Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1925, p. 6

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l sirthi marriage and deaths are now charged for t the follorlnr rate sfrtba 50c marriages 50 deathi 50c memorial cards 50c 10c per line extra for jioema tuohday mir and mm tljn mnrriirot born pisazej in new york auguut 11 1925 to itlchai d bluojv hqo rumlya uon mannieo dirvalcostdllo or tuesday augunt 1 8 1025 u t st joaoph3 church actonr by tho ravrpnthpr moroavy mnrguprlte mtiry second dauphtei of mrs c costello acton to wilfred joseph duval aon of john dmn1 brncobrldkcy ont died cullen- at hia reuldonco 38 clua- both street guolph on thursday august 13 1025 john cullen form erly of acton barclay in qeorffctourx on satur day august 8 1933 maraarot mit chell beloved vtro or wm barclay in her 68th year spdight on thursday auruat 13 1025 at her kite residence 46t paoo avcnuo toronto ella may kelrott beloved wife ot kcfflnnu jjnolffht sherwood- at his homo 64 exhi bition street toronto on mtnda august 17 1925 thompson she- wood formerly of nnssigawcyn in his 60th oar in mmqriam savage in lovfng memory of john edwin valentine savgo aon of mr and mrs j m snviec who died august 16 192 i wo often think ot you deaf on when ww are ftu alone par memory is the oijly thing tnat grief can call ita own pother mother brothers news of local import acton foj fair hall exhibitors tho 1 evlscd pi izo list of the hull cxhibltc of acton rail tail will be confined ho txhlhltoih in the count of hulton and the tounuhlph of haqutm- ins nnanaffawoya erftmorta anm kiln the ouido prise hbi 1h open to all co mora tho list of prlsch this 10u promlioa to be ununuulb attractive with a large range lu the content contraou lt by nelton towmhip at its hint mefttlng nelson council awaided the contract fpi cnnutiuittnn of u ulxlnch coneioto pavement fiom the toiontoilunrruun hlglnvaj to hampton couit uppolmntolv 2 400 square uihth to hoy honbbopnu of vlneland also foi a cemont conct etc bridge 14x20 ton the middle load wont of applebj neighborhood news- town and country crcwsons conncns mm ktlwanl ivhmtthuo v m tnluii to tho honpital at guplph fiint xvrnk fluttering from kldne tt oubh ovei a thoiimuwi moloi tarn immu i tin ouch heie on himdny iul tln wuont all obojliwtho opooil limit taw clthct mi mmmn cvowhoii ciownoh c01 noin wlhhcii to aunouneo tho imifmn- meit of hh oldoiit datigfltlil kluu minimi to john iohiio molwhom hi 1 oiul hop of mi lumen mel 1u tun 11 of milton tho imuihigo to willi nliu v- euh in septomhef be artnn3frtofl thorsdat acopst20 1886 brief local items the root of the woodshed at iorne school has been reshlnfirltss decked damsels malce thu the age of girls ot uncertain apex the world owes ou living bot vou must show vtial 4t la for the annual flowor show created quite a fetir in town jestwday detours re gencralty as badas people bay they are it not worse loafing l hard irorte very few noopl have made success with tt the town has beftn full ot sum- mer visitors and tourists during the week an oldxime cynlti says while the gas holds out to bnm the vilest roojir may wrturn the tonndations of th twidge over the stream on the seootxd use at lot 12 are heme rebuilt quite a large nmaber left here on monday on the first harvesters ex cursion to the west summer resort a plaxe where sau skcat r frorf and aoton honors sir adm memory acton hjdroeloctilc cvmimlnblon op behalf of the itonid nnd the ottl- aonot acton sent a floial iath foi the casket of tho late sh adim dcckj tho father of oie hidroktectrlc no tuittcn ot ontario mr george king chairman of tho commission and mr chailes wilson superintendent at tended the funeral on tuesday as rop- icbontallves of aclon an esteem d nonenenanen on monday august 10th mi john iangin goorgetowns oldest resident celebrated his 92nd bti unlay ml tangan is still hale and hearty and the herald joins with cltlsens gnei- ally in extending congratulations and hoping that he may be ppavcd to cele brate man more birthdaj s hoi aid mr lahgan lstho fathei of mrs wm arnold aoton mr and mi s arnold joined in tho birthday celebration brampton teacher is honored before more than s00 of her pupils and