Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1925, p. 6

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blrtlib murrlsccs and deaths t jji fyrttttafty charged tor nt the following rates bttu u1j11 ualil charged soc marriages so deaths cards 50c ioc per line eattra roc memorial for poems born mcmtjrciiy at drondon ont on salui day aueantaath w5todt j a and mra mcmurchy a dausli- tor joun iilnbol died stark at a um ouver r c on l daj auku t tl 195 william stark fornierl of at ton tark in 1 siiucsioe townbhlp on lyldaj auunt 1 1sg mary wll- iion widow of the lato abraham stnrk in hei 88th ycai iumshaw at the homo of lila hon james ramshaw acton on sunday aubual 30 1025 gtoruo ramahaw of lowvillc in lila 79th year hg acton jto ffireflfl thursday september 3 1025 brief local items just four week until acton fall fair acton tail ralr soptombcr 2i and 23 the season for wild ducks opened tuesday durhams tax rato is 54 mills on tho dollar i tho schools reopened in acton i esteroay tho threshers arc now havlnc their busy season georgetown s tax rato has been set it 42 8 mills for this year tho exhibition got away to a good stirt on opening day on saturdaj reduced railway faros camo into effect on saturday for tho exhibition this fine warm dry weather is brlnginc tho corn along in groat hhape tho usual coal itriko is now on and winters worries ore forced upon us in tho summer the canadian national exhibition la drawing its full quota of visitors from this vicinity everyone seems bound to pile up tho attondanoo higher than ever at tho exhibition this year rive crates of carrier pigeons were brought from toronto on satur day and released at tho station here returning officers for tho 243 con stltuencles in canada for the next fcdernlelettlon havo jtll been ap pointed thomas ramshaw a few celts iim mr ind mis thot ramihaw of kowvlllc camo up to vlfl- it at tho hom of their son mr jam itnmohivvi main jtietl xcxon fcant- wook mr kamilinw got a cold ivhlch developed into n ikiiouj slcknoas from which ho filuil lo locovei and passtd away on bund ly dtct i d was bom in lrumoa1 township neai rockwoolj on tho farm noil occupied by robelt johnston sivints nlm jonra ito and was tho ion of uobt 1 1 hamahaw and hannah lastun in 1888 ho mocd to lowvillc while iil continued at his trodo of blackbinilhing until live yeais ago when ho letlrod ho was marrlod fiftjfx yeiis ago to mu j ino coul- son of nclxon township whoauivtves him besides his w iilou one d mghtei mrs robert pickett r eolton and four sons james of acton t g of milton c a of bedford ohio and j w of detroit ho is ilao survived b a slater mrs mniy a clshford of tor onto and a brothir robert ramahaw of hamilton nnd two half brothers and two haltslaters samjlol and ro land of detroit and mis adams of toronto and mrs mcnoll of rock- wood deceased wis a mothodlat in religion and a atrons ijboral in poli tics tho funeral was hold yeateidaj afternoon from tho homo ofkhfa son mr t g ramahaw milton interment taking placo in evergreen cemetery milton rourtcon years ago tho flrsc motor fine for speeding was imposed in peterboro tho speed limit then was six miles an hour mr w c senior of toronto who took tho services at the baptist church on sunday sang a solo very acceptably at the overling service tho young girl who sees her- own mother using rouge and lipstick soon gets the ldoa that what is good for tho gooso is good for tho gosling thero will be musical competitions of every description oven for the mouthorgan and bagpipes at tho canadian national exhibition today tho two now silent policemen of william stark prom the vancouver sun of august 17th the following particulars relative to tho death of william stark aro gloancd funeral services yor william stark homer street wore conducted by rev w w williams at 1 ib p nj- nt the mount pleasant private chapel mr stark died in st pauls hospital on friday august 14 after an illness of more than four months ho was sec rotary of tho canadian rlnanclors trust compins for fourteen years members of the staff of which firm acted as pallbearers at tho funeral which was largely attended ho leaves two brothers dr walter campboll stark in england on eminent surgeon and author of several books and an other brother in egypt engineer of tho british government on irrigation pro jects he is also survived by