Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13, 1925, p. 3

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the home of y ljp artdn 3to proas mctuticr canadian weekly newspaper association selected town weeklies oj ontario editorial notes the acton free press is published every thursday morning at the free press building mill street jacton ontario the subscription price is jioo per year in advance postage is charged additional to offices in the united states the date to winch subscriptions arc paid is indicated on the address label advertising rates transient advertise ments 10 cents per line agate measure for first insertion and 5 cents per line for each subsc- quent insertion contract display advertise ments for 50 inches or more per annum 16 cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly il p moore president and editor g a dills manager and assistant editor telephones- editorial aiid biimiicsb office rjw residence of president fj residence of manager 131 whatsjthe matter with bur boys and girls 7a statement issued by the dominion bureau of statis tics show that juvenile delinquency is increasing wrth the greatest increases in toronto among cities and ontario among provinces mail anjl empire in three months- in winnipeg remarked editor thomas of the bracebridge gazette on his return from a tour of the west more cars of grain were inspected than all the grain at minneapolis duluth and chicago put together it is well that canadians should keep such things in mind to the rescue the press of ontario has been showering com pliments on the acton free press on itsfiftiethau- niversaryand congratulating its editor h p moore on the excellentmanner in which the free press is edited and printed there is certainly none fetter dnd it has but few equalsst marys journal king george has appealed to the public to pro tect the parks from unsightly litter says a dispatch yes and if king george could see the streets and sidewalks at the mainst lawrence street junctioi7 at winchester ott a sunday morning he might change his appeal to a demand for a better condition win chester press x thero are few men that aro alto gether worthless and had and perhaps atlll tower beasts and birds real worth la hard for iia to pet at twelve h am needed tor a jury and certainly nc one man ought to alt in float judemont oven upon an english sparrow without something like twelve mens obscrva- tlon- xrtmg actl thought the evidence was all in touching the english sparrow and long ago i brought in a verdict against him for everything bad in the nret degree but i was wrong the evidence was not all in is not all n yet and i must turn and toko the stand in his avor was crossing the square of a llttlo village recently when i hear a shorn commotion overhead in a maplotree looklngup i aaw a red squirrel cut near the end of a limb and x knew what had happened chickaree hat robbed theirs nest it was a mighty fight tho llttlo birds were making they were darting like tongues- of- flame about him hissing whlxxlng hashing through the leaves thrusting viciously for his yes owlnn- las for hlshead us he dodged and ducked neighborhood news- town and country thursday morning augusti3 1925 editorial the condition of faitview cemetery the letter of citizen and plot owner iast week has evidently stirredup the people who are interested in fairviev cemetery and they are expressing them selves with a freedom never before manifested the people are evidently in real earnest now in the re quest if riot the dejjtahdthat propefgleps be thken to ensure that conditions which have existed this summer shallnot again occur there appears to be two things now decided upon by those placing their views before the public these are that a caretaker must be placed in charge who can give his whole time to keeping the cemetery its walks plots and drives in neat and satisfactory condition through the sum mer months and that the administration of the prem ises be handed oyer to a commission properly ap pointed with adequate authority these steps be- ing taken the adoption of the perpetual care system so successfully in operation in many other cemeteries throughout the country will inevitably follow all interested should now act and not allow this import- ant matter toondintalfc ftr the three fall months of september october and november the duty of 25 per cent on grade sheep imported into canada from the united states for bredding purposes will be removed the reason for this step is thefactthat for the past two or three years there has- been a gradual decline in the sheep breeding industry in the dominion mr meighen predicts that the progressive mem bers elected in ontatio during the next electi6n will eabletoridedowntoottawaonabii of a misunderstanding of the meaning of this pro phecy why not say that it is a tribute to ontarios good roads globe it is very likely the progres sives of ontario will have something effective to say about this almost every issue of the daily papervcarry an nouncements of death by drowning these accidents almostwithoutexeeption7couldbeavoidedvbathers and swimmers who think cautiously and use their best judgment seldom or never meet death by drown ing think well yourself in this connection and cm tion your friends who seek deep water for bathing and swimming neither of which require a greater depth than four or five feet had it been a gray squirrel they would have blended him quickly and nent him