Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1925, p. 4

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if r- the home of utyp irtnn 3tjp prens member canadian weekly newspaper aseociaucrtr member selected town weeklies of ontario the acton free press is published every thursdiy morning t tlic free press lluildmij mill street acton ontario the subscription price is ioo per ear in advance potafie s charged additionil to offices tn the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label advertising rates transient advertise ment iotentsperlincahatc measure lor first insertion and s cents per line for each subse quent insertion contract display advertise ments for so inches or more per annum 18 cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly ii p moore president and tditor o a dills manager and assistant editor telephones editorial and business office residence of president residence of -manaffer- j 131 canada will lead in wheat exports i he economist this month hn an interesting sur vey of the european wheat situation the british isles belgium holland sweden norway and den mark are importers of wheat the latin countries fratiefrpialyspainandportirgal areon the-border- line the greater part of their needs will go from the canadian prairies last year the united spates took the lead but tlie canadian exportable surplus this year will be greater than that of any other country in the world neighborhood news- town and country erin jrevv w o arid mr the fallacy of industrial strikes r it i about time that labor organizations dis covered strikes arc a losing game the nova scotia industrial upheaval means a dead loss of about twenty million dollars property loss is placed at 630000 the men have lost in wages something like four million dollars the province has lost in royal ties 315000 and the expense of the troops called out is placed at 300000 the men have gone back at the old wages with the promise of an investiga tion which no doubt could have been obtained without a strike but for bullying stupidity on the part of labor agitators newmarket era thursday morning september 3 1925 editorial the function of an editor we often wonder what per cent of the readers of any newspaper and particularly of a live wide awake popular family newspaper really form any conception of theactual service to humanity perform ed by the industrious intelligent editor he gives practically in one way or another all his waking hours to his newspaper readers we are told that the ideal of service real service is nota kind of stock-irt- trade that can be merchandized in the open market it accompanies a commodity yet is not apart of the purchase it bears- no price tag but is given without expectation of ther reward indimensionable intang ible it is almost indefinable it consists in part of contributed intelligence experience and judgment of counsel unselfish sincere of profitable ideas and suggestions of extra painstaking for correctness in detailthat mlgfitnotbe noticed it includes the hours of effort and attention for which you do not pay it implies the understanding anticipation and prompt fulfilment of your needs in all it is the al- tmistic enthusiastic spirit of helpfulness in action constant unremitting and valuable such is the ser vice rendered by the average newspaper- editor oshawa telegram white crosses by the read near the city of columbus and in fact all through the state of ohio white crosses by the- roadside are being placed asa silent warning to motorists to drive with safety- each white cross marks the spxt where a life has been lost through the negligence of some motorist and as the driver passes by he cannot fail to be impressed by these constant reminders that constant vigliance is the price of safety at one section of the highway where the road crosses a main line railway track no less than six crosses three on each side of the road bear witness to the hazards of the level crossing there is not a railway crossing in the country nowadays that ts not marked so that it may be seen a long time before the motor reaches it yet the toll of crossing accidents indicates how little value some drivers place on these signs but he must be a pretty hardhearted driver who will not slow down at the spot where those six crosses stand road signs road warnings abound in ontario and to the careful driver the hazards of the road have been minimized by recent additions to these markers yet accidents happen and lives are lost by reason of the folly of those who do not believe in signs perhaps ontario might now follow ohio and mark the roads with these reminders of those who fell victims to the mad folly of reckless drivers ohio puts up the white cross where a life has been lost ontario might put up markers also where serious accidents have occurred the farmers sun cooperation in business as long as human beings are brought into con tact with each other as long as they live and work together in communities cooperation will be the key to their success without cooperation no progress would be possible more than that life at all would be extremely difficult it is cooperation which has given man supremacy over the lower animals co operation which has raised him stage by stage above his primitive environment both in the material and intellectual worlds it is cooperation which has been responsible for the construction of the yast struc ture of modern civilization with its many phases and the intricate and smoothworking functions by which it exists should cooperation cease suddenly the great social system would in an incredibly short time be red teed to a colossal chaos in which individual would strive against individual in a welter of an nihilation in short