Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1925, p. 2

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ttc j t arhm 3te ffresa ip- ttfukspay auoust fl 102g the rosje qulut my mother mado a patchwork quilt whon alio wna oovontoon with roaoa of rod calico ami leaves and sterna of groon a thine boauty it won doomed and btlu it 1 j to ace for when her nutlta wore portioned round tills ono came down to mo i koop it na ahp used to iceop in rosoleivcfl laid awny and only bring it forth to graco a faxoied festal day but sometimes in tho rainy spoil when orchards aro in flower i spread it on my chamber bed to whllo a lonosomo hour and as i trace hor handiwork in stitches flno and truo and think how patiently she tolled thoao maiden moments through that flower ahd leaf might stay be yond tho span of her own days i think that in solfsot tnsk she won a meed of pratae vox who of ua in aong or book dream to outflast tho hour when twonty aprlnga havo swept oui graves as uvea her patchwoilc flower cora a mataon doloon ife 3vtt jrab hnrt tortj fruit lena caonetta w a tramps dinner whon gibson saw tho smoko curl ing up above tho underbrush that borders tho road from tho railway- station eaya tho chicago news jtia deemed it his duty to find out what hind of a flro it was that caused th smoke as he crushed hla way through alders and sumac an agroeablo omem of broiling hnm met his no3trhs and on tho other aido of tho wall on un- shaved porson who was also rather r lgged and not scrupulously clean wni tending a large sllco of ham which was nicely balanced over somo ho coals on two black birch twigs a blackened tomato can adjusted on the edges of two bricks evidently contain ed coffee and on an open newspaper bomo sliced potatoes were waiting thcii tum a loaf of bread and a ciuart box of flno strawberries ropoaed besido tho potatoes gibson cleared tho wall with a bound hotlol said he tho tramp dropped tho ham on the coals nnd seemed to meditate flight its all right said gibbon pick up your ham or youll burn it tho tramp rescued tho moat and looked distinctly relieved gibson sa down on a log you seem to be fixing for an early dinner ho remarked youre off there said tho tramp genially its a late breakfast i dont never eat lunch unless i can got it well youre making up for it to day there must bo a pound and a naif of that liam i wish thero was two said tho tramp fervently there i cuess its about done now whl you set up and havo a blto much obliged said gibson but my dinners waiting for mo at homo it looks good though whos your butcher t smoko my hams myself on my model farm replied tho tramp in distinctly between bites i dont know but what it costs me more than it would to buy em btlll i dont grudgo tho axtry oxpenso i see said gibson do you roloe your own potatoes too i raised those replied the tramp dexterously spearing half a dozen slices on tho point of his claspknife and convoying them to his mouth gibson smiled strawberries from your own garden he continued in the same jocular voln weal aa to them berries i would not exactly say i growed em myself i picked em though ho wlnlcea ovoi his can of coffee its a good meal lio continued appreciatively there aint nothln lackin only a smoke gibson hud in his waistcoat pocket o cigar which ho regarded aa particulawy line it was the only one and ho had nieant to amoko it after ids owajun- nertutho was seized with a generous impulse and presented it to the tramp tho thought of tho tramps enjoy ment of that meal was with gibson all through hla own dinner which happened to be boiled mutton ho almost wished he had accepted tho tiampa hospltablo invitation my dear ho said to mrs gibson do you know what id liko somo oroilcd ham my dear nice broiled with warmedrovor potatoes and i should liko to top off with straw i berries thats just exactly what you will imvo for breakfast tomorrow morn ing cried- mrs gibson delightedly im glad ive got something that yoi will enjoy theros a nice slice at this instant the cook burst ex citedly into the room mrs gibson maam she said the hama gone out of tho refrigerator it couldnt have been cats becauso the btrawterrlea is gone too an the cold potatoes id sliced to fry for breakfast heim3 tho duaty load was flan it od by tho low n ton o walla stanley mart in stopped and wondered how- much farther it was ta kjicuu igh lie was tliod an crossing to the aido of tho road eat tin the wall ho had loft tho motor car somo distance back on the road from arklow for lie wanted to onto tho land of his fatheia unnoticed and alone whon be thought about it in a prac tical