Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1925, p. 2

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i thursday september 3 195 the home town paper when tho ovenln moal is ovot ftn the ulahoj put away and you aottlo down to otoro your mind with happonlna of tho day comes a peaceful feelin oer you bruahln from your fnco a frown ab you hcan tho weekly paper from your old homo town it tellu you all about whoso allele an those who como an eo likewise the comln vendue at the farm of jobas stowe tho burnln of tho cldor mill bolonsln to hub brown qets a writeup in tho paper from your old homo town thero aint an cntertalnrnjcnt or meeting whero thoy pray but what i know about it though im llvin far away it tho chickenpox ia ragtn or tho mumps la goln round i peruse it in tho paper from my old homo town i rcadfehe morn in papers and tho vontn papcra too and i sometimes pick a novel up an aorta skip it through but whon i want some pabulum which nowhero else is foun j umyrap tho little paper from my old home town they say our good and bad deeds are recorded up on high so that god can classify us when it comes our turn to die if that bo true i know a man whos going to wear a crown hes tho gent who runs the paper in my old homo town so keep tiro judgo was not a religious man neither was he strictly irreligious hla old parents were praying people ami while ho had reverence for real pleiy and things sacred he had personally little need ho thought for religion prayer was an attitude of mind that he could not assume an experience ty jjtro pnb0 inrt tnrij playing in the open by leslie b dunk1n o in his helpful prosperous life that he had never known and could not under stand tho nearest toreal worship h ever came was in loving tho divine- human affection which he lavished upon his only child a little boy and tho mother too had a similar feeling about religion tho little boy had been all of hla third summer with his grandparents on the form the judge had been abroad the first night of his return he carried tho little boy up to hla crib as they started the child began to say so keep so keep fador so keep what asked tho judge puzzled and laughing so keep so keep so keep i dont understand my dear what ia so keep oh he means he wajits to eay his prayers broke in the mother thal ia hla name for now i lay me hla grandmother taught it to him this summer tho judgo knelt by the tiny white crib and back liko an echo across the years he heard from his own baby a lips now i lay me down to sleep i pray tho lord my soul to keep nr mo to week before the beverly hotel bid has to bo in mused glen donovan drumming nervously on tho worn dcak in the small office at flora yes ufllrmed lilm father the jenlor member of tho firm and sam lover- ton tho markle contractor wants you to stop at his ofllce at two oclock to morrow afternoon sam levertonf tho young man eyes and tone of votco betrayed mark ed surprlso yes sam levcrton he seems to have something rather important on his mind from what he aajd over lonij distance while you were out this morning the building in question was to bo a ten story btructuro in tho heart of tho business district at markle sam levcrton had made a specialty of large city work while w k donovan son i n a nei to dtjonkep t busy with tho smaller jobs the divl slon of the hotel construction placing tho brick work under a soparatc bid had appealed to glen as the ideal chango to step out into bigger plans does ho want our assistance t swing tho hotel job for himself puz xlod tho young contractor now hardly that but evidently ho wants to see you about something connected with it do you liavo your bid ready afairly close- estimate it can bo shaved down a llttlo more if necea sary by mere chance maybe because the words ended the first verse tho child bad taken soul to keep for tho name of the prayer tho words clung to the judge so keep so kcop fader repeated themselves over and over again to him through tho day it was a new namo fqr prayer new and strangely vital soul lceopfc ho mused does prayer mean that does it mean any thing more than petition than just thanksgiving more than a mere audi ence with god to make known our needs do i need to pray that god may keep my soul again and again tho little lips had said so koep fader tho words somehow began to repeat themselves over at night in a way that brought quiet and rest throughout the day ho heard them when he looked onform the form of a llttlo white figure kneeling beside a llttlo white crib the judgo insensibly began to fall back upon the- words they wero a kind of a strength to him yet ho did not pray but one night the llttlo boy lay breathing heavily a strange fearful light was upon his wasted face it was neoring twelve oclock watch in hand and his other on the tiny wrist was silent death walks with silent feet suddenly