oxpuplls miss may hutchinson for 15 years teacher ot english and history at brampton high school was on monday evening presented with a diamond cluster ring on the eve of her departure to accept a position on the staff of the windsor high school the ring was presented by miss annlo howard an cxpupll while william bate another ox- pupil read the ad dress and miss florence quinn a pupil presented the teachers mother with a bouquet of roses malcolm mcarthur a pupil occupiedthe chair oakville tha band pienie v wjmdshenyouefltu v sunday was glorlcuai summer day with bright sunshine and tem peratures between 70 and so mra minnie r moor aani a solo in pnox church lost sanflay evening it was exceptionally well rendered a ustowel man was fined 410 and costs iar falling to attach the necessary 2 cent stamp to 1l receipt apgood newspaper docs not pub lish ail it knows if you wxuit to know buy- a newspaper and run it for a while mr robert wallace hum enlarged the born on his form on slain qtreet and is improving the building gen erally the pretty golden rod now jn full bloom adorns tho roarjaddoa and tho meadow corners with its rich colorings acton cltixons band publishes an invitation in another column xor every one to picnlcwith them at hutton- vlho next saturday wnlkcrtons tax rate has been jmt down this year and will be only mi mills acton ratepayers may be fitad that ours are down to 41 j it will aururlss many to bo in formed that there are now between one and two thousand motor cars pass ing through acton every day a model home of eight rooms will bq one of the attractions at the furnl ture exposition in conncotlon with the canadian national exhibition guelph township council pays a 25 reward for the killing or capture f dogs which have proved a menace to the sheep flocks of the township there has been considerable rain the past ten days but the firaln crops have not seriously suffered in a few cases oats have sprouted in the stoqks theres a good days work for a mower and a team at the park now the effect would show at deoided im provement in the general appearance neat signs have been placed on the highway on main 6trtfot whore education la no is approached schbol 200 foot please drive slow ly perpetual c a competent ffar- dehor m full time and a cotrtrmsaldh the acton citizens band are evi dently planning for a good time nt their first pcnlc at huttonville on saturday afternoon a list of races tugofwar and bjju games with ap propriate prises is all arranged tho prixes piled in sopors window look quite formidable the band will ploy a musical programme after the plcnia supper when the prises will be dis tributed a list of twentyfive or thirty events has been planned tho bands invitation to the general public appears in another column owing to the plcnic this saturday the reg ular band concert will ha0 to be post poned crown attorney dick home from overseas crown attorney dick arrived home on tuesday of last week from his trip to the british isles france belgium and holland he was accompanied by his sisters the misses dick of baltimore md who left for homo next day they all visited ypres st julian and other places devastated during the great war tho misses ilck returned from france to- ens land by steamer but mr dick by a passenger airplane from paris to lon don making the flight in a little less than three hours the plane crossed the channel in flftytbreetmlnut6s mr dick enjoyed the holiday very much and has returned greatly invig orated there will bo a japrineso rindon paity on thumdaj aiigunt 21 on tho a m 13 chuich gronndh on colboino stieot tho oakvlllo hot tlcultm al boolety will hold their that annual hlum in lie llnnquot hall of the uiponh temple on hatuiitn auuunt oth from 2 to 10 p m a humlied homing phrcottn fiom bowman vlllo woie llbeiated at th centlrtl sctool commons this morning at ton oclofcu albeit p quinn son of ajbcit v quinn had the mtsfoi tunc to hi call his mm lat monday evening while 5jnkhig a or shaw hrolhei h have lnkcn out building permit foi 1600 for alteia- tlons to tho htudlo of louih lcccnc second street dlrectoia of tho tiafalgui agricul tural arsoclutlon aio haid nt woik making plans for tho tiafalgai