Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1925, p. 3

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barhm jffreglfrgfig thursday august x925 the homebuilders give an fxhibition the- robin aral auggestod it in chatting wkh the wron tho phocbe and tho humming bled 1 ho two consulted then tho foui felt aure the plun would woilc if but tho chickadee tho oriole tho chimney swift and aw allows would ugrec thoho blidh were till in full accord and others of their kind when summoned to the council hall had but n single mind and thlh it waa they planned to do wo feathered folk will give an exhibition of tho homes v where wo are wont to llvo straightway the carrier out tho plan where field and forest met and all who went enjoyed it much and will not tfoon forgot tie nests of even kind were there 1 a w fligh to see la bush and bank and tuft and wall and in the spreading tree the nests of every kind were there all built with skill and grace and holding in their sheltered depths tho little egga in place and close beside them all tho day tho feathered builders sang with what a xajcrry chorusing tho field and forest rang i among the visitors who came tho oddest of the day wore littlo bugs that flow and crawled or hopped along tho way the birds will catch ua all theyaatd and so perhaps tis best porous to comeourselves and pick a cosy stylish neat oswald m rlckard the troubles of a consul consuls tho world over are jukely to have their hands full with certain types of their fellow countrymen women as in the instance about to be described it occurred when capt a f townsbend waa acting in his dffl- clal capacity of british consul in a town in asia minor one day he re lates hi a military consul in turkey an english lady arrived and was shown in to his office she was invited to jit down which she did with caution of tor subjecting tho consul to a- careful scrutiny you arc tho consul i suppose i admitted that such was the case well she went on my steamer only stays here for six hours andi want to go to tarsus to see tho placo where saint paul lived and as i be hove the train has gone i wont a car riage and you must guarantee mo that i shall be back in tune for my steamer and i want on interpreter who speaks english and turkish and madam i interrupted i must roajfly my name is mrs x she snapped with a kind of don td are to madam mo air vcry well i replied as meekly an i could but as you have not shown me your passport i did not know if i could find an interpeter who spoko english and turkish i would buy htm for myself so i fear you cant nave that but i and you must arrange about lunch for me in tarsus she put in but i continued desperately i shall try to get a carriage aa soon as cuiltctdt the old farm house tho empty house yawns gloomily up to the empty cloudless sky tho scorching august sun rays beat on a dull wilderness of heat the pump is crumbling red with rust tho door is silver whito with dust no hay ricks jogging homeward pass a chlpmunr scuttles through the grass tho burdock and tho ragweed keep corners where roses used to sleep tho crazy windows leor and stare at ragged trees that once were fair and still beneath that empty sky it stands in changeless dignity tow thlnga- 1 know are quite as grave as any house or quite as brave john v a weaver iblo to affront und would rather iiuppojo climb in at the window than bo absolutely excluded in a mlnultc tho yard the kitchen und tho pailcn wore filled mr gren villc advancing toward mo shook me by tholianl wlthji degree of cordiality that wns cttrcmoly seducing as soon aa he and as many moro e- could find chairs wero seated he began to open tho intent of his visit i tol 1 him i had no vote foi which he ictidlu kavo mp credit i assui od him i hud no influence vlilch ho wis not equally in cllned to boliovo thus ended the conference mj grenvllle aqiuoezed my hand ngaln kissed tho ladles ami wlthdicw lie kissed llltewiso tho maid in the kitchen and seemed upon the whole ft most loving klitsing kindhearted gontl man our own eavlo hcndeison of popula polltictd fame in ihla county nnd who for over thirty yeara was able to co ral sufficient votes to give him clectlo i imthi good majoilty in iicirly cveiy contest lie engaged in tiled the baby- klshlng pljn of election candidates in his early election experiences but davie couflilnt make votes that wa those long sidoboaid whiskers of nls seemed to seme the kiddles when nc got hia face close to theirs and any way ho didnt much like tho process especially when he was down among tno mountaineers of nassagawoya