Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1925, p. 1

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ft fiftyfirst yenrinoc 9 thursday morning august 27 1025 acton ontario canada thursday morning august 27 1925 single copies five cents the acton ujnited chukch of canada minister rev r e zimmerman b a paraonago willow street orffanist miss fern brown fadrvlces 10 00 a m sabbath school 1100 a m rov r e zimmerman has returned from bis holidays and will have charge of tho service 7 oh mm re jt e zimmerman prayew and praise service thursday cvenlnkmlt 7 30 presbyterian knox church acton minuter rev a c stewart m a uoo manse willow street jo 00 a m sunday school 10 00 a i m blblo class 11 00 a m tho minister subject tho wonder of talth 7 00 i m tho mlnlstei subject righteous indlgn itlon strangers leaving address with tho ushers will bo called upon by the pastor the baptist church a james w boyd pastor 9 45 a m sunday school 11 00 a m jmr w c senior of toronto 7 00 p m mr senior of toronto dont fail to heat mr senior the pastoi will idmlnlfltvi the ordinance of baptism at the evening sevvico d v monday 8 00 1 m the youni peoples meetlrg rjkum thursday 7 30 l m prayer anil praiso meeting alii welcome special notices advertisements m this column a cents per word muiunuin c joe per insertion grain wanted whoat oata borloy bupkwheat highest prices paid w b browne 7tf phono 3273 norval lost block and tan hound anyone knowing its whereabouts plcoso call and receive reward s j coxb for sale team or horses some brood sows and about 30 shoats apply to elgin whitley nassagaweyi jeqbj3aie cho relet car in good running con- dltlon 125 00 cash r h ellarby vernon park fum r r 4 acton por sale gold medal phonograph upright style almost now also 1 shotgun 1- guago and 1 3i blfle 17 crescent lost on saturday evening at radial sta tion purse containing sum of moncv reward if returned to wm melley mnln fltrrnt arrtou notice owing to other arrangements hav ing been made by tho school board the acton schools will not reopen until wednesday september 2 r m mcdonald sec public school board ten3er8 wanted tenders- fo loshlngllng the grand stand at tho pork and for fencing with wire on two sides of the pound lot will bo received by tho undersigned until tuesday september 1 at 8 p m tho lowest or any tender not neces sarily accepted particulars may bo secured from h n tarmer clerk card of thank8 the undersigned desire to express their heartfelt thanks for tho many kindly deodh and words of sympathy by neighbors and friends during thi time of our soro and tragic bereave ment which removed tho husband an 1 head of tho household so suddenly thes kindly deeds and words of com fort will vcr bo gntefully rtmom- bered x mrs- wm weavxut and ramjlst edgewood park eden mills dancing wednesday and saturday jeans special orchestra 7 pieces wednesday sept 2 0 to 1 am 1 00 couple wonderlaot friday augu8t 28 orphans of the storm by d w qrifllth starring lil lian and dorothy glsh comedy glddap rcllx cm toon 8aturday augu8t 29 the foolish virgin starring elaine liammerstaln comedy great guns felix cartoon fox news t0e8day 8eptember 1 the m8k of lopez westovn starring riod thorn nn and hs horso silver king chapter 7 of the riddle rider cpmody clear 0b way coming glrishy with harold lloyd r l gregory son any man who likes a saving will want to be in guelph this week to look into these fin ill summer clearance values at macdonalds mens suits 1250 mens young mens and youths first long trouser suits included straw hats 100 underwear 95c all the straw sailors even mens athletic suits reg the threefifty kinds 1 25 and 1 35 hundreds of ties at 79c values up to 135 at this sweepaway price all the mens summer pyjamas reg 2 50 d qc 3 50 for pl7d reg 3 50 and 400 for tp4qo mens bathing suits reg 135 and 150 d aa suit cases special at pluu and for watch for the date of the womens fall fashion show with its prom enade of living models that will be an interesting day to come to town new autumn lyocks and millinery ready now hats from new york at 3 00 and 4 50 v dresses in canton crepes at 2450 surprise yalues 1 guelphs leading and largest store d mac3onaid bros ltd daily closing 5 30 p m excepting wednesday at 12 30 noon and saturday at 930 p m news of local import gttmo 8ttld in new home a letter received this week front rov j culp aaya ho and mm- culp are now getting comfortably settled in their new homo at 355 pulc alto avenuo moutntain view cfelirornla they think they have an ideal place theytiavo aurncien garden and moro than enough fruit including flrr wal nuts and almonds all of which are n good crop thin year tho climate he says in wonderful and the people are giving thorn a cordial welcomti but there aro still longings for tho good old days and the good old orion do in tho