Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1925, p. 2

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jhr jrtatt3tejfrgg thursday august 27 1925 what is success success la being friendly when another noods a friend its la tho choory- words you apeak and in ho coins you lend success is not alono in skill and deodb of daring great its in iho rosea tliatyqu plant bor eldo your garden gat success ia in the way you walk the paths of lire each day its in the little things you do and in thp things you nay success is in the glad hello you glvo your fellow man its- in tho laughter of your homo and all the joya you plan success is not in getting rich or ris ing high to fame its not atoner in willing goals whjch all men hope to claim its in the man you are each day and through happiness and care its in tho cheery words you speak and in tho emllo you wear success is boing big of heart and clean and broad of mind its belngfalthfultoyourtrlenda and to tho stranger kind its in the children whom you love and oil tfaoy learn from you success depends on character and on everything you do edgar a guest in 3te prih lrort tnrg stalactites fqr sale by albert w tolman b four things money can not buy somewhere we have read this story it may or may not bo true but the moral is too good that wo can well af ford to dismiss our doubts concerning the facts a group of successful men were dls cussing over the luncheon tablothe purchasings power of money there is nothing money will riot buy de clared one of them tho others pon dered this statement in silence bui one voiced an exception money will not buy healthhe asserted you are wrong replied the champion of wealth there are many invalids who could regain their health if they had the means of employing specialists or taking treatment at ex pensive sanitariums or living in more salutary surroundings in many in stances monoy will buy health but money wifl not buy happiness contended tho dissenter yourte wrong- again ask tho aver- ago person what he needs to make him happy- -he- will telkyouthat oil sift wants is to be wealthy enough to work or rest as he pleases to enjoy all the amusements that givv him pleasure and perhaps to travel or study yes mpnoy will buy happiness for millions 1 of men and women so elated was this man at the easo with which he had disposed ef his opponents exception that ho leaned across the table and said triumphant ly ill tell you what til do wrlto down four things really worth having that money cannot buy and for each one ill give you a check for a thous and dollars the next day the samp grouj met again at tho luncheon table tho nun who had been challenged handed tho challonger a slip of paper he read it in silence then he read it again blqwlyndthoubhtfavthoroatofthej party looking on withkeen but mule inicxesi n finally lad dawn hb took out his check book wrote a check for four thousand dollars and passed it across tho table this is what was written on the- paper arnold morriman tho truck farmer had just delivered a dozen boxes of luscious straw berries to 151 sic rlhgdpp and miriam smart reepcrs of the tallua tea room when heavy- otcpb sot the veranda creaking john ball owner of the cathedral cavern scowling like a thunder cloud appeared at the front door his eyes ran slightly over tho low room with its little tables japan ese -screens- parasols lanterns and multicolored streamers on tho show case whpse top bore several masses of plnkandwjittomlnoral her heart heat allttlo fostoras blslo turned a resolute face towar unwelcome visitor no use boating around the bush exploded rail guess you know what ive come in hero for he polntod to the sign on tho top of tho show case stalactites for sale youve got a nice little business started and you ought to make a pretty bit of money this summer if you stick to the real things and dont interfcro with other people but drop those again he gestured toward iho show case where did you get em anyway looks to me as though they must have conie from my cave k all that i can tell you mr rail replied elsie firmly is that those stalactites didnt como from cathedral cavern then where did they come from im in honor bound notto tell a touring car stopped just then before the lea room and two couples entered to get something to eat the stalactites caught their attention rail watched them glumlly take a box of those berries up to my house will you merrlman ho said to the farmer and by tho way i hope you havent forgotten tfpit tho interest on your fivo hundred is due soon ill bring it around sold merrl man flushing 5elrtsarpaiocahveifsatl0n also did tho tourists but rail did not mind he was the richest man in the valley and he liked to show his power his disregard- for the feelings of others had earned him the nick name