Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13, 1925, p. 2

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h arfam ster a thunsdayr august 13 132s evening brings u3 home- 1 v evening brings us homo from our wandorlnffs afar from our muklfarlou labors from tho tliinss that fret and jar from thohlehwaya nnu the byoways from tho hilltops arid tho voles from tho dust and heat of city street and tho joys of loncsomo trails evonlne brlnss us homo at last from plough and hoo and harrow from tho burden of tho day from tho ions and lonely furrow in tho atlft reluctant clay from tho meads where streams aro purling from the moors where mists aro cur ling evening brings us homo at last from tho forests of thy wonder whero tho mighty giants grow whero wo clcavo thy works asunder and lay tho mighty low from the jungle and tho prairie from tho realms of faot and falrie evonidg brlnge us home at lost from our wrestling with tho spectres of the dim and weary way from tho vast heroic chances of tho never ending fray jfc from tho mount of high enmkyor in too hope ottiry forever r evonlngbringo us homo at last from our tollinga and our mollings from our quest o dall i fpelfara0lpirt hmj the white ash bell d prom the worship of our idols ana s burying of our doad llko children worn and weary with tho way bo lonff and dreary- evening brines us home at last from our joumeyihfffl oft and many over strawre and stormy seas- from our search the wldcworld over for tho larger liberties from our labors vast and various from our harveatlnffs precarious evening brines us home at last to safety rest and thee john oxenham o sooner wub the whlto aah bchoolhoubo completed than fho residents f tho whlto ash section were thought to bo giving thefmsolvctr airs that were most exasperating to tho people of tho adjoining sections for the new whito ash achoolhauae although it has but a single room was of brick and stone and there was not another brick country achoolhouso in the county- it had moreover what old ezra cobb called a cukhtle-or- topof it knowledge of thu o thcr worth while tho funeral was over and the friends walkod away the minister overtook n man who was jetting old and walked bosldb him ho had been tbe partner anfl for fifty years tho friend of the man who had gone if there ia any man who knows a man said the old man to the minis ter it is his partner he sees both sides of him sees him in his dealings with others when the interests of the two arc the samo and sees htm in the adjustments of matters within the arm where each is looking but for his own if nny man knows whether that man was an honest man whether his re ligion lasted all the week throjutb and all the year round i know it and x tell you ho was a man every inch of him his religion was in the sixteen ounces he put into every pound it measured thirtysix inches to every yard that man had religion i am sure of it sold the minister and such a character la worth many sermons as a proof of what religion really is it is fitting that such a life should livo on in heaven yea said the old man and i be lieve it wilu but even if i knew that it would not i should saythio life has been worth while goodness is always worth while said the pastor tell me this said tho old man mnjixothelderieoplehleollnealft what wou you do what wjuild-you- na their social privileges curtailoi say if next time you stand in thd pulpit thpre should come to you and to your congregation the absolute knowledge that all your hopes and beliefs about heaven were wrong that his world is all that you have ever known and you are oven to know what would you say to your people what would i say repeated tho minister i might be too much dis appointed to speak at all for i believe in immortality and the faith grows more dear and more sure with each life such as this we have known but i think i know what i should flay if such sudden knowledge came to me and my congregation i should- sayv brethren there will bo service here as usual on next sunday morning at half post ten and this will be my text godliness is profitable unto tho lift that now ia its a good text said the older man 7 ho never could say cupola a whito belfry with green trimmings there was in this cupola a bell whose braien notd could jo heard over in the butternut section on the right and in the ground ivydlstrlcron tho left- as tho breach widened between the whito aah and t other sections it was charged that the white aali- ers had put up that bell for tho ex press purpose of annoying the other districts by reminding them that they did not have new brick schoolhousos with cupolas and bells as a white- ash er i know that this charge was untrue but i must confess that there was a great deal of unnecessary ringing of that boll even though we knew that it caused emo tions in the other sections tho privilege of ringing ihe boll wa3 even more eagerly sought than tho privilege of passing thewater to tho school or going out with a dipper of it as assistant to some pupil who had tho nosebleed the first teacher in the new school- jouaemis8 jane tabb was a some what eccentric woman who frequently accorded her pupils the privilege