Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13, 1925, p. 6

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births marriages mid deatlia are now charged tor at llic following rates blrltaa 50c marriages 50 jjcatlia 50c memorial cards 50c 100 per lino extra for poems dielv groat- at gogxkottiwn on rriday aueuit 7th 25 v robert watson groat ncod 80 yonro htrrrman in rsquoslne on mon- diy august 3 1025 donald huff man in hlu 2gtli yuu inglis at tho homo of hla son lo 3 conceislonl nnsso town- nhlp on saturdny aukunt 8 1925 tamil inrlln at- 89 l camcronon monday aurtuot 10th 19g at hov lato rosldonco camp- bollvillo annto mokonzl widow of u10 lato donald cameron 11 artll tt on tuooday mornlnb august 11 10 jc at tho lato rojld omo 27 colin avenue toronto elf- zaboth june hcllyar wlfo of tho ev samuel t bartlott in memoriam agndw in loving memory of our dear mother mr robert ajrnow who passed away august 13th 134 oft we think of you dear mother and our hearts are filled with pain oh thls world would bo a hcavon could wo bco your face again sons and daughters 2hir artott mm tfrttsb thursday august is 192b brief local items many fine crops of oata are bo in a harvested now streetsvilos tax rate has bean struck at go mills two weeks more of summer holi days for tho scholars guelphs street railways systen i of22fl00 00 culling poultry is one of the best- paying jobs on the farm rarely in mldauffust aro the pas tures so greon and lush as prevail this season 71 tho crop3 of golden grato a too growing roots never looked better thai at presont acton citizens band will hold their usual weekly concert on saturday evening this week tho pic nic season is at it heights and family outings are of al most dally occurrence sugar solutions of various strengths aro used by iyench ftafista in preserving cut flowers v a meeting of tho plrcctors of tho acton rail fair was held in tho coun cil chamber last ovening turnip shipping commenced yca terday for tho season they aro a very fair sample for this early date uncle ab says that keeping up friendship is as important as keep ins up fences and sometimes one- deponds on tho other mr wnlkr kttntpnr hr 1nf obituary mrs glorg n l drowm llhelmlna mcrhcibon daughter of tho latq mulcolm mcphoi son fo many yours on citoomcrt resident of nnsoagawoya noar acton and the devoted wlfo of goorgo e brown poatmadtoi oppoit nthon paused away on tho 30th of july aftoi a voi lengthy illness mr and mrs mrs brown and family 1 mdvetl to tra fulgar township sottlirig near oak- vlllt many jinii aio skteon years ago the family went to lcsldo at port kelson und doming her residenco here the deceased made many friends sho was of a kind and loving dlspostlon a good frlond and a eje voted wife and mother slit always took a deep in terest in the stiathcona iiomc md school club and ih a faithful woik er and membei up to tho tlmo of hoi illness being n 1 egular attendant fa ho was a momber of st lukoa church and nlwaya active in church work bosldes her husband sho is nuivlvol by one son goidon detroit six daughters mis v a summers and mis w e williamson poit nelson and misses flora luona evelyn and bessie at home three brothers john and william tfakvlllc and daniel de troit nnd two aisteis mrs j a mo- kay akviie and mxa cook ingor- soll the funeral took plnco on sun day afternoon august 2 from her lato residence and was ono of tho largest ever witnessed in burlington friends and relatives were in attendance from now york detroit niagara tails hamilton toronto mcftfqrd erindalo coolcsvllle streetpvllle brampton m ton ayr acton oakvllle port credit hillaburg and district to pay their la it respects to tho deceased a shoi t service was held at the house and the remains wore then conveyed to st lukes church where an appropriate service was conducted by the rector rev geo w tebbs many wero un- ablo to gain admission to tho churcti but tho day was beautiful and those who could not obtain seats remained tstdc and thbromnlns 4o greenwood cemetery where tho de ceased was laid to rest in the family plot the pallbearers wero gordon hanley milton irwin cotter por neluon malcolm and william mc- pherson and allen mckay oakviho and elmer brown toronto letters to the editor acton womens institute picnic an enjoyable afternoon spent by the women and the kiddies at blue spring park a commisgion for lynrvioyv gomotory 1 dltoi ri u plibst i was gieatly intnejtcd in tho letln oc a citizen and plot ouhqi rt- spectlng paliviow comotmy in last weeks rttrcia pitisj i ondoi le evoiy word