of the duke of tallula with rising indignation he paw elfllo soil the strangers tjvo dollars worth of stalactites where elso could they come from but from cathedral cavern when the car rolled away the old man tried another tack of course i dont chargo youwith being dis honest but somebody else is if all was fair and above board hed bo will ing to come out into the open you cant afford to bo mixed up with any crooked business drop it til be glad to oend visitors to you after they have been through my cave elsie shook her h each there were spots of red in her cheeks im sorry pff gi4f t nhnl have to keep on tho old mans light bluo eyes flashed youre in tho right stick to it n stranger can come into this valley and lay down tho law for people whove always lived hero another weok wont by tho girls prospered almost beyond their darlnjr hopes tho pd served at tho tea room was appetizing iho decorations wero charming and judicious advertis ing brought them much custom tho tourists visited cathedral cavern and came back to buy stalactites as sou venirs hallwas furious ho would not sell speolmons from his own cavo for fear of marring its beauty he folt that eithor somebody was stealing from him or a rival tp his subterranean treasure house had beoh discovered ho made another visit to attempt to learn tho source of the souvenirs and to stop their sale some thiefs found a secret ontranco to cathedral caveri and is robbing rne he blustered he- called on mrs rlngdon but she turned a deaf ear to his argument- and warnings ho ovenmade good his threat to establish a rival toa room the girls however had the advantage of location and nlthought rail pep pered the valley with signs they had little effect quality and attractive ness won meanwhile the source of the sta lactites remained a mystory even 10 miriam bach morning elsie brought them down from her home in a basket rail had the house watchod day and night but somehow the stock was re newed his spies scoured tho hills in vain searching for another entrance to his cave one noon the valley was swept byf a small but fierce cyclone tho toa room lay right in its jpathi and quite a bit of damage was doneelsie and miriam could hardly keep from cry- lng asthoy surveyed tho devastation wrought by the hurricane rail pass ed inhis tairndtamlledreisioflaahnd him a defiant look he thinks wer down and outshe sputtcrod indig nantly hell see j a few days later with franks aid tho tea room was almost as good as new the sale of souvenirs went on with undiminished vigor they had netted uu partners over two hundred dollars one morning merrlman exchanged a few words with elsie as he went up to the house with a bag of potatoes the latter returned to the tea room with sparkling eyes miriam would you like- to see where tvo get out stalactites martam could hardly bellove her ears of course 1 would then come mother and frank will lopk after the tea room embarking on merriinana wagon tho two rode with him uo his nous- behind it was a hill covered with a or anybody else n red cont you have iipt got the only cava lit- tho tallulu pvrtueyi mhhti than youth all imdormy own laoul and these staluctltca camp from it j whocos the ontranco in my collar i discovered inc months ago nobody has been into it but myself ard thoao glrlorand they dldnpknow where it was for i blind folded them 4 might ua well atop legal proceedings lit onco and call off your lujoper t rail disappointed and scowling left tho tearoom with tho deputy hed belter make hny while tho aim ahlnffs observed morriman next season tho cathedral cavern wilt have a strong rival thp girls werb overjoyed at iho turn affairs had taken eluto smiled at the truck farmer but youro mistaken when you say that wo didnt know whero tho ontranco was j knew you had brought us back to your own house for xsmellcd tho catnip you had been- drying in the kitchen thats one on mo sure but its all right you ought to be more ln- tcrcsted in that cavo than i am after im through with my land its to pass ito you and your mother western observations restitution w r m ir fdur- thinosworth having money cannot buy li a babys srnlle you cannot pur chase a babys smile with coin or cur rency stocks or bonds to the soul that has so recently come from para dise tho most coveted things in this world hoe no appeal a mothers kiss a fathers caress a flower a pretty trinket- may win a babys emll bu- you cannot bargain for it wlthgoltt 7 3 youth wheri it has gone the inlilwhl never grind again with- water that has passed all the wealth in the world cannot buy back the ser andjoyousnesa of youth or the care free happiness of maidenhood when maturity has blotted them out 3the love of a gocft woman her love like a babys smile cannot be bought with gold men may barter silver and gold and