Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1925, p. 5

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mrttww tttlinsday august 27 logs redhead jim jimmy jones was his proper namo when up- from the country schoolho came but the only numa that ntuck to- him wiik tho one they gave him of red headed jim it was houimuuro und borreltop ariclwhat woulaho talto for tho carrot- top v hut ho only laughed when they badiyc- ed hlni ho waa grit clean through wan redrj head jim rod hair was as pood aa the ncxi said ho it twas brushed and combed as it ought to bo tvaa the bralna it covered it just struck him that ma do tho difference said red- heufl i jim his brain was all right if hla hair was red so in atudy and gumca ho hhot ahead till there waant a boy but was proud of him yea- proud of a leader like redhead jim and his teacher aald with a quizzical smile as he gave him tho firstclass prize tho while red heads were the- best it seemed to him if they made- such scholars as red tioad jim blanche trennor heath tjhe sunday school lesson for sunday august 30 wrabgell is frpectqrs jk4se 1 twenty years ago from the isauo of tht free prs of thursday august 31 1905 toronto exhibition la busy again the bareheaded girl is coming mora into evidence every day tho fashion la growing apaoe mr samuel roberta tho mahai3r of tho- firstbrook pish hatchery has been investigating the methods of thu trout hatcheries in the state of massa chusetts the past ten days mr w d frick offers for sale his residence on will street the alton baseball team camo down ojn saturday for a match with acton the score wys 31 in actons favor thealtoti players were accompanied jya bevy of lively girls who rooted or their heroes from the grandstand with- a voclferousness never excelled hero notwithstanding- the numerous dwellings in the course of erection in town tho supply is still far helowthe demand as a result tho rents con unuo- to rise w h denny has sold the noble p mclara property on mill street to john ruddlclc mr ruddlck will move to tho property in abput a month tho following left last week for tho northwest mr and mrs- alfred soper to bolsevnin miss laura plotch to grenfcll and w d smith w mcpherson george- benton a mctaggart w nelson and a stewart to winnipeg following arrangements mado by excouncillor j amurrny ono hun- drfidflnd fou citizens went to rock- r wpod saturday afternoon to picnic on tho rocks the directors of esquesing agricul tural society are getting matters n shape for tho exhibition to bo hed in acton oh tuesday and wednesday october 3 and 4 the current for thblfjfr foot electric sign on tho roof of the canada glove works waa turned on tuesday oven ina for the first time this season manager humphricfl joob every thing in apple pie order fof taltlhginth v seasons crop at the elevator sanitary aspects of farm water supply it is a wellknown fact that with the introduction of public water sup plies in clttea aridtowna whlchbad previously been dependent on domestic wells the dcapi rate from typhoid fever the most serious of waterborne diseases has decreased to a remark able extent in our country districts howovor whom ttift tffp populatnnljnftkn tho loatbllshnient of a public water supply system impossible the farmer is forced to depend upon his own do mestic floured which is in the- moat coses tho a hallow well that such a well cair be a source- of positive dan- gor from typhoid dyaentry diarrhom arid other disorders has been amply proven but still many farmers do not realise fully the importance of a puro unpolluted water supply or the dan ger to their farpllles ancrtholr stock- lurking incontamlnatodwater thelocatioir or tlio farm well iafr3- quehtly faulty and denotes aack of knowledge of the danger to health from water when there js any chance of drainage leakiner from such sources ofpbllullon as barnyards cesspools privy manurpd fields sink drains etc not only should the well be placed at ou -reasonable- distance irom such sources of filth say 40 to b0 yards but also if possible on- higher ground tho more porous the ground the great or should bo tho distance from tuhy contumiaatthg stfurco even when the well is removed from any- source of pollution tho ground water should be mad b to alter through at tcast 12 to 16 r of sand before entering tho wolk soil tends to re- movp germs and- impurities from sur- facq washings the water however hfchetfdhriiifta ao rea fll the solt by insuring that the sides of the well far a depth of 12 to 15 feet are tight and impervious to water the top naturally should be so constructed that no contamination can possibly enter water may be nerlously polluted without showing this by its