to go on holidays we have canvas rubber soles in white und brown at prices that cannot be beaten anywhere v suitcases at 185 club bags at400 750 up to 1400 womens holeproof hosiery allcoiors come in and see them harry harrisonjhe shoe man wcioewedneayafterihonbj14hfrearround wiliv the exception of december tmews of local import ii wofnena institute pioflio t tho regular meeting of tho acton institute will bo held in the form of a plciilc to tho blue springs on fri day august 7th leaving on tho 143 car everybody wolcomo bring your basket u f o social evening the u f6 and ttrftavro hold thejr regular monthly nvcotlnir at the homo of mr and mrm th6map storoy nassagaweya last friday evening tha evening was passed socially and gama were iflaycd after which lunch waa served by tho ladles an effective pjace of work trocouncll dld- a splendid piece of work ltt week in lllling the numorous dtiiremaioiih whero the roadway wag worn and whero waterworks malria had sunken v1th ciushed stno and asphalt this work greatly improved tho roadway similar treatrcpnt of church street would be commendable cromnfl ned widening with tho largely increased motor tramc since the completion of the tor- ontosarnia highway through acton tho crossings on mill street over the canadian national railway is found to be much too narrow they should be widened at once and graded with broken stone between the soveraf lines of tracks in making this crossing tho other evening a big car crowded mr a e ncklin t p and his sedan off tho crossing and between the rails a rather dangerous predicament acton won at milton tournament tho sco ten doubles tournament held on tho greens here on tuesday evening was not in point of the num ber of entries the success it was hoped for though the rain in tho morning ho doubt kept a number of rinks from attending fourteen rlnka competed forthe prircs including seven local rinks the following were tho winners 1st george hynda and his partner of acton with three wins and a plus of 22 2nd h w kennedy and joe gibbons georgetown with three wins and a plus of 21 3rd dr gbwland and j w blain milton with 3 wins and a plus of 18 reformer hjoyable concert by visiting band on saturday evening milton band gave their return band concert in acton tho evening was one of the finest this summer for a band concert this and the attraction of hearing miltons fine band at homo brought out a big crowd of citizens and neigh boring farmer residents the milton band has twenty-thrco- members and they were almost in- full force on sat- urdar evening and gavo a very fine a memorable and impressive service acton wins the final game the consummation of thetjnitil church of canada acton do fonts hillsburg on saturday in the park here by a 21 8core th consummation service of the united church of canada acton hs booh looked forward to with keen in terest slnco june- lqth jyjh aovoral groups ol christian people who had concluded to become members of tho new church r tho realiration of this important event last sunday morning was in all respects- qquar tho expectations bf am interested jt was a sab bath morning with glorious summer sunshlno and the service was larglv attended tho service was arranged as closely as possible to ihat of tho historic aervlce used at the general conaum- matlon of the congregational metho dist and presbyterian churches at tlio aronaln toronto on the 10th of juno the united church of canada acton programme the programme was woll variod and brought out playing of tho band splendidly tire acton band did not appcarln uniform but the members were on hand to welcome tho milton bandsmen after the concert coffee and sandwiches were served in tha band hall and a social hialfhour spon by the members of bokh bands acton citizens band will provide tho concert next weekend lightning struck mr camerons house last sunday about two oclock at the beginning of tho thunderstorm which continued for some time tho kitchen chimney of the residence of mr john cameron was struck with lightning tho bricks for several feet of tho top of tho chimney were hurled over the roof the electric current passed down tho chimney into the house ripped tho stovepipes in fantas tic fashion and escaped through an elbow through which a large hole vfom torn beyond blackenlnhtsettntbr and walirnittle damage was- caus ea7 mr and mrs cdmeron wero sitting on tho porch at tho side of the house at tho time and had peculiar sensations but escaped injury of any kind a puff of smoke