of ringing the bell as a reward of merit i well rernember hearing her say to pupils who had pleased btr you have had such a perfect day to day john that you may go out and ring the bell for ten minutes mies jtabb knew just how exasperat ing- the sound of the bcllwas over in the other districts and yet she would sometimes say at the opening of tho school all tho pupils who are per fect in their lessons and in deport ment today mayring tho bell for flvo minutes each tomorrow this sometimes stimulated as many as ten or a dozen pupils to be perfect and the bell would clang accordingly before the building of the new schoolhouso the white ashers tho ground jvyites and the butternut tera had been most cordial in their social relations but now certain real- dents of the ground ivy section b07 gan to give taffypulling parties to which no white ashers were bid den and the butt emu iters mado no secret that tstey did not desire the presence of any of tho white ashers at any of their- social gatherings it wah now past time for bchool begin and all- but tho pupils returnod to their homes miss tabb rapped on a window with hrf leadpencil and the pupils went to their seats hut there was little interest in the lessons and nothing but tho missing bell was tnllt ed about at rocasstlmo and during th noon hour three weeks passed during which tho ground ivyltes and tho butter- nutters indignantly disclaimed any of them with a boll just llko ours and i hopo tho thre bollo wml never ring outr anything but goodwill una harm- uiy that ought to exist and has cxlstr ed between us us f hondo urfrjl neigh bors cheer- tiponchcor greeted this speech some of tho men put the boll back ino tho little toer niulttio peoplo of tho throo sections went homo through tho long onowy inncn nml ovor the white fields in i the moonlight with tho whito anlvbell its ropo in the hands of one buuernuttcr alid ono ground ivy- ito ringing out cheerily und joyously on tho frosty nlr laying a ghost the truthful camera mothers day awful sorry i cant stop to see you old man said harold mossey he was locking the office door en a saturday afternoon tom griggs fo- whom it was- also early closing had como round to have a little chat and perhaps a leisurely lunch at tho club im going to take rrfottter to the matinee said harold as they walkod along together so ive promised co put in appearance at lunch o telephone her and say youre no coming satd tort shes got her ticket hasnt she what mother no its here in my pocket if i havent lost it well- youre a duffer why didnt you see she had the ticket and let her meet you my slaters going with me this afternoon but she meets me in in this way and old aunt becky ladd was no doubt right when sho said 7ifs all because of the bnbblln tongue of that white ash bell its the first time i ever heard of a bell tongue starting a scandal- for it is scandalous for folks to act sot ono monday morning when tho whito ash- school had been in session about a month miss tabb who was always first to arrive at tho school house tried to ring tho boll but the rope fell from the hole through which it passed in the celling above and lay in a coll at her feet jonas pratt and i arrived at the schoolhouso a moment later nndjmiss tabb said boys the ropo has slipped from the bell one of you climb up into the belfry and tie it on again a ladder nailed to the wall made it easy for jonas to climb up into the belfry he had no sooner thrust his head into the whole in tho celling throueh which entrance to tho belfry was gained than ho called out why miss tabb tho bolls gone what do you mean jonas pratt said miss tabb tho bell isnt here its gone you sure jonas pratt sure why miss tabb i know it therejsnt a sign of a bew up here jonas come down and miss tabb herself climbed up the ladder she thrust her head through the hole at the top and said its gone sure enough while coming down sho added ive my suspicions where that bells gone til warrant you that thobutternuttern or the ground ivyltea could explain it theyve stolen it out of pure spite and i hope that tho whlto ashers wont rest a minute day or night un til that bell is back in this belfry its a piece of pure spitework other pupils were now arriving and sorao of them who lived near becamo missing bell probably very few per sons in either section would havo stooped to anything so criminal na the theft of the bell but tho relations be tween tho white ash section and us neighbors became more unfriendly thcso relations did not however keop tho pupils from meeting on com mon ground at the spellingschools held every winter in thoschoolhoused in each section indeed a spelling- school in our district would have been a tame affair without tho presence f some other school for us to spell down if we could tho spellingschool about a month after tho disappearance of the bell was the first neld that winter and the attendance was very large young people came in such numbers from tho three sections that the house was pack ed full it was feared that there might be trouble between the hothcadod youn men of the different sections and miss tabb had made tho entire whlto ash school promlso not to