Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1925, p. 5

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sttp jvrtditjfrprfig thursday auausttr 102c the highway calendar when llliich lift their purple plumcj and blidn bcftln to slng- and ineiulowj tuin from blown to kieui yiiy then i know ita aprlng- when riidtlluk coin belnn to flaunt her tasiclh in tho air and glowworms glimmer in uie nikht tis hummei every whero when boldeiuott and ii on weed mid hi eozea gently slgh and jack fiout nlpa tho pumpkin vines then autumn u paaslum aty when onowilukos softly one by one begin to klh the earth i know thut wliitei in her lobo of gloi yi given bii th 1 do not need u ptintcd page to niai k the pausing time joda highway la a calondar to eyca that bee an mine alice whitaon noi ton the sunday school lesson for sunday august 0 beginnrg thu sbcqni mis sionary tour acta 15 36lg g time a d 5 placefl jeiusalem ueibo lyntia etc golden text ho ahull have domin ion also from aea to aea and fiom tho river unto the enda of tho earth psalm 72 8 twenty years ago from kc isauo of tho free press of thursday august 10 1905 all ohaeivant visltoia have a good woid for oui line new atreets an occasional tiay cow about town nai l owly escanes the pound tho wheat harveat is well advanced tho crop wan housed in excellont con dition mr william williams went o biockvulo on tuesday to attend tho grand lodge i o o f aa ropr03en- tativo jkpm acton lodge no 201 a pionlc under the ausplcea of the ep worth league will pi oceed to rock- woodton tuesday afternoon next for many years the hour for the evoning service at the methodist chuich has been 030 oclock willi a view to having the hour uniform with that of other churches it was unanimously decided at the meeting of the ottlcial boaid on monday even ing to change the hour to 7 oclock what proved to be one of the best excursions that has been run out of acton- was the ono to mcrriton and niagara falls last thursday under the auspices of the flro brigade tho provincial volunteer firomona asso ciation was holding their sixth annual convention in merrlton and brigades from nearly all the places represented in tho association were there on thursday acton brigade was there about forty strong and was certainly cino of tho finest brigades in tho par ade acton cornet band accompanied them und did themselves credit died cobban in acton on tuesday aug- ust 8 1905 isabella mckerracher widow of the lato james cobban aged 59 years ross at king york county saturday august g 1905 philip ross brother of mis thomas t moore aged 67 years selfperpetuating work- bags mr peters was watching his wlfo over his newspaper what is that you aro making dear said lie i sup pose it is a piesent for some friend but what is it the things you make un 11 thy are completed and thor oughlyexplalned arc always mysteries to me why its a workbag for cousin sarah replied his wife knotting a thread isnt it pretty x very ho replied judicially but it soqms adapted to anything but work a dainty piece of lightcolored silk to catch the dirt a delicato piece of ribbon it may be pretty but la it adapted to use how long will such a frail thing last his wife looked troubled frail thing said bhe well i suppose it is frail but unless a woi kbag la pretty ita so apt to be ugly hm returned mr peters un less its useful its so apt to bo use less why how can you say that abra ham besides workbaga like this arent meant for heavy work what arc they meant for then why dainty work like that im doing with this workbag of my own she held up a silk thing of light blue with a palo pink rose pattern oil your friend will use it to make a pretty dainty workbagnb you ara doing now wutfybur own pretty workbag mrs peteis nodded i suppose there are millions of women who make at loast ono work- bag every year to give away return ed her husband with a smile and they give them away to their friends and their friends wear them out in making delicate workbaga during tho nextvenr and givo tho new workbajs back to tho women who made the first onea think of tho energy expended all so that workbags may bo self- perpetuating yes abraham i know said mrs potors calmly but think too how much energy la wasted every year in idle talk old answer new rejoinder there had been somo trouble over a line fonce and ono of tho partici pants was on trial for assault with a deadly weapon tho defendant when tho case seemed to bo going against him introduced as a wltnesb a man of somewhat bhady reputation who aworc that the plaintiff had provoked light and bogan it by striking the de fendant first the prosecuting attorney proceeded to cross- examine now air ho said you swore that you saw this tight from your houso is that right yes sir i will aak you how far it is from your houso to the spot where the light took place its flfty yards and about two feoti oh youve measured it have you t yes sir what did you do that for well i thought somo fool lawye would ask me the question and j wnnlfcl to