Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1925, p. 5

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lr arfrm sto p0fl tjiuitsijai slutiaibuu 3 191g alls well wo 11 it is well that all bo taken towhich ninwaun8b wimr it the stripped heart by borrow sliukcn speeds foith to loftier tlilngfi well that the flamu of youth should poi ish the flower of health bo whom it fiom the giave of tint we cheilsh a 01 thiei helf in bum wliut though our toil qui cares und htrivines r earths perfect outcome miai now heights theie are of nobler living new world that outweigh this i j gilef joy mid love beyond our scolng one eloiioua ti uth foretell that in the boula full sun of belli all things at last are well dora real goodall twenty years ago the sunday school lesson for sunday septjmber 6 frtom tho issue of tho free press of thursday september 7 1905 a jargo numbei of the employees of tho acton tanning- company are working ovei time the pilco of wheit la down between 75 and 80 cents another batch of nev fiveyearold commenced attendance at the public school on tuesduy a large numbei went from jacton on monday to the son- of scotlunj demonstration at stanley park erin mr j h denny of erin left a very largo hens egg at thlsoltlco on mon day weighing threo and- threcelghtho ounces the harvest excursion trains took another contingent from acton last week mr john harvey and miss mary to indian head mra aleoe h brown to manor ernest wilson h sayers jr and jv bayliff to 6trath- cona d taylor to brandon g 1 darling und j mackle to vancouver james mclsaac to boiscvain mrs john cameron president of acton womens institute entertained tho members on her pretty lawn on john street last friday afternoon all tho members of tho family of mr and mrs thomas statham met at their residence church street on labor day except mrs l flynn of col in a family reunion it is several years sine they were all together a joint committee of acton cornet band and acton fire brigade ore ar ranging for a halfholiday on tues day 19th when they nope all citisona will join themrln a afternoon of games sports music etc contractor mackenzlo commenced operations yesterday for tho rebuild ing 6f the clark house destroyed by fire on tho 18th of august it will bo remodelled throughout and consid erably enlarged mr roche the new proprietor is superintending tho re building of tho house the line is busy tho advent of the telephone into the rural districts might havo been ex pected to introduce an clement of freshness and variety into the mon otony of farm life but somo of thc uses to which this instrument has been adapted by ingenious farm women surely go beyond the pleasantest an ticipation of its inventor in many of the counties of tho mid dle west the telephone has become so papular that tliere is one in almost every farmhouse many incidents at test tho adaptability of the instrument to the varied needs of country ufa one old lady of wellknown sociability was found by a chanco caller sitting pleasantly at her knitting and wear ing what at first appeared to bo some curious headgear but what on a clos er view was seen to bo tho telephone receiver fixed to her head by an old hatband all tho telephone subscrib ers on the road were on a party line and the old ladys car washltched to- all the private news of the country side in another instance a young mother finding it necessary to go to a neigh boring farm on a household business took down the receiver and laid it near her sleeping infant and requested central to ring me at mrs hall if you hear the baby cry a physician making n country call found himself in want of something he had left in town he went to the farmers telephone to request that it be sent to him as he did so tho un mistakable click of receiver hooks could be heard all along tho line in closing his conversation the doctor said now you may all hang up your receivers wasted ime what is wasting time some people havo tho wrong idea not long ago a young fellow told a friend he was ashamed to waste bo much time sleep ing ive tried to get along on four or five hours a night he said regret fully but i have to have a full eight hours such a waste of time as a in eight hours tho damngcrdonc by sixteen hoursof activity is ono of the best posslblo investments of time time spent in play la not wasted play is as necessary to health as food tho old saying all work and no pla makes jack a dull boy is profoundly true as a general rule no one takes so long to do a piece of work as tho fellow who never plays his mind is in a rut he plods doggedly when he should run tod much time may bo given to rccieation or it may bo the wrong soil but piny h not a waste of time time used halfhen i ted is wasted whether it is spent in fituilying math ematics or in playlnp tennis that time is wasted which la given to un kind criticism ofotners or to self- pity if ou want to waste any part of your life in the mont effective and thoroughgoing fashion yet devised sit down and wish that you had a rich father or that you had been born when opportunities were more plentiful of all ways of wasting time that is para mount measurement origins natural measurement of distance wero originally taken from parts f the human body before there was any plan to form regular tables of mea surement tho inch for