Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 8, 1925, p. 3

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r slf ikrton 3to fflrggii jhuiibday october h lt2 everychilo livery chilil lookq at uu inquiringly frcia tlio otroeto from the many wlndowa from orphan and foundling aoylums lvo t factories froni tho atiuulid hoineu and from tho homoleaa jilacou frjin ilie winduyvi of tho achoola he looks at uh inquiringly ho trio futuio of tho nice he looka ut us unci through uu and fur away t into tho distant futtltfb and soniotlmcu in his ec tnoro la hqjo and cheer and sometimes nuffeilng and aoriow and sometimes lcproach anil sometimes despair w had best slop and look ut isvcry- crilld he la not for tho mother ulone frederick peterson the acton overseas as portrayod by nowsy littla itoms from tho acton england express and gsxotts it is hoped with tho assistance of the london dlocoaau fund to ap point a woman worker for tho parloli of su albano georgo k rae of jtumaoyroad acton was lined 40a at acton polled court on wednesday tor falling to notify the sale of a motor cycle hobert q bull a greengrocer of vajottar6ad acton vole was fined 6s and coats ot acton pollco court on wednesday for working a lame hoxeo tlio appearance o a handsomo cab aroused some interest in acton on wednesday morning tradesmen com ing to their ehop doors to watch its progress up tho street gudhersby park ia being kept in perfect ordor during the period of un certainty as to its future- the gar dens which ore well stocked with autumn flowers look very charming jfuaaea jupp ot mar dale- street shep- hexds bush was flnpd 5s at acton police court on wednesday for rid ins a cycle on highstreet acton to the common danger and gs for not bav ins lights the late mr wiulam nelson stevens of heath field lodge cunnorabylane acton billiard table manufacturer left estate of the gross value of 11383 net personalty 11690 inspector mac acton police is en joying a holiday wl some of his old railway friends near ledbury herefordshire he hopes to return to duty at the end of next weeje the mayor of aeton aid miss smco has accepted an invitation to bo present on october 22 at tho col chester oyster feast tho chief guests ut which will bo the prime minister and mrs baldwin 3irb d storey who was a tempor ixry assistant solicitor on the staff of the middlesex county council from october 19j to january 1924 baa been appointed assistant solicitor to tho went hartlepool corporation ilie london cooperative society limited has had a particularly good half year of trade the sales for the year which ended on the gth insl arc 670000 rnoro than for the some period last year and the members are looking forivard to tho dividend declaration which may be expected early in octo ber- v a summons against stanley searlo of churchrood acton for driving a rnolor car without being licensed was dismissed on payment of tho costs at acton police court yesterday ralph go lutein of churchroad acton was fined 1 for aiding and abetting tho searle boys father said that his boy had no idea how to drive a car the acton evening intermediate school priory school actonlane will reopen on monday the 28th inst and the head teacher and members of the staff wlfl be in attendance on the 23rd 24th and 25th inst from 7 to 9 p m for the purpose of enrolling and ad vising students as to their course of instruction what is success formed tho sub ject of an address given by mr ed ward smallwood president of the lon don brotherhood federation at the acton brotherhood meeting on sunday mr- w j boissonnade was the chair man and miss qwen plaskett sang throd aoloa next sunday the acton male choir will occupy the platform ladles are always welcome tomorrow tho acton fire brigade will hold its annual competition for the boauchamp livesaving cup which la awarded to best best amongst teauns of three the oneman pom pier- ladder drill competition will also talco place during the afternoon the competitions will bo held in tho flro station yard where the brigade wju be glad to wclcomeo frien inter ested in tev events after spending an enjoyable holiday in switzerland tho rev dr townley lord resumed his ministry on sunday at the acton baptist church where he preached to large congregations at the morning and evening services the day was tho fifth anniversary of his ministry at ac tori and in tho course of hia sermons ir townley lord upoke of his happy experiences in acton nnd of tho high hopes with which ho entered on his sixth year in tho church mistaken there had been rather a bad run- avay accident in the mountain town several persons had been injured and the doctor was miles away but as good luck would have it a clever young medical student happened to be on tho ground and did excellent service when tho doctor came there was nothing to do but he stoned with great interest to his young colleagues exposition of the cases they talked for a- long time on the hotel plasxa the farmer who had been driving the horses and was himself unhurt list ened with eager interest to explana tions wherein scapula humerus and chwjcle played a prominent part finally ho took up tho reins sadly and drove home tohis wife ah soon as ho entered the yard she threw aer apron over hor head and hurried to meet him jephraim says some o the folks was hurt she called how much vrsss ttt did they break their legs or the arms which tho farmer drew in his now paclnad steeds nt the post and let the rains slacken in ills grasp well said he reflectively leaning forward both elbows on his knees 1 thought ono of them broke his collar bone