way ho realized that his was a rather romantic pilgrimage but tho eternab fascination of the unknown at tracted him his mother who had been tho centre of hla world slnco he was seven liad died last spring of pneumonia after an illness of onlv a few days thoy had intended to come to europe togethor this summer and hero he wna alone his memory of his father was very indistinct bun hla mother had often spoken of him from what aho had told stanley ho knew that his father had always in- bonded to so back to irolnnd on a visit and that when ho was dying he had left money to some relatives thero that was all stanloy knew about his fathers people perhaps hla moth- er had known more she had always said that whon he left harvard they would go ovir together and look up daddys pooplo that then ho would bo big enough to understand hla mother was ono of tho stanleys of virginia ho used to say that her ono little weak ness was her pride in tho stanleys but he used to say so smiling for tho falling if falling 11 were had only made him lovo hor tho more ho saw her now as ho gaaed over tho low green fields to the gray sea beyond slight and fair with dreamy brown eyes laughing at him when he teased her asserting in her slow southern tones that after all one darkhaired martin was worth generations of stan leys once when ho was little he ha3 asked his grandfather stanley whothor grandfather martin had as grand a place aa the one in virginia the old southerner had not answered at once then he had bald stiffly that ho be lieved tho liar tin a were military people and that ho did nofknow what estates in ireland were like at that point stanleys reminiscen ces were interrupted by he sight of a man coming toward him along tho road a tall erect man who carried a spade over his shoulder stanlev stood up and waited for him can you toll mo how far it is to kllcurragh 1 can aorr in another five mn utea yell bo scoln tho last houao this sldo of it youre going that way yourself i am aorr which la natural like mo homo belne there i waa born at kllcurragh close on siventy year ago and i hopo to die there whin i come to qulttinv lived all yuut lifts huro aaked i hi8 fate found him capt robert faulkner a command er in the british ntfvy in 1794 was a man of unusual courage during aa encounter close under the walls of fort royal ho noticed that the pilo did not seem to be himself tho man ho thought seemed to hesitate when ho grave hla orders in famous tight- era of tho rieot mr fraaer gives tho story captain faulkner turned aside to ono of his officers f thinkmr dash hoomacorifaafod as if ho doesnt know what ho is about has ho been in action before many times sir was tho ropy ho has been twentyfour years in tho service but faulkner was not satisfied ho eyed tho pilot closely and then ntd- ping up tp him asked him a trifling oueatlon tho pilots agitation waa such as to render him incapable t a reply recovering himself to somo extont a moment later the wretched man keeping his eyes on the deck in a low voice addressed faulkner who waa bonding over him with this stattllng admission i see your honor knows me i am unlit to guide her i dont know whit is come over ne i dreamt last night i should bo killed and i am so afraid i dont know what i am about i never in all my life felt afraid before without for an instant losing his preae-nco- of mind captain faulkner replied to the man in a still lower to no the fate of this oxpcditlon dcpeitdg on the man at tho holm give it to me and go and hldo your head in what ever you fancy the safest part of tho shin but mind fears rtro catching if i hear you tell yourato ono or your moaarnatoi your life shall answer for it tomorrow tho poor follow panicstricken went away and overcomo with shame sat down upon tho arm chest while cap tain faulkner seized the holm and with his own hand laid the zebra close to tho walls of tho fort but before hcoldlrtffrt nt tho jiead or his aal- lant followers a cannonball struck the armchost nnd plow tho pilot to atoms ho was tho only man kilted of all the zebras crew that day stanley i havo not aorr replied tho man with a pleasant smile mannys tho place ivo seen in betweon thero was a pauso stanley bent and picked two rino blackberries from somo brambles that grow in profusion at tho other side of the low wall and ate them what about the gentry in these parts ho aald at last do thoy live in tho villaeo the gentry is it well theros tho big white houao on tho hill where mlsther gray lives when hes not in ehgland and theres tho old ladles live down bo tho point and and the martins do any ofi