Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1925, p. 2

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iuuubday talullmbu 10 19jg le alton fflm toftgo j gassc autumn song wellonio autumn with hci galoo bouglis that bit us ami loaves that blind welcomo to the shadowy valoj fcnom of haivtst lot iho wind rtom with 1 iptun toll iilt tlrumj tjustytiumg autumn comet tho grans giowa not nut i must tall iluta of heaven softly dio lioih tuch blossom and on uh vorclure the giuit umngo must llo oiecu 1j roil and inl la brown buow tho comnluu harvest down jbooto tliegaffot bind thethatclu uicla aic mitted out o doors ilmuod cieatures must outwatch lhe sly gunuei on the moor a lro you matui tho things that dies itiko youi haivtst where it uls bkas tlioso odoia that enfold 1 loritl hours for fruit and corn ulcus and baniah long acold llo the sod whence they aro born now with rapture toll the drums gustybaling autumn comes a e coppard wedding superstitions perhaps you have never hoard that tho expression tying the knot came from a superstition connected with the wedding ceremony of the ancient babylonians among these peoplo it was tho custom to take a thread from tho garment of tho bride and one from the groom and tlo themtogother into a knot which was a goodluck em blem to indicate a long and prosper ouu life together in modern russia you will see the brldo and groom begin to race down tho aisle of the church jut uj sooli as tho procession enters the door they lipllevo that tho one flrat to place a foot on the cloth in front of the altar will bo tho master of tho household a spanish bride and groom usually insist that a silk sash fringed with gold be tied around their necks as they kneel at the altatf this good- luck omen indicates that their love is bound together very strongly in franco it is considered very unlucky for any person older than the bride to enter tho church flrst- thero is no part of the world that has not many queer superstitions con- corning weddings somo of them are good omens while others aro supposed to bring equallybad luck in many countries tho bride always carries salt to the ceremony in order to bring good luck it is also goodlucktf it rains on tho bride as sho eaters the church as this indicates that sbo will always seo pleasure come from her trials if a dog barks during the ceremony there is an enemy in tho room in somo places it is considered lucky for tho wedded couple to run out of the church holding hands after the ceremony tho one first to rlso from tho altar will always in after life be tho first to rise in the morning if this omen actually came true most weddings would provo to bo a regular alphoaso and gaston affair with both tho bride and the groom saying sweetly after you my dear it thebest man btumblc3gnhis way down tho aisle bad luck is in store for the groom if tho bridesmaid stumbles tho poor bride will get all the misfortunes when you marry do not try to make your responses to the minister very loud as wedding suporstitlonsays that the one who an swers tho loudest will have the least voice la tho housohold also bo care ful in selecting your attendants re member it is very unlucky to have at tho altar a person with tho same name as either tho brldo or groom it seems rather odd to claim that happiness is suro to attend a wedded couple whoso relatives refuse to attend the wedding ceremony after they have bpon invited but in many countries both the bride and tho groom aro much elated if this happens good luck will also come to a couple if a pigeon alights upon tho church as they enter it to bo married should tho prlncl pals bo required to sign heir names upon a church register it is consid ered unlucky if tho bride signs her maiden name instead of tho now mai- ricd one the best of luck will come to the brldo who stands upon a floral bod lotting the petals of a whito roso drop upon her she must bo certain that this does not hftppen if tho ceremony takes places under an nrchwoy or be tween folding doors in a home it seems that people who believe in wed ding superstitions would have a dif ficult problem to select a ceremony which would be proof against all bad luck omens hi 3tor f ve 0bnrt toi a swim to safety by roe l hundiuck gn making the money fly hon carroll d- wrights book outlines of sociology contains thlj passage a poor man may make a criminal use of wealth as well as tho rich lie ma uso it in the purchase of those things that perish with the use and that result in no good