Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13, 1925, p. 1

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v fiftyfirst year no 7 thursday morning august 13 1925 acton ontario canada thursday morning august 13 1925 single copies five cents the acton unitedchurch op canada mi met oh rov 5u e zimmorman b- a parsonage willow street orjanigtmiqs forn brown services 1000 a msub1ath school 1100 a m rev john little rock wood wood 700 hi m rev john little rock- wood prayer mid praise service thursday evening at 730 presbyterian knox church acton minister rov a c 8tdwrt m a manse willow street 1000 a m sunday school 1000 am bible oiuss 1100 a m rev w m kannawln dd of st johns church hamilton 700 pm rev w m kannawin d d strangers leaving address with tbft ushers will be called upon by the rastor the baptist church acton james w boyd pastor 045 a m unday school 1100 atnv4tho pastor subject three types of temptation 700 p ml tho jpastor subject the henlinp of naaman tho syrlan generate helpful messages from two great bible incidents dont miss theso monday 8 pm young peoplon nndprayer meotlng aijj wbix30mb special notices advertisement in this column x centl pci vord minimum charge joe per insertion apples for sale red astrachan and duchess apples for sale apply george sombrv1lxe phone 2jr0 grain wanted wheat oats bnrloy buckwheat highest prices paid wo p browne 7tf phone 3273 norval mortgage sale of valuable house and lot in tho village of acton under tho power of mil contuineq in two certain mortgages made by one hugh ryder since deceased to tin- mortgagee and which will bo produced at the sale there will be offered for sale by public auction on the mort gaged promlsea victoria street in the village of acon by robert j kerr auctioneer on monday the 31st dayof august a d 1925 lit ono oclock p in lot no 10 in block b in adam cooks survey qftlie village of acton on this lot which la well laid out in garden and fruit trees there la erected a substantial new concrete houao with nine rooms and outbuildings terms of salo ten per cent of tho purchase nlortoy la to bo paid to the vendors solicitor on the day of aale sufficient to niako up one third thereof in ten days there after and tho balanco may bo paid in cash or remain on mortgago n the premises on terms to be arranged ax tho purchasers option immediate possession will bo givpn further particulars and conditions of sale mayrbei obtained from theaue uoneorioi tram h n farmer vendors solicitor 73 acton cjnt acton gift shoppe mjl st near main 1 just arrived and on tho way flno bronzo electric libm tablo lamps vases jardinleroi smokers stands nut l3owl picks and crackers flower baskets 200 to 750 special also french china on tho way clocks watches jewellery sta tionery toys optics and ro- pairs special boys watches 150 pi call and select your gifts h w hinton jeweller watch and clockmaker fprofi and georgetown wonderland friday august 14 charleys aunt the funniest farce in 33 years starring syd chaplin comedy water wacons felix car toon special oichobtra prlcea 25c and 35c saturday august 15 in hollywood with potash and pcrlmutter with a wellknown nnd excel- lent cast comedy motor mad fox news cartoon dont fall tue8day august 18 north of nevada western starring fred thomp son and hln horse silver kln chapter li of the itlddlo rider comedy queen nr aces t poivijncf the girl of the limberlosl by geno stratton porter foh voii tony with tom mix ft l gregory ty 0n i m midsummer clearances developing expanding interest day by daynew peaks of valueg in this value- giving month of august all summe1vgoods taking-flight-at-fragtions- of regular fair prices hoilf price for dresses womens and misses sizes smart styles for this summers enjoyment and next sumrhers saving aquascutum coats about half pricethose wonderful coats from england which everybody everywhere is always proud to own tailored typically in english style 35 and 45 wallpapers clearing note these examples bedroom papers up t 25c single roll for ut kitchen papers reg n 25c single roll for 1 i c tapestry papers up ociv to 50c single roll at v imported papers all the high- grade kinds onefifth off mens straw hats at half price all the mens flannel trousers reduced mens and young mens mens shirts clearing hun suits foroll year round wear reg 2950 and vfl pa 3250 for lf03 young mens youths first long and- bovb collegiate suits reg 2250 and 2475 for 15 dreds to pick from values ril 1 149 boys suits with two pairs of bloomers 8 to 10 yean reg up to 1350 for 885 so runs the story of midsummer clearances economies abound for everyone in every department of this big store this is indeed a saving time to visit guclph d e macdonald bros ltd guelphs leading and largest store news of local import rev dr kannawin at knox church hev w m kannawin d d of humlltap mcuched able sermons in knox church last sunday in tho ab sence of rev mr stowurt who is en joying holidays dr kannawin is al ways wclcomq in the church wheret he spent his