Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 8, 1925, p. 4

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1iic homc of lit iutatt 3fa w flipbb member cinadian weekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies of ontario 1i1e acton jree press is published every tlmrsdiy mornuik at tile tree press building mill street acton ontario the subscription price is aco per jear in advance postage it ctnrgcil additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions arc paid is indicated on the address label advertising rates transient advertise ments 10 cents per line acute measure for first insertion and s centsper- line for each subse qucnt insertion contract display advertise ments for 50 inches or more per annum 18 cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charccd accordingly it p moore president and editor g a dills manager and assistant editor telephones- editorial and business office residence of president residence of manager tiw canadas export trade expanding ltis gratifying that canadas expprt trade is expanding and expanding rapidly orders for ap proximately eight million bushels of canadian wheat have been placed by buyers connected with firms in the orient according to reports in grain circles at vancouver this month- these interest are also said to be in the market for large quantities of flour it is estimated that more than 100000 bar rels of this commodity left vancouver for the orient during the past thirty days neighborhood news- town and country burlington georgetown editorial notes three weeks from today a large number of public qu n dec to be very vital will have passed out not to be heard of again for four years kaiser w ihelm raps democracy declares the headline on a cable dispatch why shouldnt he democracy certainly rapped wilhelm and rapped him hard globe thursday mornjng october 8 1925 editorial hon e c drury for north simcoe hon e c drury formerly member of the legis lature in the interests of the progressive party has receivedan unanimous nomination ofthe progres sives of north simcoe for the house of commdns thomas e ross who was member for this riding in last parliament retired in favor of hon mr drury exports to cuba to be prohibited it is surqly gratifying to tfte majority of the people of both canada and the united states that regulations for the suppression of smuggling be tween the two countries have been approved by both governments these provisions have been framed especially to prevont the notorious clearances of small motor boats and similar craft laden with liquor for points in cuba and mexico where it is expected thatthecargo is intended to be smuggled into the united states or canada and for the exchange of information regarding persons engaged in the narcotic traffic this bootlegging enterprise has been proceeding with impugnity for many months and has more or less demoralized the border com munities where it was perpetrated it is difficult to comprehend the magnitude of the flood of grain from the farms of the westland these days- during september the canadian national rail ways averaged 630 car loads daily to the lake ports a total of 18913 cars for the month o 1 bankers arid financial men generally are opti mistic as to business conditions this fall and winter business is already improving they say and at tribute improved conditions to the good crops not only in the west but throughout all canada a gopd deal of misleading criticism is being aimed at the canadian national railways during the pres ent political campaign in all fairness it should be remembered that the larger part of the system was taken over from private ownership by the former conservative government mr and mro w k agnew are holi daying with ldutlvcn a auiwtqn mr c u wood acted aa judge oh sheep at georgetown filr inat sat urtlay mr arthur 13 rum o and mr jack jones returned homo from the went on friday laat mr and mrs everett shapland loft on for florida miss loraino tuck spent the week end at the homo of mr and mrs mcl- vjhe of buffalo mrs edward cherry a former reoi- dejxtfburllnbton died at her home in onlt on monday last miss ellubeth mcarthur daughter of the late petor mcarthur of glcncoc was the cucst of miss hilda munaon over tho weekendj mies mcarthur is returning to st thomas to take tho position aa head dietitian in tho st thomas lioapltnl the new combination pumper and hose truck purchased from the blcklo fir company wnb delivered in town jon thursday afternoon lost and was admired by many spectators 21s ntudenta are registered at tho local high school we understand that hurl inff ton now haa the largest attendance of any high school in the county on friday evening last tho firemen their wlvea and frlendh tendered