Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1925, p. 1

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mk fiftfirstyear no 8 thursday morning august 20 1925 acton ontarlocanada thursday morning august 20 1025 single copies five cents the acton united church of canada mini iter rev r e zimmerman b a fc parsonage wiuqw street organist misa fern brown services 1000 a msubbath school 1100 a mrov s r bylca tor onto 700 p m rev s r bylea prayer antppmservtcothursday evening at 730 presbyterian knox church acton minister rev a c stewart m mansowwow stroot 1000 a m su school ioojo am bible class 11 a m rev mr cameron of tor onto 7 pm rov mr cameron strangers leaving address with the ushers will bo called upon by tho pastor the baptist church acton james w- boyd pastor fc46 a m sunday school 1100 am the pastor subject thrco typos of temptation v70d pm the pastor subject the healing of naaman tho syrian general helpful messages from tyo great bible incidents ijont miss those monday 8 p m younff peoples and prayer meeting all welcome special notices advertisements in this column itcent per trord minimum charge joe per inieftion grain wanted wheat oatu barley buckwhoat highcat prices amid v w b browne 7tf phono 3273 norval tor sale choice corner property for sale seven hundred cash tvilance eaay terms mrs a wright fairviow avo acton for sale iiitrgo carrots cucumbers icerkins beets choice waxy beans cooking apples for solo cheap mrs wright fairviow ave acton imf faan w irj each county to appoint agents to sell our mafirlc gas a guaranteed product new dis covery equals gasoline at 3 conts a gallon 100 box gives 500 miles 500 monthly cany wxitojiulck thrift news as well as style news to be told about newly cdme frocks secured on a stroke of gofid fortune by our resident new york buyer to sell at the specially low price of 2450 styles pne- qualities which if purchased through regular channels would have to be pricedregularly up to 3500 both silk and clgth frocks among them the majority in canton crepe satinfaced canton and fine wooixniarmeen featuring the new flares that are so strongly favored this fall both light and dark shades both womens and misses sizes see these interesting new arrivals first time you can get to town theres- a style and value surprise for you at 2450 new york hats 450 smart styles in velvet hats with a special price appeal at 450 wonderful choosing also chic little felt hats that are marvellously attrac tive in value at the special price of 300 p a ijsfebvre co alexandria ont card of thanks the undersigned wlbhes to convoy to all those who assisted in any way in tho arrangements for the boy scout camp their hearty thanks for tho kindly interest and splendid co-opor- atlun that was shown so generally and that made for succoss in tho man agomont of a crimp of thirty or more boys tor a two weeks period a q stewart asst scoutmaster nl f moore chairman of com an invitation toyhe band picnic the first band plonio will bo held next saturday afternoon at muttonville park and the cor will ieaveat440pmeveyonowhu would like to plcntc with tho baud is cordially dnvlted to come and bring tholr bnskot an especial in vitation is extended to all former members of the band to be present and enjoy tho afternoon with acton citizens band particulars may be obtained from any member of the band n f moore secretary fall fair exhibitors a the dlceoop pf acton fall falrsdcairo to draw the atten tion of prospective exhibitors at tne acton fall fair this year to tho fact that hall exhibits are hapononlytotho county of hair- ton and the townships of era- mom and erin and residents of this county and these townahipa only are eligible for competition in classes exhibited in the hall w j akin8 secretary w0nderlanj3 friday august 61 the girl of the limberwt by gcno stratton porter hor blgfcest selling and moat loved novel comedy jubllo jlkilor felix cartoon 8aturday august 22 oh you tony starring tnm mix comoily wild cat willie cartoon pictorial proverbs vox news tue8day augu8t 26 husbands and lovers starring florence vidor and lewis slone cllftpter 0 of the rllrfln itidbi- cdrnedy loyp comino orphons of the storm by d w orlfntn starring lil lian and dorijfhy oish p b l gregory son good time for a man to save all the ber clot and all year round su palm besciusuits madelby society brand twopiece models marked down t n from 2450 to p10 all the fine