our davlc tho- dear nian had plonty of babies to kiss at home and homo was after all his paradlso you don t hear much about election candidates kissing babies these days i fany oven agnos mephall m p would make a sorry mesa of it if she tried that wornout old scheme acton news from overseas tho gazette of july 17 contained thq followina items of news a blov at superstition humlule of course pro- cab you know as if wo were in regent street but 111 send a kavoss for one rather unsatisfactory ahagrowl- cd and ill ask the turkish governor to send a policeman f the box so that you will be quito safe i cannot nowever guarantee what time yon may get back it is sixteen miles to tar sus well i wont go at all she declared as if she were inflicting a crushing blow but i want to change a bonk of england fivepound note and as i dont know the rate of exchange i shall have to trust you to change it for me really mrs x- i said goaded into retaliation you seem to have uomo vary mistaken ideas let mo tell you that t am neither a cabproprietor nor a touristagent nor yet a money changer and ijmuat ask you to change your note elsewhere she sprang up as if she bad sat on a wasps nest yo n baek- on board my steamer and as i have a chapter or other days sayi had quite a start tho other day when i walked up main street to ward tho new torontosarnia high way when i got up to tho little creek which runs down from mr swlt- xers farm and thon through mr youngs and from there passes under the railway and thon through the pro perty where the old glovo leather tan nery used to bo and past the old smith shingle factory and on across that corner lot and then under main street and into the ebbago lot where john zimmerman built tho first tan nery in actfin rirhcty years ago i j- to rub my eyes and think a few minutes wondering where i wa- there on almost the very site where bill overton built his blacksmith shop sixty years ago stood an old building which looked just llko a little black smith shop and i thought for a moment i was back to tho old school days and tho blacksmith would eten out of the door if i waited a little while but as i looked and wonderod i saw this building was larger than the overton shop and ono of the men there explained that it was tho old stephenson blacksmith shop which anthony stephenson built over forty years ago on tho site of tho old cali fornia hotel which was burned moro than half a century ago this old shop which has not been used much for blackattil slnoe anth an xnost influential friends in the foreign office you will hear of me again that will be a great pleasure 1 murmured as tho lady sailed out for days afterward x trembled at the arrival of every telegram hut the foreign office in its leniency must have decided 4o give me ono moro chance before dismissal without a character when mother was little children love to be told about whpn mother was a little girl during long hours of wakefulness because of nn abscessed gland i diverted my smalt daughters mind from her pain jy weaving tases of my own childhood the first night i trlod i could recall very little to tell her for these child n hood incidents had been given hardly a thought in years but after that i gotjmper and pencil and jotted down the recollections which came crowding back when memory waa turned upon them next tlmo she demanded whin mother was a jittlo girl 1 was ready for her it helped amaxingiy through that illness and subsequent ones of others of tho children the best thing about telling stories to the young is that they enjoy hearing the same ones over and oyer they like particularly to hear about their elders school days particularly if their school conditions were greatly in contrast with thoso of modern education m p d a good distinction it was a plain if unusual distinction made by tho english mayor in tho fol lowing story at a largo political mooting where gladstono was to speak the hall was packed and the ar was stifling for some reason says w c browneh who quotes tho incident in a recent book as coming from james russell lowell it was impossible to open the windows and one had to bo broken it wan feared that the noise would startle tho audience and the mayor stepped forward to explain what waa proposed the audience however had not assembled to listen to tho mayoi and overwhelmed him with cries of gladstone gladstone r at last tho misconceived and in furiated oil clal restored shenco by shouting at tho top of his lungs im not going to make a spobch ivo got something to say john quit a good many years back was moved across