thorn still live about hero marrtln yea there was an army officer who served in india for somo time he hn1 a son who went to america ye said martin repeated tho od man i yea replied stanley im that arflccrsgrml2on anatve eornrali the way from america to beo whethei there are any of my fathers pcoplo still loft at kllcurragh tho old mnn shifted the apane slightly on his shoulder but ho did not take his eyea from tho young mans face i havo dlsremenrjiored tho name for tho moment ho said siowv howsoevei ltu heisolf thatll know it will you walk along aorr its proud i am to bo talking to a soldier son i was thlrtyflvo years soldier ing mesel owcr most parts of the empire indeed that la very interesting but it was my grandfather who was tho soldier my father was a lawyer in new york bo tho piper what waa i sayln now a lawyer your father was before stanley could reply he saw the old mans fact lighten follow ing tnoj direction of his eyes ho caught sight of a woman coming to ward them ucroiis the field its herself said tho old man in a tone of aatisfactlon comln down the field path well wait for her stanley smiled how strangely slow were all things in this old world is land thero was time to wait to no tice tho soft mauve of tho meadow crocus over thoro in tho fteld to won der at tho glossy red of tho honey suckle berries clustering at the top of the llchoned wall and tho pate green of tho ivy blossom among ltd dark leaves he rafaed his eyes to look at the approaching woman she did not jook old at that distance her head was well poi her walk free and steady almost before she was within earshot tho man hogan calling out to her ho delivered his news in distinct phrases and hurled each one at her over tho low wall soparatoly like a succession of missiles this hero la a foino young glntlo- man from america whos apt to be looking for some distant lolatlvoo of his own that are not here anv rswre im thlnkin by this time the woman had reach ed them she hnd a largo basket of seaweed on hor arm hor eyea wero turned on stnnloy and i wud hovo ye remlmbei christie her husband went on before she had time to speak i wud havo yo renumber tho caso of tim magraa thni went ower to tho states and had o come back and yoll not jbo forglttin for why the woman did not speak she looked mytely at her husband stanloy waa amuaod ho must hear magroan history later he turned to tho woman thoro was a quiet dignity about her hot gray eyea were still beautiful instinctively ho raised his hand to his rap and pulled it slightly forward over his dark hair i was hoping to find some people of the nnmo of martin he began and be tho aamo token interrupt- so brian didnt toll jo unnjthln about tho marrtlna but its m that romlmbora thlm wait mothei bald tho old mm in a lower voice wait till we git home now son ho continlild tumiii- to stanley yoil find it haid to bolavo what a gian bit of a house we havo loft to us sorr be a a bonef icto aa you might say wan we thought much on ho cle ued his thro it and whoso inimory wo hold saci ed say its so mother its thrue qod save us sanloy thought ho caught tho sound of a sob to change tho courao of her thoughts ho turned to the worn m with a smile and asked hot to tell him about tim magloa thoy would talk about tho martina later and then in tho evening he would go back to arklow for ho saw that thero cnul i bo no martins living in kllcurragh t present tim magma yea anner and thi- timo tho woman smiled a glorified smilo but it was directed at stanloy and had nothing to do with tim magraa tim magraa waa an owd man he was i est his sowl and ho and hla owd woman was left alone he had been a hard fa the i and tho bhoys had gono to the states only the daughtei rose had stayed at homo for he brothers made her pi omiio never to leave her mother it was a weak alckly little sowl was anno tims wife he giound all the aperrut ou of her he waa that contrary robo died whether or no it was that that mado tjm magraa oncomfortablo at homo ill not be sayln but ho up an1 said ho was going out to tho status to tho bhoys poor anno said sorra a wurrd but that shod bo staying oe roaos grave where tim got tho money no one can say for aure though there was them that said that when money came from the bhoys anne and rose only knew of a small pat of ut the bhoys werent bad but thoy had been brought up wld the shtick and theyd never hold to their father well it didnt seem to ua long after ho had left when what did wo aee one evenln at dusk but tim magraa crcepln down the road home again some who wero standln back there in tho field thought it was hla ghoaf