Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1925, p. 6

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h rcsr births marriages anil deaths are now charged for at the following rates blrtha coc marriages 50 deaths 50c memorial cards 50c 10c per line extra lor poems bohn leslie in kjhiueaink on sunday auku3t 30th to mr and mrs george eesnc l daufcht mcclur12 at goorcotowiv on buri- uay aucuat 30 1325 to mr and mm w a mcclurc a daughter mary chrlaunu married spiuesmasalks at ihllngton on saturday sentembor 5 10jg by rov jlr woiih vera isloda second aimhlcr of mr and mrs howard mnsalen to mr chaiioa spires son of mr and mrs g w sptrca of georeetovn enco of tho brldoa parents roae- neath eiupalnr on wdnceday august 6 1925 by rov w t cran- hton allco luclla daughter ot mr and mrs- w j henry to william mcfaddqn 8on of thoa mccfaddon of milton died coulson at his lato realdcncb lowvllle on ayguat 29 1025 wm coulson jn hia 79th year mccullough at tho guclph gen eral hospital on monday septem ber 7th 1925 mary ellen mccul- ought rlchardsokat lowvllle satur day auguat 29 1925 rachel har- bottlo widow of tho lato henry richardson in lier 90th year irving at tho general hospital guclph on wednesday september 2 1925 rac xdrtwrenco second son of mr and mm georgo irving of eaquoslhg in his 19th year in memoriam dllias in loving memory of our doar wifo and mother mrs georgo dills who died september 4 1923 but huah aho sleeps she is not dead but only gone before we shall meet our loved ones all again when our pilgrimage la oer husband and family phyfer in loving memory of ada mae cutting wife of walter phyfor who was killed in cleveland ohio september 8 1924 one year ago today our loar mao was called away we know it is our loss and her gain may sho rest in peace until we all meet again husband son mother and sisters motor accident at port nelson mervin lions tvafl s balavwinvlllv n y suatalned a deep cut in his head which required ticveral stltchoo to cloao and miua rudiilck or lock- mi ft nyn f news of local import t n accident on the highway on saturday whon tho cars in which thoy woro rid ing collldod head on other occupunta of both cars wcro uninjured hitlton liberal to meet today at a meeting of tho executive of tho hal ton liberal aasoclatlon it was de cided to hold a cohvontlon in milton today thursday for tho purposo of selecting a candidate for tho county of hal ton to contest in tho coming i a will bo delivered by hon t a low minister or truug and commerce duncan marshall liberal organiser and others thrown through windshield whuo motoring near campbellvlllo last sunday georgo lamb and mrs brown of new york city crashed into a horao and buggy driven- by w fifter of campbell vhle who did not see tho approaching cat mra brown was thrown through aho windshield and was badly cut and injured mr lamb was badly jjiaken up and brula- trhenew dominion loan announcement huu just been nmtlo that the dominion government has concluded 1 thllnauelalulmiafprjllu year by disposing of a new hmuo of j75000000 llfteen year 4ty bonda through a strong canadian uymllcato conalatl of woo gundy com pany domfnlois secunxteu corporor tlon a e amos company and tho national city company llmitod tho bonds aro bolrig offered to the public through practically overy bond dealer and stock broker in cuntula and through tho chartered banks in arranging for its long term financing in canada rather than in another market the government has followed tho policy that has been al most rigidly adhered to during tho last several years the victory loans of m m w v tho war aro nov soiling at a aub- stiiutuu premium over the original ln- sui price si in considering the ifow loan another point upo which comment has lioeii made is that liew 6 itqr fh g iilfftl letvwy highest grade of bonds lutvo bcpn oam- paiarllvely scarco during tho last tow months and from all indications the rrfnvftew jjohu ioouad w unusually light during tho romatndor of tliho yoar thcro wlh be no more dominion government financing whllo most of tho provinces and munlcipall- lles havo already completed their re quirements h w hinton gift shoppe jewellery watches clocks china fine cut glass stationary bronzes toys school supplies wallpaper window shades sowing machine sup- bttaidjtog ifogfl thujtsday september jo 192s t brief local items only two weeks imtil acton fall fair labor day was rather quiet in acton acton fall fair september 22 and 23 the next holiday- will bo actoha