Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1925, p. 2

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skjr arhm m xss props thursday sdetbmhur 17 1 pluck wont doubt youroolf be ffuro rhoro tirrneuo of-noneity- una atronctri unough wlthlnyou for tho journoya longth dont lay it down that imck that oeomn ao heavy lftt it high im gilpplnc jt a renr o lt wlu die its just u bit of work a hcio diuo not alilrk 4 in triumph then youll smltol youre not tho only ono upon mo a mile who cravoa for holiday then turn your way or aeominc drudsory into a uprlng- owept road of couiaeo flowers wrap up your bui denload in colored llaga until folks undcr- atand a uoul god touched with pluck atrldes thro the land lillllan dard m if stor prphfi lmrt targ elder witliams jbig squash by c a subpiidns l a pkco off tho knjfchkuh which thiy could not uml in tin link altugcthti h was an nltolt lilt of miaihhf ami fiom tht lit st ii tti mi doubt whittvu an to who inil tlom it wlthithcu bits of liil and tlu unif hlmu now u t olll wlti to j1 1 nut tu how om st 1 t i too much in public a r i n m iliird it r the transformation of yusef yuaqf waa a syrian who had made hii way to a new enland factory town life went hard with him ho waa sick discouraged and resenuul his dream of prosperity in the new world a dream cherished throuch years of sacriaco and poverty at homo waa shattered homesick and heart sick ho lay on his bunk or wandered un was hod and unshaven about his poor quarters hib eyes sunken and his clothes in rasa tho first step in his transformation was tho gift of a clerical coat it had served its purpose in tho pulpit and afterwards in tho various humbjej- stages of pastoral experience and at last too threadbare for the least of itheso omccu it had made lta way to the box of castoff clothing it looked ridiculous enough upon yuscf but in hio imagination there clime to it the odor of sanctity and in it ono sunday afternoon after his recovery he ap peared at the church aervlce dilapidated as was the garment the minister recognized it as a former possession of his own and for a mo ment had much to do to restrain his mirth as ho saw hinaaelt translated into syrian in the person of yusef not that yusef sat near the pulpit he was in the farthermost seat under he feujlery in the extreme rear but the ministers eytaeeodtandhoffasixeforexhibltionatcounty mid statu t waa monday afternoon of tho county fair weok and wo woro very busy getting our farm ex hibits ready to send to the fair tho next moi ning among other things to bo done tliat afternoon addison and i hnd to go to the mill three miles from tho old faim wlh a grist of corn for the herd pigs colts and poultry during tho fair wo found aix or eight grlata ahead of us at the mill howevct and tho miller told ui that ho could not get oura out for us beforo nlno oclock that evening so rather than wait wo concluded to drive home and coratj back for it later 4 on the way wo overtook alfred batcheldor and newman darnley two young nolghora of about our own age with whom wo were not on tho best of terms they had been lulling for pickererover in tho millpond and had a string of flsh which they were taking turns in carrying is it best to take them in ad dison asked mo as we camo up be hind them for there had been a ery serious difficulty between us nt school the previous winter as we were driving with an empty wagon i thought it would look better to invite them to ride and so we pulled up and asked them to get in with us although they seemed a little sur prised they accepted the invitation we passed the time of day to gether they showed us their biggest flsh and we began to talk a little as we drove along wo passed elder withams little llace where he and his sister aunt olive wltham lived pd we caught sight of the elder out m his garden beyond his green sage plum trees looking at his big squash everybody in town knew about the elders squashes thoy hud been the pride of his heart for six seasons he mado tho ground cor them very rich with all sorts of fertilizers and thus urged them forward to tremendous til way a watching for people who sat for back some of tho most interest ing men who ever came to tho temple of god are those who approach re- jnotely even so the publican stood afar off and would not lift up so r as his eyes unto heaven v after the service zuaef was making for tho door ho did not walk he- slunk there is a stage of human humiliation in which men do not lift jheir feet with confidence and set them down with decision yusef was slink ing toward the door when the minister stopped him i am glad to see you tho minister said where were you born in nazareth answered yuaef in nararethj how this poor for lorn man took tho imagination back across the centuries to another who lived in nazareth and was poor then began a friendship between this lone syrian and ttao minlteiv- a friendship that grow and with mutual profit its first result bo far aa yusof was concerned was helping him to find a situation and soon as ho had