Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1925, p. 1

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fiftyfirst year no 10 thursday morning september 3 1925 acton ontario canapa thursday morning september 3 iq25 single copies five cjcnto the acton united church of canada miniotoi rov r parson a go e zimmerman b a willow street organist miss foyn brown services 1000 a in sabbath school 1100 n m tlio minister subject isaiahs vision 700 p m fiist seimon of a series piesent day applications of somo old testament stories subject taking tho other fellows dust prayer and pi use sci vice tlnn sdny evening at- 7 10 presbyterian knox church acton minister rov a c stewart m manse willow street m 1000 a- m sunday school 1000 a m biblo class 1100 i m tho minister subject the power of true religion 700 p m tho minister subject tho real mission of tho church strangers- leaving address with the ushers will bo called upon by tho pastor the baptist church acton james w boyd pastor m sunday school a in the pastor subjoot 945 1100 the baptist message the ordin ance of the lords supper will bo ob served after the morning service 700 p m the pastor subject jesus and the high priest firfat in tho gospel series entitled weighed in tho balances lantern views monday district r y p u fall rally at hlllsburg thursday 730 p m prayer and praiso meeting all welcome special notices advertisements to tkt column a cents per word muflmura charge 30c per insertion wanted portable chicken house stato size and price to box 10 free press for sale toronto windmill and pump apply w a marshall r r no 5 milton one garage tq rent plastered garage with electric lights convenient locality for rent apply box h free press grain wanted wheat oats barley buckwheat highest prices paid w b browne 7tf phone 3273 nofval card of thahks mrs william weaver and family do- elro to publicly thank mr wm qowdy and tho employees of tho toronto lime- company for thoii generosity and thpughtfulness in tho presenta tion of a purso of money wanted immodlatoly glovo cutter for work glove line also wax thread operator steady job and good wages apply leather product ltd 117 bannatyne ave winnipeg man farm for 8ale 100 acres good land fine house and barn and stabling owner would con sider renting for a term of years to a suitable party for particulars ap ply to j a smith phono 105 real estate agont i earn 7 per day let us explain how you can do it in one of these big paying trades mechanical dentistry automobile engineering battery bricklaying barbering our free book tolls you our plan whore you can earn while learning now is the tlmo to en roll and cash in big in a few months call or write hemphills govern ment chartered schools ltd tor- onto l e ho wo mar business training is a nece8sity attend the guelph business college gummor btdg guelph ont individual instruction by business experienced instructors start on monday i a u bouck principal and proprietqr wonderland priday september 4 ttgepalds cranstones- ladys with an all htur cnt cqmcuy commencement dayh jvlth our ounft iyiix cartoon 8aturday september 6 beautiful sinner with tin oil blur vimt comofly hilf a hoio starring llqyit hamilton- cm toon mo easy for now monday september 7 the crowded hour istarrlnk beuft- danlolh com edy s1k k al uclen tuesday september 8 girl shy stirrlm harold iloyil chan ter 8 of the lllililln imiler comeily iovdh sweet imitlc coming lord chumley starring raymond gtlfllth r l gregory son ram mpw m announcing the appointment of a new manager and a change in store policy a step forward in the progress of this store will be marked by an immediate change in merchandising methods and the appointment of a new manager to carry out the plannedfor changes mr b t ward of new york who has had many years experience in canadian american and foreign buying has accepted this position of new general manager his intimate acquaintance with domestic and for eign markets enables him to buy at lower prices than have ever been our own advantage even with the large buying power of this big store this means that you will find popular prices figuring prominently in the new fall merchandise price figures that will surprise you by their moderation when you makeyour first tour of inspection mr wards buying will also give us the new styles at an earlier date than would otherwise be possible the new modes will be personally selected by htm in the important style centres and from his personal selection you may expect the very cream of the latest fashions at prices of unusual moderation the new fall millinery and ready- towear fashions now on display are splendid examples of the new order of valuegiving and the styleservice that is jo prevail in all departments stunning hats at 395 silk dresses795 to 1950 smart coats15 to f 135 grolpha leading and largest store d e macdonald bros ltd daily closing 530 p m excepting wednesday at 1230 noon and saturday at 930 p m i htr canuf ffluttv a soda for pleasure on a j warm day oui hodabuia mad of straight fruits and