man may be said to live by co operation it is perhaps a far cry from great world questions to dollar day in oakville but even here a3 in every small activity of the human race the world oyer the fundamental principle of cooperation is involved a number of progressive minded business men formulated n scheme hy which they cooperated with the public to their mutual benefit the mer chants needed the patronage of the people of oak ville and district if their businesses were to prosper the people of oakville receded the best values for their money and it is just such values as were offerod by the storekeepers of the town by taking advant age of them the people not only effected a great economy but greatly assisted the merchants from whom they buy both derived benefits from the transaction the money is kept in oakville to the advantage of the town as a whole citizens who profess any community spirit will always do their buying in oakville on our dollar days by doing so they mfr truly be cooperating record a community proposition mr e roy sales former manager of the can adian weekly newspapers association and there fore thoroughly acquainted with the weekly news paper situation in canada says editorially in the columns of his newlyacquired paper the renfrew mercury everywhere there is a growing under standing among business men that the newspaper while an individual business problem of some pub lisher is at the same time a community proposition a community asset the newspaper serves the community more than it serves the man who publish es it the time is comingwhen everywhere business men will feel a personal interest in the newspapers welfare the fact is a community cannot make pro gress without it it can exist but it cannot grow with this realization there has also come an under standing that one newspaper serves better than two or three it has become a simple problem of busi ness mathematics to centre the strength of the com munity behind the newspaper that has madeitself through work and service the strongest journalistic factor in community development so far as can adian newspapers are concerned thee have gone out of business since 1914 fifty daily papers while 224 weekly newspapers have suspended publication or have been absorded by some other paper in the town in some counties of ontario from four to eight weeklies have suspended the announcement of newspaper consolidations will continue the re sult will be better and more outstanding papers with improved service to advertisers subscribers and the community generally htdgetown were recent viattors with sir peter and minu iioaslo thomaon mid qther frlondn dr n nil mrs mcqrathey and two dfiukhttth phyllis and jean and mm cunonloy have returned to toronto after upending n week with mr and mrs j t austin mm ft vlckera and two daughters of toronto are visiting with mr and airs mull mr and mrs francis frank imve returned homo after spending a couplo of months with friends in new bruna- wlck misa winnlo steel has returned to hor homo hero from a two weeks yialt with mr arid mrs s lougttecd loji don mr jind mm c a overland and family of claramont spent their va cut loft with mr- and mrs jb overland ltev j melvln and mrs smith of dobbybiffton visited with friends horo last week mr und mrs oncar england and family of north bay and mrs jos qmfiam of copper cllft wero recent vmtoi n with atr and mrs duncan mclaren guelph road miss emma addelton of hamilton is visiting with dr and mrs reynold uev a w hare preached his fare well sermon on sunday afternoon at huiaburg presbyterian church itev and mph hall and babe left last week for a three weeks vacation on lake erie j hillsburg is to have a now skating j and curling rink this fall the build ing is to bo 135 feet by 74 feet pro vldinff 120 feet by 60 feet ice surface it will bo of frame construction with metal roof a bylaw will be preaent- ed to the ratepayers shortly to grant pei mission to borrow 2000 a sub scription has been circulated and 1500 ra iaed advocate burlington tho masonic picnlc waa hold at dunuaa laat- wednesday afternoon dr and mrs t w peart and thoir daughter holon wpont tho week it ponn lalce near huntsvillo with dr and mrs p w mowbray chirrtontcf oh wednesday ufternoon laati lire broke out again on tho roof of mr a kcclcs ulacksnilth shop at fiueman tho frciman company assisted by tlm employees of tho basket facto y ex tlngulshcd the blaze mr and wfrs fred allen and son left last week on a motor trip to florldai wfrero they will spend tho winter tho first annual flower and vegetable show under the auspices of tho nelson township horticultural society wns held at fishers school hint wednes day afternoon t rov g w tcbbs will not as judge at tho flower show at barrio next week mr nnd mrs kcrwin freeman of long branoh cal are tho guests of mof freeman t a meeting was hold last t ties day evonlng at mr sam oakcs for tho purpose of organizing a band thi following ofllccrs were elected san oakcs president h day uandmaetei v dborland assistant bandmaster t waumsley secretarytreasurer banj committee j walmstoy a harrison and f rcsden librarian j dorlaofl all musicians of the town who arft interested are asked to turn out at tho practice which will be held on thurs day evening t tho proceeds from the field day held by the fcions club netted over j600 gazette room for all milton the wife a wage earner or not should a newly married wife be awage earner or should she not only be exempt from paid labor but forbidden to pursue it some school boards order its women teachers to resign on marrjage a college professor assures his classes that both hus band and wife should work for hire in the early years of marriage and thus secure a family income of