make any refer ence to the missing bell her indigna tion did pot prevent her from saying to us those who como from tho ground ivy and the butternut sections will be in a certain sense our guests and wo will owe them courteous treatment it would not be courteous to say anything about tho bell before them so when sho called tho spelling- school to order there was at least out ward harmony wo had- chosen siditfr and there were pqplls from the three schools on both sides later in the evening the three schools would spoil against each other a few of tho butternut pupils were older and larger than any of tho othr two districts among these larger pupils werrtwt young follows each about twenty years ofage named tony hbppfand anson lykea they were coarsegrained stupid fellows who made no end oftxoublo for their own teacher in tho butternut section they had no respect for anything but bruto force and unless- tho teacher could lick them they carried things with a high hand fortunately their teacher of that winter had demonstrated his superior physicalablhty by giving both tony aand anson a licking before the school had been in session a week anson and tony stood aide by aid tho untypo m tut had found n re munerative field in ashton when the summer boanler arrived that year l willow farm sho noticed that tho par lor mantel was attorned with staring largehliied tlntypeo of all tho jenkins family he charged us overprice and- tiny arc fearful plain aront they said mrs jenkins to her guoat but they have done us a slght of good yasbrtld the young woman very vaguely i supposo they might lawzee dear child theres no rea son you should iciow what i mean interrupted mrs jenkins but yodi take a family of fotka living on a farm and growing old together same as ab and jnno and henry and i are and wo dont notice little ways tvovo got into but the night after wo had thoso taken wo stood em up in a row and looked at em do i chew my mouth down totho left that way saldab is my forehead any such a bed of wrinkles ns that asked- jane do i commonly squint my eyes up like that asked henry and every time tho rest of us pu to it truthfully bad to say yes so weve sot em up thpreon the mantel piece to kind of remind us i think somo time maybe well have regular photographs taken in nashuy that would show our fallings still better mrs jenkins removed her own like ness from the mantel held it at a dis tance then brouffht it close to her eyes then held it appealing toward the summer boarder the j rest 7of cm are faithful but mine i havent got any such a caht to my eyebrows as that one up and ono down now have i she asked with much anxloty attacked bv an octopus tho lobby and glad enough of the chance work it better next time 8ee much excited that they ran back yon there miiybe i home to tell the news which brought they parted tom forlus comfort a goodmany fthclrparents over to tablo luncheon at the club and a half hours chat with a- man ho know and harold to go home his mother met him in the hall sho was a little old lady with white hair and a happy face sho was opening a big box off violets a gentlemans card said she her if ps pursing like a girls who can itbo3 she-road- masscy then she laughed and then harold laughed zt was an pld drama between them like em mother asked harold r i guess i do sho responded he eyes sparkling i shall wear em ice economy among them cam the hchoolhouue mr jothro spratt one of the most prominent men in the section and also one of the most illiterate i cant blleve said he that thero bells gone until ive cllm up into tho belfry an seen with my own eyes and if tis gono raebbe i kin find traces of the thief anaon lykes she said where im that bell he turned pale and looked frighten ed his lips trembled when ho said whawhaat bell tho bell you stole from tho belfry of this schoolhouso when you left this beautiful piece of poetical impudonco now ao 3lrr- spratt wlghedahovtr4nteiacef at tho spoiling- school miss tabb pro nounced the words and when we had spelled around a fow times and it hap pened to bo tonys turn miss tabb said a little sharply bell tony spered tho word correctly thero wcre sly grins on sorao faces and i saw several persons nudgo tholr neighbors belfry said miss tabb to anson be1fray spelled anson slowly did you spell it fray asked miss tabb yes maam next tho next boy spelled it correctly put anson did not take his seat beoauso wo were not spelling down at that time but were simply keeping a tallylist the number of words each aide missed when it came ansons turn to spell again miss tabb said clanging k1ang clang lng clanging he spelled several person tittered outright at this gross blunder and anaon looked sullen and uneasy next said miss tabb again it came ansons turn to spell and miss tabbs voice had a certain triumphant note in it as aho said ji an unusually highpitched tono tongue tung spelled anson several persons from his own school held their hands over their mouths to keep from laughing outright at this ridiculous mistake but miss tabb did not even smile ill give you aslmpler wopd ho that you can havo it said that you spelled at least one word- right said mian tabb coldly