Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1925, p. 3

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gfcarton3ffrgifrggfl thursday august 27 1085 be a booter boost yourclty booal your friend boost the church that you attend boost tho otreot on which you dwoll lioojt tho boodb that you soil boost tho people arrund about you thoy cant tfot ulonff without you but success will quicker and them if they know that youre bohlnd them boost tor ovpry forward raovomnt boost for ovbry new improvement boost tho man for whom you labor boost the fttrancor and the neighbor boost tho ones whom you employ whothor man or girls 01 boy cehso to bo chronic knocker coaso to bo a protjrcflfl blocker it youd make yaur school and c better boost them to tho final lottor rare old danties americans jire sometimes accused ot haylnkto overeat o fondness for hot bread and are told that fitale is more wholosome if this la true the as syrian loaf that was recently dis covered by an expjbrer and archoeolo blst ought to be a particularly dealr ablo bit of nourishment- it is sup posed to have been baked somewhero about tho year 560 b c and waa in excellent condition when found- it is bunshaped and was found twrapped in a cloth in a tlghlyclosed sarcopha gus v some decidedly ancient loaves were found a few yearn ago at pompeii an oven well preserved waa unearthed and in it were resting several charred loaves with the bakers name atlll plainly visible on them the bakers of pompeii made their loaves round with indentation that permitted them to be broken into eight porta perhaps the most remarkable dinner on record was that given by an anti quarian nam ooebel in the city of brussels an account ot it bos been given by one of the guests an amerl- i can scientist ax that dinner n says i ate apple that ripened more than 1800 years ago bread made from wheat grown before the children of israel passed through the red sea and spread with butter that was made when ftttzabeth was queen of england tho apples were taken from an earth- on jar from the ruins of pompeii the wheat was taken from a chamber in one of the pyramlde the butter from aqtonaaaelin an old wellln soot- land where for several centuries it had loin in an earthen crock in icy water there were six guests at the tabo and each had only a mouthful of the broad but was permitted to help aim- self bountifully w the butter thero bclnc several pounds of it the apple jar held about wo- thirds of a gal jon edwin tarrlm thermos homes chemists are making new combina tions all the time and somoof the pro ducts of their work may some day be a part of our everyday life tt the times cornea when there is too little natural lumber left in tho world for it to bo cut and used for build ins houses the chemist assures us that wo may still live in woodon houses wo may build our nrfw homo of artificial an lnvuuu th ch laboratory tho nejiwumbor is made from the waste fljo of tho sugarcane it has many advantagesvover natural lumber for it weighs onlya fourth as much an even pice and tho transportation costa are correspondingly lower it has two characteristics of ita own that boards sawed out of the trees of our fdrcsts do not possess for it is a sounddeadener and a greats insulator of hoat and cold that is tho reason it has been suggested that when we ffettoiivlng in hom built of this synthetic lumber wewhrteatty be living in thermos bottles for the house will retain the heat or col as we may choose v r the cost of this- artificial lumber can bo mado very low when there is a wide demand for it so that a poor man can afford to own his own home yet it will be durable and attractive enough to be used for elaborate homes too perhaps before the world gets to tho place where there is a great flcaro- ity attimber in- the- forests wooden homes will no longer be used it seems more likely however that hey will still be bunt and that the chemists discovery of tho method ot making lumber will be considered a real boon te humanity pictures of memory among the beautiful pictures that hang on memorys wall is one of a dim old fqret that seometh best of all jstot for its gnnrled oaks olden dark with the mistletoe not for the violets golden that sprlnklo tho vale below not for tho mllkwhito lilies that lean from the fragrant ledge coquetting all the day with tho sun beams and stealing their golden edge not for the vines on the upland where the bright red berries rest nor the pinks nor the palo sweet cowslip it seemeth to me the best i once had a little brother with eyes that were dark and deep in the lap of that old dim forest ho lloth in peace asleop light fta tho down of tho thistlo free as the winds that blow we royed there tho beautiful sum mers tho summers of loiyy ago but bis feet on the hills