Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1925, p. 2

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sty artmt 3xt fxtato titjursday august 2t 1925 the time of harvest time wlnnowa boauty with a flory wind driving tho dead chaff from tho living grain 6omo day thoio will bo golden ohcavos to bind theio will bo wonder in tho world again thero will bo- lonely phrases born to powr thoro wil bo woids immortal and pro found i though no man knows tho coming of tho hour and no man knows tho eower or tho ground it may bo oven now the ranging earth lifting- to glory gomo forgotten land pools thero deep beauty quickening to birth sprung from tho bo wins of a hidden hand beauty ondurea though towering cm plres dio o awoop vtho blown chaff down tho smoking sky harold trowbridge pulslfor stye mxst vt ljnrt fnru on the becket toller by sheldon c stoddard l the fa8t majl the engineer of 215 read the order from tho superintendent and simply said to tho visitor you had hotter climb up into tho firemans seat now before we start and stay there where will the fireman sit tho visitor asked he wont sit said the engineer and pocketed his longnosed oil can between the wheels tho visitor asked no more questions but clambered to his place how high it soomed he had ridden in ordinary locomotives but thlo gave him a new suggestion of height and bulk c all right tho words came simul taneously from tho conductor on tho platform and tho fireman in the cab as tho first swing of the conductors lantern was discerned a fraction of a second before his shout was heard ten oclock and tho fast moil wao off at tho very second green lights red lights white light and lights on the bridge and up and down tho river lights of engines drawn up on sidings to let the mail go by lights of jatoraen swung with assur ance that tho way was clear could any man understand this bewildering dancing carnival of lights that pecked thanight with many colored beams anawhat a maze of tracks tho nono of 215 poked its way among them as it soontlng by somt magical instinct the way to go for it seemed impos sible than any man could be certain which among them was the right one j tho city was left behind them now for the bpen prairie a mile a minute i it is not much when you sit by tho car window and soe it go by but to face it from tho cab it la very differont never mind the milepostal the fireman shouted watch for the sta tions and he handed over a time- card on which the distances were given they were passing a station now tho next by the umocard was five and sevententh miles distant four minutes and fifty- three seconds eighty miles an hour even ninety an hour on some of its stretches tho fast mall made that night four hours im sudo gordon sadot madge gordon ran up tho hollyhockbordered path and clattered up tho stops to the broad oldfashioned piazza wav ing an open- lotter sade gordon where aro you there was a sound of light but de liberate footsteps upstalrs and dl- rectlil slim girl whoso jdquant fnco wore an exaggerated solemnity ap peared in tho stairway and asked dramatically why those excited frenxjed outcries o excited one excited two you will say present ly uncle freeman and aunt xuinojr have invited us to spend two weeks two weeks with them at mountain holm madgo waved tho letter ex ultantly two weeks at mountain holm the two of us together theio and m jiut now sadlo appeared at the foot of the stairs almost as if with a leap from top to bottom give jt to me instantly sho cried pouncing upon the letter sho glanced through it httlly then suddenly she seized hov sister around tho waist and danced with hor up and down tho broad piazza isnt it lovely sadlo said madgo as they presently pausod out of breath that lovely mountain and the lake and the parties and the games on the lawn and two weeks of it madgo and wb can so for cousin kato said she would come and holp mother any time this summer if wo were away wasnt it splendid of her and but sadie paused with a curious look of apprehension madgo how much would ii cost roundtrip for both fifteen dol lars tho last words came faintly and some llttlo things we should have to get would make it certainly more than twenty yeos asserted madge but wo shouldnt need much more wo hao our new suits thats just it you know whati nico picking but thero will bo o pp po s the- night air smiting the great engine in the face tho mississippi was passed tho run was completed and 216 was uncoupled and gave he train over to 210 which stood ready to take it on to omaha and fhence with other engines to he pacific a little railroad hotel had carta of hot water ready two gallons for each man from tho train and the visitor dropped upon a hard but clean bed father said when ho paid the hill madge drew a short gasping breath