fffrg a 3frrr pgjgg play the bio part when 11 lander you hoar of a friend and nro- tcmptod with nomo fact to link it whatever the thiiif you might thlnh oubtpluy tho big purt and dont think it when ybitfcd the ninp of a taunt and hnve a good chanco to ropiiy v whntevor the thing you might nay juht phty tho lljpart and dont bay it when you might bo 1ihs than your host bochuho there is no one to see it whatever tho thing you might be juat uhiy tho big part and dont be it dorothy loemlnp a heal faithcure ho was hick hopoleasly alck and his lllnesa was not tho only hopeleaa thine about him ho had fallon and his cn- fecbled will had lost power w resist tho hold of appetlto upon hint ho loft tho city whero ho had made his home arid moved his httlo family to a now place remote from thomemorlea or the pant and with the bromlso matle to his wife that with the removal he would turn over a now leaf ah hie friends hoped that it would bo as ho promised for no ono wluhed him ill but few expected him to succeed his wife trusted lilm and sho map- ped out tho way by which he might und help first of all it was import ant oho toelloved that her husband should and tho help which camo from trust in god and after that it was important that ho should and the best aurroun dings and companionships which thoir now hfo afforded- and with theao it was important that ho should nnd what temporary relicc ho could from his probably fatal illness ho trusted her and did as aho do- sired their first acquaintances in the now town were mad through the church which they besan at once to attend and with which sho proposed that they should unite for a time ho reaibted this suggestion it tn- volved a humiliating confession of nls own post it involved so much of uti- certainty for his future but alio was tactful and had proved her right tq influence her judgment by her untalt- erine love and so also had hpr way you havo done tho manly thing bald the fiaator when tho wholo story had been told will help you and there will bo ways in which you can help u do no think that you are hero only to bo helped you have loarnod i hope not to overoatimate yourstrongthitiowloarn not tounder estimate it bo stroncr in tho holp of- god in tho lovo of your truo wife and of tho friends to whom you bavo como jit was ab bravo a struggle as is often seen months went by with suc cobs apparently uncertain but the tempted man was true ho had to strubglo for daily broad for tho main tenance of a reputation as yot un sullied and for physical strength for his daily work but ho trlumphca- tho force of will win wnictl no fought temptation gave him physical vigor for the conquest of bodily weaknead ho grow stronger dally not through tho skill of mon for medlclno could do little for him it was through tho strength of god and tho influence of good friends at lobt physicians who had all along predicted his death decided that ho had so far conquer 6d hia immediate danger that with caroand a change of climate ho could enjoy some years of comparative btrongth and tho man and his family wont forth from the community where they had lived for three years went forth honored and beloved few knew tho struggle which had boon going on in the mans soul or how much ho meant when on leav ing iig testified to tho good which ho had received in his association with frionds in the church and tho com- m although btjll a fnulmanjn his bodily strongth and still aubjoct in hours of fatlguo to sore temptation he has fought and won his battle hla faith has mado him wholo the vjllaqt- doctor i stood beforo tho mound of earth the bummons camo too in to- to ao a last goodbye to his dear clay and read this tribute tohis worth hero lies a man who could forgive his heart was great his pureo was small or us ho freely gave hia all jo spent himself that wo might- live the years roll back and i again a boy am trudging through tho anow the east winds stings my steps lag slow jubt then a gruff voice calls hello get in and have a ride i go right by the schoolhouse through the glen ho takes the long route just for me i know it now and cannot say how much it helped mo on the way for many and many a bitter day we crowded in the doctora sleigh a shelter comforting as freo that day i fell and broke my arm when jim and i were in tho mow tho doctor came i see him now with kindly eyes and steady howe dont move or i may do you harm they wero his children to the end tho village folk his only itln a widobred causinhotapk in to shicluromwantshesincq liad been c his caretaker and truest friend rheiroa scarce a home in all tho glen that has not folt tho kindcaresa his presence gave to heal nnd bless with cheerful talk that none might guess how his heart nohed for our distress his