Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 8, 1925, p. 5

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ftr artmt 3tbb pbj9 thursday octobe 8 1 the clocks message littlo clock ticklnk ah clay long whit in a tho word of your ciuiichh one two ihiec und foui and live huii lunry huriy while you me alive gloat cluck dtandliift htlft and tall what do you suy in the duikened hull five and ilx and neven and eight take om tlrrte youll not be late llttlo clock big clock which la ti ue how am 1 to know what to do hurry when youio llttlo and learn to bo old and steady and sedate like me m d colo twenty years ago from tho isoue of tho froo press of thursday october 12 1905 vv d filclc toionfo has dliinosod of the lot and duelling on mill street occupied by hobei t gibbons to james flrslbi ook several automobites have naasod thiough town lately at an illegal rate of speed after october 14 di a t hore will occupy an olhco in the ferryman block corner of mill and john streets for a month or no dating the time the old residence lately occupied by dr mcdonald la undergoing repairs mr and mrs james matthews re turned from theii trip to denver col on monday evening a veryi enjoyable game was played on the bowling green on tuesday afternoon with tin ee i inks fi om brampton i t wedge lias decided to dispoao of his stock of watches clocks and jewellery on friday evenings by auc tion in hli store on main street rov j a robinson ba who for thepast three months has ministered od to tho congregation of st albans church with much acceptance said goodbye at the evening sorvlco last sunday mr robinson has resumed mb studies at trinity college mr john clark sr who has been spending tho summer with his son mr j john clark accountant for messrs beard more 6f co sailed last week for england mr chester matthews whp has spent three years in tho mining camps of tho colorado fue-i- and iron co has been promoted to the head office at denver with a substantial lncreatro in salaiy the fail last week was a great suc cess the largest attendance eaquee- ing shpw ever had 4000 people a larger list of exhibitors than before the fair night concert waa also a success tho artists wero miss mabel mnnley soprano soloist miss emma irons elocutionist ana mr harry bennett humorist all of toronto the sunday school lesson for sunday october 11 1025 if i had his income one of thefavorlto topics of tho newspapers is the income of wealthy persons tho annual millions figured down to so many thousands a day and so many dollars a minute men love to read the imposing figures und to pic ture to themselves the various pleas ures they would buy if only they had the princely wealth of mr dives the wonder and envy with a know ledge of tbeae great incomes are not confined to the poor tho man whoso income is one thousand dollars a year cannot understand how tho two thous and- dollar man can over be cramped for funds and the two-thousand-dol- lar man says now if fonly had five thousand as smith has i could not only get on but save somethlngr a better but a less common way is to follow tho chain in the other direc tion ypu cannot understand how any one can lay up anything on an income of fifteen dollars a week which is your own and yot there la jones who gets only two dollars a day jie seems to bo comfortable and so in johnstone ut nine dollars a week and for that matter so too is the office boy at three dollars 1 the fact is that consciously or un consciously we cut our coat accord ing to our cloth our expenditures increase ns income grows new needs arise new interests open to us now charities appeal the ear which formerlylsy necessity was deaf is now wide open and so when tho time comes to strike che annual balance the twentythousanddollar man finds him self ho better off than his two-thous- anddolar neighbor perhaps tho moral well there are two the one is to remember in prosperity the day of 3mall- things and to question each new need which arises to see if it is real the other is to judge charit ably those whose incomes are largpr than ours and to remember that if wo have difficulty in doing all that wo should like to do the chances are that those whom we call our mpro fortunate neighbors may also have trouto ic 9ottttcn ow n v the queens gift there aro many stories told of tho queen of italys acts of kindness to her poor subjects tftblts tells tho following which ahows however that not even tho good intentions of queens are fulfilled her majesty ono day noticed a very pleasant- faced little girl and spoke to her there was a short conversation and the