precious stones for a base oounterflelt but true love that lasts eternally is the most prec ious gift a woman can- destow no man is rich enough to buy it no man i top poor to p 4 entrance into heaven money will buy every material thing there is to bo found in this world but not a penny of it con be taken into the next and used to gout admission into a state of immortal bliss the keeper of the heavenly gators not auacepitble to bribes there atjleast money has no value the optimoter selling rm sure everything is -por- fectly honorable the r temper all right suit yourself but mark my words you realize it before tho summers -oyer- youve hact your chance and you havent taken it most people around hero have found it pays to have john rail- a friend rather than an enemy i can help your business or i can kill it what jf i should start another tear -room- up at the cavern out he stamped angrily leaving- the girls perplexed and alarm e ne talluta volley waaattmestone region in western yirglnio through it ran the jefferson highway by the side of which elsie and miriam had their tea room both belonged to families that had seen better days the father of the former had been load for some years and she lived in the old home with her mother and brother jfrank tho tea room was on their front lawn this was the girls first summer and the projcctjiad been very successful an increasing dumber of automobiles pasaetl along the newly- aevelopd highway affording coa- tomers for rcfrcahmenfl and curios ljiraana mr m the clean tawn cleanliness it has been said is next to godliness a dirty individual is neither clean spiritually nor mentally jjlrt mnkes- for- ruin- physically moa- tally mbraliy this is aatruo of a town as of an individual the dirty town the town full of rubbish of un tidy houses of muddy streets of un sanitary conditions is nonprogressrve materially morally and educationally neither moral or material advance ment flourish in dirty unkempt dwell irhpis 9vibi 1 i itqxiy town or city is ambitious for advancement or if even a few of its men and women are ready to devote ineif ume ana energy to thfr jrctter- of the rlngdona lived- alone on a hill side half a mile down the valley in front of his small house was a fine garden from which ho sold berrlpa and vegetables he was land poor in that although he aa pinched for ready money he owned liundreds of scrubby ledgy acres stretching back into tho mountains the property bad been m bis family tor generations and he raent of iho community thesorest way to achieve suecess is to clean up 7 make back yards and front yards clean mako streets clean apd keep them that way encourage the people to beautify their homes an the yards stimulate a jove for and a pride in their homes and in their town repair the tumble down fences paint up make things as clean outside as iheyshould be inside avid then that community will lookup mentally morally and matertajly no community which does not clean up ortd paltt up which floes not do hb beflt to nave clean streets and clean yards has atfy rlitto lookup and face thewprid 1 it might be said that a dirty town nihkea dirty people so a dirty- people niakes moral and material dtrt and de cay it is taa duty of all men and vo- men ito make their homes and their homo towns just as clean and attrae- tlve and beautiful as posalblec he who tolls short in thlffrrpspect falls short pf his- duty to god and man it mat ters not what else be may do money for his taxes rail was a newcomer to talluia a grasping aggressive unscrupulous man who turned everything into ipnnfyv wm gntrin onptrpl of tho cathedral cavern by taking advantage of owners who did not- appreciate the effect fhe new highway wo um have on their property rail was un willing that any money should be made in the village unless ho received tho llpns share once he got afinger into any pie he soon got most of 1l jfhe dldnot get i bad advertised the cavern extensively and he was jealous and fearful of any thing that threatened compfetltion t buslu at th tea roomrontd rthr j smoothly until the first of july- then close hard wood growth the om man took down two lanterns droqped a box of matches into one pocket and sev eral short candles into another you are going to see something that no human eye but over- lookel on before you dont mind if i blind fold you ive got to keep my secret a few weeks longer tho oyes of the two girls were closo- ly bandaged merrlman placed- a short ropo in their hands and guided them out the back door follow me and walk carefully after proceeding several hundrei foet aldng arotighpath3vhich and turned until the girls lost all sense of direction they stepped over a wood- enthreflhola upon a plank floor down a flight of stairs they went holding to a hand rail then there was more