Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 24, 1925, p. 1

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fiftyfirst year no 13 thursday morning september 24 1925 acton ontario canada thursday mottning september 24 1926 single copies five cents the acton united church l of canada minister rov r e zimmerman b a earsonab rwillnw organist miss forn brown services 1000 a m sublmth school- 1100 in tho minister subject selfreveillni goodness 700 i m tlic- minister subject shutting riisnoiihlullity fourth sermon in pioieit div applications of old testament stoilos prayer and pnitso service thursday oveninp at 7 10 presbyterian knox church acton minister rov a c stowart m a manse willow street 1100 a in chtlldiens rally with chlldtons cliolp subject gods call to those of tho pant 700 p m young peoples rally with mens choir subject- gods cull to us for the futuie strangers leaving address with the ushers will bo called upon by tho pastor the baptist church acton james w boyd pastor 9 45 a m sunday school rally special spcnkei mr o s reynolds an object setmon 1100 a nif mr- o s reynolds 6t toronto a seitnon for those interest ed in the boys and ghls parents specially invited 700 p in tlw potstoq jesus and heiol antipas in tho gospel seilei entitled in the balances lintern monday 8 m young meeting j thursday 7 30 m prayer and praise meeting a1j wtecome subject fourth weighed views peoples special notices advertisements in this column a cents per word minimum charge 30c per insertion fob 8ale stovo for sale with waterfront 18 nearmiorb crescent heater for sale radiant homo cnal heater with an oven 1001 apply to ttf chas wnson willow stsroot grain wanted wheat oats barloy buckwheat highest prices paid w b browne 7tr tliono 3273 norval pian6 for sale highest grade upright mason rlsch piano walnut good as new miss dva johnson p o box 671 agents wanted either flex to- sell firstclass house hold specially good profits for your spare time work write to p o box 1054 montreal for sale a splendid brick house on main at acton containing 13 rooms nicely dec orated woll situated for a boarding limine for particulars apply to 1 a smith telephone 105 i oo f meotlnn acton lodgol oo p no 204 will hold their regular meeting next tucsdny evenlng 20th inbt at eight oclock h ritchie n g e v kennedy rec sec for sale or exchange a now 6 room bungalow with largo veranda oak floors all modern con- vioncos on mnckay avenue in tho city of detroit 10 minutes walk to ford plant would consider acton george town or quelph property or a good 100acro farm in exchange lor particulars apply to 122 telephone 10g acton 10 off all monument8 ordered now in order to reduce my block of monument for fall and not carry any surplus monuments over tho winter months i will givo a ten per cent reduction on all monuments erected this season place your order now acton monument works j nicol prop main street acton ont xharmingnewstyles and saying prices invite you to visit guelphs jbig store this week stunning new hats from new york at 450 t- are typical of a new era of lower prices in womens and misses fashions at this store wonderfully smart and be coming with large head sizes for youthful women well re presented the new dresses introduce the mobile silhouette thats swirling its way into popular favor flares flares and more flares rich new colors satins gleaming in rich black wine shades and autumn tans crepes reflecting the lovely depths of flag and pencil blues 51695 1995 2450 remarkable values in silk frocks in these three price groups cloth frocks charming too and attractively priced at 1350 1975 2050 the new coats interpret fall modes with gorgeous furs and luxurious fabrics deep chin collars of fur wide cuffs partially bor dered fur hemlines godets and patches ingeniously placed designers have fitted and moulded these coots in lines that are flattering and becoming smart flares youthful godets wraparound models at 45 values that bespeak a new order of uvwer pricestt this store adorably youtliful affairs for juniors of 15 17 and 19 as wejl as becoming choices in the large sizes from 38j4 to 48l for men a corking good shirt sale 750 shirts at 195 values up to 350 fine negligee styles broken size ranges anti slightly soiled lines from regular stock plain colors in broadcloth fancy stripe madras novelty woven cloths 600 shirts at the low price of 95c a manufacturers disposal of slightl imperfects wonderful bargains fri- day and saturday 95c main store lower wyndham st branch store upper wyndham st