homespun suitfl twopiece styles for- summdr wear mdrked down for august clearance fri f from 1950 to pld mens and young mens styles neat stripes and fancy tweeds many 2950 to a pa 3250 suits at 4011 ail the mens straw sail ors reguar up to 350 clearing at just and 5 and 6 leghorns and panamas half price si wallpapers at august clearance reductions too this is a saving time to buy for fall needs d guelphs leading and ijirgwit sfqre d e macdonald bros ltd daily cjasing530 p m excepting wednesday at 1230 noon and saturday at 930 p m rev and mrs gulp now in california interesting epitome of the cross continent trip and descrip tion of surroundings a pur entijiq fflilrl ii send h box of candy wuh yquiovc tho candy witch aya that it ia boupd to- put you in rght tho girla llkpa tosy box of sweets find they fool favorably disposed tpwqrdn tho thoughtful hoy qv man who send thorn this is a straight tip even if it is as od as tho hills our cnndy makos good be- cause its mado good -gandzes- 3ixc 65 ort ont j k saturday treat jelly mauos 29c lb sotme thing now mak ing a big hit in tho cltiea at present a combination of jellies marahmallow and cocoanut reg 40c lb saturday treat 20c tb weekend chocolates 32clb take a pound with you a good assortment of hard and soft centres and al ways fresh reg 50c aad 60c lb sturdayjrrat32c4b cowdns koko buds 39q lb just arrived 100 lbs qf cowans doljolqus knlo bntn a real bargain ftt thin low price roff floclb while thoy laat 39c tb bars 2 for 5c while thoy last a limit- ed supply of nut and cream burs 2 for 5cw1vfor 25o packages of chocolates just received a t fresh supply of lowneye pack ages of chocolates lot na nhoiy ytm the btanuapd- aasortmont he ideal package for everyone you will likertf the following letter from rov j culp written from berkley cal on august 10th will bo read with interest by a multitude of friends here dear brother moore and all v wc are still at 1c28 california street berkley- cal as we cannot tuko pos session of pur place in moqntaln vlew until the 25th of this month ye were fortunate in socurlng a fine bungalow with a gariige poultry houso and two vacant lots with a variety of fruit and u couple of trees of nuts it is larger than avo need personal use but wo can use it all to advantage i spent a couple of days with our son and mrs culp and graco went down to size up things and came back well pleased with the place we are also fortunate in tho furnishings which are left with us so we need not go out to buyaat once and in six months will bo better situated to know what to do everythinff seems to bo provmen tlally arranged arid wo haveno regrets so far that we came out here i be hove it is tho beat- and only thing to do as we are situated i find that 1 am getting some normal nights of rest and sleep now but when wo go too much sightseeing and rush tho hills and mountain curves i feel the ef fects excoptlng a little delay at de troit by the youthful emigration officer who by reputation and practise was officious moce than ju dicious and from reports of those who come in contact with them dally this one is peculiarly in his delight to strain at the letter of the law and docs not have that sense of executive to apply when most- needed of treat ing tho travelling public with consider ation wo got along well however no detained us just long enough- o not continue on our train but we got our snnictrain at chicago ajid had no further delay ho had no right to do what ho did as we had a clear case r wo hadun interesting trip all tho way excepting one day through ne braska when it was hot and dusty w soon forgotvit however in tho rich scenery mrs gulps brother und daughter met us at ogden utah and wo jiad a very busy and pleasant 20 mlntftoa visit he congratulated us on our wiedom in coming to tho land of milk and honey wc have been round somo of tho most important drives and mountain sconery wo were over to look at san franslsco from the highest peak and down to tho ocean to the golden gate park also to mountain view over highways on both sides of tho bay how people can bo uninspired in tho god of all the universe in his wisdom and love for his children to give us such a world to uvoln i cant under stand x r we met a- couple at church- who news of local import dialocated right shoulder on saturday morning mr william fisher mill street slipped off the stops at his- residence and jn fulling struck his right