tho streot and one of tho men working about the building told me that sandy mclsaacrgrandson of my old friend john mclsaac who lived for many years on the third hn had bought it and intends making a garage of it its rather a dilapidated looking placo now but when sandy clads it with brick or metal it will pass inspection tho presence of that old- building near tho site of tho old blacksmith shop called up many memories soma of you will remember old mr over tons olackamlth bhop further down the stieet on the propeity which nel son moore owns now when a boy bill helped his father it tho smithy and when he grow to manhood ani thought of mairylng and settling down in a home of his own he asked his father for regular wngea this- rather angered tho old man who thought bill was well enough at home where his mot and his stater ann who after ward becimo mrt thomas ebbage wero good housekeepers and kept the family comfortablo but bol waanr satisfied and told his father so in plain terms the upshot of it all was that tho old man wouldnt give in and bill left him bill bought the lot besido tho littlo creek and started busi ness there for himself ho did pretty well for a number of years and than decided to go to hallburton whore ne spont the rest of his active hfo but the old man never forgave bill for going into business fn opposition to him inacton well time settled all tho differences as it invariably does old mr overton died many ears ago his wldowol- lowed him a few years afterword bill overton died eight or ten years ago thomas ebbage pousod away in the house built oh the site of old mr and mrs overtons homo shortly after wil liam overton died mrs ebbage enter ed into rest in toronto a couple of years ago about forty years ago after blh overton went to hallburton anthony stephenson secured his old shop and for years he and his brother john conducted a blacksmithing business there anthony was tho owner and john his helper though forfmany yearn most people thought thoy were in par tnershlp after a while the shop got too small and anthony had a new and larger shop built tho ono sandy mt isaac has just moved to the old site tho ofd bill overton shop was bought with tho little brick cottage beside it by henry sayers who owned it until his death thrco or four years ago at speyslde henry had this old shop movett acrosi tho lot when the old school lane was diverted and edu cation lane opened direct from tha front door of tho public school to main street and placed it facing on the n v school lane a year or so ago charlie holmes bought the property charlie lived for a while in the brick cottage and then concclvod the idea of convert ing tho old shop into a dwelling this he accomplished and it is now a voiy comfortable house nnd charlie and his wlfo and their numerous family occupy it and are quite happy in their lmprov- vised quarters somo minds even untrained minds are so luminous that they contain no dark corners in which superstitions and fantastic feara may hide such a mind was bettys the class in history had been exam ined and beveral girls lingered in the schoolroom discussing tho exam ination o dear aighod one x just know i didnt pass but i expected it wh i was in auch a hurry this morning that i opened my umbrella right m tho hall what harm did that do demand ed betty why its an awl t bad sign you know yes indeed chrmed- in another- girl something horrid always hap pens afterwards tho speaker then stated her fears about her own ex amination and disclosed tho ominous fact that aher had seen tho now moon tho night before ovei her loft shoul der some of tho questions werent fair anyhow sho finished plaintive ly fabawv said betty isnt your left shoulder just like the other betty was too young to quote shake speare on tho predilection of people to attribute tho results of their own neglect to tho planets and to excuso themselves cor being fools by heav enly compulsion but sho sturdily maintained that if they know their lessons moons shpulders and um brellas could not affect examinations to convince the unbeliever tho other girls poured forth direful accounts of perfectly awful things which had fouowodop tho occurrence of various bad signs they waxed especially clo quent over the baleful influonco of tho number thirteen ono told that a christmas dinner at which thirteen sat was followed by the death of one of the participants during tho week bettys inquiries developed the fa that the deceased was an old lady tn her eighties who attended tho feast- against her physicians orders but that did not matter the