d e macdonald bros ltd daily closing 530 p m excepting fednescja ar 1230 noon and saturday at 930 p m iilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllmllllllllllllllllllbi news of local import harvest festival tho annual harvest festival of st albiv rrirh ao will b held on this thursday evening 24th when tho rev p mayes rector of george town will be tho preacher and will be continued on sunday services being hold at 800 1100 and 700 acton citizen band at oak vi lie on saturday evenlnff acton citizens band took part in the tattoo at oak- vllle thrtfugn tho klndnosa of citizens tho band was conveyed to oakvlue by motor cars bands from milton acton brampton port credit and oakvillo pufctlcipated in tho event tho fra ternal circle of bounds in this vicinity cooperating and putting on joint con certs and tattoos seems to bo widening and possibly next year will seo a tattoo of considerable size staged in acton ladies aid chain tea tho ladies aid of the united church held a chain tot last thurs day afternoon from three tq ave oclock the school room was very prettily decorated with flowers dur ing the afternoon mrst charles mc- arthur of toronto contributed several soprano solos which were especially enjoyed and misses edna johnston and edna henderson rendered piano solos lunch was served and a pleas ant time was spent altogether it was a very enjoyable occasion o h lindsay purchases grain elevator business ono of the oldest business in acton changed ownership this week wbcn mr d h lindsay purchased tho stock and business of the grain elevator at the canadian national depot from robert noble ltd mr lindsay has rented tho elevator and will use it as a store house this elevator was built about 20 years ago and has been owned dur ing this time by robert noble ltd elevator to tho erection of the present elcvaor a small building to the south wa3usedtor tbo noble buslncssln acton orannevitle fair drew bio crowd the annual exhibition of tho duffer in agricultural society was held wed nesday threatlng weather had its effect on the attendance but by three oclock thero wore close to 5000 per sons on the grounds and auto lined tho streets for blocks tho ex hibit of fruit vegetables grains do mestic science sewing etc in the main hall were equal to other years as in former years the womens institute had a splendid display all of which goes to lord dufferln hospital horses attlealrcpp and awhiu ent were numerous the exhibits were away ahead of other years and competition keen in every class the only depart ment behind was the midway only about 35 concessions being in opera- wonderland friday september 25 frivolous sav stalling miu hunch and kq pene vullim- comedy clkln- litth in silk fell cartoon saturday 8eptember 26 the air mail starring nlury brian und douglas fairbanks jr comedy tho iron mule felix cartoon fox ncwh tuesday september 20 adventure a jack lomlon story star ring tom monro and wallace beery chapter 11 of tho riddle ruler comedy rldr roil jcrtlc coming jwndamc sans gene stariliiff jiiia samson i 0ur nribt fflitrlt isnt this a funny spell witches use it to fortell the candy witch tho little witch will teach you a candy lesson tlfat youll want to remember she will show you just how good candy can lie she will show you that your health and happiness can be assisted by this sweet ihup our candy makes good bo- causo its mado good oi candies rtvorv2 65 1 s4ccv7 ont saturday treat cocoanut marshmallow 29c tb something new a nice fresh fluffy plain marshmallow cov ered with bhredded cocoanut reg 40c ii saturday treat 29c tb i weekend chocolates 32c tb a rcul good assortment of hard und soft centre choco lates in msortcd flavors a chocolate for overy taste al ways fresb reg 60c and 60c saturday special 32c lb milk chocolate velvets 39c lb take a pound of this won derful confection with you a nico tasty bit of rich choco late in tiyery velvet reg 60c lb saturday special 3o ft bao for a anuior uhlpmcht of thono wondurui kui baiii como in early 2 fo r 5c or 11 for 25o look the first 25 customers get ting saturday treat we will glvo a pxoco of oh boy a new and very tasty pleco of chewing gum bo on time and got your sample noilflons ico ci earn in brick and bulk always in stock r l gregory son subscriptions for all maqa zine8 taken at the free pre98 office new fall shoes we have received during the past few days shipments of new fall goods which contain the best styles and values in farm factory and school shoes fine shoes for men uptodate shoes for women childrens