Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13, 1925, p. 4

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i t i 2fhr artim itoffirggg thursday august 13 1925 my purpose ttfpbo a uttlo kindlier- with each passing day to leave but happy memories an i go along my way to uao possessions that are- mine in service full ami free to sacrifice the trivial things for larger good to be to give of love in lavish way that friendships true may live to bo iohh quick to criticize more ready to forgive to use such tulonth uh i have that happiness may grow to take the better with tho nweot assured tis beltcr so to be quite free from aelfintont whateer the task i do to help the worlds faith grow stronger in all thats good and true to keep my faith in god and right s no matter how thinga run to work and pray and play and truui until tho journeys done god grant to mo tho strength of heart of motlvo and of will t o do my part and falter not this purpose to fulfil a christian gentleman a party of- was camping beside tho sea of galilee they hai started at flvo oclock from nazareth j and by hard riding as riding counid for inexperienced rldera had reached tiberias for a late luncheon the tent had arrived before them and were juat partly up many of tho tourists sought their shade as soon aa luncheon was over and threw themselves down for a half- hour rest one of them fell aalenp ho was an elderly man and the jour ney had been hard upon him scenes to which he had looked forward most eagerly ho now beheld with lanquld in terest v many of tho emotions which tourists anticipate in sacred places come to them in the retrospect at tbe time of the visit sheer fatigue and the various distractions of travel often render elevation all but impossible the days heat had contrasted great ly with the chill of the early start the saddle was an unaccustomed seat tho elderly tourist had but one ambi tion when luncheon was over that was real he had slept little in his teut in nazareth the night before but tho sleep into which he sank tho moment ho lay down in the shade of the tent at tiberias was a perfect luxury of ob livion wakoup wake up 1 cried the drag- 6man tho bfd genleman had slept but half an hour it is time for tho sail on the lake the boats are at the landing now wake up the tired traveller rose with some thing hardly less than fury in his voice and manner j how dare you waken mp ho de manded i will have you juischargerl you insolent fellow a the dork skin of tho arab -drago- man flushed the color mounting through the tan to his then ho calmly said you are a christian gentleman i am an arab it is not becoming that i should answer you except to say that i was doing my duty the americans turn had come to flush and it was a flush of shame i have learned many lessons on this tour he said to himself but this one idldnot look fort ipfshhl st libsspsbf hv jivijv m imhi iiihlf ejroh ss the ocd cab horse he wont to the waters edge and bathed his face how cool the water felt how refreshing had been hi halfhour of sloop how sorry he would had been to miss the salt on this glorious afternoon ho sought the dragoman and offered his hand forgive my hasty words said he 1 was very tired i thank you for waking me and for your patience under my unjust words i will try to prove myself what you have called me jxm tho iwo men clasped hands with genuine respect and mutual adralra- tion then came the sail and such a sallf at first there was no wind and the boatmen were tolling in rowing but as they emerged into tho wider area of the lake a sudden breeze sprang up refreshing and cooling and bore tbe boats swiftly over the bluo surface of galileo and evory wave that rippled along the side seemed eloquent of him who sailed that sea and jovedjt now they approached the shore and saw fishers mending their neta now they launched forth into the deep now thoy landed to see a sacred spot nov thoy sailed again not until darkness began to fall did they return to their supper of fish caught from these very waters and to a night of perfect rest in the quiet tents beside the sea ono tourist as ho knelt beside hu cot and thanked god far the day asked forgiveness- for hlsjiasty speech and prayed forgrttce to be in tho vexa tions and discomforts of travel christian gentleman calm old chap waking up serenely when your master says glddap jogging unperturbed among the taxli and the drays tis you that must have mcmorroh of very different days your minds on work not memories you give one ear a flap wise old chap but please old chup what is it i that you dream about when you have your nap of slim swift legs that bore you fnt and far in those bright day when you went flashing down tho course what time you won your bays and others thundering at your flank you spurted the last lap eh old chap and say old chap does your master share thoso mem- orles by somo strange