canadian home s acton lh win tho acton ladles softball toun met a picked team ft om guelph in tho pai k on tueada evening tho acton iadlca played their usual anoppy hall and von in a close decision over their guelph rivals by a score of 1211 jiottlo maeon pitched a good jffamj i3va johnston starred on the defence for tho locals with an uniaalflte 1 double play while mrs masters an 3 pottle mason -were- the heavy bitters in tho ywlllght fixture on account of a lato start darkness came on be fore tho game was over and the last two innings were much slower than tho early part of tho game actons memorial appreciated superintendent wilson lias received from mrs st rath earn hay the daugh ter of tho lato sir adam seek a neatly engiaved card expressing ap preciation of he floral tribute srat by the hydro commission and citi zens of acton the people of this town have always felt grateful to sir adorn for the interest he took in conunff to a public meeting of citizens four t eon or fifteen years ago to explain the great benefits to accrue to tho town by changing from the towns system of producing electric current 1 to the hydro electric plans iiu gavv- fun and satisfactory information that the ratepayers were quite ready to ac cept the hydro system it has proved the most satisfactory public utility of our municipal undertakings abft qermone in the united church mr s r byles ma of toronto preached in the united church last sunday morning and evening his sermons were earnest and intellectual and much enjoyed by tho congregation his morning theme was advancement in the effort of tho church of god and was based upon the exhortation of the iord of moses when the children of israel was making its exodus out of egypt go forward the subject of tho evening sermon was hoa tho creation been comploted tho story of creation ob given in theflr3t chapter of genesis- was vividly por- ommsattug built say if it wasnt for ico cream and sodas and sundaes yhat wqujd be come of us in tho summer time inquires tho candi witch if wo couldn gather round tho fountain and ahlvpr a bit why goodness mo vouldnt it bo awful mable the candy witdh our candy makes good be cause wn made good -saturday-treat- chocoiate cocoanut fudge 25c tb a rich smooth chocolate t idgo made real tasty with shredded cocoanut its good reg 35c lb saturday treat 25c tb week- end chocolates 32c tb a real good assortment of real good chocolates 1 1 hard and soft centres and m fohs alwaj fresh and always nupo beg 50c and quo lb saturday treat 32c tt milk chocolate velvets 30e lb 100 lbs of nlc6 fresh tasty milk chocolate vol- veta just arrived a con fection for all tho family keg 60c lb saturday special 39o tb standard assortment a pound net of lownoys assorted chocolates dona un in a neat box just tho thing for that gift and the pi ice la only 60c try one ice cm drop inwhoro it is cool and try a fresh prult sundae or a chocolate soda made with neilsons jco cream tor tho bridge poa ty wo suggest nellnono party brick ihslnt on neilsonv the better lea cream school have you some one in the family going back to school start them right with goodjitting shoes we have them and at prices that cannot be beaten pnng the family hero and you will savemoneybjr it this week was have on sale womens brown strap calf slippers at womens black slippers at kid strap slippers womens house with rubber heels womens patent oxford with low heels mens tan oxfords on sale at mens at black calf oxford 225 225 150 335 495 495 mens womens and childrens canvas outing shoes with crepe and rubber soles from 85c to 300 trunks suitcases and club bags always in stock far good value ip hosiery buy holeproof we have all colors harry harrisonthe shoe man we close wednesday afternoons all the tear round with the exception of december i and th d w th is still engaged in creating and ira proving these features of this king dom and making it more and more helpful to hta followers in their ser vice of him rev mr zimmerman the minister of the church will be in his pulpit for next sundays service miss bertha brown home front london miss bertha brown who wont to london kngland in june 1924 to spend a year teaching in the london school arrived homo on monday m 1mj mlshurotvn had a vujiefx but very interesting experience having taught in about twenty schools during tho year during the weekends and holidays miss brown in company with one or two other canadian teachers not only visited many places of inter est in england scotland and waloj but travelled considerably on the con tinent they visited a number of the prominent cities in belgium france switzerland and italy and invcbtlgt- nny historical places- cetatles cathedral sancient rutna and other in teresting maces miss brown attended a garden party at buckingham palace and saw klnggeorge and queen may and