queen asked the little child what she could do in tho way of needlework i cantknlt stockings algnora re plied the girl do you know who i am contin ued tho queen j yes slgnora you are tho queen well then make mo a vali of j stockings and send them to the palace a few days afterwards the articles arrived and tho queen in return sent the child a beautiful pair of silk stock ings one illlod with sweets and tho other containing money the next day the queen received a jotter from her little friend as follows sjunora your gift- has caused me many tears my father took the monoyvmy big brother took the sweets as for tho stockdngh why mother took them for herself a poor receipt dont talk to mo about receipts in the magazine said mis lane wltn great energy waant that tho very magazine that advised me to put on that aody solution and leave the table cloth overnight to take out those yel low stains im inclined to think it may have been said mrs lanes sinter with duo meekness i sent you i number of them in the spilng i remember wh and what happened asked mrs lane with rising wrath didnt tho stuns disappear disappeared said mrs lane in a withering tone it was tho table- cloth that disappeared i dont know anything about the stains externally or internally it is goodj when- applied externally by brisk mb- blng dr thomas eclectic oil opcnh tho pores and penetrates tho tissue touching tho sent of tho trouble and immediately affording relief admin lateredlnternally ut will htm the ir ritation in tho throat which induces coughing and will rollove affections of tho bronchial tubes and rosplratoijfy ouimhis try- lit una bo convinced pauljn coiontilacttu8uu golden text bo not afraid but speak and hold not thy peace acta 18 t tlmt a d cj place corinth the text explained 1 paul conducting a revival in a jewish synagogue in coilnth 16 1iom athens tho city of cultuie phllouophy and politics paul goes to coilnth tho city of commeicq archl- tcctuie wealth luxury and notorious immorality the city of vice par ex cellence in the roman world hero he hist met aqulla and his wife prla- cllla who became yeiy important members of tho chuich of christ seo eiao 2g romans 10 j 4 1 cor 16 19 j tim 1- 19 it was apparently an insignificant matter that brought paul iifto contact with them ho was of the same trade but god uaes things juat like this for tho promotion of hla kingdom it would bo well if we would make moro of them for the sumo pur pose ate you a met chant mako a point of getting hold of merchants for christ aro you a blackajnuh cul- tlvato tho blacksmiths an unright- i eoua edict of claudlaus had driven i aqulla and prlscllla oiit of rome it doubtless seemed to them a bitter thing but god turned it to their good to no less a good than their eternal salvation cf pa 70 10 thero are rtion today tvho think it la wrong a lupk of faith to do manual laboi or any secular work for their own support or that of their families because 3od has called them to be a preacher if thero was over a man about whoso call to preach thero could bo no posslblo doubt it la thla man paul and yet ho wrought with his hands cf chapter 20 34 35 ho got right down to honest tohand set a wholesome example for tho church and for ua 1 coi 9 g12 we ncod many pauls today men so on flro with the gospel und lovo for aouls that they will not wait for aomo ono to pro mise them support before they will preach but indeod if need bo sup port themselves paul preached too while he worked to an audionco or two a small audience but how thoso meetings counted for eternity prob ably he got pretty tired during the week but every sunday found him at his post noto a very expressive statement in tho revised version haul was constrained by the word paul had meditated upon tho word of god until it had so gotten hold of him that ho could not keep still dr jer 20 9 acta 4 29 it impelled him on it showed him and overpowered him with tho thought that jesus was tho christ and he must toll it out but the jews wero not willing to re ceive pauls testimony they opposed themselves and blasphemed tho moat faithful testimony will often be received in that way that does not provo it untrue or that it has been unwisely put it simply shows the thoroughgoing badness of tho hearts of even religious men but pauls testimony was not in vain after all a largo and singularly gifted church grew up in corinth paul in the face of all their opposition and rejection could say i am clean it is a great thing for any man io bo able to say that we can only say that wo are clean fiom tho blood of men xacts 0 26 when wo