Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1925, p. 3

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ggfre acton 3te ptrggja tiiullsday september 3 132g do a good turn how many wo and in thla workaday world whopo aim in to nlot and to plan to koop others down and rijfuac with a- frown to do a good turn when they oan it la eauy foi thono who htivo richco baloio to pt ovo helpful but ylvo mo tho mun who is leady each day to go out of hla way to do u good turn if ho can though jouig aftn hard imahed and have little to spare and practical help you muat han a kind woid 01 a amilo all provo wo come th whic so do a good turn whon jou can miss harriets corners hound tho leataurant tablo sat an usrcoablo little company composed of rotno gentlemen a lajy a girl with charmihg face and vlvacioun ways meal and conversation were proceeding pleasantly until the waiter upset a cup t chocolate in the girls lup after an interval during which the chairs were thrust back napkins flourished and exclamations launchod tho frlghtoned waiter doing his best to repair tho damages tho flurry sub sided somewhat and tho party reseated usol my dear harriet cried tho lady ruefully your pretty suit is ruined oh there are moro in the shops was tho gay rejoinder tho waltei having got a smilo from tho heroine of tho accident went ott in a dazed condition tho gentlemen were staring silently now look hefe miss harriet b-a- gun tho man with the white hair toil ua how you did it did what mischievously keep your equanimity when most womenwould have wollno matterl i was looking right at you when the thing happened and tho corners of your mouth wont back instantly la a smllo and oh did you notice that asked the girl suddenly interested then she checked herself coloring but the others scented a story and insisted until mis harriet yielded laughing r-mbvouj- lnco mrplerco la no dts- cernlng hut really theres nothing to tell yqn know i had a now hat sent homo once tho night bexoro easter i was to sing in church and that hat was the prlttlest thing oh dont bo frightened sho laughed merrily- i wont describe it in fact i never got very familiar with it anyhow for when i left my room a moment m puppy found u and had a personal in terview with it no i didnt shake tho puppy ho was a dear i just dropped into a chair and contemplated tho ruins but presently i caught sight of ray laco in tho dressing- mirror and i forgot oven the ruins i was so shock ed that i said right out is that you harriet corey why it was the moat wobegone forbidding countenance my mouth made a perfect capital u turned upside down it c t me that tin i probably looked whenever things wont wrong well i experimented immediately i made tho comers of my mouth move back and up and i decided that a pre sentable face was better than an easter hat and i concluded right there that when things went wrong id at least see that the corners of my mo stayed up really youve no ideai sho finish ed ingenuously how it helps when horrid things happen you just cant feel cross and blue if you keep your god dleas them a the fond ad tru cornors right god keep them all both here and miss harriet absorbed in her na- there ratlvo had been unaware of admiring until tho old becomes tho now oyes now her cheeks began to red- fox ever in his mansions fair in the old houoh tho fruits are stored the fields art bare the ground is hard tho aklei are gray novembers chill is in tho air tomorrow 16 thanksgiving day the farmhouse stands in sheltered nook its walls aro filled with warmth and cheer its fires shine out with fiiejjdly look to welcome all who cntei here fully forty years have come and gone since first thla heat thatoncs ruddy blow fresh kindled hung its light upon thanksgiving guesth of long ftgo long was tho list of soulrea and dames from yeai to year how short it read out tho old familiar names they heard hero whon this house was new grandmother aye she was tho first grandfather by her aldo ho reaa tho shade and sunlight interspersed have fallen above their breasts our aunts and uncles sundered wide t lleeastr- tholr- graves he west as veteran soldiers scarred and trlod they fought their fight they earned their rest our rather dear and gentle heart a nature swoet beloved by all how early turned his steps apart to pass from human ken and call our mother brhlc and kindly soul how