shoes of all kinds the styles arc the very latest and the quality is just a littte better than that usually procurable elsewhere for the prices as the new prices are indeed q rcvelfttiorj now on display i come in and sek them acton ladies win again acton fall fair better each year seen at the fair here for years tion- oakvillo fair successful oakvillo fair was held lost fridy althoug the weather conditions were not ideal on saturday fully three thousand people were in attendance tho exhibits of homo and farm produco were well up to their standard and with the com bined school and fall fair made a fine showing in tho exhibition build ing the flower and fruit show was exceptionally good the classes were well filled and the products were of high quality the livestock show if anything woaa trifle weaker than that of previous years there were fewer exhibits of cattlo and sheep but the horse show was well worthy of atten tion und was closely contested in the pony and slnglo driving classes the night programme was put in the hands of tho band committee which organ ized a tattoo tho first of us kind to be held in tho community and which turned out to bo a t qualified succeed headed by captain john slater the bundmastor of the 48th highlanders torontp he bands riaradied to vic toria park and tq a capacity audience played an exceptionally interesting programme panda from brampton acton mlton port credit and oak villo took part in tho performance the moburneywarren wadding at walkerton the homo of mrs james warren of w91uerton witnessed a very happy event on wednesday when tho mar riage of miss ruth geraldlne third daughter of mrs warren tq mr wm henry moburney of walkerton wns solemnized the house was tastefully decorated witli flowers the feature be ing an elaborate arch under which the ceremony took place the rev dr robert johnston of calgary uncle of the bride officiated and he was as sisted by the rev richard perdue of walkerton the bride who was given away by mr r d yrrn of tor onto waa charmingly gowned in whlto and carried abounuat of rosea na did also her brjdejmtld m ailco coomb of kincardine dftrthy praajpr was a happy uttio flpw4 girl and jack vandcnvater rlnffhoarer before the ceremony mr epncat a warren oang by request thft marriage hymn the ahct harry harrison jhe shoe man we close wednesday afternoons oil the year round with the exception of december guelph million dollar stars vanished by ac tan last saturday r acton ladles soft ball team 7aurtoyaratraoiptrits defeated the all stars by a score of 129 tho came was vlayod on the lawn in tho shadow of tho armouries and these surroundings appear to imbue tho acton gtrlb with the proper bubo ball spirit as their first innings at bat gave them four runs these being gath ered on eoodl healthy hits by tho heavy artillery four more runs were scored when manager marsland decided to replace mlas harris and send torchy grieves the walter johnston of the all stars to tho mound but torchy wua wild as a hawk and walked four batters in this innings tho mason sisteru aa battery matc3 for acton worked smoothly lottie keeping the hits well acattercd and hazel by her bluff throws kept the royal city girls from attempting to steal beck masters at first played a bril liant jamo but was greatly hampered by tho spectators crowding on the playing hold madeline gibbons at second tho champion juggler of the team ilayed ilk a veteran while mary chalmers at short excelled with her fast pees tor first jesalo ander son and marguerite ryder shared the honors in right and pluyed errorless ball jesslo going strong with tho bat genevieve clarridge in centre romped around at will gathering in everything in sight and backing up second base in a manner that would do credit to a big leaguer tho moat spectacular play of the gamo was made by vi rumley in left field when after a 25 yard dash and a wonderful catch completed a lightning fust double- play with the assistance of uva johnston tho ef ficient and over reliable third sacker for guelph mrs fulton and mrs king and misaes clarke and rlchardbon were the beat messrs fulton of guelph and mcnabb of actbrf were the umpires and gave good satisfac tion t was a great victory as tho all stars have recently beatensuch teams as thb toronto ladles hamilton imps bruntford kitchener and lon don tho boot score isns follows acton ab r h po a e new life seems to imvo been inject ed into acun fall fair each yeai which keeps tt going forward to greater succeaaoh as tho years roll by theio was some henltancy