that wj said as tq tho need of a change of nupei vision of tho conn tory wo want tho plnco kept tidy and attractive and tho adoption of thr changes will secure this without t doubt 1 a iiiimnnent caretnktjr who will give all hla tlmo duiing tho sum mor months tho ndoption of th poipotual caro hyjtem tho pi 10 ing of tho cemetery undoi tho control and management of a commission ot business men wo can get this if w stand foi it und show that wo inert 1 bublncsy youio with a puiposc i oltry ykarjb a hlsiden 1 actot august 7th 1925 it is tho only solution xdltor raitfa pnujs b all means lot us havo a com mission of intei ested and intolllgont business men to operate tauviow cemetery tho council has foi yea3 shown that is it lncapablo 01 has not the time or lacks interest 01 has failed to lntorpiet tho feelings of fie people who make f 1 equont vislu to this sacied place 111 sign a petition for tho appoint ment of a commission any day 111 voto for lt 111 pay tho necessary in crease in tixcs required though i don t believe it will cost us any moio taxes if pupetuul core is adopted awl vigorously pushed foi ward i hope tho columns of tho rrujs prehs will jcatn wuth demands fiom tho people foi the necessary changes and that tho editor will bo patient with us all until tho only couiuo which wi 1 accomplish satisfactory icsults is put into effect a widowed resident acton august 8 1915 wants a change pear mr editc1 i was glad to see last week that somebody in town had tho courage of his convictions and spoke right o in meotlng respecting tho dla- neighborhood news- town ancj country nas8agaweya hov r andiows lectoi of st john j chuich nassagawoya is holidaying in otoiglnn i3ay foi a month rev arcji- douaon mcintosh of dundas will take his hoi viced foi two weeks mi and mi h noi man wobboi of tomato spent the veolt end with che inttcia paionta mi and mis aithui nlstftlngnlo mi bert nightingale of naaaaga weya formerly of guolph who has lien sponding two weeks vacation it his homo hoi e has cm oiled at the hi mphlll college toionto and will luko tho complete barbcilng coui3 3 uii boiyity count his many fi lends of guolph and nnssagawoya wish mi nightingale overy success in his now no fusion mr nnd mrs david nightingale of guolph spent tho weekend at the formers homo terra cotta a new gasfllllng outfit of the latest typo at his garage this is tho fifth new outfit installed in town this yoai the acton citizens- band pic nic will bo held on august 22 everyone is invited to bring their basket and plcnlc with your band at huttonvilte park the corn harvester and tho pota todigger should como in for their share of attention long before it seems necessary then theyll be ready on time tho council la having tho broken placet in tho pavements and crossing renewed contractor forbes and officer mcpherson are giving their skilful at tention to the matter walton memorial church bronte was tho recipient of a handsome gift when mrs george a walton of tor onto presented the congregation with quarter cut oau portable sacramental trays owing to the resignation of two members of the staff dixie school trustees advertised for teachers and in tho first two days received over 300 applications 80 of these being made personally there is an unusual crop of cholo cherries along the farm fences and on the highways almost everywhere this summer numbers of housewives have found them excellent as a basis for apple and berry jelly madam wright of falrvlew ave brought the fhsa paxss a samphy ot the canadian barley pea this a u field pea very prolific bearing large pods with large peas and especially suitable for table use the vino she brought was seven feet in length four artists will entertain at sl albans garden party at the park on thursday evening august 20th they ore art flewltt tenor art wills plar- ist and art wright comedian moses hiij entertainer will also take part acton citizens band will be there is well it will cost you more to have your locks shorn now boys three of thj local barber shops advanced the price of hair cuts this week from 25c to 35c the price in the most ot places has been 35c an 40c for some t xast friday afternoon tho ladles of acton womons institute and a number of theb children held the annual pic nic at bluo spring park about sixty assembled and a very enjoyable tlmo was spent a baseball game afforded lota of fun and the following races wero con tested girls race under 5 years mar arot smith phyllis campbell helen moonoy boys race under 5 years jimf- mlo debbie ctfrls race 6 to 8 