stairs this time of stone at a pass age walled with damp rock they halt ed merrlman closed the door behind them now ill take off those band ages for a few minutes tho gtrls could see hathlng then- jthelr dauled eyes behold a scent that struck them dumb with wonder they stood in a sub terranean chamber walled and roofed wi r i mineral f ormatlo ns4 of every shapo and hue wonderful stalactites and stalagmites fluted columns petrified forests anowwhite cascades statuary rich moslacs all- of them flashing back the lantern light in splendid prismatic colors they gazort speechless at last elsie found her tongue she drew a long breath of awo and admira tion vi never in all my life saw any thing so beautiful v its rarfuierltid a feeling of unusual religious inter- oat was passing through a email col lege it manifested its influence in many ways most of them hopeful eornj rather peril ouolyprophotic of a re-aa- tion tho president of the collogo and tho pastor of the church wero con- fening together as to the best ways of making tho interest effective for- tho permanent good of the students and together they dtaousscd several cases of atudents who had exhibited marked changes in their lives here are two letters said tho president which i am confldont show real advancement in spiritual hcfc44 will not road tho names but they nrcr both young people already active in christian work and i know that these two letters cost thorn much thonrst was from a young man he returned a library book and with it a sum of money nearly equal tp its flfst cost ho had taken it from tho library he said without having it charged but with no intention of stealing it he had access to the dhclves and it was after the hours for drawing book and the book was a duplicate when the time had expired within which the book should have been returnpd ho was still using 1w and left embarrassed at returning itand explaining how it hap pened to be in his possession in vlola- tiotrortne mresso thinking soon t return it unseen but the tlmo had gone on and the pur pose to return it had nearly if not quite gone ho had kept it with u feeling of guilt yet with no real pur pose to restore it now he had oome to feel the shamo oflt and to realize that what he had begun so easily had just as easily continued till it made him a thief- he wano longer willing to return the book unseen bit wlflhod to confess the wrong nnd return wlta the bpok the ftno which would have been charged if jtrliad been charged against bis name the other was from a young wo man osho wished sho said to cor rect the record of her ago by adding twoyears to it sho had been com pelled to work her way up to college andfhu8far and felt sensitive about being older than the nthf g hnr naii rthafohowlg s coleman to the journal of slovens point wisconsin will bo icad with in terest y his nuniciouti friends in trjlii community editor journal when tho writer of the national an- thorn wrote beautiful for v upaeloui sklosr for held of ripening eraln thero was only a limited lcuowlodge of thodo great features of this great country compared with that of the present tho journal was kind enough interview your humble servant a few weeks ago on the eve of a rusticating trip and possibly a tow linen now an the return might bo of interest 1 boarding tho mountaineer at e a m onf july 14 i returned at mid night august 4 by the same through- gong- conveyance my objective was a visit to my aged mother nearly 91 at votcran alberta 12g0 miles away but i eayw other relatives also with the journal un with olherfl main quoatlon would he what of tho crops everywhere thero was a spirit of hopefulness as well thero might be cutting is now well launch ed in north dakota from the middle anyway where rising tlmn pcxmlttdl a view and the thickness of tho stallu ln tho rows across the fields is likely to require -lots- of holp and bring in grfcat returns truly tho sklea am spacious and tho fields whitening the same appears just as probable in saskatchewan and albcyta as no ticed anyway except of course occas ional places several hailed sec tions of course discount the gbnoral exultation blqvntpr men and imple ment men andw courso automobllo men aro making preparations ac cordingly while i suppose all othar dealers are anticipating their slicei as good as the wheat hns a very significant application singularly enough whllo standing on a car platform while stopping al north portal saskatchewan looking at the two flag staffs bearing the rei white and bluo of the respective flaeu of tho two countries one on each aidn of tho boundary i was talking to gontlcmnn from atlanta ga enrouto via san francisco and vancouver to chicago who on his questioning me i found well acquainted with revb a barnes here he is a professor in a unlveraltyin