throo sisters in englnnd mr stark was for a number of years office manager of the w h storey son glove com pany here and left here about eigh teen years ago to take up hla position in vancouver ho was a post master of walker lodge for throo terms and for tin years was secretary of tho lodge ho was a man of a qulot and retiring disposition and hla circle of closo friends in acton was hmftcd but those who know william stark best speak most highly of him ho main tained his interest in acton and tho doings of tho town where ho spent jiomanyycaraancl kept i touch with affairs going on here although ho had been away for some time tenders received for work at park accounts passed and qriof busy session of tho council hold tuesday evonina 1 1 11 jmi f 10 ii r 101 11 to is ri a the toknhr ii3ion of tli thtt 11 on tuciilnj o onlng coumlllou mason atklmion nnd holmes vein ikkiu iuu hco t ftaibci in the umu j lho liehtclnth icpoit of tbt iimo commlttet mumnicndt i mint of thi follow ihk ounlh general account di nubon dr minien w a m modutm co t n toibtm silent 1alltoniuii co j b mticki nilc itupplh ti acton hydro electric comm micct ughtlw acton h di oklccti lc comm town hull lighting acton hydroelectric comm bind llghta n watorworka account w v mooney supplies acton hydrollcctric comm power at pump acton hydro elect ic comm power at spring c 13 15 dr peter stuart following un illness of aoveral monius tho death occurred on tuc3 day night at his homo 176 woolwich street guolph of dr peter stuart a prominent guelph surgeon and ono of the roost widely known physicians in western ontario br stuart who was a son of the lato mr and mrs charles stuart tvna porn near hamilton on august 12th 1858 after teaching in nelson school ho began tho study of medicine and after graduation more than forty years ago ho went to mil ton and became a partnor of tho late dr david robertson and lator con tinued the practice himself ho was member of knox church and u an improved typo at tho corner of mill i mason in politics ho was a liberal and main streets greatly faclutato he was a graduate of the detroit med ical college a fellow of tho college of physicians and surgeons of on tario a follow of tho american col lege of physicians and surgeons and also possessed a diploma from the faculty of physicians and surgeons of glasgow scotland ho wont from mjlton to guelph eighteen years ago and soon established ajargo practice there being recognized as ono of tho ablest physicians in the district ho was frequently called in on con- sulatlon by his follow doctors ho made frequent professional visits to acton and neighborhood ho was mar ried twice flrat to miss elizabeth mur ray who died on august 27th 1920 and two years ugq to miss archibald at toronto who with jholr infant daughter survive him ho is also sur vived by an adopted daughter miss margaret stuart of guelph on brother william and ono sister miss stuart of burlington the funeral was held on thursday afternoon in terment taking place at milton the pallbearers who officiated at milton were dr mcandrow of georgetown mr l rieck of georgetown judgn elliot of milton dr gowland of mil ton dr j p mackinnon of guelph and mr- r j warren of toronto the honorary palvbearcra were dr w p cavln of toronto dr olmstead of hamilton dr w a thompson of london dr angus mcklnnon of guelph and messrs j m taylor and j a whioughby of guelph 1 11 the lepoit was adopted in the absence of chairman of tin anco thctfotd councillor mason pti- foimcd tho lutks mr w a storey addressed the coun ell requesting a remedy be provided to stop tho driin wntci from flooding tho cellar of his propel y on main street moved by a mason seconded by l e aklnson that work in conhec tlon with tho water pipe running into tho stoicy building bo properly repair- cl oncorporntion prem carried the lot on main sti eet neai the mill pond crock was discussed and it vas decided to go tluough tho pio eedure of selling it foi tho taxes due on it tenders for thoj ihingling of thi grandstand at tho purlf and erecting a wlfofenco around the town property were received and they were held over pending some changes in tho specifications get the dictionary habit a great scholar once declorod tbatno man is educated until he has learned tiow and when to use the dictionary many people seem to think their need of a dictionary ceases