years helen campbell boys race g to 8 years jack flmlth menill tint wllmer tntral and us towel citizens have been get ting cheap cuts for several years listowcj banner russell somervi lies team attach ed to a light wagon made a dash from llndbay s mill up mill street on wed ncsday afternoon at the corner of mill and frederick streets one of th horses fell and tho team was then easily caught tho tongue and iron braces wero broken and the harneb somewhat torn hut tho wagon oscap d further injury girls race 8 to 12 years dorothy campbell audrle mclcod melrose wilson boys race 8 to 12 years jack smith mervln rehi tony solmon threelogged race open to all mrs evans and mrs moonoy rota mcnabb and annie smith young ladles race dorothy camp bell beta mcnabb sabra nelson married ladles race mrs david son mrs mooney mrs evans ladies race for ladles who have been members of tho institute for over five years mrs bishop mis j wilda mrs a bell ladles race for ladles who have become members within tho last flvo years mrs davidson mrs j smith church street mrs j a smith mill strect clothes pin race mrs mabel campbell mrs bishop mrs j smith church street ladles over 40 years mrs h swltxer after the sports all gathored around tho tables that wero laden with good things after all had done justlco to this port miss e applebe of esqueslng who was a guest gave 1 short talk on tho different work that was to be taken up during the year other short addresses were given all were glad they hod been there anl tho members hope everyone will be ready to start in for the years work in the fall the first meeting to be held on the first friday in septem ber graceful conaluon offairviow ceme- tery 1 havo felt strongly about this iiripbrtant matter but lacked tho courage to get into- print to express my feelings 1 am glad it has been done so well so mo thing must be done and a once i am sorry that our coun 11 has been so nogloctful about this but i supposo tho members aio all bupy with matters they consider more im portant i think it is tlmo thoy bo gun to realize this is as important as any pther department of their respon sibihtjcs those of us who have loved ones at rest amid tho neglected sur roundings feel it very keenly i havo observed that for years the free press has advocated perpetual caro and a commission to put it into effect i am glad tho wrltei last work endorsed tills action i do most em phatically and will work and v6to for it if somebody who is capable will talce the lead sincerely a discquragep plot owner acton august 10 1925 council vs commission dear editor that letter in youi columns last week put the need of a change in tho conduct of our cemetery in a very clear light the council has hail charge for years and while they havo perhaps done the best they know how their best has not been satlsfactorj tho ladles of the terra cotta so cial iioui club held a plcnic on tho ciedlt flats on tuesday afternoon thoio was a largo turn out tho gen oij u spoita weie jewlmmlng iacoj limning uicea swimming race miss maigarot saneleison miss e slmpklns racing contest mi a woods of georgetown mis g adams a numbei of tho childien joined ii tlio luces and won several prizes tho pilzoa weie contributed by miss ann 0 little mia e little mrs k icain 11 d mt h j l cialne aftoi the sports all sat down to a mimptuous toa thoy all report viy pleasant tlmo mr n lyons threahoi has pu- chasetl an uptodate white ongln and 1 oporta to bo doing a rushln trndo a number of our eltleens attended tho funeral of mr j c mcarthur of rockside jast week ixlss wtlma hunter is visiting wlcii jlr and mrs charles mckectyn and family of acton tho now highway is coming tluough terra cotta and then all good roads should lead heio mr a mcdonald reports having tlueshed 450 bushel of wheat off li acres miss doris mcclollan of stratford spent a few days with mr und mrs ed townsend and family erin the that fiuuh of tho appolnt- nuiit of mines austin is tinplc onlcoi foi thin villigt i uilt 011 hatuuliy hen polki muglhtt lu mooto lined cecil r splici of guolph and el- waul jncltfioir toionto 1q 00 ami costs each foi spotdlnp- oil main st the fo flm h go into tht vilhgo troan- uiy oilltti austjn intends to put a stop to tho excessive speed at which some motoi jhih havo bpon di lvlng tluough this town another old oakville 0aper limehou8e garden party acton radio artists the three hamilton a great programrao has been ar ranged for st albans garden part to bo held on thursday august 20th in acton park four artists have been engaged from