Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1925, p. 4

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iuinw 3ftre prb member canadian weekly newspaper association member selected town weeelies of ontario the acton i- bee press is published every thunday inominfi at the tree pi mill street alton ontario rcsa building the subscription price is 300 pel ycari-m- advance postage is eharacd additional to offices in tile united states tlie date to wtfich subscriptions are paid is indtcatcd on the address label advertising rates transient advertise meats 10 cents per line agate measure for first insertion and 5 cents per line for each bubse quent insertion contract display advertise u tnents tor 50 inches or more per annum 18 cents be h p moore president and editor g a dills manager and assistant editor adye but specific directions will bcinserted till forbid and charged accordingly telephones- editorial and business office residence of president residence of manager a live bsuc over a grave subject the issue respecting the proper care of fairview cemetery is growing our citizens are not saying very much publicly but they are determined that the perpetual care plan shall be adopted it is very generally felt that results can be ujpst assured through a commission of citizens it is hoped the councif will see this and take the initiative toward putting the matter- into effect otherwise he did hi8 debt the success of the hydroelectric commission of three citizens is a speaking comment in favor of n commission for administration of public utlities if one csmmission can give us one of the best lighted towns with satisfactory power and heating services wouldnt it be presumption of a glaring character to say that another commission could not successfully conduct fairview cemetery and ensure satisfaction to al by the adoption of the perpetual care system with a competent and experienced caretaker n thursday morning august 27 1925 editorial f many 44 beer permits being refused it is evident that numbers of people who made preparation for the sale of 44 beer and are still awaiting the receipt of the permits applied for will never be granted permits attorneygeneral nickje was amused the other day attjjecepqrt that many complaints ha3 reached his department because of the slowness of issuance of permits for the sale of 44 beer three thousand five hundred have been issued so for he said and that does not look like slow work the complaints for the most part ema nate he said from those who desired but would not be given permits speculative rascalities thousands of widows and orphans have in the pastfew years7 been drawn ihtotite maelstrom of bogus speculation jn canada and the united states happy homes have been wrecked young men lured by the tipsters and deceived by the manipulators af stocks have bankrupted their careers myriads of them hgve not only been ruined financially they have been broken in spirit and nbaridoned to des pair men otherwise highly respectable form manip ulating pools to boom stocks beyond their legiti mate value with one deplorable result the unloading of holdings on dupes these dupes too weak to carry their load break under the strain an not in frequently steal to cover their loss the rigging of the stock market and the selling of purely specula tive stock is despicably mean business and men making any pretense to respectability should be ashamed to participate in it schemes that are bound 1 to add to the appalling aggregate of human wrecks the building instantly everything be should be shunned by all right thinking men no mat- ca u ter how enticing adriot salenen may make them appear montreal star what nlay liuppon while redrtapo ttt bclnsr unwound in hid- obvious point of thl atory it wns clcaf that tin elderly man vfaa from tho country for several mlnutcn ho stood on tho olde- walk raping up at tho top story of a till trust company building across tho way then ho ucratchod hla head and stroked his chin well he mut tered it may bo till right i auppoao but i might as well and out h crossed tho strtot puqhed his way into tho trust company offices and approached tho ncurest window tho brasplato over it wae inscribed new accounts well said the man behind tho window looking up from his lodger well drawled tho other it may bo all right and correct of course but while i was looking over tho bookkeeper will fix you up the third window to the left after it slight hesjtalltfh tho man from the country made his way to the bookkeepers window well sir what can we do for you demanded the bookkeeper nothing 1 dont know why they sent me over to you vi have notfany account here 1 was ju7ujvonrjiijr if you happened to know- information department said thfe bookkeeper brusquely sixth wlndov to the right tho countryman started to sav something but tho bookkeeper resum ed hn wilting so ti6 farmer walked ovei to the information window say ho opened up without wait ing for an invitation you folks neednt jjo so upplslt i just wanted to toll your old comp my that complaint window hist window t tho rear growled the