and there was an interval of silence during which both bright faces length ened perhaps we ought not even to men tion it to him said sadie presently he has had so much to pay latoly ahd but wo ought to toll him said madge ho cant spare tho monoy but he may soe a way to holp us mv id go into anything to earn it wcr shall have nearly threo weeks anj ho knows we wont toase maybe ou are right madge he thinks of almost everything but fallen gioup that mot two horns iit at tho domocrut wagon three fiushel indignant faces thieo scantily filled palls two draggled skirts and a variety of scratches were the result of the general inventory stealing just straight stealing that ib what it is pioclatmed sadie angrl ly such lawlessnessought to bo pioa ocutod pronounced madgo with equel ire raided tho whole patch plague take omy said ben bot you i know who did it too who- askedboth birltr that holley gang thoy llvo about two miles down lynx creek neat the village theros a wholo raft of chil dren theyie jutt tho ones thero there he continued excitedly but in lower tones look ho pointed to the farthest corner of tho patch which they had not yet visited two battered straw hats wore bobbing along just visible over the rank undergrowth behind these emerged presently a couple of light- colored oldfashioned sunbonnots witn immenso capes and behind the sun- bonnets two other headaj covered only by cons pi clous shocks of tousled yel low hair the pi occasion consisted of a tall woman a boy as big as bon and four younger childien they took a wellbeaten path down lynx creek th woman and tho boy carried two pails each tho children one the tramped sturdily along and presently disappeared theio goes our trip to mountain holm said sadie in deep disgust lawless gang muttered ben yes that dooms our trip assent ed madge such people scorn to havo no regard for tho rights of others noi for deqenoy lots go homo at dinner mr gordon listened grim ly attentive to tho mornings tale you neednt glvo up just yet he said whon ho had heard tho wholo story they have made off with tho with a speed like that of a train it self ho seemed hardly to have touched the bed when there was a knock at the door there were fifteen minutes to dress to eat- his breakfast j and start back i was thero time for a morning prayer hardly yet the habit of a lifetime was strong upon him and tho visitor dropped for a moment on his knees at tho head of his bed to utter a word of thanksgiving and of petition far himself and for the jnen who ran the trains hs was about to rise from his knees when through the thin wait cupled from the next he heard the sound of another man kneeling they were close together with only the door betweon it was the engineer who knelt to ask strength for the work of tho day and a blessing on the dear ones at home it was atm night when the 215 started back eastward hauling the colorado limited but a brighter light began to glow along tho rails and at last the 215 was heading straight into the rising sun there was a won derful uplift in the sensation of- that moment and an inspiration in the con trast out lntb the blackness of the has has supper for this young wo man was wise so in the pleasant twilight hour farmer gordon resting contentedly after a busy day was confronted by madge who handed htm an open let ter silently he read it with care very kind of your uncle and aunt to invito you certainly very kind he paused a moment but madge kin im afraid i must disappoint you others perhaps you can make it yt i think wo can put a stop to further pilfering ill write a note for you to toko over to that holley tribe id go myself but i cant leavo today the note will do the business ho said grimly dont havo a word with thorn if they act sulky ho continued you girls neednt get out of the wagon ben can run in with tho note its too bad to lose the first picking but he went on encouragingly i believe it la worth trying for yet tho girls brightened a little wo will take tho noto and glad to got the chance said madge yes indeed ag sadlo it for two houra elcep the sleep poifcedfl cannot justly spare tho money per haps another year but there i know another year is almost like never to young people ittls too bad my girl never mind that father sold the girl quickly wo thought it might be so but we also thought you might possibly know of some way that we could arn some money mr gordon considered a while then said quizzically i think i know where you might find fifteen or per haps twenty dollars whero thero was a quick swish of skirts as two very eager young wo men swooped down upon him for sadiehad euddenlyapp eared where j abouts father ho took a srirl on either knee it was easy to seo that the three were comrades where his eye twinkled why tho plan i had in mind is