when they quit school tho only use they seem to bo able to make of such an unwldely book is to hold the door open on a worm day but not many over outgrows the dictionary a gi iyha1ied american educator says that in his youth ho used to look forward to tho time when ilwouidbounncecs t for him to turning at this narrow and busy in tersection tho man who is just learning to drive a car novor complains that tho highways are being mad too wide his kick is that the ditch is too close to the road they shouldnt have flowers on a pulpit platform said a shelbourne young man on sunday night they spoil a chaps view of the choir shelbourne economist mr jordan lawson who as draftsman has a position with the hamilton gear and machine co is in charge of the firms exhibit at the canadian national exhibition a man who ought to know says tt will take more than premierfer- guson s suggested change of regula tions in being able to uret 44 beer off very corner to moke it popular an exchange says that a certain mans henjth is improving as he has been able to attend churclx occasion ally during the past few weeks thero is a heap of fellowa that are still very sick the employees and friends of the hewctson shoe ractory held u most enjoyable social evening and corn roast at he home of mr and mrs bert kenyon wailaco avenue on tuesday evening the quick action of a camper from georgetown prevented a sad drowning fatality nt huttonvllle pork ono day last week when little mary burrows fell into deep water at the dam whflo ashing nnd bank the second time bo fore she was rescued william steel of tho centre road north a farmer met with a very pain ful necident on monday of last week when ho fell out of the mow nnd alight ed on tho steel frame of a seeder he broke several ribs and sustained u number of deep cuts whon people ask mo how i find business i tell them by io6klng for it tho fellow that says ho cant and business is ilko tho guy that takes a milk pall into the pasture and waits for the cow to back up to it if you want milk go after the cow shes willing advertising did it wrlgley tho chewing gum man has explained how he built up a business of millions of packages a day he has dono it by sticking to his one line and advertising it ho spends over n million dollars a year in buying news paper space to tell the world about cent chewing gum ho has educated peoplo to chow gum and to chow wrig- loy h ho did not stop shouting ds soon as ho attracted attention ho says you must keep it up or the buy ere will forge you whether yours is a cent or a 350 000 business keep telling about it arrangements aro mado to educate and amuse 10 000 people at orangcyiue show ruir on september icth and 16th all roads will lead to this great show unsurpassed amusement programme at the western fair guelph block flooded somo time early tuesday morning a water main burst on the principal stroot of tho city of guolph and be- foro tho accldont wus discovered tho opera houso block and tho entire base ment of tho theatre were flooded with water to depth of botween ave and six feet rully four thousand dollars damago will bo dono to the drug store of bogardus and barton who wilt bo the heaviest losers and others- will probably suffer to th of several hundred dollars whether the break is on prlvato property or on the street main cannot be determined until the water has been pumped out of tho building and with three pumps in op eration this in lkely to take coiuld erablo time tho amusement programme at the western fair september 12th to 19th will provide wholesome entertainment of a calibre never previously attained tho free attmctions in front of the grand stand have been selected with great caro and no expense spared in providing a progrummo of outstanding quality concluding with a fireworks display which represents tho supremo achievement in pyrotechnic art johnny j jones famous shows will occupy the midway and for wholo- somo entertainment and amusement the jones shows are in a class by themselves mr jones is recognized as americas greatest showman and is noted for providing shows and amusement devices which are above reproach all patrons of the exhibition may rest assured that the amusements on the midway are the ilneat that can bo secured on hih continent special rides nnd amusement devices are provided for tho children a programme of