carbonated to your liking ours la a fountain where folks who are par ticular about clean glasses and fuflby about quality stop to quench their thirst ouv candy makoa good bo- cqubo its made good saturday treat toasted marahmallow 20c nico fresli marahmallow vanvila and strawberry flavor rolled in crisp toast- ed cocoanut reg 40c lb saturday treat 29c tb weekend chocolates 32c ouc chocolates are bi ought direct from the factory to un each week they nre always real fresh and a good assortment of hard and soft centres rear goc and 60c lb saturday special 32c tb cowans milk chocolate velvets 39c tb a rich smooth pleco of chocolate that melts in your mouth a limited supply on hand bo sure and get youra early roe goc n saturday special 39c lb gold stripe goc per one pound box a neat 1 lb package of lownoya every piece of candy ttuarantoed as sorted chocolates just the right slzo for tho partygr show try ty package 60c neilaoiys ice cream in brick or bulk in stock always try an aristo crat the better brick school shoes have you some one in the family going back to school start them right with good fitting shoes we have them and at prices that cannot be beaten bring the family here and you will save money by it this week was have on sale womens brown strap calf an or slippers at ouid womens black kid strap 0 op slippers it tpti j womens house slippers j ft with rubber heels tpldv womena patent oxford with djq qc heels ipotoo mens tan oxfords on sale yj qc mens black calf oxford dy qjt mens womens and childrens cnavas outing shoes with crepe and rubber soles from 85c to 300 trunks suitcases and club bags always in stock for good value in hosiery buy holeproof we have all colors harry harrison jhe shoe man we close wednesday afternoons all th year round with the exception of december news of local import womens institute meeting tho regular meeting of tho womens instltuto will bff hold on friday ovon- lii september 4th at 8 p m sharp at the home of mrs john mowat main street a good programme every body welcome t dhsnoaa in high school staff tho acton schools reopened yester day and two new teachers topk tholr places on the high school staff they nre minn t s craig of athens who is tho now principal in charge and miss bertha e nephew of kincardine who takeh the position of assistant formerly hold by mihb tlsdale thb btnff of the public school remains un changed new sieel tank at tanneries tho tnnk for the sprinkler system ut tho tanneries is noarlng completion it towers well over nil tho buildings and can be heon from about nny place in town and makes quite an appear- imco coming into acton on the can tutlannattonur electric line the rlvettlng machines have been making a continuous pounding for tho past week or moro and overy day sees new flections added acton after partridge cup tho paiuidge challenge cup re cently won back from toronto high ijark club by the court houso bowlers is not to remain long in- their posses sion without a battle the reforma tory club have challenged for it and the contest will be staged tomorrow nleht the winners will have to defend the trophy from skip joe darwin of henpler skip gould of acton has also challenged for tho silverware jiercury tho new 1026 automobile markers hon geo s- henry m of hlfihwiiys recently awarded the con tract for the supply of 192g automobile markers to the mucdonald manufac turing company toronto tho price being 8 cents per pair five tenders wero received- iast yoaraprlcowaa 10 cents per pair tho color of tho markers for next year is to tie poarl gray und black some 34t00 plates are being ordered at u total cost of alxjut 33000 barn and contents lost in fire a disastrous barn fire took place in mono township near orangevllle when tho large barn of bendamln summervllle lot 5 centre road was burned to the ground five horses six plgrs one calf somo poultry 355 bushels of last years grain a quantity of hay and part of this seasons crop wera inquest into death ojf william weaver held at guelph last tuesday the crossing a dangerous one trtbu cuiuramed bv tho llames the ori- glni of the flrele n mystery as no one wan in tho structure after tho chores werocompleted at 6 oclock acton band gave concert in milton last thursday evening acton cltl- xoas band played for the second time this year at milton and gave a con cert in victoria park there a parade ottho hilton and ac ton bands and tho boy scouts was formed and marched from tho town hall acton citizens band mr joe williams comedian and a toronto pianist and soloist put on the programme at the park these exchange concerts are getting quite popular and next soason no doubt they will broaden out acton citizens band plays at a tattoo irm oakvlllo on sep tember 19 along with seven other bands the mcescherncrawson wedding acton baptist church was the scene of very delightful event on the after noon of august twentysixth when rhea mildred eldest daughter of mr and mrs morgan crcwflon of crow sons corners was married to john leslie mckachcrn son of mr and mrs james mcbachern