grow weary and one of tho autumn eves r made for my littlo brother a bed jit tho yellow leaves sweetly his polo arms folded my neck in a meek embrace i as the light of immortal beauty silently oevcred 4 fticc and when tho arrows of sunset lodged in tho treetops bright ho fell in his salntllko beauty asleep by the gates of light therefore of all tho pictures that hang on memorys wall the one of the dim old forest seemeth the best of all i have been wondering i how many readers of tho pnte pafcss can remember the spring when the dam went out at nlckllno mill it broke away and flooded the mill and tho flats below and the water played havoc at spolghcs saw mill and tho tannery who remembers whon the bee of residents of the whole countryside engaged in rebuilding the dam with timbers and that whon ben jamin nic kiln was placing a timber one ot tho helpem bi ought hla mo down on mr nlckuns hand laying it open between tho first and second angers to tho centre of tho palm dr mcgarvln put in eighteen stitches to close up the wound r 2 how many can recall the tlmo when a resident of tho old gleridining house on young street who had a fashion when he got drunk of thresh oems op thought tho bloasedness of gods house is that there men praise him this it was that made the house so precious to the psalmist and what christian man can climb higher than this to find in the praise of qod the greatest joy of his life t j 8 perowne it is not enough that you form and even follow tho most excellent rules for conducting yourself in the world you must also know when to devlato from them and where lies tho excep tion man is arrogant in proportion to nls ignorance his natural tendenoy is to egotism in his infancy of knowledge he thinks that all creation was formed for him bulwor there may bo times whon allenco is gold and speech silver but there art times also when silence is death and pcec is life may miller of that day undertook to cure this wlfo- beater they went to his house caught him in the act of unmercifully abusing his wife thoy rr hlnjtook him down to the old ilttondtduckeot him until ho would promise to honor and respect his wife mike speight and bob cpntea were tho committee appointed to duck tho wlfobeater jtt was slow in making a satisfactory promise and they held him under long er to impress upon him that thoy real ly meant business tlnally ho ceased to struggle and they brought him to tho surface to find that ho was almotit drowned it took considerable tlmo to rscufbirate him in tho meantime the committee mike and bob were scared out of a years growth by thinking thoy had really drowned tho victim in their praiseworthy aim but rather fatal method ta reform tho witebeater however lio was finally brought to and decided acton wos too hot or too weta place for him and ho and his wife vamoused shortly thereafter n 3 how many remember jlmmlo dol- son and his antics about town off spending an afternoon at bob agnews and bob storeys taverns where tho strong stuff was plentiful and- cheap a how many folks arc thero who can think back to fho morning sixty years ago whon philip hemstrcoj who was deaf was crossing the main street crossing of the old grand trunk with a load of stave bolts for moores stave factory when anassongor train camo along and struck tho rear of his sleigh tho rear bob and tho stavo bolts wei e smashed into smithereens but mr hem street and his team escaped in jury b how many of you all can re member tho morning when tho 6 30 chicago express going cast struck a broken rail near thp cottage of pad dy powers tho cars ran off the track and one ot the passenger coachoi poked its noho into paddys front doo whiiotho rami at tho railway and was crossing tho trucks whon without notlco a irclgh gai jsllentfy backed down upon him and ciuahdoutkfit uuetutiltr isvz warren was a charter memboir f actons first temperance society the sons of temperance and wan one of tho two members of tho party of ten acton oung men who wont to tho cariboo gold pields in brltiob colum bia who returned homo 10 t have been wondning liww muny of you cun rvumomber the nisu whon johnnjo mckeos storo and thi barracks op man istreot went up n smoke mckeos stoi o which cm rit 1 a general htock made u spoctncuvi are cltlzcna geneially holpcd carry out tho assoitod stock it wa heaped into hetrogenious plloi hpoy of ullk twist bundloa of dried cod ah webs of suitings barrth of flsh cans of sardlnei boxes of pipet collars mats of figs kegs of whiskey crates of dishes rolls of waltpapoi and prot neaily everything elso kept in a gen oral country store tho stoiy went around that lot of tho goods canioi out for- safety novel got into tho sal vage inventory of tho are companies it is uulr certain tho whiskey dldn l at tho barracks whcio