fair day tho toronto exhibition closes on saturday and now wo aro into tho midst of another election tho first instalment of taxes la duo on soptombor n ft tho cloctlon datc liavo anally been set for october c tho taxes thla year aro payable directly to tho collector start now to get your exhibits for tho acton fall fair ready collector re id baa been busy tho past few weeks distributing the tax notices guelph tradea and labor council held a celebration and aports day on laborday tho attractive hat of special prizes other column ed brampton banner and times pickpockets at funeral pickpockets took advantage of tho great crowds which lined tho streets to watch tho funeral of sir adam bock to relieve many pcoplo of their money william crawford a jail turnkey was one of the largest suf ferers losing a wallet containing 13q which ho carried in his hip pockot and which was oaken whllo ho was standing on tho platform of the c n r station mount forest con- federatorepresentativej bigamy charge to be tried by jury victor prentiss who was arrested by chief kerr some time ago charged with bigamy appeared again in pollco coiirt laat wednesday afternoon w n robinson appeared for tho defend ant and w i dick for tho crown counsel for tho defense elected to bo tried by jury this was granted al though it is possible that tho case will bo disposed of by the county judge which would permit a much earlier hearing in tho meantime prontlaa was returned to tho milton jall-r-oak- vlllo rccprd mr bignoll of norval hurt when returning homo from norval ataflpnonthoc n r on last sunday afternoon about 230 mr george bfgnell had a nairbw escape frdmb6- ing killed the car which he was driving left ho road and went over an ombonkment turning over two jbr three times mr blgnell who is 70 years of ago had three riba broken and was otherwise severely bruised and cut harland hustler who was also in 4ho car was severely shaken up and recoivod several cuts mr blgnell was removed to his home in norval where ho is- progressing as well ad can bo expected black fox farmers in halton hal ton county is apparently going in for black foxes recently b i raynor of prince edward island pur chased ten acres in trafalgar town- ahlp and his men havo been busy for aoverol daya erecting fox runs and houses during tho present week it la expected that tho urat contingent of foxes will bo shipped from prlnco edward island and will immediately bo housed in the now quarters at tho ranch e h cleaver k c of bur lington has established a black fox ranch in tho south end of halton i county and will go in to tho fox- raising bubtncaa on a largo scale fergus and georgetown men in motor smaahup neii entirely for tho clumdtun marker and tho refunding loans of 1923 and 1924 haivlng been offered in the samo jpanner short term financing such as one year note issues havo been placed in the united states where the demand for such bonds is so strong that such borrowing is abnormally cheap theso short term notes luftv- over aro of lnterestuly to tho largo financial institutions it is undcrstqod that the proceeds of the new issue will be used for re funding purposes including tho retire ment of 42ct07j0otta3cfr co bonds which fall duo on december 1st next in this matter also tho strict policy of retiylngtacfrco bonds by iho usual taxable issues is being followed the now- issue should prove exceed ingly attractive to canadian investors tlo maturity is fifteen years in other words theso bonds run for the same number ot years as did tho- 1934 ma turity victory bonds which were is sued in 1919 and which havo become so popular at the price of 97 m and interest tho bonds will yield the in vestor on interest return of over 4 which is considered attractive because of the success of tho 1923 and 1924 refunding loans it la felt in financial circles that tho present issue will bo quickly snapped up in vestors who were fortunate enough to have purchased the 1923 issue of refunding loan bonds have had tho satisfaction of watching their bonds rise in value by more than four points whllo those who purchased last year have also witnessed an improvement upon tho prices paid it is a fact that all dominion of canada bonds issues floated slnco tho commencement- of tind reoorde-4j4o- ivtlcstgramophonea itn guitar mandolin and banjo sup piles etc repairs specialty pr hay ward ot toronto will bo ak hlntons gift shoppe georgetown overy wednesday 10 a m to 5 p m for expert examination of eyes 15 years