town ship and oakvlllo lair which will bo held on frldnj and sutmdu septem ber 18 and 10 captain and mrs ellis rotuinod home last aeck from their trip to newfoundland they motoied us fat as halifax and took tho boat fiom there to st johns thoy report x very pleasant tilp mr raymond richmond of pa- choge n y vlbltcd last week at tho homo of his sister mrs clarence fish it hai boon twenty nine jeara ainco they last saw each other mr hugh s wilson haa return d homo from u tilp to irolund and lio has brought with him eighteen flno irish hunter horses ranging in ages from throe to llvo years rockwood in connection with tho passing ot sir adam beck rockwood academy loses another of its students jvho han dono much tor tho wolfaro of tho pro vlnce in general he was present here some twelvo years ago when the hydro electric powei was installed in the village when tho lato mrs ii strange had tho honor of turning on the 1 lab to in tho town hull tor tho flrst time mr s congdon has boon quite poor ly lately members bfher family who nave boon notified of her illness weic here over the weekend mrs joseph croft continues about j the same sho has been con flno d to yo govern soems to bo the slogan of bur citizens with reference to fall vlow cemetery there is parking spaco at trio can adian national exhibition for- 10000 autos on one day last year 2 400 united states markers were counted on the grounds cash prizes of 4000 and tho title of champion band of canada will go to the winners of the band camps- tlon on music day at tho canadian national exhibition over 700000 invl tat ions have been sent out to tho primary school pupils of the province to be the guests of tho canadian national exhibition on young canadas day two acton men who staged a motor raco on tho streets sre now j wondering whero the fun camo in for they woro assosaed 10 and coirta cacti shelburna economist dont bo disturbed by tho motor driver who disregards warning- stgrs and ips past you on a curve you will doubtless have a chanco to pass him oaslly a littlo farther on is it to bo concludod fhat pooplu who drop papers wrappein and en vetopes on the street are laaty when there are refuse boxes within two blocks or are they too ignorant to bo tidy tho canadian national hallway workmon nave during the weok widen ed the roadway at tho mill street crossing this makes a much im proved drivoway and a safer courso for motorists editor eedys narrow escape while mr lome eedy of the teles- cppe and some friends were driving in to town on durham street last thursday night a ford driven by mr french of paisley met thorn east of the c p r crossing and in passing caught their rear fonder smashing it and destroying a couplo ot club bags on the running board after sido- swlplng tho walkcrtoncar tho speed ing lutxle then headed to tho left for the ditch with the brakes full on the palsloy car skidded several rods and then crashed into a telephone pole with a bang that smashed in tho front of tho fordj breaking tho steering goer front fender and radius rol fortunately nobody was hurt license inspector wldmeyer who happened afong before the crippled car was cleared away after sniffing the air decided to lay a charge against tho paisley party walkorton telescope guelph lads stole bicycles last thursday evening chlof mc- pherson observed two strange lads in town riding bicycles later ho saw them at the canadian national elec tric station without the bicycles and on enquiry they said they had sold them upon further investigation tho chief found the bicycles had been j sold for a fraction of their value a 25 wheel for g 00 and a 53 one for 10 q0 he interrogated tho lads and they finally admitted that thoy stole the bicycles from where they ha 1 miss elva mccutchcon of guelph was operated upon ror appendicitis on sunday afternoon her many friends hope for a speedy recovery mrs reginald kudd entertained her sunday school class to a plcnlc on saturday afternoon- along tho river bank mr ellwood garrett of toronto and mr h j b leadloy of guolph wcro weekend visitors mr garret molned over sunday some three or four years agonvlth his wife and slvs jamloson they occupied mrs john stones bungalow west of