shouldbr on tho coiner of the step tho shoulder was dljjlocatcl and mr fisher suffered grout pain until the injured member was jiroperly reset he is now doingnlcely how ever death of johhrcutlen the death of john cullcn formally years art esteemed- resident of acton occurred at his residence 38 ellzaboyli street guelph last thursday thta funeral was held on saturday af tor noon interment being made- in guelpii cemetery mrs cullen survives him friends from acton who attended the funeral are as follows mr und mrs thos marshall mr and mrs tuornatt lappln mr and mrs james doblile and james mr and mrs james wilds norman francis and fred in shoes for wear for looks for value new pall poods are beginning to arrive but we still jiave somg lines to gledr out to plle room for tjie new stock mens box calf medium toe goofj- year welt reg 500 for j mens pat oxford for x 600 435 500 295 pat gore pomp djo qf womens tan gore pomp reg 400 womens black reg 450 for hosierv why take chances on hosiery when you can come hero andbe certain of getting smart style long wear and good yalue on holeproof hosiery clijb bags anp suit gasps always in stock harry harrisonjhe shoe man we close wednesday afternoons all the year round with the exception of december came rrem uruce county and lived near allenford he said it is beauti ful but the people aro so wicked i attended another church prayer meet ing tho pastor said he was born near jondon we our family all mot a t tho ihl congrogatlonal church yesterday to hoar dr gordon he gave 12 points of brayans argument against evolution ho was in teres ting and profitable of course it is allbryan now in the pulpits we aro very much in love with our son in law they soeniwell mated and are doing well they have a nlcelyturnlbhedhome in good tasto and quality they aro glad wo cant get to our homo for a while so wo can stay here- wo are enjoying every day of it and to find meals ready and the outside all fixed up day by day does not slip past their appreciation wo will be glad though when we can get in touch with a home church we think of you all dally and i wlal every sunday for the aweet fellowship i had every sunday there and with tho dally associations mrs culp joins in love to all ever yours j culp ve are eager t get h of the free press aro anxious to sco tho report of your inauguration ser vice ray forgot to bring it with him yesterday so wo are late but it will be good all bo same when wo get t am glad to so you cot phil forbes alothea- u suit -his- purse ihavenot hfeen a drunken man or the semblance of one rflnoo j oarqo hero yot i heir some use tho same- old argument thit prohibition 1 a failure j c burlington fireman to come h ore arrangements are under way ir bring the drill team of the burlington fire brigade which won the ftrat prlne at tho firemens convention at thorola this year to acton the milton anrl acton bands will also be present and it is expected to provide a different and interesting evening for acton citi zens the date has not yet been de finitely arranged but it is expected that the affair will be held on fri day evening august 2fith in tho park here details will be presented later acton gains a good citizen further evidence of esteem in which mr thomas watson won held by his fellowcitizens of grand vailoy is seen by tho following item which ap peared in the star and vidette the business men- of the village on frl- daylat dldhonor to onejjf their num ber of twenty years standing thomris watson and presented him with a gold watch the pleasant affair took place in mutries drug store ro3s j leach and j h donaghy being responsible for it and which was at tended by many who appreciated tho good sportmanflhlp- manifested by- mr watson and his willingness to assist in every movement of benefit to tli community acton tourist pork acton tourist park is attracting some tourists these days and no doubt more would and their way to this commodious park with its conveniences if the council placed tourist parking signs on tho highway thoroughfares on monday evoning mr and mrs f av- d ugtildand 1 ittl 07 daughterutl fl and m w j qw successful students at acton high school the standing secured at the middle school ex aminations p s- greet1ngs from canada douglas gowdy presented message of geodwill to acton eng chamber thov acton- england gasette of july 31a c says- on saturday evening mr douglas gowdy and a friend both students