Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1925, p. 4

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h r artptt 3te ftea utlursday augufat 20 192d morning song iho m6rnlng 1j my mcrty unit when ill tlic wot id lclpa jnto chime ami laboi laugh i with put if sorrow jioutih t smllo her ilown i linflt the wrinlihs f t om hoi fi own and flmo her into beuut tho muii iii mny it tlmon hold buck the h llthm mm and duwn look bliilic hut that t tu o iut u im lagrnid yet wjitn i pla a mini h high pai t i keep ill sen uiiih in m heart and iiiurnlnh nc or looks hnggard tlit hunt for wealth ho breed of powci i give them but ono passing hour they scai ce uro worth di bubble but in tho lichia of tho mind i daily ilchti tieasurea hnd and hoard them with sweet troubvs tho mystic puo grows daily higher touched upwind slope with sky wnt d flro l and owei no mite to plunder till out above times cloud it standi jviy monument of spirit hands t my mot nine a shining wonder churl l hubert staploton half a cure 0 mr d c prescott nn old railroad man has related some interesting ex pcriencea in early days railroading from chicago at first moat of the trades was unfonced and the engineers- wore in dally terror of running avei animals despite an obliging willing ness to slow down and shoo them off the raila when it was possible many an engine was derailed and some more serious accidents involving loss of life occurred through running into cattle after which it became customary to put on full bpesd when an intrusive victim could not be avoided once when this was dono in a deep and narrow cutting where a heavy ox stupidly awaited his fate mr pros- cott records that the critter planted one foot through tho headlight smash- 1 ed the pilot and landed high and dry on top of the bank of the cut while the train rushed through in safety often the farmers were slow in com prehcmling tho danger tp tho stock or they preferred to let them tako their cha and claim damages very fre aucntly excessive when they were thus killed only in now england how ever is there any case recorded where a former actually invoked the assist ance of a locomotive to reform the habits of an living animal daniel whiadcnixheaaygoing rather- slow witted man wao the possessor of a balky fmare generally when she balked he simply set back and waited patient ly napping or ruminating until sh was ready to go on again lio djd so until it was dangerously neaptfatn time the day she balked on th rall- i odd crossing and refused to udgo but when the whistle sohinde just round the bend ho scrambled 1 tastily down and safely off the rails hi ma elf i jerked wildly bul vainly at the reignb the engine rounded the curve and fhpjj brakes wero applied but not quite in time the mare had slued some what and was almost squatting be tween the rails ears bock and teeth bared when the crawling englno coming up behind her unseen shoved carriage and hnraa irrctttlblyfropi the rear she cleared the track ata bound oonts and dos for parent3 rhiie l no iinoi oi mm important joh than in liij a patent na i a chill spociullht di ihom whoso adlco to patents can be iitmmuicd ai foil own don t bo ovet solicitous childitn may become self ccntctrd ind develop imaginary complaints nfmiily becaus lllnctn li looked foi dont baby your children too muoh tho child who in oloiely tit to i- mothoi i apron tiliitiks is dcpilvtd f tho chance of km nlng how to 11 vi with hlrt nelrhljoih don t talk about oi laugh at chl then in tin it piihieiicc self con sciouhiitrih la hannfut md qulcltly div volopod don t be oold and tfpclllng a pi ent who is too butty to bothci with u little child a nonsense will never h botheiid by his ical ptobumn don t be diiljcouiteoub chluiten have tlit it own plans which are ftt quently utterly dlsiogaided by adults if you muht lnteifen show constdeia tlon dont dlsagtee ovei discipline in ftont of the child settle dlffcienoeh in pri vate posltlvo dos to patents are t m- med up by dr thorn in tho following to tho child the parent ahou l bo companion friend and confidant the mental ability of the parents tlieii control of theii emotions their in terests particularly theii interest in tho child their ambitions or lack of them tholr moral standards these all determine wh it tho child shall make out of tho endowment that naturo has given him some patents who tead to tholr chlldien or tell them stoiloa i land answer thoh questions in an in- shevspreadb her path through joy and and lntoiiitfont man ovei brief new8 from over there motor accidents marriages polico court nowa just as in canada the way of memory stinnge are tho ways of memory who knowcth what her sheaf may be she gleans tho whllo we sleep devoid of reason and of i hyme sho gathers from the scythe of time the treasure sho would keep grief takes horo a thorn and there a leaf theres nothing