Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 24, 1925, p. 3

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0 hr arton 3fog ffirggifl tliuitstoay september 24 192e the woods jntl -i- have loved- -the- woods abound lcua wooda lallhchglofryandt m anuiiiflcenttho forest solitudes eloquent of gol and llborty yea i loved them over alnco i was a child when of the mighty trees tlio uhudo i sought mother- on mo i auubiiii i where nature a u smiled v and iii her lovlj a u lofty limeuuee taught 4 unknown to tliovani world until their f rtittivt nam unto my heart was an enchanter u wand arousing my spirit until ullame 1 ms helneu rejolclnc to taco my ataud where never this foot of tho pliollcr trod in the great temlilo of tho llvlnk god 11ank holmes from acton england brief itoms of interot qlainod from the express and gaxotta lady brhtaln la paying a short vlalt to her father sir robert harvey at dunridge totnea devonshire e b whltemarah of prloryroad bedford park was fined x 2 at rich mond pollco court last week for ex ceeding tho spood unlit mr j ncnlsh chataworthbardenb acton ha3 been invited by soveral of utoafluioted organizations to opeoxfor tho associated advortloimr clubs of the world at tho end of september a series of thursday night services to last during the winter will bo started at tho acton parish church a sermon will bo preached on each of uieso occasions it is hoped that tho now acton rectory will ho ready for occupation on the 20th inst since december 1 tho rector and his family have been in occupation ox tho temporary rec tory in pierrepointroad which has to lie vacated on tho date mentioned tho death occurred at seavlew durban natal op august 16 of mr r w harwin j p i o s aged 75 lato chief accountant of tho natal government railway tho deceased gentleman was a brother of mr r- harwin acton whom lie occasionally visited and he had therefore a num- ber of frjends hero mr s lord bbrough treasurer of acton left town last weekend for his annual holiday tho first port of which was spent at s halo t tho rov l a pohd of all saints church south acton will be ordained to tho priesthood at st pauls cathed ral on sunday octobor 4 ho will so into retreat at cuddesdon atom octo ber 5 until october 9 interviewed on his arrival at sydney on monday sir harry erlttnln an nounced his intention to concentrate on air communications in tho conn dent belief that an angloaustralian airship service would soon bo accomp lished an open air meeting under the auspices of tho ealing conservative and unionist association will bo held r fr r r i in i m i fi- t memories the little things that happen are tuched into your mind and corno again to greet you or most of them youu and and sorno come sad or- happy of all sorts and dogrees they crowd into your thinking wo call them memories but some of them are rovers and wander off and set quito lost among their travels and that means you forget butthoao which are tho brlgheat and those which never rove youll unci them always shining aro just tho things you ofluare south baling mr john t hunt will preside and mrs stamford and mr w avera national union will bo the speakers on saturday afternoon mr g gley- sher of 16 alfred rmd acton wm walking in acton park when he was suddenly token 11l a constable called dr farquharson who finding that mr gleyoher was suffering from heart trouble ordered his removal to acton hospital where he was detained for treatment and a rest extensive repairs aro being affected to the organ at st thomass acton vale and as a consequence a piano is being used to accompany the sing ing for a fow sundays during the absence of tho organist mri warren on his summer holidays his plaee j is being filled by the deputy- choirmaster of the church mr c w handle for exceeding tho speed limit at uxbrldgeroad and hornlone acton the following motorists wero fined at acton pollco court on wedneoday tvtlliamakoy 3 jofloplr jrthomr 3 albert k pike 3 and edgar e warne 3 the only thing to do is to give up the beer- said john greenhorn laborer of colvludroad south acton when he was fined 10s and costs at acton police court he pleaded guilty and after hla record hod been referred to the chairman warned him that if he was not very careful ho would find himself in a difficult position owing to the number of times ho had been in trouble when sidney h harrison indopend cnt of cathnorrood shepherds busb was charged ot acton pollco court on saturday witfi being incapably drunk at acton hill it was stated that