for himself oi his family he may spend it in some form of riotous living or in the in sane attempt to keep up appearances which ire not legitimate thlh ought to be profitable reading for several millions of people for that vast majority who are living on small incomes and who never think of themselves as poor tho rich ore few they havo no monopoly of moral responsibility cither for getting or for using tho man who has but a dol lar is wealthy to that extent and ho is under the same law with him who has a million but why talk of criminal use of wealth because one may be quite as selfish and dishonest in wrongful ly using as in wrongfully getting husbands and wives may really steal from each other und from the household in order to spend on a per sonal gratification the man will have his beer and his tobacco and the wo man her gowwaws and fripperies even if house and children arc tobbed of things necessary to their welfare why not call it a breach of trust but tho waste of means on the part of those who can least afford it often results from mere lightmindedness not a few people ought to appreciate tho feeling of the colored sister who hnd com 6- into possession of a very small fortune she pranced away to tlio village store with tho coins burn- ing in tier palm and asked in a glow of self importance what has ye got honey that i en buy for two cents his music the scuret oj success is to bellove hi tut thing that one is doing be cause he innocently expoctcd nothing but compliments an italian organ- grinder easily got out of a difficulty he hnd been playing before the house of a very iranclblo old gentle man who furiously and with wild gesticulations ordered bim to clear out the organgrinder however continued to grind away till finally tho old gentleman had htm arrested for disturbance at tho police court tho magistrate nuked why he did not leave when re- quested to do so r mo no understan mooch ingleeae was tlio reply well said the magistrate but you- must have understood what ho 1 meant when he kept stamping his feet and waving his arms no me not know replied the son of italy me tlnk he come to dance to my muslc the organgrinder was tffseharred ou can swim cattle ordioiscs out if they get caught by hlgliwateiaaidjhiitqthu men at the hooker ranch but dont evei tiy it with hogs a hog will cut its thi out with its hoof a if it has to swim moi o than a hundred juids no one appeared especially inter ested but llsh hooker looked across at jim and smiled did you ever sc a hog cut ita tin oat that way jim- mlo ho nuked mildly why 1 dont itnows i ever did the lad admitted but overyono says they do did you over seo anyono wlm over saw tho thing happen geno crane was tolling about it last summer but i dont knpws ho said ho ever saw it himself j that throat- cutting story is what tho teacher over at tho comers would call a myth llsh declared some hog away back before the dawn of his tory ran on something sharp while swimming and cut its neck maybe tho hagherd was to blame and in order to square himself told the boss that the hog did it with its hoof ho was lucky enough to get tho btory be lieved and -it- has como right down the ages ever since with so many people repeating it that those who had found out better couldnt get a word in edgewise 1 no ones keeping you from talk ing right now llsh joel ransom said bring on your proofs were all listening well said hooker t had proof enough back in tho seventies when i was about jims ago here you ro- meraber old man peascott henry il peascott dont you joel yes a tall man with side whis kers kind of a speculator thats tho man when i came hero from pennsylvania i went to work for peascott by the month that was the last year the grasshoppers came and they ato up everything in our count henry m was luckier than many of his neighbors for ho didnt depend on farming altogether for his living but he was hard hit just the same whon wo got to the end of the year ho didnt have a cent to pay tho balahco due mo on my wages ho was gritty and hired mo again tod mo that if id stay by 14m through tho loan years i should have all thero was coming to me in a lump when tho fat years came ho kept his word too a boy gets nervous though if ho hasnt something to lpok at that stands for money oven if ho cant handlo the coin itself henry m understood boys so he gave mo a bill of sale f fourteen hogs any tha i shou pick outot uio bttfythreo on tho ranch and after thathe called me his partner in the hog business hogs in