boyhood many friends of former days greeted blm on sunday mt amuiino but true a believer in newspaper advertising says its amusing hut true let a wideawake bustling merchant who knows advertising payg put a list of low prices in the paper and his com petitors who dont believe in adver- tisingwlhtumbleotrerthcmselves to post a lot of box covers in ihelr win dow on- which are daubed signs telllis of poods they have at tho same price lclom express this month for the farmer this is one of the months when a furmer cn begin to quit growln all the time and begin to garner in away early apples garden truck fryln chlckenn 1 dont know any tietter feelin that to know your food is grow- in right under your eyes and not t bo beholden to anybody else for it its earjiod food and that makes it good food to my way of lookin at it caleb pensloe the weeds on hjohvvaye mut go at the meeting of the kaquesln counoil last week the following resolu tion was passed moved by councillor gowdy and seconded by councillor urown that havinff received notice- from the minister of highways that a i noxious weeds growing along our high ways must be cut down taxpayers will please take notice and act accordingly otherwise the weeds will have to bo cut and costs of same charged to the property carried acton wins again locals defeat georgetown in thrill ina battlo at georgetown 1 i i ptir hattun ibttrl what could bo more cooling and delightful than a plate of our ice cream answer nothing we have a right to talk about the superb quality of ouv ico cream because vo know what goes into thf making of i and v ivant you to know abqut its satisfying propensities our candy makes good bo- cause its made good 1 s4ccv7 or ctindigs rkqrvc 65 saturday treat bordeaux cream 25c lb a wonderful summer candyv a rich smooth cream bordeaux flavor with just enough cherries and cocoanut to make k tasty reg 40c lb saturday treat 25c tb weekend chocolates 32c lb if bet ten quality fclioco- i f piltfce low prlco of these chqcu lates wo would haye then alvays fresh always asr sorted hcg c0c and coc lh saturday t 32c cowans tut bare 3 for 5p just received a fresh shipmpnt qf these wonr defful selling bars tahg a quarters worth with you 2 for 5c or 11 fpr 28o jsiigared cocoanut 29c a limited amount to 50 at thin very low price reg 40o lb speolal for saturday 29c tb ice cream neilsonn first inst ant always assorted brick- assorted flavors in bulk al ways in stock and always fresh try tho aristo crat tho better brick i bittieiretearly and get first choice of these rubber and crepe sole shoes the boys and girls will want them for school and they lire all new goods come in and see them as the prices are so low we know you will have to buy them black brown and white other bargains womens brown calf strap slipper regular 500 week 395 t tan pomps 295 tan calf oxfords for men for 495 mens work boots at 350 this holeproof hosiery in all shades they outwear the other kind scholfs bunion and zinq gorn pads are helping tlie sore feet ve have all these foot arjpli- pnoes and khow i6w to fit properly harry harrlsonjhe shoe man wo close wednesday afternoons all te year round witll the exception of pecember rv john littu will prvaoh tii the nbaenco of rov r e zim merman on a brief holiday rv john ijttle of itqckwqod minister of the united church at bnrrlo hill will oc cupy the pulpit of tho united church acton next sunday morning and evening rev mr little is highly es teemed by the people of this com munity and has always been groetcd by large congregations when an houncod to preach hero rov and mr culp in gftuforola a curd from roy j culp datodton july 31flt says arrived safely in california and hud a nice trip ex cepting for ono hot day while going through nebraska cool nights gave us rollef call forn lane are vory proud of thotr state have motored nearly 200 mflch through sunto- clam vnllev acton won its fifth consecutive ball game on saturday when they defeated georgetown in georgetown by a score of 53 in 12 innings the game wan an excellent one and tho beat team won on tho days play gibbons twirl- cd good- ball tov acton both gibbons and hepburn tho georgetown pitcher went the full twelve innings acton opened tho scoring in tho first innings when ka ley got a hit and was sacrificed along by holloway john kontner was caught out at first kaley taking third and scoring a minute later when n gibbons singled tho georgetown team did not scoro in tr first butln the second four bits gavo them three runs those throo runs looked pretty big but tho whole acto aggregation settled down and did riot allow georgetown another run during the overtime game in acton 3 part of tho third acton scored two runs and thus equalized the george town score thorunh were scored on a walk to knley nnd errors by squires and blackburn from then on the game was a seesaw affair full of thrills for the fans nnd players alike both teams played excellent ball and runs were scarce as hen- teeth all sailed along fine till tuu twelfth