Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1925, p. 3

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the home or 5hr arinn 3for pre sa member canadian weekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies of ontario the acton thee press 13 published every thursday- morning at the tree press building mill street acton ontario the subscription price is 9300 per year in advance postage is charged additional to offices m the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address labtjr advertising rates transient advertise ments 10 cents per line agate measure for first insertion mid 5 cents per line for each subse qucnt insertion contract display advertise ments for 50 inches or moreper annum 18 cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly x h p moore president and editor o a dills manager and assistant editor telephones editorial and business office iiw residence of president hj residence of manager 13 a travesty of justice is if- any wonder that human lifcjls held at a low value when the excellent laws of the united states aik perverted so objcctionnlly aswas the case with the notorious murderer who escaped the penalty of his crime last week by the last resort of the lawyers the plea of insanity murderers have repeatedly es caped capital punishment in that country by the final putting forth of thisunwarrantcd pica fcaw must be observed in town and country as well as in the cities some criticism is heard of the traffic officers and police laying corqplaints against those who do not observe the highway traffic act such criticism is not justified jpeople should not he allowed to make speedways of the streets or highways or otherwise violate the highway traffic act in such a way as to endanger traffic or menace public safety motorists are checked up closely in the citiesand jcnow that they are expected to keep the law there it is well that they should realize that the same thing is ex- pected of them in the towns and villages of the country too live forever it wiifi a sunday afternoon a man aid at heart laid a wionth on l new- made grave and droppld 11 tear beuldn it the gravo hold tho body of hia llttlo daughter an only child whose mother hud gono boforo- hrr into the hotter land tho father now ontircly alone huffei od doubly ft m tho faej that he lucked tho strong personal fulth tiat alone could have torn for tod and helped him after alt tine alono with his sorrow foi a long time and shunning tho huunts of men yot at hint driven from the ttceno of iiib own grief he wandered into that saddest apot in christendom the potters field it wiih a lonely and unkempt nlau and au but deserted yet ho saw one woman there planting something on a little grave she finished her work and wont away and ho walked across to whoro sho had been and atopped above tho grave what had she planted there jt was only that cofnmon weed from oldfash loned dooryards which bears tho name of liveforever tho woman had no money to bu neighborhood news- town and country georgetown byterlan hospital new york is vlau- flowera nor couldaho ovon claim art5 her paronts mr and mrs s h thursday morning a 20 1925 editorial ontarios greatest comrnercial benefactor in the death of sir adam beck ontario has lost the greatest commercial benefactor yhojwas ever in trusted with executive power in this province the late controller f s spence had a great vision of electric energy for the benefit of the people gener ally of ontario sir adam feeck with admirable pre science put this vision in to practical execution with the result that electric power was made attainable to out people rank and file for all purposes of power and heat and illumination with a facility and at a cost the ratio of which is unequalled in any other country in the world the people of this province of ours owe unbounded gratitude for this vision and achievement weeds onthe highway nothing is so disreputable looking as a road way boidered with a thick growth of weeds there are roadways in that shape many of them within a few miles of arnprior it may not be generally known that the noxious weeds act an ontario stature pro vides overseers of highways or other municipal of ficers charged with care of the highways shall see that all noxious weeks growing upon highways in their respective divisions are cut down or destroyed at the proper tirte to preyent the ripening of their seeds the cost of the cutting of the weeds on the pro vincial highways is considered a part of the cost of road maintenance and toward which the province pays its percentage of cost the province is setting a good example by keeping the weeds on the provin cial hfghways cut down and the municipal highways in the townships should see that the township and coiinfyi roads are equally cared for it is part of the cost of maintenance anda duty which they