Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 27, 1925, p. 6

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marriages and deaths are now charged for at tne folloartnff rate hirtba births ffed marriages so i deaths soc rdfl soc ioc per line extra for poeiu memorial i- i w- r died allan at brampton on tuesday aububt is 1926 jossph p allan formorly of acton in his 8tth yoar downm in doorgotown on 8uri- iay aueust 16 1325 allco curtis widow of the lato wm downey aged 84 years stahk in esqucslne township on friday august 21 102c mary wil son widow of tllo lato abram stftrlt in her 88th year stuart dr peter stuart died his lato residence 170 woolwich street quolph ont on tuesday august 26 1920 need bg years smith at burllnmon beach august 12 1825 nelllo s barber beloved wito of jamas t smith of georgetown in her 70th year weaver suddenly as tho result of an accident in guoiph general hos pital on saturday auirnst 32 1020 william weaver of dolly vordcn in his 45th year wanlessat tho family residence lot limfth llnoerln on thursday august 21 1925 flora mcnovln widow of tbo lato archibald wai- loss oged 80 years s ffihgaitattitolfrggfl thursday august 27 1925 brief local items the schools roopen next wednes day september 2 holiday visitors generally arc eot- ting back home now tho tfoutflshine season ends on monday 14th of september threshing from the stook is be coming mbro and more popular in this district miss joan kennedy sang a splendid solo at tho morning- oorvico in tho unitoi church the now pavement from mill st to bower avenue on wilbur street a nearly completed bort large jige 13 of brampton had his right leg fractured whilo play ing lacrosse on saturday lasfc tho council has done excellent work la repairing the cement sldo- walkswherever needed in town the bou telephone co are instal ling a now switchboard in their office hero which will accommodate 150 more patrons tho new metal tower and tank for the sprinkler system now being in stalled at the tanneries are nearlng completion ful cars and empty pews was tho subject on which a clergyman in a neighboring town preached n one sun day recently tno teachers who havo been spend- lmrt summer houda minors supplied with tobacco folks are getting ready to go back to tholr duties again motorists and the pubuc generally appreciate very much the flue now wide crossing at mui street over the can adian national railway mr mac mcdonald victoria ave nue very kindly presented tws office with a large bouquet of gladioli of a fine variety of colorings georfjo inp charged with sollinp to boys of eioht and ton vcar ono day loatwook chlot mcphornon had ocoaslon to ylsit thb park tnd ran across about half a dozen stvda of tondor years undor the grand stanfl with a packago of lino cut tobacco cigarette papers and mutches in tho act of rolling cigarettes tho chief seized tho tobacco od quizzed the boys as to tho place whence tho tobacco was secured two boya stated they had purchasodjho to bacco at the templro cafe n chinese restaurant on mill street furthor en quiry pointed other sales to boys and tho chief laid information againnt geo ing proprietor w of the cafe charging him under the- act against the sale of tobacco to minors with two ortonco ono on or about tho 13th inst and tho other on tho 22nd inst tho accused came before police magistrate mooro on monday morn ing evidence was takon from three boys 8 10 and 12 years of ago the twelveyearold lad sajd ho had ltom to the chlneso caf 6 on brio occasion and jttxld his father liad sent him to buy tobacco ho got it without ony written roquost from tho father an other time he just went in and haliod for tobacco and it was sold to htm tho tenyearold boy said ho was at tho door of tho cafe when tho othtr boy went in and ho saw lilm come out with a packago of flno cut tobacco the eightyearold lad tobtlfled that ho had bought a packago of ogdon flrw cut tobacco from a chinaman at trio empire cafo last saturday and paw for it he had also got cigarette paper and matches there at this point chief mcpherson prd duccd the open package of ogdoo to bacco which ho had secured at tho park and the youthful witness -reco- nlzed it as tho packago ho had wought at this juncture in tho hearing bar rlster farmer who was acting in- de- fenceof gcorgo ing tho defendant re quested a remand of tho hearing in asmuch as his client did not under stand- english very- well