that lean year- didnt mean very much for they were just as lean as everything else and in that con dition couldnt tte given away much less sold in fact it was doubtful whether wo could keep our sixtythree alivo wo had planted a full quarter soc- tlon of corn and it looked fine bo- foro the grasshoppers came aftor that it looked like ajmost anything except a cornfield however there were a few nubbins hero and there and bo we turned th6 hogs into the bottoms and left them to rustle for them eel ves they took everything that the hoppers left in spito of that the poor beasts would havo starved to death if it hadnt been for the quitters tho back eastors two of thorn saved tho day for us steve bogordus quit early in sep tember and went back to ohio as i was going by his dugout a month later i noticed somo potato tops that looked pretty good and a little dlggln showed that tlio hills had a lot of sraap potatoes in them by that time tho hogs in tho cornfield had gnawed even tho stalks down to tho ground so henry m and i drove them across to tho potatoes you ought to have seen those razorbacks root they turned over every inch of ground and i dont think a single potato escaped them that piece of luck carried them into november then another famine ar rived henry m had some coat out- cropping oack at tho second bluffs and had arranged to trado a few- car loads of it for some iowa corn but tho corn hadnt been shipped yet and it seemed probable that the hogs would starvo before it came then wo heard that moses blacesleo who lived six mllei upstream from our placo had abandonod his claim and started back to missouri henry m sent mo over thero to seo if mose had leftanything that a hog could eat blakcslees bottom lands proved jl gold mine for us hb had planted eighty ucres to corn between the bluffs and the timber strip along the river and for some reason probably because tho trees had helped to save it tho corn was the best i ever saw anywhere in the country that- year of course there werent any prize ears but there were ten bushels of nubbins to tho acre mose blacltcslee could nt have had much backbone why some of the pluckier people who stayed didnt have anything left except the bare earth and they got comfortably well off afterwards i was afraid that somo ono olsc would find that good corn and so i went home on the run and time night henry m and i drovo tho hogd up to it und turned them in thoy got in pretty good condition in less than a month we figured that with two weeks of pen feeding on iowa corn and slops wo could ship them to kansas city in march us fat hogs i looked after them but it wasn t necessary for me to go up there more than onco or twice a week thoy couldnt have been driven out of that cornfield into the desert that surround ed it und i opened up blaceslees sod stable in order to make a shelter for them they wintered all right for it was a mild season la to in febi uury peuhcott went up the river to tho state line to sell some coal in tho villages ou initio tho giuss- hoppor bolt wo could havo sold round homo all wo could dig but would have hud to take promlsory notes for it that no bnjs would cash henry m wanted some real money to carry us through to tho spring wo hnd a littlo spur track on our places and i was loading a couple- of jimmies to bo ready to mko ship ments in case of ordora when mrs peascott came over the rise from tho house waving a piece of yellow paper go right up and get those cat- tie off the bottoms over at dlakesloou llbht she c114d to mo thero is going to be a flood a wbatr i said a flood ive just had it tologram from henry its raining like sixty ul where he t ft regular cloudburst h saya the river will be all over tfc bottoms down hero before night and for you to get those hogs up on the bluftsjust nm qui ok as you can tfu trmypr how th 3ain is jond of dusty moat of ths time but a mile w jl imjtousfan up x waa new to the country thn had never neon tho old cioek on a lam- piibc i glanced over at tho little ti otcli of shallows undcquidnllijcc any reason for ffettlns excited just wait till i tet this c u loaded jilrs peascott i snlil no she hhouted diop that shovel and then ttop it the house foi a pall of lunch ive put up for you get on old jerry hes the teat horse weve i gp loft and ride httrd youve got n aharo in those host lemembcr i wasnt at all excited yet but no ono evor talked back to mrs peascott not even hcniy m so i oboyed hot orders l aa i waa loping jloiit past muiphya bond i saw for