the city clocks beun to strike tho hour the doctor bent over the child stirred closed his un- seolng eyes then opened them again and saw his father tho fearful light was gone and turning with a sigh ho murmured so keep fader and fell into a quiet sleep tho doctors tenae face relaxed ho will live he said the mother wept but the judgo went out and prayed bfl carefu not t m t toolow remember its better to mlas than to lose money on the job or to do inferior work to realize a profit whatever you do glen play fair dont glvo levoc- ton any satisfaction as to tho amount of your bid hes the kind who will always bear watching hell play his end of the game to a lino finish dont worry ho doesnt havo any weak bunch of amateurs when ho hits us nothing more wo3 said concerning tho possible hotel job until the follow ing day when tho junior contractor stepped into his roadster to keep the engagement with bls competitor in the neighboring city ill make ittin good time smiled glen to himself glancing down at his watch after hav ing travelled for a considerable dis tance twenty minutes yet with only a couplo of miles to go although ills speed was slackened upon entering the buuy streets of the larger city he was descending the stairs to tho office at five minutes off two tho door marked sam lever- ton contractor was partially open so glen pushed it farther only to be greeted by an empty room maybe he is in there he thought stepping to nnnth- nm- rymrkod private n flgurei ctmo to seven bundled unl fifty dollat i lowci than the first onti- matc thath your venture smiled h father when told of the recent devel opment in the beverly case r member well take a 10sa uefote well do inferior work v qlcn donovan went over his wotk again tho next day to bo auro he had made no mistake this was tho fit at time his father had permitted him to try a job without assistance and tho young contractor wanted to make good they cant do it for anything lower ho gasped at last our pi ice la too low to be truej but we can do it foi that provided nothing unexpected happens to satisfy the possible doubta of those who should have the contract ho wrote out in detail tho different amounts figured in the job giving the amount of piofit to bo made b the flora contractor everything was down fittjinck ami while nothing vnt covered up im going to play safe with this bid he assured hla father ill drive to markle nnd dellvei ous in person all worry dropped frpin his mind when ho i etui nod to riora to continue the wotk already in pro gress tho necond week of the month of waiting passed the third dragged by bringing no news at all tho hotm builders wet o evidently keeping vcrv quiet the last week also went oy without any definite teturns im going to markle to see how the old sch60l house vacation work when i was fifteen years old sayu a man of middle age i never refused tho chance to earn a quarter by mow ing some ones lawn or spading d garden or wheeling away a load of ashes but if you try to biro a boy to do those things now the chances are that ho will laugh at you tho generalization implied in this remark is perhaps not quite untrue but it does not tell the whole truth the registrars of universities and colleges now collect facta relating to tho means and tho expenditures of students that wero formerly not avail able their investigations show that tho number of boy3 who work their way through college is increaalng and that tho field of their activities is broadening thoro are two reasons for thia first tho number of young men who enter college in- proportion to tho total pop ulation la ateadjly growing and sec ond the llfogjn college is more com plicated an djjjx pensive it used to bo tho general opinion that only the oni of the wealthy or at least of the well- todo could go to college now wo are getting nearer to tho sounder dnj more democratic view that any young man who has tho right stuff in him can compass an education at any uni versity in the country tho officers of tho colleges hav done an excellent work in establish ing bureaus of employment or of in formation for tho benefit of selfsup porting students through their ef forts tho field has been extended and special employmonta have been made moro lucrative to a great many hundred yaunx men and young women too the long summer vacation haa been a period of hard work but if it has been dif ferent work from that of tho rest of the year it will do no physical harm thoao who spent tho summer in this way may bo euro that thoy have the approval and good wishes of every rlghtmlnded man nnd that they wll take back to college something which their less fortunate classmates will miss the logic of youth father exclaimed john vigorous ly why dont quakers take off their hats because my son it is their bellof that to romove their tlat is a mark of respect that they think