Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13, 1925, p. 5

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gtyg ttan jffiw fhrgflg thursday august 13 1025 britains kings and queens pjoinmii william tho coiujueroi tlien william hln aon llcm stephen ttft8f j next klrhaid and john then ucmy tho third then of udwm du a trine then following richard tin co henrys in line next after two lmwmda itlww tluce two hcniya aixth edwuid andwaiy we aee not long wua her iclgn and after hur death ciimo tho spacious unicu of elisabeth then followed scutch jumea and chin lea who waa ijiuln and then utter ciomwdl cluujea second did iclgn thon came jumea- tho second 1 krom th tin one removed then william ami maiy together much l6vqd anne four ceoigca and william fourth in jitrnight succession came followed by queen victoria of good illustiloua name then kdwnrd the seventh ah peacemaker known thioughout all of europe to lriutaa zoife and now george tho fifth the seventh kdwarda son la tho reigning king on great britain a throne the sunday school lesson for sunday august 16 britain celebrates hundred years of railroading twenty years ago tumphllance lesson 3ala- tlong 192j j golden text bo not deceived god la not mocked for whatever a man howeih that bhull he ulao leap gala tlohh it 7 time 57 a d place this eplatlo waa written fiom uphouau or coiinth to galatla tho lesson explalnqdx 1 shu ii we love one another oi uooui ono another 1315 the jbplstlo to the gulatiana id tin ono book in the bible that acta fortn more cleaily than uny other tevci moie empliatically than the eplatlo to the kumunu that we are jnatlllod on oqc condition ulono faith and that if we have believed on christ and theiepic have received tho holy spiru chapter 3 1 2 as an indwelling anj nr controlling dlvlno person we arj not under the law verso 1h but u tho bamo this eplstleaots foi th tlio blgh ideala of conduct and at privilege from tho issue of the ffeo press of thursday august 17 1005 heavy raina during the week playqd havoc with tho standing oat crop tho imal gchoola reopen next mon day tlje g t r ia putting a new siding west of tho new freight shed it ne cessitates the removal of beordmoro lz coa weigh scales at tho drummem annual snack at alton last week frank mcintosh bain our own eelnah ends acton won tho 100 yard race openair band concert tonight at the hall tho rainfall this week aggregated 368 inches actoncornct band will hold its an nual garden party in tho park on august 22 tho corporation roller was put on tho new atrects yesterday after tho big rain mr h ramshaw photo artist who recently disposed of his studio ani business here to mr j bauer has decldedto open a studio in detroit ana will remove to that city with his fam ily the rule of the road tthe first day in england says an amcilcan traveller my heart jumped into my throat several times hiding on top of a bus the driver woujd al ways turn to tho loft when we weo about to pass another vehicle and al though i know that that was the eng lish custom x held on tight and got shivers anticipating a collision every time ono morning i stepped up to a policeman at kings cross to get my bearings and as ho was disposed to be talkative i kept him company among other things i asked him whether there was any rule requiring pedes rrimm to irfip to fhw l nq ho told me it was only for the roadway that the i ulo held a then asked him why it was that in england they always turned to the left whereas in all tho other countries the rule of the road was to turn to th rlg oh it is very important to keep to tho left he said seriously i knew it was very important to observe the rules of the road but why turn to tits left well ho said ill how you now you come here and ho led me to the middle of tho roadway you- see ne continued how the traffic moves along tho two sides of tho road yes i saw and a pretty sight it was too a string of all sorts of con veyances gpming toward us on our right and another moving away from us on our left as far as tho eye could see well now and too was very im pressive augpose you were driving along in tho middle here and another kerrige was coming the other wyand suppose you turned to the right dont you see you would be getting in tho wy of all those vehicles yes i saw that 1 woll thats why wo always tui a io the left i learned afterwords that tho bob by expected a tip for all tho informa tion ho hud given mo mi8taken wetfavo dcencaucorrnrro- llbcrty liberty from bondage to ex ternal precepts and codes and enact ments and statutes but liberty is not license and we must not for ono mo ment use our liberty for an occasion to tho flesh an excuse for carnal or selfish living tho liberty of f the spirit has its own laws but thoy aru not laws outside of us but laws in our hearts spoken by the- indwelling splrlr tho first law of tho indwelling spirk as well aa of tho written word is tho law of love and love over impels us to serve one another- the whole law of tho spirit