atlanta- i-wos-com- panloned with several from eastern states enrouto to or from california via the canadian rockies this boundry la a queer thing this gentleman referred to tho 4000 miles without- gnrortwab4iinejffitlx which was right jiuabafore the election oldpa tipti mcglbben an enthuuiastlo tory took it upon himself to aeo that his neigh bors voted the right ticket his offoit with ono of them brings out cloarly 011 impprtnnt difference in the way two foreign born mon may conaldor tho rac question i all ud irish is fcr parker ho said to mike flahertys son who had de clared his intention of casting a grit ballot you are replied flaherty but im a canadian you aro art irishman thundered pat your father and mother 1 wcra both born in ireland 1 and i was born in canada j what difference does that make thon if them kittens was born in the oven would you call them bis- cults safe enough joe rsay bill an auto- ran ove jim on the bridge bui oh heavens was he hurt joe- no ho was under tho bridge fishing lgj noia ihs ftuttd top afthli nne kttl no wajta ipoo abov ih water lavtl a vtry fait boiler doclddy neat in npptaiance hinccdlldflt b of kettle for upecdy fitung under tap or by dipper being hinged it cannot fall off or get loat haadieclftrlirc5 rigid shaped to fit the hand and always cool belrnrrlgia you hve- per fect control at idl time this ktti u md la cmp pwl and sup diamond enam- 111 wan abo in olckalputad copper warn tba am oavoy and out trad mark m tach gaaulaa ugjjvi t for bale by james symon mill st acton strvnjoacf p an b lied she had not intended to do no at the otttset but the registrar copied her age incorrectly and she let it go and since then had made her state ments conform to the false record she had come to feel more deeply what all tho time had boon more or less upon her conscience that her age was no disgrace but that the lie was oven though no one knew it but herself and god the president was not wrong in his expectation with some of the stu dents tho period of though tfulness was shortlive but oneyqupgman religious life had been showing an un conscious relaxation took new hold and moved forward in his faith and in his studies and a brave girl fight ing- a sore battle against poverty at tacked her work with a lighter heart when the load was gone from- hor conscience outtfquai in the world or in history yet there are custom duties which axc very irksome to both sides in many lines of merchandise the entrance of persona each way ms stringently looked after and yet on my out going trip a good sized dog was playing back and forward through the long grass and weeds on bothv sides of the highway separating portal n and north portal sask totally ignorlas these manmade stipulations j s coleman stevenspoint wis aug g gems of thought worldly joy is like the songs the peasants sing full of melodies and aweetalrs rchrlatlanjoy hasit3afaccit airs too but they are augmented toi harmonics so that he who has it goea to heaven not to bet v a- r why do you find better workman ship ip mclaughlin baick motor cars p would not part wlttrdhy otlt althoqgir t v bo was often hard prossdd to ralaofo wonderful thon tho cathedral birth handicap d0e8 not mar her career a bad one on the choir jdok and mary had just been to the ffrownupa church for tho flrot time a day or two afterwards they were found in the nursery whispering aud- lblyto oaeh other whatare you children dolnct their nurse aake were4laylnblebiirchirepuea jack but you nhouldnt whisper in the church atjioiphlshed the nursed oh were tne choir said mary 5i r ufjpair no one likes in see hot own father alighted hence this story vweh jmolly jiald her father who la a military colonel fdid you see me elsie had madeta new proposition tp her partnek mfrlam what ao you say to putting stalactites in among oiir other curios 7 miriam had stared stalactite where would you get thorn elsie had evaded the question im not free to tell you that jusl now i can- only- my that everything is ail right later on youll know as muchj aai do opening a basket she revealed sev eral beautiful pieces of frosted masaos of different tints miriam had exclaimed inndmiratioj why they look just like those tvo seen in cathdral cavern yes only they ldnt como from uicrcc wo will makb a load of money orr them and well makprt honestly now have- you jtouh enough in my word to believe me and iqt it 89 at that for- a while 7 of course i have tho too room- had had a hfood day more chan a doaon automobile partlcn hgdtpppcd for- refreshments and the stalactites went like hot cakes- long before night the stock was exhausted half of what wo get for those in clear pnoflt- rejoiced elsie plenty mpro where they camp from too j next morning a goodly number of specimens were- again on the show j case but before