Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1925, p. 4

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the home of sty artnn 3rtwtt8b member canadian weekly newspaper association 4 member selected town weeklies of ontario the acton free press is published every thurmlay morniinr at the free press building mill street acton ontario tlie subscription price is joo per year in advance postage is charged additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions arc paid is indicated on the address label advertising ttates transient advertise ments to ccnti per jine agate measure for first insertion and 5 cents per line for each subse uuent -insertion- contract display advertise ments for 50 indies or more per annum 18 cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific dircojions will lie inserted till forbid and charged accordingly il p moore president anil editor g a dills manager and assistant editor telephones- editortal and business office nw residence of president nj residence of manager 131 the value of savings f if you have laid aside any savings for the pro verbial rainy day that is likely to come in any life you know probably just what the sum is in dollars but do you know the real value of it the matter is worth thinking about for a m a wittin re- flection will probably bring home the unpleasant truth to you that your savings are really less than you supposed them to be a thousand dollars in the bank or elsewhere is worth much less now than it was twenty years ago that is ono aspect of the increased cost of living and the corresponding smalf- er purchasing power of the dollar that few of us have stopped to consider in the past ten years the cost of food shelter clothing and of the other items in the expense account ofan average family have in creased about onehalf these conditions apply to every one of the thousands of people who have de posits in the savingsbanks of canada and to the thousands of others who have invested their savings in loans and building associations insurance stocks bonds mortgages or other securities if all those persons realized fully this simple truth there would be a sudden and sajutary check on the extravagance that the years of prosperity brought the result might be a general effort so to readjust our living expenses that we could save an amount not nomin ally the same as that we saved when the purchasing power of the dollar was greater but relatively the same and this result would if generally accom plished mean great improvement in the general financial conditions of the country generally aunts i for all cheating the circus a tow months ago two women etnrt- etl a successful buslnehh in london undor the curious titlo of universal aunty aunts says tho writer in a liondon newspaper who describes tho enterprise are orn made nnavan lie n t illlntjb jaro the two lardlos- wllo foundod tho business miss s frort and misa l kerr have won thut difficult tltlo from a wldo clrclpj tide of nephows and nieces and ar- ndv vjt jl triursday morning september 17 1925 editorial hi what is citizenship vhat is it that binds a citizen to his country why have the swiss shed their blood for their moun tains the dutch for their dikes the french peasants for their fields an- unseen relationship gripped their lives like time they could not escape it like space it as ever present its obligation is inyolun- tary by the act of birth we becoihe members citi zens of our jity state nationwjprldand universe we nnny neglect the relationship but it persists gravitation and patriotism are two relationships un seen yet one holds the swinging planets in their places the other prompts men to sacrifice or holds them true as steel to their sacred honor every re lationship flows in two directions to me and from me most of us are long on the to and short on the from citizenship is much more than- exchanging royalty for protection and privilege it is the whole circle xf mans relationships to home church state school job it means christian justice and fairness and worth in every human relationship it is the hub of the wheel of life l u be good citizens what makes a town here is a short editorial colipped from an ex change and which all of us in acton might wellread and having read ponder over and act upon what makes a town anyway is it the wealth evidenced by the homes and splendid store- buildings these may attest the stability and the thrift of certain people but they offer no great inducement to com mercial and moral progress is it the spirit of good order and law observance that is a factor only the sleepiest old hamlets that dot the country may have making clover uaca of thou jjutu tjiey jiavo incorporated thonibelvctj lo meet a uoclal need that haa always existed but that lias nevei bef o o been mo ingeniously met their piogrammo la broad they meet hoy a and girl jiuyyinjj through london and arrango for their mculu schools aro eupc dally interested and aome or thom arranged to htvo the