tumbling to tho street bui only a weasel has more grit and flght in him than the red squirrel a sudden lull in the attack eaw chickaree an opportunity to get ills balance kisini us the birds darned ho struck at ono barely miasms it hut tho tlio of battle was turned the squirrel was now attacking from limb to limb down to the trunk and round and round the bole ho play ed quick as a cat as sure as if had wings driving- the thoroughly fright enod birds and rapidly exhausting them i was about to hurl a stoncwhen there was a shrill warcry over tho square and the rush of a troop into tho tree they came like a charge- t canister those sparrows hulf a dozen of them and thoy hit the squirrel like canister he was for a moment un- done it was so sudden bo over whelming the wonder is he did hot lo his head let go- and foll but ho did not- six spar lighting like so many demons were too many even for a rei squirrel he could have handled the redstarts bat they were- standing well back from the light the sparrows hav ing made itentirely their own ho backed into a forking brarioh and stood up to them with a show of coin age yet the kink was gone from hi tail i saw it the sparrows saw it and hoy cared little for the brave show luce a small cyclone they whirl ed about him the storm of their notae utterly confusing him 1 could not see whether thoy picked erin thofl finos got j5o00l lust week for wood supply for the ynir mr and mrs it m llcll unil son donald left laht wock for atilj through woatorn camuln mr and mrs ii morgan and twu daughters of clovoland ohio tuo tho guests of mr und mrs james hunter mrs s rldler left last week for ho- chester whene oho will bo accompanied by her daughter- mrs hough on a couple of wcoks holidays to clovoland and detroit mr and mrs f iv royce and mrs bolton and daughter of toronto wero guests of mr and mrs william mc millan inst week mr anfl mrs royco are moving to california in the noir future where thoy intend tomnko their homo mr and mrs wm barbour of vic toria b c are visiting friends in til hwsburg tommuhlty a remarkable reduction milton coming back to town it does not- matter much howpleasant the vaca tion has been how delightful one has found the change from town life to country or lakeside life when the time for returning to the old surroundings and the old routine arrives we are- seldom very re luctant to go our homemaybe little and the furni ture shabby but we feel that we will be glad to see them again our occupation may not be the most interesting in the world or our success in its aston ishment yet somehow the more agreeable activities of vacation tend to make us contemplate it with less distaste and more hope and we quite rejoice at the prospect of seeing again the faces of our friends and fellow workers we did not in the least mind leav ing them but we are aware of a distincteagerness to rejoin them perhaps- the foretaste of return is sweeter than the fact the house is uglier and the furniture shabbier than we remembered them as be ing youp check book shows a smaller balance- thai we had intended- it to show- the work is as dull as evertjiirid bur friends are not half so excited by our reappearance as they might be but the disappoint ment is fleeting we are more alive to the compensa tions of our life than we were before we broke away from the routine of it we find in the streets in the shops the houses and the crowds a stimulus to which before departing from them wehad cetxfd to respond so we get into our stride again we say to ourselves after all the old town is a pretty good place to come back to we are happy to be earning our living at the task for which we have fitted our- selves the afterglow of the weljtspent vacation is really the best part of-it- the head of thhe new york police department believes that the automobile and the revolver are the greatest agents of crime and he therefore proposes that crimes committed with the assistance of these be given a double penalty the man who is de- ternuned upon crim will fin t co i it is appreciated thats a splendid evidence of community spirit ju visitor noted on sunday evening while the open- air band concert was in progress for a town of this jiip t tinv n t likpthatmenhirhnrktrinnlyjiur people can realize i hope they appreciate it as it deserves the appreciation was evident to a good extent in the hundreds of town people and the scores of cars gathered around sunderland house most of whom remained through the whole programme but other appreciation was expressed in hundreds of homes- in the neighborhood and at a distance where the programme of sacred hymns and sacred numbers was a very pleasant feature of a quiet sunday even ing after the church services acton does appreciate its band but it occurred to one listening to its num bers on sunday night that a little more evidence of this appreciation in wholehearted applause would not be amiss true there was a scattering of hand- clapping after two or three of the numbers but little enthusiasm or spontaneity about it indeed there was quite as much noise in three or four ford cars the drivers of which were discourteous enough to start and race their engines while numbers were in progress as in the handclapping the band docs its best to entertain the citizens and visitors and iii jheseisunday eveninc concerts is usually care ful to preserve the spirit of the day in its music something more can be done in- tho courtesy to be shown to the band and