instance de veloped from tho exact length of thy thumb joint tho old measurement culled th hand was the four inchot across a persons hand and the hand measure still is four inchon the tjpan nine inches dame from the space from tho end of the thumb to tho end of the extended iittl linger the foot twelve inches came as its nnme signifies from the length of i mans iui the cubit an old mcnsuro of aboat eighteen inches l the distance of th f6rcii m from tho elbow to the cnif of the middle flngei tho yard meant an arms length from the choht oha stride being still a standard meusuro of thirtysix inches or threo feet the fathom six feet was guaged by a mans height or by his reach with both arm the word fathom as a verb still means to reach or get the depth of a body of water the league meant at first an bouts walk no that now it means about thiee of om ordinary present miles g s c if one be troubled with corns ho wll find in ilolluwnyn cin hemover fii application that will entirely rultcve any suffering paul writes to twb philip- piansj philippians 3 710 18 tj of wilting this epistle 61- c a ix plate home tho tot explainod 1 that 1 may know him and tho nowci of his i lsui lection and tho fellowship of his bufceiings 711 paul hus recited tho things in whici lie might boast und now he tells what he had done with theili one und al so far from boasting in these things what things were gain liteially gains to me these veiy things one and all havo i counted loss for chi ist gains they might bo ill themselves but in compaiison with christ und especially us standing be tween him and christ he lumped them- all together and labelled them loss note how exultantly paul dwells upon the names and titles of him who was all in all to him und in comparison with him all else wus not only worth less but positivo loss christ- jcsub lord and then note that little but wonderfully expressive pronoun my my lord there is hero an im plied and tremendous buggestion of the deity of christ jesus then paul adds that on account of him ho had suffered tho loss of all things and then ho adds i do count them but refuse something only fit to cast tq dogs that i may gain christ alt other gains wero loss if they stood in tho way of tho ono great gain he had gladly sacrificed them ull for it the gain of christ and what did paul gain christ not merely the pardon and he etc that are in christ but christ himself and ull hat there is in him christ himself is infinitely more than anything that theie is in him as a result of gulping christ paul und we would be found in him i e in living union with hinif incorporate in him and indcntificd with him in hla death leaurrection and ascension identified with him in all gods do ings with him being found in him he would be found and we also are so found hot haying a righteousness of his own ie a- righteousness which ho had wrought out for himself by keeping the law of god but that his righteousness which is through faith in christ 1 c the righteousness which is put toour account regardless of what we have been or done on ono condition that wo believe in jesus paul tells us in verses 10andllthe reason why he wished to be found in christ not having a righteousness of his own even that which was of the law but that which is through faith in christ that reason was 1 that he might know him 1 e christ only the man who is entitled by faith can trust and fully know christ 2 that he might know the power of hla rosurrectlon what is tho power of christs resurrection it is manifou first of all the resurrection of christ has power to give us assurance that god has accepted the propitiation that christ made in his death and that therefore we are justified second u is tbo risen christ who by his resuirection life brings spiritual life to us and saves us from tho dominion of sin und it is by union with this risen christ jin- his resurrection lif j that we may bring forth fruit unto god third there is power in the res urrection of christ to give assurance of our own resurrection fourth there is power in christs resurrection to raise us from the dead and transform the bodies of our humiliation into tho likeness of the body of his glory tho power of his resurrection is something that we- may know today and which we shall know in ever increasing measure till he comes and we are made by the power of his resurrec tion life just like him spirit soul and body but there was something else that paul desired to know but which toduy many shrink fiom know ing the fellows hip of his sufferings christ hud suffered paul desired to suffer with him christ had reached the throne by way of the cross paul desired to reach it in no other way in being made a partaker of the suf fering of christ nnd becoming con formed unto his death paul expected to attain unto the resurrection from tlto dead by tho words if by any means i might attain unto the resurrection from tho dead paul does not express doubt that he will attain unto it but puts very strongly thi importance of attaining unto the resurrection from the lead and tho necessary condition the phrase the resurrection from the dead is a very impress vo one literally translated it would bo tho outresurrection that out from the dead it clearly points to a resurrection of some out from tn mass of the dead a first resurrection