brave she bore fates every frown nor rested till bho reached the eoal where all n ust lay their burdens down our brother toward the setting sun from us remote his home is made and many a year its courso has run since hero hla boyish sports were played put by the book my heart is sore th night winds up tho chimney flee plmvfliua wlthlnplfnm n before but nono ara hero savo aou and mo but slater you and i again will heip the hearth and spread tho board and serve our kindred now as then with all that home and hearu af ford the scattered remnants of our line well summon neath thia roof onco more and pledge in rare affections wine the memory of those days of yore den its better than controlling corners in wheat murmured mr pierce clever playthings our modern toys are as ingenious ac they are varied and protty but tho young- people of europe and america have no monopoly in this regard for centuries tho children of tho far bast have delighted themselves with the very queer and interesting contri vances known as expanding water toys they come in small wooden v similar to tho little point boxes that aro so well known and they look like dirty shavings broken matches and dilapidated toothpicks throw one of them into thornier however and the ingenious uttlo toy at onco showa ft- h eirtobo hthin g moro than a bit of stick tho wood has been kiln dried and as soon as it touches tho water it begins to expand almost indefinitely as it increases in size it separates suddenly opening and becoming a very pretty toy ono utick changes into a flowerpot containing a rose bush in full bloom ahothcr becomes a fat can- darln carrying an umbrella a third becomes a sea serpent ferocious in its tiny dimensions a whale a tiger and a lady of fashion taking her dully promenade are all represented th5 figures aro colored and present an astonishing variety in design and in treatment on raro occasions it is possible to got larger and more artistic flgurca historical characters and portraits of great monarchs poets and teachers dwarf trees and tiny houses whoij doors and windows aro full of inmatea the ordinary kind cost a mere aonsr but tho finer qualities are often very expensive motion hicks harmon not wind enough any ono who knows by experience or roputatlon the sort of weather which usually prevails around that promontory of west cornwall called tho lizzard where in 1839 the mohegan was wrecked and where last yoaritho paris went ashore will ap preciate tho following from ono of s baringgoulds books concerning tho district or peninsula of menage there la a shingle windmill in the district tho story goes that it was once rumored that a second ono was about to bo constructed tho millor was concerned he went to see tho man who was supposed to be respon sible for tho scheme i flay mate bo you goin to set up another windmill jl- r t bcl you dontohjcc there is room for moro than ne oh room enough but thoro muy not bo wind enough to sarve ua both literature an business perhaps no a whojeaomo corrective to sir walter bcaants optimistic pa fl ora on tho rewards of art tho at lanta constitution prints this lmprcs slvo quatrain by a local poot many a man on tho toad pf life sue coeds whero another has failed johnny is wrllln stories an billy is splitting rails johnny is makln a namo an fume ho mays whilst the years roll on but billy is makln tho money asn blftys supporttn john why wbrry there waa a crash of dinhca from the kitchen sarah cried her mistress what are you doing aint doln nothin manm said sarah calmly its all did i have been wondcring 1 how many readers of this column today romember the fracas between bill jones and richard buriows about fifty years ago in the burrows storo in tho old barracks jones quarreled with burrows about something and struck him i think jones was a big husky fellow while burrowa was a llttlo chap but quick as a steel trap to defend himself burrowa picked up a carpenters twoinch chisel which was very shai p jones made a paa aa if to strike burrows across ho counter burrows warded off the blow with tho chisel which unfortunately came in contact with hla assailants face a nasty jagged wound was in flicted on the cheek at tho right side of the jaw jones carried that raggad scar as long aa he lived 2 how many can recall tho after noon fiftyfive years ago when the mooro brothers shingle slave and heading