hamilton the fa mor a three arts art riowitt tenor art wills pianist and art wright com- odlan and moses hllf entertainer these are radio artists now much in demand everyone will want to hear them dont miss this reat acton citizens band will also ho in at tendance august 20th in acton park admission 35 cents and 1g cents chl- dren under ten accompanied by par ents free a warning to radio users inquiry at the bureau of standards following tho death of a listener who was killed in pittsburg by a bolt of lightning which struck the aerial re- veatm the fact that about one such fatality has occurred each year blnce the beginning of broadcasting sucn accidents may be prevented by list eners turning off the power and keep ing away from tho radio sets in a thundei storm at such times listen ing should be discontinued auditor aro cautioned against using the head phones or touching any part of the sot during an electric storm especially when tho receiver la connected with an outside wire police court lews 1 on tuesday afternoon ida gold smith of toronto appeared bcfoie magistrate shields on a charge of hav ing a quantity or alcohol in an illegal place bo i ii caught on tho middle road with the liquor in a rar after the hearing of ovldence a conviction was recorded and the car forfeited on monday j r johnbon appeared beforo r j campbel j p at mjiton chargod by chief chapman with spoodj lng in his car on sunday night tho chief figured tho speed at over thlry miles ah hour mr johnson pleaded guilty was fined s0 and costs and paid over the money expect good apple crop ontario looks for n increase over last years yield prospects of the apple crop of can ada at tho end of july indicate a fcoul crop of 3 088 600 barrels 112 per con of that of 1924 and 78 per cent of tlu average of the past five years accoid ing to tho second report issued by tin dominion fiult branch the ontario crop generally shows an increase ovei last the crop in nova scotia will it s estimated amount to nearly two mil lion barrels a 25 per cent increaio over last year but 10 per cont less than the flveyear average the crop in british columbia will probably be so per cent pf that of 1924 or 80 g per cent of tho average tlrta runa the total to nearly 2 098 000 boxcf united suitea prospect afe sot at 74 per cent of a ten year average poison ivy and noxious weeds steps to havo tho poison ivy on the town streets effectively destroyed am being taken by tho oakvllle hoi tlcul tural socletyl in view of tho fuu that sovoral bad cases of poioonjnr qrom this source havo already oc curred this summer in oakvido u has been ueomed necessary to make a wove to rid tho community ofthu dangerous weed tho socloty will ap proach tho town council and ask for its cooperation 1ft its propose i campaign incidentally all oltlxons have bcon ordered to removo anv noxlogis weeds on tholr property by the police department under tho noxioun wocd act year i havo been in cemeteries in places not half the size of acton this year and havo found cemeteries beauti fully kept all tho plots neatly tilm med all the drives clean and f roj of weeds and showing more white gravel no neglect anywhere every plot whether belonging to a lesldent or a nonresident tidy and present able in every case theao cemeteries have been in tho caro of committer or commissions not in a slnglo cane was the municipal council in charge some of tho neatest cemeteries ai i cared for by tho womons institute in several cases by community com mlttees in all of these perpetual and general care havo been in vogue antl not ono of those cemeteries treasuries was in debt tho perpetual cai o plan wherever adopted has been a success when back ed by energotlc commissions or com mlttees our council has plenty othoi work without having tho cemetery to look after it can t be properly dono that way our people want tho cemt tory to be kept in a satisfactory man ner and i think from tho way i he11 them talking just now they intcnil that provision bo mado to ensure thlu result apologizing for trespassing on your space mr editor i xm respectfully an interested one acton august 11th 192g the peoplo desire action editor free press dear sir if it is true aft suggested by tho freb pkess last week that tho council has for years used tho surplus e turns from the cemetery revenue to cover other municipal expenditures it appears quite time that citizens as n wholo should make some kind of an actionproducing protest some times ofllclal bodies such as municipal councils forget particularly about th middle of