like weshall not aoc ngahfi when did he rest no specters grim wero winters chill or summers heat darkness or storm wind rain or sleet nor weariness coultrbtny his feet if some poor soul had need of him thoy sa him fall but did not know and then ono day ho fell aaleep 1 rri im much liko tho old man and my thoughts get ucattcred later on im going to- try njiy hand again if 4 may yours truly another jims new phase ut mra dllllon was ono of thoao duigont mothers who nro so lax al administering deserved punlshr nt that their vory kindness becomes an ovll sho studied hooka on ohlldbc r- ing and could lecture for hours on the stages of growth through wluci a hoy passes between childhood ind manhood so every questionable 11 hh that her son jim did sho attributed to some natural phase through wllcn ho was passing and smilpdand al io wecl it to go unrebuked she would send him on an urgent er rand and when he came back only in umo ior supper hoaring signs of a long swim jn the river she- would only sigh at hib unfaithfulness but say oh hell grow out of it in a tew yearn hes just passing through a phase when sho sent him to dig a pnllof potatoes and ho stayed long enough to clean the wholo fields then brought in barely enough potatoes for dinner sho would gently inquire if he was tired and reward him with cake and promise herself that ho would have moreenergy after he had passed this phase and when ho complained that it strained him to push the lawn mower and his mother actually per toltted him to go whllo sho did the heavy work herself and did it cheer fully in hopes that as soon as ho had passed tho phaso ho would grow stronger sho never once suspected that ho was simply lazy and was wanting in a sense of duty and of interest in his home but her neighbors did besides tho symptoms of the phase wore now seen breaking out on their own boys and they decided that it wiuat bo checked one afternoon mrs dllllon attended a social to which sho had been in vited leaving jim at homo to mend a holo- in tho fence she was seaec by tho hostess in a chair near tho win dow not knowing it was the purpoue of teaching her a lesson presently a shout was heard in- tlio yard and neighbor boys could be saeh assembling the hostess had a small gymnasium in the eido yard for her ehlldron and as mrs dllllon watched tho athletic- feats of the lads sho was very sorry that herown child- could riot indulge in such rough sports be cause ho was passing through a phaso but suddenly a shout rang louder than all tho rest the weakling jim for tho horizontal bartiqok- neigliborhood news- town and country georgetown thoy v laid him hero our hoarta will keep hls memory green and none may weep for he at rest would have it so tyrant and doctor a hotheaded warmhearted phyai- cion was doctor dougal who practised in scotland in tho last part of tho eigh teenth century he was of a con tradictory nature and would not allow the unlearned to express an opinion h regard totheir- own alateof healths ono day a man in an agony of paiu camo into his drug shop and oalccd to have his tooth drawn man youre no needing a tooth out said tho doctor gao awa name and pit a poultice to it did i meet any of my old croonles at tho fair well i guess i did i thought my right hand would bo shook off i couldnt begin to tell you all i did meet but let mo tell you it put fresh vim into mo and i hopo im spared for many more fairs to renow theso old acquaintances i often hear sonxo talk of these fall fairs oeing dono away with andsomo say they are a thing of ho past but thoy arent those big fairs liko tho toronto ex hibition are all right but i can go there for a wholo day and never see a soul that i know when i go to a local fair i soo all my old frlonds and i hope they continue acton and gowgetown jrctcwoodanuerlntnil fairs as long as im spared and this years fair wad great why henry wallace had tho fastest horao there- and ud sooner see local horsci win than tho fastest horso in tho do minion run after all it doeant make much difference what tlmo the race la run in so long as it is a race well thero is another eplfltle from another youngor man again this week eo i am going to curtail my usual contribution and give way to next dear mister old man since the other young chap wroto you a letter last week i think im juat about as old as ho is and im going to knglmictrcnatj uj flat a it to the sufferer driven to desperation criod out i dinna suppose yo can draw teeth at this tho doctor selzod hla for- ceps and jumped over the counter ill draw every tooth in your head ho shouted and started in pursuit of his patient who rushod through tho market square- of keith vainly ahroik- lng for aid ho was finnlly outrun by tho doctor who got him down on hla