Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1925, p. 5

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gup art mt jtrwjjrwfl tujuusday huptigmbku 17 1015 clouds may it not be that oftentimcf ttf rinvotimichpnr38ttovlhk ii unit wc cunt our joyii all out ami then in peering round about wc mini some errlofs for th loving yet pi ovidence which never eun ker deals with us in kindlier hut though our thoughts wo may not my vvc siomellnti think the other way- that- duo to oui own blindnead a cloud nmy lloat atiotia oui path yet thuth not helplctis hoi row tlio tjun will ah hie aomo othei day and chime the dm kness all away twill ahlno upon the raunow the inneiuldo of godent clouds la beautiful ami nhinlng lotj theiefoie turn our cloudy about and always weal tliom inside out to show the ullvei lining mark the sunday school lesson for sunday september 20 twenty years ago from tho issue- of tho free press thursday september 21 1905 tho fi oaty nlfhti lust week were rathei prematura j the pretty auturfinil tlnta aio be ginning to appear misa a e clurk has leiumecl her claaaes in piano and haimony and will be in acton every saturday misa marguiet johnstone who grad uated from acton high school do partment at midsummer has secured a position an teacher in the scotch block at a salury of 300 tho temper of tho people of acton at present la very much d in favor of local option the public conscience 1b well aroused by tho epidemic of drunken neas prevalent on our streets lately tho old wornout aide walk from main street to park avenue has been toggledup it is3tllla trap for un wary feet mr prank moore is homo from hespeler ho hna resigned his position in tho merchants bank and will enter tho dental college toronto misa lcxic clark of toionto has resumed her elastics in vocal and will be pleased to meet pupils at her new studio miss annie smiths main st on monday mr and mra c v mason enter tained theofncerh and members of the acton cornet band and orchestra at a c roast at their t on brock street on friday evenlngt married sincla1hclabkson at jlainy river on wedjieaclaysejuciubcr fitb 1905 by rov rli g gunn robert sinclair formerly of acton io miss annie claikaonrof ttalny river gems of thought they they uie pdor that have lost nothin poorer fai who loaing have forgotten theyre inoat pooi of all who loao and wished thoy mtgiil foi bet jeun inuc ow all men are glad to hoe puasant memories but not all aro pi ovldln tho material for such memories if jou would look back by and by to aomo thing that you will be glad you iaid or did now la the time to dp oi say something which will give you food for gadneaa henry clay trumbull all tho llttio vexations of life have their use as a part of our moral dis cipline- thoy afford tho best triai of character many a man who cjulo bow with resignation if told that he was to die la thrown off hla guard and out of temper by the slightest op position to hla opinions or his pro jects god what a world if men in street and mart felt that same kinship of tho human which makes them in the faco of tho flames and flood rise to tho meanlngl of true brother hood k a blessed spirit for u is thospiilt of god himself whoso life la tlio bless edness of giving love and god will pay you with capacity of mora love for love is heaven love is god within you p vv robinson as well might wo expect vegotation to spring from the earth without the sunshine and the dew as the christian to unfold his grace and advanco in his course without patient pcreevcilng ardent prayer j abbott not intendep for use there are some things which no man cali ever learn no matter how inlclii- gent and how earn tat a student he may be my dear you look pefectly dia couraged said little mrs nashs most intimate frjend what is the matter 1 jam perfectly discouraged said mrs nash tearf uljy you know that footiest with the handsome embroid ered top that i save george for a christmas present well ive noticed it had begun to look almost a little shabby and i couldvt imagine why for it htauds away from tliewlntlows and ive taken great care of it and when i earner down earlier than usual from putting jancy to bed last night what do you supposo i saw the friend shook her head hopeless- i found said mra nosh with bit te u that footstool out into the centro of tho room near his morris chair and had put his feet with his boots on too right on it the oil of the people many oils have come and gone but dr thomas eclectrlc oil continue to maintain its position and increase its sphere of usefulness each year its sterling qualities have brought it to tho front and kept it there and it can truly be called the oil of tho people thousands have benefited by it and would use no other preparation no chance for illusions there was no fulht pndu abou lr- clnda madden and she had no liiu diona at the uge of fortysix uli jn bho accepted