factory and tho old hemstroo tannory on the property where mr youngs fnim is now wore burned through a spark from the smokestack that was a wicked lire it licked up tho buildings there 000000 barrel r staves about 300 000 barrel headings 1c0 square of firmclass shingles leap ed over the fence and destroyed tho two barn buildings on the sidney smith farm two hundred feet away the tragic scene comes to mo very vividly this morning i was a big boy at school and when our claaa was stand ing at recitation the fire- in tho factory become quite vivid and excitement fol lowed mr little tinned to seo what the cause of t her flurry waa and at once saw the arc turning to the class ho said- philip and albert moore you will be excused your fathers factory is on fire tho mooro boys hustled out of courso but the whole school followed in a moment it was a hot fire and cleaned out a busy industry in leas than an hour tho factory was rebulrt with now machinory in a few weeks 3 i wonder how many readorsre- member the first drowning accident n tho old mh lond now known by the moro aesthetic appellation fairy lako ftftyono years ago this summer one summer evening joe flpeight and his fellowapprentice in hui fathers waggon and carriage shops jimm mcgulre went down for a uwim it was a very dark night jlmmle could not swim and got away from tho shore and beyond hla depth ho called for help and joe did everything he could in the darkness to and him but with out success poor jlmmlo sank out of night and was drowned joe liur- rlodiy drssed nodcam up town io give tho alarm and uccur assistance to find the body scores of cltlxeni hurried to the dam with lanterns whllo torches were lit and bonfires built finally about midnight fred second in his row boat found the body out about tho old swimming stump and brought the body to shore jlmmlo was a quiet young fellow industrious and well liked he lived at mr john speights home 4 do any of uu t member tho flro which dtstiojed tho residence of tom bird at the corner of church and frederick sti cots between fifty and sixty ycais ago i think tho flro orig inated in a defective stovo pipe it was far advxvncod before tom and mi s bird discovered it and tho house an3 ncarjy all tho contents vcto consumed tom didnt savo oven a suit of clothes ho looked quite fantastic as ho went around next day in tho illsorted garb contributed by kindhearted neighbors tom was a cooper- and worked with sarn ivlghtheart i think in the wofkr shop where counclllot atkinsons flaa homo and garage arc now ho had been a sailor in hl younger days i think mrs iilrd was a daughter or john llghthcnrt john ouiu re member vjh utto a cooper and a grain cradlo rpvihter- thin flro was i hot one and itui ched tho tine apiucea in front of canard moorcti house acioija the street pcoplo said that will flnish eovward mooreo pi uoes iut they haveil hu house well tho sprucea did look pretty ick tho follow ing aum trier but they evidently htd great vitality foi two of them atantl at the front of the mo ore croft pioperty today uud they still look healthy and stately 5 can you temembei tho pathetic and tragic death of a little ojght-ycar- old daughter of mr and mrs thorn is dbbago nt th main street crossing of tho o t it about forty jears ago the dctr llttlo lass was playing about the crossing nnd did not notice the train coming from tho west sho wa struck anil thrown fifty or sixty fem against tho fence east of the cattle quard news of tho nd affiir brought many people to the iceno sympathy with tho bereaved parents was shown by everybody the oent was one of tho sorest trials in their long matrled life c how many can recall the f ital accident to john zilnnjinmn the old est son of stafford zimmerman one of tho early residents at tho mill street crossing cf tho gt it john wta working with peter armatrong who then owned the farm which wallace l4tshy now owns and occupies he haij been down to the mill with a load of gialn nod was leturnlng to tho armstrong bun when a shunting en gine scaiod the team tho ftlghtened anlmnla got beyond johns control and running against a telegraph pole upset tho waggon and john was thrown heavily to the ground hs lieok wp broken and death was in otnntanooufi top giaprtfather of the deceased of whom he was a nnmosaka was one of- oottlor the acton across the water owned the farm now owned