as well as the wrl- tcn word is fulfilled in one word even in this thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self if we do not lovo then wo will seek our own interest as th3 governing motive of our lives and o we will bito and devour ono another that la just what the world and many professed christians are doing today in business politics and international relations the inevitable result will bo that wo shall be consumed ono of another that is juat what l happen ing in tho commercial world and in the political world and between the nations today thia lesson la pre eminently a lesson fqr tho times in which we aro living it presents a far hotter peaco plan than the ona for which mr kok hi paying 9100000 2 walking- in the spirit and tvo3l 4ng after the flesh 1318 paul tolls the simple but glorious secret of not fulfillng tho lusts of the flesh tho secret la simply this walk by tho spirit our walk is our dally conduct to walk by the spirit is to give the control of our conduct into the keeping of tho holy spirit then we are sons of god the spirit of goa dwells within every believer of chriat it is roady to complete control of every act word and thought if we give him control we shall not ful fil the lusts of the flesh if we do not we certainly shall the flesh is our natural self which is largely under the control of our physical natures tho lusts of the flesh are not something overcome once for all by somo mo mentary experience by which wo enter inlttthe- higher lifer huty-ft- overcome by dally walking by tho upper stephensons first engine on the stockton darlington railway insert tho interior of the observa tion car on the canadian pacific transcanada lower the transcanada leaving montreal look heie bridget said an indig nant lady ive missed things over since you came to live with me and to day i took tlio liberty of searching your room and i found my laco hand kerchief in your bureau drawer i xuk at thot now yea and i found my laco jabot and one of myy hs in your trunk bid any ono iver and you had a pair of my gloves xn your room xuk at thot again now i have taken all my things to my room and i want you to toave tho house today oh but olh loavo fosht enough for its not ol thot wants to wurruk for anny leddy thot so far forglla her- alft as to go pry in round in a glrrula room oi tot oi was workin for leddy but olvo found out mo mis toko ait oh i lave this mmutol a baseboard mrs dobbs waited untlldlnner waa over says- tho new york free press before sho handed mr dobb the note willie had brought from his teacher my boy said dobbs when he had read it x understand from this that ypu are excused from school until tho board of education has an opportunity to considor your case yes sir answered willie who had begun to whimper id ypu know what the board of ert- ucationlu my son no ah mr dobba went into the shed and ici looted a thin flexible strip of board then he summoned his son and for several minutes ho was busy with willie that my hon ho said as who fin ished is hie board of education that was of use to mo when 1 was a boy nothing wrong on his side the man had bcon grumbling stead ily for half an hour to his neatmate whom he had never aeon before ho had grumbled about business polities war peace vacations church chl- dron railroads schoojh farm news papers and that unfailing sea jgoat the weather tho manbfealdo him had borne all that seemed necessary und at last ho bethought him of a way to silence the grumbler if such a thing wcro at all possible aro your domestic relations ngro-3- able he rtkcd suddenly turning an lnqalsitp guico on his companion yes tliey nre snapper the grum bler its my wifes lolallojis that make all tho trouble it bids psin baon when nou- ralgla ricks tho nerves or lumbago cripples the back it is hmo to tofit tho virtuoh of dr thomas bcflecbrlc oil well t in it will still the pain and produce a sensation of ease and real a trial or it will establish faith spirit vcmo 17 begins with for and tells us why it is that if wo walk by the spirit we shall not jfulfll the lusts of flesh the flesh lustcth against the spirit it does not desire the things which theindwelling spirit- desires but on the other hand the spirit lusts or eagerly desires against the flesh his intense longings go out in tho other direction from those of tho flesh in order that we may not do the thing that we would ie which wo natur- ally will to do if wo glvo ourselves up to be thus lead by the spirit we are not under the law why not 1 because the law is not for holy men as we become if led by the spirit 2 because we do not need a law of ordin ances uou shalt do this and thou shalt not do that without is for we have the law giver himself within ua and he is governing us to bo govern ed by a law without is bondage to be led by the holy ono within is tho highest form of liberty 3 because the spirit has set us free from tho law of sin and death and we do not need tho law to tell us what wo must do but