hiram giegts offer oi mnrrlnge she wta a hard feature and sharptongued pertton and she knew it also however alio know her capa bilities an cook and housekeeper and nhe was well aware that hiram gregg had slow- wits and shiftless ways that had made him anything hut a favorite with th fem portion of the vii- lago she found things to like in hiram by looking hard for tin but bho purposed to keep him well in hand -iwellr- luolndy uald hiram ono evening two oi mree days bofoi o tae wedding here wo aie going to bo married after all both of un i guess iaicjndy im about your first offei aint 17 you are said lurlnda firmly and im your hint offer hiiam and going to be if my health holds out ho wont make any more talk over he hap grit ho ivo r tnal inspector tv conhtawlo who has jupt brought in afpriboner so this is tho follow who stole tho wagon- load of sand old you gfit tho sand policeman no search ijlml fwui- writes to tim tijes- saxowians i theau 2 112 read the entire epistle galdjon text in every thunkj 1 thesu 5 18 time gj a d luce dtom coilnth tho lesson explainod 1 wo speak not ixn pleasing men but god 1- 1 this lesson gives us a plctuio of a model mlnlstiy many a ministers and mlhsionarya entering in unto the people has been found vain i e ut- tci ly empty and ineffective pauls was not why not because it was in the powei of the holy ghost ef 1 5 and because furthermore it was not of rather niut of erroi nor of uncluanllnoaa nor in guile paul had a sood excuse for exorcising great caution in pleaching tho gospel in thesnalonica ho had just been very shamefully entreated at in phllllppl we know that in philllppi ho had been scourged and thrown into a dungeon and hla feet made fast in tho fltocks acta 16 2224 moat men would huvtf kept very quiet at tho i next town they reached but paail did not ho und hla companions waxed bold in our god to speak unto you tho gospel of god hi much affliction cf acta 17 14 what they spoko in tills bold way- was not their own notions but the gospel glad tid ings of god their preaching was jn much conflict there was fierce nnd bitter opposition cf acts 17 5 g tlib reason why paul and his companions vnxed bold to pi each in spite of suffering and shameful treat ment waa because their exhortation was is not of rather out of error not of out of uncleanncss not of guile neither error nor unclean motives wero its source and jt was not in deceit and false pretense much of tho exhortation of that day and of ouis was out of en or and out of un cleanncss it hud its origin in love of money lust false ambition etc and in deceit 2 peter 2 10 14 jude 8 phil 1 1c rev 2 14 1g one of tho saddest features of any ago is found in tho religious teachers who teach from low selfish and even vile motives so far from his exhortation being of error or of uncleanness or in guile 3uul spoke as one who has been approved of gou to boenlrusteawi thr j tho gospel as paul had sought for goda approval and his alone and had obtained it he did not apeak foi thepurpo3o of pleasing men cf gal 1 jo but god the one great ques tion in nlrour service is have wo tho approval of god who testa tho heart 2 tho character of pauls walk and wer 512 piiul points out three common faults into which lie and his companions never once fell 1 they were not ut uny tlmo in a woul of flattery thl is the exact force of the greek words used not one word of flattery did they ue on any occasion paul lid pralso when praise was deserved eg chapter 1 28 2 they wero not at any tlmo in a cloak of covetous- neas never had their activity been a meie pretense from which they had aouffht their own gain 3 thoy wero not ut any time seeking glory of out of men ie tho glory that has its source in men cf john 5 4t they had sought glory not from the thesaalonlana nor from others can w p th ne h i n have yoti tasted ualiaiiil railway time tables at acton green tea those who have used japan young hyson or gunpowder tea will appre ciatethe wipfioyity of tkiw jeliripiif blend always so pure and rich try it gains woit do 20 soiteffi no 31 10 15 ura no 33 i 2 29 pm no as e0pm no 39 819pm no 20 sunday 1041am going east no 2g 705 am no 30 ustam no 34 335 m o 30 no 38 8 13 pjn no 24 sunday 708 pm j upper hauling heavy sleds loaded with ico through an ice covered city street viow of tho fordaon centre side snow motor lower loft snow brooking ovor enow six feet doop with load of lum ber lower right- snow motor rear view of fordaon necessity is the mother of invention at least eveiybody says it is tlieytell us that is why wetiave the telephone tho radio tho electilc washing ma chine chowing gum iieioplnnes and bobbedhair all membcia of the vast and giowlng family of old mother necessity and now the ttnnsportiition braneh of the family circle has been added to by the advent of a very healthy and important youngster wjio has a bright nnd promising