clothes yusef then came to church in a eel- lulold collar brilliant and conspicu ous tho length of the church and he moved up a few seats in time he bought a linen collar and shirt and had them laundered by a chinaman and in the confidence of hjs fino linen he moved up a few seats farther yusef began to prosper he waa atrorig and intelligent and ho ad vanccd in his position and with each improvement in hia appearance the blackening of his shoes the better fit of his clothes his more fluent ooni- mand of english he moved a little farther out from under the gallery till at last he established himself in a modest seat on the aide halfway down ono day ho came to the parsonage and stripped hfmselc of coat vest shirt and from a moneybelt produced bills and gold to the amount of five hundred and twentyfive dollare and nil of this in one lump eum ho sent to nazareth ono sunday about a month later yusof had company in his seat- a dark but comely woman sat beside him with eyes like those or a madon na and slanting down from her side toward the farther end of the seat was a row of little naxareons array ed in new clothing which yusef had provided against tholr arrival then the minister remembered how he had first seen yuaef and the ap pearance of his old coat and the suc cessive stages of the transformation a good thing had come out of nazar eth fairs he allowed but a singlo squash to ripen on one vine and during july august and the early part of septem ber it was his daily practise to water the different seta of rootlets along the wholo length of the vine with now milk which he believed to bo the best plantfood he raised the largest squashes over produced in maine one which he took to the state fair the year before u actually tipped tho scales at a hundred what havo you and seventyfour pounds and it was th it they weie telling evory one hc know that thoy h id hun d addison and mo declnro that we wciejqing to blow up the eldois nquaih boforo night atl uinl i weae mailccd characters at the filr wo could hop people looking lint d ul uh some gi in ning othei a with looks of 1 ept oba- tlon and dislike we tit ovo homo that ovening in anything but lonrfartirtattr state of mind not waa homo a nanctunty the old squlro had hoar tho runiora go ing and so had theodoia and hllen after suppet the old gentleman rose and started for tho flitting- room he aaid boys i want to apeak with you addison and 1 followed him knowing very well what was coming the old squire flhut the door i want the truth about this saiit he did you destroy elder withams oquahh no sir we both- naid weto you with othei s who rt d ho demanded no hir we declared do you know any tiring about it lie insisted thereupon addison told him what had been bald on our way home fiom tho mill tho old uquho sat kckftidlng him closely and after that you went back past there nlont late last even ing mo said yes air addibon admitted tho old squire took u turn aciosa the alttlng room things look black against you ho aula but you have nevertold me a fulaohood yot and 1 believe you he had hardly said thla when we heard elder wltham3 voice and aunt olivers out in tho othorwbom they had just drivon over iiind weie not in an amiable mood thoso monster squashes were as much a- mattei of pride with aunt olive as they were with the elder they had heard what alfred and newman hud said and their minds wcro mado up home and dug polutoch while lilt u placet ded to make ret tain lnnoroiit- hcomlng inquhkh iimonj inn vnt igh- hot s at fiiht hiil attempt d to boi i ow i little billudoiin l at eciy housi but leu ncd that no one thtieabuuts had ot had hud any belladonna lcipt th wllbui t mis wlibui had bought home in an ounce vial at ci nit s ding stoi e a yeai hefoie but slit told ellen that she had let mis llatclioldci have a hat wiih left of it when ellen called thoio to ask foi it mi s uateheldet a lid that she had it and went to u cupboard to get ilu vlul but to hei miipiiae could not hnd lt anywhei o tho boll idonna vial waa thus trace i frhc batchoulet i cupboiud wlienc o well young man youre caught were tho elders flrat words to addison as we camo out you may as well own up youiejlcorneied now what have you to say for yourself the meanest trick i ovei heaid of aunt olive buiat forth to deswoy a noble squaah llko that aftei we hnd tended it and caied for it nil jumtnr havent you any hem t in youi bo oin havent you any utmrno 01 conscience got to s ly f 1 1 i yourself tho elder repeated lu- i i on no wa member i can mako you smart foi it now giving his attention waa even heavier i remember those squashes very well they wore elongated or pearshaped rather than flat like some squashes and pumpkins which we see at fnlra yet they could be stood up on end and were actually as tall as a barrel of flour what the variety was i do not know they were not hubbords or marbleheads tho elder got the seeds from a brother of his out in pennsylvania and if ho knew tho u u uiliuuuuii tlll duui1 uv l w v this he bought himself a new suit of