by mr wardlaw and thrn included all the land down to the cieek tho old gontle- man built tho first tannery id acton nnd it stood over the smaller creek on main street john zimmermans sud- don death occurred nearly fifty years ago rl queer foods gra3houpprs have been eaten from the earliest times the scriptures of fer abundant evidpnep of fhls and the law of moses jp very plain indeed n its permlvalon to the people of israel to eat the locust after his kind the bald loctut after hla kind and the grasshopper after his kind there were two- ways of preparing grniia- hoppers to bo eaten they were elthe crushed in wine and eaten without cooking or their wlnga were plucked off and tboy were boiled in salt water and then dried in the sun ants arc eaten in africa junker relates tfrjit the chief tribes on the mnshnrch ktvm jp the sudan sent hirn twenty basket tm- pulsions on hla journey they me pounded lnti a sort of a paste and are said to taste hko ijvcr moths nnd butterflies have been eaten and the romans used beetles aa food hnmp brazilians ure said to esteem a bug tmt faada pn thp palm leaf in chile and peru on tjf thj flsaiottnrtrierrretmtipvdetrtrfciie7 a sort of qtew made of potatoes and the chlche a bcctlcliko inacct that is found in quantities under atones an i atonff l water courses xfoajrly ww specimen of animal that has q acktanp is somewhere or other eaten y humftn helngs in the andaman lolanne tho patfng pf a livi rodent is deemod the teet of manhood and no man it is aald ih permitted to marry until lo has aceoraplltiha ftur feat tho chinese are not alone in av ing dogs for our own sioux indiana have from time immemorial been very fond of thin rtlsh and a century ao dogs were a favoritu meat wth the negroes f ixmuuuuu african jfb- roes eat tho hon the jackal the hyoni and tho crocodile eggscused interesting itoms gleaned from tho acton england gazotto and express hi i mmj acton filondt will i egret n heal of tho tleath of mr jamcu arthur north aged 47 or kimborolj- gardens harrmgay ho waa formerly a salesman in snilthfleld tho passcnget traillc on the lonj- dlatancc lexprcss of tho great western hallway on saturday waa so great that fiftyfour relief trains had to h provided there la no moke without a tire and as amoke waai been coming from a corrugated iron shed at the i car nf tho wlllcaden paper works on mon day afternoon somoono summoned the wlllcaden and harlesdcn th e bri gades and two engines attended mr w t davenport president of the acton chamber of commerce has greatly benefitted by a courao of ae i bathing at shankln isle of wright mr r kemp west middlesex cor oner is spending hla summer holiday n belgium and nenr hia old horno it dawlinh he will be away for about a month tho death la announced of mr ed win francla blackmoie aged 70 re tired houso and estate agent west- floldsroad acton mr blackmoro was a former rcaldont of barry and binua powls florence crane of palmers ton road aoton waa fined 10a and edward cm no bs nt aoton pjlico court on wednesday for using indecent lan guage sai ah bi ldgesaf c iborno- road acton was ordered to pay 5b for a similar offence tho rev w light of st michaels bedfordpark who la touring in can ada semla home a good account of j the prospects for young settlers in tho country from winnipeg right away weekly fashion hint to the wflyi beginning of next month wheii a lindloid asked foi an eject ment ordei against a tenant at thu acton police court on friday ho said that the tennnt tq hhn he had three months fiee accommodation from ono landlord and intended to got the sino from tho applicant tho aider was graiitpn members of the parish church con gregation will bo sorry to hear pf tho death at the age of 71 of mrs mary mixer wlllcottroad wife of mr ed ward mixer retired surveyor who is a sidesman at tho church and a prom inent church worker the funeral took place yesterday afternoon the rov g s do sausmarket ox rector of acton ami now rector of chlgwll row essex and mrs do sauamareq npo appndlng their sum mer holiday nt felixtowe tho rov tj ii grain ofhlllohrestroad aoton an old friend win toko duty for mr lo sftuhmarer on noveral sundays dur ftng the lattera absence from homo tho african progress union for which mr barbourjamch acton is a prominent worker and spoaker hoid its seventh annual meeting last week when mrs p snowden presided chlof