arh idoalred to obtain an interpreter the ease was consequently remanded until hon day next 31st inst at two oclock in tho town hall there is as yet therefore no decis ion in these charges trio fact re mains however that children of tha tender years of 8 and 10 have boon purchasing tobacco without difficulty and in tho above instance were dis covered in possession of it it is sure ly up to tho parents in town to assist the officers in tholr effort to have the partleb guilty of this nefarious infrac tion of statutes adequately punishodf for such violations and to do oil lh their power to assist in having the law in respect to the sale of tbdoxco to minors rigidly enforced in the evidence adduced the inforr matlon was also given by one of the lads that ho had purchased candles on sunday in trio same place as the tobacco wab purchased obituary a suitable band stand hark hark ute motor cars bark tho tourists oro coming with stickers some in hordes some in fords and most of them wearing fmlckers the exhibition chorus of 1600 voices tinder dr pricker of mendlo ssohn fame will give four concerto at tho coming canadian national ex hibition a contemporary recalls that in tho old days proparntionh for an extend ed tour implied a bag of hay under tho seat and a hucket of oats tied to tho axle not now editor fjieb piucss sir in your issue of tho 20th inst it was stated that at a meeting of tho council i was deemed advisable to t uwuy tho ba stand in l park since it has become dllapltated as ono who is a lover of music i would like to sco tho council erect a bond stand in any other place titan the present every other town tho size of acton possesses a wellap pointed stand for their band to play on and j really think our band la worthy of that consideration their saturday evening concerts have been a pleasure to many and from what one reads they have been highly- complimented by visitors to josdl p allan braniptull on tuosday morning ot luot wool death came unoxpoctodly to ono of bramptons best known oltlssons mv jos p allan ddcoasod was found by ills wito lying in hs bod lifeless al though only a row minutes beforo he soomed to bo in his usual health mr allan was 87 yours of ago many of which he hud spout in brampton ho was born in scotlunil but came as an infant with his parouta to 1iouon where they settled near milton mr allan was in tho- livery business in acton for about twenty years anq re moved frorri hero to brampton ir a number of yeartf ho continued there in tho cartage and oxnress business for tho past twenty yoara his homo was on mill street mr allan was skilled in sports as a curler ho woji one of tho best in brampton club over many years of late years ho got moat of his fun out of tlielawn bowling and was playing on thb green thore within a day or two of his death he was a huntsman and regularly wont with thobramptonsquauatothcilus- uoka holds up to within a few yours ago mr allan was twice married ills first wife being a miss hendorbon of halton a sister of tho lato- hon david henderson of acton his second wlio was a miss allison by whom ho is survived tho surviving children who wero born to the first wife are ono son charles with tho bell tclophono toronto ami three daughters mrs a l- courtney ottawa mrs e r chap man gilroy saslc and miss agnes allan edmonton altn mr allan was a conservative and for several termh was a member of brampton council ho was an attendant of st pauls united church the funeral took placo thursday afternoon to bramp ton cemetery neighborhood netys town and country bannockburn the- canadian legion of veterans committoo appointed to work out tho details for continuing soldier organizations tiio monthly moqflng of bannock- burn woinona inatltutqwrffl hold it t ho home or mro d a ruaaoll flfth line on wcdrieoduy auguot 10j31x- tcon ludleawcro preacnt h was de cided to send fruit to tho sick chil drens hospital toronto at tho octo ber mooting mro icalaerroiid a paper oh how la your atmosphere whlcii vaa much enjoyed several mu8lcul numberu wero nloo given tho next mootlner will bo hold at tho homo oc mh3 j mcdonald flfrh line on wed nesday september 10 tho nuralne couraohold in bannock- burh school under tho auspices of tho womens lhatitutq haa beon complet ed the clasaca wero all well attended and were very instructive mia a hcion hawcirk of toronto waatlio inatriir- treaa nas8agaweya mr amlmrh cecil aklna