one his leg an so on but i guess j didnt guess it right i stood by while the doctors were talkln ont over an peared tp me as after all twku only some o them latin portal hvs2s i hitching posts i often think of hitching posts- those things of long ago i sometimes see thoir iron ghosts beside tho traffics flow a horaehead on an iron bar a ring from oyo to eye i wonder where the children are who used to play near by yes even in tho towns heart a post or two youll boo where years ago tho butchers cart all morning used to he where years ago a driver gay called gee and haw and whoa i wonder where he is today that lad of long ago i lovo to think of hitching posts and some of wood wero made but time has trampled on their hosts alas long alnco decayed all bitten at tho top thoy stood i wonder what became of all the boys who marked tho wood with letters of their name did some rise up to glorys seat and some to shamo go down fc thoso boys who carved with letters neat tho hitching posts of town a barefoot freckled lad i know whose knife was busy there wherodld his happy laughter go iftt hoofb d idhowco ah hitchings posts of days gone by methlnks amid the strife wo need you still where wo may tie tho chariots of our life that when our words would madly dart to injure fellow men you may fulfill your ancient part and triumph once again z the mlmico philosopher a liberal view it is wellknown fact that parents occasionally get from their offspring food for consideration even sugges tion for tho revision of pet delusions mrs brocket hnd issued orders to reginald that he must not under any circumstances go over again to piny with the martin boys lest ho bo cor rupted aw mamma pro tea ted reginald i uko cm an i dont learn anything bad from well j have told you not tp play with the martin boys i wont have you with them i dont believe they are gopd boys nowr see here momma cried tho j youngster wfth noblccandort mebby i aint tfd awful gwd mjwtm j these letters the young old men have been writing have set mo a- thlnking and if you will hie back with mo to a few years ago you will re member whon i started this column i wroto mostly on the things that might be done around town for actons improvement then i just drifted into history like most old men and eonn some young ones too well to make a long story short there wasnt any letter from a young mun thl week so i thought i would get another one of those articles oft my chest in the lull and beforo i got back to actons history ive had many of these ideas in my ml net but when tho young old man wrote a couple of weeks ago there was one thing i wanted to ask him ho spoke about the band and those oldtime callthumplnn parades i guess he is not living in acton now and i also guess he wasnt nt tho celebration a couple of years ago whon acton celobrated her fiftieth birthday or if ho had been his recollections of tho present band would come up to thpsje of the past and since he wasnt here i just want to tell him we have just as fine a band now aq in the palmy days ho speaks about and if he doesnt believe me ho can ask john hill nelson moore georgo agnew or jim smith or any of the ones he speaks about who are still playing in the band today and for a callthumplan parade well x re- mombcr quite woll the ones he speaks about with the dray fixed up for a portable band stand but they werent in it with the parade of a couple of years ago i tell you mr young man its time you were taking a trip home again when thebanas in action under the baton of amos mason whos tha bandmaster now if you think they have to take a back scat to any or ganization of past history but this isnt what i started out to do what i had in mind- was tha proposata year ing tho old henderson pond property and making an uptown park you know i thought at the time it would bo a fino thing but sinco then ive been wondering and thinking that our own prospect park isnt so far from up town but it needs some changes and the council seems inclined this year to improve it a little to wit the shingling of the grandstand and the whti feheetjttbout the pound lot to re place the old one fallen down wcjl why couldnt tho money bo taken that- would be used to purchase the uptown park and bo spent to im prove tho ono wo have and make it suitable for tho purposes that th up- town park would serve when i went down to the fair a couple of weeks ago and entered by knox avenue tho idea struck me what a beautiful entrance could be made if tho entrance to tho park wero placed in a semicircle at tho junction of knox avenue and park avcnup why say it could be juut as big an entrance as they have at toronto exhibition if they wanted to but of course we would have to keep within our reason and our purs es and then there could be i place set jisklolora jieautyfliiql jinltho jiow band stand could bo erected thorp and oh therein so much possibility of a hundred and ono improvements tho more i think about it tho more convinced i am of what could be ac compllshed but how la it going to be done who i3 going toinltiato it it hardly fair to expeei the council to share the whole burden but they should hvft reprobpntatlpn ahhls is town property i thlhk i could make a huegestiun nnd oven if it is from an old man it might bo all right for a nturt a park committee might be formed of two of tho councillors and two from each organization interested in endeavors of this description in acton including tho womens institute daughters of the empire jubileo committee tho band tho horticultural society tho fall pair board the chamber of com- morcectc i believe it could