the first time that the river had ilsen to tho top of its bank it had came up six feet oi moi e in the lutt half horn that opened my oyei tin d i made jen y hustle the lust thi eo miles tho only way of getting flown to tho blakeslee bottoms was by a load that moso had cut diagonally down tho face of the bluff when i got to the foot of the hloiw jerry splashed through a stieam of water a foot deep tho rest of the bottom waa aheady an island with tho buildings the highest part it didnt seem to me that the river could come much nlhci but i mado up my nilnd that i would get thoso hogs up on tho second bench just as soon as i could except in the coldost spells i had usually found thorn work ing through the corn but now thoy were too worried to cat although it was only tho middle of tho afternoon every one of thern imd crowded into tho old stable j- its funny lant it how dumb beasts will bo aware of a natural danger and try to escape from it long before a man notices anything wiong these hogs of course used poor judgment in crowding into thte instead of getting up on the bluffs but they pick ed the highest place on the bottoms tho only trouble waa that it wasn t nearly high enough they wouldnt come out at my call so i slipped oft the horse and ran ln- sldo to punch thorn up i had no sooner got out off the saddle than old jerry turned and mado for tho upi in i as fast as he could scamper i yoilci at him but that only mode ji m go foster he too scented danger and meant to get out of the way of it at first tho hogs refused to budge from the stable itlnnlly i got a club and drove them out but i couldnt get them off tho low knoll on which tho building stood it was easy to seo why by this time thoro was water all touhd it thcrfloodacvaa afootor two deep over tho corn ground that water rose un inch a minute boforo i could make up my mind to follow jerry it was too late i should haye to swim and i was a mighty poor swlmmfcr tho current made it im possible to cross the river in twenty minutes my feet wele wet and i climbed up ou blakeslees littlo house which was built partly of stone partly of sods with a puncheon loof tho hogs didnt go back into tho barn but crowded togethor close to tho house squealing and fighting to got into the centre of the diove 4 finally tho water reached the hogs and the outer ones begun to go down stream one and uvo at a time and after a whilo in larger groups when tho water got to the top of tho stone work all had gone i toro oft a strip lay on it and drifted away out if hit pic ddont i duties whit h hi its p ilnful midi li tho ahnuit in- t imiii uu humlnh iking which ae cumpaiitem a pi evidential l eeeption health i tho plijsiral exertion loqulred lhi munqtuii o tho thing must bo weaiisoiuo boyond endurance unless it in biokn a t no doubt it often is by some umuuliik incident when all cleioland was at woldou noith cai olina dining iiih fhst teim bit at ciowdu shook hands with him in tho middlo of tho lino was a long link eountryman who toolc tho great est inteieat in tlio scene at length ho i cached tho picsldoni und gi isped him hytht hand well said ho so you aio tho pitsldent y i opued mi clevtlund i am i had a steam engine on board i could not steer my clumsy craft but thero was a clear current and i wont protty nearly btralght after a little while i tried to edge in toward tho shoie not because tricro was any place where i could land there but because i hoped to strike the road at murphoys bend that was the only break in the bluffs till i came to tho next ford at tho peascott ranch pretty soon i saw the line of hogs ahead of mo in the river they wore strung along a halc mile going llko sldewheoiers and tbioy plainly had tho same idea as i had lor thoy too wero headed for the bend i suppose they could see that tongue of low land that ran out f i om tho bluffs and knew enough to aim for it and they could handlo thcmsolvea better than i could for tho slab on which 1 was di if ting was not very easy to manage already they went farthor inshore than i could get i did my best but i was swept by tho point that foimtj tho bond four hogs that were crowded off wero ahead of me all tho others wore lunnlng up the load toward tho top of tho bluff i didnt havo much hope of land ing at our ranch where tho bluffs are straight but mrs peascott saw me coming and threw no a rope and i got safe at h ore are those all tlio hogs that are left alio asked pointing to tho four i expected the worst when jcrry came homo without