variety ho did not see fit to tell his how to choose a wife young man you will get married somo day or else you are not like other mortals of your hcx lot us help you with some good advice amount ing almost to wisdom it you ace not already dead stuck on somo girl before sizing up her best qualities you man- ago tojgo wltli her to millinery or dry good store nottco whether she la ono of the kind that seta her de tails all jumpled up whllo making a selection of gooda if she does not but can tell in a jiffy just what she wants and promptly aolects lt and tells the salesman to wrap it up while she hurries off to make other par- chasea sot it down that she is tho girl you want she is tho one who will have youc meals ready when you come homo hungry and t tired she is tho ono who will tend the chickens and nip tho gads in tho bud and bring more eggs to town than a half dozen of ho nambypamby kind she is tho one who will stick closer to you than twin brothorsand make your home a joy and give you a high opinion of this world of course if you have boeh caught in the meshes of tho other kind there la no hope for you tou are a goner lovo is blind but after you get mar ried your sight will be restored and in tlmo you will find how you missed it all you can do is to endure your misery and prepare for a happy life in tho groat hereafter there will be no enjoyment for you here remem ber tho tlmo and place omo beauti ful saturday afternoon and a dry goods or millinery btoro winchester preaa a neighbors having an nmbltion break all local records in the size of his squashes he had increased tho size each year by saving the seeds of tho largest and making his garden richer this gar den in fact was a paradise for all sorts of vegetables plums cherrlos and small fruits there was little real advantage in producing such mammoth squashes they were watery coarso grained and of not much use for the table but tho elder had the squaah craze on very hot days in august he shaded the vines carefully and after frosts began to come in september he made a tent over them at night with bed- quilts theres the old elder out there looking at his big squash os newman said as we drove past i guess he is going to pick it today to take to the fair no he isnt alfred said for hes got his milkpitcher in his hand he is giving that squash another drink pf milk he wont picu it until to morrow the elder heard us passing and wo fancied that ho scowled he waa not much in sympathy with boys we con sidered him austcred not to say that he was harsh but ho was a man of high moral character upright and con scientious ho was also an ardent pro hibitionist strongly opposed to the use of intoxicants in any form or for any reason like some other very strict moral ists he waxed impatient of tho weak nesses of youth as he grew older his heart seemed to harden foward the young and in his sermons on sunday he was often very severe oirthe faults of boys and girls wish somebody would carry off that big squash of his tonight ex claimed alfred laughing so do i cried newman wouldnt the elder haye n fit well i wouldnt want to bo tho one to try to lug it off aaid i it is more than a man could lift thereupon i remember that ddpt and serve you good and light aunt olive threw in foi of ill die mean lowdown tricks i evor heard of this la the worat but i didnt do it addison map- aged to say orrrh exclaimed tho cider in credulously non of youi wrong stories it will bo safer for you to own right up bcttu and wafer too the case was iirejudged and tho old squire sent ua out of the loom to do tho- evening chorea at the stable he then attempted to 0 over the mat ter more carefully with our aggrieved callers without much huccesa they were both convinced that addison was guilty and soon sot off for homo addison and i heard what was said as they drove away now mind you squire unless that grandson of yours owns up ill have him arroated the elder exclaimed a boy mustnt be allowed to do a thlnff liker that and not bo punished such a mean cowardly thing too aunt olive rolteratcd there i do say i could cry ovei that beauti ful squash all smnahed to pieces tho next day addison and 1 stayed at homo and dug pototoes ellen and theodora also prefcired to remain at home tho scandal and notoriety were too much for thorn to face it was at this bad pass of our af fairs that these good girl cousins of ours boro hand to savo our reputa tion aunt olive liked them they had often visited her and tho following nftornoon while addison and i were out in tho field they conferred to gethcr and wont over to seo her at first aunt olivo was very stiff with them and inclined to be im placable but at laat sho invited them out into the gardens to get somo gage plums and to see tho- ruins of the big squash no great amount of powder had been used tho squaah which was ful ly aa large as a aufjnr barrel had burst in three pieces only which lay close together tho explosion indeed had been so light that tho elder and aunt ollvo had scarcely noticed it at their cottago