tho school during the summer months mcr and mrs leodley often came from guelph for the weekends r henderson e locker johnstono howat of simcoe were hero for the aveekehd returning unday overling mr and mrs goorgo sol ton and family and mr and mrs john fitz- slmmons motored to burlington ucach sunday afternoon the girls of the jrotrimlu camp arc enjoying their holidays last week thoy put on a play tho king of sherwood others who holpedtho campeqs in their programme woro stock donaldson and tho mccarthy family of guelph tho softball between rockwood and georgetown glrjsjastweek resulted in tied score this thursday overflns the game will bo playod to decide who aro oo winners na8sagaweya boon parked at the caspo theatre in guelph and rodo thorn to acton giv ing their names as bert dennis an1 john young 12 and 13 years of ago the chlof notified the police depart men at guolph and placed tho boys in the cells next morning dcrtoctlvo groenway of guelph came down for thorn and took thorn to guelph with tho wheels which had been recovered fortunately the boys had all tho moncj received but 60 conts and tho pur chasers of the stolen property wero jo- coupod the boys wcro overheard by councillor thetford to say they were making for saskatoon later the guelph mercury on friday said tho two young lads 12 and 13 yfeira old who stole two bicycles from in front of tho cnstlo theatre on thui-j- doy and subsequently sold them in aoton where they wcro ai rested must attend sunday school overy sunday and church once a sunday as well as bo in the house at nine oclock every nighty according to sentence passoi upon them this morning byi magistrate watt messrs clifford norrlsh john plan ders clare pickett stanley norriih and miss grace norrlsh left tuesday on the harvesters excursion for the western harvest fluids mr nnd mrs hurry coulson and family of milton visited rolatlvcs at khatchbull on sunday mr and mrs william morloy and family visited at kna ten bull on sun day ebenozer sunday school and laities aid intend to have tholr annual pic nic after harvest miss mildred wilson at knatclibull is spending a woeks holidays with relatives in milton master harold coulson of milton is having u wooks holidays with his aunt mrs g t wilson of knateh- ball muster dunuia icinffsdury of uun- rambles over england ami waleb tiutcrtnlnlng ikwcilptlou ol hl s delltftitlul tour by doukiiw jowdy i mi uuriuh uowdy 11 a of limit holme who itiim brcmjnjoyliik n up omihuis htmo omb in juno wtltun tliw uuvu viikttn tho futtuwliig intel outhui uhiiiiu or a pint of i1h ixpeilontoh uu mi muuie it wuh in gieal ptousuio to utluml the hunda laonhitf uoi vilu in tint niiuiin coutial hull vontmliilhto london ui dintulitlu t young wits tho pitmiiho and pteuthed a voiy fiulcful soimuu on luul it was unique in that this seivloo tmuucri tho oniplotlou of eleven ycuis suii lco lii this hnpuituiit uhuiijo my potltot lolutd shows somo tlmu to huvo oltlphod siiro luul i wiutu u u in faot it was uhuut tho mlddlo of lust month since leaving tlio htudunt olnishun confeimilo jn deibytmhc whcio wu met homo 000 mtudeuts fiom tho ulltult irtltrt und the oveiiieas domliuons a gloat deal of tho south of giout uiit- aln and wales hiin booh seen fiom y wan wick wo passed ihioukti paitu of the duko of dovunshho ev tato and towed tho vdi y beautiful chatswoith iioubo fiom tho top of tho hunting towei und is lmpiossud with thhe foicslglit whluh actuated tho ipltid of thoiio who pluuuod tho lo cution of this lllio duuil ustute it u situated at the confluence of thic most delightful valleys with tho doibyuhlio hilts acting us a hoi doling hoi lson on all bides tho waia effect is seen in tlio fact that tho gates do not hhlno with the golden lustio of piowai duys how gieat was our plousuio to moot with tho oveib cub educational league ut uuulnt old qhostci town purtlcu- hiily intcrchtlng was tho flag in tho cathcdinl which was takon over from cunuda whcio it played a part in dioho momorablo days of 17g0 when quebec foil at bangor wales wo missed tho canadian undci graduates tour by a fow days but wo moio than mudo up for tho disappointment by being wolr corned into tlio hostel plnco monal ovei looking