clerk the countryman glared for an in stant he seemed undecided then his jaws sot with determination ho strode down to tho complaint window well whats tho trouble with you demanded the complaint clerk aint none snapped the country man i just wanted to tell your old company that it appears that their old build i up is but ne got no further fire fire came tho cry from all parta of ighborhopinfiws- town and country milton oakville mlflfl gusbio picbton a lotiirnoil mli- oionnry from japan formally of mil ton vliiltoil mm w 72 mocrendy on friday and hiituuliiy mr n rsiulto white unit non douir- iub of tomntii mo vimliyr mi and mm it white tho court holme ihik wiiihiuif-mus- ort on tuesday when hli adam iiocltb funmul toulciucn at i in mil tun an umihimlly iiuko nunii i of mon from thlh nolklibul hood lift foi tho woht lanl monday on tin hatvefitoim excuifon pconlo living noai tho jmiihi omplaln of the holbtoi oiti add unxfimly ton- duct of jountthtiih who onc thno to batho sunday aftci noonn n ohji r- tlon in taken to their hathlnk if thoy would cut out their holhtci imimioiih and bad lanfttiako roy burling who holdh a i rhponsiblo and lucuitlvcr position in one of the huge citloi of the wcntoi n platen and who ib vlhltlnp hlb wlfeii peoplo in acton wart in town on monday roy la one of the many old milton hoyo who have mado qod t the following- town piopcitioh have and ga o eyerjufisceiptlottwoo4ocently champed- hrmw xamei ai rnati our- omairh bought tho cement bulldlnrr lately erected in tho bouh- flcld suivey from w hlrlmnlsi wm hamilton has bojd his iiouro on none t street to mr c campbell hornby mii bundy bought a framo dwellie on bast maiy sticet fiom j f rob inson mrs ii o cox has generously don ated d cup to be given the winner of most points in tho umatour flowt i section at tho flower hhow thlh weolc a notor car pabbengei eervieo ih now bolnff run ovor the c n it be tween toronto und oalcvlllo jack flshsr of the banlt of mont real utaff ut quyon quo lb upending hla vacation in town with iiih mothcr tho ilrlrq liflto for tho trafalgar towntihfp and oauville fair are now in tho hands of secretary i h corn wall the cttlzena should cooporuto willi tho fair manaeors und holp to make thie fair a success so probably noxt year thoy will bo able to hold the usual three days event the annual picnlc of the jowelloj s pf toronto and hamilton wns held on wednesday in victoria park poit- the olo5htp bell in tho london oltlcc of lloyds thoro is nnjold icc which in called tho lutlno bell this ih iungu whonover a ship is tepoitcd as lost at sea noaily a hundtcl and twontyflvo yoais ago tho ijutlne sank with uomo five million dollars worth of bullion about d the vohbo was lo cated and dlveta went down to try to locovei tho bullion but thoy found it wim impossible to in ing up moro than a minull palt of it thoy did and und bllhtf up tho shlph hell art lloyds had inhured tho ships caiffo the bell was placed in the in- muaiilo companic i ollln the custom kiow and still ptihlhta after thcho hundred years and more of rtngrlpu tho boll when u vthiel is icportcd miss ing business directory medical helotland enjoyed by nil miss k m raromun of duftalo was charcod in police court with reckless driving following tin accident on sat urday aftjfnoon at the entrnnco to the bronte baseball park when she collid ed with a car driven by jphn roo of mlmlco she wns assessed 10 and costs forsyth street north of tho highway is being grailod npd an entrance will bo made to colborne street this will improve the condition of this streot which has remained as it wns at- the opening of the now bridge itf aspiring to do hard lahi worthwhile things the venerable editor oi the bowmanville states man who has spent fortyseven years in the editorial chair and has always had encouraging words for younger folks says- that often during our lifetime we have advised the young folks never to place a dis count on themselves on their natural talents their y shinty t nji their mentill of physical power to achieve or b overcome lifes difficulties a motto that we learned in early youth was this one what jnen hav done men can do we simplify the adage arid make personal application of it thusly what others have done i can do ofttimes it does a lot of good by helping over difficult tasks to put this challenge up to ones self young folks try it 6n your own self for you never know what talent force are within you till you put them to a real jest ever remembering jhat wwrblliersr have done you can do if you try long enough and hard enough winking at violations of the law the practice of winking at the presence and use of liquor at conventions and big social gather ings which has become customary in certain ontario cities particularly near the border is becoming t scandal to which the authorities should put a stop the mayors of these cities seem to imagine they are conferring a favor on their visitors byannouno ing that they have given the police a hint to keep their eyes shut as a matter of fact they often spoil the pleasure of these gatherings for the majority of