other members of the royal cam ily the year and a quarter was crowd ed wfth delightful experiences and miss brown has returned home en joying the best of health but with u glad indeed to get back to canada the bends one bio night acton citizens band has onjoyod for some time a reputation for provld ing the cltliena of acton apd vicinity with plenty of real good musical fin tertalnment but their performance which they term one big nlgbt scheduled for tomorrow friday evening promises to eollpso anything previously putron the 3urllriglon firemens drill team in their fancy dresaunifotfn will put on their fancy drill which won first prise at the thorold volunteer riremens tourna ment this year those who have had the opportunity of seeing the drill aro loud in their praise and say it is atone worth the price of admission special lighting effects in the park are lelnc arranged for in order that it may oo soon at its very best oakvlllfl cltt sens band has also been secure otf will give a splendid concert for wblcn they are noted bandmaster lockalcy wjll be in charge tho milton brass and reed band which pleased tho acton audience so well a few weeks ago will also play again am your own band the ac tan cuuew ban 1 will also be on hand truly the postern have not exaggerated the facte when they call it one big night arid state that twonights programme- havfr been crowded into one a big street parade will be held prior to the performance in tho park acton wins another the mansewood baseball club came to acton last saturday to play their return engagement with the local ball- havwks acton won the game by a score of 124 the mansewood team did not play near tlfe hall tliey did tho week before on their own field wtion they held the locals to i run in nine innings the locals got carelcas after they had scored mough runs ta yiln and did not cpnupue tp plav their regular game mcttoflalfl apd white musseq up a tcyf that made tlls pftlr nt usually gppd pluyera look had the gome who nat of the variety that fceorwi th fans on their toes glbhona went well for tho locals striking out the third man with men on bason fre quently in the halton wellington league billlsburg beat georgetown in a 10 innings garde by a 1413 score the strong nun in the fielders eyes made the game k heavy scoring one hulsburg however looked the boat n the days play and should win the tlte local fans who saw tho same cannot see how georgetown boat hltlahurg by such n large scora the week before and incidentally forced the acton team who had beem playlns excellent bajl out of the runnlnt the georgetown team oes to hi unburn next week and on the dope u ii i burg should repeat but the dope in not always dependable it is probable thu t if a third game is nocossary it wiu be played in acton acton flower show ha6 another success fine showing of flowers attrac tively arranged amid dec orated surroundings actons rourth annual flower show wan held in tho drill hall on wednes day of last week in ideal weather tho hall was nlcory decorated with evergreens and flags and reflected credit upon mrs william hall the president and her energetic commit tee s tho display of flowers was not a large as on some previous occasions acton citizens band picnicked a fine outing at huttonvill park on saturday afternoon which la accounted for partly by tho lateness of tho season and partly by tho fact that several who e girls under 6 ycary margaict har- tho flraj pic nlc held by acton clti zons bind on satut day riernoon proved a mont successful one tho place huttonvlllo paik and tho weathet on satui day af tei noon waa evciy thing that could bo doulred the plcnlckera were accommodated with a special train on tho toronto subur ban electric railway line nnd left acton at 1 40 upwards of 200 bands men their wives families and citi zens travelled on this special foi tho afternoons outinc assembled at tho paik the following list of events were run off and wero indulged in by eveiyone largely in past years were thla you- tor various reasons missing from thj list but there wero several exhibitors who have never shown before and thoy are to be congratulated on the success of their first attempt it was particularly pleasing to the directors to see these newcomers as thla tend to indicate that tho interest in tho show is spreading further afield while the exhibits were not as num eroua as might havo been expected mei a lottie mauon tho quullty was op tho whoio very good and the tables looked very pretty ho dark grcon of the cedars around tho walla forming a pretty background to tho brighter colors of the flowers tho refreshment booth was in charge of the ludlch of the committee who were assiduous in attention to the wants of visitors the attendance of visitors was only fair and hurdly up to former years masons orchestra rendered a