Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 24, 1925, p. 2

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tiruitsday september 24 1u25 you kissed me tho lotiowlnb ttbittvrtrtottin1807 by a lady undor- twonty yoaro of s jamoa rodpath tho historian thouoht no much of iho paom that ho had an edition printed on whlto satin john q whlttler iho qualior poet wroto 01 it and its young author that nho haa truly mastered tho aocrct of engulta vct30 you klsaod mo my head drooped low on your broaat with a fcelliw of shelter and injlnlte rest while tho holy emotions my tonnuo dare nqt apeak plashed up jn flamo from heart lo- my chock your arms held mo fast oh your arms wore no bold heart boat apxlnat heart in their passionate fold yuur bla drawlnif my soul throue you eyeo a3 tho sun lrawa tho mist from tho sea to tho skies your lipa clune to mlno till i prayed in my bliss they might never unolasp from tho rapturoua mas you kissed mo my heart and my breath and my will in delirious y for a moment stood still llfo had for mo then no temptations no charms no vision ot happiness outside your anna and woro i this jnijtant anangel poasessed of tho peaco and lhe joy that oro elvon tho blest i would fllns my whlto robes unreplnlnely lown i would tear tronamy forehead its boauteous crown to ncstlo onco more in that havn of nest your llpa upon mine my head on your breast you idsaed me my soul in a bliss so divine reeled and ifwoonqd like a drunk en man foolish with wine and i thoush twero delicious to dlo thine if death wnmfl cobao while my lips weroyrt moist withyour breath if i might stow cold while your arms clasp mo round in their passionate fold and these sro the questions i ask day and nieht must lips taste no moro such cjquulte- dellcht would you car if your breast were my shelter as then and if you wero iiero would you klas me again timasmsm9mimmmm m he 3tfrrr ffceas jghnrt tnrg the trial spin by carletott cady b whatshe could prancqi3 colliard tho apostle ot the upper zambezi spent nearly halt a century amons tho borotsi tribes of central africa and at tola death there was mourning among heather and the converts alike some llttlo time before hta death ho hao a serious illness and upon his recovery oeveral american mission aries in zululojld went to rejoice with him tho basutos learning of this planned a banquet for their beloved teacher and hla friends they pre pared an ox ana numbers of sheep and fowl and depositing them on the veranda of monsieur colllards home late ono night cgun to sing the hymns had taught them tr ii y iw t pur- nf the bay white u cover prise stumbltxiff over the abundant gifts as he opened tho door tour frlondjs from a distance nave come to toll you they ore clad you are well responded the leadtr tears filled the missionarys oyea only too well lie knew that many who had contributed to this love offering wero very poor and their gifts meant real privation at this moment a very old woman named mateke arrived carrying an enormous gourd although she lived a long way frpm the village and had been hard at work in the fields all day she would not consent to send her gift by another but insisted on carrying it herself and what am x to do with this mateke tho missionary naked as she placed the huso thins in his arms do what you like she returned simply it made me happy to have that gourd j want to make you happy i have nothing ebae and why do you want to make me happy continued the old man because you have told me things that make me glad even when i am hungry she answered a light com ing into her wrinkled face that rests mo when i am tired r and make me not afraid to bo covered up with earth when i die i am glad to give you my gourd even if you do not want it and will throw it amy she hath done what she could murmured the old man turning to his companions i shall never throw it away mateke i will keep it always to help mo to he faithful tho gourd withered dry andi color less was still in his possession when he died knncth blxby felt tho last of his courage ebbing as ho walk ed slowly down tho hill to ward the low rambling mill beside thofrozon buy ho bit his lips with anger at losing his nerve just at tho moment he needed it all the same ho felt weak and tho hand ho brushed across his eyes was shaking with nervousness there was melo drama in the situation in which ken neth found himself ho was tp present hlrnsclf before the president of tho northwestern paper company and toll about hlo sick father no longer able to work kenneth squared hln slender shoulders now and walked boldly into the little offlco next to tho mill ru dolph mueller tho president looked up from tho books ho was going over with smith tho clerk the formers glunco f querulous well mr mueller was a small active near sighted man a paper maker by trade and a millionaire by business acumen as he said well it sounded like what in tho world do you want i want a job stated kenneth mr mueller turned back to tho books seo maclcan ho runs this camp he says ho has as many men as his payroll will stand ho says to see you men mr