Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1925, p. 3

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olhr atton 3to ffrfoia xi1ur3pa si3pti3mbijr 17 lft25 1 adventure 1 i often think tho folka i meet aro much wto houacu in a streot snnwi their ca open wido for anyone to aeo inorte somo keep tholr curtains closely drawn and look the an mo both night and morn till lit with some mad passions clow tholr secret souls they sudden show those i love boat are shuttered tight yet through tho chlnka ahlncn gloamfl of light before tholr door i lllco to stand and tap and tap with gentle hand and call as loudly as i daro say lttlo brother aro you there and sometimes there is no roply then sad i turn away and sigh but sometimes too if i look back tho doors will open just a crack a smiling form its hand extend and then i know ive found a friend janet read neighborhood news jxoym and country burlington mr and mrs playford s gibbon mr and mrs geo e bvana mlas myrtle and master george evans spent a few days last week in cobourg and baltimore j the regular blweekly luncheon of tho lions club was held at the village inn wednesday night when mr a c lolonde delivered an address on the cash register rev e val tirton rev r mc- gliuvray messrs w a emery and w p w wisher attended the proaby- l of tnjo united church of canada at hamilton last tuesday mrs lewis and mro allen of rochester n y and mr and mra munshaw and daughter maud of oleon n y speht the holidaya with mr and mrs j c hall east plains miss may johnson who is leaving for england this week was presonted with a beautiful leather handbag by tho members of mrs tebba sunshine young ladles bible class loot sun day afternoon iir and mrs w m p inglehart south bend ind and mr and mrs mar mcke spe several days 4astweekvlsitlngatrayvantl uulc mrs x jj pender retuedfrldayi from a two weeks motor tflp to chic ago and other points mr miller peart of peterborough spent the holidays with hbs parents mi- and mrs morley peart there was a good attendance at the sons of engjand decoration service on sunday e h cleaver k c opened hl now fox ranch on the plains road last wednesday and many visitors availed themselves of the opportunity to look over the beautiful foxes the now ranch is known as the canada north sliver fox ranch gazette r hurrah hurrah for ac tpu fair everybody comes for an routing rare tho mothers and daddies and lassies and laddies if tho weather bo prime will be out v for a timo at the acton vail for a social time como out to the fair many old and young aro sure to io there and shako hands onco moro and talk matters or so happy to meet and cheerfully greet each other at acton fair the crowd will gather to bo flt t fair to see and bo seen and matters com pare dibcuob the races and furjoua cliisea of those who go in the prizes to win in the races at acton fair to see a fine collection como to the r fair productions of nature t and arduous caio tho handiwork too presented to viw of numerous kinds and various de signs all lovely at the fair if youd have a good time just ponio to the fair and never mlncltho gay bobbed hair itia thofashlonypu kno for a while georgetown dr t n mar coll us attended a meeting of the ontario medical asso- elation at niagara falls on wednes day whoro he gavo an addroso mr- and mrs leslie currie and family of port huron mich mr and mrs jas henry and sons of guelph mr harold currlo toronto spont the holiday with mr and mm i d cur- rie mr dave dick mr cott ingham mr charles dick of cloveland and mr peter fisher mr geo kennedyand mr clayton dick of eftqucainjr oncnt several days fishing in the muekoka lakes around bala tho past week mrs tuer of haileybury is ylslting with her parents mr and mrs ralph ross t miss margaret mckay spent a day or so last week at palmers ton mr stanley godfrey of detroit was homo for the weekend rev kenneth andmfa mclean are hoijdaylng at ottawa dr ferguson grant of durham spent tho holiday in town mrs w w kltchell of topeka kansas is vjeltlng at the home of her daughter mrs c e crcolmajj mr will glass and daughter ger trude of durham and mr edwin glass of windsor were guests of dr and mrs watson over the holiday mr and mrs qillcsplo of thames vlllo and miss r of spring field mass were visitors at mrs john eccles esquosing last week mr and mrs j a willoughby and family havo roturiied to their home in toronto after spending tho summer nt tho golf links dr f price of ottawa and miss irene price of toronto spent tho holi day with