the other listeners that sort of thing means just a little more of the community spirit the visitor admired and which goes such a long way in helping to make people happy this after all is the secret of the truest and best com munity canada i a great country with wonderful re sources but canada lacks some in unity of purpose there is too much provincialism and not enough can- adianism canada ilrst and canada all the time should be out motto the only effective deterrent is strict and prompt punishment not for the means by which the crime is performed but for the crime itsqlfnewmarket era the town of mount forest engages the band of a neighboring town- to give a nightly concert once a week they find it a paying investment we have a good band in winchester and theft- saturday night concerts are becoming so attractive that our main streets will not accommodate the car traffic win chester press and this too is actons experience the sacred concert given by our band last sunday evening after the church services gave the town a real reputation for superior band music or hit him perhaps not but thelr attack was none the less effective for that who could tell what they would do when they hit him but he save them no chanco to hit for out of his fork ho leapod pawing the air and the leaves in a reckless random jump andeame within one of crashing to the pavement below but he struck by the rar chance upon ulenderbrttnclirwhlrled round it lute an acrobat on a trapeze caught a foothold and scrambled to the ground the sparrows hot upon him a friendly bandstand in the middle of the green saved him in the dark ness beneath this the doughty troup left him and scattered to wait an- other cau of distress dr it a wlllmott of stratliroyt is visiting relatives in town and vicinity mr r w fox of omaghwho is ro- tiring from farming with hla family will shortly vfcuko up his residence in milton rev canon naftcl of grace church left on monday for erin in charge of the boy scouts who will camp thcie for about ten days mr and mrs j m oenyes and miss denyes set out yesterday on a motoi- trlp to wllllamspoit pa to visit mr denyes mother and sister mr nnd mrs s wilkinson left on friday last for a months tacatlon which they will spend at buffalo schohectady albany and pino pluirh n y fruit growers on tlie mountain near milton report that day afleiviiy homo thieves steal their fruit by the basket and paltful the thieves are wary and hard to catch b w fox lia3 bought a brick dwell ing on martin street from l e tnns- ley who bought it over u year ago from the late mrs w j dowar mr foot has retired from farming on friday the butchering businest- andshop of the lato firm of buck jt morley was sold by auction by t o itambhaw stanley buck was tho pur chaser price 8500 the horseshoe pitching contest which is one of the features of the flold day to be held at maple par mans6wooa on saturday aukuhi 15 under the auspices of -tho- mansowoo baseball club is creating quite a lot of -interrslu- that the amorlcan peopio arc oy highly educated will not bo believed by somo of tliouo who overheard it re cent legislative debate in a state which mafntalna a state university this institution has boon justly the pride of all in the stuto who art- interefitel ill tho advancement of the cause of education but at a recent legislative soohioii a member who presumably had not himself had the advantage of a superior education ioho unci said mr speaker i believe that the state university is getting altogether ton muoh tnonoy from the treasury it getting by law ono of a mill of the state valuation thats more than wo can afford and i propose that its share bo reduced to onenovonth of a mill a broad smile spread over tho as sembly and the rnember who had made this proposition waa astonished to seo a momher who wau known o represent the wishes of the university on jhe floor rise and to hear him say mr speaker the university- of 1 an novel been modest in its demands i have no doubt that it is willing to ac cept with huinlllty the rebuko implied by the member from and i shall heartily support his proposition that its sluiro of tlie state valuation be changed from onetenth of a mill to oneseventh y when the loklslatoir who had mado tho proposition heard this answer- very warmly applauded and saw every body apparently laughing at hiin he began to realize that ho had mado a fool of himself over the salt at tho liciiltfast- tablo tom and margery wcro tullcine amicably when ouch put out a lmnd at tho samo in stant for some milt in tho contusion tho salt watt fipillcd throw homo over your shoulder iiulckl called tlio elder sister laugh- in then you wont quarrol two hands camo out again und each pushed the other uuluo i spilled it raid tom i must throw it over my shoulder i spilled it mysolf- said margery im the ono to throw it well unos my word i put my hand out so i put mlno out no arid i juat touched the salt-spoon- so did i- and jwastlio one who did it tom how ciin you say so when and so- i liliiill 10 the one to throw tho salt thoy were looking at each other cheeks red and oyes llahhlng when nt the same moment one thought occur red to both- margeryput it into words its too lute weve qu al ready sho said and everybody laughed business directory medical dr j a mcniven phyalotan and bufa9n office and roaldonco corner bower avonuo and biffin street the point of view phone 88 dr e j nelson fuedeiuck street acton orttario legal phono no 22 p