Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1925, p. 4

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1 1 the home of he art an 3te taps member canadian weekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies of ontario the acton true press is published every thursday morning at the iree press building mill street acton ontario the subscription price is ioo per year in advance postage is charged addition il to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated tm the address label advertising rates transient advertise ments to cents per line agate measure for first insertion and 5 centa per tins for each subse quent insertion contract display advertise dents for 50 inches or more per annum is cents per inch each insertion advert is emonts wlth- out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly il p moore president and editor g a dills manager and assistant editor telephones editorial and business office nw residence of president nj residence of manager ij 600000 automobiles in canada- statistics prepared at ottawa bhow that tho num ber of automobiles in canada have now passed the 600000 mark for the first time in history motor vehicles registered in canada january 1 numbered 652121 compared with 593323 an january 1 1924 ontario is the leading automobile owner among the provinces with 308693 cars to its credit the prairie provinces of manitoba saskatchewan and alberta combined accounted for 166234 automobiles more than 60 per cent of the cars in that area are owned in rural districts an average investment of 600 per car makes canadas investment in automobiles 360000000 neighborhood tsfews- town and country georgetown thursday morning august 6 1925 lessons in citizenship every citizen owes a debt to the community in which he iives because the community protects the person and the property of the individual it is ip the community that we receive our education culture and lessons in citizenship that the world owes us a living is a false idea it does not owe us a living but it is ready to provide a living if we take advan tage of the opportunities the community provides the means of a multiple o units and is sjmply what the communities are the members of the governing bodies simply reflect the thoughts and ideas of the various communities good citizenship will follow when the communities are right mih root isrwln and mrs d liv ingstone left inst wcolc to vhtit friends in jumcatown ny itcv 11 a 3 wllloughby chicago and mivloyd whioughby of winni peg vlhltcd with mr and mra ii stoclcfotd lust wcok mi- and mrs w h wutson mr and mih jub mcclura and mr ilurold mc- cluro loft lust week for a motor trip to suult ktc mario col and mrs ballantine of hamil ton n v who huvo boen visiting with mr and mrs john uallantino sr huvo returned to tholr homo the annual sunday school plcnic of tho georgetown united church was held at eldorado park on thursday afternoon last thero was a largo number present and tho day was spent in boating bathing games etc tho child i en had tholr usual programme of sports for which suitable prizes wen given mr j w kennedy had charge of tho sports and the day was heartily enjoyod by both young and old horuld a woman in camp erin editorial the dominions liability the naval policy of the dominions is being widely discussed in australia south africa and in canada as a consequence of the difficulty that has arisen in regard to the british cruiser building programme the press insists that the dominions must assist more the wellington dominion states that the time is at hand when the dominions must either accept their full responsibilities in naval defence or dispense with the protection on which they have hitherto relied somewhat of a simiiiarity the acton town council has finally balked thwarted and flouted the acton chamber of com merce in the matter of the illumination of the parish church clock incidentally it has done the same with regard to the 1600 signatories to the petition one of the largest and most influential eevr present ed to it in favor of the provision of great facilities for ascertai the time after nightf acton acton england gazette doesnt tips read remarkably similar to treatment given some proposed improvements suggested to towns in canada the proposed improvement of fairview- cemetery and adoption of the perpetual care plan for instance aim at prosperity and growth acton is admittedly a prosperous town every citizen should be interested in its growths and in making it a desirable town to live in from every standpoint did you ever stop to reflect that our live loyal citizens are always endeavoring to make it a live growing town that every town has two classes of citizens those who do things to build up the coiji munity jmd those who do not be a builder that the building of a town is a partnership every citizen is a partner and when number of the partners refuse to lend tbeir assistance there is just