you no i said iill tfio rest aio back at murphoys safe and sound if there was a boat here id go after those four it was snfo tojnlk like that be cause i knew there wasnt any boat thei c nut ilrs feascott took mo seriously if there was t htjdlred boats you shouldnt go she itd wo can stand tho loss of four hggii you fsh some drv clothes on and syoll go up to he bend after thoiet wo found thorn ill right and o them homo by darlc and two days later wo actually recovered ono of the lost four found it six miles down tho river after tho flood had gone down tht others i suppose wero di owned mind this jimmio tino those hogs swum it jeriflt tluoo miles and not one of than jut its throat not feven tho hbg that went ninp miles one hud a shallow gash in its side but that must have been mado by a jock if n snag a pig in like moat otheruut- nnils itll swim and hwim will if lt hus tp f you lost ull your fico corn i sup- i potto said xool hanaum yes lluh lepllod but it had al- re idy eui i led us th tough tho winter j and by that tlmo vo had tlio iowa corn in tho hnin tho loan didnt hit us very h ird wo aold hlxty hogs in april and i got tlio balance due on my wages id have ial to wait u while longer i gunim ifttioi jijgs hid cut their thtoats meeting the pre6ident tho pi esldont woll eontinued the old fellow shaking jmr clevelands hand like a pumphandle ive voted foi many pi esldentm in my time but i nover seed ono before ho paused a mo ment and looking the president up and down and fiom ono side of tho othei ho exclaimed well youro t whoppor tho president smiled and tho crowd laughed at another time mr cloveland wa- lecolvlng a delegation of touchers at tho white house doctor lucky of pittsburg said tho introducer as a gentleman step pod forwaid to shake hands it had been intended that tho othor teachers v ould follow in turn but somehow a dilapidatedlooking tiamp had slipped into hnojust behind the doctor ab he shuffled up to tho proa ident theio was a pause nobody knew his name and even the tramp ficctmed to feel cmbannssed the piesldent mended tho difficulty he extended his hand with moie than the usual coidlallty and ho said in an encouraging tone how iro you my friend tou numo is doctor unlucky i presume tho old tramps face relaxed into smile plum growing in ontario speaking of plum culture in on tarlo tho dominion horticulturist in bulletin no 35 which is devoted to tlio subject generally s iys that tho clim ate of the western section of tho pio vince is suited to tho culturo of both luroi ea l a 4 kpin plums along lake huron tho european plums do well sometimes low temperatures winter onj biniig lessen the crop in eaatci n ontai io only the hardiest ft european plums need bo tried it is only in an occasional yeir that there is a full crop of these even in pio- tected phces the winter being too severe tho native and the american atieties do woll in eastern and north contral ontario and early varieties bring good prices in northern on tni io tho earliest native varieties should be tried spraying is a general necessity taking oho year with an other tho horticulturist adds there is a fair profit in plums in ontario young shafters leeson tho cleveland lender gives the re clpo by which general shatter learn edaelflellance saying that the btory is told in tho7iiecrbownv once whon i was a boy at school our te ichcr called up tho class in men tal arithmetic and began putting questions beginning with the pupil at tho head i stood somewhere near tho middle and next below mo was a boy who was thice yeais older and consider ibly ahead of me in our various sturrtei how many aie thirteen and nine and clkhf nuked the toncher one aftei another tho boys and girls guenscd and failed mcantimo i had thought it out tho question had just got to mo when i hoard tho big boy who stood next to me whispering ap parently to himself twentynlno twentymine well willie said the teacher lot us see if you know como now be pi ompt i cocked my head to one side and siid triumphantly twenty- i went down that river valley as if nine next how many are thli toen and nhio and eight thirty said the big boy below th it wis just what i hwe figured it out to bo myself and i made up my mind then and theic to depend on my own- judgmont for tho future evor blnco when i havo had anything to do and have figured out what i thought to be tho best way of doing it i havo gone ahead lememberlng when people criticised or tried to throw mo off tho hack how that big boy mado a fool of