future ahead of him he is called the snow motor a name which was given him becauso of lits amazing nbility to move himself and anything that jwa attnehed to him as easily over sjxfeet of snow as an or dinary wheeled vohlclo does ovor a paved road the snow motoi was invented by man who has spent the greater pnit of his life in tho snowbound wilderness of alaska and whose live- glory fiom any man paul might hnvo been burdensome by demanding auppott and honor as an apostle of christ but ho had not done this cf 2 cor 11 9 12 16 ho had worked hard and made great sacri fices to keep from doing it cf verso 9 rv 2 theaa 3 8 so far from falling into any of these common vices of preachers and evangelists paul and his companions had been gentle lntho midst of them as when a nurse chcrlsheth her own chil dren there is the model for tho preacher a nurse and a nurso who la at the same tlmo a mother cherish ing her own children paul wag a hravc fearless active stienuous man but ho wuu also a gentle a nursing mother a raro combination the overwhelming weight of the evidence ih for babes lntead of gentle in verse 7 if so we read we wero bnbies in the midst of you as when a nurse chcrlsheth her own children wo huvo tho beautiful thought that was ever in christ paul and hla as sociates becamo babes just is a good nurse becomes a child as he cod dles her children tho greek word translated affectionately desirous is a peculiar one implying the yearning fondness of a mothers love wo aro gottlng here a w insight into the tleptha ortaurs lieart in tholr lender love for tho church of tho thes- aalonlajifl parlt and hip companions wer well pleased to impart unto thorn you not tho gospel of god only but alao their our own souls or uvea paul was actually pour ing out his life for them by his hard labora vcrso 0 ho was delighted to do it love made the sacrifice sweet paul had worn himself out for them with labor and travail the word translated labor is a strong word indicating hard wearisome woik and tho word travail means painful toil ing he had worked night and day that he might not burden any of them with his support supporting himself by his hard manual labor he had preached tho gospel of god unto llterriiivtnhoxit churce cf 2rthess 3 m a 2q 1 paul was n flrr nrearh- cr becixuse he was an oven greater liver in the 11th verso paul des- cribea his conduct among them and that of his companions more specifical ly he had dealt with them as a father with hia own children and not with an occasional one of theroi but with each one of them it was i not only in public address that he had thub dealt with them but in prl- vate ii3 well cf acas 20 20 ho had used exhoi tution and encoui age- men t nnd solemn testimony to the truth thcpurpose of all this father ly dealing with each one exhorting and encouraging and testifying was to the end that yo should walk wortlily of god cf col 1 10 ro 1g 2 it v phil 1 27 rv eph 4 l the reason why they should walk worthly of god was becauso ho bad culled them into ills own king dom nnd glory dily rondinqs for next week monday september 21 a respon sive church 1 thcss 1 110 tuesflhy september 22- paul writes to the theshnlonians 1 thess 2 1- 12 wcilneadny september 23 steadfast in suffering 1 thesh 3 110 thuradny september 24 walking in czfnln way i theas 4 112 fr lony septenibei 25 those fallen aslec 1 thcss 4 1318 riuurdjiy septomhcr 26 sonsof the dn-r- 1 thos ctlll sunday september 27 chowen at the lord 2 theaa 2 1317 liko grip at tha throat for a iihchho thut is not classed uh fatal hero is probably none which cause- more terrible ttuffeilng than nsthma bleep la impossible tho sujferor be- corncii exhausted and finally though the attack passes is left in unceasing dread of its return dr j d kclloggs anthma remedy is a wonderful lomc- illal ncrent it immediately relieves the ipstrli tod air passages oh thousands can testify it la sold by dealers oveiy- whore llhood depended upon his ability to transpoit himself nnd certain weighty commodities such as lumber for in stance ovei snowcovered areas with out losing either his life or his lum ber i did not take nioic than a few winters in tho frozen north to con vince this gentleman whoso namo by the way la f r burch seattle wash ington that there was faomethlng radi cally wrong in the matter of vehicular trade in countries whero very heavy falls of snow were common and in- ovi table occurences not only was this true he thought in regard to the hauling of heavy loads but in the tiansportation of the inhabitants thorn selves who are often quite unable- to carry o tho ordinary pursuits of l nnd business during the winter months months when whole com munities had either to put up a tropo- less light against tho snow with sadly inadequate eq or else what is sadder still resign themsolves to be ing snowbound for the winter and completely cut off