neath her ban tls very weird hci how and why much that we prizehe passeth bj none may divine her plan boneath tho sun beneath tho moon at mornlngtlde at eve at noon she weaves her quiet spell sho choosoth here rejecteth thero and slowly grows her garland rate each flower an immortelle sometimes wo strjvo with might and main to guide her choice tls all in yain upon the land and sea sho follows us with haunting gazo ana on our hearts hei hand sho lays no whither can wo flee strange are the ways of memory who knotyeth what her choico will be what treasure she will pilze perchance a rose dead for many a yeir tho light upon tho silent tear within a loved one s eyes rntgt riticnds oftdn best friends say i am beginning to observo more aftd more in t old age that every body who has any intimato feelings of rospect for birthplace early sur roundings and friends of youthful days prizes the firstmade friends above air those mado later in life i have no ticed lately more than ever before how visitors to tho old home enqutro almost reverently for the frlendb of their youth and when they meet them how overjoyed they appear to be i havo noticed groups of visitors in the company of rosldont friends having a real gonuine happy time together and theie has been fine freedom of thought and expression which could only pre vail whero real friendship and con fldonco exist though they do not alter the childrens intellectual equipment do furnish a i lch soil in which the children may dovelop and thuit affect veiy much the point which their development ma reach parents can oven determine what kind of atmosphere the child s mind shall glow in one of discon tent wrangling deceit and hate or of cheei fulness sincerity and love a case of inertia racehorso creased trousers f fi suppose 1 havemlssed much or and galloped homoat tho n fnlitw ifrvyrtnrmtn bookhomowhlcn many of our visitors who once lived amongst ua many of whom are proud to claim thlb community as their birth place because nearly all my life has been spent rjght hejo at home but i tell you im real glad right down deep in my old heart to meet all the old boys and girls who como bnck to visit tho old friends and tho old haunts of youth and tho old school and the old churchos and all the old landmarks we have i think i enjoy gottlng around with thenvand pointing out the places they had forgotten or that have become partially obliterated as much as they do say theros one thing i do enjoy from tho former boys and girls coming back on their periodical visits in variably the remark is heard my j how acton has improved nearly all the old houses and shops which were here when wo were schoolmates together havo gone or thoy arc so re modelled and improved as to bo quite modern and look well beside the many new places which have been built jactoir isurciy1cgoplnbuptoilato as a growing town this kind comment really seems good to those of us who hve endeavored to improve the old place which next year celebrates the 100th anniveisary of its founding by the adams family of methodist preachers speaking of the keeping of old friendships i came across a story en acted at ottawa the other day which la well worth retelling it was the tourist season in ottawa although for that matter it is tourist season there pretty steadily for nino months out of the twolvo overy year and tho day being perfect the house of commons was thrdnged with visit ors enthusiastic groups wero gather ed in overy corridor weary sightseers filled the seats or dropped limply on tho stairs and the marble floors echoed with the constant passing of feet i styddorily from a group of gray- j haired ladles tho youngest of whom must have been long past fifty an eager voice was heard oh but girls look at thlb picture poopje who were near glanced smilingly at each other two school girls giggled aloud but a tired woman on the steps looked wistfully after tho happy grayhaired g arent thoy having a good time dtotlmwomanbeal h warrant thoy were schoolmates and theyve kept it up all their lives and now they re having a regular lark to gether it la nlco to see them so only it kind of makes you feel as ifj you might have kept hold of things in your own life that youve let go dopt it yes it does her friend agreed soberly i believe it is one of the happlcrit things in the world us wo mow oldci lowell once wrote to a friend to have as many tleb as possiblo with whatever is best in out youth und to be pledged as deeply as possibly may bo to om own youth to be pledged deeply io ones youth to keep hold of things in your own life surely there is no betto- riecrot for making the yearh yield rich harvests tim wooden was literally too lazy to live rts tho anecdote of him told in an old history of mllwaukeo gooj to prove it may bo that the doctors of today would pronounce him a vic tim of the insidious germ which