taste or appearance a bright sparkling water is by no means a guarantee of apuro supply when however water from a well becomes cloudy or turbid afer a heavy arid there is evidently defect for this- condition indi- catesthat surface washings are enteri ing without proper nitration tlie r bacteriology and chemistry nt the central expert memtiil farmiviu analyicwatcr samples aub- mi t tod by farujers living within roa- fonable dlatance application for in structions as o taking the trample should first be made a gvxockhead etomlnlon agricultural bacteriologist paul and tiib pliiuppian jailer acta 16 1334 golden text belie vo on tho lord jcsua christ and- thou shall bo saved acts 16 31 time a i 51 piuco phlllppl thei text cxplainod 1 paul arid silas cast into jail 1924 the poor girls masters wcro trad ing upon her misfortune just as raoi- lumtj today radu upon their own and when tho ovll spirit waa gone opt tio uttlo girl was of utto commercial value and her owner waa enraged just as thoso who trade- upon tho vloos of men and women today are epragod when theao men and women are con verted to righteousness und so their own nefarious business is ruined th 3 accusation was brought that paul and silas exceedingly troubled- the clty nothing troubled tho city in the eyes of some people like the revival that upsets their illicit gain and brings in righteousness nearly the whole town seems tp have taken a part in the demonstration against paul and silas it was u very important matter tpr trade had been interfered with it proves nothing against a man that the multitude is against hinv but if the multitude waa against them and tho magistrates against them god was with them and that moro than com pensated paul and silas fared hard clothes tofti off backs flogged until they were torn and bleeding and then without taking care of their wounds they were thrust into a dark and ulthy dungeon and their feet wero made fast in stocks 2 a midnight prayer and praiau sorvlce in jail 2526 jp x this is one of the most inspiring and instructive pruyer and praise ser vices on record 1 the circumstances in a dark hole with torn and aching backs and with a very dark outlook for the morrow a good timo to pray but it might seen a strange time to sing praises sorrows and aches taken in that way become aweut friends ft tho time midnight there is no bettor timo for a prayer and praise meeting it might seem as if paul and silas would have been hotter employed aleeplngand getting strength f or- tho rioxtdaya trials bui strength can often be better gained by prayer than by sleep 3 the result a great earthquake foundations of the prison shaken every- ones band loosened let us pray for that there arc many prisoners who need to have their bands loosed let us pray for that jthcra is a great need of tho conversion of the whole house holds let us pray for this also paul would- never have gotten a hearing from those prisoners had ho not him self been cast into prison they vero douhtlesa a hardened crowd more used to profanity and blasphemy than to prayer and songs of praise but oaths and cursings were hushed and the wondering fellow prisoners llaterietl j but that is not te best of 1l god was listening altfo slthe jailer at phlllippi suddenly and thoroughly converted 2li4 in a moment tho brutal jailer bo- comes an anxious inquirer note why tho jailer asked it how ho aaked it from whom he asked it 1 why because he was lost and had beau brought to see it and feel it the pall erhad been fast asleep but godwoko him up he had been brought face to face with- death he had been also brought face to face with two holy men ho hadbeejilbjoulitjacoto faco with god and ho saw himself uttorly lost as any sane man seen himself when brought faco to face with eternity and god 2 how in deep earnestness none of the trifling and shallowness chanfcteiistlc of so many modern inquiry r boms here trem bling for fear loll down 3 from wadp from men who know the an uppbra blrdsoyo view of wraii- qelli which was the base for the gold rush in- 08 and from which prospec tors this year are setting out on fur ther explorations lower- another view of wrangoll on the southeast coast of alaska inset a canadian pactfio costal steamer which is on the pacific coast routs tho town of wrangell superbly sit uated off the const of south eastern alaska is the centre of unusual inter est this season as tho base fcom wstlch i prospectors are going in large numbora u p th stiklne rrrernno the caaalu and dease lake districts of northern british columbia while the- gold rush seems not so universal- as wag nt first predicted during the winter mouths a stampede only comparable with the rusli of 38 into