thlft yeoi about the outcome of tho hall exhibit when the entries weie limited to exhibitors in halton county erin and eiamow townships but on looking over the exhibit on tuesday it was easily aeen thin move was for tho boat in tho display of ladles woi k this was especially noticeable not in years has theie been as big a showing as this year cjin boast of the vege tables classes were exceptionally well represented and tho caro in prepailng the exhibit was especially noticablo the fine ai ta exhibit wab all new to an acton fair am was up to tho usual standing in fact the whole hall ex hibit was liner bigger and ucatei than it has been for years the only space that seemed unlllled was that allotted toj manufacturers the puzcs for the best babies were won by mrs fryer and mi a a e crippa the attondanco at tho hall the first evening was greatly in ex- coaa of any previous yeai and a fresh local stimulus scemedt to prevail every where in tho fair of course the weather has much to do with the success of any of these fairs and acton usually is very for tunate in securing the finest as wo go to press wednesday morning the second day of the fair promises to bo one of the finest and with entries and exhibits in live stock etc pouring into the grounds the fair this yeai ihomkei to eclipse all former efforts acton citizens band gave a fino ro- poitolre of music they weie assisted on tuesday evening by mr w d do war of milton and mr james algie7 cornet sololstof tho brampton band who favored the audlenco with a flno cornet solo with band accom paniment johnaton 3 b rumley 1 f- l masoni p mramasc h mason c chalmers s a anderson r f ryder r f gibbons 2 b clarridge m s 0 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 i 1 0 4 2 2 2 1 2 4 1 1 7 0 1 3 1 0 5 2 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 0 0 32 12 10 21 8 7 guelph ab r hpo a e clarko ic 3 3 2 b 0 0 nichnrdaon 2 b 4 2 2 0 13 2 t mrs fulton c 2 maclean c 2 1 mrn king m 3 0 eron n 8 4 0 simmons 3 b 4 1 macptmi- b 4 3 0- walkcr r f 3 1 harris p 2 0 grieves li 1 0 0 0 34 0 summary 3 baso hits 10 21 7 7 clarko 2 base hits mason mnjstcr3 stolon bascb i mnson 2 chalmers clar- rldfre richardson anderson sacrifice hits rumley h mason kins double plays anderson to masters ilumloy to johnston hits oft l mason 10 in innings off harris 9 in 4 innings oft grieves 1 in 3 innings bases on balls oft l 3dason 1 off harrl3 0 off grleveh 4 struck out by l mason 1 by harris- 2 by grieves 3 scoro by innlxfga 1 a 3 4 6 acton 4 0 1 4 2 nueiptt a o u o i 7 112 2 obituary avilliam a dixon in tho death of william a dixon who passed away at his late residence in nelson township last week after a lingering illness halton conuty has lost a wellknown and highly respect ed furmer decoaaed who was in his sixty- eighth year waa a lifelong member of the presbyterian church and in politics a staunch liberal he is survived by his widow four sons und ono daughter allan dixon of trafalgar township guy george lorno a ml miss mac dixbn all at home vole that broathedoor eden after the ceremony for you alone his mother mrs r d warren playlpg tho accompaniment a dainty luncheon was served and after ah onthusiastlc toast to tho bride mr and mrs mc burney left for a trip to tho eastern provinces to return in two weeks to occupy their homo in walkerton tho dyerfletcher wedding the homo of mr and mrs herbert j fletcher nnssagaweya was tho scene of a pretty wedding on wednesday afternoon -of- last week when vera elizabeth daughter of mr herbert j and mrs fletcher was united in mar riage to john h dyer son of mr and mrs j w dyer of eden mills tho rev carman e dyer brother of the groom ofllciatcd under an arch of evergreen decorated wilth pink and white asters and banked with ferns tho bride wns given in marring by her father and looked charming in n gown of shell pink silk velvet with ohtrlch feather trimming and wear ing a veil with bahddau bf orttho blossoms she carried tt aftdwer pchi- quet of pink cdromha rosehnnd illy of the valley eh brwf wrts in tended bv her bfmtrjiuu tjuredt wearing ntnk flh gold lace und carryins ft bququet ot pink rqaeh mrs r j3 boattlo plater of tha hrjdo played the wedding muelo and during the aignlng of the rog inter mihu wlua pickett of guelph sang oh promlae me after receiving con grutulattons u wedding breakfast was norved in the dining room suitably decorated in pink nnd white guestn were present from toronto hamilton guelph detroit and other places the bride was the recipient of many hand some and useful gifts