he was found clinging to a water pipe on friday night ho was quite in capable of taking care of himself and was removed to tho pollco station by two constables accused who ex plained that he had only lefct the hos pital that morning and overindulged on meeting friends was fined 10s afcd still they come nnd says i let them come theae letters from tho young old men and old young men have been mighty interesting to me and called back things i had for gotten nnd homo i never remembered and they have been just as interesting to lots of others judging from what i overhear they gave a now slant to a lot of incidents but tho lejtptrom another younger old man fej is more modern than i can readtty- coll x guess i was tending to business ptottystflctlywlyetrlncidonts hewrites about took place here it is anyway the oijo man of the big clocktpyer dear sir yoiir intimation of a couple of weeks ago to write of incidents you might havo omitted is going to get an rsv p from me thoy are really modern and will possibly interest only thostrnotxrverfortyyearsof -age- some of ub remember real well- when acton had aa excellent lacrosse team with the statham bros yetfth across tho field over to enoch and down to darby etc but this incident i re member so well hud todo with later team when skirtny mac bub tpylnr it iy fjqiitto nrrt wintering bees outdoors to winter bees hjjocfiesfully three things are necessary- iv strang col onies of young bees 2 an abiuv danco of wholesome stores 3 ade quate protection to neglect any one of these is to invito disaster weak colonics should be united in the fall t wl at s toe- glven not later than the first week n october the time that protection is given will depend upon tho method used outdoor wintering is rapidly gaining in favor and bees are now being win tered in packing cases where once it was thought thoy could not survive bees may be wintered in single double or fourcolony cases the lot ter are raoro economical as less ma terlal is required for each hive which ever cose is used it should bo made large enough to allow four to nix inch es of insulating material between the hives and wall of case on tho bottom and nil four sides and from nix to eight inches ontop with at least one inch of air apace between top -pack- should stand close together in the case with no packing bctwoon them- a tunnel must also be provided between tho hive entrance and flight hple in the case colonics to b wintered should bo placed in the cases during the lat ter end of september or early october and tho bottom and side packing given the hlvo covers should be removed to allow tho hives to corno closely to gether as soon aa the colonics are in tho cases give them all the food thoy will take down tho feeding should bo done as rapidly as possible and as soon as it 1a finished a quilt or bag spread over tho hives and the top packing put on these bees will require no further attention until next spring outdoor wintering bees should bo protected from prevailing winds by a good windbreak frir full information on the subject write to tho publishing branch department of agriculture or tho deo division i3x- erlmnntal farm ottawa for freo pamphlet no 22 oii wintering boos in canada c u goodcrham domin ion apiarist terrible accident -r- pat an awful accident up streotf mike what happened pat a car ran into a garage starts i think the team that played here that day was from bright and our boys- got a beating ami of course the referee was to blamo and the other team was dlrty and everything else at tho close of tho gaiho feeling ran high and it- looked as if the team needed protection to got off the play ing grounds john williams bus was called into commission to convey wthe visitors to the station so they would not get mobbed and chief john lawaon was on hand to give police protection as noon os tho game was over the visitors were bundled into tho bus the windows of which had been closed down oil but tho one in tlio back and chief iawaon mounted on guard on the back step to- keep the fans from going into tho bus the younger ele ment haul planned a shower of rotten eggs as their outlet of feelings and had tho goods on hand to deliver when the bus rolled out of tlio park but tho windows ere down and a rotten egg wouldnt dreak a window anyway thero vnb only that jonejai6t open and it was mostly covered by the hoiut of tho chief it was worth o chance and one pf tho more venturous youths let go tho aim was good but the rolling of tho bus placed tho chiefs eck right