Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1925, p. 1

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ffe a fiftyfirst year ino 12 thursday morning september 17 1925 acton ontario canada thursday morning september 17 1925 single copies five cento the acton united church of canada minister rov r- e zirnmorman b a parsonage willow street organist miss fern brown skuvkjus 1000 a m sabbath school yll00 al nii the minister subject what religion should do for one 700 p m tue minister subject put yourself in his place third sermon on present day application of old testament stories r prayer and pi iilse service thursday ovoning at 730- presbyterian knox church acton minlator rov a c stowrt m a manse willow street sunday school and bible classes 1000 a m 1100 a m the minister subject steadfastness 700 p m tlio minister subject costly but sate strangers leaving address with the iishera will bo called upon by tho pastor j the baptist church acton james w boyd pastor 946 a m sunday school 1100 a mthc pastor subject baptists and infant baptism third in the series entitled baptist beliefs 700 m- the pastor subject jesus and pontlvm pilate third in tho gospel series entitled weighed in tho balances lantern views monday 8 i m young peopleo meeting brlblit singing short talks thursday 73ft p- m prayer and prajso meeting kul welcome special notices advcrtiscmchtsin tins caiumn3 cents per -word- minimum charge- 30c per insertion grain wanted wheat oats barley buckwheat highest prices paid w b browne 7tf phono 3273 norval for sale durham hclftr duo september 20 apply to 1 t a storey k it no 1 acton piano for sale highest grade- upright mason rinoh piano mnhogany good as new miss eva johnson p o box 571 houses cheap for quick sale 7 room brick detached house on bower ave 1 seven roomed house 70000 100 cash balance in 10 per month now renting- for 9 per month ask kerr he knows for sale or exchange a new 6 room bungalow with largo veranda oak floors jill modern con vinces on mackay avenue in the city of detroit 10 minutes walk to ford plant would consider acton george town or guelph property or a good 100acre farm in exchange for lartlculara apply to 1 j a smith 122 telephone 105 acton sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed tenders for breakwater extension burlington ont will bo received until 12 oclock noon tuesday septomber 29 1925 for tho construction of an extension to the breakwater at burlington county of halton ont plans and forms of contract can bo seen and opeciftcatlon and forms of tender obtained at this department at tho office of tho diutrlct engineer equity building toronto ont and at tho post olllce eurllngton ont tenders will not he considered un less made on printed forms supplied by tho department and in accordance with conditions contained therein paph tender must bo accompanied hy jin ftcaoitc3 rhnqqo on a chartered bank payable to tho order of tho min ister of public works equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender bonds of the dominion of canada or bonds pt tho canadian national rail- way company will also be afeccpted as security or bonaa and a cheque if re quired to make up an odd amount note blue prints can bo obtained at this department by depositing an ac cepted ehetnie for tho sum of 1000 payable to the order of tho minister of public works which will be re turned if the intending bidder submit a regular hid jj m wonderland friday september 18 the ten commandments by cecil b demiile from the splendor ami orgies of the phar- ohs to tho humor and tragedy of the jnfcz iliad age kelix car- tdon special music prices sbc an ssv 9aturpay september 19 the last of the dunnes hy znne cirey ritarring turn if c6niclv tv tlp fbi netvs ciruon props and the pplrltsl tuesday september h2 sflndra ijtnrrlnk barbara iji mnrr chpiitor 10 or the ktddln niilor pyfncdy kle aj vvpdne3dav septemir- 23 captain blood a jolly aea yarn by itafaci sabatlnl nutbor of tho soa hawk ailtt f hcaramoiiolio otnrrliig wiirii kerrigan com edy short pants prices 2 and 35c it l gregory son this is the week of the t show thursday and friday september 17 arid 18 w six living models wearing the new fall fashions in dresses coats millinery and accessories morning and afternoon hours are given over to customers wishing to make personal choices the models will don any garment at your special request a formal promenade in the evening from 730 to 930 p m seating accommodation to be provided for early corners v you are heartily invited to this interesting oc casion j other important items from this vveeks store news include 20 per cent discount on all pulrs chosen- during our spec ial september sale choicest of coats in seal persian lamb muskrat and raccoon select in advance of cold- weather- needsand save-one- htfrrr 300 charming new autumn hats at 450 a special pur chase offering remarkable values in velvet and silk and velvet hata quite the latest style-word- ftqm millinery headquartersr mens 35 to 40 suits at 2385 an extraordinary pur chase making this saving- possible 300 suits mens and young mens