brian hare knew hotter there waa too much am ell of whlakey as he pasacd by for him not to bo qulto na tural and tho story camo out later that he had found one of the bhoys drlvln in his own car and ownin ono of tho biggest hotels in the place and well tho bhoy waa ashamed of hla father and he put him on the ship and sent him home it fair broke the heart of tim magraa tho son waa a brute said stan loy il nut be auyin uu much ua u boy nnd who knew what had bocomo of tho othci half nho had said stan loy know now he tinned to chrn tlo it was you who naidjou lomem- boietlj mm ho waited clwlatloi ma nnmo oho iaid gotitly mrs christie stanley wont on rant you rocall tho martin who wua tho milltaiy mnn and my grandfathoi sho seemed aa if oho wero too tire 1 to stand and sank into a low chair by tho window biian was atutling to tho dooi walt ono moment stanley called after lilm perhaps i can help you to identify him that aoldleia son who wen t to america nover left off longing to como back to ireland he meant to havo brought hla young wife oq x o aa yom name was christie ho paused n moment tho woman waa bica thing hard as hiio leaned foiwajil stanloy turnod bin oye ujion jiei- a btrango coincidence ho said i had cl littlo slstli barn aftoi my father died my mother nuhicd hei clulstino becauso she knew ray fa til er would havo called hei chrlhtio eut whon ho saw tho did hands tremble and the tears htart in tho giay eyes tho irish blood of hla fathoi quickened in his veins ob ho moved toward her chair tho tenderness of hla mother swept over him until ho bent down and put his arm round tho old sliouldeis what aie yo afther doln she gasped what my fathoi used to do long ago hohiid in his qulot voice what my own mother would havo done to tho mother of tho man she loved and to reach her bowed face he hid to bend lower still so that ho waa on hla knee when he kissed her a night on the mountain replied tho woman but i will say ho was his fathers own son plow spmever aa i allays said if it hal boon anno that had gone had shu been all in rags tho bhoya wud have taken hor in but what haa thia to do with mo aaked stanloy im not liko tim magraa or his son either whoever thought it had annythlng to do wld you said tho woman in her soft voice brian laughod and what will yo bo pleased to think of tho little place sorr they had reached a neat brlcl houao that stood back somewhat from tho road it had evidently been built more recently than anything else in the village the brickpaved path to tho front door was bordered with michaelmas daisies now in full bloom somo belated bees were still hovering ovei the purple flowers behind tho house a grasa field went down toward tho sea chris eld wont into iho houao ant tho old man malted foi stanley to pass through tho gate before him but stanley looking up suddenly caught sight of tho woman beckoning excit edly to her husband from the door way porhaps thoy want to tidy uj tho house ho thought id liko to walk round tho garden if you dont mind ho said to brian i want to see tho view of tho qi from tho far end then ill come in if i may and ace the inajdc of youi delightful httlo home brian hurried in stanley atrollcj down by tho wall at tho corner ut tho road an old gnarled elder tree spread out bunches of black fruit under tho tree waa a carpot of sul phur toadstools stanloy went nearer never beforo had nature seemed hv close to him as today never more beautiful a girl waa passing along the road at tho othci side of tho wall sho was carrying two hens by their feet sho seemed surprised to seo the stranger but after a moment she asked dlv yo know av mrs martin is indoora2il stanloy stopped short and ho tried to pull himself together tho whoo truth flashed upon him but he kept his presence of mind yea mrs martin wns in tho houso but ho was sure that she was occu pied at that moment would tho young woman not return with the hens later in tho afternoon ho had decided that only ho him self had the rfght to go into the houso just now he was trying to think calmly ho followed tho girl with his e nnd re f ft vague it is not the expected dangorswhich aro tho greatest menaco to alpine climbers mr w c slingsby tcka in the alpine journal of a party of three who set out to scale tho dent blanche with every reasonable expec tation of a quick return thoy wore well equipped were all experienced climbers in flrstrate condition and the weather was abovo reproach yot an unforeseen peril overtook them and not oneof them would willingly repea tho oxporiencca of that night say mi sllnffsby wo climbed up without any adven