on a visit fromcanada to gre bri and the continent called qn mr j taylor bocretftry of the acton cham ber of commoroo to communicate a message of goodwill from mr h- p moqro cxpresldent of tho aoton chnmbor of commerce ontario and his fellowmembers to the members of the a chamber of commerce england i at a meeting of the committee of tho acton chamber of com on mondliy evtmlngrthe greeting from canada was received with great pleas ure and tho good wishes were heartily reciprocated mr- gowdy mentioned to mr taylor that one of the first things his friend and ho did after landing at liverpool was to buy a ford touring car in this they had visited tho english lake district tho wcsjerfl highlands and other parts o sxofianc flha yariph beality diids antf thuq tly con sidered tnttt tloy had bpph ble to see the mothjerland in the quickest most comfortable and cheapest way thoy intended to sell their car before leaving for the continent police court news padlars of any commodity sold by tho ordinary business man in grand valley are soon brought to account the last case coming beforo police magis trate falconer recently when a yotfng lady named church was convicted jf violating- the county hawkers and pedlars license bylaw she took orders for silk hosiery without first getting a license an indiscretion tht cost her 500 a charge came up f6r hearing beforo police magistrate moore lost wednes day in which f j spry alleged that prrle lamb who had conducted his business for him for a week lat april failed to pay him all the mollis received for moa durhiff tho wqeft l yfiir origagcft tho bonks and aoonwnta n both parmea jwere o inndoqutttoiy kept thitt the evtftenoo bjven reapftot- llb what they contained wan vory-un- satlumctory by tho books and tttato- mentsmr spry claimed a deficit in payment of about 4000 by the sumo books and statements mr lamb4 solicitor showed that indebtedness hud been paid tho case was dismlssf the costs being levied equally upon plaintiff and- defendant crown- at torney dick and mr mler appeared fortho prosecution and mr clark of guelph for the d of once daughter miss marilyn v of london camped there they frlia two cara and quite a complete camping outfit with a wall tent and comfortable bleoplnr accommodations thoy- appreciated tho apaciousparkjthe -abundance- of purcr drlnklng water and bathing place in fairy lake and the general surround ings the party had been to hamilton niagara falls burllngon und other points and intended going from hero to owen sound and thence around the lake shore and back to ltfhdon by the ehd of the week thoy were til enjoying the outing very much haphy wedded at st josephs a very pretty wedding was solemn ized at 6t josephs church acton on tuesday by rov father mcrcavy when marguerite mary second daugh ter of mrs c costcllo acton way joined in the bonds of holy wedlock to mr wilfred josoph duval son of john duval bracebrldge ont tin bride who waavglyon flw by her uncle mr thn pu was bpeom- ingly nttlred inorahlrt seorffouq- hat to mutch she cnrrled a bouquet of ophella roses and babys breath she was nttendod by itor alster lena costello who wore greon goorgetto wlth-pleture-hat- and carried columbla roses mr tolfleld pappllon nephow of the groom assisted after tho wed ding breakfast the bridal couple left for a honeymoon trip to muakokn the brides travelling costume waa a cocoa brown ensemble suit hat and shoes to match and an isabella fox tuv tho gift of the groom the grooms gift to tho bridesmaid was a handtiomo pearl brooch and to tho groomsman apfoirl lift pin onrthcir return thoji the following is tho olllclal result of tho standing secured by the students of acton high schqplat the mlddln school examinations sltlon c british history c phyoicsr iii chemistry c beatrice blair english com- position- c british history c alge bra iii physics c olive coopernphyhics iii chdmlatry c latin authors c la tin composition c helen coxe ancierfe history c algebra i french authors ii french composition ii geometry 1 muriel crossmalq english composition ii english literature ii british history iii algebra i physlch chemistry 1 latin com position ii latin authors ii geom etry i annie dunn english compoai tion c john dunn english composition hi neville harrop english com- positldn i english literature n british history ii algebra c geom etry i chemistry 1 lntln authors c latin composition iii ralph henderson ancient