works tp uncontrollable languor but tho diagnosis of tho good old times of nls career reads simply plumb laziness a party of indians knowing tim s peculiarities once captured htm foi furmmd made him belovethat they were going to burn him at tho stake they took him to some distance from the village tied him to a tree and heaped wood about him just as tho pile was ready to light tho chiof ap proached him and whispered in tims ear that if ho would never tell who had captured him he would roleaso him and let him return to milwaukee what walk twenty miles ex claimed tim if youll lend mo a horse ill agree to it ono time when tim was lumbering a looso log mado a perilous doscent down the side of a hill the shouts of the other men warned him that tho danger was coming his way but rathet than expend vital force lp jflmplng ho let the log strike him and break hlsl log tho time was axnd some people who are b till without gray hairs can recall it when trousers were creaaoless those that wero made to order wero delivered by the tailor carefully iron ed into cylinders without tho sug gestion of a crease or wrinkle the roadmade trousers were then as now stacked up in piles at tho clothiers this caused them to have creases fore and aft but at tho customers request the accommodating clothing merchant would iron these out so that they i would be as smooth as he made -to- order articles when they were deliver ed there havo been different stories at different times how the crease came into vogue this la the way ire rigoro of paris explains it for thirty years or nearly that mens trousers havo had down the middle front and book the crease that is ab m indl bio to every self- roapecllngman do you know tho origin of that apparently unexplaln- ablo fashion it was a servants ab sentmindedness thirty years ago uiocountrde tjrttventintod tho rofo of social arbiter in france as brum- mcl once did in england the day of the counts marriage his volet brought his trousers sharply creased the count not noticing this prut them oh and went to the marriage only after tho ceremopy did he to his great con- fusion observe this error there was much discussion of it some gentle men who were charmed with tho ef fect immediately ordered trousers with a crease and the fashion was estab lished indlannoplls news an accowpct mote- problem8 in finance thcro are certain arlthmetlcalprob- tems which puzzle many housekeepers besides mrs norton sho mentioned ono of them to her husband not long ago if i havo only on dollar in my purse i can make it go as far as any one henry sho remarked dolefully to her husband one day on her return from a shopping expedition but when i have a fivedollar bill and break it there is never any changp left h foollehlftidmrft patiently dont talk that way mi dear when you break a fivedollai bill put one dollat in ono compart ment of your purse and then keep it you say you can make a dollar last as long ob any oto i cant make it clear to you said bis wife with dignity no man would understand it but almost any woman would when you start with a dqliai it is a very different thing when yop start with five dollars sometimes you have to walk home because even your car faro has gone i i think its what they call a psychological situation said mrs norton thoughtfully the author of very tar wcat in deed has many amusing stotles to tail of his adventures on the fraser river at tho time of tho gold excitement in british columbia now nearly fory years ago ho was making his way through the mountains in company with an irishman when this occurred two dr three miles fiom tho ferry wo looked about for a suitable spot at which to camp for the night nml whllo thus engaged pat kornan and i with one of the laden mules fell be hind pat was twenty or thirty yardd ahead of me and i was urging on the lagging mule with gontle entreaties finding these unavailing i ndopted a more violent expedient and throw a stone at him the stone it was u goodslxod ono missed tho mule but hit pat in tho back with many oxclamatlons of rage pat descended from his perch and proceed ed to lick the mule hardly able toj keep from laughing aloud i inquired atsthematfer pa matther enoughl heres this ould black baste not contlnted with thry- ing to upslt mo ivry mlnlt has been andl trun a- rock andhit me square in tho middle of mo baokl 1 in a ton i upland o tactic of july il fin til dud the following items all swift of hollo lane chlswick ttm bourn ovei it acton poiro couit in wednesday foi iihtaultlnr sua in cook of hollo laiu sidney leslie webb of tho avomit ikrifot d put k was fined 5 and h ul hlu license cndoi uetl at lllchmond r lice cout t nn monda foi ixcocrilnj the speed limit dui lug tho itcmit atoim a row of aigo metallic advettlhlng aigns icct td on a wire fiamowotk were blown ovei in acton vale but foi tunatoly fel a way from