goojjmni k a programme of music during the oven- lng altogether while perhaps hardly equalling the show of post years the officers and directors have every rea son to congratulate themselves on thi result of their effort especially as when the financial balance sheet li made up it will show a balance pn the right side t special prises special prizes were awarded as fol lows best vase bouquets mar j or ie hall best six white astsra g t board more best twcly6 nasturuunui g t beardmorc best six phlox drummondl mrs a bell best 6 perennial phlox g t beard- more best 12 sterna sweet jpeas mixed colors marjorlo hall best 12 panaies mrs a bell best 3 dahlias marjorle hall beat 6 stems sweet peas marjorlo hall displayverbenas missnolson 6 spikes gladioli any color b par- 6 splkos maldons blush gladioli b pargeter 6 spikes gladioli white b pargeter 6 spikes gladioli named varieties geo mann 6splkea gladioli mixed colora geo mann 6 spikes gladioli red geo mann collection dahlias mrs carnochan 0 aatcrs any color g green 12 stems sweet peas mrs a be 12 zinnias mrs rooks 6 zinnias mre w k graham basket cut flowers geo mann collection house plants mrs r h keen collection phlox drummondl mar jorle hall collection sweet pcaa mrs a bell window box l williams mrs r k reed lllrdho use bobble hall bouquet wild flowers marjorlo haltj 6 varieties wild flowera corrcetv named marjorle hall decorated fernery mrs wm an derson hanging basket mrs jas mcmil lan mrs w k graham society classes 6 asters one distinct color clar ence anderson g t beardmorc 3 asters any color g t board- more clarenco anderson marjorlo hall single aster g green geo mann marjorlo hall 0 cosmos mrs w anderson mar jorle hall 6 dahlias any color mrs j mc millan marjorle hall 3 dahlias red mrs j bruce 6 spikes gladioli any color goo mann 3 spikes gladioli any color geo mann mrs j bruce marjorlo hall b salmon gladioli g t beardmoro 0 schwoben gladioli geo mann 6 red gladlollcomajmj 6 white gladioli geo mann specimen spike gladioli geo mann marjorle hall mrs r hueed gladiolus prlmulinus variety tallest single spike geo mann b pargeter gladioli prlmulinus best 6 spikes salmon b parget err gladioli prlmulinus best 9 spikes orange g t beardmorc gladioli prlmulinus beat 6 aplk 3s any color c more b pargeter gladiolus prlmulinus best single snlkec any color geo mann g t beardmoreb pargeter 6 spikes lilies o t bcardmore 3 spikes lilies mrs w anderson mlsa nelson collection marigolds geo green clarence anderson marjorlo hall collection nasturtiums mr w anderson mrs t scott q t beard more collection phlox drummondl 6 blooms any color marjorle hall clarence anderson collection perennial phloxrg t bcardmore mrs j bruce marjorlo hall 12 pans las geo green mrs w anderson couoction 6 single petunias mrs a bell coilootlon 6 double potunlas clar ence anderson display potunlas not less than it mrs a bel o pinks mirjorle hall g t beard- mare dlpplay hnftpdrngonh mrs j bruce mrs a boll marjorle hall fl stems sweet peas any color marjorle hall mrs a bell lfi stems sweet peas any color marjorle hall mrs t scott l stocks- any colore marjorlo had mr a rooks 6 stocks white mrs rooks 3 roseq g t beard more mlsa nel son mrs j bruce display verbenas mrs j mcmillan mrs j bruce marjorle hall vase bouquet marjorlo hall table bouquet marjorle hall clar ence anderson mrs j bruce pat plants begonia any other variety mrs w anderson mrs molarn fern any othor variety mlsa nel son mrs j bruce mrs w anderson double fushlo mrs mclam single geranium marjorl hall colcus mrs k h lleld mrs mc lam rotunla plant mrs r h rem rlson h chalmers boys under g ycira c tyler h rigby girls under 10 j ears i lorence smith margiret chalmers v boys undei 10 yeirs g titus cl- woll tilp girls under 15 yeaisrmary cha mors r tyler boys under 15 yeuifl h uinton c byrne young ludiea 50 yai da miry chal- jjamlumcnu wives 59 j ai ds mi s allan mrs g a dills mons 100 yards a bishop c cuc- rie moriled mens co yai da mi tyler mr holland married ladles 50 yards mrs ai ian mra g a dills man led bandsmen 50 yards g simpaoii a holland single bandsmen running broad wilds ladies clothes pin roce mrs a bishop mrs q agnew mens potato raco h chalmers g simpson time race open h hinton bandsmens handicap n wilds g simpson ladles balloon race ada mill mary chalmora boya wheelbarrow race andj buchanan and willie smith automobile owners time race a nicklln bandsmen s pigaback chalmers and r agnew exbandsmens race h rcld h harrison threoleggcd race g sopcrand g mason mens relay race a biahop v wilds m tyler andn whda ladies relay race l- mason mary chalmers oral chalmers and elmerna wheeler timo race for bandsmens wives and mothers mra n v moore mra a holland after tho races a softball game was played between- two teams from the band captained by bundsmen george storpaoft- nnd koy