thirtyfive dollars a week instead of twenty dollars there is no invariable law for so variable a quantity as the young married woman she should put her labor where it will have the greatest economic value in the long run is she is an inexperienced cook or housekeeper and a good seamstress or saleswoman she must utilize her best powers but even fifteen dollars a week of wages added to the income may mean only the difference between a fourthtate anct a thirdrate boardinghouse for the young couple on the other hand the ability to cook and serve tempting meals may result in wellnourished bodies contented minds and happy hearts living in a home although it consists of but two rooms and as far removed from the discomfort of a boarding-house- as a treetop is from a cave if she transforms two dollars worth of supplies into ten dollars worth of board she has not ceased to be of economic value although she may not have a pay envelope on sat urday night i she adds to her good housekeeping the ability to earn a penny by a bit of sewing or mil linery or jellymaking or pickling or any other hon est work in this busy world so much the better but so long as the labor of body and mind depends on the food we cat the young wife need not be ashamed of her share in the domestic partnership if she contrives means by which that food shall not be spoiled in the cooking citizenship obligations it is imperitive that the ethics of giving testimony in citizenship matters be given serious consideration in every community every one despises a tale bearer even the children call such a person a tat tletale and justifiably look down upon him the informer is a spy a breaker of goodfaith a violator of the sacred laws of hospitality loyalty to family and to friends is the cement which holds society to gether trouble comes when men act upon a mis taken view of what constitutes loyalty to society at large that society which is but an aggregation of families and friends- the existence of orderly gov ernment depends on the observance of certain laws unpunished disobedieneeto which produces anarchy when crime is committed when the laws of the land are violated every person with knowledge of it is under moral obligation wheir asked to tell what he knows in some cases the obligation extends so far as to require him to volunteer information against his friends the maintenance of order and safe gov ernment is of so much greater importance than the protection of lawbreaking friends that the state justly holds that man partner in the crime or who as sists the guilty to escape this rule isthe result of long experience and its justice is nowhere disputed yet in practice it is difficult to enforce it because of the prevalence of false standards growing out of abhorence of tho informer there is no highschool principal or college president who has not come in contact with thescfalse standards in his attempt to maintain discipline there is scarpcly a large city in the country in which members of the police force have not at some time or another been actuated by belief jn the mistaken notion in the army and navy a similarly false idea of the obligations of company j j- boon lft piopped with ibo head up loyalty has many times confronted the commanding a spnro bed cot th officers as if the men regarded it as of great import ance that half a dozen friends should be saved from the consequences of the misdeeds than that the body of national defenders should be preserved from those whttwouid undermine the foundations of all orderly institutions imrs j m baa ted o of toronto and her sister mrs manning of los ange les have beert visiting friends and rel atives in town and vicinity stir and mrs james downey anl four children of smiths falls motor ed up and spent the weokend with mr and mrs william smiley mr blake white of the provincial savings office toronto has been spending a few holidays hero with his parents mr and mrs r white mr and mrs matt telfer of blylh or upending a few holidays here wltn the lnttere parents mr george sherman city passenger agent for wabash railway dea moinea iowa vlsltod his unclo and aunrt mr and mrs h l sherman during the woek mr and mrs v j henry kose- neath esqucslng announce the en gagement of their only daughter alioo luolla to mr william mcfadden the cider son of mr and mrs thomas hckadaon miltonthe marrlagetdtatnr placp the latter pirt of august re former mies gwendolyn shorey nurse-in- training at memorial hospital niag ara falls n y is spending her holi days with her parents mra f besooby of windsor vlali- cd friends in town last week mra jack davidson of milton and mrs john rojblnson and daughter lois of hornby are visiting with friends in brown city michigan trio grace church girl guides ar rived homo from erin last friday night after spending an enjoyable week workmen are busy preparing tho concrete foundation for the cut stono steps to replace tho old wooden ones opposite tho two front entrances of knoac church champion georgetown mr- and mrs i j rennet of verdun man are visiting relatives and friends in town and vicinity dr thomas wrlgglesworth of eu- clalre wis is visiting with his brotber mr george wrlgglosworth mr roy b van natter who has been attending the summer school at queens university kingston has re turned to neville soak mooter roy cole had his left arm broken on saturday the result of a fall on tho pavement while playing with some other boys mr g mcguire and mrs b mc- gulre of slracoe spent a day last week with relatives in town and vicin ity master robert saunders was struck by a truck last saturday afternoon and had a norraw cscapo from serious injury st georges sunday school held their annual ru to eldorado park on saturday the 22nd inst all