of milton rov j w boyd of acton was the officiating m in later tho bride was attended by her sister miss kdna mary crewson the bridegroom was supported by mr alexander mclanac of acton after the ceremony a reception was hold at the homo of the brides father supper was served on the lawn which to gether with an ideal day and felicitous words of congratulation served to miho the ocean i on most pleasant tho happy couplo wcro given a royal send- cit on ihoir honeymoon to toronto and points beyond mr and mrs mc- eachern on their return will reside in hilton ho more stronger- deer from muether brewery conditional upon certain reorganiza tion in tho personnel of tho company the hucthcr brewery ltd of kitch ener which recently had its license to manufacture cancelled by attqrney- ocneral nlckle is agan to be ghvptcd a license in aqdltlgn to tho dropping of- two official the company under tho terms of lost years ot a amend- monto is to furnish bond to carry out theprovlslons of the ot a the per mit of tho comiwxny was cancelled a week or do ago because of certain ir regularities and assurance of its reissuance was forthcoming from qu eons park whero it was said ne gotiations hud been conducted between the company and the department on the subject tho importance of the whole affair is tho attorneygeneral apparent demonstration that ho holds a big stick ovor the breweries undpr the now legislation the cqmpany- has undertaken according q ftdjyprhsp- wont and htatementv tq obscrva the ot a in splrjt and in lptcx an exclusive puajph papty jon plpcan a pole v homo 1b in iqtchfmer papnp to quelph inst week looking for worh arriving in tho city on saturday he joinod com pany with another of hli compatriots whofie home in her on dan kyryluk and patronued a movie after the shrw the two met another man vaguely indontiflod as being from ac ton went to dans homo where the two were- to be put up for the night a toottlo of whisky was produced nnd nconvlvial tlmo was spent by tho trio for a while until dans wife exercised her marital perrogatlve and hauled hlna out of it tho party broko up and every one went to bed joe from kitchener placed his trousets on tho luulc with about 18 in tho pooket about ave oclock on sunday morning lie awoke and thought ho saw his friend ban going through his pockets lie was after a cigarette he said ac cording to jovh story told in police omit this morning during tho trhil of lii n on a theft charge in the morn ing tho money was missing said joe jle approached lan about it and dan promptly hit him a ponch in the head and broko his hat nnd ktckod him out dan denied everything when put in ho box und his story carried eonyicuornanfter vain attempts had been mado to link u the third and a fourth man too many men in ua party said tho crown attorney hoxcury k that william weavers death re sulted from injuries sustained when the car in which ho had been riding was struck by a c n b train at a railway crossing just west of lime- house on saturday morning august 15 was the verdict avrived at tuesday night by tho coroners jury at the police court in guelph appended to tho verdict was a rider which recom mended that stops bo taken immedi ately to safeguard the travelling pub lic 4u this crossing which was recog nized as a particularly dangerous one dr burrows who performed the postmortem examination on tho de ceased otated that weavers injuries which consisted of fractures of thigh plevls hip bone and base of the skull as well as lacerations were sufficient to cuube death w- j- xjycc flrcmun ontho locomo tive which struck the illfated auto stated that he had recognized tho dan ger when tho car approached to tho tracks ahead apd he yelled tp tho en gineer to stop drakes and emergen cies wero applied immediately which brought tho train to a stop after throo cars had pasaed the crossing the train comprised flvo oars and was coming from toronto it was number 31 tho crowing ho thought was about four milew from jlimehouse and after being lagged thero they had at tained u speed which he estimated at approximately 35 miles nn hour the automobile came down the hill and ho could see it for about 75 feet he saw weaver step out of tho car and then the cngino seemed to strike the man and tho car at the same tlmo the level crousing where tho fatality occured is on a curve and a high bank obstructs thovlowr mjveyco stated that the whistle was blown for tho crossing and that the boll which rings automatically had been ringing ever since tho train left georgetown william marti son tho engineer saw nothingof thcaccidcnt hesaid that- ho was not aware that anything was wrong until tho fireman yellod at him whoa the tone of his mates voice told him that something was the mat ter and ho applied tho brakes with one hand and shut off the power with tho other the auto when he first saw it was lying on jhe road closo to the mail cur which was third on the trafn charles gowing conductor in charge of tho train had his first intimation of danger when tho brakes and emer gencies wero