agnew t lnttcr team won with tho close score of 15- 12 the umpires wero bandmaster mason and mr c h harrison supper wo served following the ball gamo and a real bounteous re- p ist was spread on the tables a bevy of bandsmen avero tho efficient waiters after the tables were cleared away a tugofwar waa staged with george smith and n p mooro as cupialnd- of the teams this eventwaa a walk away in two straight pulls for xodrea team tho band then played a few aelec lions aiut then came the distribution of the prizes by bandmaster mason tho pi lzes wore quite suitable ana everyone wna woll pleaded with their reward at this junction mr c h harrison took occasion on behalf of the citizen who had attended the plcjiic to thank the band for their splendid ofternoona outing band master mason replied and said it waa the aim of the band to work in co operation with the citizens and this was only one of the many ways in which tho band waa alwiys please to cooperate in a community way a special item that cnjlcdj fiorth much good natured fun in tho present ation of tho prizes waa the predentin of a galvanized iron shield suitably painted to the winning tugofwai team and a galvanized iron cup which stood fully two feet in height to tho winning bull team loth these trophies have been placed in tho band hall tho bind played sever il more num bern fallowing tho distribution of tb prizes nnd the uihclal radial was on hand promptly at 8 30 to convey the picnickcra home an examination showed that tho in juries sustained included the fracture of both lega a fracture of tho skull the right shoulder blade tho right jaw and the toes of tho left foot and the right kneo were badly crushed mr weaver regained consciousness after the ac cident and died during the afternoon tho car which waa a new star was badly damaged one aide was crushed and the top was torn off the victim of this deplorable ac cident waa fortyseven years of age a widow and ojght young chftdren aur- vivo him he cam to dolly varderf from coboconk about ave eara ago and was an excellent workman mr william gowdy superintendent of the toronto limo company went to guelph as soon ae ho learned of the accident nnd remained with tho injured employee until his death the crossing where this accident oc cured has been regarded as a man trao for years tho attention of tho mun icipal railway boaid waa called o it years ago mr gowdy who is a member of tho bsquesing township council aaa the counc 1 1 b been anxious about it for years it la im possible to gain a vlcwnf nnp three bandi and builington firo- merth drill team help to make the bands one big night friday even ing the upper school examinations names of high 8choot graduates who won matriculation standing the following report of the upper school examinations bf students of aftop high rfhnnl hni been pre l f j by mrs 5 mew tho late principal tho third form students named he low pasweaon the upper school papers on which they wrote receiving tho standing indicated after their names english literature and engl la h composition holcn coxe iii iii r henderson iii in helen mcdonald c c wilroso reld ih iii engllnh composition only claa savage c margaret ttoung c the names or those who havo now graduated from the acton high school wlth full normal bntrance and pas matriculation standing are helen coxe ralph henderson holon mc donald wilroso rcld lovona rich ardson milton watson margaret young special lighting effects are being arranged for the acton citizens band ope big night in the park hero to morrow piiday evening vegetables 3 pods beans jilrs t scott mlsa nelson clarence anderson 3 round beets mrs t scott geo green g t beardmorc 3 can ota mlsa nclapn g t beard moro 2 sticks celery q t beardmore 3 white cabbage b pargeter 3 cucumbers mra a bell mar- orle hall 3 white onions b pargoter clar ence anderson mrs it ii reld 3 red onion g t beawlmore mm a boll 3 onions any other variety g t beaidmoie geo giccn clarenco an dei son 3 pai snips b paigetei beardmoie geo greon 1 potatoes miss nelson 6 itaduhhcs b pargctei marjoila hall g t wateh for the big street parade in tho band a ono big night to morrow evening friday tragic fatality at level crossing william weaver of dolly varden receivedinjuries from stalled motor a tcrriblo fatal accident occuired on saturday forenoon at tho third line crossing near the works of the dolly varden branch of tho toronto lime company at thla level ciosaing both tho canadian national railway lino and tho canadian national blectilc lino pass over tho highway mr bert weaver or coboconk and mr oulson a friend camo to visit mr william weaver thoy came up to acton in the morning mr weaver ac companying them and wero returning to mr weavers homo at tho dolly young weaver waa driving and had reached the canadian national rail- wa crossing while