tho year when an election not in the offing that they aro re sponsible directly to tho peoplo nro indeed tho peoples servants elec tedto do the will of the people jow it can bo taken for granted that thcro is only one person hero and rtlere and that type of person hardly desctving to be lccognlzed as a clu zen who would prefer to aeo tho come tery left in a neglected condition and 1 small amount of revenue turned into tho general funds an amount which is not mateilal enough to bo in any way folt in the tax rate if the mem bers of tho council would stop to think about it for a moment they would ap preciate this all of which means thnt they aro remiss in thoh duties as the jjfioplqh renrehfntativcsa1 well- aa in trio junior baseball team pluckily tackled bahlnafad juniors on satur day they had a good time but left tho honors with the tad twirlors the first garden party of tho united church hero last thursday evening was a gratifying success frorn eveiy standpoint tho ovening was delight ful and tho attondanco largo the programme was a most entertaining one it wua varied and morltorlous and was fully enjoyed by the largo ciowd tho brunswick trio and tho bal moral kilties of london gave a fine scries of numbers this company ap pcircd at vnilous nolntsrwlthln motor ing distance last summor and num bers of peoplo who heard them then availed themselves of tho opportunity of attending the limehouse garden paity in order to enjoy the privilege again they enjoy a flno leputatlon uu enteitatneih tho gowdy homo and grounds wxs tastefully decorated and illuminated thero was comfortablo seating the booth did a thriving business and everybody was in good humor hev drj dickie spoko welcoming wprds at tho opening of the pru gramme and mi w gowdy ttfanjcptl tho crowd at the close and said that he expected tho united church would havo a similar treat for tho community annually an aitlclo headed halton h firflt nowspupli s taken fi 0111 tho actus fin 1 phi sh wis lepioductd in oui ihhuc of two wot ks uo and 1 elates tho finding or ah oukvliia nowrtp ipti call ed pu sentlnll published hero on januuiy 9 1857 last sntuulay oven ing a copy of an oakvllle paper soven yeai s oldei than the above was hi ought to thorecoul office it i called fhc oakvllle weekly sun it shines f6i all it is vol 1 no g dated satui day august 17 i860 it was addiossed to hlmm gicoplaun who lived ne u sheridan post offic- and is now in tho possession of bis nioco mrs thomas illnton of oak viho it jh a fouipago four column edition published by a w hopkins tho subset iptlon pilco was ono dollar a yoai in advanco in this ihsuo tho following adver tisers appeu b c beardaloy bar- 1 iatei g addison tailor james beatty diy goods gioceries hard- waio john urquhnit medical w h jones palntei tohn moore co tinsmiths and stove ipinpfnctuiety joseph woidswoi th baibei also a numbei of toionto advertise tho oakvllle markot wasttttul- lows rioui in bags 8s 9d wheat per bushel 3s 6d potatoes per bag is 3d oats is id barley la gd bof per pound 2d to 4d buttei per pounl 6d to gd eggs per dozen 5d lard pel pound dd whlskoy 22 cents per gal- lon oakylh record what play has been a success for a century charleys aunt sex is no barrier man or woman your determ inntton fssll that is necessary to earn nn income of from 5000 to 10000 a year have the leisure to enjoy the good things of ifc and be respected in your com irmnlty as a member of a dignified profession doctors of chiropractic enjoy alltheae things you con too- the toronto college of chiropractic will mt you for the profession classci ore now forming for o tveve months course of study write for our year book it gives full particulars of how to enter thli dignified occupation how you con fit yourself in 0 year to earn the income and idiure due you the toronto college of chiropractic dpt j yik ckmrlu si tmrntrn zsb used tractors for sale cheap wo aro overstocked with steam and oil tractors of noarly all sizos and makes and must unload at onco rogardless of price 1 16 30 rumely oi pull tractor only used for giadlng a shoi t time this is a powerful en gine run any separator tzaay oa fuel sold with a guarantee this englno wilt nell quick phone today 1 15 30 massoyharria itractor run jmrt of thieo searfosa j475 00 other engines and separators at j200 00 and up special term write to day for particulars hanna bros distributors for rumely oil pull tractors 0398 macdonnell streot guelph phone 1129 rockwood tho moro direct duty of kcepjng the property of tho town in presentable condition this