harness horse races will be conducted iach afternoon dur ing tho exhibition and as tho track at tho western tair ia tho best in western ontailo race horso owners and vlsttors to tho exhibition aro as- e excellent races under ideal con- refcr to hla dictionary to settle lingu istic disputes but tho tlmo 1ms nevr come in his old ago ho finds that ho must turn more and more to his trusty guide as tho jeara pass by ho has leared that tho need of a dictionary increases with the increase of know ledge and experience a good dictionary is moro than i mere list of definitions arranged in alphabetical order it is a book con taining thousands of useful facts compressed within tho smallest pos sible space remember the man who spent flfteen minutes every day read ing the dictionary later when he was elected to congress his colleagues marvelled at his great store of practi cal knowledge yet ho had never gone to school a day in his life ho learned from his dictionary what others ac quired by spending years in college this proves as dr ternald says that tho dictionary knows more than any oho man it also has a better memory tho person who keeps a right hand acquaintance with his die tlonory nover stops learning ho goes to school all his life to the most ac complished of all teachers every household should havo a good dictionary it is not for us to point out which particular ono is begt but it should bo selected with caro thero aro dictionaries and dictionaries their somo is legion the most important ilng to bear in mind in selecting a dictionary is that you cannot judge it by iti cover or tho kind of paper it is printed on neither a it necessarily a good ono because your greit grand mother had ono like it somo die tlonarles aro good others are fal- and still others are ibominable but any kind is better than none if you cant afford a new one get a poor one but got one tho best of us will never learn all thero is la- tho p6orest die tlonary published before making the purchase consult someone in a posl tlon to judge tho essential thing 1h to get ono that is suited to jour ned and uso it tlmo spent at tho dictionary la time well spent always keep your die tlonary within convenient re ich a business man should h wo l dictionary in his ofllco as vu us his home havo your dictionary ho closo it hand that you will lontlnually bo tempted o uso it tho man who frequently gots to tho dlctiouuiy to look up a now word or to refresh his memory on an old ono has a decided ndvantagcover his opponent jits reasoning will bo soundet his icnowlodgo bi oadei and moro accuiuti and his expusuion will bo clearer than that of the man who lust consulted tho dictionary when he quit school pathfinder neighborhood news- town and country eramosa 4 hff tttl tuuim-ui- tixlmulcdin ihc- 1 in c 11 in i tt inch ill it mi of 111 an t w in ltm 1 in guolph ono ovun ini iiit l llh tho modol daliy ti un the nun inlm ft to t in fuvot jf 1 otll 11 iiu i mini i snow is pi iidliir hoi hnll- tlin with i 1 tlloiut at kt nllwoi th mi done mtgliuldiiy im hlittl with mi a coy foi the lomulmui if tl hai chi mhi m ih hi utlo tti lipiiullng lui hotllth with h i uiiuth at ilulnllold latin n mty j l t lyloi h in i etui nod home aftti hpendinr a with oi no with hoi ilnttt hi luinnlo ospringe 1 in uuuht i is huielj ideal for holiday and many of oln citizens aro enjoying a few days visiting tho noted canadian national exhibition in tor onto which from icpoits is jcal good this year with hui vesting opeiatiuns over for tills year- our farmers aio busy attend ing threshings as several outfits aro in this neighborhood nt present mish nellie cooke of guolph spent a fow days last week visiting at ilui parental home miss gertlo stiinhouse of toronto was a weekend visitor with mr nnd mrs thos mccutcheon mis h r mccutcheon is holidaying in toronto this week with her daugh tots mr nnd mis i mcdougall of tor onto spent weekend vlsltmg friends in this vcllnity mr and mi s t s mccutcheon of brantfoid motored up nnd enjoyed n feu day visit wlth mi and mrs john mccutuieon on the townline mi l webb is hiving his farm losidenee tieitlv impioved bi a new vcrundn rockwood the rockwood hoi ticultural society held theh annual show lntt saturday and it wis well attended during tho afternoon ind evening whilo tho entries wcie not up to last year tho quality and quantity were not