up on the becket fol- ler the girls stared blankly you know he wont on 1 bought the big foller i know i 8houidsay fallow in the presence of two cul tured young ladles i bought it last year it has been cut and burned over twice and this year it is covered with raspberry bushes loaded with the largest raspberries that i aver saw thero aro bush young ladles were looking brighter than ever tho berry crop generally is short this year ho continued owing to tho dry wcathor but this pleco of new will bo a small offset to this morn ings aggravation remember all you need to do is to leave the note and come away admonished thelr father i think tho tribe havo moved thero within tho year for i know nothing about them they may be a rough set sun rising the visitor looked across the cab at tho sooty faco of tho engneer did he too fcol iho poetry the inspiration of tho experience if ho did his tare ga no sign of it h w fr wi nu a llttlo to soe tho track his firm jaw shut tight and his firm arm rigid on tho throttle if thero was any senti ment in the experlenco he did not show it it waa just grim stern dur but of strength and nervo to do thit duty well tho visitor had some now suggestion when he thought of the prayor ho had heard through the door it was past three oclock when the gordon wagon turned into tho lynx crepk road and shortly after drew up in front of the unpointed houso of the holley tribe which stood in the centre of a rather large treeless yard a long lino of newly washed clothes showed conspicuously every thing about the place soemed tidy those olothes aro well washed any way admitted sadlo reluctantly viewing the long lino critically madges sharp eyes wero scrutiniz ing things closely sadie she an nounced well take that noto in our selves come along a11 right fearless one im ready tho dauntloss sadlo j out promptly ben gave a sigh of relief ho had not craved tho job but ho followed his pis tors after having hitch ed the horse to a post holding firmly her fathers note madgo knockod and tho door opened so quickly that both girls stopped back involuntarily a tall angular woman stood in tho doorway her rather thjibutnotnjieaaant facelighted ulously togothci foi a moment then sho wont on steadily 1 but thin hju ing tw u tllficouiact- j 1 was whin clmonpo mo baby 1 c him it 111 waa lo n and the doctor comin iwontv times ooil bt rood to tho man foi ho tqok a dollar a time and him charging two dollars t6 tho othors and ho saved mo baby glory bo sure tho town offorod to help tho giay oyofl unshod and twas vsvy kindly meant but would i havo mo chllder on tho town ahny thing but j that while theio was llfo in mo and im a strong woman yot well i was nigh wild wld tho rint overdue and then it scorned as if the eood lord temomboied us for mo danny huntin young cattlo for tarmor ball ho wis found tho surprislnest patch of rasp berries on tho places that goca by tho numo of snulrebeckota foller ho and there and boyant i tould danny to look fqr tho squire but nil ho coull and was hed moved fnr away so i seen ho cared nothing for trio berries twas then i thanked god an tould the chudor to pick them auro thoyro i high priced this year ye woulrtnloa knowin squire socket woutjl yo younjj ladies our fnfchei knows him said madgo quickly and wo nro very auro that squiro becket does not want iho ber ries no he couldnt possibly of itiaf wo are certain said sadlo a look of relief passed ovor tho reso- j lute faco its forty quarts they got tho first plckin this morning- tho grayoyos shone and well bo takin thlnv to bridge station thin after noon what7 you after all that wash ing exclaimed madge tls lut two miles an a half miss what do you got for them asked sadlo eight oents the quart they re high this year you can get fifteen cents for thein at tho beachgrovo hotel said sadie tho woman caught hor breath sharply it is only twonty minutes run from tho station explained madge and you can use our shipping crates wo aro suio our father will be willing rifteen clnts gasped the woman and would yo be doing all thlb and me a stranger god bless trio sweet hearts of yo then and woh drive you ovor to the station now with tho berries bui please hurry up- mrs holley you ought to catch the fourforty train the station is only a little off our way home an hour later the gordon girls climb ed into the wmjan and ben turned poter away from the bridge station where thoy left mrs ho hoy lyaltlrg for tho fourforty train ben lookoj meditatively straight ahead but tho girls on tho back seat kept turning sweet subdued faces and waving white handkerchiefs toward the tall lonoly woman who was watching tho wagon out at sight after a littlo while ben halfmurnft3 and regarded his sisters quizzically well said sadie halfsmlllng j i wisht you wouldnt pick tht