emerged when tho light ning struck and they feared a flre had been kindled but examination showed this had not followed a serious accident on tho crossroad two cars wero extensively damaged and a young lady painfully injured in a headon collision on tho acton cross roadsection of the provincial highway about nlno oclock monday evonlng the accident occurred on the rise about aquartcrmllo from tho seventh lino mr groat of georgetown was driving home in a gray dort car with seven armenian boya whom ho bad takon to blue springs park for aplcnic ho essayed to pass clacence simmons acton who was driving in tho same direction with bis ford coupe mr groat evidently failed td aeo an ap- proaqhlng car and drove into the dodge car of mr slmpkins of guolph mr and mrs slmpkins their two none i and a daughter and miss south had boon spending the day at sunnyslde tor onto neither car was running ovr twenty miles an hour but the impact was disastrous mia south wan thrown forcibly against the nobo railing strik ing her head she fainted aa shq was being taken from tho car prompt medical aid was secured and sho re vived both tho cars sustained dam ages very similar in character thj front axlo in each was bent and in cftclv a wheel wo smashed tflo fend ers and running board of both wore badly broken mr edward mcdowell drovo mr slmpkins party homo to guelph reaching there about mid night gasoline truck and tank captixad last thursday evening thoji ronnie driver of tho motor truck and tank for the georgetown station of the imperial oh company had an experience which narrowly proved fatal he was driving down main street frdm guelph with a tank load of gasoline about 030 and turned to tho left to avoid the build ing which john wauon and sandy molsnaa were having moved up street and which pro joe tod about half way ncrobu tho roadway in the soml- darknowa ho misjudged the location of the bridgo over the stream just a few foot farther on and ran into tho rail ing andycvcr tho side of tho bridge tho truck and tank capsized overahe side of tho bridge and landed four or five feet belowj at the aid of the stream mr bonnie tho driver wao imprisoned in tho cab but- was very promptly rescued through the window by citizens who hurried to tho sceno his escape seemed miraculous as tho cab was badly smaehed but ho sus tained ho injuries beyond a ferw cuts and bruises the tank and truck were righted by tho use of a block and tackle beingused in the building lw- ing moved beyond the damage to th cb of the truck and- a considerable dingo in tho tank there appeared to be little damag sustaine when mr renhtoeamo back in the morning to uomovo the truck ho started tho en gine with the first cranking and drove off tp georgetown last inorder that all might readily follow the service throughout and thus render it more effectual and im pressive a souvenir booklet was pre pared in which the entire service tho hymns scriptural selections responsive portions nearly- all the prayers and the beautlfuvommunlon service wore given in full this booklet which had ah attractively embellished front cover pagv bearing the emblematic design chosen for tbd united church hau for its frontisploco a halftone group portrar of the founders of the thro uniting churches john knox john wealey and john milton this page also bears tho significant prayer of our lord that thoy al may bo ono as thou father art in mo and i in thee thatthey also may be ono in us that the world may be- uevethat thou hast sent me tho day was u8borodin with a fer- vont prayer service at 915 which vras well attendod earnest prayers wero offered for the blessing of almighty god uponuhe new united church and for the preaenco and guidance of trio holy spirit eleven oclock the auditorium and galleries wero wejl filled and tho ser vice which was led by a cboir was promptly commenced in compliance with the order of ser vice the minister commenced tho first responsive part with tho reverent call to worship m come let us wor ship and bow down lot us knool bj- for the lord our maker for ho la our god and wo aro the people of his pasture and tho- sheep of hcia hand the people responded loi the words of my mouth and the med itation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight o lord my strength and my redeemer o lord open thou our lips and our mouths shall show forth tliy praise this w followed by that g old jymn which has comedown thvousfl tho ngos the churchs one founda tion is jesus christ her lord thfi