amoah hi of the gold coast colon who was in native dress gave tho presidential address and a present t- tlop vaa made to sir f gordon gug- glsberg fjqernpc of the fiold coast colony mr r bulley jho wellknown dpcm j brgprletor and mrs and miss bulfoy returned homo eajiy this we0k from j fnf motop toup of ovpr neq miles atuomplluhed fn alx daya fjnv a teacher in a boston suburban pub lie school received tho following ugg- scuse froni tho mother of a boy who hau failccl to be present on ascertain day dear teacher please eggeu6 a drew james for not having wont in school yesterday he started all right but him and another boy stopped foi a little swim in tho ilver and a dog come along and carried off andrew james pants and shirt and he bad to stay in tho wafei until the other boy come homt and got more pants nni ahlrta for htmrnj then it was too late under ttu chtumstances you could rtt expect hhn to bo tbpp qo kindly egrfccubo excitino this road isnt travelled very much is it asked a tourist who had stop ped to get a drink at a log cabin whloh was the only human habitation in had seen for two hours tho woman of whom ho had asked the question replied well reckon youd a thought it waa travelled if youd been here one day inst week there was a foui- hoss team an a man on a mule and a buggy nn a man on foot un a foxteam hitched to a hay rack went over this road all in one day x tel you it was exciting just oje test a woll known writer who was tod that ho might live three months if ho took thine easy in a mild climate but not more than one if ho contlnuea his work ahoso thu alternative in j poem called tho last race wfcfcn after the sentence was pfopquncei these llnea appeared there la just ono teat you munt rldo your best then you win if you win or lose thono two lined aro worth memor izing worth iccnlling in the crisis when we are tempted to lose heart ml ft4flphys ticket it la often remarked that on unac customed traveller cap gt on papy well if he will keep his nyqa uud oats open a naji ot ireland landed at grconock and wanted to uko tho train to-qhibgo-wr- never having been in a railway sta tion before he did not know how to get hhj ticket but ho saw a lady going in and determined to follow her loal the lady went to the ticket box ano putting dovn her muncy sitd mary- hill single her ticket t duly bunded to hh nnd hhe walked away pat promptly planked down hi money and shouted panicle murphy married literature and business when the mother returned from r shopping tournament the philadelphia press says that the llrat thing that hr eyes anw was the lumjptm julmnyn head for goodnoes sake she sall how did ho get that t1h wm tit boomp ho got tu new nurfie explained y tould m nt tam to let him play on th planny if jw win ted to an waust whin he was bllrfip on th top he alld too far maam ing tho round they visited scarborough tho lake district penrith being their moat northerly point north wales for llandudno nnd snowdonial and chester they returned to acton in ono days run from chester mr cllffoid evans of acton and a najrty of baling friends are revolllng in h spa voyngp appund tho british lutes i hoir vay fo aberdeen thsy milch enj0v te fine vtew of scar borough fioni thp sea and 10 voyage throughout extremely pleasant ffygm aberdeen which they much admired they wont to inverness and thence through the caledonian canal en routo to qlaygpur thpy also intend tp vat ireland lnd h welsh apd souhcpn enffllbh count before rpturrmpff homo mr j moniuh 33 ehatswarth-bjv- dens chairman of the aoton and ted fordpark branrh of tho national cltl- zona union has been buay since hla teturn from his lightning tour through cinijda and tho united states having been elected i member of the san remo yacht club ha uras off again this week for a ten days yachting cruise he will fly tho burgee of tho oiwh in future- bit business preoc- oupfitiona will pot allow tim to vlat tho hcilruiirtei n of hla new oluh imtil thla autumn councillor f shavpln hau eintly benofited by his stay at iclngadowi near deal where ho haa a country residence and whero he has been slnco easter owing to a breakdown in his health about that time ho has found trainee in deepsea fishing and gold and is wel pp to return to acton for twp qc thre ock befpre tht i summer ends ho will havo anufe i filtfv w fingadoyn in preparation to wptpfa wpf a a- reprpsonta- uvc