back and triumphantly took out two of hia teeth on thoybpot the remarks of the doctor wero d- ways curt and shary and they con tained a deal of homely wisdom tvo a deal to suffer with my eon doctor said a patient better suffer with them than with out them replied tho doctor blrt nnd awfn helrt an im fnt ripc- tor said another can ye do jiea- thing fbrt wool wcel lassie said he its nne muckle o tt held but yoll liao to be doingwif fbr its just a yo hmo fort yo ken doctor said a talkative wire la thero anything wrong with my tongue it feels sore jubt needing a rest replied tho doctor soothingly sprang ed ono leg over it and went whirling round and round as fast as a top emitting all the whllo ji most terrific yellr as he dropped tothe ground and turned somersaults forward and back ward and walked on his hands in a moro sprightly manner than the mother had ever seen him walk on hla feot then without a pause he seized another boy of his own slzo and flung him to tho ground and rising ho rolled up his sleeves and challenged all comers the hostess stepped to tho door and requested her sons to desist from their play for a whllo until they weeded the garden oh lets help cried jirai bright ly and the whole bond was off at a run in a quarterhour they were again heard at tho door got it done jim announced is there anything else wo can do sho said thoy might go back to their play whqop cried jim jlots go swimming jlm at homo when his mother arrived that evening but his task was untouched nnd ho complained of be ing tired mrs dllllon- brought out the lawn- mower and pointed to tho long grass- its an hour till supper- time i guess you can finish beforo then if not you can take a turn before breakfast inlho n3orn4ngv jims fa co clouded he began to pout but mother im so tlrod and ho added with a deep deep sigh i dont know whats the matter with gucsatmutictasblnffnhrotjghr a phase i know you are said the mother quietly as sho reached for a newly- cut hickory stick of healthy sizo you wont bo long im going to holp you to got through h quick miv mid mrs harry elliott nnd daughter margaret of toronto were woekond visitors at mr and mrs j j thompsona eaquefjhfgj mrs e3 ctfloman had her hand nev- eiuly lacerated when it got caught jn the wahliing wringer at tho armenian farm lust tuesday tho pulntincoflthc fire hydrants red and white by the firemen was a good act and tlie brigade is deserving of tlui tliankii of our citizens at tho council meeting last mon day col g o brown was appointed township clcrk to fill the vacancy caused ry tho death of tho late j a tracy mr ftlchard partridge superinten dent of tho hultonpcot old peoples hume vloh a culler in town last thurs day mr arid mrsl john ballantlno sr spent a fow days last week at graven- hurst nnd on tho muakolca lakes mrl and mrs samuel kirk attended london fair lastweek where mr kirk wasjudeo of the floral displays this is three years in succesalonmr kirk has teen accorded tho honor by tho western fair directorate- tho members of the firo brigade enjoyed a corn ronst in the park last friday evening mr and mrs frank wallace of north tonawandh n y spent tho weokonci with dr nnd miss mccoll dr and mrs mcnichoi of toronto wero guests of mr and mrs g c campbell over the weekend mr kenneth weston has returned homo after spending a few days with fsjendn in toronto at a meeting of st georges wo mens auxiliary it being tho 85th birthday of the beloved president mrs s beaumont a bouquet of howers was prespnted to her on behalf of the aux iliary by the secretary mrs roe thero were largo gatherings at both tho morning and evening services nt st georges church last sunday on the occasion of tho annual harvest fostlvakwherald weekly fashion hint the point of view miigiiiliccnco may signify one thing to one person and quite another tiling to another person it he rolated that a gentleman went to u dentist and asked him to take a look at his ttcth tho dentist did so and soemed full of admiration what do yim tliink of them uslcol the patient magnificent magnificent was all the dentist could say then you dont find anything to do to them nothing to do to them why there are four to be pulled slx to be flltcd nnd three to ho crowned said the dentist sentence sermons milton air and mrs gardner of winnipeg and mrs kennedy of barrie visited miss hunter last week oakvlilo band gave a concert in vic toria lark last sunday of good music tho day- was beautiful and thero was a largo attendance from the town and neighborhood in tho hamujon and district tennis tournament hex humo won 4 events 4uid will- playt he final games saturn day afternoon mr- w a shields of blind river is in town to remain until affer tho fair rev mr andrews- rector of st gobrfiizs