Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1925, p. 4

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styr ivrtim 3vw press tiiuksday september 10 1925 kindness bno never khowfr l v how tiii- a word of kindness gooa oho never aeca how far a mnilo of friendship floes down through tho yoara tho deeps forgotten rennpciir ono kindly word tho souls of many hero has stirred man lioea his way ami tells with every paaslnr day until ufes end once unto mo tic played tho friend wo cannot aay wo cannot tell whoso pruyera uak god to guard us well liut kindness lives beyonfltiio memory of him who gives edgar a guest news from overseas tho poings of acton enqland chronicled in the gpiotte and express the middlesex county council la in- vluhe- tenrtora- for an approved adver tisement on tho back of motordrivlne licenses f at 920 p m on friday when mrs florence morse 38 pcrcyrpad shep- hercla bush was alighting from a motor bus in acton valp when 3hq fell upon- the roadway and received injury to her left knee she declined medi cal aid s col c h panic cmq30 who commanded the 8th battalion middlesex regiment in tho famous battle of tadpole copse is now in command of the 141at sth xjondon infantry brigade which has been holding its annual summer camp at worthing james w rolfe a laborer of os- borneroad acton was fined 10s at acton pollco court on monday for bo- ing drunk and disorderly and using obscono language alderman and mrs orango and miqs orange returned laat week from un interesting tour of tho battlefields near tho belgian coast starting from ostend they went as far us the butch frontier in one direction and dun kirk in the other horatio turner of coulterroad hammersmith was fined 6s at the ealing police court on tuesday for employing a child under twelve years of age contrary to tho education act i for driving a motor car without- lights in uxbrldgoroadr baling at 1060 p m on th 11th ult harry batten of staftesburyroad ken- bington was fined 1 at haling police court on tuesday tho hiding kid 7 romance of thoi west with hoot gibson in the leading part and empty hands an adap tion from a famous poet in which jack holt and norma shearer are featured will bo the chief attractions at tho crown during tho first part of next week when a woman applied at acton polico court yesterday for an t ten sion of time to leave her premises tho warrantogloqcsal when ho went 10 i i recall yory well tho jjucrofiso team xva had in acton uno- uiuimm about 1100 when acton and georktmvn united or xatlier tho team was made up of men- from both towns sonio o thoacton players wen will cuirncy curl williams lawrence williams a gurnev a included the village street the ir- wln boyn from georgetown o yes i almost forgot frank mc intosh it seems to mo that near ly every time our team cumo homo from a gamo played outoftown we had a torchlight procesnlon to 0mcort them down mill strict mr j hj matthews was either tho president or tljo nmnafifi- in any case ho took a great interent in tho team and they certainly gave a good account of themnolvch tho abov6 is a somewhat ruinb- ung disconnected- nolo but i thought it might holp to refresh your memory just a iluc i am reiaily at a losh to understand how you have covered so well all you have had in your column from week to week ic ou uso any of ttyls material 1 would ap preciate it very much if you do hpt mention my name with kindest regardsiromaii yours very sincerely one op the younger old b0s erin air ant airs vv multl rlnoii spent hi tit sun i iy mrs ii matthews ili- cfuri k iteers- man is visiting with hhl hruthe william k beers tcuvnllne vrnf pin yt on modnrntbl alin mo- inform her she would have to leave her room by a certain dateahe went for him llko a lunatic at 1050 on sunday mrs florence boxell 81 mellitusstroet shepherds bush was walking old oak common- lune acton when she was knocked down by a prlvato motor car and re ceived bruises on her left kneo and shoot having been treated by ir bancoy 146 oldroad sho was ablo to go home fond laying on the footway in tho churchfleldroad acton bleeding from wounds on the face frank mccam- brldge- a clerk wulfstanatreet near shepherds bush was fined 10s and cost at acton police court on satur- urday for being drunk and incapable arthur jewell shepherdess walk was fined 5s at ealing police court on tuesday for allowing himself to bo drawn by a motor lorry without consent of tho owner or driver whilst cycling on tho uxbrldgo broad in ealing on tho 17 on monday morning charlotte piko 8 yorkroad was crossing willes- denlane when she was knocked down by a bicycle sho was taken to tho surgery of dr davies 8 emanuol avenue who treated her for bruises on tho left kneo and left