loft on saturday evonlnj on a nirftor trip i nortli liranch ahchifm tf police court news j bal11nafad august 1ft will lone bo remembered by all votorans of tho grjeat war aa tho day when members of all soldiers organltatlona and thoapnot bolonglnff to any chartered organization mot for tho purpose- of forming ono association under ono executive the meeting was called by goornl g aqunn at tho request of sir itlch- and turner o c as a direct result of field marshall earl halge visit to consolidate all veterans of the great war throughout tho empire in ono great union each nation within the empire bqlng lcxcfree to raanagauil own affairs tho mooting was held in tho voter ana club houso 41 isabella st tor onto and was ono of the most repre sentative gatherings evor brought to gether the chair was occupied by general fotheringham in a short but splendid address gen oral sir richard turner stated that in great britain australia now zealand nnd south africa tho british legion had been formed and now canada was invited to become a member and ho urged all present to bo ready to sink their differences and tgersonal opinions andbeeometinltcd pointing out how- mr and mrs john mckochnio havo returned after- spending a very enjoy able holiday at donegalcottago ktis- wlck ont mr und- mrs wliiuro hilt and daughter of toronto spent ho week end with mr and mrs j h allan wo are very sorry to hear of the very sudden death by accidental drowning of mr willlflinkbbstcr a former ballinafad boy mrs george binnle who has been under the doctors care for somotlmj has not been quite sowoh of late wo hope she may sopn tnko a change for tho better mr ball of kitchener is holidaying with mr andmrs peter ferguson mr and mrs william farnell and faint lyttjftotomotapont sunday with his brother a b farnell the farmers are nearly- through with tho harvest and threshing will soon bo the order of tho day balllnarcor juniors defeated idmo- houao in a baseball game here on sat urday afternoon woll donboys misses mary and jean mcdonald have gone to toronto to talto posi tions mr and mrs c a downos and family who havo been holldayijig in quebec for the past six weoks have returned they aro all looking the better for tho holiday in the police court at oakvillo last week john kelly of erlndalo was con- wlutod of drunkenness and roekloas driving nndwna aired jc0 and costs on tho first charge and 20 and costs for tho aecond oltence besides having his car cohfiscatcd for throe months a motor load of ii vo bank clerks from brampton taxied to milton heights on tuesday night of last week x purchased 12 bottles of strong beor from a bootlegger there at goc a bottle and landed in milton on tho way honie again one at least of their number by this time- was intoxicated and chief chapman arrested him and landed him injail he came befdro police magistrate moore on wednes day morning pleaded guilty and was fined j10 and cos tho inspector la now iif tor tho bootlegger haltn school fairs h w k1nton gft shoppe jewellery watches clocks china fino cut glass stationery bronze toys school supplies wallpaper window shades sewing machine sup plies gramophones and records vio lin guitar mandolin and banjo sup- iillen etc repairs specialty dr irnywnrd of toronto will o at hlntons gift shoppe georgetown ovory wednesday 10 a m to g p m for expert examination of eyes 15 years testing and fitting in toronto satisfaction guaranteed make an appointment r- -it-is- very raali to bo making maah for tlio sake of cash churchill there passed away a member of this community last thursday mrs archj- bald u wanless of tho fifth lino who has been a highly respected resident jor about- sixty iteariiv she was 111 for some time but always had tin loving care and solicitude of her family and friends mrs wanless wlioao maiden name was flora mckevln camo to erin a bride from cdledojk when about twenty years of ago sna was over eighty when sho died sho was a real helpmeet to her husband assisted him in his farm work and reared her family of two sons and a daughter her iiusbund predeceased her years ago for about fifteen yearn mrs wanleas lived at tho homo of her son on lot 11 whero ahe died her children all survive her john onjthe hnfnohfnnrt ttrtvaitj frvrrf pp and acton i wonder could thb chamber of com merce who are interested in the wel fare of our town discuss this little matter at their next meeting and pr- oent their