intho even ing tho happy couple left amid showers of confetti tho bride- travelling in pansy put pie cantoncrepo djrotts with hit to match and black h murvallp yya trimmed vloi gay fur after a khpu lipnoynjiopn mr und mw- pjfar mrs mcary e wilds gloveravllle tho gloveravllle hernd of laat fri day fcantnlnq the follqwlng obituary notice p at farrncr vhknovn acton resldppti mrs mary e wilds wife of james vilda died last night about 1130 at hep home 4 union street after an illness of two years sho was born tn georgetown ontario canada nnd had lived in this city about 39 yearn sho was a member of tho free- mont street methodist church and of the woman ho e m i bhionar societ of the church also of the womens benefit association of the maccabees she in survived by her husband two daughterh miss ada wilds of glovera vllle and mrs roy woolley of port land oregon four sons albert and harley of atoveravlllo fred w of vancouver and julian of toronto canada one slater mrs julian de- plcaio of now york and ono brothor george p watson of toronto the funeral will be held at the late home saturday afternoon at 230 the rev david w iteld of the fremont street methodist church will ofllclato nnd burial will be in fern dale cemetery october rod and gun social and personal mr st5ihon guest of toronto was home over sundayj mr w hcctoi macdonuld left on home fiom of toronto the list of prize winners will appear hcidaughter mrs a fryer in next- week s edition e flca street during tho week mr and mrs kenneth mckinnon have returned j after spending a couple railway acctoent at marden two coaches left the rails one was injured the canadian national railway train from tho north duo in guelph it 540 pm consisting of a loco- mnflvn nnd three eotchea loft the rails five miles north of marden shortly after ave oclock last thursday afternoon although the train which was in charge of conductor dave cox and which would have arrived in ielnh on time had it tint n ox the accident was travelling at a fair rato of speed it was brought to a atop before any considerable amount of damage had been done no one was injured the wheels of the two reaivcoaches after running along on tho tics for a short distance slipped off to one side and when the train vas brought to a standstill they wero sunken deep in the giound the cars being tilted at an acute angle tho seventy passengers on i were first nwaie that there was some thing the matter when tho coaches began to bump along on the- ties at tho pplnt where the accident hap pened there was no embankment th roadbed being on the level tho auxiliary crew from stratford worked all night clearing the track and get ting things in ahapo the thi eo coaches left marden in charge of the wrecking crew on friday mrnlng about nine oclock little tho worse for wear the c n r authorities have no idea what caused tho train to leavo tho rails tho section men fiom acton wero called upon and worked all night in clearing away tho cars guelph prisoner is captured sylvatoro sansono alleged murdoror captured near sarnia sylvatoro sansone tho youthful loudon dcaptinnjor wlhjcapertfrom the wellington county jail inst wed nesday night and who successfully evaded his jut surers foi nearly 72 houis was taken into custody at sombri near sarnia by provincial constable scott and license inspectoi elliott sansonos captuio was almost directly due to the man hunt now in pi ogrcsh for ed hailton who is want ed in london on a charge of murder residents in tho vicinity of sarnia and district wero keoplng a close watch for harlton and friday night about midnight tho provincial police receivod word that a man believed to bo harlton was seen near sombruv the officers hurrying to the spot found sansone instead when sansone made his escape sometime between 5 and g 15 oclock on wednesday evening he mado his way tokuchenerlnhomemnnnerorother nnd thero stolo a closed car with this means of transfer ho to get tuesday for su nin mr r w stewait vsa blnbiaok for sunday mr ernest a browh was home over sunday mr jordon lawson of toi onto was home ovei the weekend miss bertie smith was home fiom toronto over tho weekend mrs annie h somervllle of toronto was homo for tho wreckend mr huioid wansboi ough of tor onto wns home over sunday mr george grah im is visiting at the home of mr e j hansard mesars william and russell ross of toronto wero weekend visitors mrs d l jones of windsor visit ed acton friends during the week messrs george rudman and noel steele spent tho weekend at their homes in toronto mr and mrs