cause of disaster waa thirteen which waa io sinister in nature that nothing con- hocted with it could possibly come out right betty being one against four was outtalked as sho sat unconvinced her eyes chanced to rest upon the flag which hung over tho teachers desk tho teacher an enthusiast in ameri can history imd explained that morn ing that when the first new states were admitted to tho original union a star and a stripe for each were add ed to tho flolg but since the stripes promised to be thinner and more crowded aa they were multiplied it was decided to keep the thirteen stripes and add only to the stars suddenly betty rah to the platform and selklriff a pointer counted the thirteen stripes aloud say girls she called oyer her left shoulder how about tho thirteen original states a sheaf of sage sentences to link the conception of patriotism linsoparablywlth that of war is to do it a grlovods wrong a truo patriotism is tho- enemy of war all honor to the men who fought for our country and the wives and mothers who inspired and cared for them but all honor also to the men and women who toflay labor to make fighting no longer neciffloary the worth of peace lies less in itsof w luu vuwii1 miu uuavrvvu buj than in what it makes possible for the j denly to jgnito and spread to somo it is pioposcd to appoint a tcmpoi ary dental surgeon fo- tho acton schoou clinic acton education commlttco is re commended to pay l 15 9d a ton for it i tcli en coal and jl2 8o gd a ton for nnthiauto cwmgiach cobbles eight members of tho acton v u bi igado have been successful in lining first aid cei tlficatci fiom the st john ambulance bilfado an estimate of tho coat of the la- out of tho remnlndct of the act i otmotoiy extension is to bo propnrei coffin turntables hnvo been provided at tho cemetery chapels on sunday morning a collision oc curred near hartgrovo shepherd s iuh1i between it tramcai and a prlvua motor car owned and driven by mr a w dunstall 60 of 31 hlllcrost road acton the tpwn clerk mr w hodson who has recently heen indisposed wis again uniblo to bo present at tho council meeting on tuesday and his place was taken by tho deputy town cleric mr j morgan members of tho acton congiegatipu al church held their annual garden feto on tho church athletic association lawn tennis courts at snells tarm north acton on saturday hariy sheriff of packingtonroa i acton and john piack of st mar- ear ots- terrace acton wero cuch flnei 10a at acton police court on wed nesday for using indecent language three moio south acton ions wero aired 1 each including costs at brentford this week for neglecting to have their children vaccinated a party of tho 7th acton scouts havo spont a very cnjoyablo weeje in paris most of tho places of intcrost in and around tho city were visited including the international art exhi bition and an evening was spent with tho 1st paris troop englishspeaking scouts tho caglo eye patrol of tho 2nd acton troop were in camp at their headquarters over the weekend whilst their brother scouts were competing for the honor of tho troop m tho annual camper and scoutcraft com petition in gunnersbury park the vagaries of a frightened horsu deprived hundred of actonlana of milk with their breakfast on sunday a corner of newton avenue became a land flowing with milk if not with honey xk3 colvllloroad actou and constance iover or the bamo ad dress whp wero both recently bound over appeared at acton police cou t again on wednesday when hart summoned dover for damaging her clothes line as a general blwoekly collection of house lefuse in acton would cost an additional expenditure of 2500 per annum tho proposal is not to bo pro cecded with but householders can go a second collection for jd a young man who obtained a sum mons against a neighbor at ac to a police court on monday said that the trouble was due to jealousy becauyo he did not talo her to southond vttmn he paid a visit there recently in view of road developments at east acton including the re- surfacing and widening of east acton green the time is considered to be opportuno for widening east actonlane from tno valo to churchfieldroadoast miss l m bi aumn junior school acton is to be granted leave of absence to enable her to undertake a years teaching in aus tralfa under tho league of emplro scheme for the interchange of teachers the mayor of acton was amongst tho- guests received by aid h w peai sheriff of middlesex and mrs and mies peal at a garden patty held host week in tho grounds d oakhurv st stephenarqajcaung the annual athletic sports of the acton