can say as paul does in the next verse for i shrank not from de claring untoyou the wholo consul of gba it v if wo do not warn men if we do not declare unto them the way of life then their blood is upon us ez 33 4 8 0 but are we in deed clean from the blood of all in our homes in our churches in our sunday school classes hi our community la tho lands beyond tho sea 2 paul convincing a revival in the home of justus in corinth 711 pauls labors boro abundant fruit even tho ruler ole the synagogue re ceived the truth and with him his wholo house many others believed also and openly confessed their falta in baptism the order of experience as given in verse 8 la suggestive hoard believer were baptized but still there was opposition indeed the opposi tion doubtlessly increased with pauls success then spake the lord in the night to paul that is just like god paul had a pretty hard time of it in corinth and was to etill havo a much harder time but the lord appoaro and comforts him and strengthens him for the coming trial the lord often spoke to- paul in this way chapter 22 18 23 11 27 2325 so he is redy o speak to us hut wo do not need vlaibna as paul did for we havo the written word vo can carry the word of god around with us in our vest pocket anjl have him speak to us whensoever he will liston to tho lords tncssage bo not afraid that is one of gods favorite messages he wants no frightened soldiers there was to be opposition but paul must thro t flpeatr tii i came across continent in motor boat a friend of the rich right out tho wholo message of god the lord gives paul an all sufficient reason for not being afraid for i am with thee of course then paul c6uldnt bo afraid all corinth was no match for christ it was no uso toll ing a man not to bo afraid unless you glvo him some reason for fcarlossness but there is an allsuulcicnt reason and every child of god who is obey ing christ and going out to do his work has the same reason mat 28 10 30 paul was tospeak in face of all opposition and not hold his peace and tho lord jesus tells him why for i hnve much people in this city the lord had peopio and tho lords people wero called out by the spoken word it was a reason too for no man setting on paul to hurt him thero was work that paul must do and the lord would not allow his servant to bo hindered in his work the lord only allows us to bo hurt when both wo and the work will bo greatly helped thereby hits never al lows us to bo really hurt corinth with its wealth its luxuries its pro fligacy its viloness ud not seem much like a place where the lord would havo much people but so it wds let us take courage concerning our modern cities und speak and hold not our peace paul wont on speaking and note what he taught the word of god not sociology though corinth would have been a very rich field for that not municipal reform though corinth sorely needed that not lit erature and art though greece al- ways had a ready oar for that no not a word of these but something in finitely better for that day and this day and all days the wordof god there is nothing elae that will draw so large a crowd or that will so benefit tho crowd after they are drawn nsij the word of god taught in the pow- or of the holy spirit dally reading for next week monday october 12 paul jn cor inth acts 18 111 tuesday october 13 paul before galllo acta 18 1217 wednesday october 14 pauls preaching at corinth 1 cor 2 110 thursday octobor ib tho carnal corinthians 1 cor 3 1d friday octobef 16 the corinthian church dlvldod 1 cor 1 1018 saturday october 17 paul comforts tho church 2 cor 1 111 sunday october 18 love the su preme grace 1 cor is 111 to have the cailrircn sound and healthy 1 tho first cuce of a mother they cannot bo healthy if troubled with worms use mother graves tlform exterminator completing all but the last lap of their trip fiom los angeles to new yoi k aci oss tho whole continent in an eighteen foot long motor boat two americans john edwin hoag and frank s wilton not to montlon spy- wapato their dog ai rived recently in montreal and stayed foi a day or two before proceeding to new yoik tho entire distance was covered by water with tho exception of ono port age of 400 miles from celilo falls washington to fort benton montana their boat tho transcontinental la an 18foot craft 5 foot abeam and powered with two four horse power evim ude outbqaid motors they left astoria oregon may 20 after having their boat shipped up the coast from los angeles tho route was via the columbia river from its mouth to celilo falls where tho boat was loaded into a box