views to the council from what we have en and heard ot our band wo must bo convinced that it is a real asset to tho town yours truly a lover of music acton august 24 1925 acton pupils in guelph collegiate exams pretty daisies ffrowlns in a grassy bod gold on skies aro bending arch o a overhead happy birds ore singing on tbo boughs between sununer days aro with us this month is quo en ties that bind is the title of the canadian national exhibition spec tacle for 1925 it will bo a living vl brant dramatisation of tho empire theme and will havoloo performers the brick ia being delivered for tho roeroctlon of mount pleasant united church on tho highway be tween norvnl and brampton this fine rural church was destroyed by firo last january v the town newspapers as a- rul aro loyarto tho merchantarid tho-com- munlty and advocate buy at home -but- sometimes tho merchants aro not loyal to tho homftnopaporrnuf said orangevllle banner citizens are urged to aid inmak- ths8tsndlnpr tkendy the acton pupil in the upper school exams at guelph collegiate the fall fair by decorating their storea and residences ibnt be nfraid to uho your flogs and bunting get in a fur- ther supply the next week or so auto piislfbnll bnid to be moro thrilling than auto polo is tno latest dnrf- ps hn introducoil the following acton pupils who haye been attending the guelph col leglato institute the past year hpve been successful in passing their ex amination in the following subject ft with standing as noted jean barber alg c geometry c history c eugene mcpherson comp c liter c alg 2 geom 2 trig 2 phys c genevieve clarridqjb comp c liter c alg c iat comp c fr aul c edna henderson comp c alg c i news of local import at tho canadian national exhibition thla is played wlthfour cars and a hugo jabber twill wolghlnglbo pounds it haita spine- creeping eltent on the spectators phm forbes convebsion hs come to th conclusion that you cannot otftst th law of protiojost sooioty the following intcrcatlng eplstfo wu received iqst veek by police macls- tiatc mooro from philip forbes from the- ontario reformatory where he a at present incarcerated to police magistrate acton ont dear asir j iwui antencea by you about one month a at acton police court to six months and one thousand dollars fine now sir i have given thin subject full overhaailnar i hava come to the ultimate- conclusion that you cannot dereat the low of protected society i am willing- to pay off the thousand dollar fine an instantaneous instal ment of moooo and i can raise the re maining- portion within three weeks if iclaalmxl i am solng to ceaae making boose i also whih to say that my wife is alamo and sick in bed and under mall ear supervision and as sho cannot do vory woll alone i wish to present you this petition in the sincere hope that you will give this your personal atten tion and if so i feel that a solution to the problem i am now- in can bo arranged so that it will help mo to- wards an early release i hope sir you will understand the fault of human nature and governed by such knowledge you will give this petition the correct analysis permit me to remain sir v faithfully yours fhitdp forbes phils interesting letter should have been addressed to the attorneygen eral or to the board of license com- mlssloncrs of ontario the police magistrates decision is final so far as ho is concerned when the court at which the trial of the oasa was beard andthojuagmont blvon adjourns practical kindness by qtrangers in connection with thp fire which mn uf fi u near bimcoe last week two ctra of american tourists stopped and rend ered valuable assistance in removing mucifof the furnlturo from tho burn ing building and before proceeding on their way the occupants of oach of the two- cars presented mr qrahnni wltn a lehaollar bill this sonorous act by total strangers is worthy of the highest commendation numbarino the highways resident engineers ore now reeejv ing metal numbers to bo placed on pplcs alonglhe provinrlat highways- these numbers will also bo placed pn poles throughout cities town andvll- 1affs should then havo no trouble in finding their way in and put of urban municipalities the number of the torontosarnia high way which passes through acton from dundafl highway at- cooksville through brampton norval george town arid o toguolph kltohonev nd stratford for sarnht la no 7 beneliclallt would bo he was given a great ovation on