county schoott which took place on saturday afternoon were attended by a large gathering of parents and old boys favored by beautiful weath er the scene on the school grounds was somewhat in the naturo of a garden party thero boing an interval for tea ices and light refreshments although most of tho staff of the acton valo pensions ofllco reside away from acton thoy are never alow to recognize that by day they are parish- loners of the neighboring church of st thomas and have many tunes given very practical help in the way of organizing entertainments when nathan tobias of church- road acton was summoned by his wlfo at acton police court on wednm- day lor desertion his solicitor said ho complained of his wifes drinking hab its howaa prepared to agree to t separation order of 16s a week members of the acton chamber of commerce and their friends sufficient ly numerous to fill three charabancs travelled about70miioa between- 2amv 0 30 p- m on wednesday to see famous thames riverside resorts was their aim and the limit of tholr trip was henley a curious little fire occurred in cen tral acton about 1 45 p rn on wednes day the scene of it wub the rear of the now shops in the broadway near tho globe cinema whero dry grass on the vacant land was observed sul- weekly fashion hint for din1ntg or dancing the charm o a beautifully designed brock is enhanced by the materials used in its development here white geor gette crepqia printed with large flowers uiblackandpmk the inset godets are of plain whitegeorgctte whilethelong graceful scarf corresponds with the border of the frock if s4mch material is used for the model only 1 j yard wu jreautred for the dress household economy 8ucce88 points 13y tho late viscount loverhulme the stciot of succesj ih no secret at all will w man pay tho prlco cf success that in tho point there is pnly ono certainty hard worlr oelf- snciiflce nnd neivlco for others belle vo me there is much moro money made in doing somethlngbottci than tvcr it wan done hoforo than in doing something now fit mote um think h ird wot it nmy kill a in tn it ncvei did it it u oud habit is huid woi h und it ih bud habits thil lcim young men bf today have a better chance than ever but the sacrifice is gicutei owing to tho opportunities for amuaoment and self indulgence sqmo say that all the great men died ycirs ago dont believe it there aro flnor young men in england today than ever it is capital that is looking foi jounu follows all thb tlmp tho best chance a young man has in life is to start clthci without capital oi short of capital tho fact is that tho foundation of business success and of christianity aro tho same and that found ition la servico foi othors in all tho ups and downs of bus i ncss art is the lock undci the shadow of which business men revlvd thedr souls protection against mosquitoes repayment mr stringer loolced over ho back yard fence and watched tho stout mr- stroetei trying to balance himself in a stmattlng position und pun up gar den weeds at tho sumo time street- er said he ivo just got back from the city antl ive found out my wlfo is tho most prudent woman in tho world tho other got up and looked round with a faco as red aa if ho had apop lexy hello stringei ho coughed what makes you think your wlfo is so prudent haa she decided not to buy any more new hats no but sho took somo money i gave her and bought a piano huh unlettered hr streeter is thatwhavyou oa11nrudenco wait a bit air stringer replfcd as i say sho bought a piano about a week ugo its a beauty has a i osowood case the handsomest you over saw sbltiea llko a new dollar polished llko u mirror carved logs and gives a ilch look to tho whefte bouse music lnsldo asked the other dryly now holes whero tho prudehco comes in went on mr stringer dis regarding his friends remark i camo home lost tuesday and found the piano entirely lilclden by a plush cover that hung over on each bide llko ono of those little blankota you seo tlea on pugdogs i told my wife ftrae sa handsomo covei but that it wasnt half so pretty as the wood with its polish and handsorao grain she ox plained that tho wood might get scratched but that with tho cover over tt it would always bo just as bright as it is now that was prudenco but- dont jntermpt 8urceter that isn t am when i camo home tonight i found a linen cover over tho plush of course a brown linen cover may not bo ugly but it- isnt to- bo com pared totho plush so i protested 1 said it was a bharne to hide that hand some plush affulr my wlfo answered that the plush cover coat nine pollard and sixt