a farewell to exchief juck elliott and his wlfo who aro leaving for their new farm near sholburno this week chief coates presented mr elliott on behalf of tho brigade with a beautiful clack mr elliott made a suitable reply ex pressing liia thanks for the tangible token of esteem about 11g on sunday morning last arc broke out in the adanac storo at freeman conducted by mr h law and considerable damage was done to the contents and interior of the premises gazette mis sullivan of toionto hpont tlio wcokoni with ml and mri av v giant mr and mia knottnum of wollaml wero vlaltoiu with mi ami mrs w xi watscm qrvoi tho weckond mr and mri j a joule jr of h li on woro gurhts of mi an milton judge coatsworth of toronto gives no quarters to persons convicted of selling harmful drugs after hearing a case the other day he said 1a person- engaged in this nefarious traffic is next thing to a murderer he sent tfifs prisoner to kingston peni tentiary for fiveyears and fined him 1000 an eloquent protest against profanity fifteen thousand men sufficiently in earnest to make public profession of their abhorrence of pro fanity paraded toronto city streets in a downpour of rain on the last sunday of september the an nual turnout of the holy name society provided concrete proof of the fact that most men are in their hearts ashamed of coarse speech the thousands who paraded in toronto no doubt fail to boast even an approximation toward perfection in the matter of speech but they are manifestly making an effort o do better first of all by cultivating a reverence for the name of their saviour rthat will prevent them from using it as a common oath the members of the holy name society are setting a very worthv example to men generally respecting the ah to glib use of the name of our lord in profane conversa tion how our genera election policies are analysed overseas the first number of the london spectator which has reached canada since the general olection here was announced editorially analyzes our political sit uation as follows since the- canadian dominions parliament was dissolved mr mackenzie king the liberal prime minister and mr meighen the con servative leader of the opposition have set before the country the principal issues of the general election which is to take place next month of these the forertlost will be whether canada will make n vigorous counterstroke to the eordney tariff by a fotecfibnlsnneasure- raising the duties against im ports frtfrnvthc united states the canadian nation al railways still burdened by the effects of taking over the grand trunk system will bestrenuously used as a stick with which to beat the government the maritime provinces are discontented and very likely to go against the government there has been a great turnover of feeling in them against the conservative party the saddest fact they face is that they are losing population by emigration into theunitcdstates and thcioss is not being made up by immigration from great britain this reduction of the postage rate of canada to countries outside the british empire and the united states is all right w what most of our people would appreciate more would be an announce ment that canadas domestic rate for letters has been reduced from three cents to the prewar rate of two cents the people of western canada are evidently of theopinion that the peak of difficult times has passed and that the prospects are excellent now for contin ued advances along all lines said sir george foster president of the league of nations society of can ada summarizing his impressions after an extended tour of the west frequently there is heard complaint against can ada jpermitting new settlers from the british isles to be admitted to the country these people do not come to canada as paupers great britain assists families settling in the british empire by a cash grant of 1500 it has been agreed that 5000 of such families shall settle in canada this year the united states is being flooded with a sal acious class of magazines which exploit sex emotions and feature lewd stories unfortunately these im moral publications are seeping into canada the moral health of our eountry demands the most care ful supervision and prohibition of these nefarious publications by our postal and expressauthorities month after month the workmens compensation act is emphasizing its value to the industrial masses of the province the total benefits awarded during the nine months ending september 30 amounted to 4109q1434 the total number of accidents re ported during the nine months was 43982 as against a total of 44260 during the first nine monthhs of 1924 being a decrease of 278 goldprdduciton in xaridafirtmflr5trralfqfl2a reached a new record of 824043 ounces