any had been sold john rail had dropped in little c a financial nature happened rtn talluu valley without hlavkhowledge- when he left the tea room aftr his un avaulng protest the girl knew they had an actjye end bitter en only v hadnt we better give up ellln the sulaotltear ventured main we are dplng well wiuiqutthent of raid nhey ve ireirm to- get us into trouble iiv- elelo wfljri made of gernisrifcutfv bow6ver itiftmxifaihniw i mo ther- upd and we are if llfrtir bod- cavernjm for two hoilra with growing delight they explored chamber after chamber of the underground fairy ian a merrjmcnut laatledthcm- into j smairroom thickly hung with stalac tltes several of these he broke of witli his hammer and dropled into a bag this is my bank ive boen- drawing from it all summer the rest of tho cave ja so much more beautiful that what i take from- hero win never bo missed besides i need the money to neitieuil with john rail my no to falu due next weok and hes warned me that it must pe payed in full hes after my lanox but- be f or 0 td let him have it vamrkrjanyjltift t tho buno- i didnt borrow tho money diroctly although wo aro somptlmps apt to oe downhearted souls handicapped at birth who reach their goals in life dpspitejhfiliufateulbarrlere are- ever an inspiration to tithers therefore miss helen brown only twentyone years old a mustle student at the uni versity of minnesota born with one hand is n living example of courage at an early age showing her nptl tudo for music helen partly through beaconsfleld tho influence or though tfuv ami ocnalblo parents emd partly through her own common sense determined not to let tho loss of her hand aar her uturo- for six years she studied instrumental music playing the hass cleff with the stump of her left forearm and carrying the melody with the right hand- this phenomenal girl at the early age of twelve years was playing all the old masters sinve entering the university school of ttiifslc miss brown has concen trated only on voice she plays all her own accompaniments among her favorites- aro eugene fields night 1 wind and joyce tcllmera trees i not only has she mastered music but she can do tasks of everydaylife that most girls- with two hands would be proud to accomplish miss brown can rido a horse- llko a jockey sho pl tonnia exceptionally well bha single flute but to thavof a whole band of instruments discoursing wondrous music h w beecher soma one ha3 written that loyo makes people bellevq in immorality because there seems not to bp room enpugh in life for so great a tondor- ncss and it ls inconceivable that tho most masterful pf our cmotiqna shduldl have mi more than the spare momenta of a few years robert louis steyoij son if-any-one-ahould-tuko-thfs-ibroodlas- over himself for selfknowledge hf would be vory mlstakon- he 1 simply taking dlacourngements for hlmsclf by looking for them and sc conjuring them up selfknowledgo s not to bo found in obr own darkness but in gods light ullathorno if ever wo rlso again to conscious life it will bo by no native power but by the operation of the spirit of godl and unless the spirit dwell in us tuu superstition may have an idol con science a law philosophy a- name but the heart- ha3 no god p h hedge pr methods are possible because of mclaughlin- buicks great volume it would be impossible to put such fine workmanship into mclaughlin- buick cars for their price if mclaughlfnbuick built but a few thousand cars a year s v king representative fcr thi8 section georgetown ontario morchinkup thi avenue tooayt tttgoa4 mad papa tiiey nalght hateiet o0 tovci dram to playpnain a those ctiifrh4d l ji arnold mi ur tsi otlhajatoiai mgg but the man to whom i gave tho noto sold it to rail those stalactites aro colng gptj me out df- his clutches hoe laid hi tf grip on about everything elso in tulliila valley but he isnt go ing to have this cave his a pips have boen looking for it for weeks and if the entrance hadhtbeeh well conceal ed thdyd have found it sure io wanted fpr a long tltno to show this placeto you girls if anybody tries tj make you tell where it is you cart honestly- say that you dont know that is why pye bllndfoled you t the three retraced their to tho clohedy door once more thcj eyea were bandaged the three ascended the stairs travorsed the stairs tra- vorsed the rough path and returned to merrlmans houso a week ldter a thunderbolt hit the tea room ltall having tried every other mean p to tie up the stalactites j at lost ijad recourse to law a deputy sheriff served an injunction on elsie and mlrfamv forbidding further sale jof the souvenlrb on tho ground that they were stolen from cathedral cavern a suit for damages from past sales was also brought the business was at tached and a keeper was installed in the tea room thb blow was