ho dona with a committee uh suggested and i believe some great things could bo done lets seo anyway and ns im an old mnn please dont wait too long an i x would uko to see it iftavo another item or two i would like to write about but they can wait until a later date and ono thing nt a tlmo is good policy anyway weekly fashion hiijt business and politics crep and velvet an afternoon frock of simple charm is this model in dotted crepe de chine trimmed with velvet the kimono sleeves formed by the length ened slioulderlinc have deep sections mac of plain chiffon for long sleeves have firmly established themselves in smart favor the front of the dress is gathered on either side and the neck finished with a narrow selffold medium size requires about h4 yard of 54mch silk and 1 yard velvet ribjjpn women critics of women womens at beat a contradiction still such was the opinion of a poet whose crooked baclt and sharp tongue made him no favorite with tho ladles but the sox sometimes justifies pope by the way it tolazona it own failings women writers short of copy turn lnstlnctly to tho weaknesses of wo men recentmontha have been especially prolific of sermons by women on wo men the would bo reformers cover a wldo field with tliolr strictures to day thoy accuse woman of lacking in to rjtjrjjmwujiffahjj of taking interest in public affairs to the neglect of her home ono critic finds her stingy of tips another de plores her extravasance in gifts she does not put on her clothes to good advantage or aho spends too much thought money and time on her clothes on tho ono hand she sweeps tho street with her skirts on the other she wears her golf gown too short foj modesty sometimes she is accused of having no capacity of being a good fellow with huabaoid or brother and again she is developing a tasto for gambling and smoking evidently these conclusions cannot all bo correct euilpldes said wo man is womans natural ally but modern conditions have mado hero a womans natural critic if men be lieved all that women iald about ono another tho rnirrlagc ratojyould decline fortunately they take these feminine strictures with a grain of salt and moreover tho man masculine de finitely prefers a creature not loo bright or pood for human nntures dally food in deep an american who had been travelling in england dined wuh am english friend on tho eve of sailing from liverpool the englishman had boon in america and tdldmany largo stories of his adventures finally after he had related a wonderful story about the mud in washington the american decided to retort in kind you make mo think ho said of an adventure i had in london the mud thero was somothlng worso than i had ever seen before it got me into difficulties with an old chap too nonsensol said the englishman some jot the streets are a bit greasy at times of the year i admit but they are not as bad as you seo in america well heros the story said tho other you can judge for yourself i was walking alone tho sidowalk j had noticed that tho mud was pretty deep but i hadnt thought much about it until suddenly i saw a silk hat ap parently floating along in a puddle thinking to do aomo ono a favor i reached out with my cane and tried to haul it ashore hut to my amaze ment an old gentleman looked up from beneath it mad clear through hello said i vouro in pretty deep im in deeper than you think he replied im on top of an omnibus 8omethin0 appropriate rt a boy of flfteonlhjnkb ho in too old to run errands but after he ia twenty- vfcana married he begins again at- mtfn oldlm the washington star does not give a detailed description of tho old mans mule nor is it necessary i reckon said thti old colored man 4at i better c him go tho nnraeo dat mule it doesnt make much dlffitrenoo what you call it does it no but i likes ter hab it some- thln appropriate dltt you cber heah tell bout aukumatanccs ober which you hab no control yes well dats what iso gwlnetcr call him sukurnstancca bonds stocks and grain private wires to haw york chicafo winnipeg jiml toronto 1st mortgage real estate bonds t j hanhigan s74 quelph is your child thin and weak cod jivor extract in 8ufjar coated tablets puts on flesh and builds them up it is not iurpii lng th it tho aei ago peiaon it sometimes hewtldeied it the titiange inktui o of rtpe ds and complaint uhlch ailfuy itgtmliiig thg rolatlon of bu sines nnd politico if public affairs wore onlv run on buui- noualllco principles cries one if business men would only take rnoi o in torest in polities then another one spunks up- tiuslnesu and politics should bo dlvpiced tho business in terests should have no volco in legis lation somewhere in the confession lies the truth all must admit that tho busi ness of a community oi of tho countiy as a whole is inevitably affected for good or ill by the politics which elect monjto ofllco nnd frames the laws the general prosperity the public welfare depends upon the condition of bjbl- ness so in one bonne politics and business cannot be kept distinct nnd business men and great business in terests nto justified ion the broadest grounds in taking part in practical pol itics and in carefully watching all im portant legislation the evil f couiae lies in impiopcr efforts to influenco legislation and tho owlldocr is tho man whether ho be a business man or not who makes a business of politics for ills own selfish ends when an instanco arises in which tho evil becomes notorious or in which tho wrong dono is flagrant and farreaching there is ample justi fication in tho demand for reform but those who urgo reform in such cases are not justified in