their guests and to a considerable extent prevent the attainment of the practical objects for which they are held men under the influence of liquor are neither good company socially nor are they helpful in conference the scandal becomes greater when these men are representing public bodies which are paying their expenses for the sake of the advantage lined iheamho ch the errforoe ment of the law must know what goes on at many of these conventions and they are not doing their duty in permitting the law to be brought into con tempt orillia packet disgusted countryman us he followed tho crowd out thoyd all known it half an hour ago if thoyd only listened to me burljington mr und mrs w m p inglchm f of south bond ind ui rived in town on saturday to spend a holiday hero they mado tho trip by motor on thursday evening a meeting of those intel ebted in a band was hold beautiful rosas at markham tho dominion experimental rose plot at markham is well avoi th a visit these dayb it is a veritable riot of beauty thousands of blooms of all colors and shades of tho queen of tho flowers mr chi is luuau tho gar- denei in chaige has the giounds in upplepio ordei the glass plots neatly cut and not a weed to be sten in the plots mi ii d mooieand sevol il other membeis of the canadian hortl- cultuia council woie theie foi an of- dr j a mcniven physician and ouraoon offloo and residence cornor bowtr avenue and elgin street phone 88 dr e j nelson frederick st11eet aoton ontario legal phone no il p o box is harold nash farmertttt a barrlatar solloltor notary publlo convayancar etc they wanted to know down in a remote soctlon of a south western- state in a little town which no- rullroud approaches nearer than thirtytwo miles the news of the world is worn out and probably denied by the tlmo it reaches there und the little town makes no news for itself there has been however at least one event in tho annals of tho place thdt was when a new bank was started it was only a pranch bank but that did not dim its lustre or novelty in the eyes of the cltlzons the first depositor was si fo si was a man of means but had trust ed for the safety of his money to jils yarn sack und his gun now he felt that as the leading citizen of the town he ought to encourage the now onter- prlze he put in a thousand dollai as soon as the bank opened an hour later ho came back and asked how money was taken out the mothod of making out a cheek was exptalhedvand si made out one lor editorial notes the best interests of rural canada gallantry is the part ever played by the weekly editors of canada here is a fair sample from that good frierid of ladies editor malcolm mcbeth of the jwilverton sun no matter what the faults of miss agnes mcphailrmrr- may be she neveflosestsigrjt of the fact that she was sent to parliament to repre sent the interests- of the fanners and this she does on all occasions she is unequivocobly opposed to protection alleging it to be the greatest sham of the age as if robs the country people supposedly to enrich the cities in the long run it robs every body but the very few canada is primarilya farming country- she emphatically declares the very foundation of our edonomic system is- agriculture if we build our national system on the farm we shall build solidly by sacrificing the farmers we injure in the end our normal and useful manufac tures the constitutionality of the reading of the bible in the public schools of virginia is uphjeldjbyjudge edward freeman in a decision filed in district court ontario schools might well have the bible read more generally how c sir adam beck would have been to learn that steadfast friendship for him and his public ownership projects existed in many quarters where he looked for hostility enti without war- ran tit tiow appears globe one thousand dollars tho cashier was surprised at tho sudden withdrawal but paid it without remark si took his money and wulked down to a group of men and displayed it tho group entered into a warm but lowvoiced discussion in ten or fifteen minutes si walked into the bank again and told the cash ier that ho wantedtodepqalt a thous arid dollurs why sir what is tho matter with you asked the clerk you deposit od a thouanrdoltarsirbout nn hour goandltookjtoutbefore ithad got cold and now you want to put it back again well my friend said si me and tho boys just wanted to find out how the thing worked and indications are that the organiza tion is assured theannual flower show of tho bui- llngton horticultural society was held in the gymnasium of the trinity uni- ed church on tuesday mr and mrs a h c finnemore of chicago iii are visiting relatives in burlington ond district mr gordon jerry has leased tho store on brant street recently occu- llled by mr jus jthaellandwill open for business next week tho halton deanery of the angll- cun churches of the county held n plcnlc at woodlands brontev yester day afternoon a corn and welner roast was hold at the home of mr r c fowler jjuto shore on thursday evening in aid of tho st lukes w a clock fund mrs m c smith and family and minnie deslaurler