mueller caught up tho word and toyed with it he laughed with something of sarcasm in his tone men not boys you are too small he turned to tho clerk bent over the table of reports artie what about this youngster artie smith glanced up slyly well hes been hanging around- this camp ever since he could walk born here and they say hos handy with muchlh- ery got a boat well im not sir thomas upton snapped the president coldly come back when youve l meantime shut the door quick but my father yes lies sick and company wutlook after him thats all kenneth had lived all of his nine teen years but for the winters spent at schtiotrin big rapids tho north western papers camp number one and he know rudolph mueller argu mont would be unavailing the man ruled his camps and his mills with an iron hand sadpcss tinged with a sharp resentment marked kenneths progress from the mill to the docks the boy was angry that he should not be given a chance he was fam iliar with the work ot the mill and felt that he could earn a mans wage he would have to wait ntil mclean could give nun a place as he walked slowly along tho shore a dental demonstrator a painless dentlat did it hurt i asked when sho came home lan no fchlle ahe said i sut- tlnly am glad vwent to him he take an hooked them tonga onto my tooth an he soys jjjjod thing you didnt go to doctor jonca down stairs this is tho way he pullfl teeth thon ho givo a powerful yank and i let out a screech huh ho says i reckon you bet ter- bo glads you aint got doo jonaa workln on your jaw an doc mith aint no better this is the way ho pulls teeth with that lio shows me how doe smith would v dono me and i lets out another screech an now he says tm goln to monstrato my own method of nub- stration an he gives that tooth just a little twia easy as can be an out it comes never hurt a mlto my ian chile i suttinly am clad 1 didnt go to none of them other tfoctorst mammy barl been suffering tor tures with the toothache but she was afraid of city dentists down south the colored folks believe that doctors roam about after dark tryfng to catch people to cut up a piccaninny can be scared into good behaviour by the mere whisper of night doctor mammy could not be persuaded that dentists were not nlglit doctors but at lost the pain go so bad that aho consented j h multr houette against the grayblue of tho leilaof tho old negro n experience with nv m h wlntlfttir vmnn t ot snow a silverwinged airoplanc rest ing on its giant skids attracted his at tention he glanced quickly over its smooth lines over the dollcato tracks itrhad made in its landing some day he hoped he would fly such a machine may i look at it sure tho greasy mechanician grinned affably r soon kennethhtiufrorgotten his dis appointment in the absorption of tho motor the controls the marvel of tho machine so unlike the crudities of his own little sea sled which now for lack of gasoline lay idle in tho boathouso below his home rudolph mueller had come north in his plane speeding over the frozen silences of northern michi gan to his frozen pulpwood camps which in a few weeks would be sawing into the timber cut during the winter months at length kenneth turned away from the giant bird again that nausea of disappointment swept over him gone was his chance for tho moment at least ofearnlng money for his sister gone his chance of getting into college next winter he looked out over the bay endlessly white he was not able to see to the other sldo tho faint line of land was white like tho rest and to the north where the bay opened into lake michigan and to the south with its miles of snowladen ice the view was limitless there was just one break in the cold monotony silver island with its virgin forest ten miles out kenneth walked homeward with lag ging steps dreading tho ordoal of re porting his failure a warm breezo from the south sweeping up the length of the bay fanned his face spring was coming and tho loo would soon bo breaking up the logs would bo coming to the mill from all the camps along the shore floating in huge rafts towed by sturdy llttlo tug boats for tho rest of the morning kenneth was burled in his books if he could not go to college he could at least study by himself at noon there was momentary interruption as the mighty heart of tho biplane on tho bay began to bent to hum to roar the great mochanical bird took to tho air sliding first across tho ice gliding then above the whiteness a dark all at the companys dock men were launching a boat freighting it with ropes and six men wero preparing to go out with it they would draff it across tho ice row across tho open water across more ice it vouli be a slow laborious task kenneth know and his heart sank at the thought theyll novea muko it he brcnthed artie smith smiled at him qucerly well what of it im auro im not going to lose any sleep over it jvnd well after tho way he treated you this morning well i guess you havent any reason to be concerned ho gavo a ardonlc chuckle 1 suppose then youd let them drown what else want mo to swim ou after them i i guess there isnt much we can do kenneth