a hundred yards away withsthe door shut although thoy re membered afterwards tliat they had heard a strange dull noioc late in the evening cousin ellen was a keeneyed ghi while looking about she caught sight of a llttlo glitter of glass amidst tho deep green of a bed of carrots a few feet away from the squash vine she went to see what it was and found just tho neck and shoulders pf a llttlo cqn vtnl n o y tn th nrou the cow the cow 1b a fomnle quadruped with an alto voice and n countenance in which there is no gullo in tho def inition supplied by the baltimore sun sho collaborates with tho pump in the production of a liquid en hod milk provides tho filler for the hash and in skinned by those the has benefited on mortals commonly are the young cow is called the calf and is used in the manufacture of chicken salad the cows tall la mounted aft and has a unlvral joint the tasvl on 4he end has un que educational vajaeo per sons who milk cows and come often h contact with tho tastel have vo- ihulit fcb of peculiar and impressive son who was driving glanced back with a queer look and said yoq might blow it up newman what do you suppose tho elder would say if somebody wero- to put a charge of powder into that big squash and touched it off but he laughed when ho dald it and i for one had no thought that he really meant to do such a thing it was merely one of those mlrfchevous ideas which hometimes pop into our minds afterwards alfred and now man ex changed glances but said nuthlng at the postoffice they left us we went on homo to tho farm and into that evening addison drove to themill again for our grist ho went ilone and did not get buck till after en oolock the next morning we were all astir early and by eight oclock set off with our herd and our loads of ex hibits for tho fairgrounde but oven while wo werebn the way wo began to hear rumors that somo- thlng mysterloua had happened over night to elder withams big squnsh it had exploded because it was so big and ovorgrown some said everybody for miles round wu ex pecting to see that big squash ut the fair and before noon hundreds of the people were inquiring about it to ward noon too the elder himself ap peared at the fnlrgioundn his jaw hard set and wrath in hlm eye some son of belial has destroyed my squash with gunpowder ho replied sternly to all questions the finest squash ever raised in new england too whats this generation coming to will you answer me that addison and i felt queer about it from the first owing to what hnd passed tho day before but we said nothing for my own part too i could waa a small wooden plug and in a crease of this plug a bit of bui ned fuse such as is used in blasting locka she picked it up and bhowed it to theodora thereupon they both began looking about mfjro attentively and examined the biokcn paitn of tho big squaah again with thi result that in the soft insldo poition of it they found tho bottom end or the same vial and also in another pait a pieco at the sldoof the vinl to which was still a ticking a red label with the printed word poison nnd tho vory familiar druggist sign of a skull and poiph on he discolored label too was a part of the vord belladonna and be neath it another word cranes ull of which made it evident jhnt the vial of bolladonna had coma hqn craucs drug storo in the vlllage ellen wrapped tho fragments of tho glasa up in her handkerchief und put them in her pocket meanwhile theodoia had espied something else of biter eat about an inrji ttrtii a half of the end of a thin m kojfohtyde lying in the cai th close by tho squalf qlorir with two oi three burned matchf in that vicinity the i farmers ufc and dried a great many apples in tho fn fit tho year and for slicing the nppcs j thlubladcd knlfo wan ucd caled th hllcer this bit of blade waa plainly broken from one of tlieho knives theodora also pockoted that they brought their tiophlca homo and it the auppertnhio that nikht we all put our heads together over them it wiih not difficult to understand wh it hnd occurretl whoever blew u tho eldois hqunsh had put the powder in that ounce vial to keep itdiy in the moist insldo of tho aquaali and luid touched it off with a bit of fuse to introduco the vtn1 within tho fiquaah too they had been obliged to not uftjp thinking that addison had cut tt mtl0 through tho seed cav- had a chance to do the deed the ovonr lt an for that thoy had brough ing before when he went for our ono of th08e bi1 tho outer rind and meat of the bis squah had proved so hard and thick however that in the efforts to out lt they had broken it waa now unexopctedly mi islng two days lutei theodoiu took up tho quest she went to six places the dninley a among the teat ostensibly to bonow a slicci npple-kn-ifo- in f ice sho came homo with aix alicera when alio called it mia dai nloya the lit ter aaid that sho had one ind went to get it fi om tho pnntiy but waa much sin prised to find tho bl ide waa bioken i dont see how my knlfi ot oi jk- en mia dai nicy exclaimed i waa using it only i few days ago