worth 17- 034480 as compared with 700264 ounces worth 14475741 in the same period last year ontario continues to old a big lead with 701714 fine ounces as compared with 571418 ounces in the first half of 1924 ontario produced about eightyfive per cent of the whole an agreement for the coordination of the activi- ties of both the canadian good roads association and the american road builders association in the study of traffic problems affecting all north america has been reached by the executive committees of both associations this will mean much in the harm onizing of highway systems and creating convenient connecting points a prominent londoners high opinion of canada it is at once refreshing and reassuring to have so frank an expression of admiration and apprecia tion of canada as has just been given by mr f g- r peterson of the times of london wtiia among the party of british newspaper men on thcii eastward trip who writes as follows to hi8 news paper at the end of a long journey jin tho course off which we have crossed the dominion twice and travelled nearly 10000 miles we are returning to our homes deeply imprcco d with the immense re sources of canada we have seen life and condi tions of labor in the mantimcs the industrial centres of the east on the prairie and at the pacific coast we have set ourselves to learn something of the twin problems of men and markets which face the canadian people and the experience which we havs thus gained will be of inestimable advantage to us in the future it will enable us to set the proper value on items of news from the dominion to refute baseless charges against its good name to make known to the young men of our own country the splendid opportunities that await them in short so far as lies within our power to tcllthe motherland the truth aboutcanada the heat and excitement of an ejection campaign is frequently responsible for a certain amount of angry and foolish talk on the part of the campaign ers the leaders at least should set a high stand ard they ought to furnish their followers with an example in thoughtful fair statesmanlike dis cussion of the issues before the electors and make their appeals for support on the merits of their cage globe s mr and mrs john mcjannett of burlington spent a couplo of days laat week in town at tho homo of his par ents mr onil mra t mcjannett mrs simon a and son- inlaw mra horachmnn of chicago were recent visitors a the home of their uncle mr huffh campbell mlaa augusta martin eldest daugh ter of mr and mrs c w martin will take a nurslne course in the sick chil drens hospltaj toronto while operating- a straw cutter mr mt lyons of trafalgar had both of his hand badly injured and lacer ated tho following young miltonlans are attending toronto university misses madge axlbnalth mabel n martin margaret dick frances clements marion ghlftholm edith r dick and messrs jasper martin and stewart robertson reformer mr and mrs george peacock of chicago with their son arrivod here on tuesday evening tliey are guests of mr and mrs j j peacock mrs archlo freeman of north bay visited friends in town last week mr and mrs- mark qray of marletto michigan who came here to attend thd funeral of airs graya brotherinlaw the late w a dixon left for home last week after a stay with halton and guelph friends dr and mrs walter johnstone of erie fn are in town the guests of mr aid mrs c w martin dr john- btono left hilton for erio twentynvo years ago and his last visit was 20 years ago kor some years ho had commission aa subaltern in the halton rifles mr and mrs william cunningham celebrated their sixtieth anniversary of their wedding- lost monday at their home in eswuieslng near hornby mr cunnlngharn is elghtyajx years of age mlsa jean it panton m a lecturer on chemistry left inst week for duty at the lillian mamoy building varsity percy woods of campbellvllle has been appointed bailiff of tho fifth division court of halton dhamplon mrs minims over tho weekend mr nnd mm graham of c ilcdon and mr and mlim alkltt of alton spent tho wookond with mi mid mm m 1 noar mra ii p lawnon who undeiwont an operation at wouesloy hospital toronto last wednesday is progress ing qui to favorable a tho young people of the united church were favored on monday ovon- ing by having dr f r wathon give a splendid illustiutcd talk on ber muda its hihtory climate inhabitants and scenery georgetowntt water hupply main tains its high- standard for putlty al was this icpoit received fiom tho analyst who examined tho samples forwarded to him on september 1st mrs- ceorgo gilby of dallas texan was a visitor at mr w h wilsons during the week mrs p j gervis of kathmore northern ontario foimoily of llmo- house was a visitor in town and vicin ity