ministers invocation was then given and tho congregation joined in tho lords prayer the hymn o for a thousand tongues to sing was then sung and psalm 118 was read in cor- cort the anthem seek ye tho lord was then sung by the choir miss bert 10 smtlh singing tho solo with splendid effect the minister then read tho lesson fram tho holy scripture eph 4 l prayers were again offered by tho minister after which a second anthem was sung by the cholvv the hallowing of church union wuh then very impressively entered into by the minister and the congregation tha church was consecrated for tho wor ship of god in praise and prayer for tho preaching of the everlasting goapei for tho administration of the llolv sftcramenta for tho edifying of the body of christ for tho cvangellfttng of the world for the promotion of righteousness and good wljl in thu bonds of christian brotherhood and in charity to all having part nmong tha brethren in the inheritance of apofltles and prophets fathers and teachers martyrs and bvangelibts tho ceremony of jlodlqatlah of tho membershtj rolls was a feature of very great interest in the service the two alders selected by tho pres byterian grog p messrs john r ken- riody arid a t mann and the two ofllclals selected by the- methodist group h p moore imd a e nieklin advanced to the altar to present their respective- rolls mb kennedy boi3 wo jresent you the minister of thla congregation the names of tho persons members of the presbyterian church in canada who now boconrio members of the united church of can ada acton this roll contains tli4 names of 42 persona mr mann then handed the minister ahe- roll mr moorp in similar words referred to the roll of the members of the meth odist church stating that tho roll con tained the names of 353 persons mr nlcklln handed in tho roll the minister then unnounced trie names of eight additional persons wh united by letter from other churchc8 or oh profession oif faith as the minister tud the rolls to gethcr with a white silk rihhon tho congregation aroao and sang pralme god from whoni all blessings flaw the mlnuer and elders and ofilciala then joined bunds utjd tho congrega tion sang the hymn blest bo tho tie that binds prayers of commemoration of th fafthfurwero then offered by the min- istcr and tho congregation united in this pledge br dedication wo novr tho people of this church of chrlut oompaased about with so great a rtoud of witnesses gratefully for our herit age mindful of the sacrifice of our fathers whoso work is not mado nor- fect without us do dedicate ourselves as heirs together of nuch precious rift unto tho service of almighty god in his kingdom among mon the hymn o god of bethel by whoso hand was tlien jtung the sermon by tfio minister uov r e zimmerman 11 a wus next on tho order of service while brlof it was signally inipreuowo and ropiuru- acton ran its string of consecutive games up to four last saturday ftvhon they defeated hillsburg by a 21 score in a 12 innings game which caused one of tho oldtime fans to remark that was tho best gdme of baseball ive seen in acton for a long time the game was good it was packed full of thrills and had the fans on their toes with excitement all through tho game gibbons went tho wholo 12 nninghjor acton and had thp hilju- burg aggregation pretty well under control all the way and ho was caught by his brother frank who is making bod behind the bat in the absence of honoway john kentnor wont to right field and turned in a fair game mackle and letshmah guarded the other two pastures while mcdonald kaley whlto and joo kentner com- pbscd the inner guard this is doubt lessly the youngest team that ever represented acton ih organized senior ball and is by far tho youngest team in tho present- haltonwelllngton league tho run that won the game in the 12th was of a peculiar nature mc donald was on third and a popfly was hit to third and the ball was caught by tho hillsburg third sacker yrhu finding some defect in the ball thraw it- to curmlchnel the hillsburg bosa at short who is usually a very foxv player but dougle evidently forgot that it was the umpires job to sa when a ball was defective and be threvf the ball towards first mc donald at once scampered for the place with the winningrun and he did cor- rectly too because time had not been called by either of tho ofllclals and tha ball was still in play that game ended the scheduled list of games for the local season tho locals have yet to play a game in georgetown and