styles sizes 34 to 44 allwool cloths plain grey and blue serges neat stripes fancy tweeds light medium and-dffrk- shades wonderful opportunity 30inch wallpapers from a canadian mill this saves the additional 50 per cent- in cost when theso highclass papers were imported from the states- just see the beautiful patterns first time ydy can get totown guelphs leading and largest store d e macdonald bros ltd daily closing 530 p m excepting wednesday at 1230 noon and saturday at 930 p m news of local import united church anniversary tho anniversary services of the united church will bo hold sorao time in november tlje rev dr s d chown former general superintendent f thn methnrttrt church of canada flurcbattugfflftrfc a boxful of joy that pro perly describes a package of candy bought hore according to the candy witch it re presents the acme of the candy milkers tort wo buy generously of tho finest ma terials so our candy simply has to be good youll like it everybody does our candy makos goad bo- cause its made good ni candies jjtlvoiv2 65 o4con ont saturday treat daisy caramel 29c tb a rich umooth caramel chocolate and vanilla flavor made just to please the taste of everyone rtcg 40c lb saturday treat 29c th weokond chocolates 32c lb peppermint vnnilla straw berry caramel orange lemon etc this is indeed a good assortment of chocolates which usually sells at 50c lb saturday special 32c tb milk chocolato velvets 39c lb a limited nupply of this rich confection left for saturday come early nnd ih oqtlje djs pppolntad kcefloa tb saturday special 39c tb gold stripe 60c a neat 1 it package of lowneya assorted choco- jates it is a favor tb wher ever it goca try one 60c 1 lb boy noilsons ico cream in brick and bulk always in stock subscriptions for all maga- zine8 taken a t f new fall shoes we have received luring the past few dnys shipments of new eall goods which contain the best styles and values jrj farm factory and school shoes fine shoes for men uptodate sfroes for women childrens shoes of all kinds the styles arc the very latest and the quality is just a little 4 better than that usually procurable elsewhere for the prices ask the new prices are indeed a revelation i now on display come in and see them harry harrison jht shoe man we close wednesday afternoons all te yar hound will the pxceptipn 0 decniijer will he tho ircachcr for tho day his acceptance hus just been received numerous corn roasts there have been numerous corn roasts about town lately they are proving very popular and from all tho parties come reports of excellent times among thoso who have entertained of latoln this manner are mr and mrsif v kenyon mr and mrs frank spoiivqgol mr georgo bishop and mr fred wilds won socond prize at exhibition in the singing contest at tho can adian national exhibition lost thurs day mr jack lewis of acton won second prize as a tenor soloist ho scored 80 points in the contests and was only beaten by ono point by tho first prize soloist mr lewis acton friends congratulate him on tho hlffh place he took in this competition ontario schools annual athletic meet the annual ontario schools athletic meet will this year bo held at oakvillo on saturday september 2g at 150 p m special events for tho county of halton rural schools only include a glrla 300 yard belay race open and a boys 100 yard dash open one prlso for each event will bo given by georgo hlllmcr m p p and dr il k ander son m p tho editor steadily improving air h p mooro has been making very satisfactory progress slnco his recent operations at- toronto general hospital hia physicians declare him now out of danger another week or so of careful hospital treatment will probably result in hla r home for convalescence mo na enjoyedlcceatly tho numerous calls by tho homo folks and other friends hon- e c drury late premier of ontario was an ap preciated ealler on monday no gambling devices at fairs subsection 2 of section 32 of tho agricultural societies act chapter 47 rso 1914 reads oa follow the officers of tho society shall pre vent nil immoral or indecent shows and all kinds of gambling and all games of chance including wheels of fortune dice gomes pools coin tables draw lotteries or other illegal games at the place of holding tho exhibition or fair or within 300 yards thereof and any associations or society permittlnff tho samo shall forfeit alt claims to any legislation grant during tho year next ensuing wo are advised by tho dep uty that thla section is being- strictly onforced saves horse rbut kills driver whcnho swervedhls auto to avoid striking a horse arthur wbita of shelbumc struck and instantly kill ed thomas giles a farmer the ac cldont occurred on tho elba hill 3 miles north of orange ville on the tor ontoowen sound highway tho hill is about 300 yards- in length and po- tcctod on bpth sides by pasts and cables he grqin between the high way and fences wns used by giles as pasture for several hqrses lie was driving the animals up the hill when white commenced tq descend afici striking giles the car broke two oftho posts and dragged the victim 35 yards before coming