tho monal straits s guests of tho workmens educational association of munches tci who woi o taking thoh annual hummercourao at tho university of north wales pai tlcularly interesting to tho acton und limohouso pcoplo would bo tho large slato quuriles at bothesdu near bangor they certainly wore arvjoyq- opencr to a prpjeineltthynirftfed in dividual like ulyself thoy aie tlio largest slato tmurries in tho wornl and have boon worked fbr ovor 260 years tho great face of rock 1000 j feot high with ovor 14 galleries of ot least 60 foot each was quite interest ing to one who had only tho niagara escarpment foi a standaid of campurll son when you looked at tho simul taneous puffs of smoke from all theso fuces during tho blasting operations h had quite a remarkablo effect fo it was over u mile ucioss tho pit and tho men and mil way trains wero vory diminutive in appearance outetigrrtftii mutur dilvu ihi of ihi pilollitoiih mlllthldy wo hlltlll 1- tuin iiliniil um lumt of auuiimt toady fni tho i ciiponlng or ollem in hon- t lllli m m i in ii n li ik i to imih iuoii ami uiiifinir iijii it ill my fi lohdn i iiuiki iiuiik vt i s tlin i it yutii h uoihilahoowdy two calls tn guolph presbytery tim ivnbytoiy of gtitlph will moot in knox ohm th luelph on pt iday to uuiiiildit lwo ihiih which luivo boon issued hy it luiiu liloiicu both have bneti imhtiod to uilnlhtots by tho tiamo of mcdonald ht amliows cuuli ot 1 oi huh htih callod ittiv a o mcdon ald cpiimtly of uuhiiii out tho othot tali hiim biou lhhuod lu jtnv c 11 mcdonald of ieiuituugulsliono by tho uniihicgntloiih uf duffs and knot ihmchoh iumiiulii rupture expert here do you nuffei fiom tuptuio if mh iom big oppui tunlty ikih now uiilvod mi reuvoly tlio notod tuptulo oxpott will bo at tho station hotel acton foi ono day only thursday september 3rd and wilt bo ploiihcrt to glvo fioo exam ination to any huffcioi and to doinon- htmto his famoiih appliance tills ap pliance will cuntiuct tho opening in 10 to 15 days and witl cuio cases in fiom tin go to six months tills ap- pllunco is positively doniotihtiatud to you light on youi own juihop without any chaige you do not spend a penny unless you mo fully satlsllcd that it is tho rltfht aiiptiauoo foi you a con sultation with mi rcavoly will cost you nothing dont lot this opportun ity got away fiom you homombor tho dutc earn 7 a day why woi it lint d foi mot o nxhtt inn win n voli in vwu h thilp n in a row uj li i l lino by h inn in oin u n ruiiiivvinc ti luliin m t h tulr tl d ill ik i v hui in i inr hi icklaylnjf diijiir woi lc ilaltct und wold in ft wilto 01 all ik im klntf ht w toioiito foi in him and fioo mil i- ingtln hemphills limited i ij iiowio mniirtgii notice to creditors in thb surruffuie court at lie county of holton in the estate of annie molozzi deceased tho itdltors of annlo molori lato of the vlllagv of a on marl led woman tocoiihui whfi die i on tho 23rd of 1in- titiry a d lojfi it tho city of ilam- tturnclt in tho htuto of michigan iu- tostato mo ifulrd on or boforn tho 20th duy of mtptemhcr a v 10z5 to wend by post fuopald or fthorwiso d llvoi to tho uudoifilffrid solicitor fr andrew molol th administrator of tho efltato and offof tn of tho said do- c ihod tliuli christian and surnames uddiesflus nnd descriptions tho full ihirtlctilaifi of huh lulms and tho ni tuio of tho sncuilty jf any hold by i hem and n6tl o is uiihy klvon that on und aftoi tho said oth day of soptom- ber 1d2c tho said administrator will proceed to distribute tho nssts of tho said estato nmong tho jiartios entitled thetoto by law and ho will not be sjiofihlhto foj any clnlrnn of which ho shall not have received notice nt fbo time of such distribution diitcd nt acton this joth day of august a i ior andrew molozzl administrate dy ii n fanner his solicitor yoters list 1925 municipality of the township of nassagaweya montfrancon pass to bottywacood and shrowsbuxy in wales waa aboul tho best of our trip from the stand point of scenery for at copel curie wo got an excellent view of tho snow- don range i wondei if you have over heard of tho victoria league over here it is an organization of generouslymlndoj individuals who wish to mako oversea visitors