cf rev 20 4 5 1 cor 15 23 24 1 thcss 4 16 little lucy dalton and her big grand daughter r at the oldtinfufv day durlnk tho old home week celebrations nt north bay when that town graduated to fullfledged cityhood tho above mode of the lucy dal ton the first canadian pacific engino which passed through north bay took part in the principle procession and flnnlly posed for her photograph by the side of one of lioi gigantic granddaughters who nowa- pufied her way along the streets of days perform the duties once carried the new city on her own motive power out so laboriously by lucy heiself tho thousands of oldtime railroad men model was constructed in tho can- gathered in the baby city of ontario adlnn pacific shops at noi th bay and j for tho old timers oelebratlon and how the allcast moisture system saves money many were the lialrnatalng stories told of the days when hplf a century ago the railroad was flrjftushlng its way through the barrenfcvyderncss whjch was then north bay the final exhortation in vs 8 0 is of a general and comprehensive char acter he tells them of the things to think on or more accurately to take account of these are 1 whatsoever things are true wo should take account of the truth wo should ignore the false 2 what soever things are honorable rover- en or venerable 3 whatsoever things are just i e in accordance with gods will as revealed in his word t 4 whatsoever things are pure not only the things which are chaste but pure from defilement of any kind 5 whatsoever things aro lovely the word translated lovely means winning love or winsome pleasing true christianity studies to please cf 1 cor 3 5 6 what soever things are of good report or sweet spoken attractive in the way of kindly speech 7 if there be any virtue i e moral strength and across the au sable chasm if tliere bo any praise 1 e that is way ii i press on 1216 he saya that jie was not already made perfect but his face was stead fastly set toward that goal ho was ju ntsslng on or pursuing christ i att u ecp 4h a taw hold upon paul for a pmpose vis to perfect and glorify him and paul presses on to seize that perfec tion and glorification for which christ has seized him it is an unfortunate day for any man no matter how great his spiritual attainments may be when ho thinks ho now has all there is al ways something better further on whllo paul did not count himself yet to have apprehended ho ever set his faco toward apprehending in all its fullness that for which christ had apprehended him ho concentrat ed all his cflorts nnd thought on this ono tiling the things already at tained he did not stop to regard with complacency and selfsatisfaction but left them behind for they were not the goal and forgot them as he pass ed them ho was ever stretching for ward to tho things which were bo- fore ho was not occupied with the good things of past experiences but with the better things of future ex perience the word translated stretching forward to r v is a very expressive woid it pictures tho tunncr pressing his whole body for- waid toward the goal and stretching out his head in his eagerness to cro s tho line such is tho way for tho christian to run his race too many are contented with and talk too muoh about present attainment dont do that press on thcro is something better yea infinitely better ahead lot us pot forgot that it was woll to wards the close of pauls wonderful life 6f achievement that he wrote ihcao words and ho was still pressing on it was unto the prize thut paul was pressing toward the goal that prize was the highcalling of god ie that high destiny to which god had called him und us paul had just denied thut he wan already made per fect but now ho speaks of himself and othcis as perfect some have thought it was an ironical reference to those who spoke of themselves as perfect but this can hardly bo for paui says let them as many as bo pei feet the true explanation is very simple the woi d perfect llko a lot of other words hus a wide range of meanings it sometimes meuns full grown of mature age the sum grecky word is translated fullgrown man that is about its meaning lieie as many us arc perfect means as many us are mature in spliituxl development absolute perfection paul hud not attained to and neither havo we but a i dative perfection may be ours hcio and now iii think on these things ch 4 8 justly worthy of praise these are the things to take account of to dwell upon in thought and esteem wo become like what we think about if we think constantly of tho false wo will ourselves becotno false if wo think long of the inconsistencies of men w will ourselves become inconsistent if wo think much of sins of impurity wo will ourselves become impure if wo think of all true things we will become true daily rendinaa for next week monday september 7 pauls prayer for the philippians phil 1 111 tuesday september 8 lifes objec tive christ phil 1 1221 wednesday september d suffering for christ phil 1 2230 thursday september 10 chrlsthue living phil 2 lll friday september 11 light in the world phil 2 1218 saturday september 12 heavenly citizenship phil 3 1221 sunday september 13 alutual help ers phil 4 1020 protect tho child fiom the lavages of worms by using mather graves worm exterminator it la a atandnd remedy and years of use have enhanc ed its reputation