eight cents including tho initials embroidered in yellow at tho corner and that it seemed to hoi wasteful to let ho duut settle all ov a delicate thing of that sort and mako it look old and dingy inside a yeai sho said tho linen cover was to pro tect it now that e prudence unadul terated prudence eh between yon and me stieetcr- i vo been wonder ing if it would not havo been cheapei to buy tho linen cover first then we shouldnt have needed the plush or tho rosewood piano either ad ded streeter tho mayoral chair of a cortaln eng lish town was once occupied by a m in of great goneroslty among tho applicants who sought relief from him during his tenure of office was a local character known is tim now tim had rather a doubt ful reputation he had never done a great deal of work and soveral people wero of tho opinion that ho nevoi would nevertheless tim didnt seo why ho shouldnt ask tho mayor for a don key and cart to set up in the rng-and- bono business so he called on him ono day and after being admitted to his private of fice mado his request well tim replied tho mayor if i give you this money how nro you going to repay md this was rather a poser for tim but suddenly a brilliant idea struck him and ho blurted out well yer worship if youro kind enough to advance mo the necessary ill tell you what ill do ill name tho donkey after your worship he changed his mind billy camo home from school boar- ing every evidence of having had tho worst of a fight why billy exclaimed his mother how often havo i told you to pla only with good little boys good lltio boys dont fight welt said billy through his tears i thought ho was a good littlo boy till i hit him coi tain pi otectl vo mijturt6 applied to tho akin aio of tieat value in wind ing off mosqultoej black- flies and slmilai posts especially when the in sects nrp very numerous a numbt of formulas ror such mixtures ao given in a p imphlot on thp methods of protection ug ilnst mosquito h and black flit a just h hum by the lsnto- inolofral kiunch of the dominion le- pai tment of agilt ultuie a mtxtuio recommended by the nut hoi is coir pujed of j ouncch of oil of cltronolla 1 of spi ith of camphoi i of oil of tat vi an ounce of oil of pennyioynl an i from 1 to g ounces of cnstoi oil an other nilxtuie consists of 2 ounces of oil of cltionclla in ounce of penny royal and i ounces of castor oil the castor oil i included to prevent injury to tho skin tatlow may be used in stead if it la dished to have tho mlx- tuio in tho form of i paste when the insects are abundant i is necessary to apply the mijtture at least onco every half houi using lib eral quantities and lubbing h vory thoroughly over the hands and face care should be taken to havo a sufil- cicnt quantity of a mlxturo when on an extended ti lp in tho woods at least one ounco per person per day is nocessaty if the flies are anyway abun dant the mixture should bo carriod in a small aluminum flask or screw top tin but not in a glass bottle ns it js apt to break tables were turned a priest went into a barber shop conducted by one of his parishioners to get a bhavo he observed that the harbor was suffering from a recent celebration but decided to take a chance in a few momenta tho bar bers razor had nicked tho father a cheek there pat you have cut me said tho priest as ho raised his hand and caressed tho wound yih yr rlvrenco answered the barber that shows you continued tho priest in a tono of censure what the user of liquor will do yis y r rivrance replied tho bar ber humbly it makes the shkln tin der keep ya u rsh o cs voa t 2in1 white shot dressing cake or liquid her namesake when mrs lombard heard that the baby of heb former cook had been named for hei sho bought a suitable rattle with many jingling bells and wontrtu see her namesake v why bridget she said to tho late miss leahy now mrs osulllvan i thought you said tho baby was named for me my name re hannah and yoa are calling tho baby celestinc colestine l maam said mrs o sullivan hastily the l is for lombard and cclestlne is just a koln of a name to describe you maam there aint anny hannah to youi looks mrs lombard anny wan would tell you that make sure of a room thehotelswlqbecrowd- ed with people arriving fpr the exhibition if you intend stopping at a hotel call up by long distance prompt ly and make your re servations if you intend stopping with friends telephone them and make sure theycan accommodate you they may have other arrangements thq definite assurance of comfortable accommoda tions waiting for you will make holiday traps doubly enjoyable