peter a smith were in toionto on saturday mr job ac companied them home mia t storey mai la street is spending a couple of weeks with tor onto fiicndu miss ahnri claike of cooksvllle is a guest ut the home v mr peter a smith this week misses alatgarct bennett and flor ence holmes were homo from toronto for tho weekend mrs h m kennedy and babe of georgetown visited friends in acton one day last week mr henry grindcll of port arthur has been visiting friends in acton and vicinity the past week mr g a dills spent sunday with his paitncrth p mooic pm at tor onto general hospital mrs charles mcarthur of toronto was a gucht of mr and mrs h 3 holmes during tho week m- and w k grtniiunanu children are holidaying at mrs giahams home at walton ml sf gemmoll of guelph has been news of local import special sorvicos at knox church special young peoples services will be held next sunday in knox church tho sunday school seivico and bible classes have been withdrawn for this sunday and at 11 a m a childrens rally will bo held and a childrens choir will lead in tho srnging in tho even ing a young peoples rally will bo held at 7 p m and a young mens choir will have charge of the servlco of song 1 of weeks ml p- j friends in bracobrldge tusscll who has been in wollehleyhphpital toronto for sever al weeks levelvlng treatment returned home on sunday miss ldnasuy is visiting with her brothei mr n f lindsay after spending the aummer abioad in great ri itnip jiti knrppp misses ijeitha brown and zclla mccartney of toronto wero week end visltom it the homo of mrs john brown chui cli street mrs a mcdonald and chil and dotouiy roberts of toronto w vlsltora at the home of mrs george storey ovei the weekend mr unci mrs edgar flett mrs har ry flett nnd mr donald flett of el- mlra vl and mr s did ridge ot- niagara kulls n y paid a short visit to mihh coirlglll last week mr b p moore is atill making good progress uiwird recovery the final stagen of n eatment aro tedioub but effective in another week or so he hopes to bo able to return home mr and mib j a giffen george town announce tho engagement of theit eldest daughter gladys jean to joseph lchiic fisher eldest son of mi and airs w w fisher george town the niarilago to take place quietly late in septemer a chang in bank of montreal staff i mr dwight evans who has been the obliging and courteous tellei at the bank of montreal for tho past vear or so has been promoted to tho branch at preston and leaves this week to assume tho duties lntlio new position during his stay in acton sir evans has mnde many friends who while aorry to seo him leavo acton are glai of his preferment in securing a posi tion in a larger branch a sovere electric storm little or no damage in the im- medlateviclnity of acton was icport- cd from the sovero electrical storm which passed over acton last thms- day morning the display of lightning was exceptionally brilliant and fan tastic and the thunder lumblinga wero almost continuous tho downpour of ruin and hail that accompanied the storm was real heavy but rather spasmodic and did little damage to crops that wero out new church at mansofield tho laying of tho cornerstone ot th new united church at manse- field near shelburne took place on thursday afternoon before a largo crowd tho honor of placing tho stono was given to mrs ferris a pioneer settler of tho village and who has been a very active church worker all her llfej rev f w mahaffy orange- vllfe chairman of tho nowlyformed pool and xufforinprcobytryduverl cd the address rev robert j burn- aide pastor of tho church had charge of tho ceremony v accident at bolton mrs j h wcstlako received sovero injuries thursday while driving into the village of bolton on the glasgow- road when descending the hi tho harness broke and as tho horse was proceeding long at a fast rate she was unable to make a turn in tho road and the buggy struck a telephone pole mrs wesloko and children were t thrown a considerable distance tho children escaped with minor injuries bu t the mother wa i-ondcrcd- u nco n- sclous for a time shosufferod severe cuts on the faco and from shock milton couple celebrato golden wedding an appreciated gift mr g t board more supplied the fall fair with uptodate poultry pena in numbers of placed about town and quite frequently the messrs bcard- moio co has given benefactions which aro greatly appreciated the latest evidence of their interest in acton and actons activities was shown tho past week when mr g t card- more had delivered to tho fair grounds aulllcient