car and sont on 400 miles to fort benton wh6ro the journey was rosumed down tho missouri river 2 280 miles into the mibsihslppl to st louis then up tho mississippi to the illinois river as foi as ottawa illinois then thi ough tho illinois and michigan canal to jolfet illinois and through tho chicago drainage cuuul into lake michigan from here tho voyage was plain sailing to montreal whero they banded at tho canadian pacific pi or no 8 having moored their boat along side the montcalm messrs hoag and wilton followed in levcrso direction tho course of the early explorers columbus hendryk hudson champlaln carttcr and la salle their mishaps oommenoed very early when in the columbia river they ran afoul of a sunken log and tore the stern out of their boat after this misadventure which they finally weathered safely they had compara tively no bad luck except for tho tor nadoes heavy storms and risk runs down littleknown rapids which might naturally be expected their adventure is unique the only attempt previously v being about 18 years ago jwhen a similar expedi tion ended at blsmorch north da kota after traversing tho same route then however the adventurers wero so held up by advorso conditions that they were overtaken by winter and their boat was crushed in the tee an apple a day eat moro fruit and keep your skin clear would perhaps bo an apt slogan for canadian fruit growers to adopt in this connection possibly no fruit would bo better to fill tho bill than tho apple of which a bulletin issued by tho fruit branch of tho department of agriculture entitled canadian gi own apples aiiys- from a dietetic standpoint tho most imporutnt func tion of the apple is that of furnish ing mineral salts and organic acids but it has an important nutritlvo value as well furnished by tho carbohydrates present as the fruit ripens the starch changes to sugar the apple has a medical value also especially if eaten at the beginning of a meal or be tween meals the bullletin- further remarks that no housewife should be without a hoxor barrel of canadian apples and then proceeds to give a list of tho varieties that should be used at different times as follows september duchess alexander maidens blush st lawrence und similar varieties octobor november and december gravenstelfl wealthy hubbardson mcintosh red fomeueo blenheim rib ton and similar varieties january february baldwin king wagoner greening seek peowaukeo ontario jonathan yellow newtown and similar varlotles march april und may spy golden russet ben davis stark fallawater roxbury russet spltzonburg rome beauty and similar varieties issued by tho director of publicity dominion department of agriculture ottawa a nice choice of words when the hansons took norah lanihan as maid of all work they knew she was ignorant of many other things than household work each member of tho family took pleasure in lightening her darkness and it was a great surprise to find that occajaion- nlly norah knew enough to put her in structors in tho wrong norah said mrs hanson ono day you must go tomorrow afternoon and buy a now pair of shoes i am perfect ly sure from the condtlon of those jlqilhailttjhjujjiovnau wet feet every tlitte you go out into this melting enow- wellm they dont leak said the pretty norah looking down at the of fending shoes but they do let in tm thinking what is christianity in tho home it la kindness in business it is honesty in society it is courtesy in work it is fairness toward tho unfortunate it is pity toward tho weak it is help toward wickedness t is resistance toward tho strong it is trust toward thopenitont it is forgive- noss toward tho foitunnte it is congrat ulation toward god it is reverence and lovo stranger than fiction tho gentleman gives currency to a remarkable but- wellriuthcntlcated story which ahows what most people aro supposed to know ulroadythat truth is stranger than fiction some years ago tho cashier of a llvci pool merchant received a bank of england note which he held up to tho light to make suie it was genuine in doing so ho noticed nomo very in distinct red marks as if tho words had been traced on the front of tho note and on tho margin and out of curloblty he tried to decipher them at length he made out the following sen tence if this noto should fall into the hands of john dean of longhlllmar he will learn hereby that his brother is languishing a pi isonei in alglors i mr dean on being shown the note lost no ttme in usklng tho government for aaslstanco and finally secured tho freedom of his brother on the pay ment of a ransom for tho boy tho unfortunnto