from tho rest of tho world j and so urged on by mother neces sity mr burch and his associates con ceived the idea of the snow motor and this is what the snow motor does it floats over snow and in floating packs the snow down smoothly and makes a very satisfactory surface for other vehicles to travel over it hauls twenyton loads over snow of any depth it hauls lumber from the forest ore from 4he mines pulp wood to tho mills mall to the rural snow- hound communities passengers from one such community to another and in fact does practically everything that an automobile or a tractor does in places whero thei e is no flnow tho snow motor is a wlerd looking contrivance which rides the crests of the deepest nnnw rtrlffw pllmhg qifjer fences stands on its doublebarrelled none and drags its great load behind it without any appnrent effort as manufactured at present it is attached to fordson tractors which provide its motive power later it will bo used on standard automobiles when it will travel at a rate of twentyfour miles an hour stripped of its motive power it con sists of two cigar shaped cylinders or d turns to which flange resembjlng cork sci ews ai e attached theae cylinders literally float on the top of snow drifts for thoy displaco afiow cqual in weight to the weight of tho machine juat as a boat displaces the wuer in proportion to its own ton nage for heaving luiulingtheford son tractor stripped of its wheola axles is mounted on tho snow motor and tho cylinders are caused to re volve with the result that the motor worms its way nfong by means of tho screw arrangement ort tho-jcyllnders- for lighter or passenger traflffc the wheels and axles of an automobile are removed and replaced by the snow motor in summer the wheels can be put back again in snowedln districts up to the pieaent every effort has beon directed to and ways and means for the re moval ef snow as the only way nnd means of opening up traffic now however the snow motor comes along with its funny looking cylinders and floats merrily over soft snow dflflfl hai d ice in fact any condition of snow and as it goes it makes a road for light vehicles to follow immediate ly and after thorough packing for loads of any wolght- such is the latest and most import ant addition to mother necebsiitys family of inventlonu it is built by the snow motors incorporated in detroit michigan under tho presidency and gpn pm mnniigjmq of a f kn lock it has already proven its atoll ity to do the surprising stunts refer red to above and there seems to he very little doubt that it will be in gen oral use in mining nnd lumbering op erations during the coming winter- it is expoctedthat each succeeding win ter will and some new use it can vry profitably be put to and it is difficult to imagine just where the limit of us probability should be placed friends well met when true- hem tod men in the noi th and south met and undei stood each other there was ncvei leal enmity between them a certain yiiginum lived near the held of mcchanicsville wheic mccellnn fought one of his very seveio battles in the summer of 1862 this man went out to the hold nftei the noithein hoops had retired from it and noticed a little fellow lying wounded in the hot sun as he look ed pityingly at the boy the ypung fellow gained couiago to make a re quest nelghbot wont you getmo a drink of water im very thhsty i of coutao i will said tho man aitdtle brought thewater the little fellow gained courage at this and ho asked again wont you take uie to a hospital im badly wounded well now my boy said the man if i get you taken care of and ou nio well enough to go home again aie you coming down here to light me and my folks once more howi nbout that it was a hai d test for i wounded prlaonei but the boy stood it he looked his captor flimly in the eye and said that i would my filend i tell you said the vhglnian after wards i liked his pluck i had that hoy taken to the hospital and ho had ood cuio smp enamhkd sinks a real sink or 1200 up to now kitchen lnk hayo cott real money how at low coat you can put in tho newcbt type smp knamcled ware sink thu tfta trans link built of rut rcautlna artnco iron with three coata of purest white enomel same ai on bathtub complete tyiui 12 back trainer bracketa fittings and full directions for setting up standard ixe 20 x 30 x 6 deep price complete 1200 i buy ono or two of these smp bnamsud ware drain baardaeui made to dt smp sinks and all standard inka slic 20 x 24 same sturdy construction on smp ginks very handsome nd a f rat labor saver sold complete with bracketa and futtnca for settlao up price complete 600 for sale by plumbem and hardware tores throughout the country sheet mctal products cote molrtha toronto winn pug cpxontom vahcouvtn caojarv vrl all lines of s m p cnrriod by james symon hardware lllyl street treating all alike laudible as tho desire to