jtf the ortheast ward he f duo for rooleptlpi n iinicf about hiiilday on satmdy mr a duoklrtnd oge 77 pf iff maidonwl acton was standing on tho edge of tiq pavement in the hlghatreet aoton when ho was knocked down by an in dependent motor bus ho was taken in the acton amhulaneo to the acton hospital where he was treated by dr wallace house surgeon for slight bruises on tho left shoulder after trcaf merit he was able to go home at 10 26 n m on tuesday tho at- lentlnh of a pollcemm was called to u man lyinff unconscious on the naye- ment near valogrovo anton vftlo th acton motor ambulance was summon ed and the man waa conveyed to tha acton hospital whero ho waa examin ed by dr s a wallace the houso surgeon who found that he waa suf fering from a oerlous wound in the seal and concussion he was placed in a jyard and in spite of restorative troattpon icmalnrd in an unconscious condition in it oepnt hupjkm0nt of ghe tor onto weouly slhr there appeftrpn a good picture of the mayor of aoton aid mies smee receiving princess mary on the occasion of tho oponlng of the royal institute for the doaf and dumb other personages clearly to bo seen are sir harry brlttaln aid kent aid hewott councillors mrs forrester and the hon mace- beat e- aid kent has relatives in toronto and thoy were delighted nnd surprised io sjp him lopicacntcd in his aldermanic tofaptf ip tli columns of their local nowapanpr on t4udy oypning in last woo somanxlety and afm vcrp causil amongst the cu a torn era in thp private d4ir of ono of the principal aoton ho tcls thiough it being suddenly notice 1 that a young married man was suf fering from a wound in tho throat the wound proved to he very alight tho man hud a small razoi in his pos- jfcaalpn but there waa nothing to in- dlpu fiiut bj seriously intended tulto hip own life he waa aaked ta give up tht infill ud le pgiijplltl wit tho request ih farqularhon was sent for and the young men recelyjj medlcul attention both at tho hotel and at tho doctors surgery tho injury waa trivial and tho waa able to walk home under suitable care his own explanation pf tho occuuence waa that ho had hud a tiff and felf upset a useful do typicallv french the flutter of the new mode 19 smartly evident matins afternoon frock of pagodagold crfipe trimmed with lacc dyed to match a circular flounce is introduced at the front under a semi- belt of velvet ribbon the lengthened shoulder yearns merge into short ki mono sleeves while the back of the frock hangs in straight lines medium size requires 4 yards 36inch material wijji vi yard of unhappy invention the pilnciplo of tho penny in tho slot machine if we are to bellovo a rccont vlsltoi to london haa receive i a new and ingenious application in england he decliics that as he was juat rising from being ihaved in a little barber ah op in lonjontho hoard pai tlculnrly bad handorgan going out oh tho street after paying for his shavo and llnr- erlng a moment he went out ho was astonished to aeo that thero vri no one tui nlng the handorgan i fas evidently an automatic machine going b clockwork no one stood ncai it approaching the queer machine which was still grinding out very bad mualc the atranger obseived this sign in large letters on tho front if you want the oi gan to stbp put a penny in the slot ho promptly slipped a penny in the blot indicatod whereupon tho organ gave a sort of a dying groan and tho notso ceased then a loughlooking man camo ou of an alehouse near by wound the organ like a clock shouldered it and went on down tho street no doubt to et its machlnerv going further on quickly settled intelligent doga are many but not every dog oven though jntolllgont can bo taught to gather flowers for its mister as a certain gordon nottor named norah ia said to do hoi master monslour bai bat writes of her in the chasseur prftlque in juno in a walk benldo tho ponds of alton savoy a friend and i tyicj to reach uomo waterlllloi with oui cunea but without succeaa seeing still finer specimens out in tho water i called norah and throw atones to ward the hllea to fnduco hei to go in for them sho seemed to understand at onco plunged in and coming and going sho soon brought flowers enough to fill tho basket the guards present could hardly believe what tljoy saw the dog lowered her head beneath the water sp aa to cut tho atemsat a certain distance from the