it vai not bioken then well you can take lt s nded peihapa you can use it cvtn if iht end tif the blade la gone theodoia bi ought it home anil w fitted the bit of bioken blade to it it fitted peifcctly and had beyond a doubt been bioken fiom lt addison and i weie now jubllint but the old aqulio a lid kevp quiet a bit dont crow ton loud yet wo want to trap them you two boys had bettei dig potatoes nnothoi day and let irie take a hand the way tho old squito took a hand was by hitching up and driving that to eldei withams foi t talk with him and then ill about ui neighbors an1 ucqualntiinres this 1h a aoilous mattei he sail to one of them a cowatdly ti ick has been played upon eldei witliam wo want to go to tho bottom of it and find out tho facts so lcta got to gether at tho schoolhouao this evening and tiy to leaui the tiuth my two giujulaona mud onieuung- to do wit tjsaid tho old -gentlcmnt- addison liasiiconfesbtontomakd addison indeed was quite willing to confess what ho hao aaid aoont blowing up the squash none iht to that last i omaik of tho old aquiie i was a bit of stiategy wo w mted lo h it alfieil uid nowm in come with hi othtis mdwt knew tint if thoy lit nd hi a addj ton w it going to m iki i olltsion tiny wyyhl think it w u iff foi them to put in ill ipii i rin mou thin two huiithcd pcopu wu itheitd it tho t hoollmimo tl it ui- iiu alfittl uid niwmilii with the ithl t4uvdtl wquiiutalliul uiuuiuolijfc tu rn hi r nt u i the object of it g ilq ntij dciiciibtd tht outtaro oinmittcd in the eldei a maiden ilu then hade addlaon lelate what had ottuncd tho ptevluits monday afternoon on tie way home fiom the mill theieupon addison to jk ihe lion and confissid whit iw had a lid to n winan and alfted ihout putting i ch u go of powdei in rnfj hqunidi thei waa an une isy sth of dis- apjiblntment in tho thioiijf who dl i it then some one ex i lined well leplied addlijp smiling girls aometlmta make good detectives oui gills heio havo heen dolnp dt- toctuo woik foi ua mil thoy have found out who did it theio waa anothei sth an i wo hiw newman and alfred who wo sitting topjothei glance at each othei wo have proof right here addl aon went on any one can seo tlicni who wants to and lie laid out the bits of vial and tho knlfo with tho hi oken blade on the teachers desk beside him hero is tho broken bella donna vial tlu v put the powder in to blow up tho aquash alfied batcholder knows where the lal camo fiom it is the only belladonna bottle in all oils nclghboihood jle took it that evening fiom his mothcia cupboard and hoie is the ippleknlfe with which they tiled to tut a hole in the big squtish to put in the vial of pow dei addlaon con t limed triumphantly they moke tho knifeblade tho knife c inie fiom new m m dai nicys house he took it th it night fi om hi mothers panti y and put it back thero after- waids but the piece of broken blade wis found in elder withams garden cloao beside tho big squash it fits ex actly ns you c in nil sto for yourselves it waa a pictty mean trick but the rogues aio caught there thoy hit alfred and newman however wero no longet sitting there beforo addl aon had finished speaking thoy were on their foot pushing through the crowd to get out of tho achoolhouse but tho old aquiro had had his eye on them all the time and stepping to the dooi now barred tho way not too faat boys ho exclaimed laughing gi lmly you m o going to stay right here till you ownup to this rn and that is what they did do al though thoydid it- with a vepy bad grace thoy weie chaffed and dended without sllnti antnfti gcollect aright their families paid elder with un tho sum of twenty doll u a tho elder and aunt olive aftei ward apologized to addison but i always thought that ho was a uttle to blame turkish police ju8tiqe a tlifling di iputti botwttn a kind uul in aimcnlau on i atieet in con nt intinopl tlu otht l d iy any i the chirtgos km mil lud to an ainuitliik niftiinti of justin is it dlsptiimtl li tho tuiklah police atabac l p 1 oyaum wluoi t lln t idou rlk ih illoged liy a tcuid an ai tucnlan clalnnd the bo at hia own nt ithei would give in and tho dla i hi to waxed wu in i lum woi da they win coming to blown wh u jl polim man camo up hut ho i ould not cltlo tho question of ownctahip at laat the aimtnlan auggcatt h that the policeman aak what waa in tht box tub icco uid t ig u i ttc pttpi i said the kurd promptly tho box contains nothing but a twentyfive cent pieco aaid tho ai menian smiling the officer opened tho box und find ing tho ai menian waa right not tied the dlhputo by giving him tho box the ai menian ia tho ownci of tho box he aaid the kurd la u liar hi i o he smote the kurd over tho head allah be pratacd tor my trouble in deciding this complicated affair i will keep tho twentyfivo cerjtg one the spot a city publlahn diitctid one of lin clnka to hang out a sign boy want- ul liveminutcs later says a wier in the new yo k sun a lerthcndcii llttlo tad tpju ued jn the office wit the tdgii undci iiia aim say mlstei ho demanded did you hang out thia sin