shifting hap t i wonder for ive watched and i ilka tho way he lays his arm along your neck and the way ho sometimos pays a nickel for an apple just for ju be fore vglddap a hm old chap m l upton more old boys visit the home town and two of dan livingstons boys visited the old town a week ago well well the older thoy get the fel lows who left the old homo long ago tho keener they seem to hanker to se the place which was homo in the longago i see it was jack and hugh who were hero well jack and i- woro school mates in mr littles earllor years but hugh was yoiingcr and al though i understand ho bald it was only fifty years since ho left acton i cant place him he must have been quite a juvenile when ho went away he has evidently prospered for i seo he has a family of eight children say thats flne and its real old fash lone j too jfacki-1-remcmber- indeed wewerc iron harrows tho blackhmlth notlcoi that hohomtml dejhhjuml andt afttr their business was transacted nuked what the matter was dan shook 1 head and mumbled something which tho blacksmith could not make ou- kelso tho blacksmith followed him t where tho wagon stood and watched him untie litmtiioth of the ropo new horse he enquired dan nodded the blacksmith pushed buck the lip- of the horue and looked iiftlio teetr why good gracious dan ho be gan but the other cut him short idoilt uuy it ho begged i neve was a hand to tell one hnrso from an other he drives and mauds and thit is ull i care for i guess you dont realize he wei on what ive suffered over sluoc bought this animal everybody has get an opinion of him i thought he was a pretty arte horso at first ltut now- he broke off and climbed into th buggy why i wasnt going to nay anything ex begun the blacksmith again i know i know they all mean right but ive heard enough old ioeorgo gibbh he shook hs head and walked round and round where thli horse stood i never hiiw a man lobk so solemn finally ho declared thn t the beast had a splint of courao i argued but that didnt do any good nojtt day i ran up against doe johnston and ho looked him all- over inpjrtp ftiul n said there wasni any sign of splint bo ttxv lie could see but that he was going to curb as sure as shooting 1 sort of began to lose my spunk because doc johnston has got quite a reputation for curing curb and 1 didnt know hut what he wnn right but thoiu mutft hftvehegn some mis take because ed dynes ho said there wasnt any trace of curb at all i felt kind of relieved but ho looked tho nay over and kept coming back to one phjee then he took me to one aide and mm dai thuts n fiohri hnrtjh youve got there hut lifts got one fatal fimu hofj too low in the withers ho didnt say another word but untied off wagging his head in hl rtrpadful serious fashion and now dan gathered up thj reins this kind of explains why x in terrupted you when you started to fs me some more about him i appreciate your kindness and so forth but ns long as he runs and eats well im satisfied get just a second dan uald the other- i was only going to ask you where in the world you picked up a horn round here with such a good clean sot of front teeth weekly fashion hint after the manner of paris simplicity of ct with elaboration of tyle is the idea that pari3 presents in this frock of printed silk it is slightly shirred nt the front underneath a bow of grosgrain ribbon and bands of darker silk appear below the hem and edges of the short kimono sleeves ine round rck and slashed front are finished with a french folrj modlum pj c3 ards36inch figured and wyard i silk at school together and at sunday school too though i dont believe jack was much on sunday school when he was young but jack was an indus trious young fellow and being the eld estson tho rest of the family depended a good deal upon him dan bin father was a millwright and qulto often avwiy from home i think ho rather like j that himself though he did live here a good many years there was con siderable of the wanderlust about him and this of course wnlntenslfied bo- cause in the early days- in canada a millwright had to travel from place to place to get work dan was never sorry ho wandered to acton howevei for ho found his wife hero and she was a good wife to him she was miss masai es a sister of christopher and jacob i think i knew elam best of the livingston boys ho was a fine in dustrious fellow a good worker with- a head like his fathers for studying out building problems ho worked in tho staye factory here a good deal and the last i heard of him- he was run ning a mm somewhere up in bruce county i remember a little incident at school in which one of tho girls worked outja joke on elam it was at thetlrne long before the crossword puzzles were thought of yos more than half a century before the raye then was to make rcadablo sentences with the letters of tho word preface as initials for each word and to have these read both