feel at homo fn tho old country and so try to place them vx contact with tho best soit of people who are interested in their special activities it was my flrst introduc tion to the leaguo at oxford mrs haldano tho wife of prof haldano of now college is the hospitality secre tary there und i assure you aho was more than the name could imply what a splendid timo we did have among thosd historic old colleges whether it bo in scholastic or athletic achieve ment but yet all contributing to tho development of that oxford atmos phere which leaves its indelible mark on all those who leave her darkened walls llunf clyforijh thosbakflpealan festival is on at stratfordondovon this year and i cannot describe my onjoyment of much ado about noth ing i couldnt holp make tho com parison between tho way justice is ad- tntnlhtejed today say in acton polloo court and tho way it was evaded in master constables economy in tho earjy 17th ceijtury london bus been all that we know it would bo and mot o quito indus triously wo worked this wo ok in visit ing as many of tho important placos as possible but wo havo only touched the fringe through tho kindness of tho can adian high commissioner wo rocolv- od tickets foi tho towemflondon for a session of tho hyusa of lords and to tho royal mews at bucking ham palaoe we havo also thoioughly enjoyed tho natlopul galloiy and oven moi o so tho tato gullorles windsor castlo with eton- in tho background was vory attractive to us us was also hampton court palac i with its wonderful gardens how mrs mooro must havo enjoyed theso last year greatly disappointed wero we to and sir harry brlttuln had left for tho antipodes and that lady brlttaina brother major harvey m p had left notlco is hereby given that i havo tiansmlttod oi delivered to tho per sons mentioned in sec 12 of tho on tario votors llfltact tho copies i en quired by said section to bo so trans mitted or dollvercd of tho list mado pusunnt to unld act of all persons ap pearing by tho last rovlsod asses j- mont roll of tho said municipality to bo entitled to vote in tho said munici pality at elections for members of the legislative assembly and at munici pal elections and that the said list was flrst posted up in my office ip nnssagaweya on tho jcth day of august 1925 and remains there for inspection and i hereby call upon all voters to tako immediate proceedings to havo any errors or omissions corrected ac- cnrrttng tolaw dated this 15th day of august 1025 john jmarshall clerk of snld municipality ylcron gift shoppe mill st near main just arrived and on tho way pino bronze electric light tablo lamps vases jardlnloroa smokcru stands nut bowl picks and crackers flower baskets 200 to 750 srfecial also trench china on tho way clocks watches jewebery sta tionery toys r- optics and re pairs special boys watches 150 call and select your gifts h whinton jaw wuic clockmaker acton and georgetown mclean co mill street acton i specials for this week men ualbrlfkfan hhlrte nnd drawers sizes 32 to 42 7c sputinl at each jc mens hummer combfnattoim at 100 125 and 5150 soys oalbriggan shirts short sleeves at each 50c bathing stills one piece with skirt merrsat 123 boys at 75c mens fine lisle socks regular 75c for 50c mens silk and wool socks regular 85c for s5et mens work socks dark gray rib top wool and cotton otlgt special per pair jtjc 3 pair for 100 special prices this week on mens odd pants mens work pants stripe cottonade good and a strong pockets belt loops special at per pair boys suits we have about is boys twopiece suits we are going to sell at about half price now is the time to rig your boy up for school boys strong black cotton hose sizes 8 8 9 w ca- and 10 special at per pair ouc mclean co mill street acton ont store closes wednebdayat 1230 how the allcast moisture system saves money a a home in acton have you thought of purchasing a home in acton this fall if you have you never had a better opportunity than now wlien the selection is good and on terms to suit yon not loss than a score of cfttsens have said to thei pnm puss during the week that they fully tndorae tpe matter of perpetual care a permanent caretaker and a commission for fair vjow cemetery