wholesale condemnation of sweeping generation and since any serious political dis turbance unsettles business conditions and consequently brings loss and hard ship upon many people it is always to bb considered if the reform is so im portant ns to bo worth the price that must be paid for it only a husband would do i want to advertise for a man said the lady approach in glrne want adver tisement counter of the dally news paper office judge reports the con versation i want a man to carry coal in thd winter keep tho fires going shovel snow mow the lawn in summer also sprinkle it tend tho flowers mind tho children wash dishes sweep the front porch run errands and all that kind of work in short i want a man who will always be around the place and can be called upon for any kind of hard work he must be sober and reliable of good appearance not over thirty pardon me madam said tho clerk we cannot accept matrimonial adver tisements i timely advice wiwmi the tin im lu j une of lt9 inoke out the s nior ulitoi of 1 rad journal published in hie intcicsk of builneio nun and ilri niciei i was on a iait to a mining town in tho far west fearful lett his partner in tho ofllco at home might p o editorial utter ance to pessimistic view 3 ho hastened li t p1e iliiipalchcda li ief messige of ulvke it happened that tho junior partner tin this partlcuhu diy had juht bo- ehnic the father or fine twin boys when his friends in the oince word cnngintulntlng him upon this event a messenger entered with a telegram he opened it nnd road tho following telcgiam fium the iialojhpartner dear george things look blue but tljey will brighten up soon y a cheerful iew of tho situation hiram s a successful experiment a man of experience declares that men like plans adapt themselves to conditions to illustrate his theory ho told of two men one of whom said to tho other at a pleasantly critical period do you think two can live as cheap ly as ono beforo my marriage i thought they could was tho guarded reply and afterwardar afterwards i fount they had to howvbirshiess business is as good as we make it is the answer of business leaders and it is worthwhile to note that most big busi nesses owe much of their success and pres tige to the steady use of advertising advertising in the acton free press woum help you promote your business it would attract new customers retain the goodwill of old ones and in crease public confidence in your store and service advertising is simply salesmanship in the mass it is an efficient lowpriced salesman investigate its merits a- progressive merchants advertise issued by canadian weekly newspapers association the farmers home market low tariff politicians belittle its importance are they right wi are the facts probably no part of the business of farming is less under stood and less appreciated than the value of the home market to the average canadian farmer of today first and foremost given a government that is sympathetic with you the home market is one that you can absolutely con trol at ajl times at least against the foreign farmer who would invade it on the other hand the foreign market is one that you may be legislated out of at any moment by the vote of a foreign government that has decided that it wants to give its own farmers an advantage over you next the market that is best worth cultivating is always the market that absorbs the largest part of your production the fellow who year after year buys more than half s crop is worth more to you than the fellpwavho only buys 25 of it thats fundamental theres no getting away from it v from the figures below we prove absolutely that the home market absorbs at the very least 63j of the produce not of the ontario farmer but of the average canadian farmer including the wheat farmer of the west if we were to leave the western wheat farmer out of it it could be proved that ovf 80 of what the ontario farmer produces is consumed by this home market the reason some people have an exaggerated idea of the im portance of the export market for farm produce is that they have looked at it solely from the standpoint of wheat it is true that we export in one form or another about 75 per cent of our entire wheat crop but the wheat crop important and all as it is re presents only about onefourth of our total annual agricultural production and it is only when we dce into account what be comes of the other threefourths that- weean arrive at a true es timate of the value of the home market to the average c farmer here is our calculation check up our figures from the canada year book the official statistical publication issued by the govs eminent subject our deductions to the most searching investi gation and you will find that if we have erred at au we have underestimated rather than overestimated the importance of the farmers home market total exports fiscal year 1924 of agricultural and vegetable prducts including fresh dried and preserved fruits grains flour and milled products bakery products and prepared foods vegetable oils tobacco fresh and prepared vegetables maple syrup maple sugar and miscellaneous but excluding rubber sugar other than mnple molasses and confectionery as products not of canadian agricultural origin also excluding alcoholic beverages whose export value is out of all relation to the value of the agricultural products used in their production animals and animal products x including live animals hides and skins leather fresh meats cured and canned meats milk and its products oils fats greases eggs honey and miscellaneous but excluding fish oils seal and whale