forward und back wards i think it was mary thurtell who worked this ono one elarrf roses i had had- the rose bed prepared in the fall of 1923 where a compost heap had been for two years well rotted stable manure whs dug in and the ground left rough for the frost to break up as it is stiff cold clay jn tho eprlnga sprinkling of air slacked lime was dug in and tho bed left to settle when tho rose boshes came they wcro placed in a tub of water for an hour hole dug large enough to iy all the roots straight out one bush taken from the water pruned back to given inches placed in the hole and the condition op fatbview cemetery my space allotment is about usodup for this issue but i must say a- few words about falrvlow cometory and its condition this summer i expect it will only be a few and likely a very few years until mary and i are both resting in this naturally beautiful city of tho dead and id like jto think our gravcb and the surroundings are kept tidy and attractive you- know wovo always tried to have a nice tidy door yard at our humble homo and i hope our home in the cemetery will be just as nent and attractive wove often wftndered into- tho cemetery but jut now f confess the neglect is a trial to us both i an leaving in my wll aumtoiaauwiisrpot plots yes and enough to keep ha sur roundings neatly trimmednlsoji make a fervent hope this system will soon be adopted and it looks to me nu it tho free pjiess has been suggesting for several years perpetual care which means also i would think a perpetuai caretaker and the handing over of the jnanagement to n committee of respon sibly citizens can thorn what you pleas tho council very manifestly cannot give tho place wo jpvc proper care and- attention other place big and small have shown it can be done by nn or ganization outsldo tho council i uitt ready to trust to tho good sense of the council of this somewhat exacting duty and hand it over to committee or body of citizens who will wn trust have this only as their cltfeenshlp reepor sibility the diary of a chicken fpt day im in u shell idon knpv how i gpt in but i think ill pick my way out second day im out i picked i dont see how that shell held mo i wkh too big fop u third dayi have a mother she is named a hen i thought at first it was feathers but it turned out to bo mother wasnt that queer fourth day this is the greatest daj of my life i found a worm i found it all by myself mother clucked and told mo when to look but i did my own scratching 4 fifth day jt is fine to getup hlsh and sep tho world xot on mothers back and i could seq everything i suppose there are not many chickens as smart as i am sixth day i dont like- that giant named little girl that brings our meals the meal is very nice but a big giant like that is in tho way she takes up too much room seventh day i want to leave my mother and go out into the world and be a big hen i know more than she does now that is in tho day time but when night comes and my mother says clufck cluck i feel just as though i would like better to bo under her warm wing peop poop by joshua f crowell capturing the wild duck a scant allowance peter elam roetctfl catches eats alligators fish father and eata cookn haw erkb potatoes and well worked lir nmonfr the roots this wan firmed with the foot and well watered proceed tho same with the othcri taking care that the plant in set not less than two and a half and not more thanrthroe inches below the bud or the dolnt where tho variety has been bud ded to the alockt wljon all are tn go back to tho flrut one planted and nearly fill tho hole with caith firm again with tho- foot then draw up the remainder of the earth and leave a looso covering rouit tho plant- thla is to prevent th earth baking if ho nun beta very hot in a few days they wore well sprayed with bordeaux as soon as leaves be kan to show they wcro given another application when buds appeared a teaspoon of nltrnto of soda was forked in around each plant in two weeks a half cup of fine bono moal after a good rain cultivated regularly sprayed with nlcntlno for aphis they bloomed till frost and thoy had been blobmlnn in ono of tho groenhouscs in the villas all winter by mlas mary moyle for tho ontario horticultural ausoclfltlon fci in by l hsmother whentheylivetmnthc you can easily understand how tho joke stuck for ive remembered it for about sixty years though i dont think i have written it out before since our school days miles iiiviqgston was next younger to elam i think dan his father hail some united states blood in him and named him for miles standlah whoso courtship used to be a popular story miles was a boy for homo and to help a handsome apology ned and his grandmother are the beat of frlonda but sometimes the lit tle boys quick tongue is too quick to please tho qulot old lady then ned apologizes drter a fashion of his own which his grandmother approves i got