history c algebra hi geometry i french authors iii- french composi tion c alice hodgson english compo tiltlon c english literature c al gebra c geometry c physics c chemistry c adeline hurst physics c chemlsfry ii josiopii hurstranclont history iii algebra c geometry c chemis try ii french authors c archie kerr english composi tion c english literature c british history i iii geometry i physics i chemistry i latin authors itl latin cumiiositloii h- french compo sition hi dora lambert british history h ancient history c algebra c chemistry iii french composition iii helen macdonald anolont history ii algebra i geometry i french authors iii french composi tion ii stanley mackie pliyaics c john mcdougall english com position c physics c iauratmtjnraybri tlsh history g a c ch social and personal miss carrie ryder of arkell visited acton friends this week miss a cor r i sill has been vlsitinfe with friends in hamilton mr and mrs pills and frances vis ited friends at dundas on sunday mrajohn cutven ih visiting at the home of mr arid mrs james wilds v mrsa mctavlsh has returned homi after-violtingher- aaijertit seafortli aliases jessio and murje mowat are holidaying in buffalo and hamilton miss doris holloway is spending a week or two with- friends in kitchener miss 1 jean lambert lias been holl- daying with her grandpiirents at ever- ton x v mrs robert bonnett is spending a coujle of weeks with georgetown friends mr and mrs russell robinson and freddie of toronto are visiting som friends here miss doris mcdonald is spending her holidays with friends in london and wlitdsor mr and mrs prank day and family rockwood visited mr r h wans- brough on sunday miss margarolbennett la holidaying during the month of august at bona vista lake of buys miss minple bonnett is spending a couple of weeks holidays at the swas tika house bala ont miss coyne of brampton visited at tho home of her uncle mr n f llnd say during the week misses jean barber and vera hurst spent a few days in kitchener last woek with friends there mrs charles a conway returned laat week from a pleasant visit at her union- of municipalities in- 1904 auj former home at uxbridge will reside in acton earnest sermons by rev john little rev john little tplnister ofbiir- ried church eramoaa proaohed two eurjituii uuvpui sermonb in tdo unit on church- on sunday in tho morning his theme was the matqhless un- ondlpbt loye of jeaua christ und wna founded on john 13i 3 and his divis ions 1 a pocullar security of believers 2 their present condition in the world and 3 christs una iter lng attachment to them in the evening his discourse had special emphasis on tho responsi bility of tho membership of the chufen tmrtextwoincuttft 8ls77taueei therefore how ye hear at this tlmo ho said it is necessary that every member of the united church should bo interested in the greater responsi bilities and opportunities which litge boen opened to them wo shpultl at tend the tseryjcqa of iod tq cqrahip ttis bi9nctw respqnalblo for bring ing the fliphyugo hut it ih tho peoplcn duty tfl reeyp hut message all should lave the reoelvlng ear and tho understanding heart and bo active hearer be yo doers of the word nnl not hearers only tho congregation was delighted with rov mr littles sermons and with his visit to tho church knox ladies aid pionic the people of acton are fortunate in having within a radius of three tnilc such a delightful recreation park as blue spring park which last wed nesday ufternoon became the incocu for a lnrgo gathering of the members and friends of tho ladles aid society of knox presbytorlan church by radial and motor car they procecdo1 to these restful surroundings mr and mrs murray showed overy cpurtoay to tho visitors all too quickly the after noon paasod in pleasant social intor- courao und lively- sports the latter included an exciting baseball gumo cpy a series of races for tlo glrly pnd boys and the vomot an noi pvptt for which ftuhaftlg ili wwio nro- oonrt he tvlvthnuv thw plqnloh ew oaffcrly ropondod to tho invita tion uf tho rofreahmolit committee to hurround the wollladen tables an t tho oxoollent suppor was enjoyed the soolety had us their honored guests itev dr arid mrs kannnwin of ham ilton und their children much credit i due to the capable president of the ladles aid mrs jonjita mac- dougall and to 4he other mdnilieii of tho executive for their offorth to render the gathering ho enjoyable