tho yukon was very generally foretold it is in air likelihood a more healthy influx of practical mining men from who 40 vxplpratlana in thjpae richly mlnoral- tta himtrf mth r may bo e mens in alaska its foundation dates i back to 1830 when baron wrangell was governor of alaska and a trad- ing post established there this waa later leased by the hudsons bay co it was thought that wrangell via the stlklne river would bo tho most di rect route into the yukon but tho building the white paa3 and yukon r r destroyed such hopes tho indus trtfofrwrangell aro flak ing and lumbering six canneries lorik to wrangell na the source of their supplies and the flow-mill- furnlslies a largo part of tho salmon boxes used inaoutheaat alaska tho journey up tho stlklne river to the old hudsons bay to of glcnora and to telegraph troek lironeraugh with beauty awo insplrijig -mount- trips across the- atlantic for their flight bore them over doop canyons dense forests rugged mountain pcakd and glaciers in a country tin inhabited by white or indfanj twenty miles up the rlvor having passed tho famous fopofs and shakes mineral springs a stream of wator gushing from a granite mountain and of such great heat as easily to boil an egg the boundary between tho united states and canada is reached and tho first branch pf the stlklne river leads off to the right this is tho iskoot and it waters a region very famous for its scenery big game and mineral prospects the whole journey occiipiosfour days this way into the nrwicau castdnr and dease lake countries is made by pactr-ih- fwrnpeteinrainr pected it was the gold rushof 5b that mad a wrangell tho town that it is today though ltisonc o the oldest flettle- ains of great height swiftly flowlny waters mammoth eldc 1 era und deep ly rugged canyons bolng eneounterod i in making the ascent of tho river in a small gas boat about nine miles from the town of wrangell and ut the mouth of the stlklne river is furm island where ilio wrangell indlanh lived perhaps i4hohmdrojdyrflag and on this is land is the nvlauon fletdwhoro tho new york to nome aciroplanes male qio flrnt landing la alaska thjs ex- creek and for thq benefit of prosper tord going in during this season copied of tho report of dr o m dawson cau bo obtained fcy applying to the direc tor of the geological survey tjttawa or 510 pacific building vancouver bc although tills report was writ ten nearly forty years ago it contains much valuable information regarding the country and the placera wnrtfod lhilftr ear ijr days thereby- bearing ou tho high standards of all the reports made py this remarkably accurate and plolt was as dangerous as the first able geologist dr q m dawsonl rallef from asthma who can des- cribo compicto iellef from suffer ing j wulch follows tho une of dr j x itellosrtffl asthma romody who can express the feeling of joy that comes when its soft and gentle ln- fliience relieves the tightened chok- ingalr tubes it has made asthmatic affliction n thing of the past fin- thous- andst it never falls good druggists everywhere have sold it for years swer from men who knew goda word verso 32 from men who were saved themsolvcs what is ft to believe on tho lord jesus to receive him or take him take him as our saviour who died in our place toko him as the one who rose again to bo our lord tmd ua f tha power of sin cast yourself upon him surrender absolutely to him leave all with him that is tho step that save a man but paul and silas did not stop with merely telling the jailer to believe on jesus they spake the word unto him hero is where many workers nyke a mistake they rightly tell peoplo to bolleve but thoy do not give them the word about christ cru cified and risen janablathemtoj3e hove it does hot take long to get a man saved if he 1b in earnest this jailer seemed a hard case- he was very brutal he was indifferent ho was ut terly ignorant but in an hour yerso 33 he had passed but of suicidal do pair into the vejolclng gentleness and abounding hospitality of a baptlzod believer in christ surely thero la noth ing about the way of salvation thrit it takes long to toll or longto learn one hour la aujbcient- for tho whole busi ness note the results of genuine con version l transformation from brutality- to- tender compwjrlon 2 open and immediate confcsulon of chribt- in baptism 3 great joy r v 4 generous hospitality g a transformer home they no longer wish to punish panl and silas but to get rid of hem as quickly oa possible tho earthquake baa sot them thinking but they were nut to get rid of paul as tea ally as tii roraanv cltizon and thoy had beater him- publicly anduncondmned -th-sf- was a- aerlous offense they had beat en him publicly