tired of lugging that wheel barrow for grandmother when she was changing her plants ned said to hl mother recounting the days wonts at bedtime vand i said i wish thorq wasnt another speck of this hateful dirt in tho whole world but then afterwards pologlzed im glad of that said hji mother did you toll her you were orry nothats not the kind of an polojry grandmother likes best said ned vi got another wheelbarrow fujj and i just said dont you want some more of this nloe dirt grandmotherr and then we were all right again elongated cottage which stood right on mill street just between where messrs robertson urothers and hill wilsons houses now stand i enn re call that in the fall miles would come to school with his pockets full of beechnuts he was great at picking them after the first frosts came iti tho beech and maple jbuak- of eli snyder just behind where thulvinii otons lived that was a famous bush and had a great number of beech maple and elm trees in it i remember that during a thunderstorm one time a big rock olm tree was struck and the splendid wood was npllt into a thousand splinters miles found tho tree and supplied half the hoys in ih school with flne matorinl for bows and orrows an incident has just comb to mo out of those- farback years ono inornlng jack livingston came to school with a great story to tell he had boon sent by his mother to george jlcm- streots meat shopfor meat for dinner that day and while waiting for mr hcmstroct to finish cutting up a beast archlo and robert shpwed him their tamo robins the robins woro ho tamo thoy would pat out of archies hand fly to his shoulder and to tho top of his head and when ho wanted them to go back to their cage they would do so when he asked them to jack was qulto charmed wlth the tnmcu robhs and before night all the scholars in the school knew about them and now heros a llttlo story about a now horse jack livingstons father bought iono itlriie ierhaph tho boys never tfeard this story if not it may show thorn a new side of their father interesting character when fairmount ion was opened among its first patrons was captnlr stringer ofmarshby he had long been a friend of captain lnrrabee tho father of the young proprietor of tho new inn ontl he wished to see for himself what kind pf a tavern eddy would keop he was taken to one of the jhtjpyt rooms where tho proprietors ytc wait ed his opinion he looked silently at all the modern innovations but when he was asked to admlro tho pretty bath room adjoining his bedroom he sppke his word jn that little square cako o sonp all tnttt pes with this fltout ho in7 indicating tho cake in itj nickel holder why yes b the young woman ono cake for each ro- new for guest of course well now see hero said the cap tain confidentially you and eddy have got used to city ways where its all style and savo in what dont show but let mo tell you one thing youro liable to have a good many folks from marshby and all around that knew tho captain and wish his young folks well now you furnish up a few rooms with somo good liberal bars of soap huch aa were used to tpll cost you a tittle more but it there is one method f taking wild ducks in considerable n umber sprae- trsed in china and in pome other countries which is so amusing and ao lhtlp known as to deserve notrce tho nattvpa take capo that a inrgo number of bjff tiahibrtahns nr guards should always be loft floating on the water frequented by ihajlrg tl thoy get to regard them nn part and parcel of their resorts the duokiiunter chooses hla time and putting one of the calabashes with holes out for hltf mouth and eyes upon his head he wades through tho lake taking caro to keep the whole of his body well beneath the surface he cautiously approaches the unsuspecting wild fowl and catching pnp of them by the leg pulls him with a sudden jerk beneath tho water causing hardly more com motion of the surface than the duck itstdf often makes when it dives nr plushes or plunpes for us food he wrinffa its nook unfltt ho water and fastenu it to his belt then ho deals with another and another in tho same fashion till he makes his retreat equally unnoticed with ii whole girdle ful of captured wild ducks round his waist news from the english i acfpn canadian acton readers aro intorostod in tho doings of tho towno namoflnko tlw following items appeared in the acton ehgland gazette of july ill- at oxford on monday the dqgrco of m a wjll be conferred on mr j 13 smart secretary of tho acton educa tion committee ah rurtainralher to the grand fete and carnival in aid of the actohgen- oral hospital the acton swlminng club hold a gala in the acton- uathu on friday night u- thoacjon education gommltteo hej a special meeting on tuesday evoning to interview selected candidates for vacancies in us stuff and make ap pointments major herbert evans c 11 e j p and mrs evans acton were among tholr majesties