Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1925, p. 3

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the home of lip arjmt 3vv2 fire as member canadian weekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies of ontario the acton free press is published every thursday mormnff at the free preni guild in g mill street acton ontario the subscription price is 200 per year in advance postage is charffcj additional to offices in the united st a tot the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label advertising rates transient advtrtise- rocnts 10 cents per line agate pleasure for first insertion and 5 cents per line for each subse quent insertion contract display advertise ments for 50 inches or more per annum 18 cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly ii p moore president and editor g a dills manager and assistant editor telephones- editonal and business office nw residence of president it j residence of manager 131 thursday morning september 10 1925 those two speed limits the fitrx prcss tins referred once or twice pie- viously but will continue to do so until something definite is dorfc to tllo anomaly of tnv two signs at the ontrnnces to town one erected by the munici pality proclaiming acton with a speed limit of fifteen miles the other recently erected by trieptovincinl authorities in connection with the new highway not ing a limit of twenty miles avhat opinion of the town and its local government is this sort of thing likely to inspire as has been said repeatedly in this column advertising of this kind that is when information regarding the municipality is properly presented is immensely valuable many a small in dustry has been gained when a manufacturer intend- mg to etalflistrxtrahch pltintrmotoredlhrougfrtrj town and saw evidences of business prosperity and municipal progress the prosperity is evident in acton all right but little things like those signs evid ence anything but the kind otspirfc suchtirbusiness man is looking for i tho london toiobraph lollu a alary at a colli- who itmiara hlnifieir with flylhir piffootvi ho imd ocimuion to eo to town recently tyid took with him a bird in a bff ha wan about to tosu up tha llsfhi in the townhall bquaro when vpollccman camo ui nnd told jiuathatxhcnuial no fly mm lilnl if evading the law there why not uslced tho collier because it is forbidden and i shall havo to lock you up if you do tho collier with tho usual sharp- noas of his kind thereupon took tho pigeon out of the bag not it on tho ftound atioltod ita wings and said to t aw cornd toss thee up hero bo thou rnun walk whoam dost thou hear thou mun walk whoam tho bird of course rose in tho air leaving the policeman potrltted wlti isaton ismnrorrt editorial cooperate for actons future this paper belteves in acton and actons future it believes that acton is destined to be a greater town than- it is today it believes that the great majority of people living in acton have an abiding faith fn th towns future it is this faith that has made acton and it is this same faith that is going to continue to make acton a better place no one jieed talk of putting acton on the map for all the world knows acton is already on the map it has had a conspicuous place there for many years and it is going to remain there forever acton is already a desirable place in which to live if one were to look all around the country none better could be found when everything is considered no one honestly can say that any other town is a better place than acton for its size for that reason if you have money to invest invest it in acton it is safer at hnmp thnn it is any place else keep out of the better days for the housewife roger babson the- eminent united states statisti cian believes that soooayomen in towns and cities and later women in the country will not be expected to bake hy more than they now expected to yeave as their grandmothers did men have joined he con- tends in the anvil chorus and have moaned about the disappearance of oldfashioned home cooking of liv ing out of a tin can of the decadence of the domestic wife and mother and all the rest of the sentimental viciousness which has made women bear extremely unfair burdens manufacturers and bakers of food products he declares have the best cooks in the world many of them have laboratory kitchens in their food factories where highly trained expert chefs prepare the most delicious dishes which lire cooked scientifically under the most sanitary conditions bread breakfast foods canned goods and any one of the hundreds of articles now being advertised are better prepared today than most housewives could hope for laborsaving and electric devices as well he believes will come more and more into the homes of the common people and the drudgery of house work especially of the kitchen will be much lessened and women will be freer to deal with the more im portant work of the home the intellectual and the spiritual an acrostic can you discover this italian city tho first id in night but not in day tlkynoconil -itr- in cat and altjo in neat tho third 1h in peoplo but not in 1 folk tho fourth la fn hebt but not in dark tho fifth is in flnjrof but not in palm tllo sixth is in sin and also in soner aname of a city in italy bonds