should perform arnprior chronicle editorial notes english wheat production is at itslovest level in twentyone years thisncws is of considerable in terest to canadian wheat growers great britain must naturally turn to canada for the purchase of wheat in large quantities her own the spot thit held tbo ashes of her lovca one yot tho ashes were hers and tho memories and the hop03 were hers and in tho faith that these inspired she planted the humble flower whose name expressed her faith who sho waa ho never knew what atorv of sorrow and of penury her life held hi never discovered but the act of faith and love ho never forgot he went back again to tho grave that was dear to him and whero be had droppod tears that held no comfort or hope and his eyes tilled anew but in a new sense xif faith and of comfort hla own costly wreath took now fragrance in the sentiment of the poor womans offering like the poor wo man of old who had dropped her mi to and gone aw ly unwitting that any had seen her this other woman had given a richer gift than sho could know the years went by and brought their labor and sorrow and hope jstet to the man who had witnessed this act of devotion and faith a now meaning had come t to life what la it that causes such hopes to spring in ths souls of tho humble what is it that oven in the minds of the proud and skeptical causes the heart to live by the faith the lips deny one day in spring he visited the eemeteryagain and on tho llttlo grave in tho pottersufield he planted a lovely easter lily then ho took something from that poor grave and bore it o where his own loved one had been burled and there among tho richer bandmaster williams of ouilph h in been engaged t itorganlzt and iov duct tlio gcuigetown ijuu mr j l clark had a field of win it containing about 20 atiti which when threshed averaged gg bushels to tin acre at a special meeting of the council hold last tylday evening the tax rate jfor the current yen was lixed at 42 8 mills on the dollar the halton rifles will attend brigade camp at long branch dui ing the weekend of labor day holi day friday evening till monday evening mr and mrs e louis hcartwoll of pittsburg motored to georgetown last week and were visitors at tho homo of mr and mrs w c kennedy mish annie mcglbbon of the prey- more than sufficient mcglbbon the fast coming acton team came to georgetown last saturday and de feated our boys g3 in a well- play ei 22 innings game our boys got away to a bad start and seemingly could not overcome tho lead at tho last in ttio two ball mixed foursome held on thursday afternoon last mr l r shoroy and mrs j a willough- by were he winners tho prises weio two clubs donated by mr p hill pro fessional chief jackson hrtu issued a last warning that any bcrsoiih found guiltv of dumping rubblhh or other refuse on any street inside tho corporation will be prosecuted tho park is the place for disposing of your rubbish herald tho miuiufu luit l i of l tt tuin bi cycle having lold a niuhliie to i us- tomu in l m ighboi ing town foi ti j uso of hi hoy wrou to luru hivci il tlmci foi a tchtimonl il h ic ipondcl at jint in thii ulst it kivi s tin ph iutt ftntlenieii li ntif that my him who i i hiing u hit tie pnicliikcd fimn joii a few month igt sijh ik mi git mom ex cm he put of l he milt i iilc on that i him thin in t in out of tweiitj- llvu milt lick ion in othci bltjclu lit oei ti itd vouis tc that ended the coi t cypondence j weepy ourshaesvqat shoe dressing cake or lichjid business directory medical burlington sometime why not this time red rose xejlfe good tea the oftanse pekoe is extra good try it dr j a mcniven pnyaiolan and buraasn oijlco jind rosldenco cornor bowar avonuo and elfln stepot phone 88 dr e j nelspn krbderick street aotop ontario legal varieties thpre appears t be money in it an prohibition is very manifestly not ruining tke united tstnt frnm nfrmmthi n hip pi nancial journal of iew york says the total sav ing deposits in the united states increased in the last twelve yfenrsfrom 8425270000 to 20- 873562000 or nedrly 148 per cent according toa survey just completed by the savings bank de partment of the american bankers association the data made public shows that since 1912 per capita savings in the united states expanded from 89 to 186 an increase of 97 or 109 per cenc the total vnumber of savings depositors in this period grew from 12584316- to 38867994 indicating thatsav- ings depositors today number more than three times as many as twelve years ago premier ferguson who has just returned from his summer visit to great britain prophecies a pro tective tariff for england within five years like numbers of other observant visitors to the old land the premreteesamenaceinthed systemrhe saysitisestfoytn uiu mum many uf ths people mental tests forchildren in elementary schools in some of the elementary