elbow sho was i afterwards able to go home henry harvey a walcnman and stanley e tadd a stukcr both of pal merston- road acton who wero charged on remand a acton police court on wednesday with stealing u bicycle value 3 tho property of a schoolboy harold searle oi creflleld- roud ealing pleaded guilty after having a row with an attend- f ant outaldo a placo of amusement which he was not allowed to enter and oelug near4y knocked down by t vehicle in highroad chlswlck fohn page laborer of osbornerood acton was ariosted at acton pollco court on monday ho was fined 10s for being drunk and disorderly alleged to have struck a constable unci kicked inspector mace and to have been so violent at tho pollco sta tion that hl boots wero removed alfred c dedges a motor driver of glousterroad acton was fined 45s at acton police court on wednesday for insulting behaviour in acton vale and for assaulting the officers the flies sting them and drive them out was the explanation of joucp cutting 4 whamcliffevllla lower liostonroad humvcll who was fine 1 at tho ealing police court on tuesday for- allowing four horses to stray in clevelandroad ealing nnd 10h for allowing two horses t6 stray to eatonrise ealing i at 645 p m on thursday evening in lot week a collision pcurred opposuc birkbecu head ulghhtreet acton be tween a motor cycle nnd a bicycle am the rider of the latter mr a f bailey 9 woodstockioad shmpaerda riih complained 6f injury to his right kneo but declined medical hid both vehicle wero damaged ealing hospital weekly report patients treated 288 admitted 9 dis charged 13 died 1 new casualties 35 opera tlonsvlo massage 58 xray 17 j tho prlee of 50 offered by the na tional milk publicity council for the moat effective poster illustrating the advantages of drinking milk has been awarded to mr william hill long acre w c the winning design shoh a vcrilo sun- tanned old farmer lean ing over a gate contemplating hit milk churns and la eloquently suggestive of the health and strength to be foun in milk at 11 pm on saturday mr f stanley bolph 3 cambridgeplace paddlngton was riding a motor cycl in ilighjdreet acton with miss k murray 20 of 11 peabodybulldingo cambcrwell on tho pillion when the cycle wheels caught in tho tramlines near illrkbeckroad throwing them both on to tho roadway seen by dr forquhiirson miss murray was found to be suffering from brulaeu grazes on the left legend hllght shock sho was ablo to go home after tho treatment a large rat recently attacked two ilttle fioya who were sleeplpg together in a house in brounchcrroad acton tho chihlrcns cries awoko the family they were daiod and nl ir seemed to think that they owed their vlujunc t ftach other but they wuo ouyionuii suffering from rat bites and a i arte rat was aubbequently seen in the house one was bitten on the finger and th other on the foot which was swonor and dincoloted theyviiad to bo taken to acton hospital ftfr- treatment peoplo say tho street was run long before a houso was done with a tinkle tankle tinkle ere tho vesper stairs did- twinkle or the nifrht dowa gun to sprinkle thirsty grasses sweet upwards from the velvet meadows homo ward through tho growing shadows came the cattles feet and tho path where they would wan der winding here and wheeling yonder that lh now the street that was years ago they say but u runs tho same today by tho clanging smithy sweeping past tho gray church pillars creeping widening likea whito pool sleeping round tho hitching poles where tho sunburnod farmers dicker and old bess and dapple whicker to their truant foals thence it passes downward swerving toward the whispering willows curving where tho river tolls changes come but slowly hero one may see this yclry year as of old a randamo riding to tho stile her sorrel guiding in her level basket hiding homely golden store and her newly starched sunbonnct han a small bluo figure on lt as hau those of yore u quaint is sho but wholly human llko a sweet oldfashioned woman back in fiftyfour moro than careless eye may meet visits in this quiet struct here nro dreams in op6n daytime visions out of vanished playtime youth nnd joy and budding may time we had fancied done yonder shouting barefoot lusty paddling down tho roadway dusty llitto thinks of one far away who drops his trouble and in dreams tho barefoots double shares his foolish fun aye amany ghosts go down this dim street of haunted town hearts that far afleld were roaming hither turn them in tho gloaming eikctth evnltcwi nettpisonshom ing now no moro to strayr and if longing could unravel knitted life and pilgrims travel paths of yesterday we too oer tho faded meadows homeward through tho lonely shadows glad would wcnd oupway wm hervoy woods and