Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1925, p. 5

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j t 1 he artonjtejirebfl thursday august 20 1925 pantalunacy with their hair all cloaoly nhlnglej and their umbi encased in knlclc- v hen they trip alone the pavoment sweet and coy and you view them from the rear you aie not certain till you arc near it ita uttlo vvtlliob kraiulma or if smiidmas willie hoy if your hop cant find his trouuei s when ho getb up hi the morning where he left thorn neatly hanging on hla bed ho wont bother looking round if his trousers cant be found ho t will go and boi row siitorii or his mothrs bi celts instead the sunday school lesson fw augu3t 23 1925 the macedonian callacls 16 c18 golden tet come over into mace donia and help us acta lte 9 even in germany or when fathci koes out golfing ana ban ill csscd up in a hurry in bin kmckcis that no just the latest type he will tlnd ii powder puff tubo of llp- htjrk or such htuff in tho pocket w here ho ilrurcd there reposed his pouch and pipe or when lister ksmeralda takes her clits of sunday scholars out picnlckinpr neath aunny aides to bask i and she puta her hanky out wont tho children- -hay- ome doubt when s innocently uncovers a aua- piciouaamelunu tlaak cliff izuhton twenty years ago from tho issue of the free press of thursday august i4 1906 the new q t r atntlon haa boon supplied with rockers for tho ladies tho postalauthorlties have forward- ed a letter box for the now station asked forby the board of trade tho epworth leaeu era- were baulkod the second time on saturday to set to rockwood for their annual picnlct thoy wcro at tho depot ready to take tho train when the rain came down in torrents agent holmes very kindly placed tho now freight bhedn at their disposal and a highly onjoy- ablo afternoon waa apent about half past eleven last thurs day night tho barn of tho clark house waa discovered to bo on fire in n few minutes the hi e company wcro at work had there been a iew feet be tween the sheds and the hotel the fire brigade would surely have confined the flames to the shed the rojf and upper story of the clark housi were burned out an much damage donetotho grounahfloor theturrilttiot 6tityot alieclattloitertmt cfcurefnl turo and contents were nearly all re moved but greatly damaged tho fire men nobly stood at their posts from 3130 until 5 oclock tho next morning i the clark house was the oldost in 1 town- thp building was erected in 1ss3 for simeon anderson the main feature of the bonds gor don party last thursday was the at tendance of the 20th regimen- band of georgetown and their music was enjoyed by all tho following took part in tho programme mr horry jeans soloist mr c w rob n son violinist mr d booth flutist messrs lako and swindles cornetlsts and acton band orchestra prof iee was accom panist reeve hynds occupied th chair mr d ho m p wan pt t n t time a 1 places troaa phlllppl tho wesson explained 1 paul forbidden to preach in atrii g8 asia here means the roman pro vince of asia tho time for paul to speak the woid in aala had not yet come j ao the holy spirit said to paul you must not speak in asia this piopably seemed btrmgo tn paul but he wisely obeyed and asked no quen tiona if we would apeak the right word in the right place at the right time we must look to the holy sjilrit for hjs guidance and ho will clvo it the time came later forpaul to speak the word in asia andwondei ful results followed chapter 19 1 8 io 9c 27 bul though paul obeyed the spirit and did not speak the word in asia ho did not give up preaching as the spirit would not suffer him to speak in one placer he went to an other the word was a fire in pauls bones and ho must speak spmewherc it is well to note that paul did not need tho guidance of the spirit to set him to preaching but to keep hlrri from ij cf verse 7 as blthynla was tho nearest country at hand they im mediately attempted an entrance to conquer it for christ but here again the holy spirit blocks the way how strange it all must have been and how strange it must havo seemed at tho time but god had larger plans for his faithful servant and it all be came clear soon the name by whlcn the holy spirit is called in this verse is very suggestive the spirit of jesus revised version 2 paul called to preach in mace donia 0 10 vs 812 step by step god leads hisservantf on the means god used for his guid ance are various tho direct guidance of tho holy spirit a vision cf ch 1012 10 1017 30 18 0 10 22 1721 27 23 24 2 cor 12 14 7 ac 2 17 his own judgment v 10 r v the promptness with which paul responded to tho guidance of god no matter how it came is worthy slovenly enunciation slip shod habits of voice production re deplorable anywhere but intolerable in a tele phone exchange so much depends upon proper articulation by the operator that intensive study in voice place ment enunciation and modulation are part of hor training in exchanges in our larger cities compare the class of german operators above with the sprightly group of canadian montreal girls thoy are all intent on clear in telllglble enunciation