when mcdonald was robbed of a homer by a circus catch by ruddy in right field for georgetown but the break that tho local boys had been looking for had come nnd lleshman who followed mcdonald singled past second hut was cut off at second when f gibbons got hla first hit of the daj squires errored on kaleys hit kaley stole second ho came the officiary of- the united church los 3 4 5 11 und never saw such extensive and beautiful orchards the scenery of the mountains skirting- the valley is beauti ful beyond description kind regards to all jail population reducing the girl accused of stealing lace and other goods from mrs ryrie of oak vllle was taken away on monday b chief kerr to be sent to a toronto home this reduces the jail popula tion to six wednesday u was reduced to four by the removal of the bootleg- gins brothers phil and james forbes to ujo ontario reformatory to remain there until the terms to which they were sentenced have expired jim about three months and phil about eleven or five if he pays his flno of 1000 bee in hi bonnet mr john taylor of the acton chamber of commerce was more amused than pained to hear that sev eral members of etowjcouncll con sider that he boa a bee in his bonnet over the iuuminatlpn qf ho parish urci plpck his retard is hat mem bers qf tho town council arpiaje to getjieoq in their cocked hats in which connection it may bp remembered that but for him they would not be wear ing epeked has at all acton eng land gazette as an officer of tho acton chiunber of commerce mr tay lor hnn the reputation of doing things and ho is a canadian too a native of petcrbo rough to rebuild ml pleasant church john mcmeeklnand alexander lie- kinney are making a canvass in behalf of the fund for rebuilding mount plea sant churchv burned during januacv last ae boe of members was madp to clear the basement of the debris which had fallen in during the fire and it was then found th the foun and a- jwirt of tho wails can be util ized for rebuilding the church the architect a mr mclcod of toronto reports that everything is in good shape for the restoration of the walls and ha kindly offered his qcfviqej tenders jce uijder cimqjderatjpp opd lv la expected tha the yotk of pe- buitylpg tijl shortly bo uner tray iiramptftn tlmog afiton flower show next wednesday actona fourth annual flower show will be held next wednesday 3 to 10 p m in the hall in prospect park an attractlvo prlxe list comprises 71 clasc- es for out flowers plants and vege tables and 35 apeelal prizes j for cut flowors plants wild flowers bird houses etc the secretary will receive entries until monday evening in order to encourage personal interest in homo growing of plants and flowers it has been decided that all exhibits entered for competition must have been grown by the person exhibiting them maaon3 orchestra will render a musical pro gramme during tho progress of thu show mr scrlven tho secretary re quests that nil cntrlos be made as soon as possible oakvillas dollar day m great sucosts there is now no doubt in tho minds of local merchants as to tho effective ness of such campaigns as that which absorbed so much public lnercst last friday and saturday the shoppers of oakville also feel satisfied that the event was all that it was sold to be if not more for both merchants an1 stoppem have- bcneflttel dollar days- nnd the satlafjacjlon ik genfcral anvv hvldosprend tpvo pt l evont was in large measure due to tneputihclty klveh u by hp notice of the buying public pveryone fas cqn- bequcnly prepared q take full advant age of it undthe stares had tvo full lays of irit plpjwp p people pf 0akyjllo rtllov upon 0 patronlso the miprhantn of tholr town responded loyally to he call for h laoertaln iiat th wore actuated as much by a aenpt of true community spirit as by n desire to suvo monoy noverwie- jsa tipy did ravft money healdes gv- inv local rtftll buslpoas the rreatet etlmuluh it h lis tin d in years two ends were served onkvllle record see j a smiths list of propertlid for sale in acton up with two on but unlike the mighty casoy he hit ou a double glf- bons and kaley scoring george towi came right bjick and although they did manage to get two on they were cut off without scoring the league now stands won hillshurg j 8 georgetown 7 acton 7 rockwood 1 it lsnow up to hlllsburg to beat georgetown if hlllsburg defeats ths georgetown team the local team gets a chance in the playoff and at the speed they are going now they should be jiard to beat sidelights on the game n gibbons has pitched 24 innings in the inst two weeks and has only had 4 runs scored against him kaley had three hits and scored throe- of- tho teams runs on satur day he seems to have found him self since he was moved to second base and his greatly improved show ing has a great deal to do with the present winning streak- of tho team mcdonald was robbed of a sure home run by ruddy in the 12th white made two hensationai atonsftr the game one in the eighth and tha other in tho twelfth both