the rosihjnse oh the part of the congrega- tion augurs well for tho huccohh of this enthusiastic organization in tho coming days com c latin authors c willrose reid ancient history ii algebra i geometry i french authors c french comp6sltlon iii lovena richardson ancient hlatoiy calgct3rart geomotryrnt physics c chemistry c clara savagealgebra ii physics iii chemistry c latin authors c latin composition c french authors c milton watson english liter aturc i ancient history i geometry i chemistry i latin authors ii latin composition ii french authors ii french composition ii jennie wiggins algobrnf c physics ii chemistry iii margaret young ancient his tory i physics i chemistry t form ii students taking form itl subjects reginald finney br i tlsh his tory ii pupilh who have not already received theh ccrtificateh may do so by calling at the oflloo of the secretary of tho bo ar drmr rrmmcdcna id note tho subjects on which tho candidate passed with his standing on each are indicated after his nam i moans that ho bus obtained fir3t class honors 7ii to 100 ii second class honors co to 74 hi third class honors 60 to 65 c credit 50 to 60 e mew mrs joe irwin from rochester n y visited for a few days at mr wesley murrays during the week mr and mrs chester gibson and family of mlmlco suent the weekend with mr and mrs thos nollos mr angus kennedy of guelph was home for a brief visit on saturday after his holiday at wasaga beach miss ada anderson of toronto has beon holidaying at mr john lamberts frederick street duringthe week mr and mrs colin mcnee of wind sor are guests of mr and mrs john harvey at mrs mcneos old homo misses isabel and nellie anderson and miss tona henderson are holi daying at pino grove inn muakokn mrs thou itumley lett on friday to spend a months vacation with her daughters mrs r blazej in new york sir adam beck has passed away ontarios hydro knight died at london on saturday night sir adam beck founder of tho on tario hydroelectric power systomo and chairman of tho operating com mission since its establishment und for amchtynve yearaonooftho moat- forceful characters in tho public- life of london and tho province and an internationally known iiposllo of mun- iciplo ownership- died saturduy even ing at 10 oclock at his residence headloy for two weeks it had iscfcn known that sir adama brief reaction of strength derlvdd from blood trans fusions in the john hopkins hos pital at baltimore was ebbing from htm and that pornlcloub anaemia with which ho had been otlcken in tho autumn had rtmtho inevitable course the great respect and honor in which sir adam beck was held was amply manifested at tho largo atten dance at the funeral at london and jt hamilton on tuesday tho beginning of sir adams great interest in tho supply of cheap elec tric power for the pooplo of ontario began in 1903 when ho was appointod a commissioner to investigate tho de velopment and distribution of electrlc power from niagara falls in 1906 us minister without portfolio in tho whit ney provincial government sir adam beck introduced a power bill in tho legislature creating tho hydroelec tric power commission ho was ap pointed chairman of tho hydro-elec- trie power commission in june of tho same your this position ho con tinued to hold up to the time of his death sir adam had very wido in terests he was mayor of london from 1902 to 1904 he was president of the held ofiico in the various local as sociations he was first elected to the legislature for london in 1901 and was reelected for each succeeding term until tho provincial general election- of 1919 when he was defeated by h a stovenson labor representa tive adam was again elected t the ontario legislature as member for london in the general election of 1923 and was appointed minister without portfolio in the government of hon g howard fcrffuflon 1 storey family reunion an enjoyable gathering at corwhtfi on friday- tho home of mr and mrs- root marshall of corwhln presented a gay appearance on friday it being beaut- ifully decorated with flags and bunting on tho occasion of a re u of tha storey families of nussagaweya mr and mrs elliott of toronto are ml r storey of actonr was spending a couple of weeks at the the oni surviving member of tho old good work on the streets the grandstand at the park to have needed improvements a- ufr- twffliirnjlbitlnn nf fli pplin- 11 on tuesday evening all tho coun- r homo of mr and mrs