if we have not given ourselves up to be led by tho spirit wo aro still under tho law 3 tho works of tho flesh 1021 if the spirit is not given control and so tho fleah has ita own way it works its own works and it is a dark cata logue- of works to contemplate first we have sexual impurity in three forms then idolatry and then oc cultism in its various forms summed up under ono word sorcery thon eight forms of bitterness of one against another the commonest form of carn ality in galatla and in tho world and the church today by heresies la meant tho making of parties a com mon manifestation of carnality then drunkenness and rcvolllngs and the forms of carnality that wo usually put in the forefront cloeo the cata logue and now comes a warning of awful solemnity thoy ore a solemn words and it will stand us each in stead to go carefully over this cata logue of things which shut men out of the kingdom of heaven and ask our selves am i doing such things 4 the fruit of tho spiril 2326 the change from works to fruit la significant these things tlfat tho flesh does aro not fruit thoy ore unfruitful onuio cwerhan7f graces mentioned in verses tz and 23 aro fruit they are thespontaneous and delicious product of thp indwelling und all control ling spirit of god and thoy are not fruits but fruitonc fruit with many flavors tbero is unliy of origin in all the multiplicity of this manifestation when tho spirit la glyen control all of these graces will appear what a fair cataloguo it la iovojtho preeminent grace lovo to god and roan tho allinclusive grace tho fulfilling of tho law joy oddlnr beauty and power to life peaco in our own hearts and with all men and longsuffering the rare grace of tak ing injury and insult without a word or retort upon your lips or- a trace of rebentment in our hearts kindness thoughtful consideration for othera goodness a comprehensive ward but especially marking largohearte i benevolence faith the change o faithfulness in the revised version i not warranted faith in god and in his word that leads the one who has it to fto faithful in every relation of life meekness gentleness in dealing with othora temperance tho con trol of the appetites desires ambitions hardly selfcontrol for it is tho spirit which doen tho controlling daily readings for next weak monday august 17 walking by tno spirit gal 5 132g tuesday august 18 drunkenness forbidden eph s 1521 wedneaday augus 10 drunkonne condcmmed isuu28 16 thursday august 20 tho strength and duty of youth ecclcs 11 012 b friday august 21 walking in tho light bom 13 1114 saturday august 22 saved by his grace eph 2 19 sunday auguat 23the felly of in- tehiperance prov 28 2d3b the old stockton and darlington railway in engl ind ia a matter of history now ita board of duectora la no more ita inventor lias parsed to his reward ita i oiling stuck or whit survives of it rests in peace in th2 museums having served ita day and been left behind in the maich of pro gress but this year a centuiy since tho time when the stockton and darling ton railway was regarded as a marvel lous englneeiing achievement and threatened the supremacy of tho stage coach ua a means of longdlstance transportation the ancient engines have been taken down from the pedes tals the wheels oiled the mat removed und onco again high hatted gentlemen and bonncttcd maldena have been bumped along ifrom stockton to dar lington behind thcjuslreol locomotive england ever had thus the people of brcat butain celobiated its railway centenary pro- ccsatons of defunct i oiling stock and lolling stock that is almost defunct illustrated the evolution of railway transportation and gave to tho rising generation an insight into tho agonies our grandparents had to epduro if tliey wished to go ffom one place to another by train tho duko and duchess of york attended the celebration and watching tho parados became very thoroughly infected with the aplrilof the occasion all those who took part in tho processions and some of thoao who didnt dressed in the costumes of the period giving to tho celebra tions an utmosphcrc altogether in keeping with tho nntui q of the cele bration by way of showing the wonderful flevdopmejillhnf hna takenplace hi railroading since the flrat engine pain fully puffed its way from darlington to stockton there la ahown abovo one of tho engines of tho original train con ti as ted with tho ultra-modern- trans canada the allsteel canadian pacific train which nowadays con veys its pnsaengcrs from ono part of the dominion to another three thous and miles away at a speed considered unattainable by our forefathers and in greater comfort and security than many of them enjoyed at home merely for illustration a school teacher who has not a very good mem aays that she sometimes forgots fiom fildaj tu muiiiliytwinrtr aomo delinquent whose punishment silage substitute on small farms did you know new york la the moat crowded com munity o i earth the- average popu lation per aero ih c45 london