lacking mr h occomore of guelph was tho judge some fine specimens of gladioli wero on exhibition as well us a display by william harris who had sever il choice blooms on the plat form a new departure this year was tho piize caids in place of ribbons which m ide it moro convenient to show exhibitors nimo who seaured tho prizes tho holidays aro over and both tho pupils and tho teachers aro getting b ick to another years studies the allower lottsunday evening vyas very welcome and wo could have done with more of tho piecious liquid as it is pietty dri vegetation is much in need of a good soaking tho highway through the village is a busy thoiouehfuie on sundays along with tho motoi parties who drivo down the valley road and pic nic around the pavilions along the river bank mrs congdon was removed to guelphjast week where sho will have better c ire all w h hoi top of evorton who recently purchased tho rockwood chopping mills from harris and co ltd is busy getting the placo in readi ness for his customers s francis defeated acton twice tha toronto bull tijnm wan from acton in doufjlohopdor horo not saturday i i il a huu uiult unul toani lilay- ln atltt i inio in tin ttirtr hi i loulili liuit hiiiuiliy tit art t anon ihu kama wan all t xhlliltlou am mid wan liationlivl ly nliu a full attolljanto nf fanil in tlm iii nt kiiiik llm in un j i in in il wolnl ilkima ami hi i ram in linni lliul no illinium i imimini it ovii tho lucal laiya wliii illil not pluy tin bianil iif bull thoy no upiitilo of aitoilii mini mini rciitmo in ollil traino wna modiinain i tlucnlmim lilt with thu iihhlm full iiinl hln inoilnk a fow liilliiitoii lutol un unotlm lilt tho hoconil tfttmo vrnn n tlonoi cim- tont anil moio nvonly iiiiitclnil a clianito ill tin actpn lll uli anil a hhlfllnu nuiunil of nnaltlniiii nooliioil to help tho iociiih niul ihoy nnliihoil with it ocuro if 08 anil iiluyol a bottui brand of ball tlnounliout tho unmo why he wouldnt 8h0ot tho opiioaltlon to juwn throubhout nuropo wan for yoaril n matter of most sorlou i import but now anil then it give rlflo lo a hcoiio of real comoily tho burgomaster of vlonnn dr lug ir la known tlirouchout aunlrla aa an in tolerant hater of tho raco tho other day lio rccclvod a deputation conslut lnt of thrco soldlcin and in tho courso of tho convcrnatlon qhkcil ono of them tho following question what should you ilo if tho emperor oidetcd you to shoot tho burgomaster of vienna i should shoot him icpllcd tho soldlet atolldly ah exclaimed doctor lurci anil whit is your religion i am a protestant in that case mid the doctoi i am onlyhirkhllybuprbol he then lepeated his questions to tho nctt soldier who replied that he too should shoot tho burgomaster but that ho was a catholic doctor laicor looked biavo and somewhat startled then ho turned to tho third soldier should you shoot mo he demand ed no leplled tho soldier and why not my frlond con tinued thb buibomaster what is your rellelon i am a jew leturncd tho man what cried tiler doctor and dont you know that i am tho greatest jewbaiter in all auatrla and hungary to boot oh i replied tho jew its because i have no gun i m tho drummer of tho regiment special transportation service to toronto exhibition illlsoilll wliiltlni to lultn iii iii inhibition will do will in pliiiiiliuc 1 ifi fin v appolntliu ni flood tnilihliiihlilluii to lb fti ounriil qat your plunu nd flowr in good ohip for tho coming ohowi by tiling gromor feittilizer tablets ono liihh t per plant will uhow iiiiulth in u very nhort tlmo pi ire jfwi per puclcutf solo agont for acton f j sciuven elgin street aiho ilono meal and hhcop fertilizer twff international automobile school limited announcing tho reopenine of the international automobile school limited at 1301 bloop street west toronto under the samo manage mont and with tho same nystcm of pkacttcatr instruction whlch- proved ho nucceanful during tho year 19191923 during that period scoren of students graduated and became international trained me- clinnloii our facllltlea now aro even greater thorn they were before with a large modern up-to-the- minute school ready to- glvo the maximum garigo training and practical instruction in the varied branches of auto engineering en rol now for our tall and winter terms international automobile school xrmifcd 1301 bloor st woit toronto largest and beat equipped