was forced to admit so im not worrying artie smith went on i gavo my best to old mr mueller and what does he do slukes me work like a slave in that llttlo of fice over there and what dq i et it just more work anyhow theres another man out there thats his job he gets paid for it in the meantime we may as vell en joy the bhow you dont got a chance very often to see an old slave driver die kenneth waa thinking hard per haps smith was right after all ho had no reason for worrying about rudolph mueller and yet tho progress of the six men with the skiff was painfully slow they wero not yet half way to the open water and the floe was breaking up it would be twb hours before they could get across by that tiroo thero would be no need something rrlust be done the water was widening theyll never make it said kenneth probably not bald the othrcr la conlcally kennoths horrlftedeyes wore flxex upon the everwidening strip ot black which cut across tho snow sheet like nn ugly wound what could be dono what could bo done the sea sled thon came to the boys mind any go at tho mill maybe then get it quick im going out after mueller and ffib pilot bring it to my boathouse on tho instant ken was runnlns to the blxby boathouse holqro open tho door and was inside feverishly pulling tho heavy little craft out upon tho ice smith had procured tho gasoline al though still very much in tho clark as to what kenneth proposed to do you cant run on the ice said artie cant i look here kenneth pointed to tho atoel runners fitted on thjr flat ftltlillflw tilaft the skeeter is designed to ride either ice or water ever tried her smith was very skeptical no this will be her trial spin thon dont kenneth did not answer ho was busy starting the engine he cost a practised eye over tho skeeters soon the three woi e sliding t tho ice at a ipccd mch a tho skpetcr had ncvei dreamed of then they shot in to the all tho daik cavern ot water fullthk away beneath them alioid and below lay the noithwcnteip paper company camp no one like a map of a village in hisiihf thoy elided about and tho village came up to meet therm briefly they oho tacro3j llie ice and cuino to a mop in fiont of tho mill a shout went up from tho crowd whos all right tho answer cam ken blxby from a scorb of strong lungs two husky sawyers lifted kenneth from the plane and boro him on their ihouldero take him to tho olllcc wlh you frild president mueller and- tho giants can led him beforo a hhout- ing crowd they would not lot him down ills protests wero useless ho flushed furiously as every cyo was turned upon him inside tho little oillce mr mueller drew a chair tip to his dook sit down he ordered thon he smiled at kenneths embarrassment dont be afiald im going to thank you you cant thank a man for saving your life but i want to apologize for this morn ing im very sorry about that and 1 hopo you wjil forget it i will you said you wanted a job well will you take a job as macleans as sistant will i but no sold mr mueller dont think im offering this as a reward im not i know that you are tho kind of a man that i need in my business i know that youie big jim blxbys son you have lived here long enough to know all about tho camp and mill and you built that boat didnt you well i guess i know enough about you no dont thank me for it im doing it for purely selfish reasons but il perhaps you have other plans per haps you dont want to go into tho paper business ho stopped waiting for an answer i want to go to college mr mueller stroked his chin en glneerlng i suppose ah right got tho money well then yov can draw half your first four years salary dur ing the years you aro in college that ties you up for four years in the north western paper company anyway ho rubbed his hands with satisfaction i want to ththank no no you go to work tomor row thats all in tho meantime shut tho door quick this tlmo however president muol ler of the northwestern paper smiled as ho said it a romance in ta 0ei ilft j iris ugn it small boy used to ind i opoipy 1 about thd bustling docks whlth edge tho clydo at oluigow ills delight was to vlow the gnat ships fi oir china unloading thoii fniktant imioh ind he frequently earned a few pennies by making hlm- ulf uiatulh e md thei o ho was when n018e annoys dont any keep still or stop that racket whenever willie or jack or betty starts making too much noise for comfort try to direct their en ergies to somothlng else and see that they are glver a time and a place when they may make a noise every child has a lot of energy which needs to be let out in 0mo way if be is to de velop normally he must have an op portunity to romp and play and make a noise part of tho time if grown ups rcalteo this and give him a chance to let off steam his excess energy will not bo so apt to come out at the wrong time or in trjo wrong place a ehlm can bo taught that noisy games may bf played ouulde and that only the quieter games may be played in the house then if he has a period of play outside every day ho worker off the noisiest part of tils energy and can ndapt himself inore easily to the de mands