foller berries ben said hesitatingly wo wouldnt plok them cor the world safd madgo softly ben flicked a fly from peters back wriggled uneasily and presently said taint likely youll be making that that padded suit now sadlo laughed you shall h an john scott deacon an appreciation tin pit bint of john bcott deacon iuml to iiat domuuded moro than a hi icf notice in tho ubjtu uy columns of tiic press by many of tho citizens of ingersoll who have pissed middle llfo he will bo remembered with kndly f ollngtj as a former principal ijr tho public school for a dozen years or more what i h ive to any regard ing him tu bajed upon intimate ac quaintance extending over nearly co years and naturally my remarks will cohtaln many personal remarks for which i cuavo tho indulgence of thoso who may road these lines my acquaintance with mi deacon dates back to tho year 1868 at tha time he was teaching the school it dicksons corners and i was enrollel as ono of the small boys of tho school ho was succeeded in 18c9 i think by tho late mi buckncll but again in 1870 mr deacon who had in the meantime taken a course in the tor onto normal sohooj took charge and i emalnod foi oneaortivo years on leaving dicksons corners he became principal of the ottervnlo schtool and soon after he waa called to tho prln- clpalshlp of the ingorsoll public schools in 1874 1 entered the model school w hid recently been estab lished there and of caursc mr deacon very kindly assisted mo in securing a position in tho school at dereham centio whero ijo himself had startej on his career na a teacher some time bofot e when at the expiration of two yeais 1 left this school my friend was again instrumental in securing for me an appointment this time as his first assistant in the model school heie shortly after this he became the principal of one of tho woodstock public schools ana not long after wards he was appointed inspector of public schools for the county of hal- ton a position fiom which ho re tired a few years ago during all thoso later years up to tho time of his death i had the plcasuro of meeting him more oi less frequently so that through all tho years from my child hood till he was called away i never completely lost touch with him it will bo thus seen that i havo hid ample opportunity of knowing mr deacon and experiencing hl3 kindness and in gratitude i desire now tp say what i have often said be fore that to him i owe more than to any other man i over knew with tho singlo exception of my own father tor well nigh sixty yeais i havo known mr deicon as a teacher and a personal friend and benefactor and i- deslre to place on record my very high appreciation of his ability as a teaehe- his sterling character as a man and his deep and abiding friendship as a teacher he left upon me and i doubt not upon many others of his pupils the deep impress of his perj sonallty and of his faithful thorough ness and skill as a teacher while under his instruction at the model school i imbibed many of the prin ciples which i havo over since followed in my work as a teacher and inspectb and which have proved of inestlmablo valug to mo in that work in his dis cipline ho was firm but kindly ho was truly interested in his pupils- when i last saw him he inquired with genuine interest about several who had been his pupils considerably moo puzzled pat pat had ntvei neon a wholo it not whereas his filentl miko was an on thusiast and tt o proud ownei of a loudspeaker mike was explaining tho mysteries of tho set to his friend whon ho wao called out of tho room on returning ho found pat with the hcadphonos ovct lits cars shouting unintelligibly lno tho loud speaker whats the matter wld yo ex claimed mlko in hurprlne pat glared at hhn this thing may bo pretty to look at hi said but lm hanged if i can got he exchange s hard to get at sentence sermons an english barrlnter arguing boforo tho criminal court aya answers re marked with much solemnity to the presiding justice my lord there is honor anion g thieves the justice looked at him severely there in gold in noawater ho re plied but it cannot bo extracted in profitable quantities co on sli it pah to i mtmhci j hut the judcnii nt d iy it tho day vo inulco foi ouihohtu tliat llfu i simplest phusuilh njc tho ones with the lasting joys oi isaq ni o3 uvo uiui au iintji two women at tho name timo that lifos hwcj teat joys go to tho puie in hi irt that a pi ollt without honoi makes no mini hunoiuble that qod cin uttonl to wait ho h is plenty of timo that a meie infatuation is poor home making mitctlul they must have run to gether the hah restoioi man seemed puz zled i dont know whether to ac cept this testimonial or not he mused what a the mattoi with it de manded the advei using nianngcr wrlles 1 used to have three bald spots on the