ture and about four oclock in tho afternoon we started to como down the weather was perfect and wo had no thought of mishap wo had been descending for about ono hour whon a flash of lightning called out atten tion to a hlack cloud which advanc ed toward us and caused us to hasten our movements suddenly without warning tho cloud fell upon us dense and dark the axea in our hands gave out faint and steady ilnmes bo did our gloves and our hair stood out straight a hanj- kerchlef which solby had tied over his head lqokcd liko a tiara of mght the slgjit waa uncanny but interest ing tho sparks and flamea emitted no heat and no hissing but i felt an unpleasant vibration about my spec tacles one hundred and fifty feet of climb ing would tako us over the dangerous part of our journey and in spite of tho darkness wo pressed on to reach safe ty beforo nightfall wo were all seated on a steep incline of ledge clearing away tho ice when all at o th m td a to break out in a blazo followed by n muzzled muffled peal of thunde which scented to come out of tho in terior of tho mountain if a groat crevice had opened and flro burst forth we should not havo been more sui- priacd solby and smith cried out my ax la struckl and each lot his ax go into the chnam in front of us wo were blinded by tho terribly intense light smith had a broad band burn ed halfway round his neck but asldo from that we wero not hurt thero was nothing to do but to wait until the storm should pass tho spectacle was so grand that wo even took a grim enjoyment in it but when it ha passed night had fallen and we were prisoners until morning wo lashed oui selves to tho rocks braced our feet on the small projec tions of the steep inclino and tried tp make tho beat of it it snowod and hailed and hlow wo did not dare to sleep but kept qurhanda antl feel movlhff nightlong smith was j o the hewetsqn companvs picnic though fcituulay afternoon 25li july pi e touted a clieeilcm faco as far a i tho wo ithi i was concornod tho faces of- tliooo who attended jllro an nual plcnlc of tho brampton nnd acton staffs of tho t w howotson company woi o a in lght and happy contrast six hunched participated in tho muchtnlkcdof event nnd the icillzatlon wan in no wlso bohind tho anticipation tho f omuls present i a veiy buj sconu on the ui rival of tho ladlul ttnlns fi om tho noith bear ing tho acton contingent but thoy hummed liko il hive of ploaburo-sook- ing bees whon tho bi amp ton people began to pom in by bus and motor mi e mllaon waa in cluugo of this pic nit aiid handlod it liko a voteian fcind onthely to tho satisfaction of evei yone with but hindlcia of tho ability tho acton ladles it wan ta bo expected that softball would be tho loading feature of tin day foi ono seotion of tho pic nlc at loast tho result to tjie surpi ise of both homo fans and lsltos showd that in tho competi tion staged between foul teams biampton tamo out at tho top of tho caul the teams competing were girls mauled mon ringle mcn pick ed teams thoi o was a very lino programme of sports arranged and carried out undci tho dh ectlon of messi s h donny wallace brown waltei booby and v j langevln tollowing is a hstof tho pi irowlnnera boys l mining 12 to 15 yeais hariy bauett john paskltt glrls running 12 to ib yearn lor- alno baridtt doieen masales glils balloon pushing balloon withhands m blah connio rich ardson married mens saddle 1 ago mcabra c smyo and l masales rado on all fours men and boyi open goi don mlllti clarence hus band tin cod the needle race mixed la 11 on and gents m vanwyck a klngshott candy toco ladles open margaret keawell emma little boiya running i ace 7 years and undci got don good jack btoby gil la i unnlng race 7 yeara and undei blslo barrett jean dick pdamit raco open c richard son jack sheppard balloon lace mon open alox savage jack pollard ladlea olothes pin open misa ii browning mrs wm bafloy wheelbarrow raco mens open r dunbar and m gaskea w mur ray and a lawronco pop bottle races mens open harry barrett and winnie beeby w littlo and v sanger song race ladies and gents m thompson and r massey v sanger and n grimshaw running high jump boya 15 to 20 w kaloy and harold hold crackei race mrs w bailey j pollard tho supper was sumptuous for tho ladies appeared to havo reached a sttmdard too high to beat it was marked by tho generous quantities provided and the supper hour was ono of enjoyment social as wall aa ma terial mrs r blowott and misa k llttloy of acton were tho ladles at tho head of tho largo and willing con tingent of waiters nothing occurned to mar tho ouu ing and tho return journeys