for quiet made by the grown up world about him ed it grow smaller in the distance sud denly he caught his breath the sliver bird was cutting strange circles wa swooping lower and lower ho watch ed intently as it hurtled toward tho ice regained itself and then came to rest engine trouble he decided and returned to his book an r tour later fie again looked ou to seo that an excited group of men had gathered at tho mill dock some thing was wrong ho went down to them artie smith tho llttlo clerk told him the planes still there he said and the ice is breaking up peel that wind and its getting stronger you know what that means his voice was very eager almost exultant and kenneth looked at him sharply they may bo drowned smith npponded in a tone approaching awe kenneth knew that the warm wind blowing hard would cut tho lco of tho bay into strips under tho plain it might crumble or leave tho machine on d hugo sheet of floe cut off from land give mo tho glasses tho boy commanded and for many minutes he studied the scene brought close by the powerful lens the plane with the two men was three miles out he could see thorn plainly as they worked ovep the machine even as ho look ed he gave a little cry blue water he passed the glasses to the bent llttlo man beside hlwl look artie what do you see blue water chuckled the other theyre cut off he glanced at ken neth quizzically and laughed at the alarmed look on the boys face well it isnt your funeral js it kenneth did not reply he looked again through the glasses the strip of blue water was widening like a black cavern in a white desert and far away to the other side of the plane he could seo another lino the fliers were trap ped once free from tho main body of ice the floe would break up rapidly kenneth estimated the width and ho guessed that in half or three quarters familiar lines she was a queer llttlo craft twentyfive feet long sovon feet wide with her engine mounted in tho bow and drawlng not moro than four inches of water last summer she had skidded tho top of the bay tho fast est small boat on tfic east shore sho was driven directly from an airplane propeller mounted at tho bow her be haviour on tho water was well known but jwlth the coming of winter ken neth had determined to use her as an lco boat and had accordingly fitted her with four parallel steel runners extending high at bow and stern in a slo wc ur vetirftw bo dash across the jfo take to the water without stopping and climb out on tho other side on trio floo in tho same fashion some ballast for the stern shell need it to keep her bow high enough to jump tho ice whe n shes coming out of the water tho crowd at the mill doclc stared as he swept away in front afr them putputput paster faster the llttlo craft shot across ttto snowladen ice the skeeter was performing nobly on her trial trip us an iceboat tho crowd cheered but kenneth did not hear hla motor roaring loudly now was running perfectly ho was fearful of the englno which had been idle for months something might give way at any minute he sat low 4n tho tiny cockpit how long would it stand tho strain silently ho prayed ho was approaching open water going a little slower now he must hit the water gently splash the skeeter crashed into the waves and groaned under tho great strain splash splash she was bouncing now up and down in a manner quite unlike her smooth be havlour on the ice kenneth opened the throttle as tho stem weighed under the added ballast sank deep ho could not afford to ehlp any water now faster faster he must uh the floe hard and trust to luck as to tho strength of the little craft he gavo the engine everything he had and then the new road numbers the numbers 2 to 17 have been al lotted so for tho following la tho list of num hers that have been given to ontario highways so far and have been placed by tho highway overseers they will no doubt prove quke a help to tourists in planning trips through tho pro vince road no 3 international highway quebec boundary to windsor via tor onto hamilton brantford woodstock london and chatham road no 3 international high way niagara falls to windsor via welland and st thomas w road no4 st thomas to north ern highway via london r n fr- toponrtotojarvtb vhl dundns highway and hamilton road no 6 hamilton to oweii sound road no 7 northern highway port credit to sarnla via brampton guclph kitchener and stratford road no 8 niagara jtatlsto 3od- erlch via st catherines hamilton gait kitchener and stratford road no 8a beach road burling ton to stoney creek cut oft for through tratric between toronto and niagara falls road no 0 arthur to kincardine road no 10 brampton to owen sound road no 11 toronto to mustcoka road no 12 to kawartha lakes via whitby and lindsay road no 12a to kawartha lakes via port hopo and petcrboro road no 14 plcton to foxboro x no 15 kingston to ottawa via rldeau lakes smiths falls and perth- road no 16 ottawa to frescott- rond no 17 point fortune to pembroke via ottawa poor and laegctt a year kites 1 he hnd riiicn in tho world ho was a mcstieneer boy now earning two shillings j and