that much less chance for happiness and prosperity that optimism tempered with conservatism always starts better business that optimism and action always win that you cannot do much where there is distrust that every town should set a goal and work toward that goal that everyone should face conditions squarely and go ahead most people are so intent on looking ahead planning ahead and forging ahead they seldom take time to look backward let by gones be bygones forge ahead editorial jviotes the farm population of- the unitod states de creased 182000 in 1924 and 460000 in 1923 the exodus to the city is certainly not confined to can ada one of ontarios noblemen at rest william williams b a president of the colling- wood bulletin passed away on tuesday july 28 full of years he was in his seventyninth year few men in this province havesuch a record as mr wil liams for inspiring young people to make the most of life as principal of collingwood collegiate in stitute and as editor for many years of the bulletin his influence was extensive he was a highminded man a man of rare ability a fine student of human nature and had the rare capability of imparting high ideals in the minds and hearts of the young people coming in touch with his personality mr williams exerted a most salutary influence upon the town of his adoption for more than half a century canadas contribution to public ownership canadas advanced position in the matterof pub lic ownership was impressively brought before the british people by james simpson of toronto who presided at the empire labor conference which is being held in the british house of commons last week he devoted his opening address to the con tribution made by canada to the social wellbeing of the world and described briefly the advance canada has made in the public ownership of railways and hydro electric power he expressed the opinion that canada had made the greatest contribution of any country in the world to social advancement in the pasrdecade excepting russia in taking over by the government at ottawa of the railway system no known as the canadian national railways perpetual care in cemetery signally successful the newmarket era is very proud of the cemeterv in that town and justly so in referring to the financial success of its perpetual care system the era says not only is newmarket cemetey noted as being one of the best kept cemeteries in the pro vince but it has the unique record of being the first cemetery to have its endowment fund deposited with the provincial government thus ensuring safe keeping antl permanent care of lots because only tho interest can be withdrawn the amount placed with the government is 2603750 being the sum to the credit of the endowment fund oh january 1 last as per audited statement the action of the newmarket cemetery in bringing this matter before the provin cial government has also resulted in the passage of nact requiring all cemeteries througout the pro vince to be better looked after than in the past and i if there are any local burying grounds neglected the trustees had better have the weeds cut and fences re paired before a county constable adds costs to the operation- newmarket has had long experience in the operation of perpetual care and it has proved most successful and satisfactory the cemetery has during all these years been under the administration of a commission the members of which havegiven their undivided attention to this one unit of public utility with no responsibility for tho conduct of council matters hence the success achieved and th large endowment fund secured the endowment fitnd for the care of plots in fairview cemetery acton is growing but it would grow by leaps and bounds if perpetual care were adopted and a com- mission appointed whose members would give the plan the attention it demands and which scores of citizens and plot owners desire launchings at the clyde shipyardsi during 1924 numbered 254esselsof54925tons7tjsx0tntarea with 122 vessels of 157528 tons the previous year indicate a considerable betterment in trade condi tions the years output is the third highest since 1913 and the tonnage is more than three times that of 1923 i tho htllsburg hoi tlcultural socloty u 111 hohl ticli unnual oxhlbltlon or wodiicmliiy august 6 rev ana mra j e pottlt loft hllm- burg luat week for a niotor trip tht ough northern ontario and will tako a holiday of four wcoka duration tho evungollstlo band of tho quelpn baptist church conducted the services on sunday evening in the baptist church mr and mrs hugh mcmillan and children of scotsguard sask are visiting with tho formora parents mr and mrs wm mcmillan and othor friends miss martlgnoni n n of chicago dr and mrs r o mcmillan and daughter of windsor were recent visitors with mrs and mlso mary mac- millun el in village mr mac mcniven and two sisters of ontario california visited their cou sin mrs davo mcmillan and othor friends