their parents mr and mrs john price sllvercreok the membersof the united church choir and friends enjoyed acorn roast in the park last wednesday evening the first instalment of the 1925 tax notices la duo and payable onsep- tomber 23 24 and 25 rov dr dickie rev mr caldwell mr j w jcenrumjy fl mr c j russell will bo 7jt representatives from tho georgetown united church at the first presbytery meeting ofj south wellington at guelph nex thurs d ayheral d acton fllfair or 80 till notion 13 changed and sure to bo arranged before next years fair spend a few hours and como 4p iho fair for who can tell what will bo there here tho music sweet twill tp a rrcil treat and get a good moal a good ifnuuro deal and all at tho acton fair to those who love the concert hour wait till tho other bustlejs tpr for a merry timo in style subllftp while those remain to entertain in the eveningof acton fair its a great bource of comfort to mo to find out that the old men about th country liko to recollect as well as l do the manager of tho fake press handed me an epistle from a former acton man who had sent in some of his reoollections of actons byfione affairs ho told me who sent it but i guess ho would liko to remain incog like myself and not give away hla age like i do so i will just pass the article on as i received it the fall italr september weather etc stm keeps me in a state of plumb lazlncgs thoold manof thp tpwor has nut down somo of his old age ffllera so aa to give others a chance i will skipqueries up to no 7 wktero tho ac cident to a mrs mcalplno is spoken of i had no acquaintance with the family but remember hearing of and know ing of the accident no 8 i was up in guelph that day where the birth of theeity was being celebrated and in the evening noticed a light in ths ky and with others wont to the g t r station to en quire and heard from tho men on the train just in from tho east that big fire was on at acton after a good deal of dickering with tho men in the caboose wo got on board and lufy landed in acton to see ransom alpm3itornerond t 1 htk t tjfr r erin jmrj h gibson and two daughters coreta arid doris motored to toronto last week and spent a levr days at- tending the exhibition r mr and mrs m dilts and son worr den mrs putman and son lawrence and mr l garner of welland were weekend visitors with friends in town mr and mrs r m bell and son donald returned homo from a months trip r tho western provinces lrj- week mlssmarguerlto pedlar of eugonla falls is holidaying with her cousin mrs jhbtatevtiillsburg mr and mrs k mcdougall accom panied by his mother spent a dny lost week in fergus tho guests if mr and mrs john wordon miss perkins of hamilton who has spent some time with mr and mrs j p bush returned home last thursday rov james reldlo of dresden oc cupied the- purplts of the presbyterian church on tho hillsburg circuit last sunday mr and mrs ormlo awrey of wft nlpeg spont the weekend with mr and mrs l awrey mrs hugh mclachlan lias- been visiting this past week with mr and mrs earl malt by of buffalo when charged before magistrate crawford at brampton on tuesday morning with having liquor in- an il legrtl place without a special permit steven payno explained that he had purchased beef iron and wine as a medicine for asthma had mixed it with dry ginger ale in a wine bottlo picked up 1n a lane and had partaken freely of the mixture as he had been threfihlnfir and wanted to clear his lungs of dust in answer to a question put by an acquaintance as to whether ho had a crock he had shared sev oral drinks of the mixture magistrate crawford was not impressed with tho explanation and said that payne nhnulrt hnvo tho horn flw oh tho man who hud been fined last week for be coming intoxicated on tho mixture payno jfttld 100 and costs of jig tho ease- may bo appealed as paynos counsel did not think that the evid ence iroducad by tho prosecution was sufficient to warrant the convlotlori advocate wood piles in flames and bgyotfd co very tho guelph mepkad an en gine worked by handtmon ranged on each side i was lined up with others under the command of- mr charloy sharp mr sharp was most wonder fully decorated with- cocked hat and many gay ribbons streaming- just aa ho came from the procession at qillpl in which ho had had command ft9 marshal tho wood was burned but there was a blaze on tho top of a telo- graph pole where a knothole made- a bright target one good action of our pump almost exhausted tho contents of a big barrel into which tho rubber