elxpenco weekly sixty cents hard cash paid every satuidny ipven thon ho was not satisfied and he mode up hla mind tfebitt if he could not afford to get learnings at school he munt cet it in tho world ho shipped aboard a steam er as a tjbohui and worked hla pssago to new york for some time he stayed in that country supporting himself in a half a dozen ways and keeping his eyes open to american methods of business he hiade up his mind that yankoo sin ewdness could make noney out of giocerlea in glasgow so ho borrowed a plentiful supply of it and returned home his parents happily for him wero thrifty people by hook and crook thoy liod saved four hundred dollars in their joint lifetimes their son took tho money as a loan and in a narrow street ot glasgow started a tlnygrocery store he was his own saleannan his own bookkeeper and his own delivery cart so he knew that his customers wero well ueivcd giadually they increased but not fast enough to satisfy tho young grocer he woiked jlh he says twenty five iho urn out of the twenty- four that did not suffice ho decided to advertise first he bought twenty of the big gest hogs he could find jn scotland next he decorated them with brilliant ribbons arid then after every pig had been labelled uptons monsters plain for all to see ho bad them driven through the streets of glasgow a sensation followed tho town talked upton and thomab ldptcn opened a new shop today four hundred and twenty business houses take their orders from sir thomas llpton in ceylon great tea plantations belong to him and fleets of ships sail to india and to china sir thomas has been generous with his vast fortune he drew a chequo fo ono hundred and twenty- five thous and dollars and sont it to the princess of wales when sho wob collecting money for a jubilee dinner for tho poor of london hla munificence has iquentiydrnvntroyaiaitetrtlonand u was for his charities he was knight ed ah a yachtsman sir thomas has al ways been known as a straightforward and onthubiabttc sportsman the yachtsmen of america found in him a good opponent in a gcneroub con test courteous smuggling the dingloy bill appears to have recalled various reminiscences of suc cessful smuggling one of theso re lates to marshal suxe as ho wft3 re turning into fiance after the cam paign of 1745 at the gates of some clt on the vrench frontier a cubtonib ofllcer pre sented himself at tho door of tho car- nnge and said have you anything central y to tne orders of tho king marshal no monsieur but what 4jc that asked the olnoor pointing to an immense barrel of toi- bacco on which the marshals feet wero resting and which took up all- tho front part of tho cairlage that monsieur roplled the mar shal calmly is my tobaccobox ah indeed said the official well i supposo it isjnrt right that a very great general should harve a tobacco- box in proportion and lie closed tho door respectfully increasing the reach of the oil can spring squeaks and body chirpy tho bane of every automobile owiieiv life but what can bo done to eliminate them the oil can will not reach all parts of the- springs nclthoi will it spread oil round abrupt oomoro hero in an eaa way to overcomo tho d 1 acuity and inclab6iotbaxhrnofthtt oil can drill a quarterinch holo in i long largo cork slip tho jjpout of the oil can through the holo until the cork projects nbout onehalf inch then take a piece f stiff wire copper wire is best about eighteen 1 aches long insert one end of it into tho cork parallel to the spout and touching it shove it in far enough to hold the wire securely in places your oil can fjpout extension is now ready for use to use it bend thq wire into any curve necessary to get round corners oi into inaccessible places invert the can press the hbttom with tho thumb in the usual way and each drop of oil will run down the length of wire to the endi when the wire is lns6rtod between tho automobllo body and the frame or held in contact with the leaves or the spring oil can easily bo placed where it is most needed your grocer sells green tea have you tried it tke tiny rick- flavored leaves and tips ace sealed airtifht finer- than any japan or gunpowder insist upon salada free press job printing is always neatly done s sttvlsrrjvfg ed cssjfz no 9 a uestton why do you find better workman ship in mclaughlin buick motor cars mclauglrimdbtiick precisi methods ate possible because of mclaughlin- buicks great volume it would be impossible to put such fine workmanship into mclaughlin buick cars for their price if mclaughlinbuick built but a few thousand cars a year radical cure preparations for a bath crouched back in the stern to weight to lifting the bow high enough to tako to tho ice the skcotcr had to leap from tho water and clear at tho first trial or not at all thero would be no econd chanco if she would slide back ptern first under water aho would sink faster faster tho skeeter wa skimming tho water now barely touch ing the crest of tho waves crush there was a sickening impact unlike the quick swish with which tho little craft hnd hit the water as sho hit tho lco floo leaped