pupilh met for tho eaater holidays last march the universal aunto send rod labels for tho luggage and ci siiy recognize the it nephews and iiecej at tho station theyaloo undertake chaperonago and shopping youiit girls who aro atying with elderly rolatlvea or with people in mourning who cannot givo thom the happy time they would mice can ring up tho hunts and cngago a culti vated chaperon who- knoud london its picture gallorlos its concert tu shopa its boat places for iunqjujon and who can make tho young girls vlalt profitable and delightful a young wife who la lorioy and whobo fnoiidij in town aro few jean and a charming companion for oc- caulonal afternoons at a pinch top a lady guest well reud and amaying can bo supplied for a dinner paity that is suddonly in danger of novinc-fltir- teen people shopping matditng colors furnishing flats iinding houboe thoheare only a fow of chc incident als that tho aunts carry as the scheme expo in ft rt the two original aunta woro unable to carry on tho work so they ongas etra aunts all wellbred women of good ocjal position the enorprisu in a al ready given empliymotr to eeveral wo men who have been repiaooj in tho government ofllces by scrvlpi men tho clicua nntjeoh children of all mem but it does not lntond to lot them in for linlf fare on that occount over tho entrance to a travelling hhow pays the pilgrim was tw canvas sign hghcul- dron undor seven half price it read the same warning was on every ticket booth and every person who bought a ticket must havo seen it rnun currying a child aid followed by a omtin camo down the aisle the jtiun handed to tho tlckot- taker two whole ticltota and one hull- price ticket ho wim i topped and told to put tho child clown how old is hho7 r slx last month he mild sho aint but six con firmed the woman the child gazing eagereyed into tho tent had not jhcard them how old aro you lrttlo girl asked tho man at the door nino years yebterday she smiled back frankly her father almost pulled her arm loose atartirig her away but he paid tho extra quarter at tho same door a few mlnutcu later a woman came forward push ing before her with her knees an odd- looklns child in a plqtd skirt that al most touckod the grounds tho mother offered a halfprlco tlckot for tho child and the man at tho door would havo taken it but tho director who eat by was watching dont walk squatting lltlo girl uo called oflt it will hurt your legs thereupon tho kneehigh infant roeo to her full height which was that of a girl of twolve her mother paid the extra quarter but hey face told of her confusion 1925 tuesday and wednesday september 22nd and 23rd 1925 rvcumtalttair races and high jumping dance in town haul second evening of the fair new and enlarged prize list acton citizens band will give a full concert programme the first evening and will play during the afternoon of the second day of the fair baby show first evenino of fair jfenl courage and finntl fnmpnny two factors enter largely into the steps to suc cess and usefulness in the experience of all young people some young people are actually more afraid of being jnughed at than they are of being wrong many of them will pass up splendid opportunity rather than endure ridicule how everyone laughed at fulton for his absurd ideas that a vessel colild be driven by steam at morse for the ridiculous no tion he had in his head about a telegraph and it was comparatively speaking only a few years ago that they were laughing at the maniap who imagin ed some day man would subdue tbenir there was a brilliant man in an eastern city who came near solv ing the problem but his neighbors all thought that he was crazy and talked about his condition so much that is finally killed him he too hated to be laughed at with success certain ridicule should count no more than raindrops on a ducks back like the duck young people should have something in their constitution which will makescorn and ridicule roll off harmlessly while they go on to the success you bee so clearly if good company is chosen in prefer ence to that of thethqughtless and waywardiand indolent the way will be the easier to the goal and much less inclination to pay attention to ridicule will be experienced s such character does not exist this journal is in full accord with the sentiment expressed in the following editorial taken from the london free press the city man often is apt to listen with but half an ear to complaints made by farmers bad crops bad weather low prices the un certainty of getting good hands and of keeping jhe same when they once have been culled the cold and dreary drives to market complaints concerning k f 4- a lozen different difficulties wh the farmer has to face tfifetull srgnmcance of these things people who never hafre lived on farms- almost without ex ception fail to realize at last however the farmer has lodged a protest to which the city man is reason able the motive back of which calls out his sym pathy since he fully appreciates the nature