exhibition poultry pens to fill tho space allotted to that section at the fair the perm arc of the lutes t type with 4ion imryintho fronuto givo tho best possible chance of viewing the poultry and aro fitted with swinging doors of ii on giating they have boerispeeial- ly built to lit into the space provided at tho west side of the drill hall part of the cages are of huge size to provide for tho display of tho turkeys goeso and larger fowl they are in sections and will be stored from year to year in order that the pens might appaar to the best advantage when placed in position after it hoy were delivered at tho grounds tho painters from the bcardmoro lilant were commissioned to givo them two coats of white paint inside and out secretary aklns was some few days finding out who the generous bene factor of tho acton fall fair was but was finally informed that mr g t bcardmoro was rjcsponslblo for this latealaaaclja the fair grounds what promises to be one of tho best and most interesting of wild life study series commonces in tho october issue of rod and gun just published the serleh is written by tho wellknown naturalist raymond thompson nnd the flrsturttdte itia lengthy tnh yr interesting accoujrtt 6f the cayor judngr b rnaerul contained in this ftlcl the feat qf- tho scrips will proye tuluablu and interesting readings matter for 09 lover of wild life appropriate to the aoaaon a number of hunting rtorlea aro included in this fall numben the regular articles and departments covering birds dogs out door ufc shooting nnd fishing seem even better filled than usual this is especially lrue of fishing noich which contains in addition to the articles of robert pago lincoln stories by o p sladen of toronto goes to make a splendid heclfon for 2 tho angler tho opu acusonn for gamo birds in on tario aro included in the issue rod nnd gun is puhhahtid monthly by w j taylor llmttad wowdatoolc ont as far as sombra in safety which dis trict tho police say ho is well ac quainted with and indications aro that ho intended making his way across tho united states border from that point only for tho vigilance of the citizens ho might have been successful in his flight snnaono when aires ted submitted quietly and was immediately removed to tho sarnia jail the car which h had secured in kitchener was recover ed undamaged sansone id considered a dangeious character although bub 20 years of age he has a long record on tho police files of different cities he wns sen tenced to kingston penitentiary on a charge of assault and wounding but was refused admission vhere pending an appeal he was taken to the guelph reformatory uubscquontjy being par oled later he w reax rested for bi caking parole and it was whllo he was lodged li tho local jail for this latter offenco that ho succeeded in making his escape directois certainly feel deeply indebted for his foiethought in providing this accommodation which they felt could not bo secured from the limited funds at their disposal it will how be up to the poultry men of acton and vicinity to supply a fine exhibit aa there can bo no excuse of the blrda not showing off to advantage in the facilities now at their disposal mr and mrs w7 j sloan two welp known residents of milton celobrated their fiftieth anniversary pf their wed ding at tho residence on commercial stieet saturday afternoon and oven- nigsuitound c ttjyth eirthree7bon sand daughter two grandchildren and in vited guests tho sons and daughters all married are as follows a j sloan manager of tho bank of com merce niagara falls ont frank sloan 01 toronto william sloan of peterborough and mrs e l vine of humllton aberfoylo united church re organized aberfoyle united church was re organized last week at a largely at tend meeting of tho congregation pre sided over by rev j uro stewart mr andrew ord acted as secretary tho following elders who will bo or- dalned and inducted on sunday even ing wore elected for a period of thrco years messrs george hunt j a cockburn andrew ord and john dick son a board of stewards wero also chosen namely frank mcgluddery j a cockburn for threo years p w rlchaidaon and h a cockburn for two years and thomas maltby jr and harold bell for ono year charles lewis alex ord harold bell and kenneth stewart were appointed as ushers following the business meet ing the congregation enjoyed a do- ughtful aocial hour together inquot at tnglewood at the inquest into the death of john hooper at iriglctvood last week four witnesses wero called frank hy- ian englneet of tho passenger