every bm ttlefhoxe it a long dutanet statitm ww 5flujhlq harvesters 1vanted 1500 to winnipeg plus half a cent a mile beyond to all points in mani toba saskatchewan alberta edmonton tannjj calgary macleod and east returnlnil half a cent per mile to winnipeg plus smot to destination going dates august 18th and 21st august 18th toronto caledon east beeton mcaford qplllnffwood ponetang midland pairy sounl sudbury capreol and east thereof in ontario auaut 21st toronto inglowood jet and all stations soutli and west thereof in ontario special leave toronto i trajns ug 2lbt 120 pjv1 augibt 21st 1030 pm rules of the road tokio lives of men it must rest upon jus tlco or it lias neither real valuo nop the quality ot permanence patriotism rightly lays its wreath upon tho grraves of ita heroic sons who mode tho supreme sacrifice for tbe r country but it serves best the cause they died fcrby seoklng to abolish the evil which rccnilrcd the sacrifice favored aqe when tho teacher looked seveioty at isadora xovjnsky all ideas fled from him when osked to name tho presi dents ho could think of jubt ave with four lone saps between them i dm surprised isadoro said tho teacher whtu had left middle ago well in the bavckeiound when i was eleven yeaxa old moro than a year younger than you are now i could re cite tho list of presidents without a single mistake or u moments hesita tion teacher yes maam said isadoro humbly then a brilliant and comfort ing idea came to htm but there couldnt to havo been half as many presidents to remember then wan there teacher only- misplaced mr blxby was on a visit to mr rollins his cousin who resided in another part of tho country whore manners and speoeb wero different from thoso to which the visitor had boon accustomed both eyo and ear therefore wero occupied with study and comparisons theres one thing i notice about you people here observed mr blxljy you dont stem to have much uso f th letter- v bttehhereioomefworsted jfrom it has a sound as other letters have but here it is practically a silent letter why a that i havent tho slightest idear re plied mf rottln innocently i say i read tho mall and mplro sometimes these days but i jend hc globe more and i find both of them art talking abouta new general election and this brings mo to remember tho elections of the ohl mays when john white and t 19 chlsholm and w d lyon and wandering willie mapdougal were candidates in thouc old lays of electioneering the candidates trick of kitting the babies was much in fas hion tho determined candidate of generation or two ago was as deeply interested in all members of a voters family as ho h to day in willi im gowpera letters tin bo found description of tho way things wer i dono more than u hundred ycics igo we wore sitting yesterday at din ner the two ladles and myself voy composedly and without the least a prelum b ion of any such intiuslon in on snug parloi one lady knitting another netting and tlm geutlotpnn winding suddenly u oujf unspoak- ablo surprise a mob appeared befoto the window a smart tap was heard at tho door tho boys halloed and the maid announced mr grenvllle candi dates- are creatures not very suaaept- nevaire i jacques had noj been over from franco very long and did not know the language yery well so when ho wanted tp know the meaning ot a not ti ho went to ma friend hodges one day he asked what is him a pole bear you mean a polai bearthats an animal tlutt lives in tbe ice and oats fish i will not tie hecml i will not bo heom cried jacques excitedly my clear fellow said isodgos no one wants you to bo a polar boqr but yos monsieur answered jao- quei n mim next dooi he die and zo neighbors un will i bo a polo bear but llvo on ice nnd eat flsh novaire treoo owing to tho number of complaints of the improper employment of chil dren in acton the acton education committee has drawn the attention of omployera to tho bylaws prohibiting the employment of children under 12 years and regulating their employment between 12 and 14 years a numbc of warnings have been issued v mr w cunningham a hammer smith magistrate was the special preacher on sunday atthe acton hill wosleyan church and gave tho ad dress to thfe children in tho afternoon the services were well attended and the singing of tho children under tho conductors hip of mr e a v capon gave much pleasure tho fh st summer sports ever oi- ganizid for the boys and girls of tho acton schools oldham- terrace wet e held on friday of ternoon and ga o so much plcasuie to tho children and the patents- who came to athletic prowess that it lu intended