oboxs harold nash farmer m a barrister solicitor notary piibllv convoyancor eto he certainly did a man in the nmil dihtrlcts no torious for hih kloveiijy dreas after comlne to town and inbibing a quantity of white mulo deeldeil to buy hljn- aolf a suit of clothes and thuh nurprlso hia wife he bought the suit of clothes throw it in the back of tlie buggy anil started for home on tho road to hia farm ho camo to a very awlft htrcam stopping hia ve hicle in themlddle of it and divesting himself of his soiled gnrmentu he threw them into tho stream anvi watched them float away then hi reached for iih now ault somo ono had stolen it he reenrded his bare torm with dlamay his new ault was gone and his old clothes wore beyond recovery he wns without a htitch of clothing oh well he said ihiloaojhlciul3i patherink up the rclns ahd continuing liomewiird ill hurpriae my wifo nnyr 1tuy no newsjiaper in the placel ex claimed the ttruilht really horrified why whatn way to live you never know what ib erolrfk on in tlie rest of tho worltt oh well returned tlie old inn keeper resuininff her knitting which aho jiad lahl aside for i moment to answer the sojournera questions its about as brond as ith long aint it the rest o the worlds no bettor off thoy dont itnow whats going on here ye tolu mo youraelf no how ye hadnt so much tin hcarcj o tho name of this place forb ytt landed here by accident and weallh known about it all our livos through id like to know what you call thak now perryman block acton ont money lent on mortgages houra930 cuin to 5 pm saturdays 1200 oclock dental milton is atlll on tho maik at the firemens demonstration at thorold yesterday our running team won the second prize in the nose competition and third in tho hook and ladder com petition bringing homo with thorn 1 60 tieorgo hammond of nelson town ship was thrown to the floor of his barn when a- triprope broke on tho hayfork which he was operating the alighted with full f o dis right shoulder which was badly broken by the fall burlington a useful test the assets of canadian universities in 1924 amount ed to 80864627 the income to 10541874 and the expenditures to 11716921 these figures aree in a preliminary report on higher education in can ada issued by the dominion bureau of statistics the registration at the universities in canada tor the academic year ending june 30 1924 was 39372 about the same asin 1923 -of- this number about onethird were ladies one result of a municipality guaranteeing bonds for factories is shown by the experience of grand valley a year ago the village guaranteed 10000 bonds for the acme handle co now the council has given instructions to the solicitor to foreclose on the industry which has 6000 liabilities including a power account of 1000 happily actons experience has nqt been of this naturfe our encouragement have proven of distinct advantage to the own- the canadian custodian of alien enemies proper ties hon a b copp7 secretary of state has now in his hands oyer 120000fc representing a balance so far realized from the sequestration of german property iin canada during and subsequent to the gre wa w taken t the milliner would not adopt as a motto keaca immortal line a thins ot beauty la a joy forever it la the milliners aim- to construct a hat which shall jieem to lis wearer perfectly lovely today and per fectly horrid three months hence tho dressmaker would eladjy achieve the same result and so double the demand for new gowns fashion is a wilful favorite and she is so for her own pro fits the relation of a woman to her clothes often resolves itself into a yearlopff strucelo between the caprico of tho millinermodiste and her own good sense and thrift in spite however of the apparenuy lrroconcllabip enmity between keau and fashion keats is right- in other words the thine which is not a joy forever is not truly beautiful that fact may be made useful by the multi tude of women who from tlielrcircum- stanccs must decide for themselves what is beautiful although they have jitue instruction and meager examples as standards the charm of a home resides in exeat part in adornment that may bo of the simplest and be beautiful or it may be of thejnost expensive andb hideous by what magic shall an un trained homomaker distinguish be tween the lovely and the ugly the test of time is a supreme teat let the housekepeer look back over fifteen years and observe what arti cles of decoration have gone oul then let her draw her inferences as to what present fashions wllf follow thosa discarded joys into tho umbo of rejection wax flowers under gloss cases have gone 86 have wreaths made of the hair of relatives ahd friends so have antimacassars for chairs nhd sofpjj mado of stuff having no amntty for soap and water so have those won drous tidies known as throws in which wero flung careless like over the corners of pictureframes ap- parently to distract attention from the pictures let these head tho hat of those elaimantar to be jays forever which have been discredited and dis allowed and which point the way down which much more household art wiir trave in tho pa years mr and mrs m smith of moose- jaw sask are holidaying with mr ant- mrs george blair brant st m r geo w a w a three kind qf pay to ward the release of such sequestered property by the canadian government is a question still unde cided better keep it in abeyance for a year or two yet till it is seen whethergermany is really pre paring for another var