wero mado to acton and brnmnton by groups of a luxury two gentlemen dining in a new york icataurant weio suipifsad to fin i on tho bill of fai o tho itom gt ten bluofiah walter ono asked what sort of bluofloh are groon bluoflih froah tight fr6m the water said tho waiter o ft hand nonsense said tho man you know well enough thoy do not take blucflsh at this season tho waltei camo up and looked at tho disputed item olj that sir he aald with an- ah of enllghtenmont thats hbthoiiho bludflsh sir his wit was not heavy it wm a tiowdtd in and jin thjn man looked angilly at his stout m if h boi wiio occupied two seats and twct- lapped a third thoao cam ought to charge by siz3 and weight ho grumbled to his wife aa he pulled his coal put from under tho fat man with a vlcloua twitch tho fit min fciivo one talm unmoved glante at tho diminutive flguio btaido him if they did they d nevet stop to lot you on my littlo man h said with a bioad smile use babys own soap its best for baby best for you s ttanj rz re p cyre no 8 dazed by the electric shock that ho koit calling ua by wrong names at the earliest dawn wo made a breakfast of froierr oranges nnd sar dines xhen wo tried to start bjt we were no benumbed that wo were forced to wait for the sun to glvo some heat when it finally did blaze upon us and our stiffness had dlsap- pcai cd wo rcacued oui axea and atartod forzcimatt which wo reached at nightfall a rescuing paity had just been organized to go to our rellof tired people glad of tho opportunity that onco a year brings fellow- worker together in this happy manner when work la forgotten and all enjoy n nfternoon of pleasure and relaxation together a uestfom can mclaughlin- buick 4wheel brakes be applied while turning corners llswer certainly the brake on the out side front wheel is automatically released mak ing steering easy and car control sure only one such device has so far been perfected and mclaughlinbuick has it s v king representative for th8 8ection a market for womens opinions a genuine bargain ed the old mnn still in his hhntoh ed voice yoll bo remlmberln tim magraa mother it seamed nuturnfto stanley to take tho banket from tho womans arm she stood bnok arrnh now whats a glntleman born like yerael to do wld tho wrack at all sort of way that on hla account tholc unfortunate hens should havo to hang with their heads down longor tha they noed dtherwlso havo done ho looked out toward tho horizon over tho sea so that waa how it was at tho thought of theao loyal unselfish souls woi thy of tho man whom ho had boon taught to honor most in tho world prldo wolled up in his heart ho saw it now tho reason for tho dissatisfaction of the stanleys ovei his mothers marriage a dissatisfaction that ho had always porceivod but that ho had nover un derstood for his fathei had been a man of mark and hla mother had been waiting for him to undci stand beforo she wont with him overscaa ho smiled ho waa glad ho had grown big enough ho went into tho tidy comfortable littlo house tho old people itcairt him they stopped talking and camo foi ward stanloy took out hla watch do you know he said i shall havo to bo making my way back ta arklow but i want to knowj first wha you can tell mo about tlio martins one moment though ho added turn ing to brian my watch was fast yostoiday what time do you make it to bo the old soldlei took a silver watch out of his pocket i make it just livo sorr ho saul stanley caught sight of aomothlnr that was attached to tho old mans watch ring unconsciously his nan 1 closed over hla own watch which had boon his fathers on ua hwlvcl was the worn half of a broken six pence tho original srxponce his tho author of canadian savage polk has much to tell of indian life and chaructei before the savage had como in contact with civilization this infoimation is of the gi eater lnteiesi becauso so few of tho tilbes are left whotiave not como under tho influence of white teaching and example anxious to leain all i could about the mat rlnge customs of the people says tho author i asked one of my frlenax how many wives have you three bald he how did you get them well i gave a horso for tho flist one she was not very goodjooking so t got lior fd ono horse the se cond ono wjib goodlooking and a goo 1 cook bo i paid two horses for hei tho thhd was a beauty t3ho was a good cook and sho hndji fine disposi tion i gave three horses and a gun and a saddle for her she was a beauty i aftci nnnatlng thla in a business like fiihhton tie turned to me and said apawakas how many horses did you pay for her apawakim is the indian name of my wife it