they should pay to no man well remarked ho boy after o moments silence how do they manr ago when thoy havo to have tholr hnl out sounds came from within however three sharp heavy knocks gained no additional response ill sit down and wait for him for a few minutes de elded the visitor dropping into tho chair nearest the tabic the oppressive silence of the room and the building bepnn to irritate the sole occupant of the place he yawned nervoualy and reached for a magazine to help pass tho time whats this he sighed as he stooped to pick up a paper which fluttered from between tho leaves something about tho beverly hotel hla interest increased sam leverton had been figuring evi dently when he was called out sud denly play fair hla fathers warning thundered in the boys ears glen looked at the top or the sheet yea thero at the head of the sheet was tho revealing statement beverly hotel brick work play fair reverberated in hla ears play fair play fair suroly this fa not important or he wouldnt have left it around whore everybody can see it glen reasond especially since he knew that ono of his competitors was coming to see him play fair play fair ho tossed the paper hurriedly on the table he would be taking unfair advantage in scanning hla competl tors estimate approaching footutena resounded in tho hall there thoy are exclaimed a young stenographer almost flying toward the table from the doorway i forgot to put those in the safe she gathered up tho loose- sheets including the ono that glen had been holding in hla hands and hurrfiu them into the small safe in tho adjoining private of fice pardon me she smiled as she returned to the waiting room i was ao excitod i didnt notice you at first thats all right said glen i havent been here long what can i do for you you joomo just in time i was leaving for the day i came to aco mr xeverton im sorry but hes out of town and wont bo back until tomorrow evening any word you want to leave for him no said alen much surprised ill aee him later out of town for a day and wont he ltfmfck until tomor row ho repeated wonderlngly as ho returned to hlk roikistei and yet hed made nn appointment to see me there at his ollce maybe dad mil- understood tho time or place inquiry at his own oltlco brought no further explanation tho scnloi donovan was positive of the time and the place that aoema qucei puzzled glen some tlu ngswrong somewhere ho told his father about his visit to their competitora ofllce mentioning tho papers that had been left on the table by sam lever tons stenographer did you look at his work intct- ruptcd mr donovan anxiously i didnt look at tho amount im going to play fair im glad to hear that but you 1 better go over yours more closely or it will be umlflbh to make an offrv seems queer sam laverton would be letting his private stmofiiaplur handle such figures ho carelessly jf there vis not a purpose behind it tho next dny wu spent in working and ro- working the figmien but in the end tho final result wan not changed mr donovan was away fi om the omco directing the construction of a school building in tho adjoining county so glen was left alone to wreatlo with the hotel bid as a last meuuurc ho re visited the local firm whore tho brlcics and material woro to be purchased with tho idea of obtaining a still lower price from thorn oy taking nuch a large numbei as will bo required for the ten story hotel building came the final concession from the dealer well lower our price for you this time wo want you to know we a pp reel a to your constant trade with ua making careful note of the now quo tation tho young contractor hurried back to tho office to ascertain tho ef fect of tho flgurea on his bid his feel seemed to bo wlngcil would it be possible for his rlvnln to lower their prcsont estimate and possibly under bid the other contractors ho plunged into tho rmlddlo nf flguroh again im down five hundred dollars ho sighed finally but ill havo to rfhn tomo more by careful fiirtirig tho final things stand declared glen unable to wait longer his father smiled and waved an en thusiastic farewell as the roadster sped out of flora nothing definite yet was the an swer the young con tt actor received o his eager questions we need two moro weeks to investigate then well let you know mr donovan said one of the men in the room another man raised hla head from tho papers in front of him and called juot a minute id like to see you for a few minutes sam levcrton is my name olenhurriedly toldv of hlafrultlau visit to the levcrton office apologies from sam followed as the two hurried into the lattcrs office mr donovan began mi levcrton when they were aeated your bid is two thousand dollats below tho closest one to you youre going to lose heav ily on that hotel job glens former visit to thia veiy 1 oom came back to him and mine is next to ours ton tinned