tho lire oil- glnated theio wna gnat excitement thove wore three fctotcabekrft and accommodations f oi about olgh t oi ten famhles above my old remem berer la pretty good but it cant glvo me authentic information us to who wore tho merchnnts burned but in this fire but tho storos in tho big build ing had quite u histori it w is in one of them that hagyard tho drur- glst commenced the manufactuic of hagyards yellow oil and hagyards cough remedy and hagyards blood purifier these remedies became household standbyes all over the coun try tho buslnoas was purchase by thomas mllburn and event ually mpved to toronto thomis wiley kept storo in the centre shop and it cortalnly was an oldfashioned store it was- in this store that lach- lan giant and his brother john con ducted business in acton well tho families upstairs had a great time getting out safely thero were about twenty persons in tho families housed upstairs they all got out safely but they lost much of their bolongings i think this was tho first are where i saw tho old saying really carried out that people carried out the pillows and bed clothes and throw out tho cooking stoves mirrors and bed room dishes from tho second story win dows i saw this happen with my own eyes at this ire well after tho fire there were no vacant houses in the village to shelter tho homoless te aeton always has had tho faculty to keep herd welling houses flllod no matter how many new housos were built each year tjio only vacant place in town was the drill shed whlcn then stood next tho baptist church on elgin street here tho burned out families were housed until they could get better quartera i remember on alice caryj family ot fche crowd secured a lot on willow street where the canadian national electric railway now goes through they made bees and our citizens turned out to lielii in tho erec tion of the- house and within a fort night george rydcr and his family wore comfortably settled iri the- new home it was roughboarded on tho outside with the intention of having it covered with dressed lumber or plaster later but this was never done until joe speight bought tho property and remoddelled and completed it rtrts he saved the baby news from the other acton items of interest showing that human natuf is similar bothr ttwre and hare ovoi goo summonsed for unpaid acton mtei were granted at acton pollco court on thursday tho lambllng section of tho acton priory habitation of tho pilmioat leagno will make a tiaiu and boat trip to cliveden woods on wodnoi- day mr t w devenpoil president ot the acton chamber ot comriterco and mrs devonport and family nro spend ing thoir lumrabi holidays in the isle of wright the pi enentulon pot traita pf tho rev b parry and mis parry form erly preserved in tho acton rectory have boon hung in the vestry of th parish chuich three cases of hawkers uainp un just weights and scales in the uallng bjondway weio before tho tilling mug- lsttatcs on wednesday at acton pollco court on wednes day h irry hairls of i east acton was summoned for assaulting sarah sp of tho sanje address mr and mrs watson jiealhnotd road have presented a new carjiet fcr tho chancel of tho acton pariah church r a reception attended by upwnids of fifty guests was hold in chiswlut town hull amongst thorio present be ing mi trco oveiacer ut acton post ofiice mrs troe mr c h bamos headcjiostmnn at actort on rrlday evening a collision oc curred in the highstreet actdn be tween a steamroller with watercart attachment and a tramcar tho water- cart and the tramcar vei o damaged but no one was injured john bates 32 a laborer of tho budgomunioad acton green waa fin ed 7s gd at acton police court foi being drunk and incapable in crown- street acton mr portsmouth of st klmorood actoh was summoned at acton police court on wednesday for damaging an aerial value bs tho property of a neighbormrs sarah moare the mayor of acton aid miss smee who has boon in thosaas foe and zermatt valleys is now visiting some of tho swiss towns mr b h smith who liad to re turn home suddenly from his summer holiday to undergo un operation ut acton hospital is now progressing favorably mr w j boibsonnade thrice chair- mrs bolssonnade will spend tho en suing five weeks in their old farm house amongst tho chlltern hills dr d j thomas modlcai officer f health foi acton and his family are spending tho annual holiday near the doctors old haunts at gktnuak aboi ford cardiganshire at acton police court on thursday wm j townbond a laborer of hai- buryroad acton wan obarged with being doinfcland disorderly at osborne- ioad acton capt s h lawrence formerly of the canadian mounted police who 13 claiming the earldom ot oxford and mortimer on tho basis of evidence al ready detailed in tho acton gazette has recently