top of my he id hut hinco us ing one bottlof youi hah restorer 1 havo only one sex is imo barrier manor womnyour dcterm inatlonisauthat laneceuary to earn an incoipe of from 5000 to 10000 a year have the leisure to enjoy the sood thing of life and be retpectedin your com munity a member of t dignified profession doctors of chlroprsbctlc enjoy if these things youcaxitoo thf toronto college of cwioyrsctic will fit you for the wofestlon classes sure now forming for s twelve months course of study write for our year book tt giver full particulars of how to mtrth dignified occupation hoy you can at yourself in a year to earn the tocome mad leisure dua you thh010mto college of cmioriacnc dft it 1m f ft duriu st tttmti s s ht aw td fr p c no 9 extra nice one uen she said gems of thought land hnosttud well arid tho hotel men at beachgrovo pay fif teen cents a quart for raspberries now becket foller is throe miles away at tho hoad of lynx creek it is lonelj and it 1h reached by a very rough road but if two young ladles whom i know wish to pick berries and can se cure tho scrvlcosdf master ben gor don the famous halfback ot the beegum eleven he nodded toward a s boy o thirtoon with an lm up with pleasure when sho saw tho girls tho room bohind showed scrupulously clean she looked at hor visitors inquiringly madge experienc ed a sudden dislike to her errand may wo got a drink here she asked taking the first excuse that sug- idjjefrted itself thpjt yo can then was tho teply faix weve a spring thats a spring and no mistake the likes of it e cant find on the crcok heio katy i bring a pall q wator fresh froth tho spring oh dont tako that trouble plcaso interposed maadgo sura its no troublo at all miss i was just wantln a fiesh pull mesclf run along katy tho young ladio 3 doi ho wanting a drink sho looked fondly at the chubbyfaced girl of twelve or thit toon who after ft shy glanco at tho visitors started down to the spring with a shining tin pal wuro half thepawot that flllfl ihu earth with terror wero half the wealth beatowed oh camps and courts given to redeem tho human mind from error there were no need of arsenals and forts j lonerfoliow raliurea interest me more generally than succoss thoy seem to reveal human nature moro truly and on tho whole moio encouragingly than any thing else in tho world succftsfl en- couragqs tho worst qualities in men failure ofttlmes brings out the beat prayer is tho fear if not tho voice of failure laurence housman the peace movement is nothing but tho substitution of law for war the woildhoa already learned to do thia in hamlets towns cities and states the next stop is to establish this prln ciplo between all nations of the earth all nations if any stay out of tho ar rangement they hinder progress b bright we are learning that no one can ae all truth thatourdoubtlng neighbo- may bo as honest as wo are that as many causes tend to make men think differently as allko and we aro also learning that tho main thing is to cast out satan and not to walk togotlior t t hunger thnirnftyye5ra before a ainan ho g sc tu uaat little things it is but pride and selfwill which says 01 vo me something huge to fight and i should enjoy that but why make mo sweop tho dust charles klngsloy kindly gentle respected and beloved by thoso who knew him although forty years havo passed since he lived and labored here he is today remem bered honored and mourned by many people lnth3 town and by scoresof otfrers scattered abroad over the face of the earth looking back across tho years i cannot recall that any man or woman ever to my knowledge spoke an ill word of j s deacon he must i think have narrowly escaped the woe pronounced against those of whom all men speak well as a friend he was true depend able never lacking when a friend watt needed as i have abundant reason to know whonover as student c r teacher i was in need of any ser vice which ho could render and of which htf was aware ho always play ed tho part of a friend and his hand invariably went out to help his llfo was indeed an inspiration and his friendship a benediction tho world will be much tho poorer be- j cause he has gone r a patterson n ingorsoll sentinelreview a uestion why do you find better workman ship in mclaughlin- buick motor cars ibswer mclaughlinbuicks precision methods are possible because of mclaugblii- bincks great volinne7it would be impossible to put such fine workmanship into mclaughlin- buick cats for their price if mclaughlinrbuick built but a few thousand cats a year persistence of superstition let us respect the people of othci races enter with sympathy into thela hones let us try to dlscovei the bc- tei aiidtnot tho wotst in man lot iih love our neighbor as ourselves bishop william lawrence not gulty in paris nnlil a ladv who