the speaker youre in lino to lose a good fifteen hundred on this deal ive been in tho contracting jaub for some twenty odd years the rchoolliousp of llfty ycats ag is juiiounded h a irlimom of hentl- mont iticld a ailed life it was tin butlcri ound of numci oijh 1 dlveiuo ox- peihncet and it citmo to havo a hoi t of n peihonality of its own tho vey tpe is being forgotten now it la wot til preserving tho iichoolhouhq was a onostoiy wooden building with novcral high windows on three sides of it and with two doors on tho fourth side tho one next tho road the dnora opened into two good slscd ontilcs which al- waa sirved as h easing looms foi tho girla and boys respectively tho walls were net thick with 1ioouh but so high on the wall that tho smaller chlldten could not touch them tiom tho closet vestihulch tho chil dren passed into tho one achoolroom which was filled with desks and bench es one- third of tho space that in tho fiont qt tho roor given to uic teuchec platfoim and desk to the lonic benches for reciting classes and to tho huge air- tight stove shaped lika a battel burning logs fout- foot long and having a large black smokoplpo run ning the length of the room tho hotter to diffuse the heat thia simple de vice was but imperfectly effective and tho scholars on tho front seats were scotching while from thoao on the back tows came oh cold days a chorus of requests teacher mny i warm mo nevortheletes tho back rowa were coveted and the older boya and gh la congregated thero on tho first morning of u new term to tho envy of tho younget ones tho desks wete of the simplest des- ci iptloti and thewhoiorotjm was bare and t epelllng to the last degree there was no tradition against the liberal use of tho jackknife and bench desks and windowsllls wero deep cut with initials no teacher over protested against such defacement the sun shone in hot and unhindered in the eat ly summer and tho wind howled about tho loosely fitting doors and windows in tho winter tho seats were hurd and narrow and too low foi tho tall children and too high for the short ones there was not an adoin merit oi even a refinement about the toomt yet hundt eds of thousands of mor and women remember today such ui ugly and forbidding schoolroom as a veritable shrine thero under tho guidance of some earnest teacher wits kindled an enthusiasm for learning a taste for good reading a genuine pat riotism and a devotion to high stand ards of living in theset severe condi tions it was demonstrated thousand of times that education is not a mattei of surroundings or of forms but to use the noble words of jedward thrlng the passing on of life through tit 3 living to the living cornish miners found and i know what im saying the younger man moved uneasily in his chair i thought yours wouli bo lower than oura ho stammered i oh yea that paper you saw con tained our extremely low figure from which we build up to our regular esti mate i never care who sees that in fact i had it left for for mo well i didnt look at it jdid you leavo it there for mo tho color rising in sam levertona cheeks was the only answer to the pointed question but it was enough its too late to change now sal 1 glen never too late with me declared sam ill glvo you a cool thousand to withdraw your amount i can at- rango for that to bo done instead of losing fifteen hundred youll be a thousand to the good without any risk at all were contractors decided glen firmly not bargain hunters you keep your moijoy i dont want it unless i have done something to earn it tho estimate will havo to stand as it is win or lose he took his hat and was soon on his way back to flora two weeks later a letter was re ceived by w r donovan son fron marklo which read as follows the directors in charge of award ing the brick contract for the beverly hotel have investigated your offer very carefully to be aure everything will be as promised both in materlnl and in work done the report is that you w r donovan son may have tho contract provided you will agree to adding an extra thousand dollars to your amount your small ptoflt is appreciated but out of justice to you and your work we feel you should havo this extra amount i wish snm lcverton could aeo this letter wo played fall and hes lost at his own game beamed glen of courso well acoept the extra when it comes from them well uao my firat estimate and prices everybody in playing in the open so well dojthi same with the brick man now york city was the scene of an accident in which the tragic realities of life were happily transformed in a way ns dramatic aa pathetic an aged man helpless and despairing was rescued from the east river after in attempt at selfdestruction beyond the fact that he knew his own nam his mind seemed childishly irrespon sible touched by hla forlorn condition a sympathizing woman interceded for oim 41 i lr