georgetown has game to play with hillsburg whlie ilrtlsburg and rockwood have a post poned fixture to be played off beforo the standing of the league can be flna ly determined other games splayed in tho league last week resulted in a win for george town from the luckless rockwood team by a 124 score and a win of a post poned gamo by hillsburg from george town by a 10 scoro on civic holiday tnornlng in georgetown it was an excellent game thewlnnlng run being scored by the foxydougie carmlchael on a trick play similar to that which won tho game for acton from hills burg on saturday tho league now stands i won lost rhillsburg v 1 georgetown 7 acton 6 rockwood 1 the memorial to rev j g wilson unveued with impressive cere monies by alex waldie esq it was very fitting indeedthat lie memorial to the late rev j c wil son b a in falrview cemetclry should bo unvellled by alexander sval- dle esq mr waldie is the oldest jnomberac knox church and latyie senior elder of tho session and with al revy- mrwrson and mr walfllc wero vcify close friends during- tho whole of nis pastorate at knox churcli the ceremonies attending the un veiling which were under tho direc tion of revvavc stewart m a the minister of knox church were held last thursday evening it wns a do social and personal the late rev j c wilson ba as the first and second teams play off for tlio title acton naa a miunru of getting into the playoff by de feating georgetown and then george town and rockwood defeating hills burg giving acton and hillsburg a score of 7 wins and 5 losses each then these two teams would havo to play a series of games for the right to meet georgetown for tho league honor it sure looks like a faint hope but while theres life theros hope thpmas watson will welcome you at tho fairbanks bakery a flrstclaas baker wu sustain tho reputation of the place ably appropriate he said in the solemnity and impressivencss of thin consummation service ho desired to bring a message of inspiration to one and all young and old his thoughts were based upon exodus 12 2 what mean ye by this service this was spoken of thcpasbtvcrfeastandit was expected that the participants should always be able to give good and sufficient reasons for it has this ser vice a meaning for us as well deep pcrrnancht and abiding we are en gaging in a epochmaking event today in the history of canada and in the oyea of christianity everywhere wo ought to b a to answer tho ques tion c what mean- ye by this sor- vico truo to tho vision of tho three leaders of tho three churches wo are now gotting away from the disadvant ages of sectarianism and denomlna- tionallsm our fathers had good rca- sons for their particular denomina tional division 1 thoy desired to try to omphaslzc come particular phase of christian activity or 2 they de- alrcd to correct some existing evil or abuse because our fathers did no jhcsitate to break away from wrongs an martin luther did to meet the needs existing in their day ao we uko them are true to our faith by endeav oring to meet conditions as they exist in our day and frorq the united church of canada to accomplish thla we are not breaking with tho past we aretrue to the spirit of our fathers the distinctive features brought from each of tho uniting churches is very readily observable w the presbyterian church emphasizes the sovereignty of god and continues this in the new church the methodist church hua laid emphasis upon experimental re ligion its evangelical zeal is its con tribution the congregational church places emphasis on person nl jiborty and self government in tho local church from tho days of tho early reformation it has a distinguished history the united church la based upon living scriptural doctrine our fathers wero true to the things of- their day it is today our privllego to dedicate ourselves afresh to our lord and saviour johuh christ as we now rcctiivethe holy sacrament tho sacramental service opened with the hyrnn when isurvey thtrwon drouh cross and tho usual rhual fol lowed- tho number of communicants was probably te largest who over received communion nt a service in this church jt concluded with tho hymn breath on me jjreath of god fill me with life anew and tho benediction by tho minister notes of the service hov mr zlmmcrmiin was assibted in the administration of the sacra ment by re mr held mhiltcr of tlio united chorch at esser mr rcld was ut ono time prcabyterlan minis ter at alma- he was holidaying with friends at oopringe the elders of tho