had tho superstition dies hard even in the keen light of modern civilization the boliefs which educated persons woull confess if they told tho truth woulj make an amazing category women are worse sinners in this respect than men it is hard to find tho woman who has the courage to pass a pin on the sidewalk or to walk under a ladder on a crowded street where going un der a laddci w is e isy andgolng out side of it involved a plunge among a throng of wheels and hoofs eighty men chrisemrtratsldenrnvd dange- ous path beforo one made her unter- rlflcd way beneath the ladder and the j superstition doubtless tho quarks and charlatans i of the world could toll strango taloa s v king representative for thi8 section georgetown ontario nf tho crccttrlityanabupcrstnionflof theji customers recently at chat ham dngland a woman paid an alleg ed witch a hundred pounds for powde tho burning of which would bring her a treat fortune a london magistrate had before him this winter a man and woman who lived with their six children in a small room and kept a dozen rabbits looso a the same room as a preventive of the the charge- a th two was of cruelty to animals not of cruolity to children but tho parents were unconvinced although thoy weie convicted ind fined tho gi osser foi ms of superstition shock us more than the mild and fantastic ones like those clustering about tho moon the saltcellar the lad dcr and tho pincushion hut all alike have a baneful effect upon character mothers cannot wholehearted teach their childron reliance upon law and order while they themselves bellovo ltliut witchcraft controls some of the most trivial accidents of human life spadework that gets the trade how dimplescome haveryofu a dimple if jio do you know what it really is a dimple is actually nothing moio than a dent or depression in a part of the body where tho fles in ver soft dlmplos are not confined to tho chock alono and babies frequently have dim- plod elbows and knoos plump chil dron usuahy have several dimples on their backs and shoulders dlmplos usually accompany a smile and when they appear on other pod ploe cheeks we seldom think of their cause underneath the outside skin of tho faco are fibres of varying length which run in all directions occasion ally these fibres are too short in a cc taln spot and so pull tho akin which forma the dimple undoubtedly a libel a story is told about a group of strangers talking amiably together in a country inn ono said i was born in virlnli tho mother of statesmen artd fair wo men native stato is kentucky boast ed another the land of superb pas tures fleet horses sure marksmen ami peerless beauties a third extolled ohio a fpurth then praised louisiana at last tall gaunt man safd well gentlemen i come from the garden pot of america j wheres that shouted the others in chorus skowhogan maine can i sell yon a rasorstrop he had tried both now my boy tell rap how you know an old 1artrldgo from a young one aaked the squiro in an english erloa- ioal by tho tooth air nonsense boy i you ought to know bettor than that a partridge hasnt any teeth no rilr but i hava menso shock of red hair as team ster and general helper i shall be glad to lend them ono fat black horso named peter nnd ono democrat wagon j shipping crates nnd necessiry supplies want to try if do wo cried madge yes yea said sadie emphati cally it will bo just fun it will also be a lot of hard dla agrccablo workvsaid her father but i think youjian earn fifteen or twenty dollars if you mean business if you should lack a little well wo should sea dont break my neckt he oxclatmod inoprotended alarm for there was n rush and a hug before the girls turn ed away to discuss this new scheme you try ben sadlo madge nodded apprehensively toward the red-rhead- cd boy who was reading intently in the corner sadie approached him diplomatically what booksso wonderfully intei- estlng ben why as sho glanced over his shoulder its an arithme tic well cant a man look into his arithmetic in vacation time without scaring folks asked bon with dig nity i should say it was a very good thing for any man to do replied his a later who was awaro that in ordci i to be eligible to his school football team he must pass seventyfive per cent in all examinations can get betterh ninety in ovoiy- thlng but this growled ben but heao plaguy problems always botho ed me i if you will help us through tho berrypicking ben declared sadie seizing tho opportunity ill holp yon with your arithmetic nnd madgo and i will ge up a padded footbqlr salt for youl ben jumped up excitedly and hold out a brown and horny hand put it there he cried eagerly bo sadie gave him her hand and closed tho compact f it waa early tho next morning whjt ben tied fat old peter uaa lowhung limb took a pall anor followed