have it just right tho attorney waited till tho subdued laughter in the courtioom hnd sub sided and then he rase your honor ho said to the judgo i thought tho witness woujd indulge in that limehonoi ed bit rot repartee and i have been fool enough to flni six roputable and competent wi- ncsses who will testify that this mans house 1m nearly oho hundred yards from tho aceno of the trouble and in round a cornei where it would hnve been impossible for him to have bean what was going on i ask that theao men bo sworn they got the glassy eye a certain confectioner in r york who catcis chiefly to the llttiu folks of the neighborhood la toly ranged his shop window with tficat caio in propai atf on for a local festivity th crowning attraction of the whole was a largo chocolate tiger wth most real istic green eyes mado of glass marbles which hnd cost tho doalgner twenjy cents apiece in tin tlgeis mouth was a card bearing tho inscription noth- ing in this window over five cents a quarter- pound a crowd of youngstmu quickly as sembled on tho sidewalk and presently after much spelling over tho placard two of them invaded tho slioi nnd do- p08ltcd a niclcej upon the counter say mister begaji tho smaller boy earnestly gimmo a quarter o a pound o tiger the pleoo with tho oyog in o tho lesson explained 1 tho separation of paul ond bar nabas fi om ono another 3g11 while paul jivas going on with his work of teaching and evangelising in antloch his thoughts and heart kept going out to tho converts he and barnabas had made on their lhst mis sionary journey and so when lie coum no longer contnln himself ho said to barnabas ono day lot ua return now and visit tho brethren in every clt wherein wo proclaimed the word of the lord and soo now they fare the heart of barnfibas too went out towaid their converts and ho readily assented to pauls suggestion but hero one of the saddest things iccordcd in tile acts of the apostles occuried bar nabas made up his mind to take mark along this was against pauls beat judgment mark had been given a fair trial on tho former journey and hnd failed thflmat a critical mqment surely it would not do to experiment in that direction again missionary work is not for feeble men but bar nubas put affection for a beloved rela tive col 4 r v above the interest of the work and stood firmly by his illadvised determination just hero is whore many a true servant of god haa made a mistake that has wrought untold mischief for the cause of christ putting tho interests of a relative above tho interests of the kingdom of god there was a sharp contention between theao two honored sei vants of god and they nover worked together again we hear very little of barnabas after this but god honored paul and hlj work as nover before how many a true child of god has made a mistake just where bariiabas did and put his lovo for those near of kin befoio wise judgment as to who should bo used in a certain place some- blame paul and say that tho sequel shows ho was mistaken as at a later day he used mark again col 4 10 but this is utterly inadequate proof that he was mistaken at this time pauls action at this lime may have brought mark to his senses tho whole narrative that follows both in substanco and manner justifies paul wo aro told almost curtly that barnabas took mark with him and sailed away rv to cyprub and that is tho last wo hear of hi bu of paul wo aro told that he went forth t being commended by tho brethren to tho grace of tho lord and ho went through syria and cilicla confirming tho churches then follows chapter after chapter of vic tory for christ through paul and when tho proper timo was come ho took up mark again 2 tim 4 11 2 paul and timothy 16 15 this is tho first appearance of tim otby- he became a constant com panion and helper of paul to tho end ho took maik place ho is one of the luustlteautlfur or all b actors his faith was in a senso an inheritance it dwelt first in his grand mother lois and his mother eunlco 2 tim 1 5 just whon timothy be- cam0 a christian we aro not told ho had been taught tho scriptures from infancy 2 tim 3 1g at all ovents ho was already a disciple when paul met him on thia vjaitfto lyatra v l yet ho received tho holy spirit as a definite experience through the laying on of pauls hands 2 tim 1 g 1t so it is plain that ono may bo a dls- ciplo somo tfme without definitely re ceiving tho holy spirit this shows as so many other passages in tho acts of tho apostles do how unscrlo- tural is the position held by somo that every believer has the holy spirit as an actual definite experience tho receiving of tho holy spirit of tun comes somo considerable time after conversion there need however bo no such interim if wo would onoy claim all there is for us in aj crucified and risen saviour we would definitely re ceive tho holy spirit at tho timo of ourrefeeneratlon as occurred in tho ttousehold of cornelius and as occur red on tho day of pentecost but though timothy had not yot received tho holy spirit he