guests at tho buck ingham pulucc garden party this week on monday mr g luckett of 103 fletcher- road acton green was do ccndlng the stairs at tho l ms bridge near churchpath when htridlppcd aiul l cutting his head concussion la feared thc presentation which the congre gation of all saints church are mak ing to sister katherlno on hor depart ure from south- acton will tako plane hi tho parish room next sunday after evensong george w stone tobacconist was charged at acton police court yeater day with conducting no 13 tho valo aoton as i betting house elisabeth thomas art ironer of cros- contatrcet nottlng dale was charged at acttm police court on monday with using insulting words and behaviour at essex purkmews acton on satur day george newell a carman of st mar- garetsroad ilanwoll was fined 20b at acton police court on wednesday for working a horse in an unfit condition on tuesday afternoon the acton fire brigade was culled to a tire in some dry grass in a field owned by the town council near to the acton hoir pltal the flames were speedily ex tinguished the- acton priory habitation of the primrose league will hold a garden feto next wednesday afternoon on lowe and brydones sports grounds north acton lady urittain will open the fete and there will be a number of varied attractions florence snozerall of mill hun groye acton was fined ups at acton police court on wednesday for ualng indecent language at mill iiihb mr ernest- melville brough hero- fordroad a and mrs jeannio hamson of wisbcck formerly of acton were quietly married in this district on saturday morning tho acton education committee has met with some difficulty in finding u site for a proposed pew school thru- people on tho east acton estate are anxious to havo one in their vicinity but so far their demand has not been met mr richard robinson of goldsmith- avenue acton having recently retired from business started last saturday on a world tour first to now zealand via tho panama canal and later to aus tralia and home via tho suez canal ho expects to bo away until next spring on ildayftcjrnqona motor car from uxbrldgo fell into the excava tlohs which had bcenmado in the road near the railway bridge highstreet acton tho tires on the car burst but no one was injured robert i eagle a gardener of brontgottiificfl alpgrtpn who pleaded back to the old home a rounlon of uh prcneiit and forinor residents of tlio viliio of kanticoke was held last wccki a delightful ex perience wan enjoyed scores of tho friends of former yearn were grouted apd in every reiiitect tho rounion war an occasion of kicu delight only tem pered with feelliikh of sadness occa sionally whim enquiries were niadu at times for jleparted ljv7rt ones tho presence of the homecomers at tho churches on suniluy and numerous opportunities for pleiisunible social in tercourse on tho succeeding days wort- great ly enjoyed caledonia sachem how about you have you paid for tho papor you are now reading this is renewal time and tho cashier ih at itome every day to receive renewals and new sub scriptions many iulvo been calling and others sending tholr subscriptions during the past few weeks but there aro a great many who as yet have overlooked this iittlc matter havo you good hunting xr 11 was at st andrews in scotland the home of golf where the links stretch away over hie moors by tin hea and dear qulot aunt mary had rone up from london to visit a goifhik family of nephews and nieces at tei the first afternoon sonic one managtd to stop talking golf hmg enough ask well aunt mary and how did you spend th morning oh i n joy ed myself immensely my doaryii i went for a walk on thv moor agood many people seemed to be aboutrand some of them called out o me in a most eccentric manner but f didnt takfc any notice of them and oh my dear i found such a number of curious little round tiling i brought them home to ask you what thoy arc hereupon aunt mary opened her workbag and produced twentyfour golfballs female farmers among tho women of the united spates 187863 are registered as farm owners 770 as farm managers and 7j801 as tenant farmers i tofarmers andothers shall you bn needing ferti lizer this iali 1 shall be glad to take your order for ttriy of tho -wldoly- icrtmvu national brands for farm or garden use at close prices iti largo or small quant- ties aliio tankage for hogs an various other cattlo feeds try carbola tho new disinfecting white paint in powder form instead of whitewash for your poultry- houses etc dries puro whltv and does not flake or peel off and is a real disinfectant ohco you use carbola you will never go back to whitewash full par tlculara from frank scriven aamt for notional -fortilizers- ltd west toronto box 150 acton ont kingston oshawa and montreal won shields the grand windup of first aid nstructioii for telephone men comes in the form of a contest when teams from all parts