anecdotes in irish peasantry dr l ornrnn cooper in a pleasant account of his dealings as a physician with the irish peasantry tells some characteristic anecdotes of their do ings and sayingswhlch have the merle of being both new and tiue it is well known that the watereuro is ono not likely to meet with much appicciation in erin but the manner in which one old woman received the suggestion that a batli might bo desirable was unexpected she repudiated the idea indignantly sure said she ive heard of em washin a corpse but nl ver a 11 o one- he had some trouble with patients who were divided in mind as to res pective powers of himself and the wise woman who wouhl treat them as sufferers from witchcraft and he was not always able to urge his claims to a victorious issue many sufferers however placed in him a childlike and cheerful faith and cf theso a typical specimen was heard to remark tho docther god bless him is after giving me a description an if it dont cure me hell describe me again ho was able to describe for them on tho whole successfully although at first ho found it difilcult on re ceiving accounts of tho invalids from distracted messengers or relatives to judge what kind of disease he woull hayoto deal with but in good ho acquired the necessary knack of in terpretation and ceased to bo puzzled when he was called in to treat ton- sllltls under the appellation of to matoes in the f roat bronchitis an brown katum on the stomach or even conjecture brother lungs with combinations presumably conges tion of tho lungs with com plications with all the bulls and blunders of his patients however they were bright enough in their own way and they could describe an affliction if they could not always namo it millers worm powders being in de mand everywhere can bo got at any chemhkw ordrug shop at a very small price they are a reliable remedy for iworm troubles and can fully be relied upon to expel worms from the system and abate tho sufferings tbnt worms cause there are many mb titers that rojoloe that they found available so effective n remedy for the relief of their children something in it the question whats in a name may bo answered from one point of view by narrating a bit of experience confided to one of his friends by a man nn med coward now he it known that there are branches of the cowurd jamlly who can trace their honored llnoago buck to old colonial days and are quite proud of their ancestry as tho vcro do veres of fritz montmorency have you thought of changing your name asked a friend no answered the coward in- ques tion thcro are too j many thrilling associations connected with it in wliut way well from tho time when i was a little boy until i went through college i hud moiethun fifty fights on account of it cl03e figuring after the squire hud married a couple who had come from tbo country tho bridegroom inquired what doi owe you sir tho jaw replied tho hiiulru al lows me two dollars all light said the bridegroom til givo you ono dollar and then youll havo throo dollars the famous gorge in the ad iron dacks known as the au sable chasm was years ago spanned by a rude wooden bridge which hung 125 feet above the watcr one night a fearful wind storm came and blew away this bridge all but a single stringer or timber eighteen inches square thu bridge was not replaced but this single timber remuined totting whitening and rounding in the weather one pitchdark nighty ton years afttf the bridge over the chasm had dis appeared a stranger drew up his home in front of tho tavern at au sable iorks and entered as ho was eatlns hla supper in a corner of the room the landlord engaged him in conversa tion dark night outside ho aalit yes black answered the pow er have any trouble finding your health hints for everybody provincial board of health luoa new literature giving valuable advice no i used to live in this neighbor hood twenty years ago which way did you come right over the bridge at the au sable everybody in the room stared at the man youre craxy exclaimed tho land lord there hasnt been a bridge ovor tho au sable for ten years i guess you nre mistaken i cer tainly rode- my horse over that brldgh not threequarters of an hour ago impossible sir that bridge blew down ten years ago again tell you my friend that i rode across it this very night jt wa3 too dark for mo to see but i hcarl tho clatter of my hprses feet on tho planking and the noise of the water in the chasm below j2veryone supported tho landlord but the an anger said wait until day light and we will see whether or riot there is a bildge there the next morning everybody was at au sable chasm there sure enough weie the fresh prints of a horses foot leading fiom tho end of tho stringer a daring youth walked acioss on the beam and found the same hoof prints leading down to the timber on the other side the stranger had told tho truth in the darkness his horse had crossed the chuam on a single narrow and weatherbeaten beam it is declared that when he saw the perilous path over which he bud so unconcernedly ridden tho night before and glanced down into the chasm he trembled ns if he had been stricken with the palsy choked for atr some little irritant becomes lodged in the bronchial tubesr others gather and tho awful choking of asthma results nothing offers quite such quick