was already a man of recognized promise because of his gifts paul showed a spirit of loving concession in circumcising timothy there was no need that timothy bo clrcumcisod but to avoid all unneces sary controversy and opposition paul circumcised him because of tho jews this shows how far paul was from that spirit that makes a matter of principle and consclenco out of every little point- of form- pauls tonr tva3 eminently successful first of all tho churches wero strengthened in tho faith and in the second place they increased in number daily hero wo have anothor illustration of how god makes tho errors and oven the sins of men and even of believers work out to a good end pa 76 10 tho failure of mark and tho folly of barnabas brought timothy the work and indirectly gave us two epis tles of priceless value first and se cond timothy it shows how god mukes all things work together for good to those who love god rom 8 28 though timothys mother was a devout jewess sho had man led a gentile it is difficult to understand thlfl unless she was a very carly con vert to christianity and had seen even before peter and tho other apostles that in christ jesus there can bo neither jew nor greek gal 3 27 it was now twantytwo years since the crucifixion of christ and if eun ice had been converted soon after tho resurrection of jesus andhadjnarrled a vei y early gentho bollovor thoro would bo flmo for timothy who was only u youth 1 tim 4 12 to bo born and grow up paul faithfully de livered the decrees of tho council at jerusalem to tho church nnd- god blessed this concession thore was intensive and extensive growth daily rending monday august 10 acts 15 30 to 16 g tuesday august 11 2 kings 17 24- 28 wednesday august 12 2- chron 35 16 thursday august 13 luko 22 2-i- 34 friday august 14 1 tim 4 g16 saturday august 15 ps 90 sunday august 16 ps 67 17 bread basket of the country old negro mammy honored an oxcluulvo white cemotory in macon qa gavoup its distinction the oilier day in order to do honor to an antebellum negrcsa anna jordan who rccontly died a negro prcaohoi conducted tho service in the home of mm it ii smith in whooo family she hnd been mammy for 38ycarp burial was in the smith family plot after evoiy honor possible had bcin paid by mombciji of the family uho hud hoi ved ho long phi ing a com loioth ihiky and in effective it- lu much bettoi to uso hollo way a corn remover and eradi cate them cntliely fir spriakhmacur rag and la elotbw clomt to kill moths upper mixed farming scono in sas katchewan v left sheep on a mixed farm in al- borta centre tho canadian pacific sup ply farm at strathmoro altai bottom those belong to a whoat farmor who has scon the wisdom of keeping at least enough stock to supply tho needs of his housohold wanted only the best tho yellow and i ed postet whlct adorned a big boaid fence down houm announced that tho cii us was soon to pitch tents in that city beneath the counterfeit picsentment of it man on ii blcyclo turning somoi nnults in tltr air a gioup of daikles were gazing openmouthed at this announcement kn let tern of green walt wait waiti tho greatest show on earth sept l ah aint ngoln to dat show re- mai ked one mulatto to his companion whah foh you aint goln ah replied fn a disappointed tone ahs gwnn to wait focf do othah show wots bettah ho flaid they aint no bottah show said she yes they is waa hla rejoinder it say so on dat bill cant you road greatest show on eath oopt ono that the histoiy of the agi cultural adversities in the north- westei n re gions of tho united states is full ot significance for thp farmers of west ern canada is shown in an articlo by marquis james in a lecent edition of the new york times in 1017 1918 and 1919 writes mr james therewere in tho dakotas montana and minne sota three complete ciop failuies in succession which had deplorable eco nomic effects and produced something like a panic in the thiee states prim arily concerned l but continues the writer thle misfortuno had ono desii ablo result in that it pointed- out to tho farmers themselves and to tvo country at largo the value of mixed faiming as compared to the one crop methods which had obtained up to that time the depression demon strated tho necessity for a change in farming methods and in adopting a policy of more extensive nnd intensive general or diversified farming mr james believes that the northwestern states solved their problems for a time says mr james prior to tho largo success vo failures the wheat growers enjoyed a period of uninterrupted proaperlty they wero wheatgrowers but not all of them wero farmers in an official survey by callings of the inhabitants of the beiich c6untry one finds in ono town ship cobblers bookkeepers actresses a schoolteacher ymca secretaries dentists motoimcn and sodawater sjiepaeis not pursuing thetr rogn lar vocations but farming or perhaps it la better to bay growing wheat they were making money too be cause from 1912 to 1916 there waa a phenomenal ialnfall in thut