hie en thusiastic alatora into tho biff patch of tn her arm you havo a largo washing sahl sadie nodding at tho long line of clothes i tako em in mlbs lopllcd the woman its five im doin besides mo own washlns an ii onin s i m lato tho day but i was givin a hand to tho chllder with the berries thia mornln tivo washings besides your own ejaculated madge yes mlas i havo dono six but thoso do bo big ones you boo its eight in tho family wo aro god bo thahkod sho explained and dp you support tho family alone madgo asked awkwardly troth i might say so but tho chlld er do be helping some danny jipl katty aro great for workin ontlroly- eight wo are and eight we imvvi stay ed together and had enough and al ways plenty and no trouble to f ono but ourselves sure work is blessing bo it la not much i had to do but mind me babies and do cook in foi cm nnd mo man till tho heavy day camo and in ho waa brought wld ilenh on him that wont out so strong ho was a tarpontcr miss none btttci a scaffold fell from a high bulldln thex was workin on in town he only lived a day twill bo hard on yo magglo las ho tould me at tho end hard it will bo on tho chllder but bring em up honest girl and keep em wld ye if yo can an thin ho kissed me tho last time sho stopped and turned nuddehly to tha window and looked out with diy un seeing eyos i dont know why phi teellng ye thia young ladles sho said pres ently only that yero tho ortty ones thats como to mo tho ladles in tluy village gives me their washings anyl thankful i am foi it but yoro the first to set foot in me houso and glvo me tho good woid i m glad you told us said sadlo earnestly were just as sorry fo you na wo can bo tho girls eyrs wero shining madgo waa crumpling her fathwe note into a tiny ball thank ye kindly miss the wo man swallowed suddenly and tho hard wttcr experlenco of bjelng knocked down by a cab and then brought ti book foi being in tho way thoy run over you and then make you pay for the privilege perhaps tho colored man quoted by tho valentino dctno oral van sufficiently travelled to fear a flimihu outcome thoro had boon a railway colllalon near a country town and a shirowd lawyoi had huirled to the scono of tho disaster ho noticed this old man wlfi n badly injured head and hurried up to him whoro ho lay moaning or tho gi ound how about damages ho bogan buttho hufteier waved him off gway boss gway ho sald ai nobbor hit de train ah nebber don such a ting in all mah life yo cun not git damages out ob mo go to it boy in search of lodging young man thero la ono tiling you cannot i do you cannot muko a suc cess in life unless you work oldci mon than you have tried it and fail ed you cannot loaf aiound tho stroer comeifl smoko toll stoiles and nioptc on someone else without makingrfinil- ure in life you must learn a trndo oi got into somo honest business- if you don t you will become a chronic inafci and theio is no place in tills busy world for loafeis the i ir frut is at the top of the treo nnd you roust ellmb if you got it or soma smart man will pluck it from you do some- l thing no matter how smnll or how low tho wages it will bo a started tlolp yourself and othfers will help youu there is no royal road to auccesa wlip gilt and endurances are tho qualities which lead to it thert is a story of a homolovlnp farmer who started for the west and camo homo to spend tho first night this was a question of sentiment but another mon had a mom practical rea son for seeking cover he had been hired by rt closefisted farmer who bolioved in burning tho candle at both ends the first morn ing tho new man was called at three oclock about fifteen minutes later he came downntalro with his bag n his hand aint you goln to work ahks tho farmed in surprise no wni tho disgusted nnswer tj im goln to hunt up soma placo to stay all night to get steady sales in satisfactory vol ume you must build up confidence in your store and its service advertising in the acton free press will lay the foundation of such confidence v advertising does the spade work that leads to bigger sales it will tell folks about your store its service it will tell them about the goods you have to offer vwvminimiij only once raapbajrry buihti but la wp a arsat wort banda twisted the fipgera trem- tho fool must bo answerod accord ing t6 his folly- says a wi iter in tlio kansas city journal how often does your i oad kill a man asked a facetious travailing salesman of u ccntinj branch conduc tor tho othor day tuat once ropliod tho conductor keatincs kills burn it to kiul s mosquitoes and flie if w let your advertising in the free press be a standing invitation to the folks around here as a rule people shop where they feel welcome ian weekly newspapers association j r i i gw

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