into the air and camei down with a force that strained every joint on she went again she had taken the hurdle now it was smooth sailing tho machine skimmed llko a gull across the ice steel runners sounding merrily to the accompani ment of tho roaring motor and tho whirring of tho propeller ahead of him kenneth could seo tho two men waving their arms frdm tho cockpit of the disabled machine and glided to a stop reside them hollo it was the laughing voice of the pilot mighty glad to see you kenneth breathless from nla mad flight across lee and water said wed better bo going back cant rlak much on that wnter with a load in that thing asked mr mueller doubtfully sure said kenneth busy removing the extra ballast come on wait a minute said tho pilot i havent anything agalnbt that hoat of yours but just the same id feel better in the air kennoths face fell had tho boy made his trip for nothing if you dont mind letting me bor row your propeller said tho pilot i can chnngo them in a coumo of min utes theyre the same you moo and mines broken that was what forced us down all right kenneth agioed i hat to leave the skeotor hero to- sink but thats all right snld mr mueller a travelling man tolls of a hotel experience in the interior of arkansas the paper in telling the story ho adds that his friends looked upon the story with suspicion ho had arrived at a small settlement and ropalred to the eagle house which was on the out skirts of tho town and on the bank of a stream after a dinner of sidemeat and corithread he lighted tirclgarrind the proprietor said stranger is thar anything we una kin do foh youall thinking to confound his boat the stranger answered wal yes come to think of it id like to have a bath tho proprietor let his feet drop from tho railing upon which he had hoisted them went into the house and roturn- cd in a moment with a hugo tin cup full of soft soap a rough towel and in the public schools of some cities measures aro taken by presumably competent officials to test tho chil drens eyesight upon tho assumption often too well founded that tho par ents are not sufficiently watchful in fhfft impprtatrtpntticurar a littjo boy camo homo one day soon after the fall term of schqol had oponod with the following note duly signed by the principal mr juklns pear slr it -bo- comes my duty to inforrn you that your son shows doedid indications flf astigmatism find hlu case in ono thi should bo attended to without daisy tho father sent tho following an- swer tho next day mr kershaw dear sir whip it out of him yours truly hiram jud- klns no time a lank awkward countryman pre sented himself at the clerkh desk in a city hotel and after having a room assigned tp him inquired what hours meals wero served breakfast from sovon to eleven luncheon from eleven to three din ner from throe to eight supper from eight to twelve recited the clerk vjerushy ejaculated tho country of an hour the plane would finally drop optimistically shed liltoly alnk apy- into tho depths of tho bay i way on tho way back tho badgering lawyer hflrnefimes succeeds only in affording tho witness an opportunity to show off hln own wit at the lnwyora expense and then the spectators aro happy a certain actor waa before tho rioor debtors court in now york and tosti- fhd thnt his only assets wero- his tjubiiy a a member of tho blank company but you muet haye something clso said tho prosecuting ftounscl fell tho court what clae you huvp thats all what no personal property oh yes a dog and a watch now think hard what else per sisted tho attorney believing he was on tho right track and a case of rheumatism said tho witty witness man with bulging eyes when am i a pick and shovel which ho offered to 1 agoing to git time to see tho townr his quest whats tho irtck and shovel for naked the visitor well stranger answered the land lord he watuhs low and you- all ii hov to dm up tho creek saves 24 a year cooking expert i figurt that th smp enameled ware roaster will save the average canadian family fully 2400 a year in meat bills the secret is it roasts the met with very little bnnkue also it make cheap cuti taste like the bert ones you place the coast in the roaster put on the cover the coaster does til rot- no basting required evry roost ip perfectly cooked the cover u clow dt coohtaa odewacanaot escape oimteot spatter out which mesa m sweet clean oven prices rsnie from bsc lodjo each depending on ttse and botih sod doot forget the saving of f 14 oo jresulr s m p gruunedtmic roasters all lino of 8 mp crrlod by james symon hardware mill street i t v i advertising in the acton free press would carry any message yon desire into every home in this community it would spread the news about new merchan dise special sales or new store policies quickly and thoroughly take a friendly interest in telling the buyers of this town what you have for sale that is of service to them and you will win new customers constantly progressive merchants advertise issued by canadian weekly newspupers associntioji v il jiliti tr rr i i

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