to a standstill acton ladies defeat rockwood tho acton ladles softball team met tho rockwood ladies team in the park here labt thursday evening a good snappy exhibition of ball was played the game was closely contest ed and was won by tho local girls with a scoro of 129 acton however had the best of the rockwood nine all the way through tho last innings when u was too dark to play properly was rather a weird affair and it almost looked as if rockwood would pile up sulllcicnt runs to even h score tho season la getting oq lat for twilight fixtures as the daylight does not al low timo for oven a soven innings game another softball game will bo played on fair day next wednesday and in all probability rockwood will again bb the contestants hillsburg to have new rink the village of hillsburg is to have a now skating and curling rink next winter tho building is to bo 135 feet by 74 feet providing120 feet by 60 feet icosurface it will bo of frame con struction with metal root fifteen feet at the one end ill baitxcf up for dressing rooms and a fot room a long- felt want in the village v it la under stood that tho womens institute in tend furnishing the rest room- the committee in charge have gone around with a subscription list and some 1500 has been already subscribed it is proposcdlndlffcrcnt ways to raise this to j2000 the villag in being prohibition in the coming election prohibition federation of canada outlines items desired for edcral asked to raise another 2000 a by law will shortly bo presented to the ratepayers of the village by the trustees to give them power to borrow tho 2000 which can be secured locally utt small interest and can be spread over 10 or 20 years motortsg nftfroyu escape at fergui a miraculous escape- from an accu den t which would in all likelihood havo resulted in death to ono at least of the three occupants of his notor car was experienced by j guwan farmer residing near elora and two lady friends at fergus between d3p and oclqok on saturday night mr gowan vn turning his machine a frird runabout around at the new bridge over the grand river in tho village and backing too far slid over the steep bluff which overhangs the river at that point the motor car and its three passengers turned turtle and came to rest a short distance down the declivity on a small pjateau tho bank at the point where tho accident happened is between 25 and 30 feet from tho crest to the water of the river anu tho nuto resting with its whecliln the air lay about eight or nine tcet from tho top with a drop of nearly twenty feet below it the river is about 14 feet deep hero suf ficient to completely submerge the small car and imprison tho passen gers tho screams of the lady pas sengers in the auto could plainly bo heard by citizens of fergus who were doing thwr weekend shopping and a crowd quickly gathered lady managed to oxtrlcato herself from tho wrecked car but it was necessary for bystanders to lift tho body of tho ma- chlno before the second lady passenger could free hersetr asldo fom a- wrc scratches and dpilgas ulj fco np- snhhiibculfid injury- tho automobile w3 dragged up tho bank and aside from u broken top and windshield was little damaged being able to irioye 1 away umrcr ic dwn jfcnrtr the following statoment is issued in view of the pending elections tho prohibition federation of can ada whlph seeks the ultimate elimina tion of tho tralficln uso and of alcohol for beverage purposes in view of the present situation regards fedoral ac tion as imperatively required to achieve the following ends l automatic prohibition of exhort manufacture importation of liquor out of within or into any provinco whotto legislature having prohibited tho sale requests this federal support or whoso electorate on referendum have yoted for tho prohibition for the prohibition of tho sale 2 the refusa of federal license to establish tiny new brewery or distillery in any province which j hasleglolatcd aa aforesaid 3 the adoption ofe a thoroughly friencly policy of complete co-opcra- tldn with tho united states of america in tho ienforcement of the constitution and law of that country and tho re moval from international relations of tho irritation caused by now existing facilities for tho evaslon of those laws this- declaration of national policy is given out at this timo so that local units may forwlth bring tho matter be- for candidates for nomination and election in tho most appropriate man ner showing the federations policy and inviting from them a statement of their relation to it the prohibition federation of can ada was formed in 1923 at ottawa with it are affiliated recognized fed erative bodies in tho provinces the federation consists of tho following cooperative unite tho baptist con ventions of ontario quebec and mani toba the evangelical church of can ada tho united church of canada tho salvation ariny ofcanada- the natlonulw ctu j- the hoyal-temp- lars of temperance tho independent order of good templars tho sons of- temperance tho social service coun cil of canada tho atberta prohibition association tho british columbia