man had been a prisoner for eleven yearn and hnd traced with a piece of wood for a pencil and his own blood for ink the message on tho banknote in the hope of ll being scon hoonor or later i it is usually safe to say that vfrhon a child is pale sickly peevish and restless tho cvuue pi woi ins these parasites tango the utomacli and in testines pausing sci ious dlhoidors of the digestion and preventing the in fant dei lying ntihteuuik e from food millers worm powders by dcwtroylpg the worms correct these faults of the digestion jand norve to icstoro tho organs to healthy action a cheerful view when mr ozlas ronsome of pot- torvlue saw the bill rendered by tho physician who had ministered toths ills for three days in new york he puckered his lips and gave a shrill whistle my stars ozl you arent going to give that man any such sum o money as that are you now demanded his wife with much spirit you know its extortion you know but td her amazement mr ransom e placed hla hands- in his pockets and tipped back his hotel chair in a position that in dicated peace of mind now see here eudory ho said tranqufrryr- i didnt sense it at first but when you consider that in potter- vllle id have had to be sick most of six months to run up a bill o that size weve got something to be thank ful for that i was took with that spell here stead of at home mrs ransome presaed her hand to her forehead but supposing you had only been sick for those three days at home and she began with a bewildered air finding small comfort in her husbands reasoning why then-r- weve no need to auppoae said mr ransome with cheerful flrtnncea w must take the decrees of pravldenae jest ns they come you dwell on the thought of my being saved six months in bed in the heat o summer the man with aithnta almost longs for death to end hla suffering he sees ahead only years of endless tor ment with intervals of rest which are themselves fraught with never ceas ing fear of renewed attacks let him turn to dr j d kcliognra asthma remedy and know what complete re lief it can give let him but use it faithfully and he will find hla asthma a thing of the past no time to lose there are many current examples of mental vigor in old age queen vic toria successfully learned a little hin dustan when the years of her reign wore many and there aro others who have taken up and carried through work of equal difficulty anengiteiimajlis lparn- th the alphabet at sixty and qulte- man bustled into a south london branch of the young- mens christian association and asked to be immed iately enrolled the honorary secretary m wondered why there was such haste and ventur ed to ask well returned tho applicant i must be hurrying with anything im going to do with you you see- im getting on for seventyfour years of ago just a little mixup there is a certain lawyer who de votes all his leisure time to the per petration- of elaborato and solemn jokes no one is too august for him to tackle he was jn xondon last summer one morning he went into a restaurant with his moat dignified air and proceeded to order breakfast want- two- eggs he said to the waiter j want one fried on on side and tho other fried on the other side the waiter nodded and withdrew a little later ho returned beg pardon sir suld he but i am afraid i didnt quite catch tyour order would you mind repeating it 7 not at all the american very solemnly i want two eggs one of them fried on one atdo anti the other on the other thank you sor said tho waiter 1 thought that was what younald but i wasnt quite sure sir five minutes later the apologetic waiter returned again to the ameri cans elbow x beg pardon sir ho said but the cook and i have had some words would you mind having thoso egg scrambled sir not quilty mrs aaerath harper is getting along in years a fact which she is unwilling to accept she wears very youthful clothes in fact she has been described by a wag gish neighbor no sheep dressed lamb- fashion and sometimes when tho world pushes her into the niche where it thinks ahe belongs miss asenath rebels ono day she was talking merrily with a party of young girls her checks wero pink and her lt curls fluttering she laughed a sreat deal o mjh aorhatht laev exclaimed one of the girls innocently how gay you must have beonl have been repeated the lady in dignantly have been well id have you know that im upt a centur- j ion yet the character of cornelius vand- erbilts private generosity a well il lustrated bv a slnglo incident des cribed in the philadelphia pi ess tho late samuel barton had been a llfclpng friend of his they had