paid sovera visits to acton wo i egret to announce the death at scoford aftor a long and painful iu- nftmi fa sammttrtand who there is no action so slight nor so mean but it may bo done to a great purpose and ennobled therefor john raskin defective vision a frenchman near the canada lino in vermont sold a horse to a yankco neighbor to every inquiry of the buyer reapoctlng the qualities of iho horse the frenchman gave a favorable reply but always began his commend ation with the depreciatory remark hes not look ver good tho yan kee caring little for the looks of the horse ot which he could judge for himself and being fully persuaded that the beast was worth the moderate sum asked for him made his pur chase and took htm a few days after words he ro turned to the seller and declared that ho had been cheated in the quality of the horse vat ta w- mattaire said the frenchman mat ter sold tho yankee matter enough jhe horse cant see ho la as blind as a batl ah said the french man vat i vas toll you i vas tell you lie vas not look vcr good by gar i dont know it he look at alii his ministers sermon an american minister had a negro servant one sunday when he was preaching he happened to look to wards thopow where the negro was seated and could hardly contalnhlih- aelf he he saw tho fellow who ould neither read nr write scribbling in dustriously after the service he said to the man tonf what were you doing in thi church 1 taking notes massa all de gom- men take notes bring your notes here and let me see them tom brought bin notes whloh look ed more like chinese than kngllah why tom this is all nonsense t breakfast tabic 6 how many of you can remember the night the big tannery took ilrc in tho spring of 1873 tho whole placo was gutted jjdpolghtj waggon shop and saw mill were on fire half a dozon times everything movable was takon out of tho waggon shop john speights barn and houso were saved from destruction by coverlrtg the roots with quilts and keeping the quilts wet by a bucket brigade how many can recall the bad accident on the old g t r below the last scmlphore when mrs mcalplne was caught by tho 11 30 passenger train and instantly killed 7 she was walking home to the rock and did not hear the train coming tho en amel preserving kettle she was carry ing was smashed to pieces and tho groceries it contained scattered over way this was on july 18 1878 8 who of you nil can remember the night of april 20 1870 whon ran som adams wood piles which stood on tho property where maria streot and mrs mcbcnnu nd david wil liamsons homes now are took flro it was thought that tramps sleeping between the piles had set fire to the big piles ot beech and maple cordwoud with the flro thoy had built to keep themselves warm with about 000 cords 6t fine hnrdwood wjuy destroyed ai sos coll was telegraphed o guelph asking help from thoir fire brigade a buam engine and a dozon firemen were sont down on a flat car on a special train it happened that guelph wns celebrating its inaugur ation as a city that day tho firemen had boen celebrating liberally and their liquid refreshments badly incap acitated them thoro wns no supply of water for the steam fho onglne and for these two reasons tho efiglno was never removed from its flat oar 9 wonder if you can remember tho sad morning nbout forty years ago when robert warren ono of tho finest men who over lived in this oomroun- hls master uvea on tho sldo of a hill tho streot sloping rather abruptly down to the waters edge ono flay a little girl left in chargo of hor baby sister sleeping in its small carriage turned away to talk with a school mate and jorgot tho baby fpr a mo ment in that moment a sudden gust of wind took the littlo carriage and bore it rapidly along down the hill toward tho water the two children ran shrieking aftarlt but tho wind was too fleet for them the big newfoundland lying at the foot of his masters walk as usua raised his head when he heard the cries and saw tho carriage skimming by him unlike the children ho made no attempt to overtake it by a direct chaso but dashing across three or four lawns ho carao out at a curve of the road ahead ot thajlttle vehicle and planted himself firmly inits tracks hf stopped it and held it safely until some of tho neighbors who had been roused by tho cries hurried to trio spot then he walked up tho hill again apparently unmoved by tho pralso and petting wh6h wore surely his due and resumed his nap with tho air of a dog that had dope his duty sto best ho know how and was content was up to two years nfio a prpmlncnu and active public man living at c graftonroad hornlane on wednesday the acfon chamber of commerce will run tho last of lis charabanc trips during the present season tho charabanc will leave tho mount at i p m sharp