whether in german english or french incurable how to preserve a broom norj- a household magazine nor yot an oldfashioned woman but tho new york smil sots forth below b to spoil a broom and how to use it properly and to tho best advantage it makes mo sad sold a broom- maker to a sun representative to see the way pooplo use a broom you have seon people sweeping ahead of them pushing stuff with a brpomt ho continued questlonlngly why the best broom that ever was made of the- best and most perfectly seasoned broomcorn stock that over was put into a broom wouldnt stand such treatment as that with such handling the splints will bjealc off tho splints remaining jag ged and uneven bear unevenly on the surface you never can sweep clean with it after that then you know tho majority of sweepers always sweep with the same side of the broom to the front and li this way they soon get tho broom lop- sided bo- thpy cant useit any other way i there couldnt be a worse way if used 4n this manner the splints get bent all one way andthen thoy meat together at their ends they dont bite they dont hold tho dust as thoy ore meant to do thoy dont sweep clear and when a broom has come to this condition the sweeper is less careful of it for it is not a goody broom such a broom the sweeper feels she may push ahead of her and when she docs this with it the broom is finally ir retrievably ruined the correct way to uso a broom is with the handle in its initial position held virtically so tha all tho splints in the face of tho broom will take hold at the same time and evonly in swooping the broom should bo swung back and forward from a point back of the sweeper to a point at an equal dlflf in front and then dyfiry tf tho sweeper should turn tho bro6m around so as to sweep with a different side dally used in this manner the broom wears evenly down i have seen a delight to the pro fessional eye and a comfort to every body who likes to see an implement used to the best advantage thought fully and considerably i have seen brpema that had been so used that inc threads but still bit beautifully i sun perfectly well aware the broom maker concluded feelingly that brooms carelessly used as com monly as they are wear out faster with a corresponding benefit to the uroornujnanuf acturers but still i da really hate to see anybody mlsuso a broom imitation this 4s oneof the greatest secrets not only of a happy but an efllclent life come over into mace- donln and help us what an out cast wandering jew help proud and potent macedonlas especially people of the distinguished colony at phlllppl yes for he was tho bearer of that in which alone is help for man the goa pel when paul heard that cry he knew it was the preaching of tho gospel that waa called for v 10 if he had been like many modern mis sionaries ho would have thought rz was to establish schools and collegeo among them if he had been lilts many modern preachers he would hava thought it was a call to preach so ciology or higher criticism or pcr- jh t gi a co of lectures on pthegreat poets 3 tho first convert in europe 13- 1g paul lost no time in starting for the held to which tho lord had called him there had been no supernatural di rection as to what part ot macodonla he was to begin at so paul used his common bense and went straight frr the first city of the- district paul and his companions did not begin to preach at once they waited- and watched and doubtless prayed for favorable time and place to strike tha first blow thoy began fat lost in a very quiet and humble way they just spoke to an obscure bul carnost company of praying women tho work of european evangelization began with a handful of praying women that was one of the most notable gather ings of all history the word spoken resulted in the conversion of a proml- cnt and pious woman lydia whoso heart the lord opened there is no hope for any woman or man eithe- unless the lord opens their hearts tho steps in lyduvs conversion are very plainly mdrkod and typical 1 sno wenttnjt to pnry 2 she heard the word vs 13 14 3tho lord opened her heart 4 she gave heod untothe things that were spoken averse 14 revised version b she was baptized verao 15 lydia car ried her whole household with her she was a- business woman and seems to htave been somewhat prominent to have had a household of considerable sire and she also seemed to have sone means the history of tho church shows many instances of women of prominence and culture and wealth who have found in the lord jesus tho one thing that satisfied their hearts and who have turned their books upon the world and nil it had to offer to serve him 4 a medium delivered from de moniacal control 1818 there was in philippi o young wo xnozu possessed of preternatural of dls cernment a fortune teller or medium who wab not altogether a fake sho really did possess more than human powers of discernment she was in dwelt by a person of more than human intelligence but this spirit that in dwelt her was an unholy spirit pos sessing it is true powers of intclllgenco in some directions beyond those pos sessed by men while most of tho land are pure