me in the ment li arithmetic class millers worm powdeis jire dovlscd to promptly lellcvo cblldien who suf fer fi om the l lvnges of worms it is a nlmplo picpaiation to destioy stom achic and intcstln it wot ins without shock or injj to tho most sontjltive system thoy act thoroughly and piinlcssly and though in som chos they may causo omithig that is an indication of theii powerful action and not of any nauaeating property gemb of thought things were different a workman with u ulnncrpail in his hand como out of a little shop und was mot by a followworklngman why jim exclaimed tho new comer youre working overtime now ulnt you no was the reply im not aint you putting in over eight hours ft day ves i thought eight ho urn was the union schedule mmrkod the outsider yes but you ms i havo houghl the shop and i wuit to work moro than i did i am confident that our strongest most effective most trustworhy and infinitely tho cheapest coast defenco will consist jn tort justice fo t good sense fort solfrespect tort good will and if international differences arise port arbitration carl cchurz one thing only is necessary the committal of tho soul to god look that thou thyself ai t in order and leave to god the task of unravelling the skein of the world and of destrny amdls journal holiness in religion shining it w faith gone to woik it is charity coin ed into actiorih and devotion bicathlng benedictions on human sufferings bishop huntington at a face is mado beau ih rn the houiw phjplpg through it so tho woild is beautiful by the whining tin ough it of a loving jod hjippy l tho man who hnh oytn to hco the shining thcic nre mvcet huipilnes awaiting many u humhto soul fighting ngalpsf gu it odds in tlio battle of a seemingly ennimoiiplueo llfo h j vandyko womans place 1 hi itu luiptd twb ticots bitmd the point wliuh lhi worn m had desig nate il 1 lie tec hie at beuunc a mla- foi tune hum tin i ict that ialn was fulling lie ivily i ho inljfoituno had olenionlh of ti igcdj becauso tho wo- tufitrtvtfinarre ponlth e tvrrdtonaciouo of hei lights and fioin tho umdllneas and timidity of tho conductor tlio tiagcdy piomind tu bo cull of pathos tho conduetoi j hand wa i on tho belliopo tho woman paused in tho leai vestibule well aicn t you ynint tei back up i m soi i y madam but there h no in ll non ho upototirtd lorty pas m ngeih ire waiting o to forward and hen eumeu inothei e u behind stop lively plcaso now i llko that exclaimed tie woman uont you boo 4ti raining and 1 m weaiing my now hat and coat and i havo no mbbus or umbrella sho stoi ped down on the footuoard but lingciod theie hi shelter to but ton hoi ganients about hei and to ro- auange the pins in liei hat im soi i y said tho conductor in deep embauassment but will you kindly got off tho eui lb waiting ill tat off as noon it i can oho lotorted 1 nevei saw ouch a stroot car systom it will bo a long while bofoto i pay you anothei nickel ill walk fiist she now descended to tho pavomont but being swopt by tho hurlyburly of tho form looked hci a- in t o mentailly iound the handrail fotf sup port huu please uiged tho condue toi ho slgnelltd the en moved and it not only pet iced lhe woman mdcly but watei splashing fom under the wheel spattered her hhoeti and skirt rigid with dignity and linger sho stood tflieie in the pelterlne ialn while tho cai moved away well 111 lcmembei you ive got your numbei and youll heai from me isow you ve hit id a p- e of ono wo mans mind the myd conduetoi regarded ho pathetically tin ough tho roar window gentlemen ho said earnestly to the group in the vestibule woman is all right jjut i think hei placo is in tho home now patiick muldoon said tlio maglsttatc to the evidently alai uu d wltne h on the utnd li j e uo ct burglary bear in mind that you hav sworn to toll tho truth tho whole truth and nothing but tho truth j ll yet honorvbtammorodmrjvii doon his oyoi wavering from tho judge to tho jury and bacc again 1 is mestlf that ii do tho veiy beat i can but i hope the glntlcmcn will bo x tittle alsy or m at tho shliit foi li little used i am to that soi t av thin er honoi small churches thei o aro many chuichos that at- tiactattention by their alzo and tholr grandem thero aio a few that are remarkablo by reaaon of theli small ness and simplicity it is believed that tho smallest church in england says a writer in tho quiver is tho mid get church at lullington fipsussex it is u prlmitlvo andiualnt build ing of flint with stone auohis it has a roof of red tiles and a