and how- they must justify him pubicly their former severity changes into utter oqaqqulous- licss their imprisonment had turned out to their honor and to tho glory of god the olllclals wero very foolish they ouftht to havo begged paul 40 stay instead of to go away verse 30 dally readings for next weak monday august 31 personal gain versus public good acts 18 1624 tuesday september 1 tho jailer converted acta 16 2634 wednesday september 2- the of- fleers troubled acta 16 5b40 thmbday september 3 iollowlng christ mark t 1620 l trlday september 4 tno jffbdlgalj son luloo 16 1121 saturday- september 5 confessing christ romans 10 110 sunday spptombcr flrpa new stand ing and a new song psalm 40 15 one kind of a soft an8wer it lacked but five minutes for tho train to start from tho downtown sta tion andthc auburbariltea wero hur rying into it when a man garbed ns a mechanic aat down by the bide of a finely dreaaed passenger in one of tho taea ta in ir- mr tt a paper from hia pocket and began to read plonty of emty scats in heroyo arent there growled the man in flne raiment moving along grudgingly yes sir pleasantly replied the newcomer but it will be crowded very soon and i thought id pick out a gentleman- fdr a acatroato while i had a chance 1 humph grunted the other man uncertain avhtliertofcel compliment ed or insulted hut realizing tho hope- lessncss of trying to make any fitting rejoinder millers worm powders aro a ycry prompt relief from the attacks of wrorms in children they are power ful in their action arid wplle leaving nothing to bo deajc asaworm cx- lpellanlhavp an lnvigoratipg effect upon the youthful syatcrii remedying fever billouaricss loss of appetite slceplcaancsa and other allmerita that follow disorders caused by worms the a torn nchtind bowel a y how to turn corners aa a measure foe tho rendering of atreet trafflcmore safe and at the same time expediting m the minister of highways tho hon- geo s henry has issued the following directions for turning corners by motorists right turnprlvera intending to turn to the have we a charity ssrmssa- ra1s zrtszis in hk thoutjlht he was thinking wo pride ourselves on our christ ianity our churches apd our various organizations for the uplift of human ity but are we just what we seem to be iast thursday a number of court officials and officers of the law showed a real christian spirit a first turn their vchlcfeh in close to the curb cnt tho right and turn tho comer as aharply as possible lot turn drivers intending to turn to ho left into an intersecting street shall first turn their volilclos out to tho centre of the atreet and continue beyond tlio ocntre of the intersection beforo turn ing the movemoru tothe curb for- a right turn arid totho centre of tho slftor for avlefttuinahquldljeconi monccd half a block away from tho corner tho safety of motor travel is a prime consideration with tho min ister who is insistent in tho warning and advlco he haa issued on subjects such nsnonglnro light and head and tall lights which are not lnatantly il luminated records siiftw an appreoi- able decreuao in nccldentn on tho high ways tluring tho current benson due to thocqnfqrnittnco ot motorists to the rules of tho road motorist are paying sincere attention to tho re quests tor aane driving as expresaed i by the department in- lis advertising f campaign which is appearing- in the weekly papers throughout tho pro- vlnco better juck than he thought persuading the big boy fti- a young inan who had rocelvcd the privilege of shooting over the innd or a farmer got rather clase onee or twice toths hm and ground hdjacentto it ldtafr- in the day the country gontlsman ays mo met the farmer youve had pretty good luck aalrt the farmer woh no- said the young man- heai- tatinglyv ibavent had uy luck ut tip v yes you havoropoatod the farm- or this morning ybu juati mlosod my best shorthdjrn seldom in any ago have small ho a been fully persuaded of tho beauties of morali suasion and it is natur al hat visitors to the new york head quarters iof our animal protctttivo league should follow tho mujofty wo qurte-th- times what should i do naked oric small boy if i ahpald aoea boy who was beating a dog7 couldnt you persuade htm not to he waa asked i might if ho was my also he an swered but what should i do jf ho was bigger than- 1 am what have you been doing all even ing aon the mother who asked the question found her tiilr boy in the big clwth whero she had left him two hours- curlier a penct atabfeton his knee tho marksjri the tablet wer so few that thoy aroused her suspicionm nor werothoso suspicions allayed by her soiiy answer- oh ive not done a great deal lvpjust been thinking thisyqiwig