oils and furs other than black and silver fox sldns as products not of agricultural origin x t fibres textiles and textile products including all wool and woolens also flax jute and hemp products but excluding binder twine manufacturers of cotton and silk manu facturers of mixed textiles and certain kinds of wearing apparel as products not of canadian agricultural origin 394407246 91939305 2747573 grand fotal exports all kinds of farm produce 489094124 now the gross agricultural revenue of canada for crop year 1923 is given as 1342132000 deduct ing the grand total exports as above of 489094124 leaves a balance of 853037876 to represent what must have been consumed by the home market in other words the export market took only 363 of our farm production the balance 634 was consumed in canada two thirds of what the canadian farmer raises he sells in canada in juat u few days quicker than you over dreamed of these- wondorful health building flesh creating tablets called mccoys cod iivcr extract tablets ftl alait to help any thin underweight iiulp pnp after sickness urirt vhu o rlrkcth uro suspoctod they rtio eflpeoially yafur able most people know hat from tho livers of tho lowly rodflsh vltamlncs of tho flrat clans urn extractod tho kind thnt help all fooblo undei weight men wornon nnd children try theao wondorful tablcta for 30 days and if arour frail puny child dont greatly benefit got your money hack a vary sickly child ago 9 gained 12 pounds in 7 montiia ask an druggist lor mccoys cod liver extract tablata as cosy to take on danuy and 60 tblt co tfsot export prices that fail to govern hdmeprices in attempts to belittle the home market the argument has been used over and over again s that the prices obtainable in the 5 export market always govern the prices obtainable in the domestic market statements of that kind constitute one of the meanest forrns of dishonesty it is probably true that in the absence of an effective wheat pool the liverpool price pretty nearly fixes the domestic price of wheat but the liverpool price of hay or of potatoes is almost negligible in its effect upon the local prices obtainable for those commodities in canada and the reason for the difference is that wheat besides being a commodity that can be stored indefinitely has been provided with terminal facilities that enable it to be handled at a minimum of expense and is carried at the lowest of all freight rates whereas transportation costs an hay and potatoes substantially protect the pro ducer against surpluses only a hundred miles away hay and potatoes for instance in 1923 for instance farmers in nor folk county received an average of only jja cents a bushel for their potatoes while farmers in welland county less than fifty rniles away received 100 f6tthers in thatsame yeartarmers in perth county received an average of only 928 a ton for their hay while farmers in the adjoining county of middlesex re ceived 1105 for theirs discount these illustrations as much as you like on the ground that differences of quality had something to do with the differences in price yet do- they not serve to shake your faith in the man who would have you believe that liverpool prices always govern domestic prices did thun- der bay farmers for instance get 1964 for their hay in 1923 because it was of such superior quality or did they get it because of the high cost of bringing 898 hay from huron county or 1011 hay from lambton county- if liverpool prices governed hay in the way and for the same reasons that they do wheat ontario fanners would have t pay shippers a premium to take their hay away jwhats sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander belittles of the home market assert that a tariff on farm products is of no benefit to our farmers is the united states tariff on farm products of no benefit to united states farmers is it no detriment to canadian farmers if a foreign tariff is a detriment to canadian farmers why should not a canadian tariff be a detriment to foreign farmers and consequently a benefit to our own what a new industry in your market town means to youh it increases the prooperity of the town gives work to the unemployed adds to the population gets the empty houses rented and starts the build ing of new ones the town immediately has more money to spend on the butter and eggs the vegetables fruit milk and grain your farm produces the foreign market is admittedlyan important market but after all what does itconsist of isnt it made up entirely of town and city dwellers wageearners who cannot obtain from their own farmers as much food as they require so they must buy from you is the city dweller an asset to the canadian farmer only when he happens to dwell in a foreign city if we persuaded him by the offer of a better job than he now has to come and live in canada would he not be a bigger asset to our farmer than he is at present those who scoff at the home market would en courage those dwellers in a foreign city to stay where they are thus leaving our farrrjers in the position where they must take a chance eft ship ping their products long distances and then selling them in competition with other producers from all over the world isnt the plan of those who would build up the home market a vastly better one a higher tariff will give more worker gotn jobs in thu country canadian workmen with good jobs are the beat customer thm the canadian farmer will ever have vote conservative for higher tariff andjor lower taxation ubmumiikmum victor oommltm 390 d49 814 yraa4a

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