make every one feel pleasant is there is a point beyond which it can scarcely bo com menced sam basset was one of tho hardest and best workers in green ville and in harvest time ho earned good wages by hiring out as ho had no farm of his own to tho various farmers who needed extra help sams chief fault was his apparent inability to refuse to do anything for any one who asked him once when farm hands wero scarce ono man had secuied sams sorvlces at tho beginning of the harvest tho first day while the two wero at work another farmer camo up and asked sam to help him tho next lay ill see what i ken do for ye said sam encouragingly presently another farmer came to seo sam and he received tho name an swer tho farmer for whom he was work ing was somewhat indignant and also amazed at sams evident intention to assist three different people on the samo day say said he what dp yo callato to do first you promised to help me tomonow and pow youve agreed to help two othors what do you mean oh well said sam easily i liko to seo folks go off fcclln good treat em all alike thats my mottor when tomorrer an you can sottlo it be twlxt you three whlehll hev mo next day jest make it pleasant all round and with a smile of universal good will sam returned to his task evi dently feeling that his mothod of ad- justing a delicate matter was above crjticlsmfe many infants aro infested by worms which cattse great suffering and if not promptly dealt wtrht mny cause constitutional wenknesses difficult to lemedy millers worm powders will clear the stomach and bowels of tho worms nnd will bo act upon the system that thero will bo no recurrence of the trouble and not only this but they repair the injury to the organs that worms cause find restore them to soundness the alarm went wrong now and then the bestlaid plan ot 1 houiewife go wrong as u city mut ton disrove ed not long ago her rooks would not ilse in tho mornng in time to get uie ineakfast so tho housewife naught an automatic phonograph one that ooulil he sot to tunning at nny desired hour she put thin machine in tho cooks room and promptly nt si ucloek next morning thcio came from tho c h whero it wn concealed the wonlb of tho song beginning tin the voice of the sluggard ilreakfaht wait on time that morning but that night the cook coneenlcd tho contri vance in her masters room and sot it at four oclock tho man of the house wom wakent d at tht unseemly hour by a ghostly volcounder jilu bod hliiplug tlu tho voice of tho biur- gn d 1 hoar him complain and now the lioiikowlfo has neither cook noi phonogi aph for her husband hied both f03tering 3elfi8hne0b a certain mfddlonged woman hns been spending tho summer iiolldoy boos on in visiting her three married sons and yet in spite of her cordial relations was not wholly happy the trouble is she said to an old filend my boys aro oil selfish their selfishness docs not consist in being mean in money matters or 4n wanting their own way nil tho time but only in expecting other people to wait on them when thqy wero boys i wait ed on them now thoy expect it froia their wives the fault is wholly mine i didnt bring thorn up right many another mother if she were as frnnk as this woman could bring the same charge against her children the selfishness of which sho com plains is the most inevitable result ot a parental solicitude which is unwise john wants his slippers or a fresh colarr or his clothes need brushing it is his mother who waits on him by and by john marries and almost bo- fore he knows it ho is exacting of mary his wife the samo little personal services to which ho has become ac customed that ho takes them as a mat ter of course such sons and such hdsbands miss the finest flower of life which ih service and not tribute sorea fie beforo it there aro nfany who have been afflicted by aorea and have driven them away with dr 1oomebtotfilkin anriui i thnmaaleclcctrlc o all similarly got to toto my wife over to slowtown troubled should lose no tlmo in apply- lttgthisstlenditi remedy a tliero ls- nothing liko it to be had it 1b cheap but its power is in no way oxpresaed by its low price tn waii olfve e was it wai- olfver wttndell holmes was it not who waa asked after he bad made a trip across tho ocean if he had dono any literary work while on bontd the ship and answered that he hml bron a frequent contilbutor to the atlantic somewhat similar is an anecdote re lated of h now york merchant whoae hunlncsh had lequlrcd him lo make several journeys to san francwo and back durinfe tho year while on one of these long trips after he had exhausted the stock of readingmatter he had brought with him howas showing a fellowpjtsaen ger a bundle of the popular rnngazlnoh that foimed a port of the suiply- you dont seom to have tho over land- monthly hero i emarked tho pa isenger huh exclaimed the new yorkoi vm ttio overland monthly myuelf