rising and at tho closo of his address the mcetiner was then thrown open und very many availed themselves of the opportunity to air their views and three important things werfa anally agreed upon 1 that union was de sirable 2 that a committee of fifteen should be elected to arrango tho do- tails 3 thattho committee bo given full power to act in the name of all veterans tho name suggested for tho new or ganisation was canadian legion of veterans tho following were elected by ballot on the committee idoutcol n r hobertson flamllton lieut col r g 3arry toronto major w d sharpo ibrampton capt b hobson kltchon- col w l cole london lieut- col a r leflcche ottawa llout- col a p miller poterboro capta e cole porcupine major fi searlc chapteau ueutvcql j leonard lon don pte j p scarrow acton major it jhalo london- iieulcolxh c mason toronto lleulcol j k wokay toronto major w- j mor rison toronto tho nursing sisters organization were given representation in miss g given and miss e greenwood there la also to bo added ipjie sister jtramthe lvondbh district and one from tho kjibfttqodistriot i votoa of thanks to tho chairman general turner gen gunn hun sec and thb press representatives and the singing of tho national an them brought tho splendid conference to a close comrades j j cooney d j r scarrow were the acton dele gates com miss agnes also at home the funernl on saturday- naftornoor attended by the countryside and many friends from outside points rcvjphn lind- scty her pastor for many years con ducted tho funoral service and spoke in terms of eulogy of the flnp christian character of mr wanless intermont was made at cohlngsby cemetery mr and mrs charles robinson of konilworth wore hero last saturday to attend tha funeral of their neigh bor t their former home in erin mrs wanless the threshers are busy in this neigh borhood these days mr und mrs j d mclaren of north bay visited last week at the latters brothers homo mr john graff get your plants and flowers in good shape for thp coming shows jy using gro-mor- feimuzm tablets one tablet per plant will show results in a very short time irlco 25c per package sole agont for acton f j scriven elgin street also jbonomeal and sftoep fertilizer kfhucslne soptember 15 milton september 10 nassagawoya soptembor 17 tra falgrir soptom bron to september 23 j nolson september 24 hornby soptembor 2d burllnprtonoct6ber 07 chainplonshii october 12 at tho school falrsthis year it has beon arranged to havo a flhoop and wool exhibit by tho dominion depart ment of live stock this exhibit will carry live nhcep representing the dif ferent ureods us well as a largo wool exhibit this- should bo intorestfnp to farmers in general rupture expert here do you suffer from rupture if bo your big opportunity has now arrived mr reavely tho noted rupture export will bo at tho station hoel actorj forono dayonly thursday september 3rd and will bo pleased to give freo exam ination to any sufferer and- to demon strate his famous appliance this ap pliance will contract tho oponlngr in 10 to 115 days and willjciiro casoa in from thpo to six month a this ap pliance te positively demonstrated to you rigm on your own person without any charge you do not spend a penny unless you aro fully satisfied that it is tho right appliance for you a con sultation with mr rcavoly will cost you nothing dont ovthis opportun ity get away from you remember tho date start monday august 31st at guelph business college gummor bldg gualph ont 1 fob thorough business training ulbouck pripcipsf and proprietor c3t a good time for all three big days thurs fri sat sept 3 4 5 wool serge dress goods in gray sand navy and cardi nal 3940 inches wide regular 75c for regular price boys and girls pure wool hosiery 85c v for full 36 inch grey sheeting sale price mens sflk and wool socks regular 65c for pure linen crash towelling for pei yard double bed flannelette blankets in hite only sale price mens pyjamas stripe flannelette sale price ladb3smimbrellas sale price ladbss arm bags sale price 57c 33c 16c 39c 17c 219 149 129 119 ends crash towelling at sale prices ends table damask at reduced prices axminaler rugs of hit and miss design size 27x54 in regular 375 for 279 be sure to visit the store during this threeday sale mclean co mill street acftn ont store closes wednesday at 12j30 a rockwood guelpits crack shot welcomed a rousing reception when ho reach ed his home