flowers this same dog waa useful to her master in another way ono winter morning she entered his study with a stick of wood held between her jaws sho deposited the wood in tho fireplace went down tho steps an 1 brought another and continued her occupation until tho supply of wood seemed to her sufficient whon she re turned to her place by tho fire to en joy the results of her labor sho ce tainly seema t bo a dog with a prac tical turn of mind how the cn jt 1924 dollar was spent an ambassador and a bishop a former ambassador to franco was cilpplcd in his diplomacy by his in- abllit to apeak fre ho fully comprehended the international ques tions which ho was officially obliged to consider hut ho could discuss them only through an interpreter an old man who had tried to teach him the language tn his childhood said ahi that gap of tmh 4 u sponslve years when ho was a boyylll make an empty spaco somewhero in hla life he never can adequately bridge it over other men havo buffered oven more seriously from auch gaps in life who to emptiness they try vainly to fill bishop dash a learned and wis christianleader ina greatsect ronco said to a friend when i waa a lad at the ago when the habits of life aro acquired i ran away from home and spent three years with lumbermen most of them men of low dissolute habits to this day it la an effort for mo to use a napkin or a fork at tablo to lift my hat to a woman or to observe tho llttlo cus toms whfch a gentleman follows un consciously my conscience makes me abhor profanity but even now in my old age whenever i am angry oaths nlmoat come to my lips it seems as if no after effort could strengthen that weak place in the foundation of my life an ideal of true greatness tho mayor qt a wt- stern cjty is said to have a neat and evpoditlqua rpoth od of attending tr complaints which la leading t a wholffa regard tp t ttivti uf heauli hnrt uleunlfne among hla people a muikotman was brought beforo him under tho charge of depositing filth in the city afreets the man wns pleading not guilty upon which the following dialogue took place between the mayor and tho chief witness for tho proseqution officer what did the defendant do asked the mayoi thpew rotten egga intp the street ypur honpr hprtf ninny dirt you aeo him throw intp tho strept ono youi honoi if hed had two hundred would ho havo thiown them into tho street x think ho would your honor that shovs the intent to vlpjato tho oidlnanoes aald the mayor briskly ten dollina and ooata very like it hia motht i tucked fouryeinold johnny away in tho top berth of the sleeping caf ueailng iiim stirring in tho middle of the night sho called softly johnny rlp i pu know wherp you aro tomno 1 di ho 1 1 tunnkirtuidlly im in tho top riiawet out goes all rheumatic poison rfiohma acts on kidneys liver and a clevoland paper tolls a story of a street incident which shows tho idea of greatness which the scnatlonu newspapers with their extravagant at tention to athletics aro inculcating among tho street boys two very dirty boys of this class were engaged in disfiguring as much as dofiplulo every faro on tho adver tisements on a we billboard tho tur tho aotre into beard l lut cigars in tho mouth of respect- ablo agod gontloman andgavo admiral dewey a biaok oyo then ono at thorn started with his pencil for a face in the middle of the board but the other called out hoy dont do anythln to that why not asked tho first why dont yer know thats jef fries the champion thoy left tho faco unmutllatcd look ed respectfully at it a moment and trudgpd alpns to bap srtmp persons dpvoiop n itoqimv genius for looking on the dark sldo an oxchnnko glvca this example thoro was a very rloh farmer who would never own hat he had any thing tp be thankful for in tho way of piotltn the parson onoo said to him during the harvest season come mr jones you can havo nothing to complain about this year at all events i cant say thut said the fatmer still you- cant say whut la aml3s ho thought a bit and then ropllej very grudingly well you see thero will bo no spilt hay for tho young culveg the full circle shown above represents the gross income dollar of the canadian national railways in 1924 the circle fa dl vided into a number of segments each of which represents the pr portion into which the dollar was broken up for expenditure in the directions named the total amount