pro hibition association tho manitoba prohibition alliance the new bruns wick temperance alliance the nova scotia social servlco council ontario prohibition union tho prince edward island social service council the quebec prohibition federation the saskatchewan prohibition association social and personal mr dutican mctavlsh was in tor onto on sunday miss olive mowat was ho toronto for tho weekend ml lea ko ttpoiu u cw days in toronto last week miss mury moffat spent tho holiday at her home in nassagawoya mrs cecil hucston of hamilton spent tho weekend at her home miss dclieno gibbous is spending the week with friends at toronto miss emma l robinson spent the weekend at hqr homo in kenllworth mr albert wildgust of london was in town- visiting friends over tho week- end mrs thos mack of everton is visiting her daughter mrs john lam bert miss norah kenney of brampton spent a day or so at her home tins week council accepts 50 for perpetual qire the accounts parklmprovementa dog tax and multitude of things attended u acton fall pair to be held next tuesday and wed nesday promises to be better than ever tho 1925 acton fall fair if favorfd with j good weather should this year be one of the best yet- the dlrecl0i3 and officers ate enthusiastic and working to make it a big success there are several special features adtlri to the usual attractions this yeai the- secretary reports that entries are coming in lively and he has a fine list already tho oxhipu of the hall are this year confined to the county of hauwi erin and eramotia town ship and local interest will therofore be much greater in this part of tho fair two classes in the baby show tho first evening of the fair have been arranged with four prizes for tho best babies plenty of music will bo provided both days tho first evening of the fair acton citizens- band will pro vide a programme in tho hall and on wednesday acton citizens band will play during tho afternoon and a high land bag piper will discourse tho best- lovcd scotch melodies a school childrens parado will bo held on wednesday afternoon from the town hall headed by acton citizens band upon arriving at- the grounds tho children will givp some chorus singing in frpnt pf ho grandstand at 146 p n the usual llpt of races and prizes are scheduled and running races and high jumping contests have been added in the horso racing class applications for midway concessions are numerous and this years midway promises to be tho largest for years with refreshment stands games of skill and teats of strength filling the area allotted for this part of ho show every department is receiving care ful attention and with tho nplomlid prizes offered in the revised and en larged prize list and big list of special prizes tho entries and interest creat ed is increasing another special no 70 has been added since the special prize list was printed and r far the beht five pounds of dairy tjuier flonor to receive tho buttev by d a henderson cash 500 duncan campbell liberal candidate chosen at liberal convention last thursday for halton county at the liberal convenupn bold in tho princess theatre at milton last thursday afternoon duhcan camp- boll of moffatt an oxwurdon uf th county of hauon welvknowji lumber man and breeder of prize thorough bred shorthorn cattle was unanimous ly chosen as liberal cahdldato to con- testholton- county in tho approaching- goneral election tho convention waa well attended every part of tho rldlngr being represented rousing addresses on the political questions of tho day woro delivered by hon t a low minister of trado and commerce duncan marshall tho liberal organizer duncan camp do 11 r w j l hampshire of esquoslng and ouiors hon thos low minister of trade and commerce was jn a prophetic strain he stated that the hon arthur melghen could hot expect more than a dozen scats in tho four pro vlncch of quobcc alberta manitoba and saskatchewan and appealed to tho audlenco to support a truly na tionally representative party the globo on monday contained n picture of mr campbell in fishing at- tlrq with a fino speckled trout at sault sto marie with the following note below tho engraving a sault ste marie admirer notic ing the report of the selection of mr duncan campbell of moffatt as tho liberal candidate for halton sendb tho above snapshot taken at copper- mi if e point lako superior tho last week in july mr cmnpbehj has phenomenal success and tho plctuto shows him with a ijuuvpounyl speck led trout vhich hb tok ifjom the surf along shore writes ho cor respondent wiib has ho miooesa in angilng for votes that he ad angl ing foi trout his opponent wont havo a ghost of a chnnco mr- campbell is well and favorably known in thla hoc lion of the county apd will be a strong candidate in tho riding mrs john wood and babe spent sev eral days last week with toronto friends mrs dr dryden of toronto has been a guest of- mr and mrs h s holmes mrs c loishman and master allen spent a few days last week with tor onto friends mr william auld of toronto ih visiting his sister mrs harry gibbons young street mr john aghew of winnipeg