for waddei- an v resident of a nova scotia town is tho proud owner of a new foundland dogfqrwhih ho has beei rashion when ne got urumc or mrusn- stlee xaxw sums the dogs intolli- don mapor tho seat or mr jumes ao l hashalw been rated h years ago he added to his roputa- tlon by an act which seemod to indi cate a power of raplll reasoning edua iotbat p by many human be- lngs ot tho most beautifully situated man sions in the home counties mr w hodson town clerk of aeton who has been seriously un- wcll- ab totake waik ing exor- cau8ing a sea to disappear tho word has gone forth that th famous zulder zoo of holland shall disappear and the ground covered by this body of water shall bo mado ar able the work of draining this body of water has begun and in tlmo tho famous islands of markon urk wol n nttd fifh wh no longer bo islands but a part of the mainland when the work of annihilating the zulder zee will have beon more than 800 acres ot dry land and a fresh water lake of 250000 acres i is in toreatlng to add that when tho work of draining the zulder zee is dono it will be but a return to the conditions of ttihe thirteenth century when there was no water where the zulder zee now is littlo holland once had a coast line pi sandhills and dunos which kept the sea at bay until tho year 12b2 when iho restless and finally resistless sea forced its way through the sand dupes the invading waters of ths zulder zee are to be compelled to retreat because of tho crying need of much moro land than holland now has to cultivate it is expected that tho work of annihilating the zulder zeo will take ten years and holland will have to borrow a large sum of money for this purpose the people me sure the pro ject will fully repay them for tho of fort which thoy are making else in tho quiet parts ot west baling this week tho rector of acton the rev j h nowsham taylor who is motoring in the north has had a splendid run through tho western- highlands arthur h janes a carman who guvo nn address at east acton wa fined 10s at acton police court on tuesday for being diunk and disorder ly at isast actonlane mr f turner tho wellknown mem ber of acton chamber of commerce spent his holiday mo tori ne through devon and cornwall and is qollghted with his experience on wednesday tho hounslow bowl ing club visited acton iark for the first tlmo and a pleasant evening wob spent hounblow was not at full strength but played a good game thl homo skips had tho gamo wll in band however and acton park won ty 03- prlendb and neighbors werrt in good ly numbers to acton pailsh church eaily on sunday afternoon to witness tha marriage of miss catherine hoy wood daughter of the late mr v hey wood and mrs haywood 34 clovelly road to mr gaorgo tfdvflds son of mr and mis j ed war do 26 gtoyncr road old and wellknown resident chargcdwlth being drunk and dis orderly in t marysroad baling on friday evening in laflt week charley goorgo sasnowskl a hawker park- placo ealing and tilly sannowskl hta wife were shod s each at baling police court an satuvday by tho passing of mr padmovo gf 80 julian- avenue acton on wednes day acton loses an old resldont he retired about fhrec years ago aftoi fortytwo years service with the british and morcmuh p in company and ho hod ii vm lit afion weekly fashioh hint attractively designep as useful ns it is smart is this frock in jersey natural color of course the front and long closefittirtg sleeves are trimmed with fancy buttons m a soft shade of brown and there are in serted pockets on cither side of the front where the undcrfaced front is slashed and turned back tcrform revere a tiny vestee of white silk shows the collar corresponds with the vestee medium sire requires 2 fyaids 54inch material courtesy vs convenience matt w ransom hto senator from north cmollna and minister to mexico mado politeness a point or conscience and hla m wpro celebrated all over tho capital one day as ho was walking to the senato chamber ac cording to o story told in tho wash ington post ho saw approaching him tho very worst bore of his acquaint ance the senator was alarmed a great many things were on his mind at tho tlmo and ho dieaded tho though r of half an bout in such company nearer and nearer came tho boro but as ho smiled and touched his hat ransoms feelings overcame him with man of the actonzisirict coancllndarhoiehowdydothosenaiqr hajt brushed swiftly by tho boro mm paused but ovldently hurt at this cui t dismissal proceeded sadly on the way ransom con- solonco bothered him hid conduct had boen such as it had novor beon bo- foro after teh steps ho turned and with a pleasant smile called hack goodbye slmpklne ive beon thinking a heap about you latoly simpklns tho boros faco relaxed delightfully ah said ho returning ransom waved him back