follow had no idea that ho waa not telling the exact trulh but his mother kfiew- differont he thought howns thinking in reality he was just letting hla inlnd pay nbbut running frdm one idea to an other like a puppy prob ably the hard thinking of jhe even ing did not cover more thnn five min utes it that jwany yourig pedple who tell you seriously that they have been think ing hard oh a certain subject wouu not recognuo thought if thoy met u onthe atreet they do hot evon have a bowing acojhalntane with it many of them imagine that if thy- alt without doing anything letting the mind rove at wllthoy are ithlnklng which ia tar from the truth learn ing to think la n important lesson but ono which numbers of people hover learn its quality sells it the fact that so many thousands of- intejllgent people continue to use dr thomaa eclectf lc ou speaka voiunicil fotlt lmallngrel flclbncy everhlnce it waaflrstintro ducedit has grown steadily in public favdr owlpg entirely to its riinnifold uacfulmsaa in rollovinffand hfeollng iplckneaa as a specific for healing cuts burns- scalds nnd j various in flammatory lftilnslta record is boyonl approacht- home politics it is no surprising thing nowaday a i to find a woman ijtho tahea an inter- est in politics but lady cynthia ac- ojulthls pivrticulrirly keeh pne of her best ntorles reiae to a political iyav- oret i r the waveroawlfo waa nailed la your husband a llbofal or a conser vative y u f wlv replied the lady vwhen hija with a liberal hea a liberal but when hes with a conservative hcvi a conservative yea but hatn he whenhos nt homo nakodmho aucstloner oh said the ladly when- hpa at home hee n downright nuisance cause she had no where to stay she was to have been charged with vag rancy but tho cose was pot pressel tho magistrate arid the ofllclala look ed upon tier with pity andtherwposscd the hat and took up a collection for her boneflt it -amounted- toover 16 trtie she waa told to get out of tho section and she hustled away to an other municipality this girl has not jjiadjriuchofachance and now she la kicked from pillar to post w wonder where all our boasted christ ianlty comes in it la possible that ahe might have been won over to do something better if some interest had beon taken in her now what is to be come of her like a hunted thing shd hns nowhere to go work she cannot secure because some of tlioge who wock in places ttiat she could work in would ref use to htay if ahe wore taken on its mighty tough- for the girl but it la far worse for the people who call themsolvos christians to allow her to be ostracized jind jounced fronnplacoj tojilace w0 do jiat kpow that there is anything wrong with the girl dbteopi that she lias let herself go the way of the faat and giddy sho loved car riding and dariclng sherdmalned out into at night but she had no ono to kuido her perhaps she refusedndvlce from those who wo have don her goon but now brtflacd and crbkon by tho hard knocks and coldness- of tho world she mlghtbe helped we know thero aro somo who will say that thoy did not tthow that i truebut there are mahy who did know men can not betrlpnd girls of tls kind no- mat- tor how good the mans reputation u is only toir thoao pf her owri smcto show that kindness and try to win her back to tho right way it sho has stray ed if only ailly arid foolish there is still a chanco to make a good woman out of her whnt wo lack in this com munity fa an orgnnltatlon of womei who would be willing lot deal with and try and help sucil unfortunates an the one who under our notlco last week kincardine reporter bothffancte hmter two holts dhtchy aver ik fin grata adjiattd to shallots jfr6ox quelbe it hentsit cooks it bakea provides hot water burns any fuel la reasonably priced made m three sites suitable for any kitchen two holes directly over the fire insures rapid cooking large top feed door and extension fuel pocket permit feeding 21 inch wood grates arc adjust able to shallow firebox for all fuel for summer use water front or reservoir supplies plenty of hot water at al times one of the most flexible stoves ever dc signed and exceptionally well adapted to the canadian climate contains the same x workmanship and materials as are found hit- the famous happy thought ranges and aflcast furnaces w d talbot acton top5biatnamtfond-camapa7- happy though foundry company limited rangesfurnaces no 20 no 31 no 33 no 35 no 39 no 25 railway time tables at acton anadian n oolnp wut sunday qoino cut 809 am 1045 am edolpm 83u pm 1041 am day canadian national electric railway8 westbound except sunday dally dolly dally dally dally dally dolly dally dally enrtbound dally dally except sunday ijally 743 am 943 otn 