spell tower please trowar said anson then miss tabb did something that created dead alienee in tho room and caused even the smiles to disappear from the fades of those present leav- ingthfi platform on which sho had been standing she m stiffly down to where anson stood my first experience of the octopus wtiic3 frank ttbuubh in creatures of the ea was in a- little bay tn stewart island new zealand a small river flowed into this boy notable for its fine flounders and the crow of the ship in wlilchil was thena sail or soon discovered that tho easiest way of catching them was to waao about on the fine sandy ncd with bore foet the water being onlynp to midthigh and when thoy felt that flat body wriggling under their soles to- tread firmly and stoop groping in tho sand until they -had- tho flounder safe be tween the finger and the thumb then they would raise him and put him in the bag that was stropped across their shoulders by and by wo discovered that- tb6 nearer the sea tho finer the flounders and so one sunny afternoon i was wad ding in the bay near t mouth of tho rlvuletandpickiiig uji ijomo fine apeci- now ami then t ctrcumstanco or combination of clrcunintuncos strange and apparently inexplicable cornea to tho worlds notice in olden umcfl smqh phenomena wore almost nlwayi ittrihutud to u iiupcruuturul power ant even today thero are many who re tain the fear of ghosts exporlonco and invetrtigftttbn have demonstrated however that there is always some renaonablo and naturals solution to hucii mysteries if tho ijcv john todd liad not worked on that principle thy resident- of hlu tdwi might have lived out their uvea in terror of a haunting spirit mr todd tella tho story in his autobiography in tho village stood it house will oh wan huid to be haunted it was a largo threestory building well lighted and ventilated and in i thickly settled neighborhood the laat houuo ono would havo connected wltlrhho idea of ghosts the neighbors however were much excited they hoard strange p sound d proceeding f roni tho closed room groans and alphs und walla some on- who had ventured to listen at the doors told oft the poster of little feet on the bare floors s all is not right there they said strange secrets lie within thoso baro walla i- had been tho last oiio to occupy the house und just before i had loft it i lost a littlo boy of course tho good people did not suspect mo of ill- doing- but in somo way they connected the noises with the death of my son this mado mo moro anxious to clear up the mystery ono day i got the keys of tho house and made known my determination to investigate tho neighbors gathered about tho gate but would not enter a few momenta satisfied mo that the littlo feet which pattered about from room to room were those of the num erous rats but how to account tor thoso groans i went from room to room all waa still then i opened the door of tho room in which my uttlo child died instantly i- hoard a deep sharp groan tho peoplo about tho door heard it and called but in fear the room wasperfcctlybarebut tho groans and moans rep oat ed them selves now low now shrill i went to tho chimnoy and tore away tho fire board looking up tho flue i discovered a shinglo which had been lodged hauvwoy down and which ha swung back and forward now almost closing the chimney- now presenting its edge to tho draft mere was tho ghost with difficulty i persuaded the neighbors to como in i displayed tho haunt iund then i- pulled it down and tho groans ceased forever co ooo harvesters 9 wanted tof from winnimo 16 aug 18th sopt 1t oomo to winnipeg ploa h cent per mile to point beyond but not riat of kdinoqton uaclod and calgary 1 aug 21 at sept 4th point towiuru from station in ontvio smith fii to and including tohnlo a ub oabrit uam mad hmbolpurbon un sj s kinton ui lunfm junetloo bultujx fmm 1 3ttk on twont3unbut dlrmtt uitm wdlnd nkpn fii nj wliuuor -tt- fn lt 0 sound wkwun ormncui twnttr dmm fo j 5 toioto udnmh to ballon ineltulm i iil- service rom toronto canadian pacific v f s tnj tdk f h gjf2 a modern- knight mens suddenly trod upon something llko a blob of jelly fearing a sting i mado to step off only to feel both my legs gripped in several places by something that clunsjis if it would eat into tho flesh r stooped and felt a long whip llko tentacle twisted round ray right le i tore it off and felt a nausea which made me quite giddy but no sooner had i romovefl ono snaky thing than another held mo and another and another the water was- shallow but i began to fcfl as if i must be dragged down drowned and de voured bythla horrible thing fortunately i retained sorao presence of mind and diuwine ray sheathknifc 1 reached down cautiously to where i felt the main body of the thing and avoiding my bare feet i stabbed stead ily into the central part of tho beast i was successful for presently i felt the clutch of the tenacles round my legs relax i saw the water stained with sepia and i smelted fjio odor of stale musk which the flttfi omit when thoy aro disturbed i felt quite certain that had i been laid hold of in water out of my depth by ono of these creatures only a mir acle could have saved me from drown ing