means white antolopo i was rather taken aback to havo the tables turned upon mo so quickly but dotorrolneu to make the beat of the situation so i proceeded to tell tho indian tho whlto mans method of oblalrtlnff a wife aftciward tho explanation was glv- en of hotting up housokooplng and i told hlirt that the motherinlaw pro vided pillows blankets and many of the necessary things for tho house when this point was reached tho red men could not restrain their laugh ter any lonffcr they shook with amusement at tho strange customs of the whlto men after thoy weij able to oontrol themsclvosj one of them aald they paid you for taking hor tho lntervlewoi begins to iecogni70 that tho opinions of women on varl- oua subjects have a commercial valu all tho members of tho senior class la a wellknown college for wombn ic- cently had a request from an editorial sanctum foi theii candid views con cerning husbands as they aro and as thoy might bo viewed from the vantagopolnt of the collego student ono wonders how that vantago point differs fi om that of tho girl who went into aoclety instead of into college tho two girls might havo dif ferences as to tho desirable chatac torcatlcs of lovoi s but husbands foi botlnno yet inan unknown land perhaps however the collego gill may bo expected to demand a suporloi training in mathematics or in greek as essential foi the smooth conduc of man led life at all events her opinion on tho subject was thought of enough importance for tho editor to offer a fee of two dollars to each aonloi who would consent to expreaa heraolf candidly on the question a boston lepoiter begged an in toiviow iccentiy with a young woman and told hot that his papui was soon to publish i symposium on the com ing man would sho give him contribution foi it sho waa how- ovei as shy as aho was witty and assured him that sho dared not sec herself in pi int on so mo mon toys hiibjcct but sho vould tell him foi his piivite satisfaction that the como man waa good enough for her georgetown ontario several true dills it is of courao truo that o jury theoretically is composed of a sot u unprojudlced men with open mlndn atill thoi o may bo occasions when a slight personal feeling invades their ranks v such was cvldoptfly the thought homo in upon the talloi who rising to state his case and having declined the aei vices of a lawyet foi leasons best known to himself looked ovei the juiymen and then turned to the judge ith no uso foi mo to toll you nbout this caso yuur lionoi ho said deject edly not unless you dlnmlas that jury and got in a now lot there isnt a man amongst em but owos mo something fpi clothes personality in print aged and infirm but stanley innlfited nnd she lot mother had told him had been brok- hlm havo his way hor aelfpoasosslon j on between his father and grandfather seemed to como back j when the former had left ireland as a ae long im tho grass in centi si pai k is healthy and giecn the citizens of manhattan me said to look upti it as mime nort of a garden and to koop off it ns the slgnn com mand them to do when itboglns to die out however theli inspect for it inntnnmy vanishes ono of thorn being in a hurry ktnrtid tocut acrosi a yellowing patch in tho uppeu pnik says tho now yont times but waa stopped by a police man what dlkforonco doos it make- demanded tho citizen tho grass is halfdead already suio replied tho indignant offlc er if yo lml a sick friend would be walkln fen his atoomach new 5mp enameled sink 1 beit value evtr offered mda of armco iron coated with- pureit sp whlto lnamcl centre drain with or without tap botes price includes all flttlnft also the smp enameled dralr board white en meted armco iron tronff rigid very hendyi elftounlque value pit anility toeink a real plumbing eentetton tice includte all fitting sold by plumbere hard etoree or write direct to srijit mftai products cotsst i wmtaim toelomto winnipco 1 smontom vancouver cauuutv 1waj all line of 8 m p carried by james symon people prefer- to buy known goods from merchants whom they know ad vertising makes you acquainted with the buying public this personality in print is the greatest builder of confidence there is it teaches the wkote community to believe in you and ybuitgoods to think they have a need for your goods and to buyat your store moreover people expect to be asked to shop at your store a message in the acton free press carries conviction right into the home let us show you what happens when an advertisement is an invitation hardware mill street s3v ri mtaxvjti- jifi lh mjumi k

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