1143 am 143 pm 343 pm i t43 pm 1a3 pnc 5m3 p m k282 aan rvri dally dally dally dally dolly dally freight dellveredby apodal eacprca freight trelght picked up at any ad dress in toronto j 743 am 43 am 1113 am 143 pnu 343 p m 143 pm 743 pm 943 pm 1140 pm ambitious young people 1 you want to make good 2 yqii know in business lies your opportunity 3 you know thattralning is necessary you know thatthp gtlftfrbusiness college with its a broad comprehensive courses- b business experloncod quallflcd instructors c individual instruction method t complete eiiuipment of machines and olllco devices e good will anil connections with the business public for locating trrndimtcs 1h 4 the placitfor you- to get our training start monday august 30st at guelph business college a l bouck principal an proprietor gummeb bldg phono 116sw guelph ont j msmxh in8urance and real estate agent for confederation xlfe as sociation london lancashire- fir insurance london 1 tluaranteo and accident dominion lof canada guarantee and aqcldont insurance company farm arid town property for sale prompt careful and courteous at tention given your business solicited rcsldonce mill and wallace gts telephpno 105 r 2 vm m t canadian national exhibition toronto 47th anniversary the annual worlds fair eclipsing anything previously presented unique pionumen- tal among expositions atltf29 sept 12 inclusive costs you lss than 2 a year though ifcaccomplmieb in a ievf miirates what would otherwise take you hours the cost of the telephone ia one of the smallest items in the familys yearly outlay astudy of expenditures by hundreds of families showb that food coste 43 miscellaneous 725i-rent-17lothea- i i3 and the telephone less than 2 each new subscriber odd to a valve of your telephone tha moat obstinate corns fall to ro- fllst to hollowaya corn remover try it horse 8en8e for stop tho coughv coughinff is caus ed by irritation ip tho respiratory pan- sages and it in tlie effort to riijslodtfo obstructions that porno from inuaui- majlon of tho mucous mcmbran6 jv treatment with dr thomas kolsctrlc jqil will allay tho inflammation and in conscauonce tlie coufeh will ifmially stop tvylt and you will be satis flodv y tho porabn who advertised marj who hpealis oerman and under stands horses won satisfied with tho wording of his advertisement until t he flrat applicant arrived veil snldtho wouldbo atabloman soberly scratchlntr his head vj speaks chairman all vlfthrtt but i dond knot do i understand doso horses lvd8aulchcb dp 4 schpeah a brave man said sjie wltli ero ho will bo remnrfced tho vat tho mnn i marry aam ho wl uaum ikw al all drinms bacholor b8t of ifl fly killwi lk per pack i grocers and general stores him finish t sinters friend had come to spend the afternoon and evening with the family and at thq supper table nor little brother between mouthfuls sold tp him oh howard you should havo seen th nice soldlerman who camo to see sister yestcraay ho waa talk in ff to hpr and ho- had his arm johnnyj said his sister blushing doeply lopklnff surprised johnny said well i was just coin to say ho had hia arm johnny said his haother now thats enough from you tho boy began to ouv and said weil i was onlygolne to say he had hia arm johnny you leave tho room said his father nevorely johnny henran to cry and movod slowly toward the door ah he open ed the door ho naldhetweon iflohs was- only ain to nay he had hiaarxny clothes on y x ah motherh can put away anxiety rckarding their buffering children when thoy have mother oraves worm rxtrrminator to give rolief its offeots aro surb and iwung l advertisers tho free press i anxious jtojtoryoyqu e epve well- we can give your advertise ment better attention and there- fore make it more attractive if the- copy ieaupplltd to us on monday iir tuesday if copy fail to reaeh u until wednesday forehfloirrthbrbia- rush to set it up bifore the forms olaao and the ratsult is likely to be leaa atisfotovy send in your ads early ii im mother fletcws castoria is a hannless substitute f or castor oil pategoric teething drops and soothing syrup prepared to relieve infants in arpis and children all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate- bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates llmiatiuaio of ww tli ttf avoid imitations nhyai 5 look for the signature of fxarr rkjjtte lirectionson each pacltnpr piyicians everywhere recommend it does your watch keep free press job printing is always neatly done try our repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results and we know we can please youj t savage co jeweuera ontario guelph h- k klislsiifillsi smsxi

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