and positive relief as dr j d kelloggs asthma remedy tad healing soothing smoke or vapor pen etrates clears the passages and gives untold relief it has behind it years of success it is sure remedy for every- sufferer like many more because she la the daughterinlaw of a former british prime minister lady cynthia asqulth might bo expect ed to be a keen politician and she is hero is a story she tells a woman was asked whether her husband was a liberal or a conserva tive well was tho reply when hoa with a liberal hes a liberal and if he happens to be with a conservative hes a conservative yes but what is he when hes at home persisted the questioner oh said the woman when hes at home hes merely a nuisance a prime dressing for wounds in some factories and workshops carbolic acid is kept for use in cauterizing thi tvounds nnd cuts sustained by the workman far better to keep on hand a bottle of dr thomas eclcctrlc oil it is just as quick in action and dops not scar the skin or burn the flesh got the tune all right a new irish porter was put nt work on an english train tho head porter saya household words directed th now man to imitate him closely and thereby learn his duties when the first train came info tile station tho head porter shouted ferry hill change tor hartlepool stoclcton and middlesbrough change for spcnnymoor coxhoo nnd trlmdon keep your seats going north itnrney strode after him and shouted in a louder voice fareyhlll change for dahore umpmump tootnlooril djderham chango for coxcomb mon ham findhnm coldhnm knne your seats where you nre the stationmaster called him aside and showed him the right names on tho timetable bainey lemoved his cap and said politely thnnk you nor i rotjaounl of tho music but i couldnt catch tho words packet of wilsons fly pads yrlu klumqbt hiks than 8 worth f any sticky riy f atcher clean to handle sold by ah druggists groeers and t general stores copies of two new booklets issued by theprovinclal board of health di- vhilon of child welfare havo been received by tho city public health de partment one is entitled health hints and contains general informa tion for safeguarding the health the other is cajled mouth hygiene and deals with the care of the teeth more particularly the second booklot stresses the valu of cleaning the teeth tho necessity of having small cavities filled and also deals with prenatal influence on tho teeth of the child in this connection allatofjiui table foods fur tho mother to eat is given with general advice in the other pamphlet the matter is divided into several heads colds con stlpatlon mouth breathing weight and a number of tables dealing witi malnutrition under the heading food ways to health thefollowlng advice is given health hints begin and end the day by drinking a klass of water and drink at least four glasses during the day eat a good breakfast overy day eat slowly at regular hours and chew all food well do not drink while eating drink milk everydaytwo cups at least eat a wellcooked cereal every day eat at leust one cooked vegetable besides potato every day eat fruit either fresh or dried every day buy fruit instead of candy eat bread and butter every meal dark hard breads arc best j eat one egg overy day eat meat once a day preferably at tho midday meal eat very little candy and only at the ond of a regular meal do not drink tea or coffee it does the body no good but does it harm do not eat or touch any food with out first washing the hands do not eat fruit without first wash ing it do not eat with a spoon or fork which has been used by any oth r person without first washing it do not drink from a glass or cup which hus been used by another per son without washing it neven use the common drinking cup in a public place in the section dealing more par ticularly with children there are tin following chores for each boy and girl things to do i washed my hands before each moal today i washed my face my hands m ears and my neck this morning and i cleaned my finger nails i kept my fingers pencils and every thing that might be unclean out of my mouth und nose i drank a glass of water before each meal and before going to bed and drank no tea coffee or other injurious drinks today i brushed my teeth thoroughly in tho morning and in tho evening today i took ten or more slow deep breaths of fresh air today i played outdoors or with windows open more than thirty minutes today to keep neat and cheerful constant ly and to be hclpfui to others to sit up straight and to stand up straight to eat slowly nnd to attend to toilet and each need of my body at its regular time to take a full bath at least twice a week degeneration the tragedies of early man led lifo sometimes seem to lessen as they are seen through the perspective of years tho chicago news is responsible for a story which might prove hbellous wero names mentioned a young wife came to her mother- inlaw with a heartbroken expression recently and threw herself into a chair- in the abandonment of grief why what is tho matter mnry the elderly lady exclaimed has any thing hnppened to will o mother hes taken to staying out nights walled the unhappy young woman how long has this been going on my dear it doesnt seem possible i used to know all about my boys hnblts and he never went anywheo he shouldnt how late does he btv