during tho past week misses botty doian toronto and kathleen bock of guolph woro tho guests of mr and mrs j a willough- by at tho golf links during tho week mrs clifford creolman and two sons left on thuisday morning for topcka kansas for a threo months visit at mrs creolmans homo hot mother mrs kltcholl who has been visiting hero accompanied her mr and mrs w c reynolds of port arthur mr and mia t j a ferguson of hamilton mi and mrs lane of dundalk and mr and mrs w engon of bolton were visitors at tho home of mr and mis e mc- whlrter during the week notice has been given that all motors must stop at tho whito lines painted on tho pavements on ap proaching through stieets marked in town an innovation during the afternoon of the fall fair last saturday was tho presentation by president ben fetch on bohalf of tho georgetown flro bri gade of a handsome union jack to tho town mayoi dalo received tho gift and thanked tho donors herald the brave jester the coming guest erin against the combined forces of the government and a strong lobby of european interests the indian assembly has adopted a motion recommend ing that the government accept a policy of eventual prohibition of the liquor traffic save for medical and scientific purposes under the scheme just approved india would be brought gradually but surely to complete prohibition of the liquor traffic for beverage purposes mr and mrs d l mundell and babe of toronto spent tho weokend with friends here mr ralph thompson of burlington spent laat sunday with his parents mr and mra m thompson miss corota gibbons of toronto spent tho weekend at her home hero mr f c mclean of st johns n b spent tho weekend with mr and mrs j p bush miss mary feell of cataract spent the weekend with her cousin miss mildred bell miss bertha curry and miss zella bcdwell of toronto visited the for mers pareptamr and mrs w j rryroveruxewcckrjeiidj miss r of toronto is visw- ing her sinter mrs d l mundell mr g anthony and daughter doris and spn dick of toronto spent the wcokond wltb mr and mrs w a rdmesbottom and othor friends hero miss mnrflaret laughlln a gradu ate of oranffevllle high school has gono to macdonald institute to take a two year associate course in dietetics mrs j r smith mrs p sinclair mrs w mclaren and mjss marthn smith attended the school fair held at hihstmrfi on saturday last last saturday evening a mink de stroyed one of mr j a stephens hens again on monday night it visit ed the chicken house and destroyed a valuable pullet mr stephens sot a trap tuesday evening and was suc cessful in catching it he will be amp ly repaid for his chickens as tho polt of tho mink is a choice one erln u po has been conducting a campaign against groundhogs over 700 being killed lr four months george young won first prize with a bag of 313 doueltia young had 191 billy fendley 188rbilly barbour won a prize for coming tie closest in a guess as to the number caught tho annual school fair of erin township wns held in hillsburg this year in the baseball pork last satur day september 26 the weather was ldoal and ft large crowd of people at tended there was the best oxhlblt of live stock at this fair of any in tho county and tho exhibits in tho tont wero of much better quality this year advocate it i accepted aphorism that one should never bo late at a duel or din ner tnrdlnessis unpardonable but the converse is also true if it is an offense to bo iate it is unforgivable to be too early this lofeis solely to tho dinner as the duels are a thing of tho paat overhaste may be flattci lug but it is also inconsiderate if tho dinner in important enough to be called a func- tldn and the houso laigo enough to bo callod a mansion tho eaily gueit may find her hostess still in her maids hands if instead a cottage xind i simpler repast awaits one tho house wife may herself he putting the last necessary touches to tho salad in either case the hostess feeli a warm personal approval and nn ability for selfprahe jf tho coming guest is a httlo tardy should tho soup bo cold or the roast dry it is not her fault sho was on time can anything be mote harassing than tho youdontmindmedear type of woman who always comes half an hour early and always wants to help can anybody worship ones household gods turn away tho nicks display the gloaming side in tho pro faning presence of a comparative stranger a despairing hostess said recently when i have just men coming i spond my tlmo on tho cooking when its women i put my extnr efforts into burnishing tho house when its both i almost kill mysolf and when they come too early i want to lie down and die tho quality of mercy is not strain ed it applies even to givlnjr onoa prospective hostess ample leeway for preparation falling this invitations may