fraud there still remains a certain amount of phenomena that are beat accounted for by the theory that some mediums arc in communica tion with tho world of spirits not of departed spirits of men and women as thoy claim but of demons few nro the steamer passengers who fall to visit the wireless office aboard ship to watch the operation of tho in struments and to question tho opcr- ator needless to say the technical understanding of the wellmeaning visitors la of variable quantity tno operator must listen to wondering cx- clamanntlons original suggestions for jho improvement of the service dis courses on the relations between wire- lesf telegraphy and spiritualism and other doubtful topics with uniform courtesy at times however tho strain is too great ilwftfl ajady passenger with an eye for details whocame to tho wireless room and looked wonder- ingly in k ofc heres tho wifeless may i como lnjsnt it wondcrfui to think of sending those those waves you call them waves dont you how very fascinating to work at this are those jars llllea with water thoae are condenserjars madam quite empty really i dont believe i could ever understand it that coil of wire looks llko a birds caget that is the inductance hollx what are those things over your ears the receiving telephones then you have telephone connec tion too one can hardly keep up with tho times these days what does that coll do that is tho receivingtuner and interferoncoproventer wonderful does it keep out all interference not all replied the operator very wearily some kinds or interference cantbe tuned out wo juathayo to stand it botheration primus habit was too strong t the force of old associations as samuel beverly learned one sunday morning is something against which to bo on guard after thirty years of service chiefly in the capacity of con ductor beverly hud retired and was spending his days qaiotly in his native town just after ho had taken his accus- tomod scat one morning in church ho was requested to perform tho duty- o an absent deacon by assisting in tak ing up tho collection ho was pro ceeding decorously along the aislo with the plate when halfway down thj olslo he came to tho atkinson pew on this morning mrs atkinsons uncle dropped o into a pleasant l nap when beverly espied tho old man heunconscldtiblydoffedthe demeanor suited to the place and in a twinkling became am official ho pjcdthfi sleep ing man on theshoulder ticket please he demanded very sharply and audibly- tho dignity of the oldtime clergy man or a small town enwrapped him so entirely in tho eyes of his people that jests conccrning foibles or his youth were likely to be frowned upon rather than cherished but of the college days of tho estimable and much respected nathaniel niles f west faltlce vermont who was grad uated from princeton in 176g mr n n wlthlngton in a tecent interesting article tells us that traditions still survive j he and hla younger brother samuf were both of them ablo but excessively argumentative vnnthw d tho days of their colltigo years they werq known as botheration primus and botheration secondus just how much of a bother the flrat botheration could be to an unwary professot is revealed in the famous anecdote of tho jockknife ithad been related of other men than nath aniel nlles but ot least if he couldnt be proved to bo the one and only proper hero in it his attested char actor lends strong support to hs claim htfs instructor in philosophy was lecturing upon identity nnd had just argued that parts of o whole might be subtracted and other matter substituted yet tho whole would re main the same instancing every part of our bodies la changed in seven- motor league plans jo bring more u s tourists to ontario years yet we remain tho same indi viduals then said nlloa if i had a knife and lost the blade and have another blade made to fit it tho knife would still bo tho same certainly was the reply jthen if i should joso the handlo from tho new blade and have another handle mauo to fl it the knife would still be the same that is so said the professor then in tjiat cose triumphantly rojoined young botheration primus if i should find the old blade and tho old handlo and have tho original parts put together what knife would that be the ontario motor league is j o pealing to all motorists in tho pro vlnce to write to thoir friends and relatives in the united states tell ing them that ontario now has highway system comparable with tha best in tho us a and scenic cllm atle fishing hunting and other vx cottoning charms for motor tourists without parallel an the american con tinent where in a like space and within euch easy touring distance of the mn- jorlty of the united states are jiackcd so many and so alluring playgrounds and so many scenic attractions haunts of fish and game and points of historic and other interest accessible to tho motorists over good roads asks an official at the touring department of the o m l to get a good view of niagara falls either in its natural might and majesty by day or in lti fantastic spectacular garb by night provided by the battery of electric searchlights totalling- a