stocks and grain private wires to new york chicago winnipeg and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j hannigan phana 574 guelph ob thbmasv iclectricv oil clutches of the oilytongued stock salesman who comes from a distance and wants your money to in vest in an enterprise the merit of which you know nothing save what is told you by the man or men seeking to separate you from your coin jf you have any money to invest think it over and then invest in acton everyresident of acton ought to be loyally for acton and actons enterprises own ing acton real estate will go a long way toward mak ing all citizens boosters for the home town build or buy a home and grow with acton and enjoy to the full all the benefits of being an aqton home owner the weekly press the weekly newspapgrs of ontario are rinding it a difficult matter to weather the storm of increased costs decreased rural population and daily news paper competition and scarcely a month passes with out one or more names some of them very familiar ones being added to the list of journalistic casualties nowit is a long established weekly in western on tario which announces suspension now another which has for many years recorded the happenings of an eastern community the struggle has become too mutc and publishers often printers as well as editors have been unable to overcome the countless difficul ties with which they are beset the mores the pity the country newspaper is an institution not easily placed it mirrors the life of the commuuity per haps crudely and frequently inadequately in a man ner which the urban nowspaper in spite of its super ior mechanical advantages andjts other pretentions cannot portray and it is all the more interesting and all the more valued for its shortcomings many weekly newspapers there are however which are conducted upon an infinitely higher plane than some of those more influential journals which are fond of heaping ridicule upon them and particularly is this the case with those which maintain strong well- written editorial columns if rural newspaper casu alties have increased within recent years at an alarm- in grate one reason is undoubtedly because publish ers unwisely have permitted the newspaper jo as sume second place in their activities and have trans ferred their affections to the job printing office with its hope of greater monetary returns it is too bad that such should have been the cage for the editorial columns of these newspapers breathed a virility and a public spirit which must have been of great advan tage to the communities affected and wliiph niade the newspapers themselves welcome visitors to homes far removed from the place of publication these weekly newspapers are usually the product of a ver lilfltsd staff affd are issued under mechanical and other diffi culties of which the man concerned withthe publica tion of an urban newspaper can have scarcely any conception the reading matter which they contain is generally from the pen of one man and it is pos sible to measure fliirj by his output britton has made the cananoque reporter what it is today one of the very finest of the weekly newspapers of on tario and without ross the winchester press to give another example near home would scarcely oc cupy the position that it does- the nanje of gibbons is inseparably associated with the cornwall standard as that of young is linked with the cornwall free holder and the same is true of most of the weeklies which have survived the struggles of the last few years wc hope that the day will never come whert the last of the ontario weeklies will have departed the towns pnd villagcsin which they are published should hold similar views- accord to their own home newspapers a liberal support for without them the main street would not seem quite the some and the community would suffer greatly in prestige brockville recbrder and times life insurance it will be a curious and perhaps an amusing fact to many members of the present generation that henry ward beecher the great new york preacher regarded it as his duty to defend the morality of lifeinsurance in that day a most respectable por tion indeed almost a majority of the public looked upon insurance as a sort of gambling with a better understanding of the subject that view has almost disappeared and what was once regarded as a dubious ac has come to be recognized as a personal people who use red rose are usually those who like tea of extra good quality red rose te ais good tea the orange pekoe is extra good tryit j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist wirj be at a t browns drtjq store acton monday october 5th anyono suffering from eye strain defective vision or headache should not miss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appoint ments may bo mado with mr a t brown druggist consultation reb offico hours 9 a m till 4 p m duty so rapidfy has the business of lifelnsurance grown that the funds of the insurance companies are today the greatest aggregations of capital in the world billions represent the actual assets of the old line life insurance companies and the insurance in force which they represent is immense there are millions of policy holders each insured for an aver age of a little over two thousand dollars in