chuihtlwvhi6and str johns church nassagaweya is stiilin muskoka he is recovering from his lllnesa and hopes to resume his duties soon polico magistrate shloldo of oak- vllle was in milton to try an automo bile case on monday william mckay georgetown was charged with reck- ichs driving on the information of pro vincial constable atkins mckay mado good damages done to tho car of a glonwilliarns man and paid tho costs tho conutable then withdrow tlio olmrgcc hamp ion mr j p bartlcman of tlmnilns spent the weekend at tho home of his fatherinlaw g a hemstreet whllo- working on the ro6t fiftho barn last week harry butterfleld a hired man at w j littles farm i euquealng township fell- to tlio ground breaking hjis rlghtlog and sus taining internal injuries il mr and mrs ed mcjannctt and two sons and jack mc jan net of woodstock nnd mrs george allberry of toronto spent sunday at tho home of their father robert mcjannctt the corn roast at mr w j marks near jill ton lust monday night was attended by about fifty people moat of whom wero members of tho young people league of st pauls united church k vory enjoyable time was spent by all prespnt waio mltohnll 8yontjjjjifignof the jumper skirt the woman who is original will welcome the suggestion offered in this jumper skirt because it is an entirely different version of the models usually seen it lends itself to development in the smartest materials of the sea son and is typical of paris when carried out in navy blue taffeta with the blouse in gray or beige georgette medium size requires 3 yards 36inch material for the skirt and 2j yards 36jnch crepe for the blouse not so mad as he seemed a htory not merely amusing but absolutely true is told by sir wcaiyss reid in the nineteenth century it relates to an incident observed by a distinguished public man who has risen high in tho service of the state on the day on which ho flrat entered a certain british government ofluo as a junior clork he was a witness of a scene which filled him with anuxzement an elderly man who was neatcd at another desk in the same room sud denly rose from his seat dragged hla chair to tho ilrcpmee and seizing the poker attacked the offending pleco of furniture with what seemed to bo a maniacal fury when ho had broken a log off tho chair his passion scorned to ho ex- hausted he flung tho damaged chair fntoorner of the mom and got tins another chair calmly resumed his work as if nothing hadi happened tho junior clerk on leaving his work ihat aftern ventured with the hesitation of a novrco7toalik clerk who had been a witness of the scene what it meant is mr x sub ject to attacks of thlsklnd he aaked mr x was the response thero was nothing the matter with him you see ono of the castors had como off his chair and- the treasury wont replace casters they will repair noth ing less seripus than a- broken leff so he broke ono of the legs and now he will get the caster put on again the better deed a boys diary tvo been thinking about the baao bail team tho picture of which hanga in sandy mcleans barber ahop yet and tho other day when i waa getting a hair cut etc and sandy wasnt in a talkative mood i got thinking about it and somo of tho games that team used to play tommy darcli was the catcher and funny green tho pitcher or if gait or kltchoner played it was sometimes a strange battery murray played first base and eddlo ryder was on tho second sack dave bcatty was the shortstop and wally playea third base the outfield usedto shift around some but generally skinny muc was in left field and sid oram in right held arid tlffy wilds was on third or in centre if i remember right of course there wasnt any nlcklo ahow then and the dances werent ao often and there wasnt much elao finding a victim when a crowd of boys in a b oar din g- houso have settled on some mliichicf by common consent and have been de tected and ordered to bring forward the ringleader to be punished thero is often great difference of opinion na to who tho ringleader really is tho boys of winchester college in eng land havo hit upon a achemo for set tling tho matter says a master of tho school the rev g m a hewett when tho mdifef dumflmia a victim ns a sacrifice of atonement for break ing tho rules the boys get all together and oacli puts twopence into a hat then each boys namo la written on a slip und lots aro drawn- the one who ia chosen to be the victim takes the collection in the hat nnd delivers him self over to the master as ringleader then when ho has been sufficiently punished ho goes downtown and corr- soles himself with i co- cream bought by tho common fund why tigers are striped going on and it wasnt so blamed hard to get tlm to practise and the games on saturday were the event of tho vholo