testing and fitting in toronto satisfaction guaranteed make nn ap pointment- 5 we announce t-hewhwink-f- our nov4allgoodawlileji jvlllheaii 1 oluplay commencing friday september 11 tw iiiivc it splendid huhutt r ciuulh 1111 sllllieil give u9 a call miss j galbraith foncygoodn and millinory n hono 109 mill st acton administration notjce to creditors tho creditors of robert brown jato of tho village of acton retired farm er deceased who died on or about tho 18th day of august ad 1924 at tho said village of actpn and all persona having claims against his estate aro required on or beforo tho 10th day of october a d 1925 to send to the undersigned solicitor for clara ray brown tho administratrix of the estate of said deceased a statement of their accounts tho full particulars of tholr claims and tho nature of the security if any hold by them and this notlco being given in pur suance of r s o 1014 chapter 12l section 5g notlco is hereby further given thai the said administratrix will proceed on and after said 10th doy of october a d 1025 to distribute tho assets of said estate among thp nntjos lawfully entitled thereto and aho will not bo reaponslblo for any claims of which she shall not have rocolved notlco at tho tlmo of auch distribution datort this 10th day of soptombor ad 1925 j harold n farmer acton ontario solicitor for administratrix 24 lbs whnpjj norval hills a good time for all mclean gos remnant bake biscuits for the boy or girl as well as bread they aro juat as nourishing and make a welcome change but bo sure tho flour la kings choice flour no other is jus ns goat in palatabllity and strength giv ing qualities for growing chil dren and grownups kings choice flour is one of the v very best food makers on earth made specially for pastry jyb browne by coj friday saturdaysept 11 12 norval ont 7- ask ydur dealer bell 90 r 2 phones municipal 327 r 3 67th annual ninety armenian boya from the georgetown home visited tho exhibi tion yesterday saturdays and sundays showers woro moat welcome and a great bene fit to tho farmers now that tho garden forties are over wo havo tho election season just one thing after another numbers of our citizens spent labor day at the exhibition and also at tho old boys rounlon at kdon mills prior to leaving for now orleans la mra julia a mcarthur presented tho freh rress with a beautiful large begonia plant r a number from acton attonded tho wiener roast and social evening at tho home of mr doughty llmohouso laat friday evening john hooper 10 years of age was killed on tuesday riiorning whon he was struck by a c p r passenger train at inglewood a largo privately owned outomo- bllo from tho united states fitted up aa a train pullman car passed through iown thursday morning three men whoso homes aro in fergus were injured late thursday night whon their motor car came into couisalon with anothor car driven by percy mcgibbon ot georgetown the i accident occurred on no 10 aider oad of khoprwlnclav about a mile from brampton tho most badly hurt was mr vvaltcn driver of tho car containing tho fergus party his chest was crushed when he was thrown up against tho steering wheel and ono of his hands were lacerated his com panions messrs- hogg and tyler wheeler alao received treatment at tho brampton memorial hospital where walten is reported to bo in a serious condition tho walton car was going wcat whlothat driven by mcgibbon was going cast walton turnsd to pass another car westbound and in the collision with mcglbbons car tho walten auto was badly dam aged motor accidont at bront much excitement was caused in the village of bronte when on thursday evening last two cars figured in a collision at tho corner of tho toronto- hamilton highway and trafalgar in tho hal ton wellington final street a jcwett sedan owned by mrs a w- nf nr nnnlrtn mirhlcan ball game at hillaburg on saturday ball game at hillaburg on aaturaay itaperski 01 uranu xulijiub iuiu tho hillaburg nine were victorious by was going east when a ford sodan a score of 100 hillaburg is thorefore going tho opposite way crossed over i 1 -v- t l frnnt nf it tn nrnceed down trafol- champlons of tho league jl local motoric hit ono of the now ear street toward tho lato with the silent policemen to aeo it it would result that the latter received the 1m- s it did but it alao broke and pact of tho other in the aide boeon now ho if bow looked to right tho the front and back whecta tho jhrd wait an american machine owned by damago dono by