hose was introduced but our difllcutly was that wo were punjplpgout faster than tho barrel could bet refilled from tho water tank and tho enforced mix ture of water and air made the effort most ridiculous it gavo the crowd plenty to laugh at and as well to many of us a thorough soaking tho guelph men were givon a great supper arid were mado quite happy having no decimal point in tho brand of free liquor supplied no 9 while standing on tho door steps of mr a- p boardmoros home i noticed tho loading of salt across at the scales and mr warren walk ing across the tracks his attention i thought was turned to those buoy nt -the- salt bags-and- evidently did not- riot ice tjiat the track j on which ho stood was that on which a few cars were just being shunted and under control of a brakeman at tho end ofj the cut-off- mr warren was knocked down and really pushed and bumped along in front of the rear truck il saw tho teamster running with tho cars and i ran across to tho- trftolisljid found mrwarren lying having been pushed though not run over by tho oar wheoln the life was crushed out and as a result of the nature ottho in- jury mr j lawflon v s ajifelon8 neighbor wa in doubt as to tho idont- 1ty however 1 took from tho breast docket somo lottors for friends of tho name hame addressed to those ilr at st louis us a no 10 ofthla my idea is so hazy that i pass to a remarkable affair dat ing much farther back in aeton h tory jpon a beautiful summer fitter- noon thero was a fathering of mourn crs nt tho house next to mcnabb9 taylor shop somo were just pausing the front door to tho garden in front when a pistol shot rang out right close to tho pcopl andthe body of a man lay upon thp onion bed that day shortly before i noticed a pan evidently in trouble impatiently yalk ihg back and forth in tho gardonnxt streot i have in mind that tho victim had been warned or notified in some way not to attend tho funeral if- he valued his life doctors mcoarvln wirt freeman hold a post mortem intho room over tho hotel shed and being somewhatintimate with dr mconrvln he handed me tho little bullet thntidldi tho work the man who fired the shot was shortly arrested butwlilked nway very quietly during the nlpht while the wutchmenwere dozing thua lii a very tnilet manner tho incljont in a short lime ceauod lo be worthy of reference when i can coinoat amodorn angle of it anil yet i few tildellhts providing of eourio the lazliumh weurfi of 1 will olirouielo ho mo of the hiiiuth i nuiy nee there 7 3 items from acton england doinga as chronlclod in tho acton qozatto and exproaa of auqust 28 harold j smith of fonthook- avenue killing common wis fined jci nt acton rolioe court on wednesday for exceeding tho motorcat speed lim it mr v sadler borough surveyor of acton fa away from town on a hhort holiday the death 1 announced at tho age of 73 of mr a newgiins a munu- fucturors iigeut 3 lalrgrowngrovc p s shlphe of acton tolico sta tion hri left for iiih unnual vacation on canary iolnnd wiero ho taken a bungalow mr arthur skejhh hon of the licensee of william iv marlt- parade acton neturna to acton today from a holiday in north avules wiero ho hntf had a most interesting tour mi basil- barhumi who has just re turned from a cycling torn- of over 900 1 milefl in tho north nnd west of eng land conducted a party of nearly 200 momboib and friends of tho cyclists touring club and nutlonaj- cyclists union u the caves nt chlslehurst on sunday tho rev charles fostergarrat of southpavadp bedford park for many years rector ljttlp tew oxon whoso father as lord mayor of london laid the foundationstone for the london bridge 100 yenih no and who died on aprir 21 aged 02 intubate lpft potato valued for probate- at 00 with net personalty 417 tho rev w cottrjjll vicar of st thpnianfl parish church acton vale is leaving attum vsm tuesday for a brief holiday at hastlngh 0n tho two sunday on which he wfll beflhsont the service wlu be taken by tho rev fr la no latterly ehaplaln of st pauls cannes rivbrja formerly at tached ta- st cuthberts phllboach- gardens the acton central old girls tennis club ww hold tho finals of their tennis tournamilb tomorrow at tiho central schools comznehcjng- at 3 pm tea will be served nt 6d per jiaad l james godfrey packings tonroad j acton wnn bound oyerdtctbhpollco court on weinflday tqy assaulting tjgi ouu addrofis- at 730jon friday morning- ft steam faden wagon with a wtoain trailer at- tachatlbrnkpi dnwjqlnact valo and remained there until 230- the