matter of the cemetery has been a troublesome op for years various pre olocton promises have bcon made as to improvements to bo made but little has resulted if as appears evi dent tho council does not wish to an fiumo lcsponslblllty for tho caie of the cemotery and tho ndoption of pupetu il caie so popular elaowlilrc what ob jection can they h wo to tho appoin ment of a commission as has been at vucatod of two or threo men who will undertake to givo tho requisite caie it is quite time some action should be taken a lover op acton acton august 10 t925 ballinafad the garden party held under tho auhpicea of rockwood tennis club last liidny evening on tho lawn of mr and mrs lorno j guild was well attended tronic guild and his com pany put on a varlod programme of solos cai toons and music which all appreciated mr and mrs a t hope and wrn burns of rhodo island wero hero last week renewing acquaintances and vis itinfj relatives thoy were rather un fortunate on their way here as thov had some mishap which necessitated leiving their car for ropahs near moi- risburg ontario llr and mis d w black and thor daughter margaret loft saturday morning by motor for a visit to corn wall ontario jfrs a j murray and daughter grace of toronto nro enjoying a very plensnnt visit here the qiils of tho rotary blue til angle aro camping on the alto occupied by tho kj y boys last month small groups under tho supervision of u leader havo attended services with tho continuing presbyterians tho pait two sundays last sunday morning they were addressed briefly by rev mr simpson at tho beginning of hl3 discourse afterwards dealing with jonahs refusal to go to nlnoveh tho lion bridge on main street s being given a double coat of paint which greatly improves its appear ance oakville the o hoi tlcultural snnlotv vbile a motorist in town while driving the other day observed a neatly paint ed sign on tho rear of the ear ahead of him he speeded up a little nnd thus was ho able to discern if you ean read this you aro too darn close rev n waddoll bus returned after spending hla vacation with his daugh ter nurse e waddcll portland maine nnd with friends at morewood ontario mi and mrs jolm mckeclmle havo gone 011 a motor ti ip up north anl will npetid a week or so with afr anj mis wm kirk at theii cottage mr and mm h kentncr of george town wero sunday visitors at mr p colo s mr and mrs d farrell and master lewis of toronto spt nt a fow days last week with his brother a e far- noil misa e marshall of georgetown is lofting with mrs 15 itiguson our junior hoys defeated llmchouso junior bill ttnm lu h friendly game hero on saturd ly tho young ladles of tho 9th lino de feated bannockhurn ladies in a soft- ball game hint wednesday evening miss alice swlndlchurst in holiday ing with her sister mrs f harding of limehouse mrs potoi ferguson npi ut a fow days last week with her pucnts nr kltchenci old home week mr and mrs j stowurt and little daughter of toronto speat tho weok- ond with mrs stewarts parents mr and mrs a j lindsay will hold their first annual show on saturdt y august 29 rov and mrs john little have boon visiting their daughter in toronto tao past week 01 two mr and mis r f sanders and fam ily left eaily this week to spend a monulai-acatioi- in biuco county tlio hand held tho woe ly concerl in tlil agricultural giounds west side on liilay evening tho selections weio enjoyed by tho west slders over fifty firemen and several mom bem of the oakvllle band went t thorojd on wednesday by tho lake shore bussta ty thg big flro bi igade demonstration there miiny american tourists uip nnss ing ihiough hero daily and are par ocularly delighted wjth the scenei and surroundings along tho hltrhway on tuesday inst the boy scou s left for tho sunsmor camp on m w t meriya farm dundnn btrrr next wednesday thoy will icturn mil tho cubs will go out foi tho bulanqo of tljo two weekh outing mlis may blah of the staff of th 1 nortliweliurn unlvetalty lvanatoi illinols and hei aunt miss blali of noithville south dakota aie vlslf- ing mrs j ii e elliott of town liio forrnci who is a cousin of mm elliott lias not seen hei for fifty ycais at 2 30 pfi monday evening thrt hat ladjiil cwa was un to oukvllli fiom burlington and now oulfvin m without ladlal cai a the company h 11 tlulmcd that thin end of the mud wan n loaning gimo fiom tho stat t rev canon h f i w001i1 nek flm lector of christ church toronto ull wis foi a numbei of rnis in ilim of at hide a chuich oakvlllo hit 1 just received a marked distlnnmoii 1n lias lieen appointed