before returning to their home in a couplo of months b a fines b a of tho staff of examiners toronto untvorslty apent a few days witto his sister mrs john aberdeen belfountaln mrs j h pukering of buffalo and mrs simpson and daughter of tnorn- lilll were visitors with mr and mrs j t austin erin last week mrs qeo anthony and son dick and daughter doris of calgary alta aro visiting with mr and mrs w a bom- osbottomand other friends here mr and mrs ferguson and grand son of dayton ohio nee lottie ms morrls who lived in erin somo years ago called on friends at erin last week advocate oakville a committee haa boon chosen to arrange for tho horticultural show to bo hew lrioakvllie on or about sep tember 12 rev j h mcbatn b a formerly of oshawa has assumed his dutlea as pastor of st johns united church and has moved with his family vo tho parsonage mr and mra 8 s russel 1 and- in canada during the past year 52600000 was gambled at the racetracks it is a huge amount of money for a country of nine million people to bet and- shows unmistakably the mania for gambling which prevails in certain circles in our province it is certainly not creditable to our sane and sensible view of lifes responsibilities a grandson of the late rev lachlan cameron who was the esteemed minister of knox church from 1862 to 1874in the person of cameron kester ma editor of the elmira signet died last saturday mr keter was a bright young newspaperman of thirty- two years and had excellent prospects he was the only son of alr doolittle nee elfeabeth cameron j trinner of lujther township ran into trouble at arthur when he was taken into custody for infrac tion of the ontario temperance act he appeared before magistrate hellyer on three charges he was convicted of having liquorlnhis automobile contrary to law for which he was fined 200 and costs he was also fined lkaid costs for being intoxicated and the same amount for not having the necessary markers attached to his motor car the general strike of british coal miners which had been scheduled to start on saturday was called off what bade fair to be one of the worst industrial stoppages in modern times was averted when premier stanley bladwin promised subvention to the mines thereby enabling the owners to continue their exist ing wage agreements for another nine months had the strike materialized the affect would have been disastrous on both sides of the atlantic the toronto telegram a conservative journal not noted for its prohibition proclivities said on friday conservative members of the legislature who have been coming to the parliament buildings from all parts of the province during the past few daysr have told hon wp nickle k c attorneygeneral some very plain things about 44 beer and the regu lations governing the sale thereof the general con sensus of opinion is summed up in the one word failure last week mr m a james completed fortyseven years in continuous service as editor of the canadian statesman bowmanville mr james has given his constituency a paper clean and helpfulnewsy and influential always outstanding in its advocacy of moral issues calculated for the uplift of the com munity mr james has the happy experience of hav ing able a oc sons to cooperate with him in the editorial and mechanical production of the excellent local newspaper they publish v v- v h fev gftfttfr- wasjsdilma l 1 evidence points to the fact that this is going to be a good year for the farmer the crop outlook in dicates a splendid harvest statistics are dry reading at best but they mean a lot to the agriculturist without laboring them it is estimated that the cana dian wheat yield will probably be as much as 365000- 000 bushels of which 343000000 will come from the west an increase of about eighty million bushels as compared with last year in ontario the farmers are confidently expecting a good return on their labor family motored to bowntunvlllo last sunday mrs russell and children will spend a weeks vacation thero before returning home arrangements ore now being made for tho holding of tho trafalgar town ship and oakvllle fair tho name which has been substituted for the oakvlllo fair and horao show mias leila ford with a party of four school teachers aro enjoyinff a two weeks boat trip down the st law renco to montreal quebec and the saguenay river thut oakvlllea flre brigade can stage a pleasing social function with as much effect as they cart combat dc structlvo flamea was demonstrated last friday evening to the many people who attended the firemens annuif garden party in victoria park a mooting of tho oakvfll horticul tural society was held on july 24 at the residence of the president mr ii b donovan when it was decided to procure and distribute daffodil bulb among the members wandering through town soliciting alms with apparently no moans of tiuppoit johp sherwood aged 41 who gave tlllaonburg as his place of resi dence was arretted by chief kerr ano