you cant make me believe that chivalry is obsolete or effect or what ever they call it said a woman who had just returned from the west i met a veritable knight just two days ago on a diningcar she con tinued when i went in to luncheon tho only seat left for me waa ono fac ing tho rear of tho rain now x can- hot set with my back to tho engine without suffering all sorts of dis agreeable things so 1 asked tho train steward to find mo a scat facing tho othcx w immediately a middleaged man rose and orored to let me have his seat i thanked him and bo took the beat opposite me he scanned tho bill of fare and then ho looked at me hesitatingly madam said he would it be ob noxious to you if i were to order some spring onions now could consideration for tho feelings of a woman go farther than that no 9 uestion why do you find better workman ship in mclaughlin- buick motor cars how hmade them strong havo an oilcloth covered stand small table or tall box next to the refrlger- ator wiien preparing a meal or clear ing away a meal use this table or sur- fajoo to assemble supplies being- taken out of the ice chost or to be put in it plan to open the ico chest only once or twice at most swiftly taking what is needed out or putting jjn what la to bo stored the open cover or door lets out a rush of cold air and lets in a rush of war m air- the ice is there by wasted and the temperature raised to the point whero food la not kept at its best watchfulness in keeping tho refrig erator door hitched will alsoisavo ice to open the door or cover unnecessar ily should be avoided cold storage which is actually low in temperature and cold is necessary for safe food preservation in warm weather canada and its gold ono of the most interesting and im portant facts revealed by a study of world gold mining statistics 1s that canada now stands in third position as regards value of production this was at the end of 1924 durinfer that year che total gold out put in the world- is estimated at 33- 000000 of which figure ontario was ra sp on bible for 25700000 tho only producers to exceed canada woro transvaal south africa with a production valued at 198000000 which was the record figure ever reached by the mlnfes there and- the united states which produced gold to tho value of 5 19 00000 this nguro ir down from the record total ot 10i- 000000 for th ywur 1916 two hundred pounds his ascent to tho belfry was a hazardous undertaking a round of the rudely cons true ted ladder broke before he was halfway up to the belfry and mr pratt fell heavily to tho floor while ho still sat there tie offered a reword of twentyfive dol lars to any ono who would discover the bellanfthe persons who had taken it away it will be found somewhere in the ground ivy or butternut sections said miss tabb with conviction others prjosont expressed tho same opinion and nocv a young man named dan tewpy proposed climbing up into tho belfry and examining it for some clue to tho thieves being an agjo young man he was in the belfry hajf a minute iatca hercs something ho cried whqrt called an eager chorus vyhyu note theyve left on one of tho bell timbers theyve stuck it down with a pin what does it say its so dark i cant make it out ui here drop it down to me said miss tabb in a- tone of authority a bit of paper torn from a copy book came fluttering- down rfrom tne belfry- miss tabbcatfght it read it to herself with an increased flush of indignation and then read lflfcaloud to the raping crowd your boastful bell will bo no more its klangmg tung i stfir itll ring no more in the lwlfray towar nor yet on white aah hul there was no signature and the writing was manifestly disguised no one could recognise it when the dog gerel lines were passed around for the others to see thery was good deal or sarcastic comment on the spell ling mlsa tabb took poiuwsslon of the note saylnt its not much of a eliie but maybe- fm better ulan nothm ril nevr rest until t flrtd whf e m btfl 11- gems of thought be the bit of paper found in tho belfry before ansons face tou wroto that anson lykes she went on and you know that you did in it you spelled the words belfry clanging tongue and tower exactly as youve spelled them hero tonight and vvo another reason i nocdnt tell hero for fcollng sure that you took that bell ril haxe in o ulcer after you be fore morning if you dont tell me this instant where that bell is ansons father an ignorant but a very honest man was present he strode forward and grosncdanson by tho collar ti where that bell is if you know ov hi give you a trouncing here before everybody he said its under tho schoolhouso porch said anson promptly a small orch or platform was in front of tho door several persons seated near tho door ran out and turned this platform over there lay the bell partly concealed in a hole dug under the platform tony helped mo to take it said am son we did it for for fun pun bald mr lykes theres no fun in stealing anything i ought to give you a whipping right hero you hdd better learn to spell before you go to stealing anything else and writing poetry about it now youve got to make an apology for the whole thing he compelled anson to mako a