why should sd many men when driving motor cars forget their gal lantry on foot the rule i todies flrst in a car they simp toot tho horn and smile to see tho ladles leap out of the way this will be tho 47th anniversary of tho canadian national exhibition it camo into existence in 1870 artd wai an outgrowth of the old agricultural society hleh hold its first fair at niagara falls in 1703 rev dr kannawln of hamilton preached again in knox church last sunday his sermons were enjoyed by the congregation itev mr cam eron of toronto is annoafeced to preach next sunday das returned homo on sutuiday last after spending a months holidays with his aunt mitfc a- darby knuitcb- bull mi james llnd is ciltlcujly h w hope he may 90 on ho tocovorcd the funeral of tho lato thompnon sherwood took place ychtorduy after noon fiom tho homo of his soninlaw kufjuell dlhlcy to moffut ccmthory mi john marshall township clork has posted tho voids list foi 1d2g bxamino tho first copy you see unci as certain if your namo in proporly enter ed pthere was a flno programme of sports inst wednesday at campbell villes civic holiday colouration in tho baseball tournament tho carlisle maple leufe und cumpbcllvlllo woio drawn for tho first game which tho former won 66 thlo eliminated the campbollvillo team manscwood hav ing drawn a bye carried off second prlzo though defeated in the second gamo by tho maple lenta 0- 1 bro de vil lo girls won tho noftbull match from badenock 108 j c morden of tor onto was umpiro toe tho throe gajrnos und gfive the best of satisfaction tiio duncan it cowan co composed of mrs kthel m tivans violln- iste mihh alma angus dancer nnd miss utalrlcu l fjmitn accompanist gave a splendid concort in tho ovn- ing greatly enjoyed by t hoao wlio braved tho wot weather to heai it there are some people who are always looking for trouble if it rains they are uro the crops will be dfdwn ed out before it stops und if it is dry they are sure that everything will be burned to deah before it ralos- but the crops are fine the splendid concert of aoton citi tens band on auturday evening on the lawn at sun dor land house proved vsry conclusively that the bona has now a veryaomprehenslve roper tolre week otter week almost a com- 1 diets nw programme is glvsh september rod and gun in hod nnd gun in canada for sep tember a now scries of british colum bia sporting articles from tho pen of a bryan williams commences tills sorles is entitled breezes prom tlio west and tho flrst part in tho now issue promiseb a number of hunting and outdoor yarns of tho flist watet a nature stot y of more unurfual nature for the magazino shufflopawtt first fjshlng by h h evans is a moat graphic account of a young bears firat lone wesson rod nnd gun in canada is publiahd monthly by w j taylor limltod or woodstock ontario i for hty constituency so that wo woro forced to be content with an inspection ot tho mother of parliaments on sat urday morning in compapy with thronging thousands from all parts of tho world wostmlnlstoi abbey and st paulu occupied soveral days in thomeolvoj which weie qulto woi th while i have a qulto different mental plctmo of queen dllzuboth since seeing hoi ef figy in wosmlnlsor abbey wo aio in tho tbiocu of a bunk holi day much to tho delight of tho wem bley exhibition fouca whoso hopi woro fast dwindling if the attendance didnt pick up appreciably i was veiy much impressed with the exhibition this has been a rambling lottcr but really i havo so enjoyed tho trip it- has so bioadonod my horizons it has so uticngthenod the foundations th it i cannot help boiling over to my good friends back home one thlug that has impressed me is this- no young canadian lad noi i bo debarred fiom vlbitlng this wando ful old land for of tho scores of can adian young men whom i have mot iri this excellent hostel and elsewhere tho great majority havo worked tholr way across by cattlo boat and aro not a whit woro for the exprrienco you might bo glad to kpow that wc dlhjkwjcd of tho pord coupo which h ih taken um around so happily and will now procood ovoi to franco to coni- pleto tills moat excellent holiday over seas mr taylor of tho acton chambe of commerce was away when i