away you know ho usually leaves the odice at five oclock mother night hefoie last he never got home until six and last night he didnt set foot in tho house until twenty minutes past six oh what shall i do the cost of dreams somebody has said that although to dream costs nothing the habit is n mistake for it may cost you your content if you are settling down to work that islj unworthy of you satis fying your self with half success you may find an hour of dreaming din hlpatlng that cheap content of youm dreams cost in work sometimes for if one catches a glimpse of the ideal it 1h almost inevitable that he will strive to icallzo it many a smalltown loaf er with nothing better to do with hlh time than meet all the rains becomes a panting sweating toller because he dreamed a dream dreams avu costly that is certain and itms also certain that they pay muscular rheumatism subdued when one is suffering from lapscular rheumatism ho cannot do better than to have the region i ubbed with dr thomas eclcctrlc oh lot the rubbing be brisk ami continue until easo a netin 1 there is more virtue in i tin tt jo of it than can bo fully esti mated testa hayf proved importdnt savings itr fuel where the warm air from the furnace i properly moistened the saving has reach ed upwards of 20 per cent the hygienic vapor pan in the allcast is designed to supply the correct amount of natural moist ure required for health and com fort atmosphere that protects the family from winter ius other exclusive fuel saving features pf the allcast are the freedraught shellbar grates which insure perfect combustion and the fuel- saving air blast which burns the smoke and gases the all-casttseasily-oper- ated it burns soft coal and all other fuels equally well it is reasonably priced come in and let us show you its many important fea tures or write for complete details there is a size and type of happy thought furnace for every kind of home hygienic vapor pan or made in pipe and pipcutt leo latham acton nt onantttmd-cananaibv- happy though foundry limited cqmpanv- jrangesfurnace5 canadian national exhibition toronto 47th anniversary the annual worldfair bdipaing anything previously pretested unique monumen tal among expositions aug 29 sept 12 inclusive db j d k el log gs sthaia ijemepy a oaffano efficient relief for asthma and hay fever it l composed of herbs which when burneo and thi fuue8 inhaled acts promptly- allayinq alliraitation a trial will convince look money take notice that we will handle your troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection no charge wo placo 34 years exporlenco at your disposal and assume oil your collection troubles send us your list wo will do tho lest no noto or account is considered too small too laree too old or too far away wo will tackle any honest debt kelly aiken collectors orangeville owen sound j m aiken manager jos j kelly manager reference sterling bank of canada qliidren cry for railway time tables atacatqnl radian n qolna wut no2j tztz s0d5jmt no 3t 10 45 am no 33 r 229 pm no 35 4 g0d pm no 39 839 p m no 25 sunday lollum goinp emit no 20 705 a m no 30 n27 am no 34 335 pm no 311 017 pm no 38 813 pm no 24 sunday 708 pm canadian national electric railways westbound dally ercopt sunday 743 am dally- 943 am dally 1143 am dally 143 pm dally 343 pm datly 5 43 pm dally 743 pm dally dally eutbound dauy dally except sunday daily s dolly dolly dolly dolly dolly dolly 943 pm v am 743 n m 943 am li43 anx 143 pan 343 pm e 43 pm 743 pm 943 pm 1140 pm vrelffht delivered by special express frelbhl freight picked up ot any ad dress in toronto castoria mother fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing byfups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach vdiarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates to avoid imitations always look for llxc sisnaturc of caf croven ilrectioiw nn cacn pir ipp physicians everywhere recommend it i j a smith insurance and real estate affont for confederation lifo as sociation london lancashire fire insurance london lancashire guarantee and accident dominion of canada guarantee and accident insurance company farm and town property for salo prompt careful and courteous at tention blvon your business solicited residence mill and wallace sts telephone 105 r 2 costs you less than 2 a year though it accomplishes in a few minutes what would otherwise take you hours the cost of the telephone is one of the smallest items in the familys yearly outlay a btudy of expenditures by hundreds of families shows that food costs 43 miscellaneous 25 rent 17 clothes 13 and the telephone less than 2 eath nl0 subscriber adds to ota value of your telephone advertisers tho free pre88 is anxious to serve you and serve you well ws csn qivs your advortise ment better attention and there fore make it more attractive if the copy is supplied to us on moitdsy or tuesday if copy fails to resch us until wednesday forenoon there is a rush to set it up before the forms close and the result is likely to bo loss satisfactory send in your ad8 early free press job printing is always neatly ddne does your watch keep time -try-our-reeair-de- partment we are getting wonder ful results and we know we can please you savage co jewellers guelph ontario j

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