very humble apology and when he repeated the words mr je thro spratt got up and amaxed all present by saying i do know but what wo owe you butternut tors and ground ivyites an apology too ivo been thinking tho matter over of late and ill own up that we aint showed just the right spirit about our new school house and that bell tongues been a littlo too nimble and has wagged a good deal when it ought to havo been atfll it hant do ao in the future ive been pleased to hear today that theres o be new achoolhousea in both tho but ternut and the ground- ivy sections within a year or two and when they or built id be pleased to present aaoh those who honestly mean to be truo contradict themselves more rarely than thoso who try to bo consistent o w holmes criticism is the child and handmaid of reflectionit works by consure and censure implies a standard r q white inconsistency with post views or conduct may be a mark of increasing knowledge and wisdom tryon ed wards there is no dispute managed without passion and yet there la jvcarco a dis pute worth a passion sherlock walk as your master walked and i desire no more give mo solid ahd substantial religion wesley criticism ns llwa3-lmtitutod-by- aristotle was meant as a- standard if judging well john bo n man yields to cuniom as he bows to fate in nil things ruled body mind and estatecrabbe courage from hearts and not from numbers grows dry den two builders of a typo too familiar m vmerlca were talking about iionrc building uat had cohapsed before they wcro finished well jones said dne you always have better luck than i jo better luok how ad v why my row ot houses blow down in last weeks wind btorro while your row of newhouses were not harmed all were built the same samo wood work tamo moiar wmo everything yea said the other builder but you forget that mine had been paper ed mclaughlinbiucics precision methods ate possible because of mdlaughlin buicks grat volume it would be impossible to put such line workmanship into mclaughlni- buick cars for their price if mclaughlinbuick uilrbirafew ikomswyia- dm s v king representative for this section georgetown ontario busy times at fergus sometimes fergus people and it im possible to take in all tho attractions offered for their amusement and edi fication one night last week for in stance there was lacrosso in the park in preparation for this weeks games tho tennis courts were crowded the players getting ready for the tourna ment in guclph on saturday the bowl ers wero having a tournamont from the direction of tho tichool oamo tho shouts of tho supporters of the girls baseball teams down street the salva tion army band was playing andu ser vice waa being held anddown the river in a tcnt a group of preachers woro offering the 4 square gospel all these things are in addition to the dally amusement of watching a pair of steam shovels v up- our streets and a group of road rollers and other machines doing their shunts news- record funeral cakes a curate- went ono da to yislt an aged parishioner a utnall farmer whose qnd was dally expectod find ing him rather better on thin occasion and propped up in bed ho proposed to read a chapter of tho biblo to him the sick man gratefully agreed hut paid scant attention to tho discourse because he constantly fumbled under his pillow for somo forrn of edible which ho mumbled with evident satis faction between his toothless gums at hist the curate slopped reading- and asked the old man what he- was doing the old man smiled slyly why ho said in a triumphant whisper they bakt some npoongo biscuits ageon tnoy vunoral and bid em in tho co op board but they dont knowas how i vound om ntnd-r- with a senile chuckle of dellgfit wllen i be gone an they come to hike for em they wuntvolnd nono of em loft a simple shampoo a simple and incxpensiresham- poo and one which lea v the hair oft glossy and with a delicate aroma is to ukcabtsinot warm water and make a free uther nsip tr babys wn soap rb well into 1 the scalp rinse with narm and uien cool water dry in sua and wiudif possible this simple shampoo i excellent for hair and ecalji and costs very little as babys own soap is sold t 10c a cake by nioit deafen bt for poo end baby too the right way to boil potatoes ptumpoutoeinn8is eluuqdad potato pot corr with water add salt to tuu bounntuaoft wltn flalahwl draia off au the bollinc water uirouh the atralnar apoot no dangmr of afean mhr the bull beeaaae the handle aerortlr locks the eoter on if your family naea potatoee yon require onerof them t ve advertised 7 in twenty years enameled potato potse all line of 8 m p crrid by james symon hardware mill street yes ill admit times are a bit slow with me but im hoping for the turn of the tide waiting for their ships to come in has spelled disaster for all too many cana dian merchants dont think along the lines of the man above advertise advertising in the acton free press will keep your name and store constantly before the people in this town adverjisingis a wonderful businessbuild ing f orceand profitable tojase talk it overwithus a progressive merchants advertise association tfs4

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