stops prj- vented georgetown from scoring holloway was the right man in the right laco when he came up in the last innings a single would have won the game but rule book thought that two runs would look better so he leaned a little heavier on the hickory and hit a double it was a fitting finish to a game- that was hard to loose and good to win the eldentand the stewards were elected at the congrega tional meeting the first congregational meeting of tho new united church of canada acton was held last thursday even ing and was well attended the meet ing was constituted with a praise and prayer service tho minister rev it 13 zimmer man b a explained that the object of the meeting was to complete thf organization of tho united church following the impressive und memor able consummation service of the pre vious sunday the minutes of the joint meeting of thp methodist and presbyterian groupp which was held on the 13th of july were read by mr j c matthews the secretary of tho meeting this meeting recommended the nejv church be reorganised on the basis of lho act of parliament of inst ses sion and the basis of unlon that a consummation service be held on sun day august 2nd for the reception and dedication of the membership rolls that a board of session of fif teen elders and a board of stewards of fifteen members bo elected by the congregation at a meeting on the 6tn of august the consummation services haying been satisfactorily carried out it waa moved that the other recommenda tions of the committee be endorsed and adopted it was decided that with a view o follow i n g t he 1 roposaiof th egnerd council for u rotation of the election of cklers that fifteen members pro posed be elected in groups of five the first group to be elected for throo years the second for two years and tho third for one year the election was proceeded with and- resulted as follows elders for three years h p moore a t brown c c jienderson a t mann and john r kennedy elders for two years james ii reld d n mctavish a e nicklin n f lindsay and j h denny elders for one year b beswlck g h switzer r jf kerr samuel reld and nf moore it was decided the board of stew ards be elected cacjilicar at tho con gregational meeting tho fifteen mem bers were then elected as follows board of stewards c h harrison j c matthews miss m 2 bennett np mclnm j a mowat james symon miss fern brown frank ken nedy w j aklns h e somerville malcolm mclean orwell johnston charles mckeown dr fred gotlop and dr e j nelson tho following were elected addi tional ushers c h harrison dr gol k murray social aqtd personal 20000 fine1200 costs the price john h maud paid for making liquor at georgetown the trial of john h maud george town for having in his possession a still and mash for making spirituous liquors was held in that town las thursday morning police magistrate moore was present as usuql a httle advance of tho hour fixed uiit in spector recvely provincial constable atkins and chief jackson were al ready in thp court room promptly at 10 oclock john h maud the ac cused mrs- maud and their eight chil dren ranging in ages from thrfo months to fourteen years camo troop ing in ovidently the timeworn meth od utilized in appealing to tho aym- jiatby of the court court was officially opened and the charge was read to iho accused in which ho was alleged to be in pos session of a still and mash sultablo for the manufacture of spirits with out having given notice thereof as re quired by bectiori 180 subsection e of tho inland rovenue act tho boil- condenser container und tubs- of mash were produced in court when asked how he desired to plead maud said at once guilty i guess tho inspector reevely showod that when the three oltlccrs called about 1130 saturday night the distilling ap paratus was in full working condi tion on the kitchen range and maud and his wife were both present the outfit was the oldfashioned kentucky stju n which the liquor is manufactured by condensation tho mash wfts thp usual rntslh nnd sugar compaimd jv conylotion was registered and a penalty of 20000 and c i with the alternative if payment was defaulted or six mo rhhs in jail at hard labor when naked if he was prepared to pay tho frtff maud replied i have 7000 here and can get the balance if you will give me a little time when asked how much- time he desired maud replied while i am going to my house and back chlof jackson nccompnnlomlm to his houac on mill street and maud promptly produced the balance of 14200 thli was con bid era hie of a surprise as mr maud was considered rather an im pecunious citizen it 1h likely how ever that the people to whom ho wni supplying liquor came to his rescue promptly rather than run the rlan of being squealed upon they- know advertising pays last weeks slnicoc reformer car ried four full page advortlsemonts f store in that town this was nut in the nature of an experiment cither as we have noted a similar advertis ing campaign on two or three previous occasions to the average mcicliuni