like mysolf tho youngei old man prefers to remain unknown and requests that his nune bo not men- tic nod if any of tho items are used in his letter perhaps uomc moro of tho younger old men would like to contribute a few incidents that seem quite modern to mo and which i have no doubt overlooked ill lo only too pleased to give them my space once in a while if they would lllco to men tion things that aro as interest ing as ono of the younger old boya tells about donald nud two sons clayton alex ander and craig of lacrosse wis motored and visited with tho formers father mr alex mcdonald last weou tho ij y pir of the eastern dis trict of guclph association will hold their annual fall rally and plenlj oh labbr day monday reptomuer 7th at hlllshurg miss barbara- c leiteh who has been in midland for tho past throj months has rcturmid to her home here mi timl mrsb muluuaiid chlldren and mr roy noble havo re turned to their homo in cleveland after vistunisf with relatives here mr util mrs j richardson of ot- angevllle wero sunday visitors with mr and mrs w mclaren rev a w hare and family loft on tuesday for beaverton whero lie will take up his new work on monday miss phyliss holt left last week r hamilton where sho will attend tho central collegia to institute v thi funeral took placo from tho resldenco of her father erin qn sun day 30th ult of margaret ellen nel lie bush holovcd wife of f c mac- lean la her twentyseventh year st johns new brunswick the home of mr and mrs wb bafgpfti hillsburg was tho scenc of lulet and very nice wedding on wednesday afternoon august 12 th when their eldest daughter elizabeth fay was united in marriage to carlid watterworth eldest son of rev and mrs m watterworth thero passed away at hoi- late resi dence sunny slope farm seventh lino erin on wednesday august 26 one of erins most esteemed residents in the person of sarah turner wife of mr william nevllls and daughter of tnc into anthony turner aged 65 years advocate neighborhood news- town and country burlington mr and mrs robert hall loft las wednesday morning on u months trip j to moose jaw banff and lako louise mr and mrs j h coleman and family who have been visltinff friends in burlington and other points in on tario left last week for their homo at palm harbor florida mr earl emerson haa returned home to new york after spondlng a coupie of weeks vacation with his parents here mr and mm a d emery of nelson bc aro visiting the formers sister mrs walter home plains road tho burning of a dry cross on the revetment wall on tlio lake front about ten oclock last saturday caused a flurry of oxcltement tho police in vestigated but found no clue of those responsible for tho act miss irene ford of washington d c is visiting her grandparents mr and mrs w sharji locuut st mft-and- mrayillkn left on suspenderskirt suit for business travel pfceneral wear thissuit in navyblue twill is exceed ingly sniart the jacket has a velvet collar and the dress is in suspender effect to be worn with a jabot blouse of crope in selfcolor there is an in verted plait at one side of the skirt medium size requires 3- yards 54inch twijl and jyard velvet sentence sermons i have saved mysolf brainstorms by reaching an agree ment with my troubles before they grew up worries by dismissing them before they multiplied excitement by waiting until tho of- flcial returns were all in remorse by keeping faith with m conscience before it is too late anger by refusing to take active measures before i had the facts- eneinlt- by apologising when i saw that i was in tho wrong arguments by allowing other men to hold their opinions or nonessentiaij quick relief for rheumatics drugniets sell rheuma on monoyback plan if you suffer from torturing rheu matic pains swollen joints and suffer intensely because your system is full of uilc acid that dangerous poison that makes thousands helpless and kills thousand years before their time then you need rheuma and need it now start taking it today rheuma acts at onco on kidneys liver stomach and blood and you can sincerely exclaim good riddance to bad rubbish many peoplo the most skeptical of ekoptioy rightla this town and in the country hereabouts bless tho day when e j haaaard and other good druggists offered rheuma to tho afflicted at a small price and guaranteed money re funded if not satisfied t you have rheumatism got il bottle- of rheuma to day get acquainted with free press advertisers tho editor soems- to think that i am proof against getting a bump on myself so he handed mo this letter and slnco these lovely septomber days have gotten into my blood and made me rather lazy i think i will juat hand it on us i got it for my contri bution this week apparently there