wildly wlh both hands crying tvo boon thinking a mighty heap about you lately simpklns but dont coraoback simpklns dpnt you comf back god gives the seedthe bread we need mans tabor must provide it s s upper tho old method of rpaplna the crop lower- tho modern method i inset tostmg grain tit elovatora in winnipeg it is estimated that sixty nlno thous and harvesters will bo needed to gai- ttjtiboekapb in western cnnnda thit year of this number probably nine teen thousarid wttl bo supplied by tho western and pralho proylncs lay ing fifty thousand to bo recruited in the east this la ftn unusually laigo number it means that from all partsot east ern canada a great ormy at canadian men rauaujo mobilized to harvest hg grain upon which the general pi as perity of tho country depends tho famous gold rush of ninetyeight hold no greatei touch of glamour and ro mance than this annual exodus to thu wheat fields of the west prom offioo factory and some of our women too mo piepahng to enlist in tho great ad- ventuie from which all hope to retun hnrdy bionzed an with a swollen savings account tho lallway companies aro fully pro- pared for tho rush thoii colonist cars of tho newest most setvlcoabiq and comfortable type of which thoy have a greater supply on hand than over bqfoie are in readiness and there is moio than enough motive power available for immediate service thq colonist car has kept paco with the remainder of railway equipment in tbo march of progress in tho old en days nmny prospective harvestorq l omained at homo because ot tho stories thoy heard of hardships and discomfort endured on the journey to tho wheatholds now however all that is changed colonist cars differ only in trifling dotal is fipm tho stand ard sleeping cars and thoy leave noth ing to bo desired in point of comfort security and convenience theio is overy roason to uuppm o that tho east will raise us quota ot fifty thousand men the inducements ao unusually good a bountiful crop is expected wages are high and there aie unlimited positions available many young men attending college will avail themselves of the reduced rates to see tho country and join in tho gnreat adventure of bringing in the nhoavei as the most profitable way of spending a holiday tho dates for the excursion are from quebec august 14 and 28 hi and from tprojitgand point in emtern ontario august 18 and septombm int prom western ontario tho daton aw august 2ist and spptpmbor lot tho rato is the same as last year to wh nlpeg 15 po and from thexe to tho flwii destination hnifaoont a mite thesp rates apply equally to women as to mon and thero aro many tlrod east erners whp wlh take advantage or the exom plan to make their first trip west as much for tho purpose of seeing the scenery out west and becoming per aonally acquainted with the geography and topography ot the country as for taking part in the harvesting opera tlons bonds stocks and grain private wires to nffv york chicago winnipeg and toronto lt mortgage real estate bonos t j hannlljan miwiem 0uetptf- l thought so massa all the time uy met his tragic death in the a t r you was preaching it rcdolnsd tom yards mr warren had some busman extending analogy i tell you contended tho boarder with the bilstllng hair the man who says we ought to ltya to a hundred yenrs old id right look at tho horse it takes a horse fou years to get its growth and it llvon to be twenty it takes a man twenty years to get hi growth and by the same ratio hu ought o tlvfe to bo a hundred there are lots of things we can learn from analogy j dont know but you are right re sponded tho unemotional boardor for instance thore is the ilea tl jumps three hundred times its owr length thore is no reason therefore why a man six foot high should not be ablo to jump jet us soc seven thousand eight hundred feet or a mile and it halt at one leap yea wo can learn a great many curious thlnvs from analogy but her tho conversation- drifted to other topics i for tho of that por-ipd-j- an interesting weddina took phe at st dunstans church kast aoon on saturday when mlsa einlc may holloway third daughter ot mr and mrs holloway was married to mr christopher harold banett only son of mr and mrs j cl barrett some troublo was caused in tho acton- catholic church on sqnday morning by the prosonce of a stiay dog whloh growled when an attendant approached it and made its way to wards the altar the ofllclatlng priest appealed to members of tho congroga tton to see what could be dono to re move it and eventually a woman en ticed it out of the church mr and mrs if purrant and master dnrrant 6t the the vsle n mr h c matthews and mi9 matthews do- vofed the holiday weokond to a smurt la mr- distance tiip in one of mr dur- rants big touring cars leaving acton on thursday