million throe hundred power tho twin catnraca must bo viewed from the canadian side that is from ontario here he said picking up a letter from bin desk is a letter from o philadelphia motorist for whom we prepared route he says after expressing ap pr forthemolopleagu o n whatever section of the dominion farmerstill their fields there will be found a completely equipped branch of the bank of montreal and in whatever branch of the bank of montreal you may find it most convenient to do business there you will find banking cooperation especially designed to meet the i needs of farmers and the farming industry each of our 600 branches has the strength ex perience and services of the entire organization call at the nearest branch a bank where small accounts are welcome bank of montreal established over ioo years tjrtal assets in excess of i7oooooooo y railway tinje tables at acton anadian n qolna wast no 20 809ami no 31 t 1045 am no 33 tm 220 pjn no 3g g00 p no 39 839 pm no 5 sunday 10 41 am s going east no 26 705am no 30 1127 am no 34 33g pm no 3g g17pm no 38 83 pm no 24 sunday 708 pm canadian national electric railway8 westbound dally except sunday 743 anu aily 943 am dally i u43 um dally 14a pm dally 343 p ml dally g 43 pm dolly 743 pnj dolly 943 pm dally 1232 am eaatbound daily 743 a dally except sunday 043 am daily n4s am dally m i43 pjnu daily 343 p fa doily 543 pjni dolly w 743 p dally o48 pm dally 1140 pm frolffht delivered by special express freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto sweet and palatable mother grave3 worm powder exterminator is accept able to children and it does work sure ly and promptly an illsorteb family 1n8earch of acook when the young woman with the imimrious air entered the intelligence office the managers desk was vacant half a doxen girls and women were soatodlln chairs evidently wotting for her return i want a cook announced tho im- periods youjng woman nftcr gazing nboitt her for a moment notiody spoke or manlfstod any par ticular interest mffho is in charge hero demanded the young woman after a long pause a faded blonde slttinff in a far corner of the i oom said tho lady ibs not in now but sho komi back pooty qvik 1 kesn tho young woman frowned and tap ped her foot on tho floor impatiently lont there any one to attorid to mo sho oslced no one answered and the joj wo man frowned again and then surveyed the gathering- cnn you cook she asked abruptly of oiwoman who sat near tho desk tho person addressed opened her clonk and unloosened a peorl and bom lorgnette from the bosom of a laco- trlmmed lilac silk waist after ex amining the young woman with mlm curiosity through tho shtivellln me dium of her kinase she said in cool oven tones no im afraid i cannot can you tho imperious person colored slight- il beg your pardon sho said t dont apologise said the other miltng we aro all likely to mako mistakes- before you told ua you mr on tad o cook i really had an idea thi you were looking for a place daily readings for next wak monday august 24 tho macedonian call aots 16 c1g tuesday august 25 an open door 1 cor iff 13 wednesday august 26 abr jims cajl gen 12 19 thursday august 27 sonahs call jonah 3 14 friday augubt 28 philips call jno j 4351 saturday august 29 the groat commission matt 28- 1620 sunday august 30 isaiahs call isa 6 18 policy with the girls there aro more wags to kill a cat than pouring butter down its throat says the old proverb nevertheless ao long as cats take kindly to butter the process ts easy tho method has its advantages so u chicago shoe man ufacturer found recently when more than one hundred girls in hla employ went on sulke tho manufacturer had not dealt with girls all his busi ness life without learning a thing or two 114 hastily dnoned his other clothes filled war cat rlago with many bouquets of violets carnations and roses and boxes of candy and went to call upon the young ladles in fheir homes he visited each in turn pre senting his tribute freed his mind of a few compliments and then refer ring to the strike explained as simply as possible how impossible at was- to grant the demands and how sorry ho was to lose not nil tho girls but just this one upon whom ho was colling she was competent it was a pleasure to read the reports of her work ho said to each they all came back tho next morning farmer carson looked up from his search for potatobugs into tho face of a former neighbor who was visiting hla old friends after an absence ot ten years howd your son dick getting on he asked after a few preliminaries dick oh hes getting on first- rate hes sort of a dqctor said the fathor how about arthur arthur oh hefc getting on oil right too hes a sort of a lawyer whats jim doine ho continued oh jim hes doing flno bos sort of aproacher said mr carson cheer fully and you keep right oi hero said the old neglhbor with evident rcgrot weller for tho present said mr caraon owporeeitnelly you bed it seems iclnd of advisable for some one rmcr nnd kind of feed dick and arthur and jim for an other ten years or so till they get sort of nn income the point of view the eastern man looked