supplying a nevf one miss jessie- wullamaon ot brock mr knapcnlcc u visitor at f chap- street who is holldaylnc wtth her m ln oakvillo mr chanman re- father at bankfoot pertluihlre ln cclvc tt f y e scotland kindly remembered the ftaa roiulrlns siyeral stitches other oc- t i i i i cupants sustained painful cuts and press last week with ciomo sprigs of 7 brulacs botlj cars vero considerably liftnthnr orown on tho hills of scot- i ji i damaged and had to bo taken to oak villo for repairs highway constable hunter j was soon on tho scene and dr bremner of palermo rendered medical aid the injured onea being cared for at k a plckarda house near tho aceno of the accident oak villo record heather i grown on tho hills of scot land low water in tho credit river is affecting tho working- of tlib electric light plants at strecthvillc and cat aract as tho latter plant euppllcs erin hillaburg alton coledon cheltenham and the- cataract tho de mand is heavy for light and power tho rev he g l baugh b d has been invited by tho bishop to tako tho services next sunday in the cathedral hamilton mr d hender son of guclph will conduct tho morn ing aervlco in sit albane and the rov canon scovll m a will ofllciate 1q tho evening sunday a parjy of toronto motor- la ts who refused to give their names were struck by a train on tho guelph lino at fishers crossing tho front part of the automobile and two front wheels were cut off tho car and the car was badly damaged all tho pas sengers escaped serious injuries ex cept one of the ladles jit speod cop has been dismissed because ho warned honry- ford that ho was going too fast but surely mr ford will get tho man a bettcij job aa a roward of his fidelity to dutyl that is what always happons ln fiction drama and fairy tales and mr ford may havo heard that whon king ed ward was stopped for speeding ho complimented tho o ulcer on the good performance of hla duty toronto star tho other evening an outovtown car won bowling along mathjtyxcel and whon opposite grace church a door of tho car opened and a year- andahalf child fell out m tho pave ment whon tho car was atopptfa there was o- hysterical mother crying mr ii f matthews formerly of mason klach co has severed his connection with said firm and is now managing tho guelph branch of tho ontario piano musia co 84 norfolk street handling hlghent grade pianos phonographs and radios thanking one and all or tho past mere wua u iinmiitui uiuwoi buslnebn in acton and surrounding my child la killed repeated several llatrlct and lastly looking forward times when picked up tho youngster to your kind consideration ln tho was found to bo unhurt excepting for futuro a alight abrasion of tho hip by and by overybody got back into the a missouri editor has discovered car and off they wont this tlmo tho uio proper way to eat parsnips feed baby wasnt allowed to swing on the urom to tho cow and then eat the door lirtottip ton banner ond ta cow kaperski of grand rapids michigan ln front of it to proceed down trafal- police court news william fraser of campbellvlllo will appear at tho court house milton next monday on a charge of being intoxicated on august 27 tho infor mation being jald by r reovely ltaense inspector mr j h shields pollco magistrate oakvllle will hoar tho charge stephen payne of toronto goro ap peared beforo pollco magi a t rat o robt crawford at brampton last monday on a charge laid by inspector reovely for violation of section 41 of tho on tario temperance act on september 3rd constables allan and stewart of tho ontario provincial pollco force eizod on overland sedan and 10 cages of whisky at erindale peel county this case will bo hoard at brampton announcement do your yqurjfuel supply the strike of anthracite miners is likely to be lengthy part to break this monopoly of heating fuel by using hamilton coke prepared in ontario by ontario labor we have made arrankements to havo a continuous supply of ha1vhlton by product coke this coko is manufactured from beat grade of soft coal and burna freo from amoke and has no clinkers and very little ash to introduce into every home this fuel wo are offering this superior coko at 1150 per ton secure a ton now as when there is no hard coal being mined the demand for coko will exceed the supply phona 48 acton j b mackenzie lumber and coal dealor goorflotowh phono 33 j the right meats these chilly fall days are the ones when those good toasts and fine soups taste the best and when you want the choicest cuts of