pro3byterinn church messrs john r kennedy and a t mann who represented that rroup are sons nnd grandsons of early members of knox church mehirfi ii i moore j p and a nlcklln j p who represented tho methodise cnurch have both eon con tinual members of the church in acton for over fifty years ind are sons a- id rrandtons of the founderu of the church hero the floral decorations of the day were ery attractive- kind showed skill in tlieir nrrnngement j the souvenir programme is hlghl appreciated by ail every person at- ondins tho service was presented with i copy llghtful summer evening and thero wx9 a large attendance both of tho mom- bera of knox church and of the conx- munlty after d few words of intioductloii tho hymn ogod of bethel was sun led by the choir of the church uov r e zimmerman b a tho minister bf the upited church read appro priate passages from joshua and also from revelation and rev mr boyd of the baptist church offered prayer rev j t strachan b a of itfaa- sagaweya a personal friend of ilev mr wilson paid avery high trlbuto to his character and worth as a man as a minister and as a fearless con slstcnt christian his eulogy was for vent but hot fulsome it told in simple words sincerely spoken of a groat man and his influence in this community tho unveiling was performed by mr alexander waldie during tho singing of an old familiar hymn mr duff wilson the eldest son c f rev mr wilson in feeling words ox rcsaed thankn of himself his mother miss galbraith vasited friends at huttonvllle i mr james ross of toronto was a holiday visitor mrs ga dills and frances visited friends at kilbride messrs ernest and roy brown wero homo from toronto mr frank browning of toronto la visiting acton friends mr j a smlthspent- the holiday with friends at crcemoro l mrs g a dhls and frnncqs aro visiting toronto friend g miss olive mowat is visiting friends in thctford and alvinston mr ed huffman visited friends in toronto over the weekend m ray agnew sportt tho weekend with friends in kitchener miss emma robinson spent the holi day with friends at aurora miss myrtle dills of toronto 13 holidaying at her homo here and the family to the congregation o knox church and the community far this tribute to his dear fathers mem ory he spoke of his fathers errect love for acton and of the happy years tho- family had spent here hia words were timely and expressive of n full heart that classic among the hymnologr of tho churches o god our help in ages past was then sung and was followed with prayer by rev n gh l baugh m a the rector of st aibans church the benediction was pronounced by rev mr stewart mrs wilson her daughters jean and margaret and her sons duff calvin andfindlay wero present- from tor onto mr and mrs j wllaon and family of sandhill attended mr wil son is a brother of the deceased a silent but very feeling tribute was paid to the memory of a sainted pastor by mr and mrs edmond wor- den of weyburn sask they wore lsltlnfricndsn of thi3 proposed ujivciilng-and- motored tho 100 mites to acton to bo presont at the ceremony mr wordon was chairman of the board ofmanokersof weyburn church during mr wilsons pastorate there its- watsons bakery now fair banks formerly all good things to eat fresh and wholesome the water tower to be palftted threo tenders have boon rocotvod and aro being considered the regular session of tho council on tuesday evening had all tho coun cil present and the reeve presiding the finance committee in present ing their sixteenth report recommend ed payment of the following accounts general account canada ingot iron co road drag acton fzuzb pkess advertising alexander murray coaaphalt a h bishop labor t e anderson teaming r j wallace labor acton hydro e lee trie oomm street lighting 170 t0 acton hydro electric comm band lights acton hydroelectric comm town hall lights john gibbons labor 17 5 4 10 2456 a 10 tjoo 25 15 1 11 1 13 3 oo waterworks account municipal world supplies acton hydroelectric comm power at pump acton hydroelectric comm at spring 262 17 4 46 42 67 g5 87 th roport wbh adopted a bylaw making it compulsory to keep to tho right when turning wis- mill and main strcot intersection and providing for new silent policemen to facilitate turning at this corner woa passed and the order given for tho now guides there will now bo two guide posts used at this corner under tho now regulations a tender for painting thlp water works tank was received from w f moorioy two other tenders had al ready been