this might seem an bxccpfjkmil out lay ftfr asdc biit the slmcoq store has vvpvbn fhn cpnskittyu ttrtvartlnt urtit through- us tnvn liawspuper vlll bring it excellent returns slmooa is a smaller town than carloton place but its merchants aro reaping bounti ful harvest by making weokly ap peals to their customers through the columns of the local press these stores are demonstrating that hi some imropptloimle results 1110 being obtained through local nowspnper ad vertising that tho city departmental stores bid for through their larger ad vertisements in the city dailies carleton place canadian simcoo hue a thousand or so more population than acton but it hasnt any bettor fac tories but the merchants there have taught tho people to buy at home and it has paid them what is on at tho movies friday charleys aunt there was a fine feeling in the meeting- the spirit of unity and fellow ship being very manifest this fact is clearly shown by the personnel of the officiary elected of tho afteon elders nine belonged to tho metho dist group and six to the presbyterian exactly the same proportion prevail in the election of the board of stew ards thla is tho proportion of two to three whereas tho number of mem bers forming the united church li acton is in tho proportion of nine to one the new churclj enters upon the functions which it was organized with a strong and united olhclary and with a spirit of service and consummation which portends mucb for the succcbs- 1 ill activities undertaken in the pro gramme of the churchs work and ser vice at tho meeting mr thomas rumlev gave expression to the apprecia tion which he and his fellowmembers of the presbyterian group entwtalned for he cordial welcome extended by the ushers and tho wolcomlngcom mlttec when they came to the united church on tho 10th of june and over since t st albans sunday school picnic was held at eldorado park on satur day afternoon may the sunday school and congregation of sl albans church held a very en joyable picnlc to eldorado park on saturday although the weather was threaten ing about 150 people mado tho trip the rain kept off very well a- softball game was played in which the st albans team easily de feated the other nine mado up of vis itors to the park the lengthy programme of sports furnished some exciting contests two of which finished with doadhcats for first place and several others were decldod by inchest only the following is a list of prize win ners tola 4 years and under boys- murray bowers mormon price tots 4 years and under glrla kathleen chapman olive rogers consolation tots under 4 year3l11 garden canirpiice z girls g years and under kathleen chapman olive rogers girls 7 years and under watcrhouse barbara taylor boys 7 years and under fred har- wood uigby cross girls 10 years and under lily perry phyllis mackle visitors handicap girls elsie par sons gladys scarrow boys boot and stocking race a buchanan norman hinton girls thcad and needle raco elsie parsons phyllis tyler boys 10o yard dash herbert hin ton norman hinton blindfolded race mrs jones a bishop mens 100 yard dash a bishop if rogers ladles 50 yards mrs jones mrs perry ladles walking race mrs rogers boys bible class 10q yawls inor- mun hinton 7a biahop boys and givih thveo- logged race herlicrt niiit unci elso parsons tenchpvv yards mrs perry mrs hpgera after tho races an enjoyable supper- wua sewed and following the distri bution of prizes by rev ii g l baugh everyone returned to acton feeling tired but happy the crops through the pro- i vltjce the bonk of montreal crop report for the week says about tho ontario crops fall wheat la nearly ull cut and many farmers have thrcahed the- crop the yield la surprisingly good as high as 45 bushel to the acre in some districts cutting of barley imn commenced and the crop is promising oats show further improvement and the crop is now bettor than average corn is making fair progress hut needs warmer weather rpot crops are in good condition and growing rapidly pastures aro somewhat improved i miss marie larit3 li holidaying wih friend at chcsley mrs lamcs john of gait is the guest of mrs john smith mrs amos mason is holidaying at wasaga beach mrs b it arnold and margaret are holidaying at wasaga beach mr charles ruddy of georgetown was a sunday visitor hr- town miss nellie hall spent tho weekend with mr and mrs e hall kitchener messrs ernest and 1 roy brown of toronto spent sunday at their homo here mr and mrs alex matthews of brantford visited acton friends last week miss minnie e nelson has returned from a pleasant holiday at wasaga beach mr and mrs herb cleavo george town visited with mr and mm h s wilson miss clarice livingston of guelph is visiting at the home of her grand parents misstovell of toronto has been the guest of- mlas mnmle ma sales during the week mrs ellen snyder of stoney creek has been visiting friends here during tho week mr russell ross of toronto spent the weekend with his friend mr jack robertson miss murrayy- of edlnburghristhi