ai lived but ho learned that i had call ed wi oto mo a personal letter liter ally bunding over tho keys of tho goo 1 old town of acton ho enclosed tho chamber of commcice booklet and naked un to join them im theli gucsn fqi their hutfholtday plcnlc it was veiy kind indeed und show tho vaty ft lendly sph it existing between the two communities tho letters from homo have boon voi y much appreciated and i guess our bi lof descriptions and illustrations have been kindly received by tho homo folks all being woll nnd cml strikes suc cessfully postponed even at the cost testa have proved important savings in fuel where the warm air from the furnace is proptr moistened the saving has reach ed upwards of 20 per cent the hygienic vapor pan in the allcast is desi to supply the correct amount of natural moist ure required for health and com fort atmosphere that protects the family from winter ills other exclusiverfuel saving- features of the allcast are the freedraught shellbar grates which insure perfect combustion and the fuel- saving air blast w h i c fi burns the smoke and gases the allcast is easily oper ated it burns soft coal and all other fuels equally well it is neasonably priced come in and let us show you its many important fea tures or write for complete details there is a size and type of happy thought ftifrnace for every kind of home foundry no 5 1 no 60 x no 611 no 621 no- 631 no o i no 651 no 1 no 671 no 761 tfo- 701 a few we have on our list double brick cottage 6 rooms lights and water double brick house 6 rooms lights and water double brick cottage 5 rooms lights and water double brick house 6 rooms lights and water solid brickrhmrse s rooms itghtsrgnd water solid brlclc hotibc 7 rooms all conveniences brick house 6 rooms all conveniences brickjotmge4nroom3vaii conveniences roughcast house 10 rooms lights and water- pram o house 7 rooms about 1 acre of garden roughcast house 6 rooms lights and water call or phone for oar complete list we think we can please ton telephone 105 j a smith cor mfll and wallace street aetna the brampton driving club will hold their r me at brampton on wednesdaysaugust 26th under the auspices of hamilton driving club and athletic association limited leo latham races commence at 130 oclock sharp purse 900 racesjpurse 900 z16 class trot or pace parse 300 20 class trot or pace purse 300 230 claps trot or pace purse 300 purses divided 50 25 15 10 per cent horaea cllglblo auguut 1st five per cent to enter and ave tin c6nr aaaitlollul roi money winners fivetoeliter start in every ccnt trotters allowed 6 seconds in each event best three in five kuce ends at the fifth heat the right is reserv ed by tho driving club to change the order of the programme or to declare off any event not filling satisfactory or for anj other cause entries positively close august 24 tha dominion harness horss association rules to govern admission 50c grandstand 25c children 25c and war tax autos free aqtoto ont tbtu wilder president happy thought company rangesfurnaces 24 lbs whnlkjl norval mils bake biscuits for the boy or girl as woll as bread tliov are jusl as nourlbhlnfr und mako u welcome change hut bo sure tho flour is kinq8 choice riom no other is just as goo 1 in palatabltlty and strength giv ing finalities woi growing chll- ll on und grownups kings choice llour is ono pf fhj- veiy best food makers on ourtlr made sfeciaixyfor sw wb browne c coj norval ontj ask your dealer bell qo r 2 phqns municipal 327 r 3 will i if john speers secretary box 682 brampton summer meats if there is one particular time of year that meats require extra good attention it is the summertime we have the facilities in our shop for caring for all meats properly and every oiece of meat we serve you is right our large refriger ator at the abbatoir and our excellent cold storage plant and newly installed refrigerator show oase at the shop are a guar antee of meats served right all summer cotjjced ham jellied meats cold boast pork bologna jellied tongue mpat loaf watch our tindow for friday and saturday specials yj patterson cowkft mdll and main streets acton ont i cr lu sts f if fi- t ii

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