tiaiu on the c p u which caused hoopers death hei man belfry fireman c g wilson assistant station agent at the c p r and william wilson sec tion man on tho c n r all four told a story similar in detail of see ing mr hooper walking along until ho came to tho track when without warn ing ho stepped in front of tho apj proachlng train according to tho en gineer mr hooper was only 60 foot from the engine when ho noticed him hylan at once applied the brakes and slowed tho tialn down so that it wasnt going more than 10 miles an hour at tho tlmo of tho impact tho jury ot which t m sc was foreman brought in a bobby stewart in the trophy game in the tournament at broadview fair at toropto mr ovorgo taylor of qlcnwll- ilanik hih puxchaued mr e huirops 100 uuio farm on tho 3rd line erin the- aulft was mauo by j a smith was there a robbery edmund veinon tho jleqrold ungllahman was 1 eleased on suspend ed sentence when lie appealed at tdil ton last wednesday before police mag- lntiate shields as a sequol trt ills nc- tion of last saturday when it is al leged he walked into toronto detective he ulqu u teii and is said to have told he officers that he had taken 14 fiom his former cmployei james mefaddcn a tiiifnlgm township faiinai tn the court wednesday mufndden d elated that neithei lu 1 nm any member f ills family had lost 11 that ho had never sworn out any wairant for the art est of vet non as icported and that he was at a loss to account foi the whnlr ntoiy r r fleming dislilct agricultural 1 epi eucntutlvo foi ihilton took tho oimg ntiui in chnige and lias uucurcd a gocti job for jum on u farm the senior and junior a ingles tennis finals of thu bwmdvlcw fhll fair tor onto verp hvougbt to a closo on sat urday thin tournament attracted a largo numbet of young players and judging fiom tho ntandard of the tennis played the futuro of canada in tennis looks very bright playing the greatest gamo of his careoi verner tupllng with bobble stewart of milton won tho senior sin gles tennln championship from a large fled or contestants he defeated bob stewart fl2 g4 tupping was award ed tho ijlndsny cup donated by john and egbert lindsay of the uusholme tennis club tuplintr who won the junior cham pionship list year has greatly improv ed he iiuh a veiy good service drives haul and should ciptmu he canadian junioi hnmplonship next year boh hteurt ai 1 1 linnet up was nwnrilod a bronze nicdnl stewait plays ahd allround good game and unfor tunately was called on to play noon after a placing u htienuous game with iluny llohe hobble ktewai t who is an arton boy is mw on the fetching staff of the toinnto city schools as is his hlstim aliirguoilte william a brother is a tendiei at tho uppei canada col lege verdict of accidental death and recom mended tbat tho law relating to tres passing on tho railroad bo brought be fore the peoplo and also that notices bo pasted where tho public can seo them tho tialn crow was exonerated from blame in connection with tho ac cident pretty september wedding hose arbor tho charming and picturesque old home of mrs william cualck moitatt ont was tho scene of a quiet but very pretty lawn wed ding at 3 p m wednesday september 16 when edith irene fourth daughter of mr robert whtto and tho late mrs white of gait ont was united in marriage to merwln j wilson son of mr and mrs ditvld wilson rockwoad ont rev g s cassmore of dothl performing the ceremony tho bride was unattended and was given away by her brother and was becomingly at- tiied in a pretty frock of copen blue georgette grey slippers and stockings and large grey plcturo hat and gloves to match sho also woro a squirrel choker tho gift of tho groom and car ried a bouquet of pink bridal roses illy of tho valley and larkspur tho wed ding music was suppllodby mrs w j held of acton ont cousin of the bride at tho conclusion of tho corc- memy a wedding dinner was served in tho spacious dining room which was tastefully docoratcd with gladioli anil numcious other flowers only the immediate iclatlvcs bolng picsent aftei wards tho young couple loft on a honeymoon trip to toronto niagara falls and buffalo n y tho bride ttavelling in a smart costume of rein deer french boiivln with suede nllp- rcis to match and hat of volvet and silk combination in fawn shades with ostrich plumes falling over the should er the grooms gift to tho planst wan 0 double string of pearls on their ictiiin they will reside at falry- aide their new homo on the guelph rdau uuolph mercury 1 v

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