most munmnhlo sjghtn in toinujill fj mi u nt of mliuiu u ltin h tt i fi nm oik i1 tho plu tfot mil of tho ruitii njliw to l ho lhythmlc htut of tliut tituuifo nmohlne no by imp of tlu minimis ouioh ilso f t om thoahhh iiti p off and on ulnglng as liny file past ono 1h nm o to find that it is a hmn tlutio lough mlneis alng and tho liioiuh linos fi om bolow and dthcmdh fium above blending witli tho heat of tho nhlftlng plat foim into an awclnspli ing melody that mon who wolk fat bolow tho depths of tho sea in houi ly dungct ft om jfiood and flu dump and dyna mite should have highly developed religious ttt ling la not to bo wondnod at in each cscapo ft om death they distinctly hli tho fingti of god tho btuiy of verran la known all ovei coi nwall ho and hla mute woro woiklng fai below the sin f aco putting in wants suddonly it was noticed thnt u- hole was about to explode ptematui ely in that niuiow dilft only ono of the two mon could bo saved vet i an without a momonta hesitation bent his comiade to the autfaco and flung himself upon hla knees in pjayor ex pecting death the exploajon wi eckod tho drift hugo tocka weio flung up and down ontlt ely ai ound tho ltnoollng minor thoy made an at ch over hla figure protecting him fiom flying and falling debt is he was found upon hla kneca unable to movo but safe to the mind of eveiy coi nlshniun thia waa an intel position of providence none of ua can dispute their sublime belief in soptembei 1803 a run took place in ono of the mines and entomb ed olght men moio than half a mile beneath the surface whon such an accident occuts ioscuo is almost help- leas for tho run la so sudden that thei e is t ai ely any escape in this caso a relief pui ty after fortyeight hours of tetfiblc eff oi t hcatd a voice it waa of a young man named osborne who is with you the i cacuera naked cagetly in solemn muffled tones tho answei camo back nobody hero but god and myself afr wua huard to say thia and nothing more praibo tho lotd giadually hia voice be- came faintei and when tho reacueva reached him they found his body ctushed almost to hhapolcssncss it la worth going to the depths of the earth to find such beautiful ac ceptance of death but the moment will come to evei y mortal when ho must renlrzo tho young miners words nobody hero but god and myself still blowing hard two young hiwyoi s both ti ylng to muko teputatlonii aa oratoni happened to ho pitted ag uimt each othot in ai- gunient both upoko at great longtn and in losing the nocond speaker ro- mnrkod thatliejvaaaorry taflndhhi collenguo on tho wrong side foi thoto was every i canon why thoy ithoul agree wo weio bi ought up togethor wo studied tojgtthci and we weio bom on the same day did i undot stand you to mvy tti it you woie bom on tho same day- unit ed thfft judge i yehtme the prompt leply on tho voty sumo day yea sir then it must havo boon a vo j windy day did his duty clerk can you let mo havo to morrow afternoon off sli my wlfo wants mo to gp shopping with her employer certainly not wo aro much too busy clerk thank you yury much sir thats what i hoped you would say in h0 own time a old h li lniiuii iiuiiiid i ok i t hoidon wim mi i louuly iii jf jukj i ivm tho now vm llnimt laon whlll into malting bin will by a rrowrt of greedy udullvea tiiopaijei tljitllmiiiiilniyniuv lacked only tho altfnuturo thoistik man was pioppid up in bed and 1 pen put lit ills hand ho managed to wilto uobu i rioi thou foil back ixhauittcd anophpw h iiid th p ii and orfoiod php ii it to hlin iikujn d u in in itobiit 0 ho tirgi d ti fonlnr to tho noxl hrttn rf tho alffn i- tuto 4 tho old mnnh i yo snapped deo i ho giowh d ill dm wikii im icady yo avaricious wietch marys mule maty hail a little raulo it followed hoi to skulc which was against tho iul now the teacher who wan a fulo tried to put out tho mule shq poked it with a 12inch rule and for alxtcon weeks thero wa no skulo notice to creditors in tin huitiigato cotut of tho couny of ilalton in tho ostato of annie molozrl doctasttl tho creditors of annlo molozxl 10t jfhfvllaofaxtoti7tnarriedwonian7 dm i isrd who died on the 23rd of jan uary a d l9z at the city of ham- tiamck in the state of michigan in- torifatr aro required on or before the joth day of hi ptembrr a i 1920 hond by poht propald or otherwluo da- llvi r to the undersigned solicitor fcr andrew m0i0z7i the administrator of tho imitate and effects of the said de ceased their christian and surname addresses and descriptions tho full ptrtlculan of tholr claims and tho ni- turo of tho security it any hold by thi m and notleo is hereby given that on aid aft r tho said 20th duy of hep ton her 102c tho said administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate amongrho pirtlks entitled thereto by law and ho will not be re- aponslblo for any claims of which ho shall not havo received notice at