received it was decided to hold the matter over until the coun cil viewed tho tank and decided upon what was necessary to mako a com plete job t tho fixing of tho drain on main street and increasing tho aizoof this drain was discussed and decided to be investigated as well as tho drain on mill street moved by a mason seconded by i e atkinson that councillor holmes be instructed to secure sufficient fire wood for the town hall for the winter season those who have threshed wheat th past week say it la running 35 io 40 bushels to tho acre fancy baklntf bread cakes anj plcnic supplies at thomas watson bakery mr victor alger spent tho week end with relatives in toronto miss richardson of oshawa visit ed mr and mrs d c russell mr and mrs cbares mclam of toronto visited acton relatives miss bertie smith- was homo from toronto- for a weeks holidays mr john s moore of dun das was at his mothers over the holiday miss nellie reesor is holidaying wltnn f in waterloo and kitchener mr will ijoyce rockwood spent a day this wcok with friends in town dr e j henderson was home from aurora for a few holidays last week master murray smith la holidaying with his grandparents at creemoro mr and mrs f s- burw and chllr dren visited in woodstock last week mr and mrs ross alexander visit ed friends in london during tho week i mr lawrence baxter of hamilton visited friends in- town over the week end mr and mrs albert hollttnd and constance spent the holiday in pres ton miss mamie mosaics has returned home after- spending the week in tor onto miss taylor of toronto spent tho weekend with her sister mrs dr gray mrs f e mccleary in holidaying at her brothers island cottage at mus- koka mr tom morrowiiof toronto spent with acton r lu week mrs t p martin who has been ill for several weeks la now recuyeratlng nicely mrs solman and tony of toronto visited during the week with mrs win sayers mr jplln c hill was in guelph on monday visiting with dr nnd mrs lowrld inspector w h stewart of milton was in- town on monday on official business mrs alfred sopor spent the week end in guelph with mr soper in the hospital mrs jennio mcdougall and gordon visited friends in toronto over tho weekend mr wm h miller spent tho holl- day with i friends in kitchener and waterloo tarsrf- s bel wobd sp6rittheastr week in oqolph with mr arid mrs h s nlcklln miss huttle oram of toronto spent thursday with her friend miss lottlo bspeight migs katie mcqueen of tho howet- son co staff is holldavlng at her home in nottawa mr and mrs stanley russell and children of oakville were at mr d c russells mrs b v kenyori miss mabel and master lloyd are visiting with kltch- oner friends v misses bertie speight and fern brown spent yesterday with friends in kitchener mr andmra peter smithy and miss smith are on a motor hpti adama- viile quebec mr and mrs victor gunton and son of toronto visited acton friends dur ing the week master bhlie salter of lamb ton is spending a couple of weeks at wm landsboroughs mr neal currle of toronto is spending a week tr so with his nephew mr a c currie mr- and mrs b f caldwell an1 children of rlchmpnd hill were herb for tho weekend misses isabel smith and adabel4 brown aro enjoying holidays with friends in toronto mrs w h gurnoy and mibs marjory gurnoy of wlrigham wero in town over the weekend mr and mrs john cameron had a very pleasant visit with friends in ookvlllo last week mrs e huffman attended tho fun eral of her nephew donald huffman of hornbyion -tufrsday- i mr george stone of new link card visited during tho week with mr and mrs henrystone erin mr and mrs james livingstone and children of guolph spent sunday at tho parental home hero mlas agnes tovell and miss anrlo perry of toronto have been gueuta- of miss mamie maenfles miss vera hurst who has been at tending the art school in toronto re turned homo on monday mrs a mctavish lefton saturday ta spend a fow weeks with friends at s color th and egmondvllle mr and- mrs b f caldwell and babo of richmond hm1 visited friends in town over the holiday miss ross of the bcardmoro ofllco staff is onjoylng holidays at toronto island and at niagara falls mr and mrs melvln soper of guelph spont sinday at tho homo of mr and mrs george soper rov c if byers of dayonporu iowa was a guest at tho homo of mr it j kerr over tho weekend mr aria uttst is jlfiridshor6ugiriukt children of gait spent a few days hist wook at wm landsboroughu continued on fugo 0 711 vj t

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