soon bo written at seven and please bo late overworked intellect stories about lincoln if they are genuine are always lntci ostlng and generally amusing heio is one which will be immediately recognlzod is characteristic mr lincoln was once trying a case on a western circuit somo yhjxh be fore he had acquired more than a local reputation his opponent was a pre tentious man whoso argument was voluble and rhetorical but devoid of cpherenco or logic when his pyro technic eloquence had spent itself mrr lincoln replied somewhat as follows gentlemen of the jury i have on- joyed aa every ono in this courtroom must havo enjoyed tho extiomoly fluent and eloquent words to which wo have hntejxeljriuxwiiilqichjeiqrig of my letfned opponent is unlmpeach able i confess myhclf unable to detect anything in his argument which has any bearing upon the case in hand or indeed upon anything at all i have been driven to the conclu sion that tho intellect of my learned friend has no control ovci hli organs of speech and th it whllo he talks his mind ceases entirely to act ho reminds mo forcibly of a littlo steamboat i used occasionally to nee upon tho sangamon river which had fivefoot boiler and a sovenfoot whistle whenever the boat whistled tho engines wero obliged to stop work ing the nptnesh and homely humor of the illustration set bench jury nnd bar in a ronr and the case was won with out further effort his best in the life of whittlor it is told how in the days of tho civil war an old quaker from the now hampshire hills came down for an interview with tho good poet this groen mountain dis ciple of fox was the owner of a sturdy lot of oak- trees the government had set its oyo upon thorn nnd wahtod to buy them tho quaker knew that tho parposo of tho barsnln must be to get timber for tho now warships that they were building he hardly know whothor it sale for nuch a purpose whs con- stlnent with the gospel of peace whittlor cither seeing thut the mans much has been heard since the election campaign opened about canadians going to the united stafes to secure work here is an item which shows an exodus from the united states to canada optim- f m was pretty thoroughly adctup istic over the future of western canada its magnlfi- cant crops and fertile soil 30 farmers from tfre united states arc in winnipeg en route to their homes after purchasing 33 farms in the snipe lajce and eston districts of saskatchewan they hope to move their families to canada this fall or early next spring to the barsaln or olso considering that thero was auch a thing as pushing u good creed too far would only- nny- well friend if thoo dost soil any timber to the united states bo sure that it is all sound tho oak from the quakorti farm was in tho icearsage whtcn sho fought tho alabama to tfirff unlet babys own soap quick relief for rheumatics lool drugguts soil rhoumn moneybaok plan if you suffer fiom jtorturlng rhou matlc pains swollen joints nnd suffer intensely because your system is full of uric acid that dangerous poison that makes thousands helpless and ullu thousands years before theli time then you need rheumn and need it now start taking it todny khouma acts at onco on kidneys liver stomach and blood and you can slnroroly exclaim good rlddanco to bad rubbish many people the moat skoptlcnl of akoptlch right in this town nnd in the countiy hereabouts bless tho day when b j hassnrd and othor good druggists offered itheuma to tho afflicted at a small price and guarantood money ro- fundod 1rh0t satisfied if you havo rheumatism got a hottlo of khouma to- day loid malmonbury uhlti to i elate i good stoiy told him by ono jof nu- pollonk ofllcci h an incident of tho ponhihulai tumpulkn tho fiench ollhiuwan icconnolti i ilig with tin ce oi foui uoppoih when t ciinu suddenl upon a ung 11 tigrish ollli ci slnill u l occupied und mounted on a nupol b thoi oughbi d home summoned bj the ii ench col onel to hliiiendei he quli tly eanten d away with a mocking smile on his face this 1ienchmnn who i odt a heavy hoim pin huoci at full gallop tho engllshmuft allowed him to got quuo clone then kissing ms hand and leaving him behind ho shouted point ing to iiim hoi ho a noimnii hat jc sir j again tho ficnchman puisucd all tho whllo tin eatonl tig to shoot his enemy if ho did not sui tomloi ho wont mo fai us to point tho pistol at lim but tho weapon missed tho with a loai of laughtei tho young englishman shouted again mado at vet sullies sir and giving tho hoi ho his bond was soon out of sight it wns almost amusing to hear tho old colonel toll this stoi y nnd des- ciibo ills rage adding however that ho hid always felt glad that ho had not shot tho btavo joket ob thomas heclectric oil lallmento of man ano beai i 1 should alwav0 de kept