of the aspersion against which it is lodged theprotest in question is one recently made by a group of farmers to movieland in respect of the continued presenta tion in film pictures of the rube farmer it is con tended that the rube farmer nq longer exists he is as extinct as the dodo when therefore the films produced a topbooted whipcrocking large straw- hatted creature who walks about with a gait which is a cross between the gait of a sailor and a camel wo can say with safety it doesnt happen it is the ridiculous portrayal of the farmer which has aroused the collective ire of the men who live and have their being on the farm near or far from cities men who in most instances are dressed in a manner suitable to their occupation without being grotesque men who run their own mptor cars and worlc their hold ings with the very latest style of agriculture power machinery ihovics goers who have carefully avoid ed other possible anochorisms cling to the rube former with might and main they are loath to give- up the delusion that this figment of their brain is a veritable reality one thing the farmer may be certain of this is that the city man will join heantily with his rural brother in his protest against the rub6 farmer fabricated of loose traditions and surface observation the city public will wait the outcome with- its own share of special interest since should the farmer win there is a fighting chance that the modern city man too may be reported aright on tbe silver screen tho world has a store of pleasures in waiting for an unaccugtomod travel ler sometimes indood thoy may bo mostly in anticipation as wag tho caso with amos ribbb of flumtown how dyo do asked mr rlljo r- to tho sternvlsaged man who was his this spirit w rank abundance is it the schools and ln tho car on the ocoa8 of mr rlbf8- flrsttrlp to jloatoiu now what might your name bo do you llvo in nashuy or beyond i should llko to know what busi ness it 1b of yours where 1 live or whoi am said wis companlon cross ly well now it aint any partlclar business o mine strictly speaklnff said mr rlgffs mildly but its jeui llko this ive sot a cousin up ln can- udy that ive never seen and ive al ways thought i might come upon hlra some timo jest by asking folks tholi name and so on churches may their number ever increase btrtthey ontntakefdwntheyoniy culture it is it the geographical location the location of the country surrounding theshipping facilities the natural ad vantages none of these are essential well what is itthat makesa town anyway jusfone thing the unity of the people th existence of a common bond which causes business and social enemies to put aside all differences when it comes to boosting the town no town ever made real progress in the way of substantial success without the gettogether spirit unanimously adopted it has rejuvenated old hulks of towns that were yawning their way into endless sleep it has infused new life blood into the heart of commercial life and made thriving cities out of paralytic villages natural advantages count for much and prosperity cannot be built upon shift ing sands but any town with half a chance can be madeo grow and expand and thrive when its citi zens join with one accord in the boosting programme not mere curi08ity bonds stocks and grain private wires to nswyork chicago winnipeg and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j hannigan hn 174 ouelph 11 newspaper work journalism or newspaper work as those who practise it prefer to call it is one of the growing as it is also one of the newer professions statistics of classes which graduate from colleges nowadays seldom fail to show so members who intend to make this their life work and one or two of the larger institutes of learning have established schools of journalism in which the artof mouldinfj public opinion is taught the press is so great a power todny that newspaper work ought to be one of the most important of the professions it may be and indeed it is for those who add the proper train ing to the necessary equipment but this necessary equipment is the great stumblingblock it is that which cannot be imparted in the schools but must be born in a man if he is to make a successful or at any rate an eminent editor what is it first of all it is that quality of imagination which gives real knowledge of human nature then sympathy the ability to put himself injtfie other fellows place next it is an instirictivejntuitiye jcnowleclgeof what- in terests people what they desire to read that is the nose for news lastly it is industry the be ginner who has these things as capital may succeed with little training for he willlearn as he goes along by his mistakes but if besides these excellent quali ties he has also a good education if his mind is stored with the facts of history for illustration and for their broad human significance if he knows the politics of his countrytand of other countries and then has acquired the art of saying what he means with clearness