of detroit enjoy ed a motor trip to montreal anl through tho adirondack mountains last week returning by way of roches ter mrs d a campbell and two daugh ters mrs q e whitten and mrs jos whittakor and son jack of miami florida are holidaying in town and renewing acquaintances owing to other fair dafes conflicting with the datcb selected by burllngtanj- the uulu of the show has been you have been intending to try red rose why not now before you forget red rose teais good tea the orange pekoe is extra good try hi perryman block acton ont money mint on mortoageb hour 80 mn to e pm etaturdaya 1200 oclock dental dr j ih bell d d s l d a oantlat honor graduate of toronto univer sity the latest anesthetic used if desired ofllco nt residence corner of mill and frederick streets dr f g gollop dds lds dental 8urneon office over bank of nova scotia hours dso to 6s0 evenings by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinrfar r account books of all klndajnadeio ordev periodicals of overy dcscrlpuon carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndbam street guelpb on orsr wuiiama store falrr the challenge of difficulty much is heard of trade depression in great britain but at least one industry is in a especially flourishing condition the big breweries are thriv ing while the unemployment grows they declared dividends ranging from 13 to 24 per cent fortytwo regular steamship lines are now oper ating out of the port of vancouver the gross ton nage for last year being j4473518 which is over a million tons m excess of the 1023 figures this is destined to become one of the worlds greatest ports that tourist camp hh- ii evidence has beeri forthcoming in pastyears that keeping after something of benefit to the town was iffthe long run likely to bring results thus another reference to the local motor camp wbich and which is not few towns have more suitable or more attractive sites few have facilities so near at hand and yet dozens of municipalities without these things ato nfft p r it hrrninr their authorities have gone to a few dollars ex pense to make the local comp known a week or two ago the writer had occasion to look over a number of the camp sites in the kawartha lake district in bobcageon a town smaller than acton there were fully thirty campers in the agricultural grounds and inquiry revealed that the camp had been used regularly all summer sometimes as many as fifty parties using the space the equipment offered war not as extensive as here space was allotted water had to be carried from a distance there was no evidence of facilities for bathing or boating but there were signs on the main street and on three corners calling attention to the camp and di recting tourists to it the main point in all this is not the benefit the town itself gets from having visitors use its space provided gratis but rather the business which comes from it one bobcageon garage man said sure wc sell gas to half of them the best grocer in the town stopped to think for a moment and then smiled why yei we do sell a good deal to thorn they come in just before supper usually and when they get their tents up want milk and butter and bacon und breadi once tn a while when we know theres a lot of tourists in send my boy down to take orders and then he goes right back with the stuff in the light of this it appears that somebody in acton is losing a great deal of business cash business the best kind for people who travel this way always have money and frpjn the very fact that they axe touring shows thojr arc not on he lookout for credit if a few signs not of a particularly attractive type at that will do thift for bobcageon why shouldnt the matter be takeup for acton witlv the resulting benefits the british empire exhjbitiqnauthoritie3 have one of the mop who lost his life a few months ago in nn unsuccessful at- tcmt4oreajolithi summit of mount everest was frying about a year earlier to explain to a group of listen ers the reason he was ready to undor- go such dangers and hardships for such an end the explanation he gave was that difficulty held for him an ir resistible challenge wo areforced to question the wis dom of risking valuable lives in such undertakings but at tho same time tnu uttltude of this young man should be an insplratioritosomo at you he wanted to bet to the top of the highest mountain in the world because it was a dimcult task tho hardships and sufferings of tho expedition pre vious to tho one in which ho lost his life seemed to crystalixc his resolu tion lnstond of weakening it the earlier failure only mado him more eager to try it again all that mallory hud to gain by getting to the summit l linteyercatwa tho satisfaction changed to tuesday and wednesday ootober 6 and d week later than j he dates chosen at tho annual meeting it will be good news to the cluzens to learn that tho dominion govern ment is asking for tenders for tho old drill hall on wuter street which ha for years been in eyesore and a file trap tos the town at thesuggestion of mrda welsh the chamber of commerce are arranging with mr m m robinson