beon playmates and schoolfnates and at tho school barton who waa somewhat thej elder had been made the custodian of his friends pocketmoney when the both boys grew to manhood mr bur- torn becamo i successful broker but in later years fortune was unkind he lost his money and his health gradual ly gave way vandeibilt heard that mr barton was in some distross of mind as well as of body and balled upon him the meeting was like that of meli who have been playmates they spoke of their sports and of their experiences nt tho boardingschool and at last mr vandcrbllt very delicately inquir ed if there was anything that was causing mr barton anxiety and his old playmate replied that ho was fear ful that hla estate would not leave his family comfortably provided for thereupon mr vandcrbllt said speaking the familiar name of child hood days sam dont let that worry you that was all he said but the next day ho deposited in mr bartons name a large sum of mbney when mr barton heard that it seomed to give him peace and he called his family to him said that he was content to die bade them goodbye and then saying t am very tired turned hiaface to i am very tired turned his face to the delicious flavor drawn from the l of m all all a green tea has won it millions of users finer than turxy japan gunpowder or young hrson ask for salada railway time tables at acton cjolna wait no 20 i 800 1 no 3x no 33 no 5 no 30 no 26 sunday 10413 am 220 pan coo pjic 8 33 pm 1041 am goina ent no 2g r 706 om no 30 1127 atn no 34 3315 pjn no 36 017 pm no 38 8 13 pm no 24 sunday 708 pjau outdone it waa at a llttlo inn up in the alpine region and tho landlord had a new and famous gueut the waterfall across the valley monsieur ho said eagerly it roars oh with so loud a roar you may caeily hear it sitting at this table when the ladies stop talking plumbing heating tinsmithing your patronage solicited having purchased the tinsmithing and plumbing business of w f mooney mill street i am prepared to execute all orders in this line promptly mr j chalmers formerly with mr mooney continues with the business a full line of roofing aluminum and granite kitchenvrare stoves and furnaces w r e blair l mill street acton phone 144 canadian national railways woatbound jdally bxcopt sunday dally i dolly dally dully dally dally dally dally eattbound dally u dally except sunday dally answersiiriooo word picture puzzle k how many objects beginning with the a letter t can yon find intitis picture i here picture punlo which contain a number of objects beginning with the letter x just talud m good look at the picture there are all sorto or tjitnjcs that beffln with tho letter t like train imp top turtle etc and all the other objectii are oqually clear see how many you con find tnla la not a trick panic nothinjr to hidden and yon dont have to turn tho picture upsidedown or fltdeways fifty cash prize will bo given for tho- 50 best llsto of words submitted in answer to tbla ptuczle the answer having tho largest and nenreat correct lut at vlftlblo object hhown in the picture that tart with the letter t will be awarded drat prlxe second best aecohd prlxo etc try this fun game win 1000 t at help enmnr thla w motor ftul tta au ml la mm hmrm a j1i cmd urn no matte what roar u mluit u ttultllke to aotre pasmlm try jpmr hd a thlfl it i dirfenat to aar tan have tried before it rulty aat a panle at all to au the object hart beea mad perfectly tola with m attonpt toe dlaxvu or hldt tbeam mm aro a small bv taa pmcof cywlahft ran ee them got a bobou and paper aad aeo wow- maay vwrdo yea caa ftal pooaaft mafco aay dtfteroaco waotaar yoa are lx or alxty 1- llttlo stbo who acfaattedl ha tutnu mbb mnm campbeu wos teo we hatb already paid taoaaaado of dollar in prise la roeeat paul games mr aani campbell foreat oku wa itpwi mm lacy vlreotlae gu oat waa rov thee later winlamabara- onft wtra wji mrs theme iauuare ataeae oat vmm another wlaaer of fljmt aad mr joe dojle maraaora oat wo vi 000 mr g m carmlcbael w won fmo aad mr km chtnlti int ilu won mr n h morpar walkertlue ont- enduiv cureae u merrick atllaum ont each wen 6tl wbjue vim w c hharao cufn allow oatv mr j p unrulllan ottawa oat aal mr ueome macintosh meaklaad oat each wea wi aad aow bora year opporiataty observe these easy rules 1 any men woman or cliud who live id oaneda aad 1 aot a rastaeat of toronto end who la not in the employ of the mall and rmplre may submit n answer m prue wlaaer in former ptetara paamleo cendacted by tjta mall and rmhliw wlnntn tt0 or men are aa euaibl to tmttkjaat la thw posala ah aaswer must be mailed