and legance of style he need never fear that he cannot earn a good salary most young men who turn to newspaper work go to the large citi ii i id be ua reporters on the great dailies it isstfangetharmoredu not give tneir attention to the neglected field the country weekly surely as stevenson said of another matter here is a task for all that a man has of fortitude and delicacy there is hardly a weekly paper fh the country that would not yield a good living and a position of wide and wholesome influence to the right kind of a young man who is willing to work as hard there as he would in the city besides he will live a good deal longer or at any rate life will seem longer editorial notes editorial writing is a fine art the mail and empire likens rt hon w l king to a rat and rt hon arthur meighento a weasel recalls the old iong pop goes the weasel mr lome a eedy has disposed of the walkerton telescope to mr harry e pense a member of the staff of the kingston whig the new proprietor of the telescope is a newspaper man of some experience and takes charge of this fine country weekly at once mr eedy was last year president of the canadian weekly newspapers association evidences of returning industrial prosperity seem to be in evidence at last and in worth while measure from east and west here and there come news items of factories being reopened of night shifts begin ning of oldtime demand for goods whether or not this may be theresujt of the opulent western harvest may be a matter of conjecture there is no conjec ture however but that there is a better spirit in the air in town and country which bodes happily for better business this winter he had impre8bed her the young man on the train seeing that tho handsome girl across tho aisle was looking at him vory lntontly thought he had made an impression and ln a few minutes he changed his seat to tho vacant ono boslde hero havent wo met before some whoro he ventured to ask well im not quite sure she re plied but i think you aro tho man i saw hanging around tho night our automobile was 8t6lon t tfia young man vanished into tho smoking car amid the snlckerb of those who had overheard thom rheumatic pains got swollen joints vanish twin ted swollen aro rapidly freed unsightly jointh from pain and brought back to normal with rhouma la mo people walk without aid sleep cornea to those who havo been unable to ho in bed hands that wero helpless because of terrible rheuma tism are now able to do their share for tho support of tho family rheuma is a wondorful remedy for rheumatism gout neuritis lumbaero and neuroglia it is a wonderworker it never fal ters never- fflves up until every vestige of poison jo expelled from the body rheuma acts on stomach liver kid neys and bladder all at once and nigkiy fari g ry nnnwf art to distressed sufferers e j hoh- sard and all good druggists noil it with the guarantee of money back if it isnt satisfactory perhaps you are using good tea we think red rose extra good wont you try it red rose teais good tea the same good tea for 30 years your fuel supply the strllco of anthraciteminers lallkely to bo longthyr toyour part to break this monopoly of heating fuel by using- hamilton coke prepared in ontario ly ontario labor wo havo mado arrangements to havo a continuous supply of hamilton by product coke thla coke is manufactured from best grade of soft coal and burns free from smoke and has no clinkers and very little ash to introduce into every homo thla fuel wo are offering this superior coko at 1150 per ton securo a ton now as whon thero is no hard coal being mined tho demand for coko will exceed tho supply phona 48 acton j b mackenzie lumber nd coil t 1 herbalist here i are you suffering from any disease mr merftn the proprietor of the canadian herb gardens and expert in herbs will be at the station hotel acton for one day only friday september 25th hours 9 am to 7 pm consultation free nervous diseases rheumatism bladder f roubles diabetes brights disease stomach kiver kidney neuritis neuralgia blood pressure heart troubles constipation and all diseases there is an herb for every disease remember tlie datefriday sept 25 only special prizes no horse 8pecialb 1 boot higlistopnlns horso ln harness lot win johnstone cash 1500 2nd l b atkinson caoll 30o 2 best single turnout by duncan campbell moffat cash 3 best lady driver single vehicle 1st jareicb symon cash 1300 2nd james symon cash 1200 4 beot tandem turnout 1st v rumlcy cash jooo 2nd james gllmour caoh 200 rule no 4 ctooar not apply to this special 6 best high jumping horse threo out of five tests by n patterson and j w jones cash 0 novelty race harness and hitch to rls trot or pace once around tho trade then unhitch anil unlmrneoa and go onco around tho track ns you please full spt of harness no snaps allowed by t j onoll aclon creamery cash 7 potato race on horseback 60 yards 10 potatoeato bo taken from pile at ono end and put in box at the other end handled with spear by r j kerr let