the pavement on tho land for being drunk and incapable i high street acton on saturday night eilwai d fioit a mould or of isling ton was fined gs and costs at acton police court on monday a tenant complained at acton police coui t on friday in last week about the teim furnished being applied to hei lodgings on the ground that thoy contained no cooking utensils bod linen or ciockery political opponents weija prominent in ho ciowd which gathered in tb3 marketplace acton on trlday night to welcome mi j mcnlah on his re turn from his tour in north america tho rev gb elliot all saints south acton will take his holiday dur ing august and tho vicar will be away from septomber 5 till september 25 tho rev a c huloertcurato of st james a devonpoit will help in the parish as a rcuuk of the july examinations hold at tho london college of music mr harold r smith organist at tho acton baptist church was awarded tho diploma of a l c m for orgai playing on sunday sixty butchers from chlswick and aeon went by charabanc to eastboume for their annual outing lunch was served for them at the central cafe on satuf day about fifty members of the staff of messrs a davios and co shop litters hornlano acton oharabanced to easbouine for theii annual outing in charge of adj and mia trendell and y p sergt major e clarke a party of 200 left south acton station it 0 00 a m op saturday for epplng forostt tho occasion being tho annuil treat of tho acton sojvatjop army sunday school when a jnotoristwasaummdnodatj acton police court on wednesday for not having tho regulation lights on his motor car it was stated that he was thought to be drunk at tho time owing to frequent throat trouble after influenza sister reeves of s cuthberts south acton has resigned her post her many friends who owc her gratitude for tho work sho has done wish hor a speedy recovery in a less ardous sphere mr a stcdman all salntasroad acton was alighting from a moving motor bus in acton hlghjtrect at 10 45 ij mon saturday when ho slip ped on ho steps and fell on his head in the roadway at acton hospital ho wus treated by dr wallace for con cussion and shock lathe divorce court on monday mi justice hill heard the undofcndcdauil of mrs idora eugene haynes of wood- for weekly fashion jhint trumpeted jy paris tor tho little frock to which pans is still loyal there is no smarter model than this one in foulard silk the shduldcr seams are lengthened to form short kimono sleeves while a band of black velvet ribbon serves as a collar it is tied in a bow in front and the v- shaped neck piay or may not be filled m with a vestcc of soft material me dium size requires 3 yards 36mch foulard and 2h yarda velvet ribbon as a clincher im not i njhulw ibutit m c hut j nitimt tin i find luisr it p iu i mi urn 1 wlfi want i i drive j on r will yi u uuiant ilth huui to la ifi cert ilnly said tin diilri k n am liirly ik n n i rrutii 1 tdy i h im tiou at hum hi t not afrall anything a ke i mi imii anxl malj and foi tho tenth thin riii do ild ihjiiiinid in ih of fi fl i tlon well thin is om thinpr th it h has alwiya ippeaied to bo afi ild of ovei slme i pot him h udmltti d conscientiously it meiim nn if ho it scai oil to ile ith foi fc u omn om might ay whda and ho would nut hoar it useful wedding gifts mil mi i iln ii hi n t i l ul i wh m n t iln list hail i i n ml if u ri vl 11 ii i i almomt in xhaustllli ami tin j i i in hi in ih o ilfahno itttny i in u a ph i f f ilumlnjuin u in a i it limit im tmlh hi ti i 1 ink tn rilih tilths i hull ma i juilt i i on lit t 11l of nthi old i linen i va it that will ilw ij 1j ia ti 11 int iinc of its slim 11 lt nil mob dishes si oonit fjj k i lullvi s i it viiil ml lb it uill 1 ihi till tin illvu vi lilinit ulllivil hi ol m ii1 uht ful tiling tli j l ulll hi appi t hit i 1 lour ifti i tin the- ttth shows t mi 1 ti it tnd too r filouh thlnm have tu i n t tkt it to si nj o foi uiif pi i ii jut t fitarthif out in life h i jiliij j a iter oui duilj need how i illy it 1 wtli i ii ulih th in of hcavon an i i iiltl in i lh hi it tbch from tie th i ni t the summons of tin un i nit inn npl i thing joyously i f n 1 i in iliocui of hlflsslng gl ini h ill a i i h pplnehs to ovtry hi- irik thou ml iininj tic until with in- cmim it i li 1 1 s with cidurt foi en in 1 h 1 i f u th ii hiaut to tl i fi i i in 11 jw i in l swi eti us the nniilc i f tin i nj- hit ih it la the duino ikhimy than li iti ttnute i bine j iy into mid n i i iln ind luscious fiut it is tho pij mint ulih which th lim i of infinite love it arm upon the tanvih of oui sky his ridltnt 1 w of i ronilse je is tho di ink th it linem ind invigoi aes yet ip ivcj neltlur hotd actio noi he u t it he on crea- tlonjt morn jehovah tild it is good field marshall earl haig in jasper park hurulruud me needed a doctor misplaced politeness t 1 1 8 i t v f p the barrow family possessed