brought bo core magistrate shields la3t friday when searched the man waa found to bo carrying a very falralied bankroll which was believed to bo the proceeds of his appeals for charity he was classed as a professional beg gar and fined g and coats or one month he paid tho fine record just a woman old john qutuloj cheated yea women at o pretty plentiful in thin woild thank clod bui i mind ono timo when i was gladder to oco tho sight of a womans faro than if it ifad beon a handful of gold nugbcthshd wasnt u voi goodlook ing aa women gp elthot it was out in tho mining cuuntiy and wod been roughing it foi a good long spoil one afternoon a patty of huntoj and indlun lighters lode up to camp they brought with them u woman it hud boen well on to two years slnco any of us had seen a woman there weie some two dtftfen of us stundlng there when she got down off net horse our mouths jopen hats off and knees wabbling something feaiful and thoro wero more men coming up from tho diggings every minute if a tide- wave ten feet high had como rolling up the mountain it wouldnt likely have made tho flut tering among us that one woman did just looking at ua big tom taylor couldnt any o us remember whon hed washed iiih face or brushed his hair he offered as high as twenty dollars for q clean shirt and a pocketcomb without be ing able to got so much as tho loan of em jake johnson the ugliest man on iho lldge said hed give flvo plunks for a bit of lookingglass two inches square but not bolng able to get it ho went and washed his fcot as the next best thing in fact theio wan a general washingup and combing and scrubbing 1 ound that camp though nothing that woman said or even look ed was anyways bearing on the po aonal appearance of any of us we might have been blush rosti so fars any reference from her was concerned but wo knew wo wasnt and thats what eot to us i forgot- how many of the gang shoitened their hair with the pair of old sheep shears knocking around camp about a doz en shaved with their jackknives before that woman came a body could easily count on two or thre ojuarrelsn day but we were as peace able as butterpath and blancmange while she was around ono day abo turtle and bill sacks had a setto any other time it would have been a knock down show but abe just took bill tound the corner of the mess hut and says he quiet and peaceable like- bill you know i can turn you wrong side out and tie lovers knots in your arms and legs in ten seconds if i was the sort to have no care for a ladys nerves but as it is ill just aalt it down agin you and in lessn flvo minutes after shes out o camp ill wallop the ground with you but then abe xtlways waa sort of easygoing she was with us moron a week and she sewed on buttons and cooken victuals and patched and sang song and had a pleasant word for even the lowdowndest of us as sho passed by when she went away seemed like tho wholo diggings had lost the use of tholr teeth not to say their digestion for all the dinner that was eat that day oid man peters ho smoked clean through till darkrwithout a word and just as he was turning in says he blowing his nose hko a fogvhorn i swan boys he says hanged if ive felt so much like crying for close on to fortyqeven years thevknew ma tho ttaln had btppped for a tow minutes at a station out on tho plains and two or tin ee bni o footed llttlo boys aim girls had theh backs aguinnt tho dopot and thoh lingers in thov mouths while they stated at thb pa- songcrb suddenly a boy of about ton yearn dashed round a cot net of the station and called to his biothci ami slstet you joey mu nays if you in maggie dont come right sttalght homo slioh shell well i foiglt what but aheh do it suie foi you know what rim is when sho giti stuitcd so youll botter git home sttalght off joey and maggie evidently knew what ma was when she got ataitcd foi they started homeward us fast an theh bare little feet would ui iy them bonds stocks and grain private wires to new york chicago wlnnlpsc and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j hannigan phon 574 ouelph business directory medical did not go tovro xr a nmttci offact mind like alis salters is a comfort to tho porson who has it and a neverending de light to tho porsons friends i suppose you went to bed with tho chickens while you wero away said ono of tho nelghbois aftor mri saltor had returned from hot vacation visit to a farm no indeod said mis salter in dignantly they wero very neat quiet people though theyve nevct had city advantages wo had rooms in tho front of tho house on the second story and the chlckons slept somewhere at tho back of tho house we nover saw ffeem after sunset and we wero there nearly three weekb i am sure farm ing people aro often mote particular than we have been led to suppose ladies blue bird beauty parlor upstairs ovor mr datas offics marcelling curling cutting singeing massaging etc orders tlcen for switches and combings made- ul miss francis