cash j300 2nd george edwards cash 200 8 boat light express horso 1st by w f mooney acton cash 1500 2nd by chaa wilson enjh j2j0o- 0 best lady rider 1st by wm kelly cash 300 2nd by wm talbot cash j200 10 agricultural brood mare 1st by j n onoll whoolbarrow value j700 this speclul to apply to class 3 sec 1 best roadster colt or 1025 by r j ramsrjow- cash j500 this special to apply to class g sec 1st prize 12 running race half mllo heats best 3 in 5 three to start 1st by wm patterson butcher cash j1o00 2nd by f holmes cabh 500 11 best colt foaled spring of 1923 or younger klrod by tho imported porcheron stallion klosque by w brown and donald mclaren calodon 1st j500 2nd i8o0 3rd 200 14 best colt- of 1925 sired by imported premium clydosdalo stallion by noll 33 mcklnnon hlllsturg lot j400 2nd j300 15 best managed tearrrof horses by a boy 1c years old and nnrier- 1s 10 oft enoilajiatovaluoof2ihhnd5off goods up to valllo of j200 goods to bo purchased ln 1025 by j w barbaree value cattle 8heep and hog 8pecials 10 best jersey femalorany age by empire cafe cash 17 best heifer calf sired by a purebred holiteln bull by sims molean cabh 300 nrtf 18 thrco best marketable lambs by tho president 1st 300 cash 2nd j200 cash 20 bcht brood sow and litter of pigs bacon typo litter to do from 2- to 8 weeks old by charles parker jmckago acme stock salt value 20 bobt pair of bacon hogs to weigh not more than 220 lbs by charles parket motor accessories valuo 21 best pen of three bacon hogs weight from 170 to 210 lbs 1st by swifts canadian packing co 1000 2nd jg00 3rd 400 by robertson bros this apodal to bo applied to class 22 sec 2 root and vegetable 8peciac8- 22 beat collection of field roots not less than ave varieties by georgetown lumber co 1st 300 2nd j2o0 23 best bag of cobbler potatoes donor to receive same by dr j m boll dentist cash 200 24 best bag of cobblor potatoes donor to locelvo oame by f mcdowell cash 200 35 best bag potatoes any variety donor to lecelvo name by c a- conway cash 200 20 best bubhol shipping turnips as near 6 inches in diameter as p by wrj modonawrtbt2r2nd10o7cabri fruit specials 27 best barrel of northern spy apples donor to rcccivosamo by kennoy bros pair of boots valuo 500 28 best half bushol northern spy apples donor to recolvo same by dr j a mcnivefc cash 300 29 beat bushel snow apples donor to recolvo mi by a e crlpps cash 200 30 best oneandahalf bushol greening apples donor to ro- f i colvo same samples to bo shown and apples to bo do- uvoitmi at picking timo cash 300 by dr j nelson 31 best 11 quart basket of pears any variety donor to ro- cevo same cash 200 by nolson co 32 best ono bushel snow applesruonor to receive same to bo delivered in october tub acton fjikb fnrsa 1 year 33 best ono bushel king applos donor to receive samo to bo delivered in october the acton fitkb pnius year 34 beat ono bushel spltzonbcrg apples donor to recolvo same to bo delivered in october the acton fwm faeso 1 year miscellaneous specials 35 best spring chicken donor to receive same by br f q gollop cash 300 36 best two pairs dressed chickens exhibited by onjndividual owner and raiser who has not won an eaton prlzo at any fair since 1922 tho cholco of tho following- halt dozen teospoona half dozen tablo forks half dozon table knives clock tablecloth pearl necklaco valuo from 0 5o to 705 37 best spring chicken dressed to weigh not lean than 4h lbs donor to receive somo by a b mclean cash 38 best pair dressed chickons to weigh not leas than 9 lbs donor to recolvo same by h wilds cash 500 39 best pair dressed chickens to weigh not looa than 9 lbs donor torocelvo same by a m mccann caali 500 40 best pair of chickens jdressod donor to rocclvo same y georgotvn3cnton cash 500 41 best pair ducke dressed donor to receive barnu 50 sale bills whon required within a year by tub acton feh pacss valuo 42 boat dressed duck donor to recolvo same by geo h lantz cash 200 43 best pair of ducks dressed donor to recolvo homo by dr h a coxo cash 500 44 best 10 lb crock of butter donor to rccelvo same toy 3 c hill cash 000 45 boat g lbs butter ln prints donor to recolvo aamo by j r lelshman cash 300 48 best 8 lb hairy butter in 1 lb prints retained by c h harrison cash 500 47 best 7 lb crock of butter donor to recolvo efuno by gordon mokay st co per jno r kennedy 1- cutglass wator set value 750 48 best 2 lbs butter in prints donor to receive eajno by dr e j nolson cash 200 49 best 8 lbs dairy butter i crock donor to receive aamo 0 per jno it kennedy 1 case or pearl naphtha floan vnliin ffln a oo 5 oo 7 00 5 00 5 00 7 00 5 oo 7 oo 5 00 loo 10 00 7 00 30 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 5 00 2 00 2 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 7 95 2 so 6 00 5 00 5o0 7 00 2 00 5 00 e oo 3 00 5 00 7 50 2 00 bout 0 lbs dairy butter ln 1 lb prints rotalnod by a kannawin cash beet largo loaf of bread mudo from flvo roaos flour no other donor to receive same by d h lindsay minor aoton 1st 48 lbs flvo roses flour valuo 