in th next with 268 tokio is third with u17 holds ovor has actually done it may be that- the childs mothci hus been sent for to talk about the matter and then tho way is plain tho teacher summons the little culprit and aays toheraovetiy now tell you mothm exactly what happened the child fearful of correction tells and tho teachcra memory ia refreshed a certain officer when hia men wcie at rifle practice became exasperated at tholr clumincss hero ho said to one of them give mo your gun he shot at tho target but tho ball went wide the men grinned there said the officer to tho man who had lent him the gun thats tho way ou shoot then he tried again with the samo ill result but ho was undaunted and that ho remarked to another man la the way you shoot in a third attempt the ball hit tha bullseye and thnt ho concluded calmly la the way i shoot only i he unitifoi med enduio the agony of coins the knowing one3 ap ply hollo ways corn remoer and get relief ephs and kays were missing in days gone by transportation facil ities wero not ao lapid as they are now and pa oncers weie apt to have real strcnuoua times even newspapers shared in these difficulties as tho following clipping from a western sheet which haa been pi cserved throughout tho yenin may show we begin the publication ov the koccay mountain cyclone with aomo phew diphphiculics in thb way the type phoundei phrom whom we bought our outphit plmr this printing ophlce phaled to supply us with any cphs or kays and ft will bo phour or phivo weeks bephore we can get any tho mlstaque waa nouphound out till a day or two ago wo have ordered the missing letters and will have to get along without them till they come we dont llque tho loox ov thia varioty ov spelling any bettor thah our readers but mis tax will han- pen in tho best regulated phamllles and iph tho pha und cs nnd xa and qa hold o we sh re tho hard the cyclone whirling aphter a phaslon till the sorts arrive it ia no joque to us its a serioud apn- phair recognized as a leading spocifio for the destruction of worms mother graves worm exterminator has prov ed a boon to suffering children every where it seldom fails thoughtfulness a girl lost her life at vancouvei tho other day by tho thoughtlcos action of aomo boys the girl along vritha girl companion wna in bathing and be cause some boya on the beach threw pebbles at thcnthey awam out in dep water tho result waa that ono girl was drowned and a hoy of nine yeari who attempted to rescue her alto lost his life the boyu who tin ow the peb bles did not mean to do any harm but thoy did not give any thought na lo what might be the posslblo conse quences of their action cnacs of a like nature occui every day which could be prevented if everyone would realize that a few seconds of thought beforo pointing a gun changing seats in a canoe or stepping on tho accel erator of an automobile may moan a hfo saved an ounco of prevention is still worth a pound of cure and a second of thought beforo the deed a worth ton roara -of- lamentation aftcc wards kingston whig what canada prodime8 though canada has btit a nimill per centage of thf woi ids population alio produces 88 per cent of its nsbfstos 85 per rient of ita nickel 32 per ont of ltff luilpwnotl 20 per cent of its lumber 20 per cent of ita cuicd flan 18 per cent of its oiita is pei cent of ffa potatoes 11 h por cent of ita wheat 11 per cent -of- ha barley i on many small farms on account of th trompnifulvriy small number nt animals kept it la not advisable or economical to conati uct and fill a silo with suitable silage crops in such cilaes pioviaiou ahould be mudo for a supply of succulent feed othci than ailage while undci average cond uonsfood value inrootu can bo grown and stored as economically us in a silage crop such as corn due to tho labor of growing harvesting and coat of scoring undoubtedly under tho conditions mentioned above loots form the most economical substitute for a succulent crop such as ailage thoy aic to be i cc unamended particularly for late fall and eurly winter feeding the dim cutty of keeping then throughout the late winter and early spring pro hibiting their use at ihcso times where roots ure not available and for lato winter feeding dried licet pulp is well worth conaideiing as a substltus thia byproduct of the sugarbeet in dustry la available in considerable quantities in the lato fall and early winter and may be stored indefinitely provided it is kept dry it should al- wuya bo soaked before feeding as it will lake up about three timea its own weight in water and swells propor tionately tho addition of a little feed ing mplasscs while soaking improved the palatabillty of beet pulp experi ments conducted in the division of animal llusbaudi y have ahown that dried beet pulp gives its beat and moat economical l esulta when used to re- pluco the meal mixture orroots ofaii already wellbalanced ration rather than when used as u aubstftuto for other aucculenta audi aa ailugc in tno ration