a dog named growlot if addressed politely growler instantly obeyed all reason able commands but if spoken to in a cross voice tho sensitive dog crept under the sofa and sulked at such times as bhe wished to be alone it was mrs barrows habit to hold the door open and remark courteously to the discriminating animal please go ou my doar and orowlcr wagging a cheerful toil always went ono evening while mrs barrow bt reading by hor evening lamp a large junobug entered tho room and be haved ua junebugs usually dt tho absentminded lady conscious of the disturbance without fully realising what caused it roa6 abstractedly arid politely opanod tho door and- to the great dellghtfof jho family ipurmred gently r please g out my dear a pastor in a now hampshire vll logo was the owner of v swift and very spirited horse one ono occasldn says tho boston herald while ho was driv ing through tho village he overtook the local doctor on foot jump in doctor ho said pulling up ive got a horse hero that goes pretty wpll the doctor jumped in und the par son drove off the horse did go well in the sense of speed but in a little while it bgan to behave badly and ended by tipping tverthecarriago and spilling both the occupants tbo doctor jumped to his feet an j felt himself all over to see if ho was injured tho parson also got to his feet look horo exclaimed tho doctor what do you mean by inviting mo to ride bohjnd a horse like that well you see gasped the paison luckily thtsdme otero aro no bones broken hut on uoh oooasiona i hke- to have a doctor along i full moon poor instruction dd jones moke money giving thcyio memory lessons 7 asked mr bttbba and his friend explained says london modern society the reason why jones business wan not a success no was the reply mojtt of hldj students forgot to pay him a another acton old boy visited acton last week nnd may bo horo yet for all i know anyway i mot him on tho street last thuiachiy and he seem ed as tickled as a boy with his fit tt pair pf pants it was christopher coot son of tho litto thomas cook who liv ed in acton for many yeais chrli said hod been away foi thirty years aqd ho hardly knew the place wholl ho cumo back io is now a resident of grand rapids mich where ho hah vc new yor1tman named tonrpklnh starting on a trip south fell in with an old acquaintance and was sui prised to learn that the man ho had known for so many years wan juat starting his wednhtg tour congratu itttlons followed pays the new york tribune and when the old frisnil men tioned tho name of his bride bo daughter of an extremely wealthy man tompkins exclaimed wall you are indeed a fortunato roan the bridegroom gavo a smile of modest satisfaction und soon aft r excused himself to return to his wife when tompkins and his travelling companion wero alone tho companion remarked appear to have struck it pt o tv rich eh i should say sol exclaimed tomp kins of my personal judgment i should say that the girl is worth hcv- erftl millions and so ho ih on his monoymoon added tho new yoikcr honeymoon repeated tompkins with a burst of enthusiasm why i lived for a gpod many years why ho said ivo threo sons grown up and cau lt nothing less than a harvest living in homes of their own he told nt that wesley and his wife minnie adams were also living in f laugh it off grand rapids and ms brother horaca if you re ytormtea in a fight laugh it off if youre cheated on your right laugh it off dont make tragedies of trlfa dont rihoot buhgr laugh it- cm if your work gets into kinks laugh it off if you re all sorts of brinks laugh it off if ha sanity you ro iiftor theres no reolpo like laughter laugh- it off ait well they hko their new hoiu all right but acton wlltutwayu havo a dear place in their hearts he sail s dont suppose many of you know h but mary and i know it quite woll that mia wesley cook minnie adams tbo daughter of tho late wllllnm adm4isi a greatgranddaughter of one of- the good men who laid the foundations of aeton a hundred yontn ng tc a dec nlst against her husband norman albert haynes it was granted in the absence of the mayor and chairman of tho acton town council- park committee councillor mrs barnes was asked to make arrango- jnenty for the laying out and opening of the 9hole golf course in acton park stephen r dean mountainavenue paling and arthur f hambly twy- forda venue acton were each fined 3 at baling polico court on tuesday for exceeding tho motor cur speed limit i when kenneth r a mcgregor of groveplace acton wits fined 5 at ealing police court on tuesday for ex ceeding the motorcar speed limit in tho ux bridge road on june 25 it wis stated that ho was driving a trade car at over 38 miles an hour through fahly busy traffic an extra scrvflce of a populai character is now being held at st martin a church west acton atflam j on sunday and it is noted in the pnro- chial