week geo but there wore some tight ones gait wiih tho worst and tho score was never very high gener ally alout 21 or 10 those wero the games and crowds why overybody in town turned out to those gamea and excitomont why tho election wna a tamo affair to those gamcti but speaking of elections reminds mo there is ono coming on now and it makes me thing of the ones not so many years ago therell novor bo an olectlon with the same interest in it to mo as tho ones in which hon rjavid hendoraon ran those wero the ones with the local interest it didnt matter who wan premier it dldnl matter who elso got in so long as david henderson won and those election nights tho band camo out and jt wasnt very hard to coax john hill to como out anyway thon there was the uaunl serenade uround at mr hender sons residence and tho band usually went in whether mr hendoraon ai home or not and wero treated to lunch and a donation to help the banl along and then hendersons store yard was emptied of packing boxes and conl oil was supplied liberally und a waggon was taken from the handlcut placo and a huge bonfire kindled cobblo hill or in tlio centre of the roa1 on mill nnd main streets there wai not much car traffic thon and it didnt hurt to atop tho street at any place well tho war dnnco and fun gener ally kept up until about ten or eleven oclock nttflthtjtf mosticople went to their homes content with the rcntilt and found out next morning tho other results of tho election in othor places but art i snld at tho start i dont sup pose therell ever be tho same interest fllnce tho men that nro running dont bolong to acton but the old pep coma to hang out and likely tho band a mother describes in tho interior how sho came to look upon tho rubbish in her boys drawer ap his unwritten diary and tho basis of his autobiog raphy she said to him ono day my son your bureau drawer is full of rubbish- you hod better ciean it out yes that would bo his great delight ao wo began this horseshoe- ia of no use i oh yea it is i found it under mf grandfathers corncrib nnd ho let me havo it these- clamshells youd bettor break up for tho hens a why mamma i got them at the beach you know last summer and this faded ribbon burn it up oh no that was our class badge for tho lost day of school and i want to keep it here is that old tin flute yet why do you heap up such trash that ia a niceflute that willie gave mo two years ago at christmas dld- n wo have a fine time on that christ mas day nvei hthisbo ttterispoodf ornot h george mitchell of trafalgar town ship slipped and foil under a truck on tho dundns street highway last week iml had his loft leg brpkpn at tho thigh when the rear wheel paaspd ed over it an afternoon tea and sale of home- mado baiting was held at tho gordon home laat saturday at 3 oclock tho john wilton chapter i o d e held it in aid of tho canadian national in stitute for tho blind reformer ipetr- oh yes it is that is the bottle i used for a bobber when we went fish ing at greens lake a black basa pulled the bottlo away mjder waterl thon tho mother thought that to dostroy theso historical relics would bo to obliterate pleasant memories a blessing thinly disguised teacher now suppose i am leav ing the school and a trian comoatup to mo and gives mo a blow which knocks me down and my heads strikes tho pavement with great forco and i am killed what is tho uoiiuoquonco pause finally a scholar rises and says we should have a holiday poultry erin mr and mrs j h ramesbottom of walkerkyntnreroitlngmwuhrtjuvfaravv crfl parerits hero air arid mrs william selfreid and family and mrs a mceachern of palmerhton spent sunday with mr nnd mra h lyons y j mrs r t elglo ylbited with st catherines frlonds on suntfuy her mother jvlrs clayton returning hojnc with her messra thomas salmon and leon ard short havo left for toronto where thoy are attending the normal school mr rex scott and miss olive robin son of toronto spent sunday- with the formers parents mr and mrs g t scott s r mr and mrs- john hurd and messrs clarence and morton of calodon east violted dr and mrs shortlast week master wilson awrcy has returned home after six weeks visit in stoney greek ho was a colonel of tho old school says the new york times and al though suffering from chronic financial embarrassment he could always find tho proverbial friend hi need meeting an blq comrade ono day ho asked for the loan of 6 i ahall need it for a short time only a tradoa- man has gown rather insifitent he said- his friend had not 5 in change but gladly pressed a 10 upon him tho colonel expressed hin thanks then asked and how is your charm ing wife today not at all well i am sony to bay was the answer and no appetite ill venture per haps somo of these hothouse