guest of mr and mrs george murray boweravenue mrund mrs w tyler of whitbv have been renewing old acquaintances hero this week mrs j r kennedy- mr angus and miss jean are spending holidays at wasaga beach master robbie hall is spending his holidays at his grandmothers mri scott llmehousc mr and mrs c h harrison and beth and margaret spent the weekend at wasaga beach miss lena campbell of georgetown spent a few days at mrs e f col liers tho past week miss elizabeth forster of toronto has been- visiting mr george leslie and family during the week mr and mrs frank payne of de troit michigan were guests of mr and mrs h s holmes last week jmarjorle and laura hall have re turned home from their holidays spent with friends at dolly vardon exciting match at fergus mr- and mrs m gregg and chll- of to v t liom of mr and mrs george ancw mr- and mrs nelson bauer of den ver cou and their little son made acton friends brief visits last week mrs george soper went to ro chester n y last week to spend few weeks with her daughter there mr r j anderson and miss opal anderson of detroit are visiting at mrs e f colliers ami other friends miss hazel mason and miss mar garet brown of toronto are spend ing their yacatlon at wasaga beach mihs agnes heelan of troy n y has been hero enjoying holidays with her aunt mrs j e langevln bower avonue miss frances b hurst who has- bee 1 taking a course at the toronto art school returned home on saturday evening mr and mrs harry mainprlze and billy and helen spent holidays last jveek withfrlends at st maryland kitchener rev and mrs r e zimmerman and children left on mondny to spend holi days with friends at fonthlll hamilton and other points mr and mrs w cortwright and children of detroit- spent a few days at the home of mr and mrs o mills during tho week mr and mrs hope and- daughter doris of rhode island and mr wm burns of rockwood have been visit ing friends in acton miss dorothy moore daughter of rev t albert moore d d toronto has been appointed physical director of tho ywca at calgary mr and mrs joseph e coleman and miss olga of jndiana harbour indi ana have been visiting with his mother mrs william anderson peel street mr and mrs glen thompson ana children of hamilton spent the week end at the home of mrs thompsons parent mr and mrs a rocsor mil street mr und mrs thomas chlsholm saginaw mich visited acton relatives on tuesday evening mrs george laird and her son ralph of toronto ttccompanl cd thunj fcrflua and acton footballers feature faot soccer on saturday by defeating- acton three goals to two on saturday fergus registered their first victory in tho guelph and district league for threo seasons judging from the sizo of thocrowd that turned out soccer is becoming very popular in fergus acton won the tossand tho first incident to raise enthusiasm was a shot by prltchard that walker atop- ped at tho foot of tho post by throw ing himself ut full length again the goalie had to handle from miller fer gus then took up tho running- but f collins relieved arid miller took tho ball dpwn the wing und put in a lovely controwhlch brennan mt and drove the ball into tho net thus opening tho score- for acton after flvo minutes of play this reverse livened fergus up and a collins had to concede a corner abbot put in a dandy but trotter cleared back they camo and ghen- shall made an opening for t bobble who beat mochrle with a great shoe thus equalizing tho score frequent endtoend exchanges tested both de fences and- acton had a warm session and were a bit lucky when shots by t dobble cooper and tott were accl- dently blocked later cooper went down on his own from mlddlefied only to shoot over halftime score acton 1 fergus l in tho second half cosh rostartoj and g henshall took tho play into the acton territory and after beating thret men just missed scoring his shot going narrowly past from the goal- klck he again got possession und sent his brother william away on tho wing- ho put tho ball right across for t dobble to put fergus in tho lend his shot being too hot for mochrln to hold from tho kick- oft acton went right through but walker mado a lovely save off brennan pritchard made good headway and passed to brennan who in turn passed to miii07 whoscored tho equalizer acton made several raids into fergus territory but there was much ustlcsbness in their efforts near goal until brennan received a pass from f collins and when ho was going through flemins tripped him in tho penalty area tho referee awarded acton a ponalty kick but his shot was wide by inches from tho cooper received the ball in midfield and went right through on hfa own to score a lovely goal a minute later mochrle fisted over a great shot by cooper and from tho corner t dobblo put the shot behind final score fergus 3 acton 2 the lineup fergus walker fleming mcauley g henshull r dobbie holbrook w henshall w tott t dobbie cooper and abbott acton mochrle s porry a collins heetley f collins a trotter croft prltchard cash brennan and miller