has been spending a couple of weeks with acton relatives mr hugh williams of wyandotte michigan visited with friends in town during the week mrs- ross alexander spent a couplo of days during the week at her homo at campbellvllle miss wllla macpherson of guelph vl3ited last-week- at the homo of mr anctmrsrgr atdiilsr mr ross-nellie- and miss clark- of guelph were guests last sunday in the home of mr jas scott miss jessie morton who has been holidaying with friends in detroit re turned homo ad monday mr and mrs h awrey attended the family gathering of mr and mrs h laird marden last friday mr and mrs ronald johnson of johnstown n y are visiting relatives and friends in acton and vicinity mr and mrs harley brlgnall and son of toronto spent a few days dur ing the week at mr j- h beids mr thomas guntpn who has been spending- the summer in- acton return ed to his home in torontoihls week mrs thomas bell of edmonton who has been visiting ontario friends the past two months returned home last week mr and mrs george dunbar and misses jean and hazel of sundridge wekp guests last week at the- home of mr g a dills mr john fprboa a former resident of acton and now residing in saginaw michigan has been holidayipc with relatives in town mrs dr harold holmes of kempt- ville and miss nellie barclay guelph visited their grandfather mr james scott jasx sunday mrs s s russell and children of oakvllle are spending a few daysat the home of her parents mr and mrs william johnstone mrs h goldham underwent an oper ation at guelph hospital last week she la reported as making favorablo progress toward recovery mrs i c russell and mrs c h harrison spent sunday with mr d c russell who has been seriously 111 at wollealey hospital toronto messrs georgo rudman and noel steele who aro working here at tho present time visited at their homes in toronto over the weekend miss s campbell who ha3 spent several months visiting relatives in glengarry and quebec is visiting at the home of her niece mrs g lantz mr and mrs john wood and mrs j l warren and fred of toronto motored to walkerton and attended tho wedding of miss ruth warren yesterday mrs a recsor is expected home this weekend after having two weeks of muchneeded rest with her daughter mrs g w thompson of hamilton at broadview villa bayaldo katrine ontario master joo mccann was taken ill inst thursday with appendicitis and waa rushed to tho hospital at guelph where an operation was performed ho is- now making good progress toward recovery mr and mrs p a smith motored to braccbridgo this week mr smith is arbitrator on a school boundary dis pute in bracobridge and is attending a session of tho board to settle tho difficulty mr r w stewart mr t south mrs murgaret stewart miss ruth coatsworfh and miss marjorle aklns motored to rochcstor lust week and spent a few days with mr john stewart and family councillor thotford and mrs thet- ford returned homo after spending a very pleasant holiday with mrs thet- fords parents mr and mrs dennett at markdoie mrs thotford alao visit ed friends at williamsford mr albert e campbell of mounts- burg announces the engagement of his elder daughter ollvo louisa to mr robert andrew murrcn son of mr nnd mrs- william hurren of camp bellvllle marriage to take placo the latter part of september the regular session of the council on monday- evening had councillors mason holmes and atkinson present reovo barber was ill and unable to attend in his absence councillor holmes had charge of the meeting tho finance committee presented their nineteenth report and recom mended payment of accounts aa fol lows goneral account e h jordan labor w j held supplies a o deforest labor r j wallace teaming geo ritchie teaming acton fiuos press advertising e j hassard supplies woodhali mckay supplies bell telophone co services waterworks account a h bishop labor bell telephone co services jas symon- supplies news of local import anniversary sorviceo tho tilth anniversary of nassaga woya presbyterian church will be held on sabbath september lio ser vices at 11 am and 7 pm conduct- edbypimthou eak d p of to s 00 12 09 1 00 42 95 14 00 5 20 o 30 0 07 c 55 uqi 10 56 13 4 31 2 70 see the exhibit of acton monu ment works at aeton fall fair fire in erin cemetery a very unusual occurranco dovolop ed t erin cemetery it seems that mrrialfred hurren wrs employed cic ing up the ground and in burning tho grass brush etc in the- older portion of the cemetery tho fire got beyond control mr hurren immediately set off to town for help but before heip arrived a considerable portion of tho fence waa consumed and live llci bad travelled over a large piutloji of the ground it ws indeed fort una tn that it did not fiwicep ucrnsi hp dry utuh- blo field and got in ho buildings of mr john bok or oonsume a larger portion of tho fence as it wiih it will now bo necessury to erect a now fenco around the front and east side of tho grounds advocate 13 14 the report was adopted messrs is w masters and orrlo limb requested a rebate of business tax as they were in business only part of the year the matter was tcfcrred over