or not a reduction of one cent an ounce on cariadiah mail to newfoundland is announced this means a reduction from 4 cents to 3 cents on an ordinary letter the old rate was 4 cents an ounce for the first ounce and 3cents an ounce for each subsequent dunce or fraction the new rate will be 3 cents for the firstounce and 2 cents on all subsequent ounces of fraction thereof this should bring canada and newfoundland closer together it is to be hbped the island colony will in the near future become federated with canada where it naturally belongs the unusual amount of space in several provincial papers being devoted to the activity of the bootleg gers these days would seem to be paving thewdy for the introduction of a light beer and wine bill into the nova scotia legislature t our prediction may prove incorrect but time will tell what the rhodes administration will do in this regard if such a jill is introduced and passed however thousands who assisted in the election of the new government could not conscientiously grant it their further sup port it will be interesting tovitness what occurs jn this connection the one evil that of bootlegging we have with us why add a second windsor ns journal do not by any means permit them to persuade the people that stronger beer will elimin ate the bootlegger he is as active as ever here in ontario where beer was strengthened under this seductive plea 8entence sermons to kpow when to be angry- is to know when to hold your temper to bo tolerant is to know when t appreciate anothers opinion to be just is to maintain tho opep mind to be humorous is one of the finest of tho fine arts to be critical is to find fewer things to criticixc to be sympathetic is the sign of un selfish frienahlp to bf serious js to appreciate tho magnitude of life a test of friendship one of the best tests of friendship jfl the ease or the difficulty one experi ences in showing his highest self to another two young people may be in constant association in all sorts of good times and yet nolther one if hl life depends on it would open his heart to another as to his aspira tions his perplexities or hla inner lltd which is the real one for those who have beerl closely associated for years to remain strangers to each other is qutfe possible because neither has ever found it possible to reveal his doeper and better self to his comrade no friendship is worth much that never goto below thai superficial a wooden wedding several friends called on a new york clergyman one evening and were kept waiting for him for some time j im sorry to have kept you waiting the minister remarked as ho entered the library but i have just had to per form a wooden wedding in tho church what said one of his visitors i never heard of such a thing whiu kind of a ceremony wiis itr oh answered tho clergyman with a twinkle in hja eye it was the mar riage of a couple of poles panled mr alton on the trip totho pacific coast and remained in wlnni- ig to visit her daughter mrs a mcgibbon returned homo on satur day rev ej val tiiton occupied tho pulpit of trinity united church fbr the first time last sunday and was greet ed wlthlnrge congregations morning and oven ing mr geongo johnston nn employee at the planing mill and lumber yard of o wrhynas son had the mis- fortuno to havo his left hand cut on saw on friday last the wound required six stitches mr c c brown has been awarded the painting contract for the interior njid exterior of the central school the board asked for tenders and the con tract is in tho neighborhood of 1200 the teachers salaries were increab- cd 95000 each in accordance with an arrangement mado last year to avoid any dissatisfaction and retain the pres ent staff which the board considers very efficient tho radial railway service which has been in operation between herj and onkvlllc for ovor twenty years was discontinued on monday night when the midnight car returned from oakvillo to the barh george e wai ter nifinsger oftne traction system gave out tho announcement on satur day last of the discontinuing of utu service burlington won first prize in the hose reel competition and their drill corps also won first honors at the firemans demonstration at thorolt last week on monday evening an outnftowa motorist nearly wont through spencor smiths store window on rrant street he applied the brakes but failed to make the stop bejoro he mounted over the curb and on to- the sidewalk the glass of the headlight of the car was damaged fortunately no pedes trians were passing along the street at ho time citizens are- reminded that all dogd must bo kept closed up during the months of july and august- during the past week complaints havo been mado that some flower gardens have been damaged ancj while the authori ties have shot a numbep of stray can ines this year a further round up in now under way gazottci there aro three ways in which wt can be paid fop tho work wodo- in money in our own satisfaction and in appreciation the man who cares only for the firnt will never achieve anything great the ono who car3 most of tho second will be aurb to accomplinh something worth while tho ono who recoives tho third viube thohiumier but the man who gets all three i the one to boreally envied the second of those threo things is tho pivot on which tho other two aro balanced the man who does his work for the satisfaction of making it an perfect as possible is certain to bo well paid both in money arid in apprecla- bonds