hubert mann ning all tho coun clllors were present and tho reovo in tho clmlr the finance commlttoo presented their aeventeonth report and recom- jucoded- o t fpu cqunta general acoount acton ioee pruias printing 21 20 a e crlpps cartage 9 30 long daly legal advice 25 0 bell telephone co services 6 35 61 91 waterworks accdunt bell telephone co services 4 si 77tb 0 report was adopted moved by f holmes seconded by l e atkinson that tho cujrk bo in structed to write the jjtu telephone co not to rftcojyo any long distance calls y4 the- town hull phone car- a uylaw increasing the penalties for violation of highway regulations at tho corner of mlland main streets and making the fines 10 and 25 as a maximum for flrfct and second penal ties was passed by tho council ropalrs to thoroad on victoria avo- nuo and queen street und several other minor- street repairs wero dlu- cusaed moved by a mason seconded by l e atkinson that tho several jobs of grading und road work bo attendod to at once including the hill on vtc- toiia avenue and tho queen stroct railway crossing gravel at post office crossing etp carried moved by a mason seconded by e t thotford that the streets and walks committee bo authorized to ar range the work to he done in front of mr a afclsaacs property carried a petition for a hldewalk on main stoeot was received and defarred for investigation by tho streets und wujha committee mr f e peiry pointed out the bad condition of v voad on guelph streex tji mutter wu8 eflven to the troeh and walkh commlttoe for in vestigation und improvement chairman of tho puik committee mason suvc a report of an inspection to the park buildings repairs to the grandstand wero nodded and tho band stand was in such a sluto that it was deemed advisable to pull it down movod by a mason seconded by mr harbor that tenders bo called for for shingling the grandstand at tho pane and for erecting a wire fence around the pound property carried chairman holmes of tho comotery committee brought up tho matter of tjie complaints about tho conditio t tho cemetery ho said ho waj i4atlos to have it put into prupu shape but the keeping down of tho taxes talk by council had always curbed hiu desires home ormrr and mrfljrvrbaiburert mr wesley masales dairyman who hits been 111 for several weeks went to the hospital at guelph for treatment lust woek j mrs goodman was hero during the week with mr goodman of toronto who is supplying the pulpit of thj baptist church rev dr and mrs kannawln and children of hamilton were guests for a week of mr and mra alex kan nawln arthur street ajr christopher cook of grand rapfdu mlohlgan was hero this woek renewing- acquaintances after an ab sence of thirty years mr and mrs henry dedels and mr and mrs jerry broke of bresmi spe sunday at the hom of mr an sirs wpttburt lake ave mr and mrs w a young of cedar crook farm left friday to spend a few weeks with frlerids and relatives in musk oka and otheiiiolnts mr r h wansbrough returned home this week after soveral days at his son roybs homo at mlmlco and with other relatives in toronto mrs rev r e zimmerman and children are visiting her sister in tor onto rev mr zimmerman is spend ing a week or so at atlantic city ny mra juoaa eurt returned home on original thomas storeyfamily of nas- sagaweya present he being now hi his 85th year und still halo and hearty others of special note present were mrs george storey of acton widow of the luto george storey she is 85 years old and still ablo to enjoy her- ucuf although nojt so active as in former yours mrs thomas storoy of acton in her 77th year was also present as early as 2 oclock tho guests be gun to arrive in carloads and by g oclock there were nearly 100 present from cleveland toronto guelph mil ton acton norval arkell eramoaa and nasaagawoyu j the afternoon wua spent in sports a game of aoftball being played which all enjoyed and a number of races were run at 6 oclock everyone pres ent proceeded to tho lawn where they jqlncdliiillhpoaink- of thegqoiluijnff3 provided by the ladiea of which there was an abundance after tho lunch was over mr jamca bell of pioyeland was called to tho chair and there waa a short program a numbdrof impromptu speeches wero made by tho older members llttlo miss june frank of nossagawoya do- lighted tho largo gathering with hisr scotch songs it was decided to hold tho reunion annually mr nclll black of aiicobwas appointed- president