aro numerous other acton old bojs who have amusing and interesting re collections of acton a well aj my self the old man of tho clock tower tub acton fiua press acton ont wilitms dear sir your column in the fiieb ptsss each week has proven very very interesting and i must say that it is ono of tho parts of tho paper that i never fail to read i noticed in your issuo of tho 13th an engagement announced of mr harold p maclachlan son of rev j a and mrs maclach lan formerly of acton i dont know whether or not you know that tho d stands for dewart this young man was i believe born while mr and mrs maclachlan wero in acton in any base ho was christened here i recall very dis tinctly tho sunday ho was christ ened ho was baptized by tho late rev dr dowart who on this particular occasion was preaching in mr mnclachlans pulpit mr maclachlan handed the youngster to dr do wart who inquired tho namo mr maclach lan bald harold dewart tho doctor hesitated as though ho did not got tho name but everybody smiled including dr dewart and tho ceremony went on there was another littlo inci dent 1 remember in connection with mr maclachlans postorato in acton when ho was leaving in 1000 at tho congregational meeting arranged as u farewell j ono of tho speakers i dont just remember who- it was made the remark that wo had sent a min ister from acton who had become president of the conference tho reference wuh to the late rev mr edge who afterwards became president of the hamilton confer- enco ajid tho incident occured to mo at the tlmo of hla election referring to baseball i wonder it you recall the season of 1896 just twentynine years ago acton had a very good team that year i remember 1 dont know who wero 6n the team but you should be able to get tho names of some of the players from some of tho old- time baseball players who aro still around acton burl do remember that milton was ono of tho other teamir lntho league i recall tlmt- scason or rather the closo of it at thirteen i hud just started to the georgetown high school that september- tire closo of tho sea son found milton and acton to play off for the championship of tho league it was played off in georgetown tho rivalry was par- tlcularly keen in fact my im pression la that tho llnal gamo was taking tho placo of a protested game tho supporters of each team wero thoro in goodly num bers nnd tho rivalry reached a very high pi tch not only in the 0011 but in the crowd each team played their very best that day i thknkf sam bruwh pitched xor milton and won tho game tho close of thho gamo saw a groat demonstration on the part of the milton boys thoy curried brush shoulder high and tilings went wild i remember the incident as i went down to the park ufter school lifter the gitmo was partly i over and tho scene t v clone has remained with me over nlncc i think that murruy mcdonald or some of the other old timers qould fill in tho detalln of thnt game us tho rivalry botwecn acton and milton nil during that season was particularly keen and arguments were the rule rather than tho ex- dentlon i monday for muskoka lakes on a llsti- ing trip mr and mrs r h squibb of fort wayne- ind the misses lucy jenk- ings and augusta humbarber of hav- llandi ohio and miss ilo squibb of chatham visited last week with mr and mrs harry vlckcrh mnplo ave mr and mrs bert parsons and dr j and mrs henderson nnd daughter of mason michigan havo been visiting friends and relatives lit burlington and district they made the journey by motor mlua mildred breckoahas returned from an extended trip to scotland and will spend a few days at hcrhomcr here before returning to cleveland to re sume her duties as a nurse the congregation ot trinity united church turned out on masao last mon day evening to extend a welcome to their new pastor rev e val tllton and his wlfo and family over 1200 members relatives and friends of burlington west flamboro dundas and waterdown masonic lodges attended the ble plcnlc at dundas on wednesday last the weather was ideal nnd cveryono en joyed tho sports and other amuse ments gazette this announcexoent may not arpearagalsjk sendyouranswc j lbday georgetown ts simple just a few minutes work and your answer may be the one 1 na in niano a radio or phonograph without cost of any xte a th mm that wins a 47500 piano a radio or phonograph humbers miss helen lawson left lust week for quebec and will nail for switzer land where she will study for a year- rov mr dickonson of lucknow was a guest during tho week at tho homo of mr and mra t l leslie at norval station mr j a wllloughby returned homo last monday from a vacation on the muskoka lakes mr john grunt or chicago vihltej with his father major grant last week mrsi h g meir