western section and tho wheat yields wero as tonishing people thought this would last for ever thoyvgn thought tho rain fall would last tho story one htjars in so many now countries was re peated and believed that tho break ing and cultivation of tho nativo sod works a peimanent increaso in tho precipitation government weathor records fail to support this conten tion but this and many other things wero lost sight of in the heyday of tho boom in the united states middlo swest land values soared every body had money ciedlt was too free over expansion followed then descended tho three crop fail ures in a row 1917 1918 and 1919 tho pievlously ample rainfall dropped off and the 100day farming methods woro not equal to tho occasion tho country was in a desperate fix banks had to lend more money after each failure to enable tho faimer to pu in another crop in tho hope that tho roeeod ingrtwouldcovenavi i ev as well aa current louna tho crop of 1920 also failed thousands of settlors loft and one bank in every three in mon tana failed tho same situation existed in murtl- flctt form over the dakotas and min nesota but the older localities had reserves to fall back on it is easy to be wise after tho event and the- moral to the above is that theie has boon a turnover not only in farming methods but in farmern tne 100day wheat farmer tho dentists and soda clerks havolargoly given place to agriculturists of tho 36day a year variety wheat is still tho main money crop biit it is grown scientific ally land 1b summerfallowed and worked before and after planting wheat acreages aie everywhere dim inishing and crojis are rotated and diversified rye millet alfalfa and flax havo been introduced dairy and beef herds established poultry bees and vogotable gardens cultivated thus when wheat falla as it sometimes must there is something else to fall back upon this lesson has not been lost in canada farmers of tho can adlap west who are succeeding aro in most cases doing so because they tuwelcnrnedthefloundeoonom ieval us of dlvciaifled farming as compared to the onecrop method his made money on the farm f if many a farmer retiring to a wellearned rest it has been said he made a lot of money on that farm the fact is that he made no more money than his neighbour but he saved a great deal more acquiring wealth is largely a matter of systematic spending and saving without a definite plan few men get anywhere hard work is not enough the fruits of the jtvork must be conserved save your money regulany bearing savings account open an interest a eink where small accounts are welcome bank of montreal established over ioo years tibial assets in excess of 47booooooo railway time tables anadian nilqnalrailways at acton going wt r no 39 v 809 am no 31 1015 am no 33 229 pm no 36 609 pm no 39 8 39 pm no 2g sunday 1041am golno east no 20 721am no 30 1127 am no 34 335 pm no3g ca7pm no 38 813 pm no 24 sunday 708 p m when is a woman old notwithstanding the abundance of discussion serious and otherwise dui ing tho last fow weeks as to an agp- lfmft of lho usefulness of men tho nowspapeis have kept a chivah ic sil ence aa to the ige at which women should be tetlied from actlvo leivice there ato certainly somo offices which they would have to leave undone if they weie to bo laid mide when they reach the ago of foity for example there is the art of being a grandmother one lit the most ngreeable and useful of a womans ac complishments it has tho joys of motherhood without its lesponsibili- tiea the giandmother at foity ij oni tho beginning of a giandmothei at sixty she haft a small store of experi ences of whoopingcough and c le sciapes and loveuffaiis and wed dings on which she may diaw as oc casion icquires but at eighty the accumulation is really splendid and yields a new treasuie for each grand- child there is no advice which so com mends itself to tho bos and girls as tho udvico of the ljght sort of a grandmother sympathetic without foolishness and courageous without sternness or nanowness the grace nnd the icposo of tho grandmother preaervo ideal i for the younger genet atlon which the atreiy- uoua demands of the wot hi too oftoi force tho mother to neglect the art of staying at home and yet keeping a tiavellod mind and spirit is not ac quired before seventytrave3 beside a fiteplaco aro grandmothers cmo foi restlessness as well as for ignorance what are you going to do with your leisure asked a friend of a woman of soventy who was reiignlrg somo of her lifelong duties to other hands i am going to have it loplied tho wiso old woman nnd that will bo enough pleasure for the next ten yean by that timo i may want to do some thing else with it plainly she did not need to bo push ed off tho stage at a fixed age mothers valuo this oil mothers who know how suddenly croup may seize tholr children and how necessary prompt action la in applying relief al ways keep at hanjj a supply of dr thomas eclectrlc oil because experi ence has taught them that this is an excellent