they vthltcd reading rath bristol westonauflermaru cheddar for thp caves and gorge glastonbury wells gjouccuter chop- stow wye valley mobs mon gloucester ugaln wllnoy oxford and maidenhead a riving back homo on tuesday night two old east anglican fumlllss hov oral of whose representatives hao settled in london were united tit st albaha church acton green on wod- nobdny by a marringo whlrh arousal much interest in tho d lhtf let the bride was miss aloxnndra juay tole rant only daughter of mr find mrj c f farrant 74 ilollo intnc tho bridegroom wna mr charles isdward blacker of bedford kirk acton ena gafcette quickly drives out all rheumatic poison tho first day you take bhouma the doctors remod that is soiling so rap- idly youuueftluo that whon jlhouma goes in uric nold goes out it matters not whether you ftio tpr lured with pain crippled with swollen joints or- distressed with occasional twlngos rheuma is guaranteed to end your rheumatic trouble- or money back bhouma is just as effective in cases qf lumbago sciatica arthritis and ohronlq nourajgln bhoumqjlfim l ii fungeieuv disease it often uffaeth tho hlt and ciiuafm death if you havo it la thu ullghtout degree got a bottle of rheuma from c j haeeard or any good druggist to day and drive it from your system at once harvesters wanted th f mf to winnifho plus hau a cent a mile beyond to ill point in lmt toba saskatchewan albert bdrnqntoq tmnnlm calgary macleod and jut returning half a cent per mile to wnlpef plus s200 to destination going dates september 1st and 4th 8optenibor 1 torontq colcdon dast booton mcafqfd cflllinaw fenotnwr miaiand parry soun1 su caprcpl and pant thoroof in ontarlp septsmbor 4 torontq inglevao thorcofitrontiwlo special leave toronto trains r sept 4th 1230 pjn september 4u 835 pan 8tandard time through trklbtcomfortabl golontat c- bpncial cr for woman nj cmidwn jutibe your ticket to winnipeg vu canadian national railways tfhetber or ot yoqr pnal destination in tie west is a point on tije canadian national tleketgimd altitrfonnation rqtn ncarert agent r 1 notice to creditors tn tho surrognto court of the county of halton in tho ostato of annlo molorzc tlocoagcd- tho creditors of annlo moloxzl lato qf tfio village of acton married woman daaoaacd f died on tho 23rd of jan uary a x lo26 at ftjp city of ham tramck in tho state of michigan in toatate aro required on or beforo he 20pi day at september ad lf2g to send by ppst prepaid or otherwise do i t th u fc t s iauiuu andrew blolozzl fho administrator ot jhn potato apd pfcocta of tho aal4 flo- qas4 tbalp rhrlstlan ana surnffmo aijdrosflop ani dpscinlong tho full particulars of thcl clnlma and he nv- turo of the ffeouilty if a beil by thorn v notice la hereby glvon that on and oftoi tho iald 20th day of septem ber 1935 the mikl udmlnlatrator nvlu procoe to distribute the asaotu of tho said estate among the parties ontitleil uiereto by law and ho will not bo re- blionsiblo for any clulmfl of whloh ho bhall not havo received notlco at ttw time of euch distribution dated at acton thia olh day of august a 1920 andrew molozzi administrate by h n farmer hla solicitor practical what does my littlo man o buy today sweets naked tho shop keeper us the email boy entered yea thntg what i want th bay wu the reply out ive got to buy aoap b toters pst 1925 municipality of thp town9htp of yrasbagawgya notloo is hnrnliy glyon that i haya trnnsmltteij oc delivered to thp uor- uoiia mentioned n 8pu 12 of tp on- torlo voters list act thp conies io- ijulrcil by said section to b so trani- mltted oi delivered of tho list inado puhuancto naftl act of all parsons ap pealing by the lout revlsod ansou- ment itoli of tho ald munlolpallty to be entitled ta voto in tho said munlcl palliy at oleetlona tor members of thu legtblntlvo aflsombly nnd at munlcl- pftl elections and that tho hum hat wus nrh 6stert np in my onico in nasnagawoya nn the tuth day ot august 105 nnd remiiina there for inepeetlan and i hereby call upon all voters to tuko immodlato nrocoodlngs to have any errors or omissions corrected ac cording to law dated this 15th oay of august 1025 john marsha 82 clerk ot said municipality every week last year amore sales were being made stock turn- overs speeded up and profits increased bv advertisbng this year i every week you let slip by without ad vertising gives your competitor a big ger opportunity start your adver tising in the next issue of the acton free press and follow the example of- hundreds of successful business men by keepingyour business constantly before your customers through steady advertis- progressive merchants advertise issued by ennadian weekly neo8ppers association vcwv wi v mjstinltoj- ssalrsibrftae x i ajuafcifla f

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