schools today mental tests are made and guaged by the quickness shown in solving certain problems pictorially jone test known astbeporteus maze measures temperament as well as mind eleven mazes progressively grad ed in difficulty are printed on separate sheets7anh the pupil is told that they show the paths in a garden surrounded by wahs he must find his way out by the quickest route the showing made depends upon the pupils ability to work under pressure and to with stand distraction by uncssentials in the material or by noises in the room a cube imitation test in volves the touching of four numbered cubes in n certain sequence as indicated by the teacher the combination of numbers being made more and mor difficult each test gives a certain score and by rnmhining thi scores the mental age o the pupil u arrived at the test of london boys and girlsbt- tweenthe ages of eight and thirteen showed some interesting sex differences the girls excelled in the memory tests and the boys in reasoning st marys journal worthy of emulation it would be appreciably suggestive and helpful to our town fathers to spend on hour or so one of these days in a little municipality which some acton people have been accustomed to smile at only fif teen minutes away by motor suppose we had in acton a childrens playground outfitted with appara tus adjacent to bowling green and tennis courts with a bathing pool a stones throw away and in full view of the main street so that dung people of both sexes might bathe these warm days under really excellent conditions wouldnt we think we had something to boast about suppose in addition we had neatlypainted street signs on every coxner placed in such a wy that anyone who can rend can readily ftnd hs way about without difficulty and kittle dircctipn ah these thtngs are to be seen and appreciated in rockwood with not more than o quarter of actons population and certainly not 25 of actons assessment look for them next time ycu drive through it is worth makinga special trip in deed to see them spending an hour at the rocks if you do not know them in addition true the swim ming pool in rockwoods cmz is simply an adaption of one of the harris companys mill dam sites but the point is that someone in rockwood is taking ad- vantage of the natural conditions to get the most out ot life in the village whoever composes the commission of this enterprising police village of rockwood deserve a deal of credit for enterprise and initiative their work oo is apparently appreciated for tho people of the village generally appear to cooperate in keeping their homes and premises clean 1 and attractive and their lawns nicely clipped there is not by any means the air of business in rockwood which ic evident tin acton but there is a spirit of community interest and mutual improvement which might well be emulated great britain will again have an organized ex hibit at the canadian national exhibition toronto arranged by the british federation of industries which represents 1900 manufacturing establish ments with a capitalization of twentyfive billion dol lars this is a compliment to canada as well as to the great toronto exhibition brampton memorial hospital which is doing ex cellent work in that town is asking the town council to endorse bonds for 10000 to pay off claims it is very difficult indeed to maintain a hospital in any place smaller than a city bramptons hospijalman- ager nevertheless is making a very laudable effort to have the receipts cover the expenditures this winters coal may bo hard to set one way to got on your foot la to soil your automobile dont buy a thermometer in tho summer time they aro lowor in the winter a man says that ho haa lothla whls kera grow alnce hlh wlto commenced to buy hla neckties time they say will tell hut tho telephoneglrlswillnoioneer tellthe lmo a communication was reid at last council meetfng from the chamber of commerce regarding tho proposol ijquburban urea und also regarding the erection of slgnn at tho entranco tr the town mrs hartyn s cole who has been pending the inst two weeks with her mother here has returned homo to new york mr and mrs m a case of re- gini sask spent part of last week with the formers sister mrs j t fender of ontario street mr j corwln reports thut seven ouriea ana mere among tno ricircr t flowers ho planted a aprig-of-ltvfor-4- been rntedjlntown dur- 1 ing the past week to new comers mr und mrs david thomas f vowosao mich are vibltlng hia brother mr edward thomas locust street au musicians interested in tho form ation of a band for the town aro re quested to attend a meeting to bo held in the firemens rooms thursday night there is no reaaon why burlingon should not have a good band saturday is tho lost day for paying taxes it you want to cscapo tho 5 penalty mr prank j mccay publisher of tho walworth times wisconsin ac