280 2nd 24 ibsflvo roses flour valuo 140 3rd 14 lbb flvo roses flour valuo 90c best apple pio and 1 layer cake mado from ekcelalor pastry flour no other donor to recolvo snroo by bil -o-e0- 3 00 e 10 lindsay lot 24 lbs bxcolslor flour valuo 115 2nd 14 lbs excelsior flour valuo ooo 1 7 best two loaves of bread made from five crown flour no other donor to rocolvo tmrno to bo dolivorocx by wm hortop miller evorton winner to apply at wolson co for lour 1st 60 lbs flvo crown flour value 300 2nd 21 lbs flvo crown flour valuo 150 50 best dozon tea biscuits made from lily whito enstry flour no other donor to rccelvo some 1st h rb bag of lily whuo flour valuo 120 2nd 12 lb bag oc lily whltoflour valuo coc apply to nolson co for flour 1 80 best thrco quarts preserved fruit etrawborry raspberry black currant donor to recolvo same by groceries ltd por jno r kennedy 5 lbs dreadnought tea 3 50 best g lbs clovor loaf strained honoy donor to recolvo same by mcgregor harris co threo 1 lb- tins of goldon eaglo coftco 1 80 best 4 lbs comb honoy donor to rocolvo oamo must bo produced by exhibitor 1 mons knitted coat valuo 300 by nolson co 3 00 best 5 lbs honoy in comb donor to recolvo samo by h w hinton cash 300 3 00 best 10 lbs honoy strained donor to rocelvo name by dr j m boll cash 300 3 00 best 5 lbs honey in comb donor to rocolvo same by w m coopor cash 300 3 00 best 5 ono pound sections comb honey donor to recolvo samo by a harris toronto per jno r konnedy cash 3 00 best 2 cauliflowers by nolsoja co donor to lecolve samo cash 100 x 1 00 boat collection 8 onapshots any size amateur worl by e j hnssiird leather covered snapshot album value 3 50 bent collection of ladles fancy work by rohort slrapuon co ltd caflo of silver valuo 750 7 50 best collection of ladles fancy work by tin amateur who has never exhibited bofore competition for hydro xiaors only by acton hydo commission 1 boudoir lamp valuo 0 00 best display of dahlias by c woodhall half dozen cups and saucers valuo 400 4 00 best 12 potted plants by hugh walker son one buflhol baflkot of peaches vlluo 400 a 00 best speclnian animal or bird proporly mounted by w j aklns 1st 200 2nd 100 ensh 3 00 best exhibit of home cooking by salada tea company ltd por nelson co g lbs high grown bala flu blue label ton bluclc green or mixed blond value 25 business directory medical dr j a mcniven physician and surgeon office and rosldonco cornor bower avonuo and elgin street phone 88 dr e j nelson frederick street- aoton ontario legal phono no 22 p q box 9i harold nash farmer m a barrlatar solioltor notary public convayancer etc perrvman block acton ont money lent on mortgages hours 980 am to 5 pm saturdays 1200 oclock dental dr j m bell d d s l d a dantlit honor graduate of toronto 0nlvr- alty the latest anesthotlc used if desired ofllce at residopco corner of lllll and frederick streets dr f g gollop dds lds dental 8uraeon ofnce over bank of nova scotlau hours 030 to 630 evenings by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookblndar accounbojuigfalijclnclainadeu- ofdor periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling noatly and promptly done wyndham street guelph ont over williams store r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 years experience list your property with me acton ontario a e nickjlin insurance agent life fire auto acoidont health insurance guarantee bonds burglary and plate uaa insurant trustee for estates collections buslnebfl on true ted to my care will bo carefully looked after i and treated confidentially moiioy to loon on farm property favorable raterf and terms for re payment box 444 bower ave acton 03 richmond srvtor tforomto canao business training is a necessity attend the guelph business college gummer bldg guoiph ont individual instruction by business experienced instructors start on monday i a l bouck principal and proprietor hawc running full time now tho holiday season la over eye examinations every day except thq wedneaday lialf- holiday if having- troubla with your eyon wrlto in or phono 1091w for appointment a d savage ptometrlat and mfg optician right at tho pobtofllco 8vfl building guelph the old and reliable granite and marble works wo ore manufacturer and direct importers of all kinds of monumontal and xioadetono worlc wo aoll direct to our customers at wholesalo prlcoa thus savins our customer 40 per cont wo havo tho boat appliances and tho only mechanics in the dominion who can operate pnoumatlo tooln proporly we can flrlvo reforonces from hundreds of ouv customers in toronto and other placoo whero others havo to havo law suits in ordor to colloot wo havo tho largest and best stock of qranlto in tho dominion or more than any three dealers in tho west wo aro legiti mate doalors and employ no aironli and do not annoy or post cubtomora by sondlnff out ignornnt agents solicit ing orders we omploy only mechanics and defy competition hamilton sonj oublph ont

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