to another meeting chairman of tho cemetery commit tee holmes turned over to tho trea surer a cheque for 5000 from a cli- zento take care of a plot in fairview cemetery this is tho amount neces sary to bo deposited to provide for perpetual care of a plot by the town as two or three like amounts havo already been accepted by previous councils with the provision of provid ing perpetual care for tho plots it seems to ho an accepted condusioji lhiitthecounculiajalanthal- will- provide perpetual care for 50 al thoughnothinghaabeen recorded as to provisions etc l improvements at the park were dls- cussed the shingling was to bo hur ried up to bo ready for the fair the ticket office was to be- roofed as it was in bad repair other ideas and suggestions relative to tho beautifying and improving of the park were dis cussed the dog tax then came up for dis cussion and chief mepherson asked- for some enllrhtment on tho collection pf the tnx moved by a mason seconded by l a atkinson that nil dogs must bo tagged before octobor 31 tags to be the same as 1924 tags may be had at the town hall every saturday afternoon during the month of october from chief mepherson carried moved by l e atkinson seconded hy a mason that the clerk bo in structed to order 100 dog tags car ried chief mepherson was instructed to make any necessary repairs to the approach at the entrance to tho park and any other minor improvements that are needed prior to fair day moved by l e atkinson second by a mason that the hill on victoria ave ho gravelled carried alex skatch helps keep taxes down pleaded guilty to soiling liquor il legally and paid fine of 300 alex skatch a resident of scene st who haa been mixed up with the law previously n connection with the ontario temperance act and has been suspected by tho authorities lately of doing business in this line was last week again caught in the tolls and enriched tho town treas ury on sunday september gth quite a drinking orgy was being conducted at his place and it was believed that alex was supplying the refreshments word had been received saturday night that tho affair was likely to take place and chief mepherson and con stable precious wero ready for the af fair on sunday afternoon inspector reovely and constablo precious visit ed the house but could find nothing out of order a return visit was however payed on monday morning at 1 a m and a cash customer was able to pur chase refreshments of sufficient power to put him dizzy for the sum of 200 with a marked bill the ovidenco was sufficient and alex was lodged in the cells until the following day when tho com mittment papers were mado out by a e nicklln j p andhe was lodged in milton jail awaiting tho analysis of the beverage sold for 200 on wednesday tho case was heard before polico magistrate shields at milton and alex decided to plead guilty to the charge- of celling liquor illegally ho was assessed 300 and costs of 4100 for the offence and al lowed his freodom again the municipal treasury wil bo en- tinnced by uua amount aa the case was instigated and conducted by chief macpherson the local o t a en forcement officer with tho assistance of constable precious and inspector reovely and alex will begin at the least to wonder if it pays to handle boozo illegally and break tho law a letter re the old man mr w f mooney who disposed of his tlnsmlthing and plumbing busi ness ih not leaving acton but will continue in the roofing business in abton and uie vicinity the following note from mr j s coleman relative to items in tho column conducted by the old man of the big clock tower will be read with interest by tho folks who delight in the reminiscences of this old gentle man which he hus been telling late ly dear fjuto pitess younger old mans letter this week as received today is quite interesting especially in reference to i larold d mclichlans mar riage and recalling the- baptism by ifcov dr dewaru harold was born in acton and the bcrvicfi at which the baptism was observed was the reopening of the methodist church after the building of the choir alcove and removing the choir fropi the gal lery and was iiv the fall of 1897 rev e y dnvnrt was editor of thu ohrpiitn ouardlan from about lxtiri ti ih9f mid his outstanding promineucv tit the church was till fresh this youugor old tmuri is about as good at interesting ro- mlniscenscs as his paternal rela tive cordially yours j f coleman onto tho maplo leaf quartette of gait will bo present to lead tho sing ing all are welcome loses control of car when stung by beo stung by a bee george lyons of trafalgar township loosed his hold on tho wheel of his motor car saturday and the car plunged into tho ditch qu tho dundas street highway east of pttlcrmo the car turned over and mr lyons and some of tho occupants of the car were injured first officers of south wellington presbytery at tho first meeting of tho presby tery of tho union churches in south wellington hold at norfolk st united church last week rev h a graham of guelph was elected chairman rov j a mackonzio guelph treasurer and rev g ii knighton guolphi sec retary