coi ns ai e painful gi owthn ways coin itemover will thorn hollo- removo lettfour banker collect it if you wish to collect a debt from a party in another section you can have your banker draw a draft qn him ac sight or for a given time this will be presented through his local banker as request for payment from you when your draft is paid it is turned over to the payer it is his receipt for an account paid this is only one of thenumerousways in which the bank of montreal caii be of service to it y customers l a bank where small accounts tire welcome bank of montreal established over ioo years i total asset in excess of s7oooooooo canadian national railwav8 electric a weatbouncf dally except- sunday 743 am dally 943 am dally t 1143 arm dolly 143 pm dally 343 pm dally 543 dm dally 743 pm dally v 943 pm dally 1232 am eaatbound dally vx 743 am dally except sunday 943 am dally 1143 am dally 143 pm dally 343 pm dally 543 p m dally 743 pm ually 943 pm dally 1140 p m freight delivered by special eiproaa freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto h g meir barristerohcitoteter acton and georgetown acton office now open every tuesday thursday and saturday afternoon anyone desiring to make payments on account may do so at the bank of nova scotia look money take notice tharwewiutiatrdlexgurtrornblcsome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection no charge wo place 34 ycara experience at your disposal and assume all your collection troubles send us your list wo will do tho rest no noto or account ib considered too small too large too old of too far away wo will tackle any honest debt l kelly aiken collectors orangevilie owen sound j m aiken manacer jos j keitw manager reference storlini bank of canada j a smith in8urance and real estate asrent for confederation life a3- uociatioto london lancashire fire insurance london lancashire guarantee and accldont dominion of canada guarantee and accident insurance coirfpany farm and town property for salo prompt careful and courteous at tention given your busine88 solicited residence mill and wallace sts telephone 105 r 2 administration notice to creditors the creditors of robert brown late of the villace of acton retired farm er deceased who died on or about tho 18th day of august a d 1024 at tho said village of acton and all persons having- claims against his estato ar required on or before tho 10th day of october a d 1926 to send to the undersigned solicitor for clara ray brown tho administratrix of the estate of said deceased a atatement of their accounts tho full particulars of their claims and tho natuie of the t security if any hold hy them and this notlco being given in pur suance of r s o 1911 chapter 121 section 5g notice is heroby further given that tho said administratrix will pro on and af said 10t duy of october a 1 1mb to distilbuto tho asaets of said estato among tho parties lawfully entitled thereto and sho will not 10 responsible for any clalma of which she shall not havo received notice at the time of such distribution dated this 10th day of september a d 1925 v harold n farmer acton ontario solicitor for administratrix y when using w1lsonvp fly ups s read diretctfans carefully and 5 follow them exactly best of all fly killers 10c per packet at all drugb grocers and general stores taking no chances an old pennsylvania faimer whlo on n vihit to philadelphia hays a writ- el in tho public ledget wan taken with a vlplcnt tootlfaehe and calling on a dentist was informed that thw tooth must ho extracted and hat ho had hettci take gas for the operation the patient agreed to thin and then htm ted to count his money the dentist lemaiked oh you don need to pay me until i have finished i rcokon not replied the farmer but it you aro going to make mo un- toiihclnuh i thought id jest ilko to ftee how i ntiind mothei ciiavts woini kxternilnntor will drive worms from the system without injury to tho child becauso its action fully effective la mild castor i a mother 1 fletchers ostoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil parcgorie teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates to avoid imitations always look for the sirnnturc of cjajyeaa- striven directions on cjch pnrknfp phybiciatis everywhere recommend it i advertisers tho free pre83 is inxioua to aorveyou and aorv you woll wo oan qiva your advortiis- msnt better attention and there fore maka it mora attractive if the copy ie eupplied to ua on monday or tuesday if copy fails to reach ms until wednesday forenoon thero ia rush to sot it up- before ttioi forms close and the result ia likely to be less satisfactory send in your ads early does your watch keep time try our repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results and we know we can please you i savage co jewellere guelph ontario

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