at tho driver of the stage which waa to land him near the top notch mine and found him an interesting specimen in many way but i jmusnt lot him suspect i intend to use him for material he thought i suppose there ore n good many queer people about hero ho nnli with caption a moment later yoa must have a good chance to sea them tho best thore is returned tho stage driver as 1 anfd to ram barker the other day if one ot- ua knew how to write stories all wed have to do for characters would be to take em from the folks that land hero when the train from back east comos in canadas mineral resources a preliminary report for the year 1924 prepared in the mlnuig metal lurgical and chemical branch of thf domlnlonburcau- ofsiatlstlcs shows that canadas mineral industries and the manufacturing industries depend ent- theroon numbering 10719- plants in oil represent an nctual investment of 1gg0 million dollars included in this sum were the costs of lands the buildings and plant equipment tho edst of materials and products on hand and tho actual working capital of the companies reporting these in dustries employed on tho overago 196- 883 persons to whom salaries and wages amounting to 1248297514 were paid production determined as sales was valued at 879 087628 metal mining showed an increase in produc tion of about 17 million dollars smelt- or outputs were up 13 million dollars and manufacturers of tho nonfer rous metals roso 76 million dollars vices to him ontario is an ideal land to tour in tmeomlhg back i hops not once but many times we have no drive on this aide of tho lino com parable with that from toronto to the falls and fort erie if continues tho official every on tario motorlat would write to friends and relatives in the united s to tea about muskoka the thirty thousand islands of georgian bay the kawortha lakes the trent waterway algon quin national park tamagarnl tac great mining country the bluo wator highway the great northern high way the ottawa valley tho thousand islands tho niagara penlnnula and the beauty of old ontario it wo do more to augment the annual in cursion of motor tourists than o myrlai copies of maps booklets nnd vouchers motor tourist trafflc he says inn been ranked above our great mineral output as a sourco of revenue from natural resources canadian national exhibition toronto 47th anniversary the annual worlds fair bclipaing anythin presented unique mono talumong bxpoution aug 29 sept 12 inclusive j a smith insurance ants real estate agent fdr confederation life as sociation london lancashlroflrc insurance london lancashire guarantee and accident dominion of canada guarantee and accident insurance company farm and toun property for sale prompt careful and courteous at tention given your business solicited residence mill and wallace sts- telephono 105 r 2 31 is the small manufacturer pa8sinq there may bo other corn removers but you will not bo completely satis fied until y6u have used holloways corn romovotj a matter of weight unpopular preaching a planter asked n colored preacher what subjects he usually preached on in hla labors among his people oh different subjects said the proncher sometimes ah preaches on kove sometime on baptism somo- tlmofl on heaven and such subjects why dont you preach sometimes on tho subject of chickenstealing well ah tell you boss when alt preaches on dem subjects hhlt allera throws a kind of coldnoss iver de meeting thi mnypurpoo oil both jn tlto iioudo and tho stable there aro scores of unes for dr thomas eclcctrlc oil uso it for cuts bruises burns scalds the paina of rhcumatltm nnd sclntlcu pore t hi oat and cost horses nro liablo very largely to similar ailment and mishaps ah afflict mankind and aro equnllv amenable to tho healing influence of this fne old remedy which has made thousands of firm frlpnds in tho lulst fifty years tho value of a laug in controlling a crowd was evidently known to tho first nopojeon even m tho doys when nnt f r f boyhood of anxiety and insufficient food he was on earnest young of ficer with the shadow of figure tho following is from charles f warwicks recent book on napoleon and the french revolution in october 1785 napoleon b oca me commanderinchief of the army of th interior while ho was in this position there were frequent disturb ances in tho sections andyaubourgs of paris which he attempted in many in stances to allay by pacific means one day whllo he was addressing a crowd a fat woman interrupted jilm calling upoo his hearers to pay no at tention to theso smart officers who so long as they keep fat on eating th best nnd richest food do not care for tho poor and starving bonaparte quickly turned the tobies on his interrupter look at me good woman he said and then tell mo whichof us two la tho fatter the mob goodnaturedly dispersed is thesmall manufacturer being crowded out of business by his larger competitor or is he putting himself out of business by his failure to real izo the evolution in production and dls tributlonr going- on about him tho department of manufacture of tho chamber of commerce of the united states says he has little to fear if