preparation for tho treat ment of this nllment atid they aro wise for its various uses i endcr it a valuable medicine taking time by the forelock rt waa lato in the afternoon just at dusk when a cai rlage evidently from tho country drove up to the door of anson king sitioner and a younr woman alighted npd entered tho little shop pho naked to see something in sta tionery and aftci selecting what shi desli ed she hesitated foi n moinon vdo you make any i eduction to cleigymen she asked softly ceitalply madam said tho hta tloner with groat promptness a c you a clergymans wife nno hiid the young woman ah a cleigyinaii daughter thn said tho htatlonm as he begun to tie up the paper in a ntat package nno said tho oung wotnnn then she leaned across the counter and hjmko in a confidential mil tin til ing whhipei hut if nothing happens i shall be ongaged to a ideologic il student an soon us he comes home this autumn j aithma con bo cured its suite- lng is as needless iih it is teirlblo to endure after its many yeat s of belief of the most tftubhoin cihoh no sufferer can doubt tho pot feet effect venous of dr j d kelloggh asthma remedy comfort of body and peace of mind return with its uhc and nights of sounl sleep come back for good ask your druggist ho can supply you a princeat work in his lecontly published memoirs the story of my struggles tho famous hunguriun scholar arminiuu vamboiy nlwells entertainingly on his personal notations with tho kite queen victoria king edward vii the sultan abdulhimld and shah nnsreddln ono of tho moat pleasing anecdotes concerns king edwards household and professor vivmbery tells it with quaint childlike appreciation one 4ifitornoon at sandringham while ho wtta occupied with his cor respondence professor vambery re ceived an invitation from his hostess queen alexandria to join her in the garden aa he wished to wash his lianda befoie going down ho rang seveial times for hot water but no one came at last princo goorgc came to his door and asked him what ho wanted hot water said ptofessor vam bery the pi inco dlsnppeaied and return ing iii a few moments with a largo jug of steaming hot water in his hand which he placed smiling on tho wash- stand not at all bad exults the venerable scholar for the once poor jewish beg gar student to bo waited upon by a prince i have often laujyhfitfat tho recollection of this incident and have slnco dubbed the present soverolgnof great britain the royal jugbearer millers worm powders aie sweet and palatable to children who show no hesitancy in taking them thoy will certainly bring worm troubles to an ond they are a strengthening and stimulating medicine correcting the disorder of digestion that tho woims cause and imparting a healths tone to tho syhtem most beneficial to development a jmst view of the matter in most if not all of tho fratornal insurance organizations thoro in a alight increase every year in tho monthly assessments to meet the in creased risk due to advancing age mr benham hnd joined ono of these societies and his children wero asklpg him about it you havo to pay a little more every year do you papa asked bobby yes ho replied have to keep on paying it when you get to bo old ceitainly but suppose you live to bo very old papa suppose you live to eightyli ve or ninety wont it bo piotty haid for you to pay it then i hope not bobby said mr bon- ham if you boys are worth your salt youll bo paying it for me by that time even that a casualty insurance company that had required somo additional evidence to suiipci t a claim i econtly received a letteivfiom the widow of the insurod which ended i have so much tionlflo getting my money that i omo times almost think i wish mi huflband weto not dead tho continent chicago r eyery 10 c packet of wilson s fly pads will kill more kits than n s8 worth of any sticky fly catcher eiean to handle sold b all druggists grocers and general stores gyp8ie8 on their travels local uuthorluca in ensluntf have had a lively timo of lato with a band ot macedonian oyiisloa thut aa a con tributor to smiths wooltly of lon don rathor oynlcally puts it landed on these hosiiltablo ahorcn to swell tho merry ranks of unemployed first the herts police turned them into essex then the eisex polics turned them inter pimbrldeeshiro then tho cambridgeshire police hustled them alone on t li oh- own account and so on i inthcr reckon this is otaotly what tho macedonians 01 any other kind of gypsy wants all he doesnt much caie about 1b to bp kept ions in the same place i romember wlicn on tho continent last winter running against a party ot tzlkano3 or qy uaies ft om hungary whohadfoumltliomuolvousoliarrloa by the police of austria germany and other countries that they had been driven over into poor little denmark scores of them wives children and r1r tho rest who passed tho timo of day steallna and tolling fraudulent fortunes in languages understood by none of their customers but when they arrived at copenhag en thinking thernbclves in for a nlco quiet