applied looking out the south side of the train he saw the s mo lying be t trainr the deceased at that time was lying several feet ahead of tho car in the ditch bud weaver a nephew of tho vic tim of the accident who had been rid ing in the rear seat of the automobile when it was hit stated that they had been coming from dolly vafden with a cousin walter oulson at the wheel of the car they were on their way toacton he know tho- tracks and the road fairly well he said and was aware that the radial railway tracks wero but a very short dlstanco from tho c n r rails ho contended that the hank cuts off a motorists view entirely until within a very few feet of the track the car had good brakes he said and when his uncle who saw the train first yelled oulson stopped the car with the radiator about one foot from the tracks not far enough away to clear the overhanging of tho train weaver jumped out of tho car nnd yelled back up at thfls moment bud stated tho train struck them slewing the car around he had not seen his uncle get out in his opinion ho stated his unclo would have been safo if ho had stayed in the car ho stated that he heard no whistle or bell dr h o howitt who attended the injured man said that nothing could have raved him he was dying when taken off tho train which brought him to the city death came at 120 v m about two hours after he had been ad mitted to the hospital jvultcr olson the driver of the auto mobile who gave his home as cobo- conk stated that ho did not know thd road very well the stretch between the radial rails and tho c n r tracks was down hill and tlio bank hut off the view of an appioachln train com pletely when ha stopped the car was not clear and ho smarted try and back up when weaver who had gotten out of his scat yelled hut at that mo ment the train sruok he did not hear tho train vhthtlo nop did he hear the hell ell davis und fianklfn benton both employees of j tho lime kiln heard tho train whistle for the rrossiug but neither cauld swear that tho bolt was ringing barnoy hugtisklc of acton another employee of tho lime kiln was certain that tho whlsttohad blown but he was not sure whether tho bell had rung or not addressing tho jury coroner dr t h orton stated that theaccldenir shows the usual disregard of all pre cautions in approaching railway cross ings tho evidence showed u distinct disregard of the facts that tho cross ing was a dangerous ono he also pointed out the fact that tho bankft shut off tho view and were a terrible menace to tho life of travellers crown attorney j m- keurna oonr ducted he examination of tho witness es tyhllo j m mcqill appeared on bo- half of ho canadian national bftil- social and personal rowling tournament here on th grounds of athlotlo associa tion last thursday evening tho grounds at tho acton athletic association lust thursday evening presented a more than usual lively aspect when rinks from georgetown guelph and brampton engaged in a tournament thegames wero scotch doubles and were won by the following pahs with scores as indicated dr gowlund and j dlaln milton 3 wins plus 29 j wood and h l harrison acton 3 wins plus 31 j enston and it mcphersnn ouelph 3 wins ptuh 15 mystery prize won by b ilayllss nnd h sniethurst acton 3 games minus 3 on friday ovenlng a similar scotch doubles tournament was held in georgetown and two acton rmks wore tho winners with scores ns follows 33 sweeny and j buuri 3 wins plus 19 w j gould and t iuiyley 3 wny plus 1 mrs lome- howitt is viiltlng with friends in bright miss lorna kennedy visited friends in georgetown on sunday miss ettie dllla was home from toionto for tho weekend mis a e nlcklln spent the week- ond with kltchonor friends x miss dorothy mcpheison visited toronto friends tho past week miss margaret j macdonald of tor onto was home for the weekend miss wllma watson spent a week holidaying with friends in toronto rov father goodrow of greenoch called on friends in town on saturday mr c r bllgcr of dunnvhle made the fme press a friendly oall on irl- day master newton hurst spent a few days with friends in toronto last week mrs w coles and jessie spent a week at the homo ofmrw cook guolph miss mai ion mcintosh has returned after a couplo of weeks holidays spent at ewnrt f miss data brown of new hamburg spent a few days with her friend miss m symon miss alico johnstone lias been visit- ing friends in toronto for a few days this week the acton bands one big night jr a real treat provided for the citizens in the park last friday evening acton citizens band has made i constant endeavor to supply the citi zens of acton and vicinity with on toriqinmontrf musically- and otherwise o a good standard and their even ing l they termed ono big night in the park last friday was ono of tho finest they have staged tho band seems untiring in tholr efforts and certainly gave a moat en joyable entertainment in cooperation with mr chas wll son tho local hydro superintendent special lighting of the whole of tho in side baseball diamond was secured by the use of four big flood