companied by lia wife and two daugh ters frances and june are visiting his ulster mrs george allen ontario street they travelled by motor anl report a flno trip mr tnd mrs phlliu tlflinanjof bloomfleld iii spent part of their y w mr and mrs h western fair london ontario- september 12th 19th 1925 thlif will bo a banner year for prize live stock op which thcle will bo an exceptionally good sho wine rf kveiyono should be tills pint of the exhibition ilieic tho heat animals in canada aioleliitr shown entries close september 3rd 40000 in prizes and attractions foe further information apply j h saunders pres w d jackson sec london ontario i- plfono no 22 p o box ttt harold nash farmer m a barrister solicitor notary public conveyancer etc perryman block acton ont money lent on mortgages hourp 9s0 njn to 6 pjfi saturdayo1200 oclock dental dr j m bell d d l d dantirt honor graduate of toronto unlrar lslty the lateat anosthetlo used if desired omce at resldenco corner of mill and froderlck streets by a large majority the ratepayers of newmarket have turned down the proposition to purchase the ane propertyfor 15000 for a hospital on two previous occasions the voters have defeated the manu- ment and park proposals in the past newmarket has been regarded as possessed of a large quota of local patriotism why this apparent digression last years attendance at the canadian national exhibition toronto 1 5 19000 represented one- in six of the population of canada but the visitors act ually came from thirty states of the union south america great britain continental europe new zealand australia and other distant points this 4ittrctiveannualexhitutiojijasjojkawqrldwide reputation quebecs famous escutcheon a treasured souvenir of the early days of new france which found its way across the atlantic with the victorious general murray in 1759 after the conquest of canada by england was return tp the ancient capital las friday by hon p c larkin canadian nigh corn missioner in london tq whom it was graciously sur rendered recently by the city of hastings england while the defeat of the veniot government in new brunswick was hailedwith jubilation in the federal conservative camp it must not be forgotten that as in the case of nova scotia purely provincial and absolutely local issues and considerations brought about the victory no principle involving liberalism per se entered into the merits of the con test in either of these provinces at a recent meeting of the toronto- board of ed ucation r e howe of westmount que vice- president of the canadian teachers federation spoke strongly of the necessity of training canadas youth to think nationally instead of pfovincially theie is no use he declared in trying to change the outlook of the adult population of the dominion but the teachers must endeavor to educate the chil dren nationally instead of provincially in nova scotia the liberal government had to pay for the evils of the miners strike in new brunswick they went down to defeat largely because of objection to a public ownership hydroelectric devolopment scheme necessitating an expenditure of some ten millions of dollars apparently the people were not ready foe this undertaking notwithstand ing the example set by ontario in this regard it was argued on the one hand that an abundant power supply at cost would give a new lease of life to the pulp arfd paper industries and to the lumbering busi ness but the opposition urged that the electors should pronounce upon the matter before the govern ment committed itself to tho outlay a man said his siloes were nearly worn out and ho would soon bo on his feet again thoseborn with a golden spoon in their mouth mayttave to take their medicine later from a pewter apoon the ottawa journal tolls of a younc man what got drunk on hair tonic of course the stun went to hia head and then the trouble started lovo is blind especially the kin 1 that attacks tho egotlbt koaeden lanehorne at 8 45 on- tuesday mornlne flro broke out on tho roof of mr alox ecclcs blacksmith shop at freeman but fortunately it was noticed and ex tinguished with a few palls of water it la buppoacd to have started from a spark the flrerncn were summoned but their acrvlcca were not required gazette excelsior haiwntta stlgcuoaurunit mioiinaubifudruus acton onti its premise its pekroilmancb matches its pkomisc it nkveit disappoints consequently order excelsior flour acton fin and frl mills d h lindsay proprietor mill street acton ont 1 dr fg gollop dds lds dntal surgflon office over bank of rfova bootl hours 080 to 680 bvenlnsa by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of evqry description car bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham street quelph out over william store milton a man who can laugh at himself occasionally in going to get a lot of fun out ot life man wants but