monthly paper that quite a good number of peopje arc glad to make use of it mr g h luxton formerly mana ger of tho picture house brlggute leeds has been appointed business manager of the globe acton on leaving leeds he was presented with a case of hair brushes by the orchestra mr harry needs parkroadnorth acton who died lost week at the age of 52 was a xarqlhar figure in the town his occupation as a tarmacadam layer keeping him very much in tho streets vhe was born and bred in tho town and came of an did acton fam ily showers and sunshine and heavy clouds without rain mado tho weather during tho acton primrose league garden fete on wednesday afternoon and evening almost as varied as the j-programme- which hadbeen prepare 1 in anticipation of a continuation of tv heat wave on sunday night in the parish hall tho vicar of ah saints church south acton the rev h g peilo made a presentation in the name of the sub scribers to sister katherlno who join ed the staff of that church in decem ber 1910 and is now leaving bccirufhe she feels unequal at her time of life for thovey etrenuoi good shepheid mission district pleasure nnd mental improvement paid toll to charity in vailed ways in acton papc on saturday afternoon ajii evening the object of the pleas- ur0iker0 and tho almost equally numftrum pleasure givers was to sup port the acton hospital on saturday afternoon mr w h gabbs of ux bridge road hftpfypu was ciohsing the tjxbridgoroad nof acton tram depot when ho camo into a collision with a motor cycle thlt wan owned and ridden by mr a l lowls 137 hollandroad kingston both tfyrfjst and pedearian fell and ro celved fnjjuviofr which necessitated theii removal to acton hopjal on wednesday it fire broki put in a abed in north acton ths nhsd is usod as a garage and for storage pur poses etc but most of the stock in eluding furniture was got out befoi the flamoa had made much headway tho shed and a motorcar wero con siderably damaged the actop fhe brigade was summoned but tho fire was almost out when it art ived i acton parish church was crowded on saturday for tho marriage of mr edward walduck bcrrymeadroad and muih phyjlih rileen veia lccper youngest inuebutt of mrs leepcr jf goldsmithroad alleged to have ignored thft tdtfnul of a ppllccmon regulating raffia t the junction of actonlnno nnd high- street on monday night and when stopped to havo smelt of drink and to havo staggered frcdk r solly a chuinbanc driver who gave ah ad dress at islington was charged at the acton police court with being drunk whilst in charge of n harabinc and with driving to the prhllo danger tfrmbcih of the outside ittaff of ilw atn town council wont for theii uiihumi fjutlng on saturday and loft tlip depot in prfcrhmeld road in throe i harabancs at t tn tho party which sumbcrcd 84 bad m ijflannt motor rlvo via newbdry hunnertqr4 flndj the sylvan beauties of nvtnaua 1 on st to malboiough much enjoying i lh4 aconcry and ono or two oppoi- tunitlea for rest and refreshment on route tho tiff between tho acton town coundil and tho acton chonibor of commerce over the proposed illumina tion of the paiish church clock has its amusing side und is in itself a mat- tor of small impoi tancc but it has served to call attention to the fact tha the acton chamber of commerce has in recent years exorcised almost us much influence on local affairs as tho town council itself councillot a g keen chairman of the acton education committee went to oxford to aeo the degree of m a confeired on mi smoftrt secretary of the- committee tho rov h c williams vicar of st martlnvr west acton will talto tils holidays during august and during hid absence tho rev j r s stranawi will bo in charge of the parish mrs trigg and mrs giaham rod ger each havo given two white lino i cloths for the credence tables at st martins west acton large unot cloths aro needed for the big altar new england justice bbonozct snoll tho grandfather of the poot william cullen bryant is described as a good type of the new epgland yarmei in whose nature puri tanism with its stern rigors of con duct and conscience was overlaid with many amenities of yankee humor bi yant preserved several anecdotes of -his- grandfathei ono of whjch quoted by mr w a bradley in his biogrtthpy of tho poet may servo to indicate tho way in which ho exercised his humor and also to show tho patilarchal con ception of justice that was held in a remote new england community at tho end of tho olghteonth century my grandfathei said bryant one found that certain pieces of lumber in tended by him for the runners of t sled and called in tit at part of tho country slod crooks had boon takon without leave by a faimot who lived no groat distance these timbers wero valuable being made from a tree tho grain of which was curved so as to correspond with tho curve required in tho runners tho delinquent tecelved