to this is not a joke it appears just as it is in japann largest police sta tion hules of tho road toklo japan 1 at the rise of the hand police man stop rnpidly 2 do not pan policeman or other wise disrespect him 3when a passenger of tho foot have in sight tootle horn trumpot at him melodiously at first but if ho still obstacles youi passage tootle him with vigor and express by word of mouth tho warning hi iii 4 beware of the wandering horse that ho shall not tako fright as you pass hirh by do not explode an ex haust blow at him go soothingly by 5 give big space to the festive dog that shall sport in the roadway 0 avoid entanglements of the dbg with the wheel bpokes 7 go soothingly on the grease mud ns there- lurks skid demon 8 press tho brake of tho foot aa you 10i1 around tho corner to save collapse and tie up standard time xhxough trainicomforuble colonist cnf special cri for women tnd children putchaso your ticket to winnipeg vut canadian national railways whether or not your final destination in the westis a point on tlic canadian national ticket and nil information from nearest agent i 1 31 mako them hu annual event a small sale of worktwas held in tho ducks eqq8 a cltj bred girl married a young fiimcr a her husband camo into the houflp one day mho exclaimol oh john i round four ducks ggs among the two dozen you brought in thin morn in duoka efirb said john how lo you know thoy wero ducks eggs why she answered i put them 1 water and four- of thm floated garden of 168 avenucroaa acton on saturday in aid of tho poop i o a dis pensary for sick anlrhala of tho pool it waa arranged by two children mar- jorle carpenter 11 and malslo stcep- lt 0 tho sale realized the aum of j33 ibs eighteen tenders wero received foi tho provision of a steam englho ana dynamo at aoton baths that at mossrs benies and morcdm at x40j watt recommended by tho special suo- rommittoe for adoption an alleged attempt to blow open a uufo with explosives was described brentford follco court on thursday when qeorgo saunders of davisroad acton ico cream salesman waa charg ed with breaking and entering the warehouse of messrs t wall and son at manorroad with intont to steal the sum or iqq thatr he admitted having had six oi ncven tjnlf pints of beef- during th day was stated by a constable of frank king a licensed motor driver who was chaiged at acton police court on tuesday wlt being drunk during ills tmploymont as a hackney carriage diiver at marliotplnce acton a potitlon came beforo tho ac ton hjghways committea l jiajul-moot- lng signed by 223 residents on the hast acton housing estate protesting against tho uwe of their loads for the purpose of testing motoi cars us ox- trem dangw nuisance from clouds of duat and damage to tho roads was thereby occasioned the acton hospital authorities were absolved from all blame by the divi sional coroner in legard to a painful tragedy which occurred in tho insti tution on tucsitny when a middle- aged malo patient cut his throat undci tho influence of a audden impulse duo to pain and worry when helena c3otdng a laundress of parlci oml nui th acton who wa found outside her house having a ron with poople who weie tiylng to get hoi seo theiifi to go lndoaia was charged at actou polco court on tuesday with being drunk disorderly and using obscene language she said she had npt had any drink foi a long time and the lltto sho took soon overcame her mi and mrs j cox 107 tieldine- road acton grocn an account of whbao diamond wedding celebration appeared in tho acton gaette last week hava iccolvcd the following telegram buck ingham palace to mr and mrs cox bedford pak the king and queen are much interested to hear that y3- torduy you celebrated your diamond wedding and i m dcdlrcd to convey to iou their majeauea sincere con- gtatulatlons and txt wishes on this gic it annlver tot other with the hope that you aro both in good health privuto secretary ujj ve never advertised twenty years v yes ill admit times are a bit slow with me but fm hoping for the turn of the tide waiting for their ships to come in has spelled disaster for all too many cana dian merchants dont think along the lines of the man above advertise advertising in the acton free press will keep your name and store constantly before the people in this town advertising is avonderful businessbuild ing force and profitable to use talk it over with us progressive merchants advertise ilssue by canadian weekly newspapers association get acquainted with free press advertisers v itrltlt

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