grapes may tempt her whereupon tie stopped at a nenrby stand purchased a basket of rare fruit the man of leisure is frequently tho man who has no time to spare for community ufo faces more dangerous days than the niun who must work must he always on his guard against fatty degenerntlonsr of tho soul is never happy because ho does not have to work will always- llnd that killing jfii brutalizes tho murderer misses tho thrill of a mighty en deavor bonds stocks and grain private wires to new ybrk chicago winnipeg and toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j hannigan phon s74 guelph sure of himself most men are quite eutivinced that in wnoiiieitt of sudden daiikervueh a- ham lately demoralized koiiic friend they should bo perfectly cool and de liberate somo wouldilxv but that this- in not at nil truo tho following inci dent bears witness there is in chicago a business man who above all things prldon himself on being levelheaded ho makes it a point never to go off at half under any circumstances his otllce is in tho top story of a rather tau building and when one afternoon tho jllarm of fire was given he felt in- stantly and naturally quite uncomfort able ills first thought was that tho oluce books must bo carefully locked in the safe but just then a number of people rushed through the entry pant his door and tho methodical man had a confused impression of having sought in vain for tho books for a long time tho smoke was rising alowly through tho elevator well as he dashed into tho hall and down tho stairs at the foot ho met his partner its allout said the partner where aro the books i looked every whore- for them said the methodical man but they werent to be found they went back to hla prlvato offlce and there the books were lying open on hla desk strangely the- methodical man never fully understood how it happened a model collection letter um f ry is dog witttl rub into doxaewt to kill i and vermin n erery gag wk out qoes all rheumatic poison rheuma acta on kidneys liver nd bladder tho very first day it is rumored that certain young lady kneads- bread with gloves on thin incident may bo peculiar butj there are others we need bread with our shoes on we need bread with our pants on and unless we get a few of our out standing accounts on our books wo will soon need bread without a thing on and this town will bo a garden of eden if collections dont improve you dan do much to prevent thia please send us your check to hal- anco your account thanks get a bottle of rheuma today and wear a satisfied smile on your face to morrow its a remedy that is astonishing the whole country and its just ns good for gout sciatica lumbago and kidney misery as for rheumatism it drives tho poisonous wasto from the joints and muscles thats tho sec ret of rheumas success but we dont ask you to take our word for it go to e j harsard or any good druggist and get a bottle of rheuma today if it doesnt do as we promise get your money back it will bo thero waiting for you subscriptions for all maga zines taken at the free press office answer win 1000 the mail aiulempirest- word picture puzzle game paid tho sthe dealer asked from his newly acquired 10 and walked jauntily to the guto of hla friends home carrying tho basket so healthy at an examination a boy wan asked to state why a tiger is strippd and ho wrote it is atrlpcd because it makes it bailor for circus proprietors if a tiger escapee from a circus it la easier to find him than ifhe had no stripes ho will hot go far without someone will be out nnd evorybody will work up noticing thar no ia not a horror a sonio excitement when tho tlmo cpiurn dog on account of his strlpca and call- nearer j ing up and asking the circus peopio if thia isnt tho kind of a letter i starttho nojtio ono tf lihcomo a cen they have loat a tiger od out to wrlto at all but i suqss tcnarjac her in a ktlo whil a couple of sailor got into a discus sion as to what kind of an animal a heifer was one sail or claimed thnt the heifer belonged to tho pig family the other that it was a variety ot a sheep finally they went to the cobk dan wotua heifer la jt a pig or is it a sheop they asked- dan paused reflectively then lie said to fell you tho truth mates i dont know much about poultry one needing sympathy airs goodsolo why johnny nro you just going home now youre mothers been looking for you all the afternoon johnny yesm i know mrs goodsor just think how worried sho must be johnny oh shes near tho end o hor worryn im jubt beginnln mine i ask- and is tho air hcalfhy hero ed ft vhltor tc- excoilont air ejprent assured mrs nina pryor of philadelphia is visiting her nephew and niece mr and mra wilson awroy of maple lodge hljlflburff- tho annual school fair l erin