stocks and grain private wires to now york chicago winnipeg and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds tjrhanfjigan phon s74 guelph dr j m bell d d s l d dntlat honor graduate of toronto unlr- blty tlio latest anesthetic uaod if desired ofllco at residence corner of mill and frederick streets dr f g gollop dds lds dantal surgeon omco over bonk of nova sootlm hodrslil to 6s0 dvsnlnta by appointment mi8celwaneou8 francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds mado to order periodicals of every description carofully bound ruling neatly and promptlyijmo t wyndbam street over wuliama giiolph ont store k jkerr auctioneer and real estate 20 yoara experience list your property with me ontario who was the joke on a farmer had just built a big barn ono day na ho was setting off to town he told his boys to cut a small hole in one of the eldes so that the cat could get in or out at will tle boys cut a hole just beside tho big barn door but when the farmer returned and baw it ho was much dis pleased why cant f dopend on you boys to dp n single thing right ho ex claimed angrily dont you know thai hojo 1 in tho wrong plnco why asked the vy tho farmer fairly snorted leaping from the buggy he seized the barn door and swungllopen and of courno it covered tho aperture now whero 1b your cat holo ho nhoutod how in tho name of sonne can the cat get into tho barn when the doors open quick relief for rheumatics local druggists sell rheums moneyback ptmn if you suffer from torturing rheu matic pnlns swollen joints and suffcr intensely because your- syotenv 1h full of uric ncld tliat dangeroum poison that makes thounanda helpless and klllj thousands years before their time thon you need hheuma and noodylt now start taking it today ilhcuma nctn at once on kidneys liver stomach and llood nnd you canbtncercly exclaim good riddance to bad rubbish many people thc most skuttcal of skeptics right in this town and in the country hereabouts bless tho day when te j hassard and other good druggfuts offered rheuma to tho afflicted at a small orlco andguaranteed money re funded lfnot uiitlafled if you have rheumatism got nbottle of rheuma to day- london ontario september 12th 1 9th 1925 this leading canadian agricultural nnd industrial exhlhi tion is now over halfacentury old ami uriirbvlng with age come and seo tho largo list of ndtled attiactiona booked for for year entrieh clone scueiriber 3rd 40000 in prizes and attractions for further ipforiuatlon ajiply j h saundcra prcs w t jackson sec london ontario ixcelsxor ssctiioolinolnui mtdnfuurtfnihlus 1 dh lind3k i mrtadc mtdnfuu i dh l i ct0 lieathftutldfr aenicklin irjsuratnce agent life fire auto accident a health jnsuranco gu a ran too bonds burglary and plato v glass insurance trustee for estates colleotiona business entrusted to my caro will bo carefully looked after and treated confidentially money to loon on farm property favorable rates and terma for ro- payment box- 444 bower ave acton j vl bodybuilding food that keeps a mans ambition is to be found in excelsior flour acton flour and feed mills d h lindsay proprietor mill street actpn ont tools the farmers are right into the harvesting operations and they will find all the necessary implements tools and supplies at talbots hardware no matter what is needed you will find full supplies at our hardware counters and tlie prices are al ways the lowest hayforks ropes puiaeys etc w d talbot phone 76 main 8treet acton a pnouncemeni mr james k gardiner formerly of dundalk desires to announce the opening of a firstclass jewellery vatch and clock repair shop in the hill block mill street acton prompt attention to orders and careful and experienced workmanship will characterize our service to patrons entrusting work to our care- i jas k gardiner mill street acton ont v enrol at guelpq business college gummcr bldff guelph ont focyour thorough training because i it is adequately equipped 2 it has efficient business ex 3 it keeps up with tho rapid progress of business perienced instructors 4 its courses are practical g indlyidnaw instruction g its graduates aro in demand h number now attqndln have position waiting them fall term fromaugust 31st mako your arranoomenft now guelpk business college a l bouck principal and proprietor patrons of this establishment piasenotlce during july and august examinations for glausos on thursday friday and saturday only of each week liens grinding and quick bs- palr dopartment oporatlnff uauol write or phono appointment 1091w tur a d savage optomotrlit and mfo- optician itlarht at tho post ofllco savaga building guelph the old and reliable granite and matfale works wo nro manuracturers ana direct lmportora of all kinds of monimonta and hondntono work wo soil dlroot to our oustomers at wholcbalo price thua bavlnff our customer 40 per cent wo havo the boat appllancoa and tho only moohanlcn in tho dominion who can oporato pnoumatlo tools proporly wo can elvo references fram hundreds of our customers in toronto and other places where others havo to havo law suits in ordor to collect wo havo tha largest and best stock of clranlto in tho dominion or mora than any throe dealers in the west wo ore lokitl- mato doalers and employ no agents ana do not annoy or pebt customora by bonding out ignitrant agents aollelt- ing- braerawo omploy only mechanics and defy competition hamilton sons quelph ont m

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