roport having an enjoyable time mr arthur reaumont is holidaying in quebec and the maritime provinces mr and mrs w h willson and mlus josephine wluaon are enjoying a motor trip through the north country mr and mrs s kirk wero at buf falo inst week attending the annual convention of tho american florists auaoclatlon miss lily mccullough of the teach- inir staff of owen sound public school haa returned after spending her vaca tion wlfh her sister mrs w a wil- aon mr und mrs a g green and their family left last week for their new home in burlington messrs a b forbes and chariot mcallister of toronto visited last week ut dr mcallisters mr earl vanattcr spent a few days la town last week before returning to brltlsu columbia mrs rubort erwln mra h gold- hnm and children are vlnlting with friends in hageraville mrs a m grundy returned honre saturday from a visit at her home in ottcrvllle tho members of orion lodge i co p no 100 and thoir wives and members of verdun kcbecah lodge numbering about a hundred held their plcnlo to eldorado park on thursday afternoon mr w j ilonoy has purchased the old hotel property at sllvercrcck and ha started a chicken ranch tho iteove and members of eequos- ing council and their wives motored to nlxiffara fqus last tuesday and viewed the illumination in tho even ing they report an enjoyable out ing horald needed a hair cut hliprt sight is not toleratcdtn a com mun soldier hut sometimes it is neces ttary to tolerate it in an officer furth crmore there are many shortslghtej ofllccrn who are unwilling to war pair of glasses suchi an one was a certain captain in tjie itrlunli army of whom a story 1h told in an english paper during a kit inspection a mop had hhoitihtcd captain entered an glunrcri ttt tho mop then ho hnappej his fingers colorsergeant he oxclnlmed yes hir said tho hergwint salut ing uee that that man has his hair cul immediately said tho captain point ing to ttie mop the western boomer has his own way of doing things it- la effect j and ho knows it and he sees m particular reason for borrowing hint from tho tirst easterner who cornea along the new york tribune has this story to tell a bland nnd patronizing new yorkei was passing through a raw and new hamlet in the west which its proud founders had dubbed b city and wete sure would soon become a thriving hive of human beings addressing a lank youth who was lounging at the door of one of the rude shanties that passod for a shoe emporium tho new yorker lnquhed sarcastically who is that importantlooking gentleman in tho red flannel shirt thats sam peters was the reply hes just opened tho new postof fice and the tall person with no col lar hes long mike just opened a new grocery store and tho plump individual with th bald head handy jim ho owns the now hotel indeed said the new yorker the city seems to bo pretty well started l suppose there was nothing left for a stranger like myself to open oh i dunno drawled the lanky one we aint got no loonattic asylum yet you might start that consolation a minister who lias since attained prominence says a writer in the sun wpw inhifi fmitnr riii cnled from a village church one of the sisters ex pressed erjejraji jtijaolng they will get a better preacher to take my place he consoled her no thats juat tho trouble sho said every preacher lately is woro than the last mere charity modern advertising can copo even with tho etiquette of courts m a p tells us that a young american womui wished to be presented at the court of tho king of saxony the high onlcials having inquired into her social standing at home ob jected they represented to her that tho king could scarcely receive the duughter of a retail bootmaker tho young woman dab led home and told her father tho situation the next morning she received his answer cant call it selling practically giving them away see advertise ment that solved tho difficulty she was presented as tho daughter of an emi nent philanthropist truth on a gravestone a curious rhymed epitaph is that on the tomb of isaac reed a conveyancer of london who edited an edition of shakespeare in fifteen volumes pub lished in 1703 he left a large and curious library which was sold after his death for over twenty thousand dollars the epitaph runs as follows jreatiert of these few lines take heed aaid mind your ways for my sake for you must die llko isaac reed though you read till your eyes ache a useful convert peacelovers though we may be to us all thero is virtuo in skilful flatlight ing in a just cause therefore the thrill is at least pardonable which one feels on reading this episode which doctor ralnsford relate in his book a preachers story of his work the episode waa in the midst of dr ralnsfords vigorous struggle on tho east side of new york i remember one man in particular a big strong fellow he came in and sat down in tho sunday school i had some of tho very best teachers i could find and i always put tho best work ers there ho began to talk in a way that man should not talk to a lady he was a little drunk i saw th lady a face flush i walked over and told him to get out he would not move i sab we are hero to help ou people we uro paid nothing for it now you aro enough of a man to respect a lady why do you sit thero and make it im possible for her to teach those boys ho sworo at me and would not get out you do not want mo to call a policeman do you got out quietly ho jumped to his feet and i saw i was in for a row ho was as big a man as i am i did not call a policeman but i hit him harder than i ever hit a man in my life and i knocked him down then i stood over him and said have you had enough ho said yes all right i answered now get out and he wont t about thrco weeks after that wo got into a scrimmage