of the bell system demonstrate their eocpertness in ready aid to the injured kingston and montreal teams were winners in the eastern group while oshawa won in the west during the past season foicrnan cullingb prom the pre8s will come to moren it costs in adver using you wouldnt wa your fathers old friends to tell that they had to hire three rooms at fairmount inn to get them a good faceandhanda wash now would ye due precaution in a town in georgia there was an old preacher whoso knowledge of the world was not wido nor deep but wlu conceived ot to be a place where if ono should trust his follow men ho should at the same time- keep an oyo on lils own interests ono hot day he- pulled off his cout and preached a vlorou sermon under the pines in his ahlcislocves at tho cioho of the openair service onj of his admirers approached him and said regretfully j i dont suppose you knew that tho editor of ono of tho blp new york sun day papers was here when you pulled off your coat i reckon i knew it well for id been told of it said tho preacher very calmly i dont believe hos as bad as bo might bo and anyway ifiuit mv coat on tho chair close by and had it right under my eye all tho- time boncdry is designed to keop men from going to the dogs arithmetic in new ferguson class- book question what is four and four answer beer fhert i ajlll controversy as to whether 44 ber fa intoxicating or not probably hp police cpup t will furnish mora re hub to fpformaupn has the speculators one is almost inclined to wonder- tt the o t a wouldnt have been more of a success if tho government hao put as ninny restrictions round the tfaje of illicit liquor as it is putting nunrt tho sale of this harmless 44 boor ono glass ct buttermilk in wwt half a dozen of the nev p ot kind of boor and a wholo lozon ot whisky stated 1r hastings m o at a meeting of hi flr4 p health regarding the food value of fa pointfour sqrry fojlthgml im sorry for any boy says mr charles a david wh6 has ncvor had a stono bruisa on his heel or gone about with bin toe tied up or who has nover lain down flat on his stomach in tho sand and called doodles who has never been butted by a calf or stung by a bujrnblo bee who has not found u birds nest or fallen out of an apple trco who him never wont fishing in tho creek or slipped off to the old swlmmln hole or has never got whipped for tying- tho qpffeo pot to towwers tall and my heart goes out to the uttic trirl who has never worn a dirty froc made mud pies under tho kitchen win dow loved a rag doll or had a ten party under tho applo trees with bits of bark for platesanc acorns for cups and saucers tho- little girl who has missed these things has missed tho joy of being a httlj girl guflfy a acton police court pn wed ncsijny it a chargo of being drunk and inoapftbjp n vlllpsdpnlanp acton wan fined 10o mr a w uuhtftll 31- hiupreat- road acton who fraoturod his thigh in a motor accident last week 1s pro gressing as well as can bo expected and thanks hts friends for kind en quiries and sympathy albert hales a barman of no fixed abode was charged at acton police court on tuesday with stealing a bot tle of whisky valuo is gd tho prop erty of e h holloway licensed victu aller from he windmill hotel acton he wus romandod on ball tho annual sports in connection with tho habprdfiahers school acton took place last friday week in tho presonco of a large gathering 06 spectators in cluding the mayor of acton aid miss smco l tho acton hospital has good frlonda in tho firm and staff of messrs s g biqivn ltd thu wellknown makers of wireless apparatus north acton who hold their annual fete ami sports in aid of its funds on friduy afternoon m h maawby whojs organizing a street carnival in support of acton ilospifal has invited the members of the town council to participate it was suggested by a member that they should go in official luts and gowns but tho suggestion was rather coolly redely ctj a jlic recent presentation- ot degrees a lmjdon uniyersuyorip qttujo gei- ven at- 8i fiabjipv cljurch actpn sir mourlct if tlakj recclypfv b bsc and had what lu possibly lp unlquo experience of first saolng hi father dr b w clack who is al ready a doctor of philosophy rocolvo a dectoratc of science tho children attending tho acton vypl chool had an afternoonof very pleasuiii tjstjtcnicnt- on friday when tholr third annual sports wcro hold intho presence of many frivrids anrf parents on messrs lowe and bry- denps sports fioid at last venks meeting of the acton town coupclj it was greed at the tmggmtion of gof j mcnally and men working near burlington rendered effective first aid to the victims of a motor accident on the dundas highway lineman g r gibb of sault ste marie succeeded in resuscitating an employee of the alsoma steel corporation who had ltn ised and was near death lincisan c w bipgin and m squires isiofdiritr to tho poctcrs testimony