on hand ab a more ben- ation toh such u8e8 can not be eoytin oet a flottle todayand rave it rcady t the time when 1 w will need it q your fuel supply the strlko of anthiucltc mineis is likely to bo lengthy do your pai t to break this monopoly of heating fuel by using hamilton coke prepared in ontario by ontario labor wo huvo mado arianeements to havo a continuous supply of hamilton by product coke thlscoko la manufactured from bent grade of hoft coal and burnb fieo from smoke and haa no clinkers and very ilttlo ash to introduco into overy home this fuel wo are offering thlj superior coko at large nut size for furnaces and large heaters per ton 1150 small nut size for ranges andsmall heaters per ton 1000 phono 48 acton j b mackenzie lumber and coal dealer georgetown phono 33 business directory dr j a- mcniven- ptyicintmd8urpori offlco and koaldenco corner bowr avonuo and elsln stroet phone 88 dr e j nelson frederick street aotbn ontario legal phono no 22 p o box til harold nash farmer m a barliter solicitor notary publlo conveyancer eto perryman block acton ont monby lent on mortgages houra 930 om to b p m saturdays 1200 oclock dr j m bell d d s l d a dentist honor graduate of toronto unlvr oity tho latest anesthetic used it desired offlco at rfesidonco corner of ujh and frederick streets dr f g gollop dds lds dontal surgeon office over bank of nova sootlav hooks 080 to 680 idvenlnfife by appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinda made to order periodicals of overy description carefully bound ruling noatly and promptly done wyndham 8tcoot guolph out ovor williams store r j kerr auctioneer and real estate 20 years experience happy thoutu furnaet sam labor and fuil a hot oven this 13 due to two principal causcal because the flue is co constructed that it carries the heat all around tho oven thereby keeping all ita porta at a steady and uniform temperature and 2 because the pyramidal 3citled oven plates radiate more heat with the usual amount of fuel or the usual heat with less fuel a distinct economy with d gratifying readiness for every household emergency other noteworthy features are the scien tifically constructed firebox duplex grates perfect draft control broiling and h 60 thn hi toastm front ample reservoir if required quebec htatt ventilated oven and even distribution of aho with oosn heat under cooking surface come in burns any jutl today and let us show you why more v than 300000 women are using happy thought ranges happy thought pipe pipeless and com bination warm air and hot water fur naces serve every type of home list your property with me acton ontario a e nicklin insurance agent liio pi re auto accident health insurance guarantee bonds burglary and plate glass insurance trusteo for eatateax collections business entrusted to my caro will be carefully looked after and treated confidentially money to loan on farm property favorablo rates and terms for re payment box 441 bower ave acton w d talbot acton happy thought rangesfurnaces castoria mother fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of- constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomacri diarrheal regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates to avoid imitations always look for the signature of cy76iu p ihr cm nrli pickup physicians everywhere recommend it kgravtngp f33 richmond stvast ttorowto clkiattt business training is a necessity attend the guelph business college gummor bldg guolph ont individual instruction by ilusiness experienced instructors start on monday a- l bouck principal and propriotor running full time now tho holiday season is over eyo examinations every day oxcopt tho wednesday half- holiday if having troublo with your oyoa wrlto in or phono 1091w for appointment a d savage optometrist and mfo optician right nt iho poat offlco savago building guelph the old and reliable granite and marble works get your job printing at the free press wo aro manufacturers nnd direct importers of all klndn of monumental and iloadetono work wo roll direct to our customers at wholoealo prices thus saving our customer 40 per cent wo havo tho boot appliances and tho only mechanics in the dominion who can operate pneumatic tools properly wo can give references from hundreds of our customers in toronto and other places where others havo to have law suits in order to colloct wo havo thtt largest and host slock of granlto in tho dominion or more than any thro dealers in tho wost wo aro lor-ttl- mato dealers nnd employ no flrcnu and do not annoy or pest customers by send inff out ignorant agents solicit ing orders wo employ only meohanloa and defy competition hamilton sons guelph ont f iitmplffwffi

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