over the opening whero the egg was intended to go and may- be you who didnt see the incident can imagine the clearing away of youthful fans to escape tho iro of tho law that was the last shot dellverod in the battle v i dont seem to remamber so much about church incidents although i was a regular attendant but i doremcni- bor how every time i moved my feet i struck thqboard along the bottom of tho seat and made an awful clatter and i remember quite well in rov mr mclaughlin time that the other younger old man speaks about tho wonder of tho new choir loft with the ceiling rflintcd to represent tho skies and golden stars scattered about and tho sunday it was first used another thing that ccms to stick pretty stronglyln my memory is tho calitliumplan parades that used to be held 1 mean tho ones when john harveys dry was fixed up with a rack to accommodate tho band when topby gardiner used to wear a hat with k big red plume and one of tho barrio boys ubed to be the ehuf clown and after the parade was over finta the milk delivery from the dairy owned by them decked out jn his clown suit jguoasjiasmithond john hill and goorflo agnew and nelson moore could recall these real well us they were in tho band then and harry jeans used to play the trombone i imagine thoy could give sojo intereitjmy jtpms about these parades and i bcljeye mont of ub would like to hear them thin ha8 been kind of a rambling letter but as i set and think about these tlmeb incidents by the score crop up that 1 like to recall 1ut i will not recount any moro juntnow maybe mr ohl man you will hear from other younger old men and you no doubt will liiihh them on as always somewhere there seems to bo some who enjoy these recollections thanking you for tho space in your valued column yours truly anot1i12h youngish old man saturday we vil wjwtwssuwjsysiysimm which was purchased hy he ryan brothers from the g b ryan estate at a very low rate on the dollar read thiad carefully and it will reveal many profitable reasons why you should attend this sale saturday or at the earliest lent ryan biios iitchaseiatjjargainlpricestlie stocks fixtures andtore properties of g b ryan co they intend build ing a fine new store in cuelph this fall ana spring inthe meantime special clearing sales will be carried oh until te new build- ing is completed a sale of new fall hats 7 the prices are decidedly special 500efew fall hats at childrens tarns 195 and 350 in the 195 group there are three hundred and fifty hats of which two hundred are new velvet hats to be shown for the first time saturday- worth 400 and 500 the balance of the assortment at 195 is made up of special purchase of felt hats just received and these felt5tinrthevery newest styles and colors are regular 295 and 305 qualities in the 3 group there are two hundred and flfty velvet hats many of which are made of pure silk faced lyons vetveji arid are worth 500 to 650 a large variety of misses and matrons styles corduroy bonne fine- corduroy bonnets finished around edge with silk cord flannel ette lined sizes 13 to 15 jja reg 100 sale price 0uc worth 195 to 20 slale price 95c two hundred childrens school tarns made from plush all wool polocloth and duvetyne in plain and- embroid ered styles a wide range of ac colors also blnek- clearing at fc childrens felt hats black only droop style ac with streamers sale price dc 360 feather mounts at 19c and 39c almost our enrire stock offeathers and trimmings classified in two sale groups regardless of former prices gome rare bargains in these two groupings oys cordupoy hats fine quality corduroy hats in styles fop boys finished with ficj bond reg 126 sale prige jc umbrellas at sale prices childs umbrellas with cotton tops assorted ac style handles sale price ifjc somens umbrellas strong frames 100 with cotton tops neat handles sale price fancy umbrellas with silk mixture tops tape edge strong frames white nd amber tips and ferrfts sale price rirr 259 silk mixture umbrellas silk mixture top umbrellas tape edge assorted handles- qa sale price p107 womens colored umbrellas silk and wool mixture tops colors navy purple green and black tips and ferrules to match fancy handles sale prigs 395 extra good values womens silk dresses 35 dresses of canton crepe and crepe back satinsatin long and short sleeves styles straight lines some with flared apron front ef fects j colors browri black sdnd rosewood yellow orchid and green sizes ic years to 38 bust reg 1650 to 2000 values l o ac sale price vlovd 50 nex dresses