llttlo here below or bo some poet chortels its true v atockin full of douph will satisfy moot mortals hurrah hurrah for temperance well join the happy band who workxand pray and vote tho wav to make a happy land mrs l r margcson i the maid had been using surreptl- ously the bath tub of her employer an elderly bishop he was a bache lor very fastidious about bis toilet and desired the exclusive use of his tub he reprimanded tho maid with very much indignation what distresses ma most mary la that you have done this behind my back good hardware western lamb breeders op portunity there la a possibility that an ex cellent market will develop in eastern canada more particularly in ontario for western lambs for finishing pur poeeo a trial iabclngmadntl by the swift canadian company u t toropto mraarmacmlllan chief of the sheep and swine division of the live stock branch at ottawa after examining tho lambs being fed fout d a number of them lacking in desirable mutton conformation in being too long in leg neck and body mr macmillan drew attention to these observation whn addressing tho saskatchewan sheep breeders association at their annual meeting this year and advlhgtt them a profltablo opening is to develop for western lambs provided they are of tho proper mutton type the mar ket is becoming moro and more dis criminating in jtavor of well finished lambs welghingsiot over one hundred poundtu not only do the shorter leg ged thick bodied lambs finish into u better selling product but thoy incline to easier feeding mr macmillan prophesied a hopoful futuro for the western sheep raiser who will give at tention to tho quality of tho stock he is ablo to turn out judge elliot is a member of tho commission appointed in wcntwortb county to make a new equalization of assessment wm j clements and his daughter mlsa bertha have cono to visit sons a wllkle sask tho public library is closed for two weeks the librarian taking her usual summer holidays a number of our men from this lo cality will take in the harvest excur sions to the northwest next week t a garden party under thfc auspices of the anglican churches of st john nassagaweya and st georges low- vllle will bo held on the athlotlc o rounds campbellvllle on thursday aug 27th chicken thieves made a raid on tho hen houses of miss peacock and w a mccartney omagh last week abou 60 fowl were taken from the former and 25 from the latter having put in two of his ave year as a law student in the ofllce of mr hutchinson here george elliott left on monday for toronto to continue hhi course in the ofllce of messrs hcll- muth cattanach and meredith there is a boom in golf hero at a meeting of tho milton golf and country club lost monday evening 27 applications for membership and shares were considered and accepted this increased the number of share hoi dors ar t ninety two on account of the addlttorior twtr new rooms to the high school building bargain day the fresh cream puffs in the italian bakers window looked inviting and tho interested houaekeopor stepped inside tho tfhop to ask tho price flfteona centa a doz replied the smiling proprietor wiping his hands on his apron preparatory to wrapping the cakes why exclaimed tho lady unable to conceal hor astonishment thats very cheap for cream puffs i usually pay thirty i dont see how you can make them ui that price him cheapa all right confided tn baker da hcalt office telephone 1 gotta closa da shop right off my girl anionic gotta da mcaslc might spare a few it is said tat never wan there a gentler crftlq than poctor mcciintock of dickinson college one day a young orator presented his speech for doctor mccllntocka approval lie evidently did pot anticipate adverse criticism e received it nevertheless give 1 in the doctors gentle humorotiji way which never could off epd its a good speech he said but thero is perhaps a little foo much of u cei tain sort of rhetoric or inqtanc i flndln it two midnight owls two midnight wolycs three american eagles and four unfurled banners it ncems to me that the supply exceeds tbo de mand an additional teacher hdsbcen engag ed mlsa evelyn m worthlngton of toronto there were thirtyeight ap plicants for tho position last week george agnevv sas driv ing a reaper cutting lucercno on his farm in nelson townahlp near mil ton the machine struck a stono and mr agnew wad thrown off ho fell of his left leg were broken bolow the knee mr and mrs bert e feathers tone pot trafalgar announce the engage ment of their daughter bertha georglna to mr clarence e hall son of mr and mrs joseph o hall of nelson the marriage to take place thi latter part of august tmr and mra w j henry rose- neath eaquclng announce tho en gagement of their only daughter alice luclla to mr william mcfaddcn tho elder son of mr and mrs thon mc faddcn milton tho marriage to tako place the latter part of august mr