a stunning one the girls did not know which way to turn rail stopped at the tea room the first pf the afternoon youve brought this pnypuraelyes h6 said grimly i guess youre sorry you didnt lake my advlfce if youd been witllng to listen tp reason and had dropped the sal 6f these stalactites id never havtj bothered yoik r aho turned to leavothe tea roomi arftol4 merrlman stepped in a glint in his eyes and an independence in his bearing that tho girls had nayer lep hefore hepaeied the capitalist a rbll of bills heres your five huhr drd mr jiitfk better count it mr j ball dldbp wuolamtly seems to be corrsotl- he grudged j i the oldartrrhs voice rang clearly i have brought myself by long med itation to tho conviction that a human being with a settled purpose rhiiht accomplish it and that nothing cau resist a will that will stake even ex istence for its fulfilment rlorj when ono has come v to seek the honor that comes from god only he will take very qulotly the withhold ing or thp honor that comes from men 3eorge mcdonald the right answer anyway can drive her fathers automobile to the total satisfaction of any traffic pphce 9mr fhays tennis exceptionally well sho oven won a prlzo in acsew imj- contest about atyear ago sho took up swimming throughout her formative years she has always hold thar her hdndlcap was not to be considered consequent- ly she never suffered from the inferior ity cpmplox pf which wehearso much today i can do anything that any one else can has been tho slogan of tier flfo starting from scratch with a handicap she has run ute race like a -spartan- never knockng down a barrier- jut- hurdling tham as thoy came oneright after the other mis brown will graduate from the uni versity next june and if present in- df cations aroan omen she will be an honor graduate george srhcdol woman issaid to know more by in tuition than man by reason certain ly sho liaa ho many wayabfrwiowliuj things that ahc do eg not need to follow the straight route of logic at a dln- nprparty of which the new york times telle the conversation into the eddies of conundrums tho ages of ann and mary wcro dla cussed backwards and forwards and the frog that slipped back one foot for every two feet ho progressed at lengtn got out oftho hole hinatly some one jtakodu- an innocent critio govonor roosevelt was always glad up laugh once ho enjoyed an oppor tunity and paid for it the ineldont happened whilo lie was vlhitlng cornell university during a convention the smtdentn glad for a chance to display their enthusiasm entertained the gov- ornpfat one of the fraternity houses just air ho was about to leave one of tfo staff said to him governor the boys have the founda tlon of a- capital library and i think they would appreciate a copy of your rough riders m all irbjht boys sold- tjie gover nor heartily til be glad to send you a copy with my compliments the book would be but a small return for your hospitality whereupon one of the students broko in excitedly thats so governor re read it if a bottle and a cork cost a dol lar and ten cents and the bottle costs a dollar moicthan tile cork tipw much does tho cork coat instantly ono of tho ladles was reaiy wtth tliq answer why the cork costs fivo cents apd the bottlo a dollar and ave cents the ladys husband knowing hor in exactness in mathematical processor was astonished wq1 he exclaimed how did you como got that so- soon why my dear alio replied sweet ly corks nlwayp- cost five cents dont they a printers mistake tbiue coreful listeners when tho eyea are shot the hearing becomes mote acute say medical authority we yrtfaljiipflwrtoljfd noticed people trying this ox ss n church london opinion vvv v flower show had boon a great euccoss and a few evfcnlnga jator councillor smith who had performed the oponthg ceremonies was roadlns tho local papers roport of it to bis wife presently he atopppd and snatching np his stick rushed from the room amazed his wife picked up the paper and read as mr smith mounted tho staga all eyes were fixed on tho large red hoso ho displayed only yearn of pai tlont cultivation could have produced an object of such brilliance uce and ver it takes a steady flow of customers to your store to keep the cash register ting ling with profitmaking regularity advertising in the acton free press would help to keep old customers interested in your store and bring new ones it spreads the news about your store and its merchandise far and wide to women of this community advertising is the most efficient economical busmess- buitding force at your command why not investigate the possibilities progressive rf- vc caj iyrvv- v fjjwi advertise pjl i 5ii w- lttaysv 1 liifni yyffz tiaiikfowlwwt tsbtflatfwrfttfj a rf- i 1 v i tsf i vjfl

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