tho time of such distribution dated at acton thin 20th day ot auffuh a p 1025 andrew molozzl ad minis irator by h n farmer hla solicitor- stan dvf 13 ovf a travelled cask jhlm an pleadings he waa removed from the police coqrt to the shelter of an institution established to succor audi unfortunates ns he a few nights later there came to the asylum a stranger whoso dross and manner showed wealth and refine ment he aaiil to tho superintendent that he had become interested in tho old mans story and that he thought ho knew him he requested permis sion to ace him on being brought to him ho gazed upon him with yearning lntcntneas for some time in saddened disappoint ment he waa about to deport when pausing ua if struck with a audd thought ho turned to tho superinten dent and placing a roll of bills in his hand requested that tho old man be clothed and shaved adding that ho would mll on tho following evening and satisfy himself moro fully his request was compiled with and he kept tho appointment again the eager y earning scrutiny but this tlmo without disappointment father father ho cried implor ingly do you not remember mo your boy theodore but from tho old mans mind all memories of the paat had been erased and ho gazed upon the son with eyea from which tho glad light of a fathers loving recognition was absent deeply moved the stranger explain ed that hla father had been lost to him for twentyfive years that he thougnt him dead but now ho had found him ail that a sons love and ample means could do to glvo comfort and happi ness would gladly be bestowed ho itfuhod to give his name and with his strong atm guiding and supporting nln fathers faltering footsteps they tlh- nppenrcd into tho night in 1900 the geographical society of ptinabelplinrhad thirtyfive caslflfset adrift in the arctic ocean off capo bathurst two wero afterward plckjd up by arctic whaling vessels and in the winter of 1009 a thitd was found cast up on tho snoto of soro island off tho coast of norway this is be hoved to prove the theory which geo graphers have long held that thoro is current aottlng steadily actoss the polar sea from west to cast the casks which weie made in ac cordance with tho suggestions of rear admiral melvillo and henry c bryant wero spindleshaped heavily bound with 1 ion hoopsrafld abou t f ou r 1- long tho shape was chosen upon the theory that tho t pointed enda would stand moro than touhded ones just tho courso that this cask num ber twentysix followed- la hugely u mattor of conjectute it la probable however that its drift carried it northward paat pilnco patrick islan 1 and grant land and thenco aroun 1 or actoss tho polai sea between green land and spltzbcigen until it 1 cached the north atlantic it theieforo trav elled in the more than eight years that it was afloat apptoximntely 24q0 miles this is on tho supposition thnt it took tho moat dircot 1 outo it is moro than likely howovei that it took a clijultous one nnd that us tot il chmft was much greater no 9 uestlon why do you find better workman ship in mclaughlin- buick motor cars on the road to wealth a modest request planting islands for some time island planting as an industry has been pi actlccd in florida whero island homes aro much sought tho increase in the price of land along the west const led to this unique bualpcss which grew out of tho opening up of tho country by 1 tall- way line constructed not ao long ago counting upon tho oppoi tunity of salts which would arise when tho promised improvementa along the new line woro uctually accomplished when tho im menso docks for the handling of hun dreds of thousands of phosphates out put of boca grande should materialize an ontcrprfslng man planted fiom time- to time islands at the mouth of con creek thia was no t far from th bridge two mllea in length which spans gasparllla sound tho first exporiment was with n mattress of twbitod roots this was sixteen feet aqunt e with seeds of watergrowing plants palmetto and llvo oak acattcred over tho sand brok en shell utilized aa top covering rope was tied at the four corners with large stonch ns weights 1 equent inspoctlon revealed thnt sand and silt from ho mainland with tho extran- enua matter from tho gulf washed past the protecting piling of tho long brldgo had materially aided tho plan the huccchs of tho firat island was such that aevtn otheis wete soon planted three of thene are now 11101 o than fifv 1 feet in diameter connecting them is a sand b ir which pt omlscs to foim the group into a large and compact body of land tho wit of tho iiiah la proverbial and instances aro not wanting to show that thoy have all their wits about them in time of danger ah irish switchman employed in tho ft olght yards of a vestorn city was unluckv enough ono day to get his left foot foatened in that death tiap known aa a frog a vlgoroua effort to