a w fox and family have moved in from omagh and takon up their residence on martin street in tb dwelling formerly occupied by mr l e- tanslcy who has moved into one of mr 3 hensons hue brick houae- on court street near th0 cpu reformer canadian farmer inherits title honorable v o h eton farming near allx alberta has fallen heir tit tho title of lord cheylesmerc through tho recent death in london england of hla fattier captain eton has been farming at altx since 1921 when li came to the province from england bonds stocks and grain private wires to naw ytk chicago winnipeg and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds t jk hannigan i tim ouflph i ncuevi millers worm powders nuewn the bestu88 condition brought oh by the pre8erce op and restore the child to norual health no narcotics pleasant as sugar 1 woiuu i r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 yeora experience list your phopertfy with me acton ontario j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist will be at a t browns drug store acton monday august 31 anyone suffering from eye strain defective vision or hcadacho should not miss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appoint ments may bo mado with mt- a t brown druggist consultation free office hours 9 a m till 4 p m harvesting tools the farmers are right into the harvesting operations and they will find all the necessary implements tools and supplies at talbots hardware no matter what is needed you will find full supplies at our hardware counters and the pnce are al- waystheiowest hay forks ropes pulleys etc w d talbot phone 76 main street acton ambitious young people you want to make good 2 you know in business lies your opportunity 3 you know that training is necessary 4 you know that the guelph business college with its a riioad compioh iifiivc courst i h buhlncmh lplltncpd qii tlitlcd insti uctoi h ludivldu tl iiihtt iictluu method d complete equipment of machine und olllce iuvins guod will ind connections with tho buainchh publu foi locating kriulu ites 1h i the place for you to get your tvaininj start monday august 31flt at guelph business college a l boijck principal and proprietor qummer bldg phono 1165w guelph ont free press job printing is always neatly done a e nicklin insurance agent life fire auto accident health insurance qua ran toe bonds burglary and plate 1 glass insurance n truateo for estates collections business entrusted to my care will bo carefully looked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm property favorable rates and terms for re payment- box 444 bower ave acton mortgage sale valuable house and lot in the village of acton under tho power of sale contained jvi two certain mortgages mado by one hugh rydort ince deceased to tho mortgagee and which will be produced j at the sale thero will be offered for sale by publi aucti on thomiirr- gaged premises victoria street in tho village of acton by robert j kerr auctioneer monday the 31st dayof august a d 1925 at one oclock p m lot no 19 in block b in adam cooks suney of the villago of acton on this lot which is well laid out in garden and fruit trees thero is erected a substantial new concrete house witn nine rooms and outbuilding terms of sale ten per cent of tho purchase money is to be paid to the vendors solicitor on tho day of sale aufllclent to make up one third thereof in ton dayj there after and tho balance may bo paid in cash or remain on mortgago on tho premises on terms to be arranged at the purchasers option immediate possession will bo given fuftnerpartiquluvs and conditions of sale m iy be obtained from tho auc tioneer or from h n fakmer vendors solicitor 73 acton ont patrons of this establishment please notice during july and august examinations for glasses on thursday friday and saturday only of each weok lens grinding and quick re pair department operating na usual v write or phono 10d1w fur appointment a d savage optometrist and mfo optician right at tho post olbco savaao building guelph the old and reliable granite and marble works wo are manufacturer and direct importora of all kinds tof monumontsj and headstone work wo sell direct to our customers at wholesalo prices thus saving our customer 40 per cent wo havo tho best appliances and the only mechanics lb tho dominion who can operate pneumatia tools proporly wo can give references from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other places where others havo to havo law suits in order to colloct wo have th largest and best stock of granite in tho dominion or moro than any throe dealers in tho west wo aro legiti mate dealers and employ no u gents and do not annoy or pest customers by sending out ignorant ogonts solicit ing orders wo employ only mechanics and defy competition hamilton sons quelph ont

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