he fights tho lnroqds of time ty adapting his plant to meot changing conditions hja field of oporotlon might become more- restricted but within it he is stronger than ho would bo if it were spread out ho is in closer touch with conditions and th needs of his trade but tho mortuary tables of business show thot the small manufacturer must ho as alert as his bigger brethron the blame for failure rests upon those who fall not upon tho moro successful and larger manufacturers who suc ceed tho department of manufacturer of tho national chamber is ready to aid tho small manufacturer by suggesting methods of waste elimination and re ducing production costs nnd increas ing efficiency by bettor ways of coat accounting in somo industrial sections chombei h of commerce are taking on interest in the welfare- of their members by sug- gcstlng cooperation in the study their common problems o movement that is attracting serious attention millers worm powders are a pleas ant medicine for worminfested chil dren nrtd they will take it without objection when directions nro fo lowed it will not injure the most deli cate child nnd thero is nothing of an injurious nature in its composition thoy will speelly rid a child of worms and restore th health of the little suf ferers whoso vitality has become im paired by tho attacks of theso intornal peats a ramady for earache to hovo the earache is to endure torture tho oar is a delicate organ and few care to deal with it considering it work for a doctor dr thomas eclectric oil offers a simple remedy a fow drops upon a peceflintor medicated cot ton and placed ln car will do much in relieving the pain willing to take achance j x gimme a dime for a bed wont yo mister a writer in tho cleveland plain dealer states that tho not en tirely sober person who made this re quest spoke in the halfwhisper of the professional mendicant he hid a- costcd a man of humoi well sold the gpntloman after a thoughtful pause bring j ho bed round and let mo see it if i think it is worth the price i1v give you a dime for it of course the reason rrch in ignorance a parson was loudly inveighing against certain schools he finished says a writer in tho argnnaut by da clarlng- that he was thankful he had never rubbed his back with anyone do 1 understand the brothor to say that ho thanks clod for his ignorance asked the blhhop wolf yes if you want to put it thiu way he replied then all i have to ndd stild the bishop unctuously is that tho brother hos a great deal to bo thankful for stupid and useless questions some times exasperate to tho point of rude ness the los angeles times tolli it a case where smith met jones onn day with the inquiry hollo jones you wearing glasses whats that for jones annoyed at the foolishness ot tho question nnawered irritably foi coi ns reducau by asthma tho constant strain of asthma brings the iwxtient to n dreadful state of hopeless exhaus tion early use should by nil meam he mndo of di j d icolloggs asthmn ltemetfy which rmn thnn im other acts quickly on tho ah passages ani brings blesmod relief and comfort no homo where asthma is piesont in tho least degree should b without thlt great remedy when using wilsons n fly pads ac directions cabcfullv and r there is only one way to kill ml thejflies this la it darken the room as much as possible close the windows taise one of the blinds where the son shines in about eight inches place as many wilsons fly peds as possible on plates properly wetted with water butnot hooded ontht window ledge where the light is strong leave the room closed for two or three hours then sweep up the bies and burn them see illustration below put the plates away out ot the reach ot children until re quired in another room the r ight way to use wusons fly pads castoria xnnnnxnnnvvnnsnnnnvvnnxnnvtfnsn mother 1 fletchers caatoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind ooliq flatulency to sweeten stomack diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates a to avoid imitations always look for the signature of cay7cjita proven directions on each package physicians everywhere recommend it costs you less than 2 a year though it accomplishes in a few minutes what i would otherwise take you hours the cost of the telephone is one of the smallest items in the familys yearly- outlay a study of expenditures by hundreds of families shows that food costs 43 miscellaneous 25 rent 17 clothes 13 and the telephone less than 2 v it i i v eath new subscriber add to he value of your telephone advertisers tha free press is anxlou to aorvo ydu and servo you well we can give ypur advertise ment better attention and there fore make it moro attractive if tho copy la auppl to ua on momty6r tuesday if copy fall to raaoh ua until wednesday forenoon there la a rush to aat it up before tho forma otose and tho result la- likely to be leaa aatlafaotory send in your ad6v early does your watch keep time try our repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results and we know we can please you savage co jewellers guelph ontario i tzjjikijulifi h

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