standing committees were also appointed motor car burns a motor car owned hy mr georgo goy taxi driver was completely des troyed by lire at an early hour friday morning about four miles outsldo guelph on the york road mr goy was returning from toronto when the machine took fire presumably from a hort circuit in the wiring nothing was available with which to fight the blaze and tho auto was completely destroyed mercury are they appreciated the small town that possesses a weekly newspaper has in it a pub lishing and advertising industry which do more for the town thaiialmobt any o f 1 h 03 0tal i buildings which emit smoke from their tall chimneys but tho town- often does not reallzo it thorold has found out the post of that town discon tinucd publication the business men of tho place after being for a few months paperless havo guaranteed the editor such sup port that publlcatlqnjiaabeen resum ed toronto star toronto lade arrested in brampton after being arrested and sentenced at brampton last woek to terms of ono year in tho ontario reformatory for stealing an automobile edward ijear 90 larchmont road and edward reid 94 dagmor avenue wero brought to toronto last night by dotectlvo johns the youths are wanted hero on tho charges of stealing a car belonging to fred dobson the auto police allege was driven to brampton where it was left police state another car was stolen in brampton and driven to lon don whero tho young men wero taken into custody halton school fairs school fairs will- bo held on the fol lowing dates and at tho- following places esqueaing september 15 to bo held at limehouso milton septem ber lgth to bo held at milton nas- sagaweya september 17 to bo held at brookville trafalgar september 18- 19 to be held at oakvillo bronte september 22 to bo held- at bronte nelson september 24 to bo hold at lowvllle hornby september 25 to bo held at hornby championship octo ber 12 to be held at milton burling ton october 67 to bo held at bur lington the right of way numerous recent motor accidents have brought to light the fact jhat there is a great confusion in tho minds of the travelling public as to tho right of way the highway traffic act of ontario clearly states as the first rulo of the road whero two person in charge of vehicles or on horseback approach a crossroad at the same time tho person to tho right hand of the other vehicle or horseman shall have tho right of way judicial decisions however- havo been to tho effect that tho right of way affords no justification for caroless driving register has 200 names there are about 200 names on tho register at tho tourist camp at river side park each tourist who uses tho camp is required to write hia name address make of car and llconso num ber in tho register which is in tho keeping of parks superintendent ntcol a column in tho book is also set- aside for remarks in which ap- pears many complimentary roferehees to the tourist camp tho park and tho city itself tho tourists axo also en thusiastic about tho equipment pro vided ivt tho camp much of which is new to tho usual camp encountered on an auto ramblo about tho country- this includes an electric light exten sion system by which tho campers light their tents at night special cook- lng facnitlegrt t floor according to mr nlcol american tour ists form tho majority of those who uso the camp and every day sees more arrivlngrguolph mercury wonder how many havo used actons camping ground which could bo one of thho finest in the country also wonder jvhat their complimentary remarks would bo about tho equipment supplied ftifr- their convenience gasoline tank explodes william swanston badly injured when examining tank with lightod 1 match the consumer may pot ho sure whether the operators or tho miners are most to blame in tho matter gf suffering from i compound fracture of tho left leg sustained when a gaao- llno tank which ho was examining exploded william swanston a well- known farmer of rockwood district lies at the general hospital guelph in a critical condition tho accident occurred aboutoloycn oclock wednes day morning of last week mr swanston had emptied a tank of gasoline used op his farm on the third lino of ernmoaa township for power purposes on tuesday apparent ly a small quantity of tho exploslvo liquid had boon left in tho rocoptae which exploded when r he lit a match wednesday morning to look into tho tank when tho receptacle burst the fragments of metal flow in every di rection several striking mr swanston on tho legt causlnga compound frac ture a friend mr l- m libido of toronto who was standing close by wjien tho explosion occurred was un injured but narrowly escaped being struck by ono of the flying particles which just graced him a physlojan was immediately sum moned and the injured man was given medical attention later being moved to the hospital tho fracturo is a vory to who gets it in tho neck shcbournc economist tirrnilhtrlke but hfl nkflnotjohbt as hort6u one but ho is now reported to bo making satisfactory progress to ll ward recovery -v-

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