township wifi hold fn hlllsburg on saturday september 2fi rev and mrs hiltz and son leo of toronto visited with mr and mrs george rnmsden on saturday last miss bertha hamilton of wood- brldgc npent tho weekend with her parents mr and mrs jas hamilton mr and mrs william graham mr r d graham and mr and mrs w graham and master george motored and spent last sunday with mr and mta william graham jr nt allan- mp 5mcj rcnnle the popular teller of tbp uipn njy the royal bank of hillaburp hue been moved to hunts- vllle wherjj ho booomch teller mrs c weddol visited with mr and mm c watson in cookstown a few dayu latjt week at a largely attended meeting of tho bethel and hlllsburg congregations of the rreshyterlan church a call was oxtnndeil to the rev mr reid iof rutherfojcl ontario itov mifl mr- filer of palermo aro visiting with mrs n leitch and other friends mr and mrs s hendersohand three children of toronto spent sunday with mr and mrs george itamcshot- tom mr nndmjchvqeorge cook were sun day y with st catherines frlonds mr and mrs w graham and little daughter of allandnle nro visiting tho formers pnonts here rev mitchell of guelph occupied the pulplth of the presbyterian church at illllsburg on sunday advocate he knew tho inspector wns taking a class in reading on coming to tho word re sponsibility ht stopped and asked the meaning of jt- no nno seemed ready to answer at hint ono ljule boy held up his hand well said the inspector- what does responsibility mean well sir i have two buttons ut the backnf my troucrndifnpcaxnc off all the responsibility woulctt ho on tho other one bobbed heads may be washed ifo cosy to was opd dry the bobbed bcacjs a free atller qf babys own soap in a basiuqf hot water iaa eimplennd iner pensive shampoo ami the linger- ine fragrance na of rosea in the hniria very appealing babys own soap is sold in- individual cartons joc bvery where e f jn o too xro cheaper needs a sink why getalona without kitchen link any longer here m new sup ermmid wr sink the very lateft mado of ruatresliting arraco iron with tbrto coat of pureat white enamel itme aa on bath tnbe slxe 20 x 30- x 6 deep with 12 btck complete with atralner bracket all fittings and directions for mtung up jprico complete 1200 the smp enwjeled drain board icbwn vbove ia made to nt tho bmp enameled ware sink or all standard alnks sirt 20x14 baa tho ame material and enamel aa bmp sinks and la complete with brackets and flttioaa for setting up a great labor mkt price complete 600 foraalo hy plumbers and hardware stores throohout the country or write r shect mtftal rftoducts cotsst hownrlal toronto wtnnipio cdmomtom vamcouwsa catcarv how many objects beginning with the jj itteitcatiinrknmistiiffi iioreh a plctiro 1iuzlo wlilch contains a nnmbor of ohjcts beginning with lli- letter just toko a eoa look nt tlw lilolnrc tliere aro oil sorbjof uuiih that bcrln vtilh ue letter t like train trap top turtle etc and all the other objects are equally clear see bow tunny you can find thin is not o trick puzzlo nothing is hidden and yon dont hare to turn the picture upsidedown or ktdowayh fifty cash prlxc1 vrill bo riven for the 50 best ilsta ofwonls snbmltteil lu answer to this pude tho aniiwer having tho largest and nearest correct list of llsjble objects shown in tho plui that start with the letter t will bo awarded first prlio sccoml best second prlzo etc try this fun game win 1000 voa can help enjorjnrthls new ftctar rasx jeta i join in nil have p jolly wm1 tlror ko ronttrr what iwr a ia or li you hkfi lo tolri pussies try your hand at fhla bn- a pame at all for oil thrtbjrtmlave boen maflo prf ocuy plain with no attempt to dlsxulnc or hldn them none aro ao amajl but the poorest rlht can sot in mix fit a pencil and paper and aeo now many tvordji you can find joeant make any dlfferarice nbetlifr you are six or sixty yeaxa old here is a eliane to study and brush up little it is intereatlnr educational and fasrlnntlnir notklna hard just different yes all join in old folks middl arn and yoanar folka see who can find tlio most twoixls yoati hstti bar rels of fun finding twords chomlulry profeenor what can you toll me about nitratca student well or theyro a lot cheaper uutn day ratou all linem of m p carried by james symen hardware mlfl street aolfl awpljs cahpdiol won ljooo dollars i in prlsea z recent ltixile flaaes mra ann campbell forest nt 1000 mlna 1ocy 1restln gait onl wan f 1000 iter tneo tsler w1mburont won 1000 mra hosoaa rattlmoro athyss out waa another wlnnar of f 100 anfl mrs jo doyle marmora out aao won 100 mr i m carmjchael wellaad ont won fsoo and mra entn moore chesley ont also won 506 jlrs r h morphyvalkrlll ont- and mr clarence l merrick alluton ont each wen moo white mro u krt mrs