undoubtedly caved tho life of a boj at weston who had suffered ft myert cut from a broken milk bottle as often as not telephone men working near the scene of tonu accident to a householder or way farer are able to take charge of vat situation applying their first aid skill while medical aid if being summoned t 5aooo haicvesters wanted 15 oo to winnipeg plu3 half a cent a mile beyond to all points ia maul- toba saskatchewan alberta edmonton tonnu calgary macleod and east 01 raturntnif- half a cent per mile to winnptf plus 3800 to destination goinp paes august j8h and 2s auflut 18th toronto caleion eant poton mecf cplllnewqod pcnqtanit jlldlapd parry oun sudbury capreol and oast thereof in ontario august 21sttoronto inelowood jet and all station- south nd tyst thofcnf 1 antarlm special leavrrrononto trains 21st 120 pm august 21st 1030 pjw standard time through traimcamfortkble colonist cr r gpacul cin for wonun irtd chilslron iiroase your ticket to winnipeg via canadian nationarrailway whether 6pwt your jnal destination in the westis a polrif pn the canadian nllfional ticketa an4 allinfprmatjqn frpm nearest agen j llllllllffllilm 1iii1ii tuhoflloif spenwvfv orbugiriland to mako hi8 pay was raised the border of annual dan livingstons new itorsk shortly after dan llvjntpn hal built hie now house of quorc over on wuuerauill and moved hla family from the old house in acton he bousht a new horse from a band of rypslee passing- through hero dan hitched the new horse to the post in front of kelbos blacksmith shop and went inside to look at a mw lot of now is tho time jo htudyljto many beautiful annuals uh they mower with a view to mnklng your annual bofdo of next year mort attractive in ithlm case aa that of ho perennial border theio arc a few outstanding tlilnea which will produce an attractive dis play of flowers over a long peulod among thorn aro tho mai van which flower early tn june snap dragons june july augunt naaturtlunia itf summer petunias all summer ah- ters 1oie summer and autumn com- mos early and late autumn per haps should be- mentioned alflo tho qfhlottau coroposls zlnnjan stockn and calendula these nlab being vry showy and otherwise desirable chiefly flowering during july and august gcniun that may grow to great tliinun muat havo been born irffho olhco boy of whom the st lou in postdispatch tolls this story tho boss was bending ovpr a table looking at tho directory th new office boy dipped up quietly and put a note in hla hund tho boss read honored sir your pants is rlppnd the final bjlow it is said that pfton when a wo man nays np ahe means yes but there aro signs which discourage ovon thenuist hopeful and persistent woour i didnt so much mind hettys say ing shed as soon marry a jumplng- jnek as me mild ethan hatch yry r xo l ymvnthotlo friend nol 1 didnt much cure when hhy said shdd riithcr stay at homo than out to jordans park with such u slowcoach as i wuh nht when bim told nio shod got to help hor mother iron when i asked her to go with mo down to the center for some icecream soda i saw twusnt much uho bunging on any longer aljrtw tho acton hoi a climstt vf 3 or lcaa ccordlng lo dlacvetion for hv jn the acton park band ondosuro as yf9 t l uty qollection all saints church senior sunday school treat will take place next mon day tho various schools will meat at their ordinary sunday centres and march to the qoijth acton station where tho vicur will taky vuhvbo qj uio party the tragic sulcldo of john klngtttoy davey a commercial travolloand cx- olhcer gniftonroad acton who jump ed in front of a train at victoria- underground station on friday night was enquired into by mr s inglcby oddlo at thu city and westmlmltn coroners court on tuesday continuing the summer campaign uf the acton conservative and unlonut association further 0enalr meetings wcro bold in tho uedford liirk ward last weekend ono on friday ovonlug in tho avenue at tho corner of soutli- tluhjrosd and another on saturday evening nwiv flie duko of sussex actoli qrecii at a meeting of the ucllors of mr a a hodgson coal merchant horn- lane acton held frn wednesday and attended by tho principal creditors mr wodgsona affairs woro dlscushuo a statement waa submitted showing nol nssetfl of 121 and unsocurod llablil tics 22pi spade work that gets the trade to get steady sales in satisfactory vpi- iime you must build up onfideiice in your store and its service advertising in the acton free press will lay the foundation of such confidence advertising does the spade work that leads to bigger sales it will tell folks about your store its service it will telt them about the goods you have to offer let your advertising in the free press be a standing invitation to the folks around here as a rule people shop where they feel welcome ilssued by canadian weekly newspapers association f yifjj ii j

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