referee mr r fell guolnh xnu ieuguo standing p w l d f apts acton 7 2 3 2 18 12 c taylorforbes 2 2 0 0 0 3 4 fergus 3 1 0 2 f 1 4 georgetown 4 0 2 2 3 11 2 mrs gordon mckay and children re turned home to toronto on friday after spending a few weeks with mrj mckays parents mr and mrs r h wnnsboroughs lake avonue miss viola rum ley visited at her old homo in tho manitoulin island over th weekend her friend miss winifred jennings returned home with her and will spend a few holidays here after about four months off work on account of a very badly broken leg harold l wansborough returned to toronto on friday last to resume work in the dominion bank on monday mr and mrs w d frlck and mr solmnn toronto spent saturday at mrs william saycrs mrs sol ma 11 and torrie who had been here for a week or ao returned homo with thera vuss laura gray held an enjoyable teppla tea at heri homo on saturday afternoon miss aduh clurko of cookaville was her outoftown guest and u number of girlfriends partici pated mr and mrs jos bell and miss luella and mr und mrs h shakley and miss hazel and master lloyd motored from cleveland and are visit- ing at the home ut m3gea storey bower avonu mr- and mrs if campbell and miss dorothy mr m b collier and mastcr billie of toronto mr- and mrs g c campbell and miss lufna of george town spent sunday at tho homo of mrs e f collier miss rachel secord who had been spending a few days with mrs h s holmes und miss margurlto symon returned to her home in guelph on thursday miss secord has been qulto restored to health again miss gertrude moore daughter of mr h s moore toronto who has been appointed the new director of the physical cuhuro at tho y wca in vanqouver will tuko up her duties there early in september remembered when leav ing grand valley mr and mrs thomas watson and mr and mrs w h watson hold in high esteem on tuesday evening tho watson families were very liberally remem bered by the grand valley united church ctttigregatlon here tho pas tor rev j 15 mitchell presided at the representative gathering and askod mrs w h mcphorson to read a com plimentary address to the two families mr r j irvine presented mr t watson with a goldheaded cane suit ably engraved mrs irvino gave to mrs watson a bible and a parasol avj baker and- mrs jas meilorpre sented to mr and mrs w h wat son a pair of wicker chairs and viola mcklnleygave paultne nnd billy wat son a testament those parting gifts aro eloquent in themselves for tho liberality and the thoughtfulness of the congregation as- well as the tribute they convey to tho recipients who havo long been actively associated with church work in the village and will be a splendid intro duction in their new homo in acton following a brief reply by messrs watson the ladles served refresh ments and a pleasant social hour waa passodrstar and vidette mrs j kerr brown of winnipeg mode acton friends a brief visit on sunday she has been on a sad jour ney to jong3tonattendingthe if unerul of her mother whose remains siio ac companied from tho west mr thomas godfrey of elora an nounces tho engagement of his daugh ter helen edith to alexander black- lock of detroit son of mr and mrs o blacklock of elora tho marriage to take place in the middle of august mr und mrs joseph leslie and mr and mrs powers of aylmor mrs nor man- howes and miss thompson of- listowel and mr and mrs w c bessoy of georgetown spent tho weekend at the home of mr and mrs h s wilson mrs norman lambert and her little daughter of winnipeg spent a few days wlml her parents mr and mrs malcolm mclean bower avenue her son donald who has been sponding the summer here returned home with hr on saturday rev and mrs h l mernor of h03- pcleu announce the engagement of their daughter ruth to mr harold d maclachlan qf st catharines son of rev and mo j- a maclachlan of hamilton formerly of acton the mar riage to take place in august mr and mrs james allan and little daughter irene of royal oak mich were here during tho week visiting their parents mr and mrs a bun- tie of the sixth lino and mr and mrs joseph allan of ball naiad and other relatione after spending about two weeks in ontario they left for homo in their motor on saturday mrs a e ncklln bower avenuo and her daughter mrs selwood of calgary held a delightful reception and tea on friday afternoon they were assisted by mrs harold nicklin of guelph mrs john mcdormid george town and miss ruby clark mrsjohn r kennedy poured tea and mrs a t brown served tho ices mr and mrs j l moore of parry sound and mrs morrison of peter borough called on friends hero on thursday morning mr moore was anxious to ace tho old homo and en vironment after a long absence ho in public school inspector for pnrry sound district and spent his boyhood days on the farm now owned by mr g- w murray what is tho mattorwlth that clock of yours not going take it to gardiners watch and clock repair shop in tho hill block corner of mill und elgin streets acton

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