meat the best place- in acton to go is pattersons prime roasts of beef f choice cuts of pork select pieces of veal fine roasts of lamb bacon and cured meats good homemade sausage in fact there is hardly a cut of meat that you could desire that you will not find at opr counters bought right kept right cut right and sold right the meats you buy at pattersons are the best that you can procure trafalgar township and oakitxrfiyr friday and saturday september 18 and 19 1925 special attractions september 18th urban and rural school pull judging of all childrens clasaeh bik programmo of sports girls softball tour nament open to all 1uhllc and separato schools in tho county september 19th horso show agricultural classes i4vo stock judging poultry and pet stock show fruit flowers and vogetablea ladles work and domestic sclonco i big attractive midway band merrygoround seaplane and heaps of other attractions lh cornwall secretarytreasurer every end in the store will be marked dowri call and look them over you will find remnants of prints ginghams cot tons towellings tajble damasks tickings flannelettes pillow cottons and sheetings odd pairs of ladies and childrens hose mens work socks mens overalls etc holeproof hose at reduced prices all pure silk hose with heavy ribbed top colors are black airdale and satinblonde this is our regular 125 qa holeproof hose remnant days for juc mens khaki work shirts this shirt is a good value at 125 remnant acj days at 7c unbleached sheeting unbleached sheeting plain 2 yards wide our ca ular 65c sheeting remnant days duc bleached sheeting 2 yards wide this is our regular 85c sheeting ccir reg remnant days per yard mclean co 1vhll street acton store closes wednesday at 1250 rupture can be cured save ad for date come early a perfect recovery and greater ease and earning power can be secured with i thompsons renowned rupture remedy operation not necessary try this remedy now our specialist will give free advice to every rupture sufferer who will meet him at the station hotel any time on tuesday sept 15 coyisurtation private ask for mr thompson acton ont thompson huyck co napanee ontario get your job printing at the free press watch our window for friday and saturday specials a w j patterson corner mux and main streets j acton ont herbalist here are you suffering from any disease mr merfin the proprietor of the canadian herb gardens and expert in herbs witt bi2 at the station hotel aeton for one day only friday september 18th hours 9 am to 7 pm consultation free nervous diseases rheumatism bladder troubles diabetes brights disease stomach liver kidney neuritis neuralgia blood pressure heart trbubles constipation and all diseases thlsre is an rierb forvery di8ea8e remember the datefriday sept 18 only public subscription is invited for a new issue of 75000000 dominion of canada fifteenyear 4v2 bonds a dated september 1st 1925 due september lit 1940 prjftcjpaj payable at thtoffice of the receivergeneral at ottavoa or that of the assistant receiversgeneral at halifax st john charlqttetown montreal toronto winnipeg retina calar or victoria semiannual interest march 1st and sop tember lstpavable at any branch in canada of any chartered banh donominotipris 100 500 1000 all bonds may be registered as to principal onlv andbands jfi donorpynatiop of 500 1000 5000 10000 and 100000 may he fully registered these bonds are authorized under acts of the dominion of canada and both principal and interest are a charge upon the consolidated revenue fund- they are secured by the full credit faith and taxing power of the dominion ofcanada war loan 5 bonds maturing december 1st 1925 will be accepted at par and accrued interest in settlement for the new bonds at the purchase price thj offering js made subject to prior sale and advance in price and the right is reserved to allot a less amount of bonds than applied for these bonds are offered for delivery in interim form when as and if issued and delivered to us price 97v4 and accrued interest yielding wsx aj5 orders may be telephoned or telegraphed collect to any of the under signed or may be submitted through your usual bond dealeri stock exchange broker or throtfgh any batik in canada j bank of montreal rbyal bank of canada canadian bank of commerce dominion securities corporation limited a- e ames company limited the national citycmpjrjy limited vood gundy company tr j trr limits september 9th 1925 b ij

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