phone 291 main 8treot georgetown dr j a mcniven pjbyslosn and sfarnson office and robldoncc- corner bowar avenue and qlsln street phone 88 dr e j nelson i ettedekick street aoton ontario legal phono no 22 p o box im harold nashfarmer m a borristsr solicitor notary public convsyancsr etc perryman block acton ont money lent on mortgages hours 930- om to 6 pm saturdays 12ooclgclc dental announcement mr james k gardiner formerly of dundalk desires to announce the opening of a firstclass jewellery watch and clock repair shop in the hill block mill street acton prompt attention to orders and careful and experienced workmanship will characterize our service to patrons entrusting work to our care j dr j m bell d d s l d a dentist honor graduate of toronto ttniver- slty the latest anesthetic used if desired office at residence corner of mill and frederick streets dr f g gollop dds lds dental 8uraeon office over bank of nova scotia hotjb8 9j0 to bs0 hvonlnga by appointment miscellaneous jas k gardener mill street acton ont his moneys worth burlington three rinks of lady bowlers from bosolawn club hamilton played a friendly same with the local ladles on thuisday afternoon two of tho locals were successful in wlnnlnff tho oddfellows and rebekahs with a number of friends held their annual plcnic to dundaa on saturday after noon laat and all present report a most enjoyable time mrs j shapland is vis i tine her daughter mrs hughes cleaver at bala park muskoka tho flie brierado drill team made n big hit at milton last thursday night and havo accepted an invitation to repeat tho drill the radial railway have inaugur ated a twentylive cent return faro between burlington and hamilton in the afternoons leaving on any car after 1 oclock and returning the same day v mr and mrs arthur williams of cleveland and professor frederick truman cleveland univoraity spent the post week at the home of the lattors brothqr a it truman lvocuat street the regular meeting of tho chambsr of commerce will bo held in the coun cil chamber on tuesday evening next when a number of important matters will be dealt with all members are invited to attend and join in tho dis cussions on sunday two services wero hold tin the presbyterian sunday school room for tho holland people in and mound burlington tho services wero conducted by rev j b brink a noma missionary in the service of the chris tian reformed church and it was de cided to continue these services every sunday a pleasing feature in connection with the regular weekly game of tho burlington ladles lawn bowling club last tuesday afternoon was tho pre sentation of a paiof beautiful candle sticks to mrs percy sueur honor ary president of the club who ia leav ing shoitly for windsor a communication was received by the town council from mckay mr- kay enclosing a plan for the proposed nub urban area and asking for further instructions a petition signed oy sixty ratepayers ngainst closing tho stroot on tho lake front between the quelph line and st paul street wan piesented to the council by mr percv cotter a tribute to tho southsldo tourist park in rapidly becoming a common place remark on tho jtart of tho tour ists who visit the park camping alto but so imprehbedrwns r langfbls of burlington one of the must widely- travollod p automobile tourists in can ada that he unhesitatingly named tho camp an tho beat on the- continent gazette in the myilad minor changes thai have come about since war- times it happens thrtt a negro who formerly belonged to tho family of a missis sippi congressman has become pro prietor of a small kindlingwood shop in new york city when the con gressman visits new york says a correspondent of the boston post he always calls on his old retainer tho negro seemed unhappy on the occasion of tholr last meeting antjtho visitor happened to show sympathy whats tho matter undo lafo li asked ts just been done out o some money marso john was tho reply had a terrible misery in mall tdof and wont to a dontla and got hit pulled and he changed mo a dollah a whole- dollah why onco down in tennsee it went to olo doc tlnltfr and ho pulled two toofs and brok mah jawbone and only chahged mo nfty cents is beep buncoed marsi john they got the glassy eye a certain confectioner in now york who caters chiefly to tho little folks of the neighborhood lately arranged his shop window with great caro in preparation for a local festivity tho crowning attraction of tho whole was a largo chocolate tiger with most real istic greon eyes mado of gloss marbles which had cost tho designer twenty cents apiece in tho tigers mouth wjih a card bearing the inscription noth ing in this window over flvecento a qua i terpound7 a crowd of youngsters quickly as sembled on tho sidewalk and presently after much spelling over the placard two of them invaded tho shop and de posited a nickel upon the counter say mister began the smaller boy earnestly glmmo a quarter o a pomrd o