time among tho harmless danes they weio surprised to bo mot at that station by a body of polite pollcomon these officiate escorted the gypoles from tho arrival platform across tho htatlon to tho departure platform on which was waiting another train back to tho gorman ferryboat into thlb train the gypales woio politely pack ed and in half an hour were merrily steaming back aeuln tq germany germany in tisin refused to land them so tho gypsies spent many pleasant days and nights going to and from on bonrd the baltic fcrry- steamels whnt became of them fin ally i have no idea thoy may bo on those steamcis today unless of course goimnny or denmark kindly shipped them over to england it tottifioa for iticlf dr nhofflaa eclectrlc oil needa no testimonial of its powers other than itself who ever tries it for coughs or colds for cuts or contusions for uprttins or burns for pains in tho limbs or body well know hint tho mcdlclno prove itself and needs no guarantee this shows why this oil is in general use what the church is it is a teacher giving to lho ignor ant it is an evnngcllrt bringing tho good news to tho lout it la an altar where god and hin people meet it is a servant working for all it is a minlslci helping all who nocd it la a coopoiator doing teamwork with school and liome it is a unltcr making a neighbor hood into a community it is a lnndmnili by which ti avolers may shape llich jouiney it is a homo hhortfrtliik many chil- dien who nic one hi olherhond in chilat it la if sowoi aowlng seed of the kingdom it is a defendfi stem and strong against all tho foca of its people it la a sum tun ly wlieio the weal y and wuiu and waywuid and wlckd nia ilnd lestiuifl vigoi and ateadinoi and love villages 680th fair the village of tinner middlesex 11 lho largcht of live communities in eng land which have tho pilvllcge by a dispensation of liilwaid iu to the archbishop of oaliterhuiy in 1136 of holding an immuil fair in tho streets it wanhold weiiuifai the 589th time lookjvloneyl take notice that we will handle your troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection no charge wo placo 34 years experience at your disposal and assuntfo all your collection troubles send us your list we will do tho lest no noto or account is considered too small too large too old or too far away we will tacltlo any honest debt kelly aiken collectors orangeville owen sound j m aiken manager jos j kelly manager reforonco storllng bank of canada canadian national electric rarlwavb waatbound l dally excopt sunday 743 ana dally a 43 am dolly i 143 n m daily 143 pm daily v 3 41 p m dally 5 43 pm dally 77- r 713 p m dally 9 43 n m dally 1232 am eastbound daily 743 am daily except sunday 043 am dally 1143 a m dally 143 pm dally 343 pm doily 543 pjn dolly r 743 p m dally 943 pm dolly n4o pm freight delivered by special expre freight freight picked up at any nd- dreaa in toronto j a smith insurance and real e8tate agont for confederation life as sociation london lancashire fire insurance london lancashlro guarantee and acciaont dominion tf canada guarantee and acqldont insurance company farm and town property for sale prompt caroful and courteous at tention given your business solicited noaidonco mill and wallaco sts telephone 105 r 2 he montreal debenture corporation tlimited 6 per cent twenty year bonds denominations 100 500 and i000 a safe and desirable type of investment h r mimms georgetown ontario phone 114 viv comitate in itself mother cli avea worm exterminator does not- roqulre tho abhlntnncft of any othei medicine to mnku it effective it does not fall to do its work castoria mother fletchers casbria is a harmless ub3titute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages o constipation wind colic flatftlency to sweeten stomacm diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates i to avoid imitations always look for the signature oi cajrfrficea proven directions on each package physicians everywhere reconrniend it makesureqfl a room thehotelswillbecrowd- ed with peopldarriving for the exhibition if jfou intend stopping at a hotel call up by long distance prompt ly and make your re- eervations if you intend stopping with friends telephone them and make sure they can accommodate you they may havo other arrangements tho definite assurance of comfortable accommoda- mnke holiday trips doubly enjoyable stay bell telephone ie a lmo distance station advertisers the free press i anxlou to serv you and sorve you well we can give your advertise ment better attention and there- laro make it mora attractive if the copy ia aupplted to ua on monday or tuesday if copy falla toreaoh uauntif wednesday forenoon thara ia a rush to eet v up before the forms oloso- and the result ie likely to bo laea aatiafaotory send in your ad8 early does your watch keep time try our repair de partment we are getting wonder- fl results and we know we can please you savage co jewellers guelph ontario u

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