j v maomlllan ottawa ont and mrs leorse macintosh monklands ont each won 900 and now heres your opportunity a51 observe these easy rules 1 any man woman or child who uvea in canada and la not a resident of toronto and who in not in tho employ of tho mall and kmplre may submit an answer r prise winners in former picture cftaxlea ooodncted by the mall and rwlre wmmnr zoojo0or tore are not eltsiue to pmtlcipate in this puxxle j all anawtrn must bo mallad by october 17th ims and addfessmd to c a uontkomery pnnlc mansgsr mall and empire i all llsta of names should bo written on one dido of tho paper only and numbered consecutively 1 t j otc write your full namo and address in tho upper rlaht hand corner if you desire to wrlto anytlilnjr else tiso a separate sheet 6 only aruoh words aa appear in websters dictionary will be counted do not use hyphenated oompound or obsolete words where the plural is uned the smgqlar cannot be count ed and vice versa 8 words of tho same npellinc can bo used only one evon thoush used to deslrnate different objects or aruoiea an ob ject or article can bo named only onoo 7 the anjrtrer bavins tho largest and nearest correct list of names of visible objects in the picture that bee in ytlth the isttor x will be awarded first prise etc neatness l or handwrltins have nobearlns upon decidlnk thqwlnaers 8 anv number of peopio may cooperate in answorlas the pussle but only one prlso will bo awarded to any one house hold nor will prlxea be awarded to more than ono of any group where two or moro havo boea working totethar v in the erent of o pa for any prise offered the full amount of such prise will be awarded io each tied participant 10 subscript iocs both new and ranawml payable- in ad- vmilo of 600 per year by mall- or goo par year delivered by carrier boy tn llnmllton will bo accepted 11 all answers will recelvolthe same connlderatlon reft-ard- la at whother br not a subscription to the mall and umpire is sent in is three prominent toronto cutsoos having no connection with the mall and empire will be solected to act aa jujjce to decide the winners and participants by sondlnft- in thslr answers arree to accept the decision of the judsea as final and conclusive the judpea will meet on october 27th and announce ment of the prise winners and correct list of words will be published in the mall and umpire aa quickly thereafter aa it is possible at any rate not later than three weeks the pri25e list winning answers will recclvo the fifty raflujprlics according to tho tabic below let imio 2ndrrlm 3rd vlim 4th prlzo su 1t1m ui jpriio -h-ruo- 8th prize oth prlzo loth prize ixthtozoth puxnincj 31st to 50th prtica incl tn tlio event of a tlo or nnyprizo bftcrcd f ajnnoiit o such prfcto will bo paid to eacli tied participant youcanwin1000 the t word picture pussl game is a campaign to increase the popularity of- the mali and rmptre it coats nothtns to take part nnd you do not have to aondl in a slnrle subsrlpllon to win a prlxn if v llat or t words is awinj llrst trlag u judsa you will win j0 but if ou wiiaja like to ret more than ho wo are maklnsj the following special offer wheraby you can win uucer coh priaos by knedlnk 0nb or two yearly subscriptions to the mali and empire uo uaii nnu rnipii ul by carrier iwy in llanll- instead ef 40 recqah boo ku m forth imiti rise lbl x subscription rates payable in advance the mall and kaaplre anywhere in canada by mall 9so0- per year delivered by oarriar boy tn 11am- uud 0 per year tjrrk8 howif your nrutwrr to the t word picture lusxle wins first prise und you have nnt in one yearly nobarrlptlon to the mall nnd kmtur- ut 9500by null orsoo delivered by carrier iwy in llunil tan yoa will receive 30000 f prts xs0ao third prlsewoc second eohtmn of flanrcs in prist vm mot lrlse and you have sent h two yearly subicrlpclom riii mall and km- dlljv subscriptions you will rrcriie j in place of wo wwnd prise 1ooi tblru prise jjoo and so forth see third column of isurra in prlae list r iant that a liberal offert- lint look wo will rive utra mounts on nil prises in the same manner f your answer is qualified by two yearly sumrrlp- llona and you win fourth ihc you will receive loo and tn on down tlie prlso hat tour own subscription will count or imilincrlit inns to start at annie future datn jini wr on tho irilt when you want the paper ntartrt niitl it wth start promptly on that date mint thin nffer uppilos in itintaii itnitxi i- rona aa well ns suimh1kth uvlnc in cities uru towrw it you nrc alnady receiving tin midi and empire your kulimhptlon will ho cxtctulcil from itfl prewni expiration large copy of puzzle picture sent free on request alliikh votu ankwbuh to o a mokkiomiirt the maii p k empire rintsuj iiansiari icrr nm