free himself failed a freighttrain w a backing down upon him not moro than forty foet away quick as thought ho whipped out his knife opened it and cut tho folds of his bootsttings with one sweep of the blade jerked hla foot out of the shoe leaving the latter in tho frog and jumped to one aide ho escaped death by a margin of lesa than a socond j the freight superintendent hearlncj of hla narrow escape called him into his oltlco the next day larry he said you showed won derful prcsonco of mind in an emo- gency yesterday i should like to lo omcthlng for you to show my appre ciation of it what flhall it be well son- responded larry as ho scratched his head tho shoo was as good aa ivor but tho sthrlngs no good at all now yo might glvo me an ordner for a now pair of shoestrings aorr peter glbba had nevei known wealth but on the othei hand he had nevr felt the pilck of poverty this somo people said was because ho was con stitutionally impervious to pricks of any kind having a hai d time to get along thia wlntot asked an interested nelghboi who camo upon mi glbbs sunning himself on tho poatofllce steps one cold day why no said petei checrfuu r ive got the piomjsc of somo wood- sawing down to mis rands when i get round to it and my wife shes got tho ptomlso of some washing when her iheumaticka mo bcttci and my boys most fifteen and wo oxpect holl bo teaching dlsti let school in two thrco years and aunt mary has just wtlttcn t lean wait another year be- foto paying her that sixfifty ive boon under obligation for alnco she wai hero a few yenis back tako it by finjd inrgo im feeling protty fore handed nswer mclaughlinbuicks precision methods are possible because of mclaiigblin buicks great volume it would be impossible to put such fine workmanship into mclaughlin- buick cars for t price if mclaughlinbuick built but a few thousand cars a yeatv s v king representative for thi8 section georgetown ontario good reason well hon whats thp acoro n- quhed tho olty man as ho stopped ilia car alongside tho outfield of an lm- piovised baseball diamond twentythiee to nothing teplled tho youthful fioujer in your sldos favor naw the othot follow qucbb youre going to got beaten nient you oh i dont know we aint beton to bat yet gem of thought hi8 thoughts wereelse where the eaalpihh with which aged peoplo fall into a mood of reminiscence ih ex emplified by an anecdote in texas sittings johnny who la much intel ested in american history thought ho would test his grandfathers knowledge of tho subject so an the old gentleman sat reading his newspnper johnny be gan grandpa do you lenow what war broke out in t812 the old man mfted his oyi s and look ed at johnny ovei hla sp etude 1 why bald he that was tho yei i married your grandmother there comes a time when the soulti of human bplngs woman mpro thnu men begin to faint fo the atsmpphei e of tho affect ions they are mado to breathe o w holmes whon death tho gi eat lcconcller has come it la novcr our tenderness tint wc rtpont but our severity geo illot the gititest friend of time la time her greatest enemy is prejudice anl her constant companion la humility cotton action may not always bring happi ness but there is no happiness without action dlarncll tho truly valiant dare ovcrythlntf except doing any other body an in jmy sir v hldnoy sink sad indeed looi olo itlll es ho shortsighted es working mmsolf to death wots is fjhoi t alght got to do with it well t ant hee when the bo aln t looking an t kicp shovel ing all tho timol why set iong iffthouta kitchen sink any fongcr hre a new smp enaxnaud war sink the very latctt made of nut resitting arroco iron with three coats of purest white enamel same aa on bath tubs sua 20 x 30 x deep with 12 back complete with strainer brackets nil fittings and directions for aetung up price complete 1200 th smp eftamefcd drpln boardftiqwn above is rrujdc tp at the ottp bnamefcd wans sink or all standard sink 8uc 20 x 24 ha the mine material and enamel aa sup sinks arid is complete with txacjceta and fittings for setting up a great labor saver price complete 600 for tale by plumbers and hardware storea throughout the country or writa mtt mltal poducts cotses hornb tow onto winnipeg cdmomtom vancouver caloahv 301 am lines of 8 m p carried by james symon hardware mill street every week last year more sales were being made stock turn overs speeded up and profits increased bv advertising this year every week you let slip by without ad vertising gives your competitor a big ger opportunity start your adver tising in the next issue of t act pree press nd follow the example of hundreds of successful business men by keeping your business constantly before your customers through steady advertis ing progressive merchants advertise issued by canadian weekly neypapers association

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