to mi umw jjil luv 1 j liidwoll bishop of jht on tuio diuicio of ho chin th of lonur land n tommlssuiy of hut illuitnh iim hlhhofi having just rchignod got lluit wiiht watuh ropaltod at cjai dlnci s watch and hopali flhop in tho hill block cornet of mill and elgin stroots acton r canadian national exhibition toronto 47th anniversary the annual worlds fair eclipsing anything previously presented unique monumen tal among exposition ut29septn2 inclusive mclean co mill street acton s specials for thi weelc 75c o ralbnggan shirty and drawers sizes 32 to 42 special at each mens summer combinations at 100 125 and 150 boys balbriggan shirts short sleeves at each 50c bathing suits one piece with skirt mens at 125 boys at 75c 50c 65c mens fine lisle socks regular 75c for mens silk and wool socks regular 85c for mens work socks dark gray rib top wool and cotton special per pair 3 pair for 100 35c special prices this week on mens odd pants mens work pants stripe cottonade good and strong poclcets belt loops special at per pair 250 boys suits we have about 15 boys twopiece suits we are going to sell at about half price now is the time to rig your boy up for school boys strong black cotton hose sizes 8 9 9 and 10 special at per pair 50c mclean co mdx street store closes wednesday at 1z30 acton ont when you serve pie mado with national tlour make tho cuti largo if tho fill ing is as fine as tho crusts will be pie crust is considered a test of a baker s skill use national riour and you will bo able to mako pio crust that will tempt a stono image ordc a sack of national plour to day it is tho finest flour mado for all round family baking norval floub mlfcls r orva1 onf w b browne co props ambitious young people 1 you want to make good 2 you know in business lies your opportunity 3 you know that training is necessary 4 you know thatlhe guelph business college with its a broad comprehenalve courses b business experienced qualified instructors fct individual instruction metnou d complete equipment of machines and office devices o good will and connections with the business public for locating graduates is the place for yon to get your training stabt monday august 31st at guelph business college a l bouce principal and proprietor gummer bldg phone 1165w guelph ont a home in acton have you thought of purchasing a home in acton this fall if you have you never had a better opportunity than now when the selection is good and on terms to suit you a few we have on our list no 59 i double brick cottage g looms lights and water no go 1 double brick house g looms lights and water no gl 1 double brick cottage 5 looms lights and watei no g2 1 double bi ick house 6 rooms lights and watei no 03 j solid bilck house 8 looms light and watei no gl 1 solid rflck house 7 rooms all conveniences no 65 1 brick ifouse fi rooms all conveniences no 66 1 brick cottage 4 rooms ijll conveniences no 67 1 roughcast house 10 room- llflhtf and watei no 76 1 rianio iiouhe 7 looms about 1 ijc10 tit garden no 70 1 roughcast house 6 rooms lights und water call or phone for our complete list we think we can please you j a smith telephone 105 cor mill and wallace streets acton actons fourth annual flower show to be held on wednesday aug 1 3 p m p 10 p m standurd time in prospect park acton masons orchestra will render musical selections dunns the evening refreshments may be procured on the grounds hh lia be had on application to members of the committee membership tickets include one admission to hall and are 50c in event of any member not exhibiting the ticket will admit two admission to hall 25c children if accompanied by parents free sbcure your membership tickets now mrs w j hall president frank scnven sac- trtas dance at huttonville park the peoples popular playground friday evening august 14th mwsu wuiuljiu xiv lon pascoeh melody kings of toronto dancing to 1 gentlemen lax included oldtime dances monday august 17th summer meats during the summer months many people do not want to cook meats arid have hot dinners we always carry ah excel lent stock of the finest of cold cooked meats ready to eerve cooked ham jellied meats cold roast pork bologna jellied tongue meat loaf walton si nine dances jcrsey etc- tho old dances dimrlnir every friday night come and enjoy free parking space free press job printing is always neatly done fresh lake trout for friday only by the fish by the piece isjicecl 16c 8c w j patterson corner mux and main streets acton ont 3 wim jfo to- lhu1l

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