womens and misses dresses of satin rfaced crepe canton crepe lat crepe and georgette also figured silk dresses smart with flares godets pleats embroideries and buttons long and short sleeve styles colors purple sand pencil blue rosewood landrin green navy black and brown sizes 16 years to 40 bust reg 2500 to 3500 values sale r qc price v 1 25 dresses at 1795 presses of satin faced crepe and canton crepe straight styles flared skirts pleated styles colors brown rosewood black green sand and black and white sizes 16 years to 44 bust reg 2500 to 2800 values sale price our mail order service mail orders filled same day as received postage and express prepaid within a radius of fifty miles refunds on returned goods made promptly and with out question claims adjusted to the satisfaction of the customer r why not give our mail order service a trial 1795 new flannel dresses in plain colors stripes and checks tailored styles button trimmed long or shortr sleeves new fall colors sizes 16 yrs j qc to 38 bust reg 650 sale price tmud womens coats made from splendid quality velour or duvetyn in colors sand fawn rosewood green and rust contrasting trims all full lined reg 1950 to 2500 clearing sale prices 395 and 1255 950 navy serge skirts womens navy gerge kirts box pleated style wpist banfl sizes 25 30 inches dj qc sgle prlge wl tff if gravenette raincoats womens crbvenette rajncoat pnglif make well tailored half lined light and darfc shades of sand sizes 36 to 40 bust re 1650 sale price 7z outsize tjndergkiyt made from excplleqt quality moreen sateen pnd tarfetlnc black only reg a jq 250 sale prlee i silk underskirts mn4r9jn89ftfti4ty h silk finished at bottom with pleated ac full black grey and navy snlo price jf j womens flannelette gowns sale price 89c white flannelette gowns made with high neck and long sleeves also slipover style with kimona sleeves sizes 54 to 58 in lengths also outsizes value up to 175 oqj sale price vests womens vests harvey make in no sleeve and short sleeve styles in siyes 36 to 44 bust sale price wi cotton vests women fine knit cotton vests in no sleeve style v neck sizes 36 to 38 cc- bust sale price 03c cisle vests- fine lisle vests in opera top no sleeves style with tailored and fancy tops in sizes 36 to 44 bust 7c reg 125 sale price i dc lisle vests pine quality sillf lisle vests jp opera top v neck and no sleeve tyle finished with tailored bintjing reg up to ias sale o pripe spvv wool vests womens fine all wqql vet with short sleeves swiss rib gnd plqin knit sizes 38 jo 38 segonds of 195 quality sale price 119 corsets- pink coreete silk lined cham- oisette gloves womens fine soft quality chamoisette gloves wrist length with two dome fast eners fancy stitched backs and h fine silk lining colbtremoaeandgreyr-sizes- 7 and v reg-7q- 150 sale price pr i f1 suede gloves slipon style with flared cuff grey only sizes j to vi- special per pair 95c silk gloves heavy quality in wrist length silk gloves some are double plain or fancy stitch- ed- backs black in sizes 6 and z only pongee navy brown and white broken sizes- 0 to8 reg 100 and jl25 values sale price pr 49c woollens silks and linings and thitta that 1 wonder who will be next in this it ring of recollections ive been enjoying them and they have given mo the opportunity to utroll around tho fair grounds and watch the iiromokh being made there i am counting on meeting a lot of my old frlcndh on tuesday- and wednesday nnd renewing ecqtialntancca mary saym it is a tine thing for theae other duffers to be writing and shut me off for a wlille bo1 can do some things ground tliu house that have been ne glected tjut ill be buck again when tho young men iteter out tl j ri0ht back at him a lilanby to namn f word mot n innn by tho mnno of ilarnoh gooil niornflif mr liarneh nnit ir word how aro mm barnea and alltho ilttlo flhoda feellnk lino thanks roplldd sir barnflh how aro mra avord and all tho little yllttbjoa woolcharmeen satin faced wool ma terial soft smooth fin ish colors navy grey henna persian blue jsand seal brown and black 40 inches wide reg 175 sale prie yard vltrd twill crepe and all vuv twill-with- crepe finish popular for onepiece dresses new colors polo tan cham ois and cuckoo 54 inch es wide worth 250 sstl69- coating pure wool coating in plain colors plaid and check effects represent ing popular coating col ors 54 inches wrde regular 275 to 350 sale price- yard 188 check flannel fine allwool flannel in smart checks colors sand cocoa beige hen na nnd other popular