lights and re flectors and special lighting put on in front of tho grand stand tho parade formed up at tho band hull about eight oclock and was in tho atotfowing order acloh citizens band burlington f4ro drill team milton brass and reed band acton boy scouts oakvillo citizens band on arrlying at the post office corner tho firemens drill team gave a brief street exhibition ofther drill woclc- and tho parade then teformed and continued to the park and circled woundthe enclosure to ghte the milton reformer- news of local import arctic owl captured harry rogers of toronto township shot and killed a strange bhd tho other day it la a remarkable flno specimen of an arctic owl being almost pure white with a few brown feathers on its back its wlngfi measure fifty inches from tip to tip tho bird is said to bo tho only ono ever seen in this district miss marguerite stewart of milton visited a few days last week with acton friends b mr apd mrs james mccafg of tor onto visited at tho parental homo ovor the weekend mrs s h tilndsay 6th line has been visiting friends in toronto dur ing tho week mr john s moore of dundas spent u few days lust weokwlth his mother dnd sister here mr j2hrl smith of detroit was a visitor at mis m mcbnlns a few days duriiigthe weelc mrs e m liphardt of guelph spent tho weekend with her friend miss mary mcpherdonj rev a c stewart and mrs stewart and children returned on friday from holidaying at grimsby mr- thomas lowry of mimosa has been visiting at tho home qf mr r j kerr during the weelc rov j w mcleod of weston spent a day during tho week at the home of mr r j ken mrs t f collier and miss annie j a niih real estute agent has solti m- oorgci hen towns double brick cottag on chmch street tp mr- levlh krkman of toronto and mihh clara browns double brick house on miuiv btroct to mr george bentcbi are spending a couple of weeks with friends at port maitlnnd mr and mrs w gibson and family of toronto were guests of mr and mrs d h lindsay lust week mr c h moore of tho dundas star spent sunday with mrs james moore nnd miss clara moore misses gwen and doris maddock re turned- monday after spending two months with friends in brantford mr and mrs e y maddock tor onto and miss maud bassott oshawa spent sunday with mrs maddock mrs adah ostrandor and helen re turned on tuesday after upending- a fow weeks with friends at preston mrs m r moore and miss m 2 bonnett returned on saturday after a two weeks outing at bala muskoka mrs h h worden and mrs ernest g worden of guelph wero guests of mrs william johnstone on monday mr and mrs g a dills and frances onjoyed a delightful boat trip tho past wook to prescott and tho thousand islands miss lucy edwards loft on sunday to spend a month at milwaukee wis port huron- michigan and detrdlt michigan misses frances and vera hurst left on friday to tako up tholr- duties as teachcis at richards landing nnd gore bay misses violet keating- and sarah la ing of mount dennis spent a week with mr and mrs john willlnmion guelph street mr and mrs w h speight mr ernest and miss aimeo and misa ho garth of toronto were weekend vis itors in town mr and mrs a e mcdonald of sarnla visited at the homo of mr a macdonald church street a couplo of days last week mi w- c senior of toronto was a guest at the homo of his niece mrs c r icnapp church street during his stay in town mr and mrs jwcsley nell and master arnold and miss muriel gra ham of toronto wero guests of mrs maud mcbaln on sunday mrs jack sahllr gwendolyn and lonalne and mrs doalcal of buffalo n y visited last week with mr and mrs robert denny 4th line mr and mrs geoigo osborne and daughters of rensrulour n y have been holidaying at tho homo of mr william williams lako ave mr jordan lawson was homo from toronto for tho weekend master arthur accompanied his brother back to tho city for a few holidays miss sadlo gulnn spent tho week end with her sister mrs a h swltzer miss qulnn has just returned from a munths vacation at sharon penn mrs w h smith miss myrtle carnorhnn mr e f collier and mrs e f gamble attended tho loynl truo blue convention in gufilph last weok mr and mrs r h burling and children left for their homo in milwau kee wih on sunday after spending their holidays nt tho homo of mrs t stathnm miss mai gurot murray left on mon day to spend a fow weeks at her brothers home in ingersoll master stuart who has been visiting hero returned homo with bor mr w d foibos and mrs brunt of toronto wcro weekend visitors at tho homo ut mi n forbes chmch street jmiss mnrjorie who has been holidaying hoio returned homo with them mr uid mis hugh mclean paler mo announce tho engagement of their hoc end daughter mai tha to stewai t chalmcis wood youngest son of mr and mis john wood ilillier ont tho mairlago to tako place eu ly n hp- tember tho engagement is unmiunecdv of ruth cleiuldiuor laiighttt of mwi wai i on and tho latc junius wnuon wnlkfiton to mr wllllnm h mc- buinoy son of tho into lr and mis iloboit mcllurney vhuby the innr- riago to tuke placo quietly haptanibor- uth spectators