tiger tho piece with tho oyoa in out goes all rheumatic poison rheum act on kidneys liver and bladder the very first day 3et a bottle of rhouma today and wear a satisfied smile on your face to morrow its a lemedy that is astonishing tlio whole country and its just as good for gout sciatica lumbago and kidney misery as for rheumatism it drives the poisonous wnsto from the joints and muscles thats the sec ret of rheumas success but we dont ask you to tako our word far it go to e j hassard or any good druggist and get a bottle of rhcuma today if it doesnt do aawe promise get your money back it will be there waiting foi you harvesting tools the farmers are right into the harvesting operations and they will find all the neces implenicivtsj-toolsr-flivd-supnliea- at talbots hardware no matterwhat is needed you will find full supplies at our hardware counters and the price are al ways the lowest hay forks ropes pulleys etc w d talbot phone 76 main street acton francis nunan bookblndar account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly ana promptly done wyndbom street quelph oat over williams store r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 years experience list your property with mb acton ontario ashouudiwflotir excelsior act0hfioumfium1u5 dhl1uduy acton ont ask for this flour by name and insist upon oettinq it youll enjoy excelsior flour acton flour and feed mills h lind8ay proprietor will street acton ont aooajofmsi pravlnp b3 richmond stwot tforonto gnaq4 a e nicklin insurance agent life fire auto accident health inturanco guarantee bonds burglary and plate qtais inturanco trustee for estates collections business entrusted to my caro will bo carefully looked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm property favorablo rates and terms for ro- pay merit box 444 bower ave acton limeliouse united church will hold their garden party on thursday evening august 6th 1925 at the home of mr wm gowdy limehouse the brunswick trio harmony boys the balmoral kilties 5 members of london will furnish the programme for the evening ca aaa harvesters vwww wanted 15 aug 18th sept 1st ooimo to winnipeg plus h cnt per mile to points beyond but not west of edmonton macleod and ctuimrr 20 rbturhino from winnipeg h cent par mile u point to winnipeg i from stations in ontario stnltha fills to ami including toronto on laka ontario shot llna and ifevalaavpatsrboro una fwom all stations kingston u rsnfraw junction incluslva from all station dranool to port mcnicoli and burkt6n to bobeaygaon tncluslra from all stations on torontosudburr dlract una frm all stations at ontario south an j wast o toronto to and including hamlltiow wlland niagara faua and windsor from all station on own sound walkarton orangavui tsaawatar elora llstowal codarteh st marys fort burwall and st thomas bnnch from all stations toronto and north to bolton inclusive from station in ontario on tha miohlgan cantral faro mtrqustt wlnfuor easa 4k shora cltatham walucaburg i toronto hamilton 4k buffalo railway rlvar lam erua aiiftr 21st sept 4th to special train service from toroisto m- j latdloa axd clldrn3fmculcara will bairrad for tlmwmhiaiva vaf ladlto children and tbsir aaaat ta j 1tqxl t full information from wy canadian ppific agent canadian pacific -it- enrol at guelph business college gummer bldgr guolph ont for your thorouah trainino because 1 it is adequately equipped 2 it haa efficient business ex- 3 it keops up with tho rapid progresh of ijusineas uorlonced instructors 4 iti courses aie practical 5 individual instruction 6 its graduates arc in demand a number now attending have position waiting thorn fall term from august 31st mako your arrfcngamonts now guelph business college a l bouck principal and proprietor aju ilassll0 lah i patrons of this establishment please notice during july and august examinations for glasses on thuraday friday and saturday only of each week lens grinding- and quick b3- pair department operating ifl usual write or phono appointment loflrw for a 0 savage optomotrlat and mfg optician right at tho post offlco 8avaae building quelph f the old and reliable granite and marble works wo aro manufacturers and direct importers of all kinds of monumental and headstono work wo soli dlroot to our oufltomora at wholesale prices thus eavrnir our customer 40 per cont wo havo tho boat appliances and the only mechanics in tho dominion who can operato pnoumatlo tools proporly wo can gtvo rqforoncoa from hundred of our customers in toronto and other places where othorh havo to havo la suits in ordor to collect wo havo tho largest and boat stock of granlto in tho dominion or moro than any three dealers in tho west wo aro legiti mate deal era and employ no aronci and do not annoy or pent cugtomirfl by sending out ignorant ngonts solicit ing ordors we employ only mechanic and dofy competition hamilton sons 1uelph ont

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