and mr david storoy of eramosa secre tary- treasurer fergus mr ross burt spent sunday there mr and mra w h denny and mr iffid m f syrackh o tar onto spent the weekend at denny- blanc tffo home of mr and mra j denny mra john blair haa returned homo to toronto after spcmdlng a wcok with hor aunt mra c mclaughlin who nas been ul but is slowly im proving ml am iary e macphersonjwho hair been tsktrnr ir course at columblaurrtid vcrslty new york returned to her home here this week for a few holi days 1 messrs victor watson wesley ai- inn wealoy kaiabr- john ahn and william murray jr left n monday on the xlarvotcra excursion for the prairio provlncoa mlbses heta carroll atul evelyn owens and messrs griffith carroll and alyln bailoy of toronto motored from tdronto on saturday and spent the weekend with friends in town mr e j mooro of toronto return ed to tho duties at ms office at tor onto the first of the week after spend ing about a fortnight ittthe old homo and his boyhoods surroundings mr vf s holmes manager of the royal bank odessa oht with mrs holmes and little daughter allco left on monday for napance after spending aomo tlmo with mr and mrs l b shorey liiko ave mrs robert denj4 h4h juat return ed homo itifona rtf three weeks trip by motor through pennsylvania now yok and ohio accompanied by her brother and his wife mr and mrs jas sahll of youngstown ohio miss emma speight pf lansing who was seriously 111 in tho spring and spent a month in tho hospital in toronto after a aerlous operation vfw recovering nicely at her homo for sev- lrovnthb but owing to a second at tack on sunday was again removed jo tho hospital she is now reported us doing nicoly at wellesley hospital tonight tthurhdy in tho great programme at th ourden party in acton four wrtiats twb comedians and the qajwt 3fic und 15c dont it 1 armstrong photographic ex pert hns opened a studio in tho wwll- known hills gallery acton imwao- gruphlng in all ita brancheia alms de veloped pricoo very ceaaoaable i acton wins ball game tho actotv basobailteam won anr exhibition game at mansowoqd laat saturday by a 81 score tho acoro in no way describes the game which went 10 innings both teams acorod 1 r e in th ge but scoro again until acton scored 7 runs- in the hectic tenth many times dur ing tho game things looked dark for acton in the ninth innings manae- wood had 3 mon on and only one out but gibbons settled down and struck two mpn out twice beforo lefty struck tho third malt out with run ners on in tho tenth mcdonald got a hit- and- the next three hitters laid owirbuhtsibcorti l run a tho bases filled kaley singled scor- ing 1 run and holloway doubled clear ing the sacks it is expected that tho mansewood team will play a- return game hero on saturday they play nice ball and have somo milton players in their lineup georgetown defeated hlllsburg on saturday bv a large score tho locals wero thus eliminated from tho running it is expected that after tho winners of the league are declared the locals will play an exhibition gamo with tho winners in tho park hero expert report on ontario crops tho bank of montreal reports or tho crops of ontario for tho week have beon synopslzod as follows fall wheat yield above average spring grain good average crop practically all tho barley bus be on harvested and out cutting is general root crops aro in exccllont condition und should bo above the average corn is making good progress but oorn borer- ih caus ing serious damage in the houthwcdt ern counties beans look very prom ising and hoavy yield la expected the apples pcara and plums aro ubovo who average peach crop promising grans pasturo la in good condition improvements in county road tho county council having loft in tho hands of tho department of high ways the docislon as to whether the gjuejph- line road or brant street be retained as a county road in the re- visod syhteni hon g s henry has inspected tho two roads and it has beon decided that the guolph lino roa3 bo retained and brant street shall re vert to tho township of nolaon it ih stipulated that tho guelph lino road right of way bo widened to cg feet throughout und at several road intersections where a slight jog oc curs tho road be stralghtoned and given bettor aligment tho bylaw approving of the revised county road system will bo passed at tho noxt meeting of tho county council champion x

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