traffic in ono direction including the buses had to bodiverted mr il j peters wllllid tho open ah speaker for tho acton conaorva- tiveu m friday and saturday nights his subject w be f legislation of tho conservative ipatyand cur rent politics for driving a bus at 20 miles an fo olir benjamin w hill sussexroad soutufrlj was fined 4 at acton police court on wfcdpcrtayhill a mechanic was taking the bus to tljp parage after a breakdown on monday mr c brilloy of keith grove shephefda binh was found in- a fainting condition in homlangr after receiving treatment he recovered atif- floiently to be taken home hia iu ness wnn duo to tho effects of malaria contracted during the war by permibsion of the mlssea ayl- ward of acton brahgh ot tdio junior imperial league will hold a garden social at 20 cumberlandpark aconr at 7 pm on thursday september 10 tickets nay be obtuined from miss orange faradayroad acton there will bo music and other sources of interest when jfimcg london a compositor of irxbridgprjoiff shepherds bush was staggering aiftng apjon yft fit 1 am on monday a cpnship wan just in time to savo hirtifrom falling near a spot where excavations were in progress at acton ptrtlco court on monday ho was fined- 10s for being drunk and incapable that ho was silly driirtk and was laughing and giggling wns stated of william brlggs 21 a laborer of os- bornoroad acton whd was charged at acton police court on monday with being druilk jind disorderly in on- mr j morgan deputy olppk of jctgn has gono to paignton for his holidays a now type of slriglcdcck omnibus has been put into service by tho lon don gonoral omnibus company and six of theso aro now providing a local aervico botweon staines slough and burnham beaches john b boughtflower evelynroad acton green was fined 20s at ealing polbjo court on tuesday for exceed ing tho bpeod jim it with ti motor cycle in tho uxbridgefarf if was seated that boughtflower was iravelung a 32 miles per hour a scrldus accident occurred on the groat westroad near hounalow ht about 10 pm on saturday when two boy cyclibts harold read and herbert prime both of kings cross wero knocked down by a motorcar one of tho lads wan unconscious and np parently suffering from a broken thigh and the other sustained injuries to his back both cycles were smashed mr arthur pilgrim 14 st georgoa- road brentford whohadabadfall from his bicycle in hornlane on tues- day evening la roiortcd to have al loged that tho accident was due to the bad state of bho roadway ho was ac companied py ft j constable tou acton hospital where ho was treated for a sprained right wrlwt and abrasions to rhln n 1ift hnnrt he w aftor- pfjrtn thatthe dlxlo school tnihtoes adverlihif foi two tcachern and fii the ilfht wo ilayo received over 300 appli cation so of theso being mado person ally when tho acton 13ducatlon board kng ndvertisfs for touhers it in junky iis it gets 30 applications and of theso about half tho holected candjdiitch do not troublo to turn up for lntorviowa when ijrlc hydor irovhtdttnialyng ingdlrector of potergordpn ltd al- lieared on remand- at mortlako pplico courton wednesday on a clinrgo of converting g0 boloneing to william nowel powley plumbor of tho east actonlane to his own uso tho clerk said that the pollco had informed him that there were two other charges to bo preferred and it was decided to sot aside next tuesday for tho hearing acton hospital weekly report ad mitted 2 discharged 14 in hospital 56 outparents 442 district visits 04 operations 6 major 18 minor mas sages and electric treatment 180 a poor listener tho chicago tribune reports tho bad and inutruotive experience- of a man who was not desirous of hoavlng his wife talk george dear dont bother me laura i am ready ing and id rather read than talk just now v an hour dragged its way into tho dim misty past and the voices of mr ferguson- was heard calling loudly laura how muoh longer do i have to wait for dinner it ought to have been ready an hour agp it was 3eorge respondei mrs ferguson from the diningroom that was what i wont in to tell you but you didnt want to hear me talk wo have al- flnjflhpd- and everything is cold but you npndnt wait anathpr minutp a love pat kind old squire bless jny soul mirandy wero sid you got that awful bruise- op your ohpek mlrandywweh wewdl hrt ft lhty last cbqninvftnd ah was kfiko ipztho face by a gentleman friend shoe folisn on your weekly fashion hint smart in satin kladc with a knowkdgo of tlio rftotlc of the scitson to fojibw