auto mobile school in canada write or call for descriptive booklet a good time for all fhree big baysr thurs fri satsept 34 5 wool tierue frth goods in gray sand navy and cardi nal 30 40 indie wide regular 5c for boyv and girk iurc wool hosiery 85c for full 36 incji grey sheeting sale price regular price regular 65c mens silk and wool bocks for pure linen crash towelling for per yard double bed flannelette blankets in white only sale price mens pyjamas stripe flannelette saleprice ladies umbrellas sale price ladies arm bags sale price 57c 33c 16c 39c 17c 219 149 129 119 ends crash towelling at sale prices ends table damask at reduced prices axminster rueb dfjiilandmissdesignize 27x54 h in regular 3 75 for p j f be sure to visit the store during this threeday sale mclean co mlll street store closes wednesday at 1z30 acton ont i k- mcisaacs everton judges eyes mr and mi a james webb and chil dien of lden mills were visitors last week at the homo of mr and mra j e herron mr and mrs george weatheratono nnd children attonded service of the tour squaio club at fergus on sun day afternoon when live were bap tised in tho grand river a splendid servico waj conducted by tho minister mrs sharpe mr and mi s james hortop of batavia neu yoik were tho gucsta of mr and mi w h hortop last week mr and mrs lome overland of toronto accompanied by mrs anson tjndall ind daughter mr willard and two childi en of cleveland ohio weto guests at the home of mr and mrs thos m tck last week itev and mis paikhouso and chil dren moved to fergus last week whero they will reside in the future mr andmro iimbcrt of acton ac companied by mr and mrs thomas mack enjoj ed a motor trip to dixio whoro they weie the euesti of mr and mrs william i riding mi gcorgo loreo hid what might hae been a serious accident one after noon last wol while driving a team of hoi sen on mi macks farm he slip ped in tho waggon and fetl causing his teeth to penttr ite his tongue in a wa which necessitated ievcial stitchctk mr loicc is now doing as well as can bo expected highway garage red seal gasoline the new gasoijne try it enarco motor oils and greases repairs of all kinds on automobiles motorcycles and bicycles free am alexander mclsaac main street acton i accessories h g meir barrister solicitor etc acton and georgetown acton offi nov open fwnr tn thursday and saturday afternoon anyone desiring to make payments on account may do so at the bank of nova scotia eden mills dltlonb soldier and courtier we reci trarift oinn ecommend every person to attend oiunrovillo show fair it wui be tho bis show of tho voaaon sep tember istb and 16th lord kitchener of khai turn waa a hlrulghtforward noldlor but ho did not scorn tho art of turning a icompllment gracefully it has long been ualrt ot him that he wall proof agalnat nil feminine charms and when ho waited upon her majeat at windsor ttio qucon waa curious enough to put a pointed quchtlon la it true my lord oho asked that you have never cared for a woman yea your majonty replied ttto nlrdar quite true with ono excep tion mi said the queen and who is shot i the sirdar bowed your majesty said he qrangevllle bhow ilr is going to be bigger and bettor this year than ever before dont mlhu it judges who have to keep a keen watch on what la passing in their court room sometime make queer mistakes not long ago in a certain court a negro witnera was swoin tho court did not particularly notice the man a face but when he held up iiih hand to take the oath tho judge suld sharply the wltnchi will take off his gloves before he is permitted to be sworn the witness hand it is nccdleus to say was quite bare but of a very dark brown color on another occasion the court was addressed by an attorney who was supposed by the judge to bo seated please stand up ald tho judge hut may it please your honor tho attorney began silence thundered the judge you will rise before addressing tho oburt it was necessary for another law ycr to rise and explain that tho learn ed counsel wus already standing it happened that the offender waa very short in another court only a little while ago tho judge perceived among the spectators what he took to bo a man with a hat on i seo a man among he apeclatqffi j frood who is wearing his hat said tho judge he will remove it at once but tho offending spcctatoi kept the hat on then a bailiff