in tho park a view of the procession tho mihon band then took the stand and gave a very fine band programme of well selected numbers acton audiences ure always very enthusiastic ovor miltons flno band and enjoy their concerts this was miltons second visit to acton this year tho burlington flro drill team then f up in fflrft o their drill this team won first prlzo at tho firemens tournament in thorold this year and have received much praise for their work which they have put on in soveral places since the team- comprises twenty-four- men and tho instructor the uniforms arc very neat and attractive comprising l shoes black trousers with white snipes threequarters length coatsr trimmed with fancy shoulder braids of white and black and white belts and white helmets with gold letters on they certainly presented an attractive appearance in tho lighted square their diill work is excellent and done with tho precision and regu larity of a machine tho men are fairly well matched for height and the whole team works well together at the closo of the drill they ro given vocifero rmin tiffr fouo of u pluuse and any attraction that drew forth the lecentlon given the burling ton flremens team on friday night from an acton audience might well feol justly proud of themselves tho acton citizens band played tho music for the drill teams work the oakville citizens band thjm proceeded to give their part of the programme oakville might woll feel proud of this organization under bandmaster locksley as they ore u credit to any town the band is well balanced in all ports and has a flno reed section the class of music on their programme was a little higher than acton audiences have been hear ing and every number wus rendered with flno effect this was the oak ville bands first appearance in acton und they will always find a welcome for their music hero if they should re turn on a future occasion after tho performance the bands and firemen were served with coffoo and sandwiches at the town hall and bandmaster mason spoke words of ap preciation on behalf of acton citi zens band for the spirit of coopera tion and holpfulness that had prevail ed to make tho evening such a suc cessful and enjoyable one police court news tho chat gen laid against ing yet tho proprietor of tho empire cafe by r j mcpherson chief constable for selling tobacco to minors which was remanded on august 24th camo up beforo w r kenney j p and a ts nieklin j p dr t x j farmor ap- ncared for tho defondant soveral wit nesses for tho dejpneo weio called and evidence was heard on ing yots be half when evidence for tho crown was heard it wns distinctly seen that thoro had boon a violation of tho statutes on the two charges of selling tobacco to children on or about tho dates of august 13 and august 20 a fine of 1000 on each charge was im posed with the costs of tho court ad ditional amounting in all to j2970 infraction of the motor vehicles act on charges laid by r j mcpherson tho past week or so has enhanced the town treasury by 2500 f g johnston of toronto pleaded guilty to a charge of speeding on the public highway and was assessed the usual 1000 and costs r lemon traffic officer was the complainant fall fair dates the following list of dates of fall fairs will be of interest to tho readers of tho fhee pness acton soptember 2223 aberfoylo oqtobor 7 bolton september 2122 brampton septembor 2930 burlington september 2930 caledon soptember 2321 diayton september 2930 rri october 80 fergus september 242g pi eel ton october 1 gait septembor 2g2u georgetown september 2g2g grand valloy october 12 milton october 12 oakville september 17lfl oiangoville september 1510 rockwood soptember 2930 strcetsvllle october 17 if you desire to boo a big show and somo real horso racing go to oiangevllle on wednesday september lflth mr and mrs andrew wallace hllls- buig ontailo formerly of 4ft roustead avenue toionto nnnnupoo the engage ment of their younger daughter mar garet lllllun tu mr hugh f crlghton second sn of mr and mrs thomas crlghton of bain avenue toronto tho nmyilago to take place tho latter pari rf september mr h p monro who went to tho toionto general hospital last week underwent the first stage of a lather critical oeiuipn on friday and is making excel ion t piogiess it is con sidered advisable to neiform another opciutlon in about afoitnlghts tlmo following which u is hoped ho will bo at homj and tn vigorous health in a few weeks mr t h mooroheod in the hospital mr t h moorohead piopnetor of tlio capitol theatre brampton is in memorial hospital there where ho was operated upon last wook by a tor onto surgeon for appendicitis and gall stones the operation was successful and mr moorejicads many friends will bo glad to know that his condition is moat favorable for a speedy re covery u f o and u f w o meeting l the monthly meeting of tho uf o and u f w o was hold in tho fine new homo of mr and mrs charle3 mckeown 2nd line erin- last iytduy evening the first part of tho even ing was spent in business after which a gpod programme