who is a member of tho ontario ath- letle commission to secure a swim ming instructor for burlington for a few days j a meeting of thoso interested in uurllngton and district was held in the public library on saturday evenlnir when it was decided to organize a came protection association arid the following officers were elected j t tuck president secretary-treasure- w i smith the new organization will be known as the burlington game protection association gatetto western fair w w london ontario september 12th- 19th 1925 this yoar tho midway and grand stand attractions have been care- fuljychosen an far bu of thia nature in pnoyifluftyeatsr kroal good time fuilof fun plea and ii to all tho pure food show dog show and other exhibitions are binfler and hotter than everi entries close september 3rd 40000 in prizes and attractions for further information apply j h saunders pros w d jackson sec london ontario r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 years experience list tour property with me acton ontario internal and external pains are promptly relieved by ob thomas eclectric oil thattt has 06en i sold foh nearly fifty yeab1 jsis 1 a cheater selleb tham eveb before la a testimonial that speaks for its numeroua curative qualities insurance agent life fire auto accident a health insurance guarantee bonds burglary and plato glaaa insurance truatea for estates collections business entrustod to my caxo will be carefully looked after and trjcatod confidentially money to loan on farm property favorable rates and terms for re payment box 44 bower ave acton georgetown giverftfieirrinal refusal to open the big show at wem bley on sundays despite clamorous demands from various directions that the people should be permitted to see the jiibjtionjm sundays for the rerrioinder of the season places canada next to the united states in the num ber of telephones in use on a per capita basis it indicates a general evidence of prosperity in the country the indications are that teachers salaries will be lower because of the surplus of teachers one school section in lambton advertised for a teacher received over 60 applicants and hired a teacher at a salary of 700 a year two years ago the same sec tion paid a salary of 1100 and last year 950 of overcoming success would not havo meant riches to him and only a very modest fame but he would have had the joy af knowing tnnt ho had beaten somo of younopeoile are facing difficulties which challenge you not only as difficulties but as opportuni ties with vastly less risk with far less discomfort than mallory under went you might bo assured of success with all it implies yet you are meet telephones in canada now number l0d3964 ar ulj llluol -w- are gallant natures that ara ready to risk everything for the sako of trying to do the impomlble canadian financiers talk confidentlyof being able to float successfully in the dominion either the whole or the greater part of the issue of national bonds which will be made next month to retire a loan of 90000000 in oneyear treasury notes bearing in terest at four per cent duo in new york on septem ber 5 a new era of expansion will bo inaugurated at the canadian national exhibition on opening day when premier ferguson will lay the corner atone of the new ontario government building to cost 500000 within three years other buildings cost ing 2000000 and rtjjiionumental new entrance will be added to the c n e plant f his chief concern a party of excursionists visiting a largo city on one of tho great lakes during tho summer went out ajio fine morning or a sail there were novor al enthusiastic amateur photographers on board and in tholr zeal for taking snapshots of the ahora scenery is thoy sailed along they did not notlco that the wind was freshening and tho lake becoming r6ugh at last however an unusually lilgn wavfld rocked tho boat and on6 of tho young mon standing near the gun wale lost his balance und pitched head long into tfo water ho was a gqod swimmer but it was severul minutes before the boat could bo roundedto and wlnm he wns anally reached with the aid of a line and dragged on board he was almost exhausted that was a narrow escapo charley sold onp at his friends qfter tho young man had parflojiy rpeqvered his inst breath and was able to spenk tesli he gasped another iqhoh like that dnd my camera would have gone overboard the canadian and united states delegates to the conference to prepare regulations under the nti- smugglrng treaty are working out a programme with reference to the clearance of ships with cargoes of liquor destined for the united states which should tighten up the border patrol and render the despio able smuggling which has prevailed much more dif ficult to be sure proso la the enemy of poetry and always has been a quaker who had a young and pretty daughter was awakened one night b some one singing under his window a certain young gentleman i appeared had mistaken the fathers window for the daughters several airs were sung and finally the serenoder struck into homo sweet home tho old gentleman got out of bed and