town on hla jirrlvalhomo lrpitlqtttlsva tvihsrote histlnjjulahod himself as camulas premier marksman t by wln- nitiff the governorgenerals sold mod al lieut jack steelo was given a rous ing reception on saturday as tho train pulloa la tho cnlt depot the vlo- torjoua rifleman was loudly cheered bykisculierirhf nf frtoradnvinomdlngr members of the city council and the guelph rifle association while a band was on hand to jlycn up tho proceod- inffh wlth lieut steelo were several other guelph ehotn who coiri- petcil in tho dominion meet and rollowjntr the welcome at the station a parndo was formed und the guelph representation wore driven through tho tnain- atreots which were uedecfeod with flflgtt a reception took pldce a he ut steeles homo whero many cltl- wrw srathered to offer thoir eonaratu- latlons r special piano offer buying printing whir they- dont pmyr the txev a repreadntatlve of a toronto print- lnir concern was in town last vjook ol- lcltlns job printing orders those niacins confidence in the vjshot could havo saved from 13 to 11 wltat they lire payinff by placing their order at he advocate one of our shrewdest merchants after uottlner the btranffern quotations jreked him to wait until lie phoned this office to compare prices wo were not aware that any such man was in town wo quoted prices on no vera i items and the merchant said jn every cane we were from 18 to 12 below what tho toronto man was ask ing- and as in tho past he would ire t his printing done at homo how many wero stuns mitchell advocate w exhibition model piano made hy maon a risch 396 bench and do- llvoxy tree easy payment player pianos 675 used panos17b anil yp write for photographs mason uisch factory branch guelph good comeback the socretary of the bar association was very busy and very xoss ono afternoon when bis telephone rang wll what is u ho anapped is this the city gas worker the voice of a woman asked no madam roared the secretary this is tho bar association of the city of louisville ah came back the ladys end of the phone in the sweetest of tones i didnt miss tt so fir after all did if- v interesting announcement wbml pomes xrom montreal that that groat family and farm paper tho panifly herald and weekly tar has tean enabled to reduco its subscription price to ono dollar a year this cer tainly will bo interesting- news in every canadian homo whero tho family herald is known and to many who will avail themselves of the offer at two dollars a year the family jtorald and weekly star wah trcnofally ndmlttod to bo pood yaluo in fact bis value but when reduced to ono dollar a year it will certainly bo tho marvel of tho newspaper world canada la proud of that ffrent week ly and has every reason to do so as it haj no superior and few equals in the world today the publishers an nounce that notwtatandine- the change in price every mature will not only bo maintained but improvements will fol low the publishers are fortunate in bilmr in an financial position to do this andcttndion homes will havo the advuntftfio when tjhe new rate is made known it certnlpjy will brins a rush of subscribers to the- family heraldone xolinv la a small amount for such a grttit paper tho girls of tho kotrlblu camp finished their summers outing las friday evening und returned to their homes after a few weeks of outdoor life wo will bo glad to have them come- again nejet-yoar- mr edwin harris of st catharines was in ho village last saturday on business and visited hta brothers wil- ham and richard stanley plummer of slmcoe way homo over the weekend mrs v wilder of lindsay who spent a few weeks with licr mother mrs chas mcnabb was here over the weekend mr vm ijiirna leaves this weekfor rhode island in company with hfa nioco mrs a t hope who with hor daughter rtorla has beon enjoying a pleasant visit with relatives and fr tends they intended teaying mon day evening but received word thai mr hopes air which was damaged on their trip would not be ready until thursday tho womens institute lurid u pic nic last thursday afternoon in wate sldo park i mr and mrs r b klchardson an1 daughter frances motored to ohawa last sunday on a visit to mrsi geo clough- andfamllyv fred hamilton highway pversoer and his men are busy this week wid ening the road in fjjmut of tho metho dist church mrs wesley harris took a trip to conostogo last week the former home of her late father dr posmore theockwoodhotttoultural