spent on these items in dollars and cents is at follows uhet 2721601740 fuel materials supplies and other operating expenses taxes equipment and facility rentals etc balance available to apply on fixed charges xoim 2805847186 6306944181 458859356 60056100 1477232792 2443q5135jl this chart is interesting in that it ia a guide to the part which tho tjouar of tbo canadmck national railways plays in tho business of the country aa a whole it ia not on idle dollar nearly all of it remains in circulation and fiads its way into every channel of industry and commerce aa can be aeen wanes paid to em ployees constitute by far the greater portion of expenditure ttiore are al most 100000 employees who get their share of the companys revenues twice a monthj and this money therefore cir culates from one end of canada to the other none of it remain unproduc tive but aids directly in thoatimulation of trad and commerce in every centre wherp he distribution takesflplace the sreater jpart f course is immediately averted into the channels of trade but a coasiderblo portion opes into savings banks budding and toon associations insurance and other forms of investment there are communities that are almoet solehr dependentnpon the money which the system distributes in this way no entexprise in canada is such a larso purchaser of supplies aa the cana dian national railways wherever it is possible to do so these suppuesjro- purchased in panada from predaws manufactured by tho ca wo or grown or mined in canadian territory tho store rooms of the company resemble a wellstocked department store they con tain thousands of separate items from clastic bands to pile drivers te dining cor commissariat is a steady customer of the canadian farmer and fisherman the enterprise is one that ia intimately associated with every phase of industrial activity in tho dominion from tha publisher of a newspaper to the builder of locomotivws this purchases of the canadian national railways stimulate every branch of commerce anl industry and their service provides an adequate and dependable agency for the transportation of people ana tv roods from place to place canadian national exhibition toronto 47th annrvejwtjr the annual worlds fair eclipsing anything prerfeasljr presented uniqoeanonumj- tal among brponrrion aug 29 sepf 12 inclusive mot a bottle ot hhwuinu tqday and wear u bfttisnurt umflp un yuui ftjcp to morrow its a remedy that is astonishing tho whole country nnd its junt as eood for eout adatlca lumbago and kidney misery oh for rheumatism it drives tho poisonous was to from the joints and muscles thats tho sec ret of rheumah success but we dont nsk you to take our word for it go to 13 j hastjaid or any frood druggist and cot a bottlo of khcumif tpdqy if it doesnt do as wo ppomlsi bc ypui miincy back ft wjh iii bo there wajmnp th hm well fixed so you havo ho en man led tteforo mri smith yuh maam tluoe llmoi and if it please cavon to tnlto tills one i know whro i can lay mo an da on a fourth every woman needs a sink why set oloxltf without kitchen ttnlc ay lonscr here is new smp enamikl war sink tho very tateit made of nutrctltting arraco iran with three coat of purest white enamel tame aa on bath tuba slae 2r 0x6deofvwith 1 2 back cttmfctc with tlner bracket alt fitnnfti and cjrecfldna for atittinc up pricw complete 12 tha smp enameled drain board aebwn above nude to lit the sup enameled ware sink or all itanoard inks buc 20 x ia haa the a me material and enamel aasjwp slnfca and is complete with hwfieta and pttings for aettinst up imcw ooncipletf ffi for mia hy plumbers and hardwan atorea tttrouabout the country or write sheet mstal products cotr twtf tpaohto winnipeg all lines of 8 m p carried by james symon eloquent white space is the advertising space enterprising merchants use in the acton free press to tell the good folks of this community about their stores and their goods qood advertising is moving elo quence too it brings new customers to your store it builds good will it creates new business moves goods and makes bigger profits possible advertising is a hardworking ally that should be cooperating with every merchant why not investigate its merits ask us about it i progressive merchants advertise issued by canadian weekly newspapers association hardware mill street

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