tiny weather- boarded tuiret at its west end this mlnlatuio church is only sixteen feet square its pulpit is u pow with pannclled sides sand door and thfc furniture is of tho plainest five narrow dlamondpancd windows glvo light to tho interior when this tiny church is full thirty peoplo aro gath ered togother quite os many aa the little villago can supply only a littlo luiger is tho quaint meotlnghauso at crawahawbooth a village near burnley it la known as tho friends hoetlnghoubo and it is covotcd with ivy and surrounded by a wollcaredfor burial ground inside may bo soon half a dozen oak benches accommodate t cotiidiif necesiary sixty people tho attendance is rarely moro than six- job n bright onco walked twelve miles from rochdale to bo present at a servico in this mcot- lnghouso somewhat hmaller than this chapel however is one that has beon called thu shiino of quakoiiam it is in tho hamlet of jordana in bucltinghnm- shire hither in june of every year como quakers from all parts for hero lie the remains of tho great quaker william penn if this wei o not enough to make tho placo intel osting it has tho further attraction of being the neighborhood in which milton lived after writing paradise lost a cottago in tho vi cinity affording him a restingplace weight of precedent there is a story reported as having been told by col vi ed n dow of portland maine which ehows well how customary usage broadens down fi om pi ecodent to pieccdont and no less plninly doe tt show tho weight of the exception il prectdont colonel dow onec viilted friends at quebec and whilo seeing tho sights of that city and ita aurioundings ho took a public c lrrlago to visit tho tails of moutmoicncy at a half way housq on the i o id tho driver pull ed up his hoists md lemarked the carriago always stops heie pot what puiposc asked tlio colonel i oi the passtiihtim to tieut waa the icplj but iun of iih h ink md wo do not lntt nd to ti t at tho di ivt i hid dhniduiunl and was watting by the loaduldc pi iwlng him self up to his full height ho said im pressively i havo been chiving this carriago now moio than thirty years and this mu happened but onco bo- foie somo time ago 1 had for a faro a ciank fiom portland maine by the numo of nenl dow who said ho wouldnt drlnlc and what was moro ho wouldnt pay foa anybody else to drink tlio son found himself occupying the same giound as that on which his own father had stood new experience brilliant billy a tale of financial difficulties but having a happy ending is thus told by tho yalo record billhad a- uuuboard bill-alao-had- a board bill the board bill bored bill so that bui sold the blllboaid to pay his board bill so after bui sold his hillboard to pay his board bill tho board bill no longci bored bui why suffer from corns when thoy can bo painlessly rooted out by using holloways coir rem vcr higk quality always salada ii h7iaf the choice teas vised exclusive ly in salada yield richly of their delicious goodness say salada free press job printing is always neatly done sttwim oaf e3 no 9 9 nswer tsestion why do you find better workman ship in mclaughlin- buick motor cars newer mclaughlinbuicks precision methods are possible because of mclaughlin- buicks great volume it would be impossible to put such fine workmanship into mclaughlin- buick cars for their price if mclaughunbuick built but a few thousand cats a year s v king representative for this section georgetown ontario for quick hot water pill nit 8mp enameled t kettle betltontheitove mo kettle will boll wmter quicker thut men con venience time avcd too all mp enameled utenille jire very feet corolnn to the boll and in their job of cook- injr not only quicker to cook with but cauler more quickly cleaned after the beet any way you look at if think fhle orer smp enameled tea kettles save fuel m all line of 8 m p carrld by james symon hardware mill street eloquent white space is the advertising space enterprising merchants use in the acton free press to tell the good folks of this community about their stores and their goods good advertising is moving elo quence too it brings new customers to your store it builds good will it creates new business moves goods and makes bigger profits possible advertising is a hardworking ally that should be cooperating with every merchant why not investigate its merits ask us about il progressive merchants advertise issued by canadian weekly newspapers association i v k i al

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