soctoty show wiil bo held on saturday 29th wo hopo to see a good display of flow- amlnatlon in the following quojecls with standing as noted street carnival pavement dance on joiesdailemsntiyg sehiu a street carnival and pavement dance will be held in hillsburg when the new pavement which has recently been put down will be formally opened the popular guelph jazz band has been engaged for the occasion andagrandtimeisii store for everyone adherents of thesquaredance will be provided far in a separate section of the pavement with a special orchestra of oldtime ddlers booths on the street free parking forcara pavement specially illuminated for the occasion prizes for carnival and dancing drreyndlds chairman committee j w turner secretary come to the big frolic dance at stanley park erin friday eve aug 28at 845 pm the feature will be the umbrella waltz each lady will receive an umbrella free big dance saturday evening j novelty dances o music by bud soutebs melodr kings h c austin prop 08pbinqe theoo warm sunny duys are suroly ideal fur our farmers who are busy yjql harvest ujjckiuona and raosuy nil our neiffhbora will have tholr crops bafoly in tho barn during tho next few days several threshing outfits have start ed tholr seasons work in this vicinity and from reportstha grain is a splen did yield wltha good samplo especial ly with wheaf and barley tho recent rains have greatly im proved tho pastures and root crops wiich are looking imrtidnsp inthls lo cality at present a largo number of our citizens at tended the funeral of tho late mro j maud of tho town lino on sunday aubuat ib tho lato mrs maud was wellknown in this community being a resident for ov6r fifty years on thoir farm lot lo of tho town lino erin and eramosa tho service ut the homo and bravo wero in churgo of tltoilov paikliouso ofevcfton and was very iiniirosslvc the intermont taking placg at bvcrton cemetery tho minsoh hailcy and stalnhouao of toronto aro holidaying with mr and mrs tom mccutcheon mism vcrna stewart of quolph en joyed a few holidays visiting mr and mr w robertson returning home last week miss sarah mitchell of gait spent a fow days visiting relatives in this vicinity a fow of our young people motored lo guoiph on sunday evening and on- joyed trje delightful sacred band con cert hold in tho iwirk miss mavgarot cooke of tho ouolpi road returned home last week after enjoying a uellghtful visit with irlencbj in cleveland tho cltlxeim of this community ex tend their sympathy to messrh austin and albert mccutohcon in the death of tholr sister mr lambert in toronto last sunday dance at huttonville park the peoples popular playground- fridayaugust 28th also special dance monday august 31 balloon dance special attraction more fun than a barrel of monkeys m ustcsupprtecniyth e hawta on v orchestra dancing 9 to 1 gentlemen 100 tax included free parking space jqartcinff every friday night come and bring your friends bake biscuits for the boy or glrtfaarwoll aa bread thev aro just a3 nourlshlnp and make a- welcomodiange but bo burc tho flour is kings choice flour no other is just as go31 in palatabilitynnd strength glv- ing qualities- for growing chil dren and grownups kinga uhoicb flour is one of tho very best food makers on earth madespeciajllvfor pastay r-b-ibrown-r-ax- norvgsl ont ask your dealer bey 90 r 2 phones municipal 327 r 3 under the acton citizens banp auspices in the park at acton friday august 28 tomorrow evening four big features burlington firemens drill team winners of first prize at volunteer firemens tournament atthoroid 1925 the milton brss and reed band the oakviue citizens band the actoorrgitizene band free street parade novel lighting effects you wont want to mi88 it adults 35c children 15c summer meats if there is one particular time of year that meats reqifije extra good attention it is the summertime we have the facilities in our shop for caring for all meats properly and every piece of meat weserve you is right our large refriger ator nt the fibtmfoir and our excellent cold storage plant and newly- installed refrigerator show case at the shop are a guar antee of meats served right all summer bologna cooked ham jellied meats cold roast pork jellied tongue meat loaf watch our window for friday and saturday specials w j patterson corner mill and main stbeets acton ont x vr mmiimmmii rrj

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