nevertheless where allugo is not available dried beet pulp in small quantities foui to five pounds dry weight daily should yield proiltablo i etui na di jed beet pulp should be piocuiablc ul approximately tho lullng price foi wheat bran george w mur division of animal husbandry of the expei i mental farm ottawu canada tho terror of asthma it comes llko a thief in the night with ita aw ful throttling lobbing ita victim of breath it aecmabcyond tho power of human uld to relievo until ono trial is made of that remarkable preparation dr j d kclloggs asthma remedy then icllef cornea with a rush jata becoejworjhjlyinfinnd lftherem- rfy bo tianpcralatcjitlytliedlaca ia put permanently to lout take no sub stitute times have changed whats the hurry in tho old days it uny body missed a stage coach ho was contented to wait for two or threo days for tho next now he lets out a quack if he misses one section of a revolving door its the truth half the time wo dont know where we are going we would lather stub our toes than take tho necessary time to pick up our feet we dodge through traf fic in tho middle of a block rather than spend thirty seconds in reaching a street crossing men go from chic ago to san francisco and write buck boasting that they mudo the trip in tin cc houi s less than last time wo jump onnind off fast moving trains wo cat fuat tulk fust rido fast walk foot sleep fhst and dlo fast whata all the huiry there uro still 24 horns in a day even with daylight suvlng a straight line- la the shortest distance between two points uccordlng to the mathematicians but why confuso life with gcometery walt a minute north bay becomes a city hon c mccrea presented the charter last monda north bay auguat 3 north bass charted of cityhood waa officially pre scnted to mayor j h mcdonald art 12 oclock today by hon chnrlca mc crea minister of minea in the ontario government thq larostgatherlncr ever seen in norh bay assembled at memorial park about 11 30 where ox mayor joliu ferguson president of the old home weekcommittee intro ouced the minister to tho citizens of ontarios youngest city after reviewing die history of the municipality mr mccrea bald that the founding of a city nero wits of v mondous impdrtunco to the future of the country he urged the citizens ti be jealous of the rights of cityhood and to see that they wore kept in tno same state us wher picaentod beforo presenting the charter to his worship the mayor- hon mr mccrea added a final woi d to tho citi zens of ontarios newest city by your works in tho future you shall be known among your sister cities and it is my hope my wish and my prayer that the escutcheon of this charter will be- kept as clean in tho feature as it ia on this the day of its birth tho conclusion of the nddross was greeted with round after rbund of applause mr w n snyder whose birthplace was acton is city clerk at north bay for scalds and burns dr thomas eclectric oil is a standard remedy for the pi ompt treatment of scalds and burns its healing power quickly soothes tho pain and aids a speedy re covery from tho injury it is also an excellent remedy for all kinds of cuts bruises and apraina aa well aa for re lieving the pains ailalng fiom inflam mation of various kinds a bottlo in tho house and stablo saves many a doctors and veterlnarya fee t his rebuke wilsons fly ill pads kill them all and the germs too 10c apacket at druggists grocers and general stores the rev mr durwoll an old min ister of tennessee went to kentucky in tho year 1852 to visit a relative tho hon william bolton and was in vited to hold family worship each evening during his stay one day judge cone and his wlfy from nabhvllle cam to pass tho night mr bolton aaid to tho old minis a he brought out the bible that lie would beat make tho aervlco abort that even ing aa the judgo waa probably not ac customed to rtuch things tho old man said very well very well though ho looked pained he read one or two verses and then he knelt down o lord he prayed wo aro very poor and needy creatures and we know thou art nblo and willing tj supply all our wants but cousin wil liam says that judge cono and his wife from nashville who are with ua ar not used to family worship and how ever we ure theio is no time to spar 3 in telling thee our wnnta amen the judge wna greatly takon back und so was his host between them they porauadcd mr durwell to con tinue his piayci which ho did with eurncatneas and eloquence not the only one t see you have furnished rooms said a man who rung the bell ya rejoined the foreign woman pointing to the window card derca da sign well uf you have ono thats suit able id like to rent it for a while wo no i enta da rooms my family tako up all da houso dont rent any why thon have you that sign furnished rooms in your window x1l dell you laaa weekdot wo man next door she hung up a sign in her front vlndow nnd when i see dat i put up von juat to ahow da people dat sho aint da only vomnn in diu place dut have her