shades 54 inches wide worth 250 sale price yard jplsfd wool coating all pure wool coating splendid weight for fall and winter colors navy brown green and taupe plain and checks 54 inches wide regu lar 195 to 275 sale price per yard 169 linings silk-ix4ur4inings- good serviceable quali ties sane have satin finish brocade and flor al designs a variety of light and darfe sglofs 36 to 39 inches wide sale price yd 79c 95c and 119 wool serge pure wool serge fine close even weave black brown cocoa and per sian blu niches wide worth slzv sale price per yard duohes 5atin bright smooth finish attt even weave black only 30 inches wide ya duchess satin heavy swis quality 95c botany serge botany crossbred serge made from pure soft wool yarns colorsj navy sand cocoa brown and black 54 inches wide worth 175 sale price yard 145 with a deep lustrous sheen black only 36 inches wide worth 225 sale d ac price yard v pailette silk splendid drejs wcigj nice even finish black only 36 inches wide- special per 1 1 a yard p buttons coat buttons in three sizes assorted styles and colors special half price staple dept bargains flannelette blankets- ibex flannelette blankets slightly imper fect white with p b borders larg est size pxtra ipeciijl per qo q pair 0417 flannelette soft nappy white flannelette 36 inches wid9i reg 33c sal price per oo yard mq m flannelette heavy quality as sorted coor stripes 36 inches wide reg 35c sale price per oa cotton factory cotton very flneilrm even weave 40 inches wide reg 35c sale price oq price yard iv irie check fine quality jelf check lingerie mnteri- il colors pinli mjfiji honeydew qrphid sky and white 40 inches wide reg 50c q7 sale price yd olc towelling au pure linen towelling 83 inches wide reg 35s oft- bale price yd- m7 v damask bi6ache4 co t t pmv- damask 55 inches wdo reg 90c sale tc price yd i jc damask 7 bleached cotton- damask 68 inches wide reg 125 sale qc price yard rjc linen damask fjrm even weave stripe and floral pat- tern 70 inches wide reg 150 sale price per m oq yarjj vx9it shepungs white cotton shepts in 84 and 94 widths fine qualitie sligtjhy jmpcrfecf reg 225 gale price each 177 reg 175 sale price each 135 reg 185 sale price each 145 pink coutil corsets with elastic top medium hip- sizes 22 to 30 sale price j womens corsets made from pink coutil medium high bust long oyer hipsizesi2ial3q o a sale price 0f c frontlaced corsets made from strong wjiite coutil medium bust long pver hip fdur hose support ers sizes 22 tq i a 30 sftle price 1 pink ghrdjes nonlaqing pink girdles with elastic sides sizes 20 p if sale price i 89c brassierses made from figured and plain coutil long line and elastic inserts sizes 30 to 40 sale price 39c gloves chamoisette gloves womens wrist length chamoisette gloves 2 dome clasps colors grey mode beaver seal and brown in jjizes 6 to 8j among colors ieg 75p sale price gauntlet gloves fine quality charnoisete gloves with forded gauntlet puff and have strap fastening colors band and grey sizes 7 and 8 reg a 125 sale price pr 9r 59c hosiery fibre silk hose womens inedium weigh ibresilk hose hftve searq hack colors gand hiask hrawn peach and mah jon size 2 ip 19 anon cqlqri 1 damase fnt n sftle- prtge c i pair rfjt womens hose a clearaway of pure silk silkrandfibreralso over -lisle- hose plain and ribbed tops colors black brown and bamboo sizes 854 to 10 in tjie lot reg 95c cq sile price a5 y silktsose womens pure thread silk hose fine even weave colors blacc logcabiq and boo- jii reg ig0 add 15- saie price per 7q pair- f v cashmere hose womens wide rihbed cashmere -hose- also plain caahiriere with wide ribtaed topa colors blae sir brbwri- sizes y to q4 in tliejf re sale price pr j dfk childs hose 1 ribbed cotton hose in black only seconds imper fections slight sizes 5 to qyl sale price per a pair 15ic childs sox y length sox in color mix tures of black and white sand and white and brown and white x sizes wl v sale price sizes 8 to ay oq saie price ltmjc gilk ai4 lisle hose womens silk and lisle mixture- fose seconds aqd subs tan dards color mix tures black and white grey gnd wiite and gand anil white reg 59c oaj snlo price 0c 25c neckwear special collars collar and cuff sets nnd jaboti in an assortment of popular materials sale prices 39c 59c and 79c tl ryan co gufrum 4 ply wool splendid quality for knitting winter weight gar ments shown in fourteen good shades sale a price ball mmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmwk

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