left lust week for a visit wuh toronto and montreal friends mr and mrs g t coo returned homo from montreal last wednesday messrs ed mckay nnd john turnot of dresden spent a tiny lant week with chief and mrs jackbon i mr and mrs l l denlson and family huve returned after spending a couplo of months at their aummor cottage at port dover tho agricultural board wero givon power to prohibit the parking of cars qvstrtjots wuhin loho biock ofthe on trance to the park on fair days tho misses ryan who have been holidaying at port dover returned to thoro homo hero last monday mr and mrs e n brace mr paul fleck of kalamazoo michigan and miss ahlenstorf of cincinnati ohio have boon visiting with mr and mrs l e fleck mr and mrs hugh kidd of the ar- monlsn farm moved lust week to brampton iyhiio mr kidd has charge of tholfarmatthp haltohpeol house of refug i mr s kirk of ttuj georgetown floral company hat bon ficung as judge of cut ilowera at torpijl ex hibition last friday mr gnrfleld mcciuk- wublrtvlng homo at noon from ol threshing with seven man la his car when it was struck hy an engine and tiain at the 4th lino crossing cliln- giuicousy mr mccluro was follow ing another car in front and in the dust did mt soo tbo appriching train until almost on tho crossing his quick action il turning hlh car averted a serlous accident tho train hit the car aidowayn knocking it off the track although the car was budiy damaged tho occupant of the car escaped uninjured with the exception of it mr shepherd who hud a coupif of ribs broken u- to win 3 prize here is nothing to buy or sell this is an advertising campaign conducted by a piano a radio and a phonograph manufacturer to jqvercome the usual lastminute christmas shopping rush now today isthe best time to win one oi the musical instruments ajid the big prizes are absolutely free all you haye to do is to find the missing numbers prizes arc awarded to the best neatest most original correct anawers send your solution of the puzzle today dont delay for in cat of a tie the first answer received wins the prize tfiiis cotatest closes sept 30th dont wait try for a prize today rules os tbe contest only one member of a family should enter employees of newspaperscairying thia advertisement should not enter should the contestant selected by the judges for first prize already own a piano the prize will be given to the next best iau8olutiqn9grendjihall remain i the property of t canadian selling agents contestants agree to abide by the decision of the judges from which there shall be no appeal every correct answer receives a reward how tosolve the puzzle place any number from 1 to 15 in the blank spaces on the design below wlthput using tho same number twice in such a manner that when added horizontally vertically or diagonally the total will be 33 when you have solved tho problem send your answer to the canadian selling agents at the address given below this announcement may not appear again may bo your only chance so ktend your answer 11 promptly 1st prize 475 piano a handsome new in- otrument of beautlr ful tone in walnut finish 2nd prize 275 radio a- complete radio set including hw teries loud apeaker and cabinet 3rd prize 150 phonograph beautiful phono graph equipped to play all records mahogany finish additional prizes purchasing credit vouchers valued at from 10000 t o 20000- will also be given away prizes are awarded to the best neatest most original correct answers ashkingsdolar shoe fallen on you ho sjndpwe things to remember answers may be submitted on thia or a separate tijieet of paper or any other material there is no limit to the size of the- solution i somebody is going- to win the prises and every k one of them is absolutely free prizes will jte awarded to thcbcat neatest most original correct answers fcrcl the rules of the oontost again send in your answer now today send your aniwbr canadian selling agents 32 water street south gait ontario wnners of canadian selling agents last contests lucky tforoiwe f tf k lit pjuc alrlc lrln point ht ctirlt bmltlu fk clnl jmlprligwndnboeh87 nome si slrtford 2nd iriarchlc j nywun b 81h bt ki wjonenf the missing numbers pule will be announced in tho next contest 1 advertiaemont watch for it instructions write your name and address plainly and care- full with your solution to the puzzle to the best neatest most original correct answer will be given absolutely without cost a beautiful 547500 piano for the next best neatest most orjginnl correct answer a 27500 radio get wilt be givctu to the next best will be given a 15000 phonograph additional prizes pur chasing vouchers valued at from 10000 to 20000 will also be given

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