wan suit to seize the man who turned out to bo a sli ndcr woman in dark clothes wcai ing a hat of the ordinary 1 edora type h w h1nton gift 8h0ppe jewellery watches clocks china lino cut glasft stitloniry bronzes toys school suppllc i wallpaper window hh idoi sewing much ino sup plies grnmophoncs and llcroids vio lln oultai mandolin and ianjo sup pllfn t kopairo specialty dr iluywurtt of toronto will be at hlntorr8 gift shoppo gcorgot6wn overy wednesday 1ft a m to 6 p m for export examination of eyes 15 yeais tenting and fitting in toionto satisfaction fruaranteod make an ap polntment mrs miculloubh af pontiac mich gun also mii clarke hoi daughter of caigill wcic icccnt visitors with their friends in the village and vicinity mi ind mrs a 1- uudd ind chil dicn have returned- from u holiday ot sovei il weeks at kawartha lakes neai pcterboiough mrs blancliat d with son and daugh tor of appleby were guests last week nt the home ot mr and mrs argo mr and mri steed of toronto also mr a alino of llmohouao wero ro- ccnt vlsltois in the home of mr and mrs mlno miss noi ma andci jon of guelph was u vlnltor in the homo of miss kathleen gllbertson last week mi s iarge and mrs mo teal f of burlington and mrs crookor and son of hamilton visited sunday at the hoim of their aunt mrs geo prodgf m 141 walker and miss field of niaguruonthelako havo boon tho guests of itov a e and mra marsh for the past week mr and mi a williams and miss moult of toronto spent sunday at tho home of mi ind mrs taylor mrs llobinson of toronto visited it tho homo of her daughter mrs d macdoufall at udgowood park last week messrs geoi to dyo and charles dyci of i1 in wei e recent visitors at the home of mr and mrs john dyer miss lottie giles of kitchener mrs little mih halliard and mrs houh- nerguard were visitors ono day last week in tho home of mr and mrs great liberal demonstration to be held in honor or rtt hon w l mackenzie king prune minister of canada the armouries city of guelp1 wedjnesday september 9th tho picmle will udihess tho w liberal club in the armom lis nt j 00 o look aftci which a inception will lc held all women electors aio ctipucially ipvitcd a mass meeting will bd 111 ll at 8 00 p if wijen aqdklsm will uk hvbn by kt hon w l mackenzie king senator archie b mccoigmr jas malcolm mp liberal wmp everybody cordially invited a p auld raaldont allxandlr stlwakt socrntuiy south wellington liberal association oon savi thi king tax notice- 1925 municipality of acton packet of wilsons fly pads will kill more plies than s8- worth of any sticky fi y catcher clean to handle sold by u druggists grocers and general stores tin lax notnei foi 19- ni o now in ine lent out a ihfinko if placo of p lymlnt h it be n mnl und tnxo-nre- pajftblo in two lnhtal mcnth at the tonn hull aqton salurilay on or before unto of pay ment oi at collectors residence between anil after date first instalment september 14 second instalment november 16 any intenayoi may pa tho whole of hla taxej on or before september 14 but one half tho amount must be paid on oi befoto that flute rnllure to coniply with thla arianrement entails extra expense and ti6ublo i an addition of llvo pci cent will be made to every tax rato or nnsessmont remaining unpaid fourteen days nftci tho bald 14 th day of september for ho jlint inotalment ind the 16th day of novtmbir for tho netond instalment and it will be the duty of tho collector immedl ntely after tho aald aevoial d i i ippolntcd for pujintnt to collect at once by dlatroan or otherwise undci tho piuviuloni of tlie statute iu that behalf all uucli taxea or inatulment of titxc t please take your tax notice with you when making payment w- j reid couector summer meats j free press job printing is always neatly done if there is one particular time of year that meats require ejttra good attention it is the summertime we have the facilities in our shop for gnng for all meats properly and every niece of neat we serve you is right our large refriger ator nt the abbotoir nnd our excellent gold storpge plant and newly installed refrigerator show case at the shop pre a guar antee of meats served right all summer cooked ham jellied meats cold roast pork bologna jellied tongue meat loaf watch our window for friday and saturday specials w j cottnbbmiuanpmaw3mep8 i- v

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