by october 17th mis aad aoed to c a mcntfomary poxslo uenaffer mall and empire 4 all uul of aero atioaid b written on one we or the paper only and numbered consecutively x i 3 etc write your full name and address in the upper rlctit hand corner if you dealre to write anything- nle us a separate sheet s only each word as appear in webster dictionary will b cou po jo un- hyphenated compound or obooleto word wrtentth plural is uaed the alngnlar cannot beyspont- ed aad vice vars word of the maine pelting- can be used oniy once oven thouaa used to deslamote different objects or article- an ob ject or article can be named only ono 7 the answer having the largest aad nearest correct list of name of visible object n the picture that begin with the utter t will he awarded kirs i prise etc neatness style or handwriting- have no bearing upon da elding the winner any number or people may cooperate in answering the pussle hut only one prixn will be awarded to any one house hold nor will prises be awarded to more than one of any group where two or more hae bean working tog l her xa tho event of a tie for any prise offered the fall at of ana prise will bo awarded to each tied participant the prize list wtanlnc answers will reoelvo the fifty cash prizes aooordinc to the tabic below mn u rrlu it so grand rrlxlt no oaa two piuzes babacrtp- tlmia fiobftcrlb tins la bubacrle tlon are ffen suit ara bont la priro 93000 f500oo 1000 00 and frlso 2500 38000 s00oo srd prlxo 2500 4s0oo 50000 4th pro 2000 15000 300o0 bui prlre 1500 10000 20000 ti prlxo 1000 1500 15000 jtb prfxe 800 sooo 1o0oo 8th prlib s00 sooo 0000 lui prfxe 500 1 2500 5000 joth prlxo lltli to 20th s00 2000 4000 prizes xncl aoo 1000 20 oo 31st to both prizes inol im 750 1 1600 in tlio event of a tie for any prixe ofterrd the full amount of such prlxo will bo paid to each tied pardclpainx youcanwint000 xbo t ward picture pussle game fa a campaign to increase tho popularity of the mall and rmplre it coals nothintf to takn part and you do not have to aeqfl in a single subscription to w in a prlie if your hat of t words is awarded first prlka by tho judge yon wilt win 110 but if you would like to tmt more triin 10 we are making the following apodal offer whereby you can win bltrcer cash prise by bending ome or two yearly subscription to tha mali and empire 1 sabaeripllonm both naw aftd renewal payable in a vance of 5 01 per year by mail or t 00 per year dellvaradv1 cs trier boy la hamilton will be accepted by ll all aawer receive the sam consideration regard lea of whether or not a subscription to the mali and bmplre ig sent in is three prominent toronto eltliena having no connection with the mall and empire will be seleotad to act aa judge to decide the winners hd participant by sendlnc in their answer agrre to accept the decision of the judge a final and conclusive the judges will meat on october 17th aritl announce mnt of the price winners and correct list of word will be published lh th mall ami kmplre quickly thereafter a it i possible at any rate not later than thro weeks- subscription rates- payable in advance tbe mritt aad kmplre anywhere in canada by 4am per year tfellver4 by carrier py ta u man pai j entttkh mow it yen p answer to the t word picture posxle win first prise ami yon havo seas in otitc yearly aubmerlptlon to tho mall ond mplr at eoftby tbmurloodellverrdbyrrrief buy in umu- b you will iwtve gfloooo imtoadl of v second pahie ftsmo third prise sxsoo0 aad so forth ttfee eeonvd eolanaa of figure la prise list or if year answer win first prise and you bate stent la two yearly subscription to the mail and w pin new or renewal sobarrlptlens yoer will receive maoo in place of 90 aeeond prise 930o third prise soo and so forth see third column of figure in nrim list isnt that a liberal offer dut lookl we will grit extra amounts on all prize la the name manner if yomr answer is qualified by two yearly ubacrtp- uobs- and you win fourth prize you will receive m9 aad to on down tho prise hat yeur own subscription will count or subscriptions to start at some future data just wrltn on the order wfctw you want the paper atarttd and it will start promptly on that date thin offer applies to rtjraij itotttc pat rons as well as bubucribers living i ciuch and tomnm if you are already receiving thotwajj and kanplre yor subscription trill tya extended tbnna its rreacrut expiration- large copy of puzzle picture sent free on request addhkhh voull a8wxb8 to c m mohtuomkuv tuc mail a pvs2xb maniokr cmnvnc touonto drft i 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