addition to this there are millions of working people holding industrial policies altogether more than half of the families on this continent are insured more and more clearly it has been recognized that insurance ia for the man of moderate means a safe and sensible form of saving and as greater numbers of men of that class have become interested measures for the better protection of policyholders have been passed by the legislatures companies which were doing an unsafe although attractive business for a time have been for the most part eliminated or turned toward safer channels and the mutual plan has gained favor so rapidly that in theory at least there is now nq more absolute democracy in the world than a great life insurance company and insurance at least of the head of the home for the protection of the family is now very generally regarded 8 in dispensable independence many a young man has declared at the outlet of his career i shall be dependent on no one but shall pay as i go and be absolutely free of all obligations the spirit which prompts such a statement of prin ciple is good the men who succeed are those with the independent mind but it is impossible for any one to say that he iq under np obligation for the things which he has received and enjoyed years after a rebellious youth has told his father that he worked hard at home and earned all that hereceived it will dawn on him that no money can pay for a mothers cape and a fathers interest and if he have not a wife and child of his own he will look with envy on these common blessings not to be bought with money that even the humblest enjoy he may think that he is independent as he pays his way through college meeting every bill as it is presented and accepting no favors but if he looks at the treas urers report and analyzes its figures he will soon discover that he has been the recipient of the hounty of kindly men whom he neypr knew and who never heard of him men whoe love for their fellows led them to give their money to the college for the bene fit of all who might apply a typical case is that of one of the smaller colleges which pays twentyeight thousand dollars a year in salaries alone to the prq- fessoxq and receives rfltuiuonfromlthe students only twelve thousand dollars in several of the larger colleges the disparity between the cost of instruction and what is received in tuition is so great that they are seriously considering raising the rate of tuition so that the annual deficit may not be quite so large it is not the college student alone who is dependent on the benefactions of others besides his parents civilization itself is the product of all the ifcindly efforts of those who have gone before efforts made with the more or less conscious purpose of benefitting the children of the future when the fact of depend ence dawns ori the mind the sentiment of gratitude is aroused and finds expression in helpfulness toward others ii qbuiiprrnow res real ydod value pmtm its a most valuabi pood and belongs in your home r excelsior flour acton flour and feed mills oh lindsay proprietor mill 8treet actofl ont mcisaacs highway red seal gasoline the new gasoline try it enarco motor oils and greases repairs of all bonds on automobiles motorcycles and bicycles alexander mclsaac main street aqton free air accessories what a season this has been- for flowers not for a long time has the countryside been so covered with dots and blankets of blossoms and not for a long time aswell have the annuals of the good housewife and of the garden plot yielded go generously it appears probable also that the fall varieties will be present in the same profusion another form of a good harvest j tax notice 1925 municipality of acton tho tax notices for 1925 arc now being sent out a change of place of payment imn been ran do and taxes are payable in two 1 natal mentniit the town jhm aeton saturday on or before date of pay ment or at collectors residence between and after date first instalment september 14 second instalment november 16 any ratepayer may pay the whole of his taxes on or betore september 14 but onehalf ttto amount must be paid on or before that date failure to comply with this arrangement tn tails elctru expense and trouble an addition of five per cent will bo mado to every tax rate or nbaehhment remaining unpaldfourtecn days after tha bald 14th ay of september for tho first instalment and tho 16th day of qygmbr fttv th second instalment and it will be tho duty qt the cullictar immdl- ntely after the said several days appointed ojiiuymont to collect at once by distress or otherwise urtttortho provisions of the statute in tliat behalf all such taxes or instalment of taxes please take your tax notice with you when making payment w j reid collector -i- 1925 tuesday and wednesday september 22nd and 23rd 1925 ton fall fa races and high jumping dance in town hall second evening of the fair new and enlarged prize list acton citizens band will give a full concert programme the fireteveningandwillplayduringuioaftcrnooii of the second day of the fair baby show- first eveninq of fair list of special prizes no- horse specials x best high stepping horao in harness 1st win johnstone cash 500 2nd l e atkinson cosh 300 2 best single turnout by duncan campbell