in the act of driving tne grade it this point the car btalled with the rear wheels on the west rail tie 10 40 pisaenger train from toionto turned tho curve at thhj point and plunged into tho stalled car mr weaver was about to jump to save himself when tho engine of tfee passenger trijn struck tho car and the poor fellow waa between tho car and the engine hla body was terribly mangled dr w g c kenney of toronto was on the train coming home to acton to visit his parents ho hurried to the aceno of tho accident and had the injuied man removod to tho train and accompanied him to guelph general hospital where he was handed over to dr howitt tho aadlan natlonalrallwayeurgeon social and personal mibs leona holmes is holidaying with friends at porcupine chief jaclmon of georgetown upent tuesday with friondn in town mr george anderson of oshawft iii holldiylnb at hla homo here city engineer h s nicklln guelph visited tho old jiomo on rriday mra a g clirridgo anl aheon aro holidaying with rclatwci in toronto mr thomas e gibbons left last week to accept a position in hamilton mr and mrs w p near m toronto pont the weekend with acton frlonas mr e s rice of burllnuton is spending a week or so in tho old homo mra t gray has been vlbltlng friends in strathroy during theweek mr k d warron of toronto made a plearant call at moorecroft on mon day messrs allan kirkness and harold sutollffo left on tuesday f6r abbey sask mi and mrs it a storey of tor onto visited relatives hero during tho wcelc mlsa isabel anderson of milton nan boon spending a few days with fi lends in town mrs cheer of richards tsnaing-u- violtlne with her sister mrs d c- russell lng trains oh elllier of tho railway in driving to tho crosslnga because of the high banks which obstruct tho railway lines from vision tho funeral was hold on monday with service at knox church acton of which the docewjed was a member rev jnmes boyd conducted the ser vice much sympathy is expressed for the bereft widow and her family news of local import rl misses catherine and phyllis macklo aro spending a week or so with friends in toronto miss margaret murray p couple of days lost week with friondn in toronto miss mao wilson spent tho week end with her sister mrs c c hueston at hamilton mr and mrs john cameron left on tuesday morning to visit with friends in bruccflcld rev mr byles was tho guest of mrs john c nelson main street durlhar his stay in town master stuart murray of ingersoll is holidaying at tho homo or his undo mr george murray mr and mrs rred crowson ajid mr w l worden took a weekend motor ing trip to bellovlllo mr campbell currlo of the rmnj ijtk staff is spending a few holidays with toronto friends itov and mrs r b zlmmormn- and children roturncd homo from theli hol iday outing on monday mis rena forbes of guolph spent a fow days lait week at tho homo uf her uncle mr n forbes mr and mrs blelby and children of niagara falls havo been vlsltlne acton relatives during tho week mru elmormcklnnbn a chl of brnccbrldbc jaro visiting at tho home of mr g w masales old boys rsunion t edpn mill anangement havo been made to hold an old boys reunlon at edgo- wood park onlabor day september 7 a bnsebair tournament comimsed of teams from arkell biookvllle york road eden mills and progress lodge of guelph will be a featuro of the afternoons sports a tugofwar bo twecn halton nnd wellington is bciift- nrranged together with ji full list of racing events acton citizens band will attend and glvo musical selections during the afternoon in the evening a dance will be held in the pavilion halton rifle no to 4ono branch tho twentysixth infantry brigade canadian militia is nakiner arrange ments for a woekend training camp at tho long branohrlfle ranges on the 5th 6th and 7th of september this brigade consists of the peel and duffcrin regiment tho york rangers tho halton rifles and the ontario rifles colonel h s cooper o b el ls brigadier ltcol r v conovor brlgado major it is expected that there will bo about forty ohlcers and four hundred other ranks to take part in tho training which will lncludo tac tical manoeuvcrs drill and shooting captain j it peacook wants twenty- live mon for tho milton coihpany of tho halton rifles for the training camp torontoa postal dittriqt 8ytem owing to the enormous number of letters and other mall matters going into toronto now tho post ofllco do- partment with tho object of speeding up tho sortatlon deliveiy of mail ad dressed tothat city has divi to nlofnlolonpoildt districts resf dents nnd busltfcss people elsewhere nrje being notified of the postal district in which they aro located the public ii requested to asilst in making the new system a successby always plac ing ho postal district number im mediately after the word toronto in the address when sending letters and other mail matter to