i did lcpllcd the publfshei atci ply vrhy lid you teai it down pack of his fieckles the 1 o azotl in woniln il the m iiih stupidity vvhy ho 1 1 plied im do boy how tlte allat moijbtmi system enlightening the urdanite city boardor i suppose you hatch all these chickens yourself parmer no wo keep hens for that purpose mtmiiiiiiiij keatings v kills- saves money testa have proved important oavinga in fuel where the warm air from the furnace is properly moistened the saving has reach ed upwards of 20 per cent the hygienic vapor pan in the allcant is designed to supply the correct amount of natural moist ure required for health and com fort atmosphere that protects the family from winter ills other exclusive fuel saving features of the allcast are the freedraught shellbar grates which insure perfect combustion and the fuel- saving air blast which burnsjthe smoke and gases the allcast is easily oper ated it burns soft coal and all other fuels equally well it is reasonably priced come in and let us show voir its many important fea tures or write for complete details there ia a sizearud type of happy thought turnace for every kind of home leo latham acton ont ftftafnronijreanaoazftv 8 r moths 1 c beetlesr-1- womnirtafcttt spnaklo ia cht faoo bm on giiclrri nwi kill lice happy thought foundry company- limited rangesfurnaces free press job printing is always neatly done win this mu 475piaiio w k b this announcement may not appearaaai sendvbuiaiisweii today hnd the iisni numbers sts simple just a few minutes work and your answer may be the on that wins a 47500 piano a radio or phonograph without cost of any nd v to win a prize there is nothing to buy or sell thjs is an advertising campaign conducted by a piano a radio and a phonograph manufacturer to overcome the usual lastminute christmas shopping rush now today is the best time to win one of the musical instruments and the big prizes are absolutelyfree ah you have to do is to find the missing numbers prizes are awarded to the best neatest most original correct answers v send your sojutlonof the puzzle today dont delay for in case of a tie the first answer received wins the prize this cntgstf closes sept 30th dont wait try for a prize today rules of the content only one member of a family should enter jejhployees of newspapers carrying this advertisement should not enter should the contestant selected by the judges for first prize already own a piano the prrze will be given to the next best all solutions arp and shall rema the property jit- the canadian selling agents contestants agree to abide by the decision of the pjdgeq from which there shall be no appeal j every corret amsweff- receives a rewairl how to solve the puzzle jplace any number from to 15 in the blank spaces on the design below without using the same number twice in such a manner that when added horizontally vertically or diagonally the total will be 33 when you have solved the problem aend your answer to the canadian belling agents at the address giyen below this announcement may not appear again it pa ay be your only chance o aend your answef in promptly sat prize 475 piano a handsome new in strument of beauti ful tone in walnut finish- 1 2nd prize 275 radio a complete radio set including bat teries loud speaker and cabinet 3rd prize 150 phonograph beautiful phono graph equipped to play all records mahogany finish additional prizes purchasing credit vouchers valued at from 100 00 to 1200 00 will also be given away prizes are awarded to the best neatest most original correct answers it no pkif things to remember answers may be submitted on this or a eeparatfs sheet of paper or any other material there is no limit to the size of the solution somebody is goingto win the prize and every one of them is absolutely frte prizes will be awarded to the best neatest most original correct answers read the rulea of tho contest again send in your aniwer now today send your nnswop in canadian selling agents 32 water street south gait ontario newman durnloy and alfred batch- i older wore at tho air and wo hoard winners of canadian selling agents last contests lucky hormmthom puxxla 1st prue aldarlc larln point sl charles qua 2napru cf wv imnbach 7 name sl stratford inlpriit- j b noinon 3flj ht janw st london oat write your name and address plainly and care fully with your solution to the puzzle to tho best neatest most original correct answer will be given absolutely without cost a beautiful 54700 pmno for the next best neatest most original correct answer a 275 00 radio set will be given to the next best willj be given a 150 00 phonograph additional prizes pur chasing vouchers valued at from 100 00 to 200 00 will also bo given count thm dollar markm litprtxfl mr j l mclauler icr4 smith talis ont ind prfie archlo j lurward sis sth stt e owen bound out ird prise ura k phillips u marchtnont kd toronto ont winners of the missing numbe p will be announced in the next contest advertisement watch for it i

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