moffat cash 3 boat lady driver single vefitclelbtr 130103 symon cash 300- znd tiimot pyrvinn rnnh 200 4 best tandem turnout 1st v rumloy cash 500 2nd james gllmour cash 200 rule no 4 docs not apply to this special 5 best hlh jumping horse three out of five- teats by n patterson and j- w jones cash rt g novelty race harness and hitch to tig trot or pace once around tho track then unhitch and unharness and go onco around the track as you pleaso full set of harnccrs no snaps allowed by t j oncll acton creamery cash 7 potato hace on horseback 60 yards 10 potatoes to bo taken from pile at ono end and put in box at the other end handled with speur by it j kerr 1st cash 300 2nd georeo edwards cash 200 8 best light express horao 1st by w f mooney acton cash 500 2nd by chas wilson cash 200 0 best iady hlder lt by wm kelly cash 300 2nd by wm talbot cah 200 10 agricultural brood mare lat by j n onell whcolbarrow value 70q this apecial to apply to class 3 sec 1 11 best roadster colt of 102g by r j ramshaw cabh 500 this aiveclal to apply to class 6 sec 2 1st prize 12 running race half mile heats beat 3 in 5 threo to start 1st by wm patterson butcher cash 1000 2nd by f holm 03 cash 500 13 best colt foaled spring of 1023 or younger slredby tho imported percheron stallion jciosque by w brown and donald mclaren caledon 1st 500 2nd 300 3rd 200 14 best colt of 192o sired by imported premium clydesdale stallion by neil e mckjnnon hlllsburff lbt400 2nd 300 15 best muitageil team of horses by a boy 16 years old and under 1st 10 oft goods u to value of 200 2nd 5 off goods up to value of 200 goods to be purchased in 1925 by j w earbaroe value cattle sheep and hog specials 16 best jeiaey female any age by empire cafe cash 17 best heifer calf sired by a purebred holateln bull by sims mclean cash 300 18 threo boat marketable lanhap by the president lat 300 cash 2nd 200 cash t 19 bestbrood sow ard litter of pigs bacon typo litter to be from 2 to 8 weeks old by charles parker package acme stock salt value 20 best pair of bacon hogs to weigh not moro than 220 lbs by chnrlea parker motor accessories valuo 21 best pen of three bacon hogs weight from 170 to 210 ids 1st by swifts canadian packing co 1000 2nl 600 3rd 4 00 by robertson bros this special to be applied to class 22 see 2 root and vegetable specials 22 best collection of field roots not less than five varieties by qeorg 1nmh co lnf 300 2nd 200 8 00 5 00 z3 7 00 5 00 5 00 g 00 7 00 5 00 7 00 5 00 15 00 10 00 7 00 30 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 5 00- 3g 36 37 38 39 4q 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 go 51 56 57 58 59 60 61 6 63 64 65 66 67 best bag of cobbler potatoes donor to receive same by dr j kl bell dentist cash 200 best baff of cobbler potatoes donor to receive same by p mcdowell cash 200 best bag potatoes any variety donor to receive same by c a conway cash 200 best bubhel shipping turnips as near 5 inches in diameter as posatble by w j mcdonald 1st 200 2nd 100 cash fruit specials best barrel of northern spy apples donor to receive samo by kenney bros pair of boots valuo 500 best half bushel northern spy apples donor to receive samo by dr j a mcnlven cish 3 00 best bushel snow apples- donor to receive same by a e crlpps cash 200 j best oneandahalf bushel greening apples donor to re ceive sajne samples to bo shown and apples to be de livered at picking time cash 300 by dr e j nelson best 11 quart basket of pears any variety donor to r celvo same cash 200 by nelson co best ono bushel snow apples douor to receive same to bo delivered in october tue acton frhb press 1 year best one butihcl king apples donor to recelvo same to bo delivered in october the acton f2uro pitess 1 year best one bushel spltxenberg apples donor to recelvo same to bo delivered in october the acton fjreh presb 1 year miscellaneous specials best spring chicken donorto receive same hy dr f g gollbp cash 300 j best two pairs dressed chickens exhibited by an individual owner and raiser who hns not won an eaton prize at any fair since 1d22 the cholco of tho following half dozen teaspoons half dozen tuble forks half dozen table knives clock tablecloth poarl necklace valuo from 650 to 705 best spring chicken dressed to weigh not less than 44 lb3 to recelvo same by a b mclean cash best pair dressed chlckem to weigh not less than 9 lbs donor to receive same by h wilds cash 500 best pair dressed chickens to weigh not loss than 9 lbs donor to receive samo by a m mccann cash 500 best pair of chickens dressed donor to recelvo same by gcorgo w benton cash 500 best pair ducks dreshcd donor to receive same 50 sale bills when required within a year by the acton fnes pjusss valuo best dressed duck donor to receive samo by geo h lantz cash 200 best pair of ducks dressed donor to receive same by dr h a coxe cash 500 beet 10 lb crock of butter donor to recelvo same by j c hill cash 600 best 5 lha butter in prints donor to recelvo some by j r 1 lelshman cash 300 best 8 lbs dairy butter in 1 lb prints retained by c h hnrrlson ca3h 500 best 7 lb crock of butter donor to receive same by gordon mckay co per jno r kennedy 1 cut glass water set value 750 best 2 lbs butter in prints donor to recelvo same by dr ej j nelson cash 200 best 8 lbsi dairy butter in crock donor