of musical and elocutionary numbers was given a lunch was served by tho lnidci and the- romalnder of tho evening spent socially yearvrocord of hnlton county jail thejlfty- seventh report of ontario prisons iinfl reformatories bus been lb- suod tho committals to milton jail in the year ending soptember 30th 1924 numbered 122 including g wo men 95 wero listed as temperate and 12 as intemperate 12 could neither read nor write the average cost pet prisoner was 1893 cost of dally ra tions per prisoner was 1491 conts champion the- uniton- wellington baseball league tho championship of tho halton- welllngton baseball league is a very indefinite factor in tho thioe gamer playoff hlllsburg defeated george- townlngeorgotown two weeks ago georgetown turned the tables and de feated hlllsburg ut hlllsburg labt week by a 7g score hlllsburg won the toss and the gome to dccldo tho champion ship will bo played in hlllsburg next saturday at three oclock mr m mcdonald of acton has charge as umpire of this threogamo series rt hon w l mackenzie king to speak at guelph tho south wellington liberal as sociation has arranged a big liberal demonstration to be held tit tho arm- nrlet in p wmi iiv npr- tembor 9 the premier will addres3 the womens liberal club in thjeftcr- noon and in the eveninga mass meet ing will bo held when the premier will give an address and senator archie r mccolg and mr james malcolm m p will address tho meet ing port credit calls minister v at a meeting held on monday even ing in tho port credit presbyterian church a unanimous call was extended to rev samuel lundy now located in grand valley oraneovillo presby- tcpy to become pastor it is antici pated that mr lundy will accept the stipend is a000 wih manse and holi days tho port ciedlt presbyterian church has been without a pastor for several years rev george w row land cowan avenue presbyterian church toronto acted as modoiator during the meeting which gave the call to mr lundy kent and essex county farmors on tour about ninety cars each carrying a full load of kent and essox farmers passed through acton yesterday morn ing en route to toronto exhibition every car carried a big banner with a suitable slogan boosting tho homo county each car was numbored and most cars had a slogan hollo neigh bor this party spent tuesday visit ing at tho agricultural college and model farm at guolph yesterday at tho canadian national exhibition and today thoy will view tho wonders in tho niugara falls district thoy mado quite a formidable appearance passing through town in procession found dod in swamp after ho had been missing for ton days tho lifeless body of james la- cralk was found sunday evening by jjugh prltchard at the edgo of a swanfp on tho jattera farm about a mile from elpra crown attorney kearns was notified this morning tho placo is bbcluded and seldom visited tho coroner dr kylo of fergus who was called decided that an inquest was unnecessary ho estimated that tho body which was in an advanced stago of decomposition had lain whoro it was found for ten days mr la- cralk suffered mentally as a result of an automobile accident a number of years ago ho was about g3 years of age and made his homo with a sister mrs mary stewart in elora seriously injured by thresher a most distressing accident occur red on last monday on tho farm of wallaco dennis or tho baso line tra falgar when his employceknown in tho neighborhood as jop had both logs crushed by a flover threshing machine separator when it backed down tho steep approach to the barn tho unfortunate man who was a io- turncd soldier of thirtytwo years of age had worked for mr dennis for about four years and was a faithfui and valued employee he was attend ed by dr wilkinson and dr stead of oakville and taken to hamilton hospital where ho lies jln a sei ious condition it was thought at first that both logs wero broken but later that only ono was fractured and tho other badly bruised oakville record hydro line to morriitop hydro power is now available to res idents in aberfoyle nnd morrlston and to farmors on either side or tho guolphhamilton highway botwoon guelph and morris ton tho cm rent was turned on over a woek ago and although the number availing them selves of the convenionco is not largo ns yot thoso who have oonlracted for a supply of tho electric energy arc highly pleased with tho innovation it is bolng used for lighting put pose t at the post office at aberfoylo and for powor in tho mill and iu also being used for lighting some of tho iosi- donces of morriston tho lino was built by the hydroelectric company under tho supervision of tho toro farmois along tho line stood are signing up freely for tho powor which will bo njpovidod us fast as extensions can bo hladc it is not known whether it i will bo extended further along tho highway southwurd or not as that will bodocidod by tho toronto ollleo bf tho commission under whose juries dlcltl out it la mpany jimder toronto oillcey it is under- v iajjjjkl w

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