outside the sunday school room with some toughs and to my horror i saw elbowing his way through the crowd this same burly i fellow and i began to feel that be tween him and the others i should bo killed when to my astonishment he walked up to the ringleader and said j the doctor and mo can clenn out this saloon you get out bonds stocks and grain private wires to now yo chlcafo winnipeg and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j hanniqan 174 aujh j horse sense l a man in the midi lihih owiri a number of hoi i s nnd hkia gie t reputation for skill in tin- ti cut incut of them one di a in mci nppioiich- d tlio horse numi little hoy ind look huie ih little- man vheu olio of youi futhus iioihis is ill whit 1oes he do da you mean jylikhu ji heilou- ly ill ntikcd the llttlo ih cautiously ueciusdlf a himho is onl slightly 111 lie gives it medicine but if it is very ill ho hciis u celebrate labor day b inastvresp shoes shinedwrii hyou look your t r exceisior ffebntnanurimt ictonflourifrdmlusl o hummus actonqnt s the foot- theres no age limit to the appri ciative audienc1c when it comes to excelsior flour acton flour and feed mills d h lindsay proprietor mill street acton ont western fair london ontario september 12th 19th 1925 tlnq joining callhdlan agrlcultuial and industilal ijjxhibl- tion is now over halfacentuiy old and impio ing with age conic and sep thejuge list of added attiactlons booked fo for year entries close septembfi jrd 40000 in prizes and attractions for further in faun ttiun apply j h saunders pros v d jackson sec london ontario wfe owe it to ourselves h customers wjv a lilsillte to have banking relations only with people of good repute who are honest and prompt in their business obligations to make a fair profit on the service we renderto customers so that the bank can grow in strength and usefulness to make loans with the utmost care and upon approved security to the end that the funds of the bank and its depositor will be safely and construc tively employed it is to the interest of every depositor that we strictly observe these principles without which no bank can be strong and permanendy helpful bank of montreal established over ioo years total assets in excess of i7oooooooo how the allcast moisture system saves money teata have proved important savings in fuel where the warm air from the furnace is properly moistened the saving has reach ed upwards of 20 per cent the hygienic vapor pan in the allcast is designed to supply the correct amount of natural moist ure required for health and com fort atmosphere that protects the family from winter ills other exclusive fuel saving features of the allcast are the freedraught shellbar grates which insure perfect combustion and the fuel- saving air blast which burns thesmoke and gases the allcast is easily oper ated it burns soft coal and all other fuels equally well it is reasonably priced come in and let us show you its many important fea- tures or write for complete details there is a size and type of happy thought furnace for every kind of home uadt m pip and pipeltu leo latham acton ont haiwtkhhjght business directory medical dr j a mcniven pfiyaloiari and suraon oulco and rcoldonco cornor dover avonuo and elgin stroet dr e j nelson frederick strioet acton ontario legal phono no 22 p o box 311 harold nash farmer m a borltor solicitor notary public conveyancer etc perryman block acton ont monkv lent qn mortgages honrfl p30 am to 5 p ra aaturdnya loo oclock dental dr j m bell d d s l d s dantiat honor graduate of toronto univer sity tho ifttest anesthetic used if doslred ofllco at residence corner of mill and prcdericlc streets dr f g sollop dds lda dental surgeon office over bank of nova scotl holtrs930 to 6 30 bvonlnffa by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of oyery description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham street p guelph ont over wllliamo store r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 years experience list your property with me acton ontario a e mcklin insurance agent life fire auto accident health insurance guaranteo bonds burglary and plato girbg insurance trustee for estates collections business entrusted to my care will bo carefully looked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm pioperty favorable rates and terms for re payment box 444 uotver ave actoj dpnes jskgravfng q s3 richmond 5t west moromto canaq4 monday august 31st at guelph business college gummor blda guolph ont i0r thorough business training a l bouck principal and proprietor patrons of this establishment please notice during july and august examinations for glasses on thursday friday and saturday only of each week lena grinding and quick ra- pair department oporntlnfr is usual write or phono 1091w fjr appointment a d savage optometrist and tafg optician rlkht at tho poat ofllco snvaaa building guelph the old snd reliable granite and marble works wo aro manufacturers and direct importers of all hinds of monumontal and headstone work wo soli direct to our customom at wholesale prlcos thus savin fir our oustomor 40 por cont wo have tho best appliances nnd tho only mechanics in thi dominion who can operate pneumatic toolti properly we can give references from hundreds of our cuatomors in toronto and otfrer places whoro others liavo to havo law suits in order to collect wojiavo tho largest and beat a took of granite in the dominion or naoro than any throe donlora in tho v6bt wo are loirlt- mate dealers and employ no njtent nnd do not annoy or post cahtnmorti by bonding out ifftiornnt agonta solicit ing orders wo employ only mechanics and- defy competition hamilton sons qublph ont

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