rooms furnished millets worm powdera aoldom fall tjhy immediately attack tho worms anil expel them from tho ayutem thoy are complete in themselves not only na as worm deatioyer but ua a highly beneficial medicine for children cor recting wuik dlgvatlnn and restoring th dcbilltutod system to hcujthfulnes without which the giowth of thechii1 will be retarded and ita constitution weakonod 16000060 storms annually thtio ia not t uinglc second in a year without at least ope hundred light ning flashes the film book iaaued by the moteoiological office of london snys tho wotld pei loncca 10000000 thundcrstoi nri i h pt an avci age 44000 a duy the amount of energy released in too stupendous foi the mind to gmsp but tho water powci the woidhis harnesyetl la juooooo horse powcrr double that amount is represented by one flnah consequently in any given hqcond there is relcuscd fi om tho clouds nioie encigy than the worlda water power yields lit hix months jvmllllllllllwjk keatings k kills moths deetles mckmtskomutt priakl in chicken bvutea nd od ebultaa dfwit kill lice i railway time tables anadia nationafflailways at acton harvesting tools the farmers are right into the harvesting operations and they will find all the necessary implements tools and supplies- at talbots hardware no matter what is needed ypu will find full supplies at our hardware counters and the pricer are al ways the lowest hay forks ropes pulleys etc w d talbot phone 76 main street acton j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist will sb at a t browns drug stoke acton monday august 31 anyone sufferinsr from eye strain defective vision or headacho should ziot mlsa tho opportunity of consulting this eyesight dpcclojlht appoint ments may bo rapido with r t timwn trinrrlflt consultation free office hours 0 a m till 4 p m goino wut no 20 4 800 oju no 31 j 1045 ajn no 93 2 20 pjn no 35 j 00 pm no 39 8 39pm no 20 sunday 10 41am gona et no 20 706 mm no 30 1127 aan no 34 335 pm no 3g g 17 x no 38 813 pjn no 24 sunday 708 pjn canadian national electric railways westbound dally except sunday dally dsily bally dauy dally dally dally dolly 7 43 ajn 943 njn 1143 buul 143 vm 343 p 01j if ul 6 43 pjxu 743 pm 943 pm 1232 am- eastbound daily daily bxcopt sunday dally dolly daily dally dally dally daily 743 om 043 run 1143 am 143 pm 343 pm e43 pm 743 pm 043 pm 1140 pm freight delivered by special express freight freight picked up at ary ad dress in toronto look money take notice that we will handle your troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection no charge wo placo 34 ycara experience at your dfspoeal and assume- ail your collection troubles send us yur hat wo will do the lest no noto or account is considered too small too larcre too old or too far away wo will tackle any honest debt kelly aiken collectors orangeville owen sound aiken manager jos j kelly manager reference sterling- bank of canada j a smith insurance and real estate agont for confederation lifo as sociation london lancashire fir insurance london lancasblro guarantee and accident dominion of canada quaranteo and accident insurance company farm and town property for sale prompt careful and courteous at tention given yo0irmrein ess rz somcited residence mill and wallace sts telephone 105 r z montreal debenture corporation limited 6 per cenctwenty year bonds denominations 100 500 and 1000 a safe and desirable type of investment h r mimms georgetown ontario phone 114 4hafcesure a room thehotelswillbecrowd- ed with people aniving- for the exhibition jldxen cry for castoria mother fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and- children all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stotnach eharrhca regulate bowels t aids in the assimilation pf food promoting cheerfulness rest dnd natural sleep without opiates sr to avoid imitations always look for the sirnaturc of ciaj kfovfii ilircelionb on nrh pickner physicians everywhere recommend it free press job printing is always neatly done lf you intend stopping at a hotel call up by long distance prompt ly and make your re- bervations if you intend stopping with friends telephone them and make sure they can accommodate you they may have other arrangements the definite assurance pf comfortable accommoda tions waiting for you will make holiday trips doubly enjoyable beery bell teufhont i a long dittmce station adyertisers ths free press is anxious to servo you and aervo you well we can give your advertise ment better attention and there fore make it more attractive if the copy a supplied to ue on monday or tuesday if copy fails to reach us until wednesday forenoon there is a rush to set it up beforo tho forms olose and ths result is likely to be less satisfactory 8end in your ad8 early does your watch keep time try our repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results and we know we can please yjqu- savage co jewellers guelph ontario

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