that city tor example a letter fntended for delivery to your friend in postal district no 2 would bo addressed i miss jennlo smith 196 college st toronto 2 ontario tho full street and number address must still bo given this systom was introduced in london england yoars tago and has greatly facilitated tho de livery of mall st albans garden party last thursday night chosen for tho gnrdon party in the park under the auspices of st alban s church was not ideal gai den party weather as the suddon drop of temperature made it rather cool for an audience at an outdoor function however a fair crowd attended the function with the exception of tho acton citizens band whose services seem indispens able to a complete garden party pro gramme tho ai tlsts wore all now to an acton audience they tcimcd them selves the thrco arts and com- pilsed of art riowitt tenor art wilis plnntst and ai t wright comedian these in conjunction with moses hill entertainer and specialist in ukalaloe numbers pi csentid tho progranime thoy had a variety of numbers anrt their repcrtolio was one very suitable for an outdoor function of thltf char acter as ununl tho comic numbers by artwrhjht called forth tho most applause the refreshment booth busi ness was mostly confined to tea and coffee drinks and did a lively trado in this business the rectpi of tho church rev h q l haugh m a vory cap ably pel formed the chalrmansbld 1 duties mi and mi 1 v anritl of toionto aro spending a week wit mr george mills and family mr g wesley masales who has been tawng treatment in guelph gen eral hospital returned homo ott sat urday feeling much improved mr and mrs w d trick mr and mrs solmon and torrle of toronto spent sunday with acton friends miss bornlco rcid of guelph gener al hospital is spending a couplo of weeks vacation at her homo here miss phyllis clarke of cooksvlllc haabeenvlbltinbduringthe iyjckwju mlsa annlo stalker and other friends mr and mro h t lopage mr morley and miss carter of toronto wero guests at moorecroft on sundnv mr and mrs l b shoroy left on saturday for elgin house muskokr where thoy will spend a fortnight or so mlsa yullle and mlsa gardiner of edinburgh scotland spent a day loot week with mr and mrs gcorgo mur ray mr robert gibbons who has been spending a week or so with aoton friends returned to toronto on sun- day mr will forbes and two sons oi salom visited at tho home of mr forbes brother mr n forbes on sun- f day mre dryden and norman and mrs dr millard of toronto havo been guests of mr and mrs h s holmes during tho week messrs roy johnstrfn acton lloyd johnston rockwood and chester and carl sommerti of toronto left on sat urday morning on a motor trip through tbo western provinces mr and mrs rred runk motored from binghamton n y on saturday and aro spending holidays with mrs james moore and mibs moore mrs james brown and rogei and ruth of toronto aro spending the week with rov and mrs zimmerman at tho united church parsonago mr and mrs robert elgio doris frances and david of nortttbay visited at ho homo of mrs roboit clarvin peel street a fow days last week mm till m was in town on saturday after visiting at tho homo of hor son mr joe m moore goorgotown she was enrouto with hjni to kitchener mr and mrs b t caldwell and chll dron of richmond hill wero in town on saturday evening on business thoy called on mr 3 w murray and family while in town mr and mrs h roy wansbiouuh and mr harold wansbrough of tor onto visited th home folks over tho wookend mrs wanbbrough will spend a few days here mrs doollttle of st marys mother of cho lato cameron kcstor m a editor of tho elmlra signet hns beon spending tho weok with hor friend mrs malcolm mclean bowor avenue mr h p moore who has boon af flicted for several years from an in ternal ailment which has lately be- coano aggravated wont to toronto general hospital on tuesday whoro an operatl6n willbo performed mra e b ferryman and little daughter lena mny of brougham ro- tuined homo after spending a couplo of wooks at tho parental homo misses jennlo a116n and jean burt accom panied hor back for a lew day mr and mrs b harrop norva announce tho engagement of thoh daughter gladys irono to mr g clnro featheratono ford son of mr and mrs james g ford milton tho marrl- ago to take place early in soptombei star xihirrlea selwood left on sotui- day for her homo in calgary aftoi aponding a couple of monthb at tho homo of her parents mr and mrs a e nicklln sho onjoyed her visit hero vory much and returned homo in excel lent health mr and mrs n p mclam enjoyed a vory pleasant motor trip during tho week thoy wont as far as buffalo had a pleasant visit with rov and mrs c d draper at niagara palls and made onjoyablo calls at hamilton grimsby and other nolnts in tho nia gara peninsula

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