thls- pnepjece dress in darkbrovm bfltln fllvcs exacting attention to details thu soft crushed belt tho- colorful tie and sleeves finished with french folds of selfmaterial date the model as new the plait straight down the front is also interesting medium size requires 34 yards 36inch satin wijth vi yard fancy ribbon for the tie pme cpnolaton weh mrs jomihing aonfiupced tho colored physician after -taking- her husbands temperaturo ah- hps knoqkpd dg fever 0t of hirflr flav one good thinsv hp puff was tho excited reply poos dat meftn 4ai hes gyine git wo den no eppuod thp dogtor deys no hope fo him but you haw do sau- fractlon ob knlwin that ho was cured bofoe ho died the latent bulletin sorry to any myais has had rather a bftd accident shea been btt- tenytjrjiddjr i 3ood graciyufj aij adder wfhero wasthlh m j well perhaps not uxaqtiyau ftd- rter hut ahp got her flnorff mixed up in tho of tho eah vegistep dear dear is hhe getting better well tho latest report is 6 change winning new customers this everpresent task of the business nianis one that advertising can most effi ciently perform advertising in the acton free press would carry any message you desire into every home in this community it would spread the news about new merchan dise special sales or new store policies quickly and thoroughly take a friendly interest in telling the buyers of this town what you have for sale that is of service to them and you will win new customers constantly progressive merchants advertise ring x did intend to writo a great string about the acton fall fftir to bo hold next tuesday nnd wednesday but ive already done it from an historical standpoint but may bo axter its avor wards able to go homo mj jamets v ward muddlenptfi county council inspector vvelghth and meusurcfl who 13 chief inspector of the apodal constabulary has boon ap- upintcd assistantcommander of tho t division mr ward was the first ealing resident to join the special -con- stabulnryntthe- outhroakof tho war and he holds tho kings mednl and chibpn ho was tho orly chief in spector in charge of two stations- tho ilov j r nowflhamtayjgr the rector of acton wiioiuih hud a pleas- lint motoring holiday in tho north is expected back this weokendi mr f h bull the organist has also return ed nnd thanks to the interest taken in the music of tho church by mr g jlivormore who gives his services ns conductor it is hoped to resume tho evening orchestral services at 1245 on wednesday miss lillian simms 26 of 2 ouvcrycottages east aatpn was riding her bicycle in hornlanei wii ho suddenly col lapsed nnd foil to tho ground in a fainting condition sho was conveyed tbfacton hospital whoro she was found to bo suffering from temporary weuknens and he therefore remained in the institution for further atten tion the acton freo press ont re- a safe and sure remedy for ailing children millers worm powders ford leadership at lowest cost cjfe 1 11 introducing many improve meats in the worlds most popular line of motor cars contain no masccmcs abilv tatcn quickly and thomouohty cucansk kvwh mi mot mucatc wvwrnat aft swkkt as suoah the fordor sedan color grtv with black enamel running nr compos ite body nickeled radiator chell and headlamp rim leathetvcjoth tun vhor cjoaed at both end standard equipment mdudei ijaxf ef cotd tire dcmounfablo rlma aomcushfj jqdhicld vfiwfylew mkror mod dadf the tudor sedan color dork blue with black anamcirnnoinfl gear au- at4i body nickeled radiator hell and headlamp rim lowr acacai both front aeata uliinff onepiece veritl- tatin0 windihleld leatneicloth ran vitor of new deaiffn clokedatbothcoda standard equipment includea starter cord tire demountable rinu wndibield vdper rear view rnirrorand daahxamp include atarter rdti it hlcci wiper rear view mirror ai en run kcft ab- and heatjatwi rim arv7 anoard ioiiirffntnt loaah lamp the runabout color black alutcel body double venulatintl wtn4 shield wide raar deck whh compartment ipaea sready increased tool box under seat standard equipment include cord tire storm curtain opening with both doors windshield wiper nnd nickeled headlamp rim the touring color dlck- allateel body of streamline design double ventilating windshield ford leathercloth oneman top tofd box under front seat standard equipment include cord tires weatherproof side curtains opening with- ail doors windshield wiper and nickeled headlamp rims c a r s 7 t r u c k s t r a c t or s made in canada m j ivr- s- i

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