raised tho win dow young man said he if thou hast home and a sweet home as thou isayest diy dont thee go home rev j w and mrs pedley spoilt sunday at dr h g reids mr r d warren of toronto spent tuesday in town mr and mrs w j kennedy of philadelphia are spending a month at the home of their nioco mrs tv c anthony misses marlon mckay margaret kennedy anj ailcen mooio roturncd home last week after spending flvo weeks in muskoka mrs t t moore of kitchener ij visiting at tho homo of her son j m moore mr and mrs h jp mckerrihcn of toronto were visitors in town on tuesday an auto driven by a toronto man iranawnxjiitleclghtb lino hill below town on tuesday evening tho auto was damaged but fortunutely none of the occitpahts were seriously injured the members of orion lodge i o o p and verdun rebeknh lodgo pic nicked at qldoradd paik on thursday afternoon mr and mrs james colman and sou ernest have roturned to toronto after spending two weoks at tho home of mr and mrs e colman of 900 per year duties to commence tho 1st of soptembor a great portion of tho boulevard on our main street is anything but at tractive why cannot something dl done to improve this condition mr and mrs w p bradley loft last woek for a trip through tho maritime provinces they will attend the ot tawa exhibition before returning home mr wilfrid p dickie af tho union trust co detroit and mrs dlokle wero guests at the homo of tholr par ents jtev dr and mrs dickie during the week mrs a devereaux who was visit ing friends in lockpoit buffalo and niagara palls n y was called to london last week to attjnd tho fun eral of her brother mr alfred do- potle who passed away in his 83rd yoar over two hundred members of out local orange organisations und visit ing brethren and sisters attended di vine service at the united church on sunday evening last when rev bio cqldwch addressed the lurgo gather ing on their return to tho lodge rapms a hearty vote of thanks was tendered jtov bro caldwell by tho brethron and sisters for tils splendid sermon herald- k shoe polish 0m witr ao j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist will be at a t browns drug store acton monday august 31 anyone sufforlng from eye strain defective vision or headacho should not miss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appolnt- montu may bo mado with mr a t brown tjjrubblst consultation free office hours 9 a m till 4 p m mortgage sale valuable house and lot in the vtllaoe of acton l exceisioh ois3offiiw acrodflouriffuimius ohtmdasy acton ont the habit cf ordering it to itumemnur the- name dont forget what the sack looks likej order excelsior flour acton flour and feed mills d h lindsay proprietor mill street acton ont 4r exhipitioim t4 29 toronto s 2 canadian national exhibition toronto 47th anniversary the annual worlds fair bcufmlno anything prevlotialy patented imiquc rnononmo jjjncbtrdoda r under tho power of solo contained in two certain mortgages mado by one hucn ryder ulnee decease artotn a mortgagee and which will bo produced at tho sale there will bo offered for 3ale by public auction on tho mort- ffagred premises victoria street in tho vlllago of acton by robert j kerr auctioneer on mqnday the 31st day of august a d 1925 at one oclock pm lot no 19 in block b in adam cooks sarvoy of tho village of acton on this lot which la woll laid out in garden and fruit trees there la erected a substantial new concreto house wlta nine rooms and outbuildings terma of salo ten per cent of tho purchase monoy la to be paid to the vendors solicitor on tho day of sale sufficient to make up one third thereof in ten days there after and tho balance may bo paid in cash or remain on mortgage on tlio premises on torms to bo arranged u tho purchasers option immediate possession will bo given further particulars and conditionh of sale may bo obtained from tho auc tioneer or from h n farmer vondors solicitor 73 acton ont patrons of this establishment please notice during july and august examinations for glaosos on thursday friday and saturday only of each wook lone qrlndlne and quick ka- pair department oporatln as usual wrlto or phono appointment 1001w for a d savage optomatriat nd mfa optician right at tho post onice 8vo building quelph the old and reliable granite and marble works tv ji m we are manufacturers and direct importers nt all kinds of monumontal and haadatone work wo soli direct to our customers at wholesale prices thus anvlna onr customer 40 per cont we have- tho bast- appliances and the only mechanics in the dominion who oaji operate pneumatto tools proporly we can give references from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other places where others have to have law suits in order to collect wo havo the largest and best stock of gronue in the dominion or more than any three dealers in the west we ore legiti mate dealers and employ no agents and do not annoy or pest customers by sending out ignorant agents solicit ing orders we employ only mechanics and defy competition hamitton sqns qufelph ont yf

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