notice that his offense was known and that if t e wished to escape a prosecution he must carny a bushel of ryo to each of three widows in the neighborhood aid tell them why ho brought it he was only too glad to comply with this condition re yuring his recent visit to canada held marshall earl jhaig and the countess haig spent several days at jasper park lodge m the heart of the canadian rocky mountains during their stay there they rodo the trails played golf on the new courso beside the lodge and tr the words of the field marshall had one of the moat enjoyable tunes of our entire visit to canada the photographs which were taken at jasper park lodge show from left to right top the countess haig dressed in an indian costume the golf ball used by the field marshall when he opened the jasper park lodge course as it was mounted on a silver base and presented to him before be sailed for england and the rudd marshall accepting a pair ol buffnld chaps from major jfrcd brewster m c j famous rocky mountain guidof jasper j the two lower photographs show th field marshall nding along one of the jasper park trails and the group photo graphed on the first tee uninodiately after the official opening of the- jasper park lodgct golf course this group from left to right shows the countess haig earl haig mr stanley thomp son of toronto famous canadian golfer and architect of the- jasper course and mr walter prfttt general manager of trie hotel system of the canadai national railwa 50000 harvesters wanted 1500 to winnipeg plus half a cent a nule beyond to all pout in mani toba saskatchewan alberta edmonton tannia calgary macleod and ijoat returqln- hall a cent per mile to winnipeg plus sm f d to dcitination going dates september 1st and 4th september 1 toronto calodon bast beoton meaford collingwood ponetung midland parry souni sudbury capreol and east thereof in ontario september a toronto inglewood jc and all stations south and west thereof in ontario special trains riddles- when is a boat not a boat whon it turns turtle what is tho woid that when pilnted reads the sumo foi wards backward und upside down noon why did the match box because it saw tho wiro fence which has tho busier life tejl or coffee tea because it ih compelled to draw while coffeo is allowed to settle down what woid of six letters can have throe taken away and still have ten left tender why didthetlddtevwlnk7 becausu it felt the draught wha difference is there botween a live flab and a fish allvo there is a difference when is a hen very nrious when sho is in earnest her nest leave toronto sept 4th 120 pm september 4th 35 pan standa timb throujfh trauna comfortable colonist cr spool ca for women and children purchase your ticket to winnipeg via canadian national rail fays whether or not your final destination in the west is a point on the canadian national ticket nnd all infonnatlcm from nearest agent 4eaftghe6 once in banbury says a writer la the baltimore sun i dined with an english farmet we had ham foi dinner a most delicious ham baked tho farmers a oh soon finished hi portion und passed his plate again more am iather ho said tho farmer frowned dont siy am son say am i did say am the lad protested ih tiff injuiod tone vou hrfltl am cried tho father fiercely am s what it should be am not am in the midst of the controvert the faimeia wlfo ruined to mo with a little deprecatory smile they both think theyi e saying ani aifjo sud rheumatic pains go swollen joints vanish customers cash registers and profits fwm bvyohcn unolghtly jolnln aro lufdtlly fyoffi from daln and lyought baolt in normh whl rljeuma laroo pcojila vilik without x alecp comco to those who hjivo fipai unople lo he in bod dundb that w re helplsua bucnuto of terrible ilipumi- tlom aro now il to do tholr uune tor tho support of the family rheuma la a vonderful remddy for rheumatinm gout nmirltla lumbago find ncuraf lla it in a wondorworkcr it never fal ters never kvph up until overy vmtlec of nolflon in expelled from the body rheuma net on btomach liver itld neyh and bladder ull at once nid null kly brlnnn lone piuyed for com fort to dlatrchtied hiifferotn e j htfs- htiri and all rood ilrukflnln noil it with tw atuirantno of money back lf tt tout iuhltihitfy it takes a steady flow of customers to your store to keep the cash register ting ling with profitmaking regularity advertising in the acton free pres3 jvoujd jiejp to keep old customers interested in your stope anq bring new jnpij it spreads the news about your bfoje and jts merchandise far and wide tq women of tlnb community advertising js the most efficient pconomicaj business building force at your command why not investigate the possibilities progressive merchants advertise issued by cdnadlan weekly newspapers association m 1 4iiijmjgk iv jijl

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