to recelvo samo byjugsley dlngnmn co per jno r kennedy 1 case of pearl naphtha soap value 650 best 6 lbs dairy butter in 1 lb prints retained by a kannawln cash best largqloaf of bread made from fivo roses flour no other donor to iccelve same by d h lindsay miller acton 1st 48 lbs five roses flour value 2fl0 2nd 24 lbs five roses flour value 140 3rd 14 lbs five rosea flour value 00c best apple pie and 1 layer cake made from excelsior pastry flour no other donor to rocolvo samo by d h ljndmry 1st 24 lbs excelsior flour valuo 116 2nd 14 iba excelsior flour value 00c beat two loaves of bread made from fivo crown flour no other donor to roceivo same to bo delivered by wlp hortop 3juier evortbn winner to apply at nolson fc co for flour 1st 50 lbs five crown flour value 300 2nd 2i ltb five crown flour value 1g0 best dozen tea biscuits made from luy whito pastry flour no other donor to recolvo samo 1st 24 lb bag of lily while flour value 120rsndi2 lb bag offlily whlto flour valuo 60c apply to nelson co for flour best tliro quarts proservcd fruit etrawberry raspberry black currant donor to rocolvo same by groceries ltd per jno h kennedy 5 lbs dreadnought tea best 5 lts clovpr loaf stralnod honey donor to recolvo same by mcgrogor harris co threo 1 lb tins of golden isaglo coffee best 4 lbs comb honey donor to receive same muat bo produced byexhbltor 1 mens knitted coat value 300 by nelson co kv best 6 lbs honey in cqmb donor to receive same by h w hlnton cash 3 00 best 10 tlh honey stiaincd donor to recolvo same by dr j m bell caih 300 beet 5 lbs honey in comb donor to recelvo name by w m cooper cash3 0q v best g one pound nections comb honey donor to receive same bv a han is toronto per jno r kennedy cash rest 2 tnul 1vam by nelson at co donor to recelvo sflau cohh 100 pftst collection 8 snapshoth any nlze amateur work by e j hansard leather covered snapshot album valuo best collection of ladles fancy work by robert simpson co ltd case of silver value 750 best collection of ladles fancy work by an amateur who has never exhibited before competition for hydro users only by acten vjytho commission 1 boudoir lamp value- berit dlaplny tf lihtlua by c woodhnlk half dozen cups and nnufafs value 400 beat 13 oud plants by hugh walker son one buahel umht of pcuchoh valuo 400 htfm speolman animal or bird properly mounted by w j aklns 1st 200 2nd l0o cash 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 95 2 50 5 00 5 00 5 00 7 00 2 00 g 00 6 00 3 00 g 00 7 go 2 00 6 go 3 00 1 80 3 go 1 80 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 1 00 3 eo 7 50 0 00 4 00 4 00 3 00 business directory medical dr j a mcniven phylolan nd burgeon ofllco and ijoaldonce comor bowar avom10 and jbiffln stroot phone 88- br e j nelson fhedeiuck street acton ontario legal phono no 22 p o box ii harold nash farmer m a barritr bolloitor notary publie convayancar etc perryman block acton ont jioney went on mortgages hours 080 n m to t pm saturdaya 1200 oclock dental dr j m bell d d s l d a dantlat honor graduate of toronto unlvr 8lty the latest anesthetic used u desired onlco at residence corndr of mfl nnd frederick streets dr f g gollop dds lds dental 8uroeon office over bank of nova scotia houhb 030 to 630 evenings by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all klndb mado to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham 8treet guelph ont over williams store r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 years experience list your property with mb i acton ontario a e nicklin insubance agent life firo auto accident hoolth insurance guarantee bonds burglary and plato glass insurance trustee for estates collections business entrusted to my care will bo carefully looked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm property favorable rates and terms for re payment box 444 bower ave acton atclalofmci bb richmond stwest trrgnrro can ana business training 18 a necessity attend the guelph business college gunmer bldq guolph ont individual instruction by business experienced instructors start on monday 1 a l bouck principal and propriotor patrons of this establishment please notice during july and august examinations for glasses on thursday friday and saturday only of each week lgn s grinding and quick re pair dopartmjont oporattngr s usual write or phono 1091w for appointment a d savage optometrist and mfo optician right at the post office 8ovsae building gijelph the old and reliable granite and marble works we ore manufacturers and direct importers of all kinds of monumental and headstone work wo sell dlroot to our customers at wholesale prices thus jutvlnj our customer 40 per cont wo have the beat appliances and tho only mechanics in the dominion who can operate pneumatic tools properly we can give references from hundred of our customers in toronto drid other placos whore others have to havo lav suits in order to collect we have tha largest and boat stock of g rani to in the dominlonor more than any throe dealers in the west we are legiti mate dealers and employ no agenu and do not annoy or post customers by sending out lgnoraqt agents solicit- ing orders we employ only mechanics and defy competition hamilton sons i quelph ont r v3 i vt-

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